Good morning, my beloved ones. Today is Monday, February 3, 2025. Let's bring a response to Davi here today.
Davi asks, in this assertion that the reset of the human being in other kingdoms is not in conflict with evolution where Kardec states that there is no involution, but rather. . .
temporary falling asleep of the individual. Well, we have to understand the difference between evolution, stagnation and involution. But most of all, we have to understand that we are only a part of the consciousness of our self, which we call the monad.
So look, let's first remember who we are. We are a soul fractal. This soul is a piece of a super soul.
And the super soul is a piece of our higher self , our spirit, the divine seed atom, the divine spark of the source, whatever you want. So, we have already said that the seed atom is the seed of the Creator source. We are the seed atom, which is nothing more than a piece of the source consciousness, which is also a consciousness that we call the whole, or the Creator source consciousness.
And we can also understand, from our beliefs, that this would be the Creator God. We are a piece of the Creator's consciousness, which became a seed that spreads across the universes, across the infinite cosmos. In this atom, seed, they are divided into 12 supersouls, and these 12 in another 12 form 144 supersouls, 144 large parts of this consciousness of ours, of our monad.
But it is also divided into souls, many of which we do not know the number of, and also souls in fractals. So we are the fractal, a minimal consciousness, sufficient to inhabit a material body, in this case humanoid. Because there are forms in other worlds.
We don't know where the other pieces of ourselves are. But we are here doing a unique, individual experience. I don't need to care about the experiences of my other fractals, of my souls, which are consciousnesses superior to mine.
I have to care about this consciousness that I am now. Because this is what I'm working on now. This consciousness of mine now, it will not evolve.
It will always evolve upwards, in order to integrate with those higher versions of me. When I finish this cycle, I will be integrated into my version immediately superior to this one. Therefore, consciousness expands.
I'm going to be the same as now. An expanded consciousness because I will integrate the other part, but I will be this part because I will not distinguish what was mine here, what belongs to the other, the other version. That won't happen.
Otherwise it would be a very, very big mess. But we have also said that in these divisions there are scraps, parts, crumbs, crumbs, whatever you want. And these minimal parts, smaller than a fractal, are not enough consciousness to have the consciousness that we have today as a fractal in human form.
These minimal parts of consciousness called dust, cosmic dust, star dust, whatever name you want to give it, they are used for the formation of developing consciousnesses in the kingdoms here on Earth, known as mineral, animal and vegetable. So many lower consciousnesses here on this planet are parts of our own monad and they will meet our human consciousness by affinity. That's why we are attracted to certain animals, animals that come close, vegetables that live around us and also humans.
We are all attracted to a type of mineral, because it is affinity, it is tune, it is frequency. So when Kardec says that we don't evolve, it's true. This consciousness that is in me, that is in you, will not evolve.
There is a possibility, and this is a fact, which is called, even by Kardec, the second death. That's when our experience really didn't serve any purpose. Then we are dissolved from these experiences, this fractal.
He is dissolved from that experience that was of no use, it is a waste. Then he is taken to the central sun, erased those memories, and that tiny part of consciousness begins again where it began. If it started in the human kingdom, it will start there.
It began in the plant kingdom, the animal. If it started in a human form, it will start in a human, humanoid form. But always later than the one who started in a world of trials and expiations.
It's good to know that. You need to make the base. No work can be raised from the ground upwards if it does not have support, if it does not have a base.
Consciousness is like that. There are our high, very high versions. But we have to understand that the fragment needs to evolve to integrate with its higher versions.
If it doesn't evolve, it will never arrive. It's a condition of superior consciousness, it will make turns, it will stagnate, it can be reset from its memories, anyway. But the trend is always evolution.
When we see some things different from Kardecism, because we all have a basis, at least part of our basis, it is based on the codification of spiritualism made by Kardec and his team. Sometimes it seems like a contradiction, there is no contradiction. There are developments.
Ah, that's how I understood it, now it's different. It's not that it's different, it's just another little piece of information that wasn't there yet. And we are adding.
Everything brings together, nothing separates. The big problem is when we see some people who resist changes and think that only that is true. And it is good to say here, once again, that in.
. . the world of proofs and expiations, no one has the absolute truth, because it is impossible.
Only in the higher worlds, where consciousnesses are higher, does the truth begin to become amplified. But even so, it may not even be absolute, it is always relative to each person's level of consciousness. Right here, in today's condition on planet Earth, there are consciousnesses that are in a more expanded condition and understand the truths more broadly.
And there are those who are still very closed and see things through a keyhole. They haven't opened any cracks in the door yet. There are those who have already opened the door a little, a foot, half a meter, but we will soon open that door wide open and see what the world is really like.
At least the one we have experienced so far, because there is still much more to come. So I responded in that video on the 25th to Davi, but the response we give in writing is always a short sentence, because there is no time or space to develop a response like I am giving here, through audio. It is important that we allow ourselves to accept the information that arrives now, because without this we will remain at that point where we have arrived and not move forward.
How many times have we said that we are in the final stretch of the great journey? Not long to go. A few meters away, if we have a thousand incarnations, we have 150, 200 thousand years of experience on this planet.
Now we have this final incarnation within the condition of trials and expiations on planet Earth. So, if there are 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years left, it doesn't matter. There are people who will die today, there are people who will die tomorrow, so time is short for some and a little longer for others.
But this little bit is missing, which is the end of this current incarnation of each one, or around 2050, 2060, when Earth completes the transition. In any case, time is short. I would say then that if we are in 2025, we will have another 25, 30 years at most, 35 years at most, 2060.
There is no time for more than that. So 150 thousand, 200 thousand years, what is 20, 30 years? This is the time we have to finish.
So now is the time when consciousness begins to open, the veils begin to be removed. The ease of understanding things, not many years ago, 20 years ago, I wasn't very interested in this type of subject. And if they talked about reincarnation in life beyond the grave, I wouldn't even be interested, for me, I had other priorities in life, but after we start to understand things and go deeper into things, knowledge starts to ask for more and more, and it seems like It's.
. . it's like a relentless thirst that never ceases, and we want more, we want to advance, and the more we advance, the more we want.
And it's natural. But if they talked about Monad, five years ago, I myself didn't understand Monad five years ago. Today it seems like such a simple thing.
It seems like. . .
We always knew. Because it's like that, when you become aware, you open the curtains. When you become aware, you lift the veils of oblivion.
You just need to want to, make the movement. Waiting for something from outside to come and save humanity is wasted time, because you will be left sitting on the side of the road when the train has already passed. We need to get ahead of time and catch the train.
Be aware of the changes, whether you understand, whether you don't understand, whether you know, whether you don't know. . .
but if you allow it. Arguing, being stubborn, wanting to be right. .
. Obviously everyone has a part of the truth. We cannot take away anyone's reason, because in that part of the truth, that person is right.
But she has a keyhole vision , so she is seeing a jackfruit on the tree in front of her door. She sees that jackfruit and she is sure that she is seeing a jackfruit and that jackfruit exists and is there. But if someone opens the door and says, no, there are ten jackfruits, she will say no, there is only one, because she sees one.
And the one who opened the door sees 10. And he is right, because he sees 10. So everything is according to his point of view.
You need to open your conscience. Open the door of this awareness. Open the curtains and lift the veils.
Allow us to go further. Go further, always further. And this beyond has no end.
And this is the beauty of the divine plan. Because if it ended at one point, what would we do? Who could bear the boredom of eternal stagnation?
The world is renewed in every thought, in every action, in every will. The world is renewed in each consciousness that expands, even if it is a tiny dot. New worlds are created every moment, and these new worlds need consciousnesses suited to that frequency to evolve and grow together.
If you plant a seedbed, it can be any seed. Let's take an example. Take a handful of corn, grains, seeds, and plant one grain each day.
A handful, let's put 60 grains there. It is enough to have an example. You will have a corn plant that grows one day, another that grows the next, and they will grow in proportion to their sowing time.
The one who grows first will suffocate the one who comes later. It won't work. But if you plant them all together, obviously spaced out, spread out, each in its own place, they will be born, grow and mature together.
And they will produce a beautiful production, good fruits, good ears, in the case of corn. And so are consciences. They can't all be on the same frequency, because otherwise they would all do the same thing.
They are spread out and grow together. One with the other's experience, because it all adds up. And in the case of human and non-human consciousnesses , it is a little different because human consciousnesses here on this planet experience what happens on this planet, but in real time these experiences are passed on to.
. . other versions of each of us, in other worlds, in other dimensions, and they will absorbing this information, this knowledge, and they study this planet, understanding this planet, aggregating the information, the knowledge, which then passes on to other versions, other versions, until reaching the source, and the source is the general library.
Everything that happens in the Infinite Cosmos is recorded in the source. And at the source everything is, all the time, and each one has their origin, their superior version, their superior self there at the source. So my monad knows everything that exists, what happens in the Infinite Cosmos.
But there are limitations in lower versions. We don't know because we are in the lowest range of consciousness, but the higher versions of us do. We receive some information from our higher versions as intuitions, so that we can more quickly develop our mission here on this planet of trials and expiations.
So that we can evolve more quickly and get out of this condition, including pain and suffering mainly. So we often have guidance from ourselves. It is not another soul, it is not another being, it is not a strange mentor, different from our monad.
It is part of ourselves. There is a lot that we need to understand, but everything in its time. There is no point in receiving information until consciousness is ready.
She won't get it, she won't understand, so it will pass as if the information hadn't come. This is why certain people often confront others. No, that's not true, that can't be.
Yes, there are a lot of lies. And the lie is intentional to defend someone's interests. And here it is, on this planet.
But information, without the interest of control, of dominating other people, is spontaneous and will always bring what will add to each person's evolution. You just need to identify what is information and what is deception. The information is loose, like sowing.
Sow the seeds. Fall where you need to fall and that's it. Disinformation is targeted and imposed from top to bottom, as if it were almost mandatory.
You don't want it, but it comes to you. Throws a hot potato into your hands for you to carry. So, over time, we will understand the difference between information and disinformation.
Information always brings evolution. Misinformation brings, in addition to confusion and delays, it disrupts people's lives. Because she has exactly this intention.
Do not allow people, human consciousness to evolve. It is by its fruits that you know the tree. This phrase said or attributed to Christ Jesus has great truth.
People say, oh, who to believe? Who to believe? One time they say one thing, another time they say another.
Well, I say that we shouldn't believe what the other believes. If trees are known for their fruit, let's see what that person produces. What causes does she defend?
Is this difficult? "Ah, there is a ruler there, is he good, is he evil? " Let's see what causes he defends and what causes he fights.
But actually, not what the media says. The media always says the opposite. I learned a few years ago, maybe seven, eight, ten years, a little more, to interpret something when I'm not sure.
If the media fights something, you can be sure that something is good. If she defends something, you can be sure that something is harmful. But this is absolute certainty.
Because there is. . .
Someone behind who promotes and pays for information according to their interests. And whoever pays to defend their interests, this business is not good, otherwise they would not need to pay. Then see the fruits that each one produces, and you have the name of the tree.
This information that comes from a phrase attributed two thousand years ago is fantastic. We need to get out of our stubbornness, of wanting to be right. Oh, because I defend this idea, so this will be to the death.
No! Tomorrow proves to me that it is different, I will change. We have to be like bamboo.
Turn to the side that the wind pushes you, because otherwise you will break. It will twist and fall. So here we leave once again some information about the doubts, because lately.
. . Many doubts from those who follow this channel, the best answer is given through a little conversation in the ear like this one, or a longer audio , depending on what that needs to be explained.
Is what Kardec left right? Within that context that he placed. A lot will come now because we didn't need to know before.
And you need to lay the foundation. Kardec is the base. The solid foundation that builds everything that comes now.
Without this basis, it is impossible to understand. There are people who don't understand anything about Kardecism and want to understand. .
. now the Earth is changing from a world of trials and expiations to a world of regeneration. You won't be able to understand that easily.
It takes a lot more time and work to understand. But anything is possible. So, ending the answer to Davi here, we are really evolving.
We are not evolving, under any circumstances. A soul, as it is sometimes said, returning to the experience of the lower worlds, does not mean that this consciousness goes in this entire form as it is here. No, not that.
It's true, it doesn't involve anything. It can stagnate, but not evolve. However, parts, particles of this consciousness can, all the time, be returning there to help those lower, inferior, more limited consciousnesses to evolve as well.
And in an extreme case, as has already been said, and this is even in Kardec, the second death. It would be this awareness that didn't work, because there are people who reach a point where there really is no turning back. Then it is reset and reinitialized into a condition back there, where it began, where a consciousness can begin.
It is not eliminated as some think. Because that little spark, that little light will always continue. Only that experience was useless, until then everything was erased and restarted.
It is fine? So now I leave you with my embrace of light in each of you. Namaste.