FREE 2.5 Hour Copywriting Masterclass (2024)

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Make $3k in 3 months with copywriting guaranteed:
Video Transcript:
all right welcome to what is going to be without question the [ __ ] longest video I've ever made but hopefully the most useful and informative at the same time depending on the title this is going to be one two three four five [ __ ] knows how long many hours because I'm going to teach you from start till finish to the point where you can probably earn between 5 and 10K how to be a copywriter okay now if my editor has done his job I would have Amalgamated this perfectly with the PowerPoint to make
sure that it's a lot easier for you to follow along and for the next you know like I said hour hour and a half I'm going to teach you everything I [ __ ] know to at least make 5 to 10K a month as a copywriter because in 2024 if you're not at least trying to make some money online I don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing you can't just be laying bricks your whole life some of us need location freedom and if that's you welcome to the show buckle up get a notepad
have a piss pause this video come back eliminate distractions cuz I'm about to get [ __ ] into this okay and if you pay attention I guarantee it's going to be the best decision you've made and the best couple of hours of your life hence forth okay ah no cuts no takes no editing just raw dogging the entire [ __ ] video okay right so how do I [ __ ] change this do I do it like this I think so okay yeah go back free copyrighting course like I said I should be charging for
this but because I'm so [ __ ] nice I've decided to do it for free cuz I get a lot of questions and there's a lot of them I can't answer so I've decided to put this together to say thank you for all the amazing support in recent times okay for the next one to two hours I'm going to lay out everything I [ __ ] know like I've said to try and get between 5 and 10K now obviously you can go up and beyond that I'm living proof of that and you can do it
within the span of a year I'm living proof of that but if you've never done this before and you're just trying to get into it or maybe you have started but you just need that little bit of extra extra kick extra bit of knowledge this is what this is going to be for okay this is [ __ ] proven I know people that have gotten the same results 5 to 10K using the exact information I'm about to put in here so [ __ ] pay attention all right as you can see a couple of pictures
here me just doing cool [ __ ] which I wasn't able to do last year because I wasn't a copywriter this is all a result of insatiable copyrighting skills and I'm going to teach you okay now if you never seen me before let me just give you a quick background my name is Tom obviously but I am from my dad's balls like the rest of you and I was born and raised in Essex [ __ ] all in England you don't want to go there trust me it's getting worse by the year and then eventually
I grew up in London which is where I am now in this lovely Penthouse thanks to copyrighting um and to give you a basic understanding of who I am as a person and who I was as a child to put things very bluntly I don't care if it was Junior School High School College University 9 to- 5 jobs without question I was easily the dumbest and probably the least hardworking so I want you to understand that as we go through this entire presentation this entire video the entire duration of what I'm about to say understand
that you probably have it better off than me you're probably smarter than me and you've probably worked harder than me at some point in your life the threshold of work you're able to do will have exceeded mine and I'm able to pull this off so that's not to give you you know unnecessary hope but it is going to hopefully fill you with a bit of ambition because if I'm able to do this you certainly [ __ ] can okay anyway long story short I tried to become a golfer that failed and the whole reason I
wanted to be a golfer was one because I was pretty good at it but two and I don't tell many people this so I'm just going to air out here I just wanted to make money I knew you couldn't make money being some sort of [ __ ] employee I wanted to be rich and the best way I thought I'd be able to do that was by being the [ __ ] is messaging me [ __ ] women and the the best way I thought i' be able to do that is by being a golfer
anyway long story short that didn't pan out 2018 developed an affiliation for the best humor in the world and then towards the end of 2022 early 2023 I came across a particular video on the toilet as I was taking a share talking about this business model where you could just write [ __ ] [ __ ] and make money online and pull it from the sky and live anywhere and have an amazing life and tell your boss to get [ __ ] and have all the freedom in the world to make as much money as
you so wish hence why we are where we are today okay now in the duration of doing that yes it has helped my life a lot yes it will change your life a lot and yes you can do it there are going to be some sacrifices some sacrifices which I came across that's life if you want to get anything good in life you're going to have to leave some [ __ ] behind butter up butter up butter cup uh in in in my particular case it meant that just losing all my friends and family basically
I never spoke to them I missed my dad's birthday I was so [ __ ] ingrained in making this work and in the long run it panned out but understand as I go through the duration of this video look man I'm not going to [ __ ] around I'm not your friend okay I'm not here to [ __ ] give it to you easy I'm not I'm not peanut butter on hot toast it's going to be [ __ ] hard at some point it's going to mean that you sacrifice a couple of things maybe you
lose your friends maybe you don't speak to people as much maybe you don't see that girl maybe you don't get drunk on weekends maybe you stop giving up drugs maybe you don't play video games but take it from me in the long run it's worth it okay and then I think it was about 11 and a half months ago I signed my first ever client but we'll get to that okay as you can see February 5th 2023 I sent a Twitter DM and I signed my first [ __ ] client so everything I'm about to
say everything I'm about to go through all the knowledge I've Amalgamated all the knowledge I've soaked up and learned and all the results that brought me has been in the duration of a year I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I've done this over the course of half a decade that isn't the case everything I'm about to say took me a year bearing in mind everything I [ __ ] did was based off nothing I had no Mentor no coach I was learning from [ __ ] YouTube videos completely the wrong way to
learn I had no idea what I was doing and even even after all that I was able to do this in the span of a year so if you knuckle in and please just Buckle the [ __ ] up and listen for like 2 hours of your life hopefully you'll be able to achieve the same results I did in half that time okay if you don't you OB see the doctor cuz you're probably losing some [ __ ] chromosones because it isn't that difficult okay and then from there things just got better right I signed
one client for $250 and then a couple months later I signed a client for £3,000 and then 10 months later I was making 16 Grand a month and then just last month you can see how much I was making so progressively life has got better this is all in the duration of a year okay I'm not [ __ ] around this is this is just the way it is I've got screenshots to show you okay from February 2023 to February 2024 I would say without question undoubtedly I've had the most transformative period of my entire
life okay for for some context that picture on the left I was going to work with my dad cuz he's a plasterer at [ __ ] 6:00 a.m. in the morning we didn't even have a van so we had to just like stick the [ __ ] ladders through the car and because it was a small car I had to like Crouch under it so that the ladder could go over and it was pushing into the wind screen we were praying every time he break the wind screen didn't break I was making maybe 60 a
day I was tired I [ __ ] hated life I didn't want to do it anymore almost on the brink of [ __ ] collapse basically after every day cuz it was such hard work standing up ladders and [ __ ] my shoulders were aing not the life okay I admire people that were able to do it I wanted to be rich okay you ain't going to be get you ain't going to get rich putting [ __ ] coing up all right laying ceilings and then a year later as you can see chilling in a
cigar lounge in nightsbridge having a great time okay Sam pelino you know we're about it all right not [ __ ] around a year this transformation to I look [ __ ] homeless in the first picture and a year later I'm not going to say balling but at least I'm looking all right okay and it's allowed me to quit my jobs okay I've had some [ __ ] jobs I have been a conservation person on a golf course I've worked [ __ ] office jobs like I said I was a last I've worked some [
__ ] jobs and copyrighting which I'm about to teach you has allowed me to quit that it's also allowed me to try and spoil those people which I love cuz you know as you make more money you're going to have an inclination to try and help those people around you when I was broke when I had no money I couldn't [ __ ] help anyone and now that I do all right it's been able to allow me to take people on nice holidays buy nice dinners go on awesome trips and overall live a good life
I've blanked these women's faces out for their own privacy but you live a good life when you make money just going to happen Okay and overall my life has just improved on the whole and if you do what I say you'll be able to do the same all right so for the sake of my your and your ancestors time Buckle in listen up pay attention Okay get a [ __ ] notepad or at least write some of the things I'm going to write down go over this video a couple of times if you need to
it's going to be quite long but please write [ __ ] down if you don't write [ __ ] down it doesn't go in your head properly that's just a conspiracy I have but I think it's [ __ ] true all right also before we get going I need you to understand wait is is there a above never mind this [ __ ] is changing people's lives okay there are teenagers I know 15-year-olds making six grand a month doing this okay so if you're over if you're over 15 and you're not a complete [ __
] idiot you can make six grand doing this I'm about to teach you all right also because I'm so [ __ ] nice anyone that comments or DMS me the word roundabout on Instagram @ Tom beam I will just give a free 30-minute consultation this is going to end on the 20th of March I don't know when you're watching this hello everyone in 2026 when I'm sitting on a yacht this is going to end on the 20th of March so if you want a a free consultation call I'm just going to pick someone random DM
me roundabout inside joke for you roundabout on Instagram Tom beanum and I'll just pick someone and you'll get 30 minute call for free one to one okay just to say thank you because I know this is going to be a long video so I just want to make it worth your time all right so first and foremost what the [ __ ] is copyrighting to put it as simply as possible because I know that confused especially if you've never heard of this before brand new business model copyrighting is sales in text I've even got the
definition here for you in case you don't believe me copywriting is sales and text it is the art of persuasion through words okay I'm going to give you some examples of what it is so you'll be able to understand better but broken down if you're writing [ __ ] down that's what it is it's just sales in text persuasive words getting people to take action based on the words that you write etc etc okay so when I say I pull money from the sky by writing I'm not [ __ ] around I write and then
I give it to someone and they pay me for that work and then I get money from the sky that's how it works okay very very simply it's not very convoluted it's not like these new business models you have to [ __ ] do all this and bring this and [ __ ] turn this around and do this and manage this it is you write words right [ __ ] words give them to someone and get paid okay so it's a service based business you're not selling a product you're selling a service the service being
your skills and your time okay now I know you're thinking where the [ __ ] is it used Etc you have seen copy your entire life you just haven't realized it okay so as you can see here I've got Billboards [ __ ] about Pages ads websites emails what you see on the screen here is copy so everything that was written here on the screen someone like me or potentially someone like you one day wrote and it's just [ __ ] words on a screen words in advertisement words that are meant to compel people to
buy things okay and you're going to find out why people were paid to do that in a minute but that's what it looks like you could probably look around your [ __ ] room right now or something that's you know in front of you and you'll see copy someone got paid to write the words on the product that you're seeing or the advertisement you see why the [ __ ] does coffee make me burp so much what the [ __ ] if you're on the bus or you're in a taxi or the tube and you
see all these advertisements a copywriter got paid to write that it may only be about four or five [ __ ] words but I guarantee you they got paid a decent amount of money to write that and you'll find out why because it is a skill that people want it doesn't take very long but if you get good at it you get paid a lot to do it okay now why do people need copywriters a question I get a lot okay it seems so simple why the [ __ ] would anyone pay you to do
something that seems so mundane and so simplistic that anyone could do it the reason that people pay copywriters like me and one day like yourself is because now write this the [ __ ] down too people and in general business owners are great at making products but they're [ __ ] at selling them so you may come up with the best product in the world the best invention the best thing for the market in the world but nine out of 10 of these people are just awful at [ __ ] selling them they have no
idea they haven't got the the GI of the gab it whatever you call it okay they don't know how to [ __ ] Market it properly make people want to buy it whoever invented the mug he's a [ __ ] genius but I guarantee he wasn't the one that came up with the idea to sell it okay whoever decided to put coffee in mugs wasn't the guy that decided to [ __ ] make them in [ __ ] Roman times or whenever okay I'm sure he made it and that's a very good invention but he
didn't Market it and he didn't convince people to sell it if Ikea sells mugs they'll have someone in Ikea that makes ads and writes copy to sell the mugs it isn't the [ __ ] manufacturer that that sells them they'll have someone specifically designed to sell them and that's why people need copywriters okay even though people are really really good at making the product they have [ __ ] all idea on how to sell selling is a skill a very profitable skill as you're about to find out but that's why because I get that question
a lot Tom it's so simple Tom it's so easy Tom I can do this with my eyes closed why do people not do this themselves why they pay you because they have no idea what the [ __ ] they're doing they think they do they think they're really good ego is get in the way you know I can write and then they just [ __ ] bomb and don't say anything they will pay you a lot of money because they know deep down that your skills are very needed in trying to sell the thing which
they want to sell okay now how do you implement it okay another question I guess you are literally just writing on behalf of other people so I'll give you an example this is a lighter whoever made this lighter is probably really good at making lighters but I have I guarantee they have no idea how to sell them so if they wanted to sell them on ads or Billboards or emails or websites or the [ __ ] Tube Station adverts like I just showed you they would contact someone like me and say Tom I want you
to write a little [ __ ] Tube Station ad for this lighter and get people to buy it they wouldn't do it they'd pay me to write on their behalf okay I hope that makes sense and you are literally just sending them your work so they'll tell you to write something you write it and you just send it back to them okay using your skills so if you have a laptop and Google Docs which I'm going to teach you in a second you're basically ready if you're watching this I guarantee you have the tools needed
and by the end of this video the knowledge needed to start [ __ ] doing this it isn't hard this is why it's so perfect it's free n out of 10 times most you [ __ ] have everything you need to begin doing this you don't need large sums of money it's not Amon FBA or Drop Shipping or crypto or Forex Trading you don't need to put money in gamble it and then hopefully make a return this is free [ __ ] you got a laptop you got some [ __ ] Wi-Fi you got 46
chromosones you'll be fine okay you don't need anything else you just need to listen put your EO away get your notepad out take some [ __ ] notes and take some action all right now there are loads of different types of copy I'm a copy writer I write loads of copy and I'm going to speak I'm going to teach you a specific style of copywriting because that is the best one to start start with but there are loads okay the number one form of copyrighting is emails without [ __ ] question okay you know those
emails that come into your inbox from promotions and you never [ __ ] read them that's a a billion billion billion dollar industry okay brand you can write this down brands on average if they know what they're doing will make 20% of all their earnings from emails so imagine this [ __ ] Tommy Hilfiger will make 80% of its Revenue through the stores and online and then 20% of its Revenue from people that have bought the product and then get sent an email telling them to buy more product that's how powerful it is and that's
why people pay copywriters to write emails for them so look here here's an example this is just an email that I wrote on behalf of a brand about six months ago this took me 10 minutes I got paid three grand a month to write [ __ ] one of these every week okay basically just telling people to buy a [ __ ] duffel bag blah blah blah blah blah okay so people that had already bought on behalf of a brand sign up to their email list and then they get sent emails that I write and
then they buy more product okay I hope that makes sense emails are super simple emails are so easy emails are the bread and butter of copyrighting if you go into your inbox right now I guarantee without [ __ ] question you'll have a ton of emails from a ton of Brands which you never look at but on the whole they will make a lot of money for that brand okay another one ads ads are obviously a very very very very easy one uh look man this is a [ __ ] Google ad or a or
a or a Facebook ad anything advertising wise is going to require sales and like I said no one knows how to [ __ ] sell and so they'll pay someone like you a copywriter to write good persuasive copy to get people to click that [ __ ] link so I don't know who wrote this but whoever did is a copywriter basically people trying to get people to book [ __ ] memberships at a golf course okay they'll tell someone like me hey can you write an ad on behalf of us trying to promote people or
get people to click a link which joins like allows them to join our membership they'll come to me say write it I'll write it they'll say yep that's good and then they'll post the ad and all this is trying to do is trying to get them to click the link you see that they better not get [ __ ] free advertising out this video it's okay only like 300 people are subscribed to me so it doesn't matter but that's why okay and the reason they'll pay me is because I'm better at getting people to
click that link than they are that's your skill don't get it twisted yeah they could do this themselves but they won't get as many signups or as many clicks as if they gave it to me or in a couple hours you that's why you get paid because you are better at getting people's attention getting them emotional getting them intrigued and getting them to click that [ __ ] link through the persuasive metric of text or the persuasive what's it called prism of text okay websites another easy one every [ __ ] website you go on
I don't give a [ __ ] any of them a copywriter got paid to write it cuz it's conveying a message through the text on the screen and who's really good at writing copywriters so copywriter will write the website captions go on Instagram go into a [ __ ] caption someone's written that okay nine out of 10 times it's the it's the user but a lot of the time they'll pay someone like me to write a caption to make the post more engaging to make it more outstanding to get people to take action to get
people more emotional based on the post I didn't write this this is [ __ ] don't [ __ ] look at this but this is just an example if you go to Instagram and you go to random post of like one of these Fitness influencers and it's got a long ass caption they paid someone like me to write that because it goes hand inand with the video it gets people more interested it gets them more emotional it gets them more intrigued it makes them think oh [ __ ] this is good awesome who's this guy
can he help me lose weight can he help me put on muscle let me see you go through the caption he gives a few more tips oh would you believe that at the bottom he's telling me to click a link they'll pay me and they'll pay you to write that it takes 10 [ __ ] minutes and they click a link someone will buy their product and you'll get paid okay another one script so you may not believe this this is just the fact of the [ __ ] matter basically every single YouTube video is
scripted except me because I'm [ __ ] Flawless when it comes to speaking I can speak for hours no cuts no takes no editing no script I can speak on the [ __ ] roll all day but a lot of people write scripts and you want to know something most people are [ __ ] tired of writing scripts so they'll pay someone like you or me who already has a natural inclination towards writing because you've watched this video to write the script for them because I guarantee you're better at writing scripts than they are and
they'll pay you to do that okay it's not very F it's not very [ __ ] hard right now coffee I need to drink more of this it's getting cold you're going to focus on two things out of all those examples there's only two if you're just starting or you even look bro all I [ __ ] do is this if you only want to do two things these are the two things you're going to do all right emails and captions and the reason for that is because one they're the [ __ ] easiest without
question no debate okay emails and captions are so easy but secondly they're applicable to everything if you learn how to write emails and captions you're good okay I've written sales Pages landing pages virtual sales letters you name it but I never learned to do those directly the only way I was able to do everything in copyrighting including everything I spoke about in blogs and scripts was cuz I learn emails and ads so that's what I'm going to teach you if you're able to learn emails and ads you're golden okay write that down emails and ads
that's all you need to worry about also they give you the most money for the amount of input so I can write an email in 15 minutes and do that four times a week and get paid a grand it's high leverage for the amount of time you're going to get paid and renumerated for the amount of money you're going to get given okay right so if you're going to start writing emails and captions you're going to need a little a few things okay obviously you have everything already you have Wi-Fi and you have a laptop
but to start writing because a lot of people ask me this they're like where do I write it do I write it on paper and then [ __ ] mail it to them no you're [ __ ] [ __ ] no of course not you need Google Docs which I'll teach you about something to write about they'll tell you that and ideally 46 chromosones if you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] then you're not going to be able to write are so if you have 46 CRI zones you have no excuse all right you
47 [ __ ] new business model maybe interest okay now you're going to be writing emails and ads but if you're just starting you're going to need some help when writing okay there's only so much I can do and one of those things is teaching you how to write proficiently when you're starting okay you you're going to be using templates now I'm going to teach you the templates in a second but to make it as simple as possible templates to copywriters are like stabilizes to learning how to ride a bike it doesn't do everything for
you it just makes it a lot [ __ ] easier so you go in the right direction you don't go off course you don't fall over Etc that's kind of what a template is so you you'll be given a template and then based on that template is what you'll write okay now when you get to my Echelon of writing you won't need one the best copywriters and when you get really good you won't even need templates cuz you'll just know how to write properly but when you're starting I highly recommend you use a [ __
] template okay and that's to prevent waffle all of you [ __ ] when you start are going to start waffling you don't think you will you think oh just write emails and ads and talk about how amazing the product is and get people to buy before you know you've written an entire [ __ ] monologue and it can go in Shakespeare's works you need templates because otherwise you're going to write too much or even worse you're not going to write about the right things so I'm going to give you templates to start writing you
can start today I'm going to teach you how to start start get clients get on sales schol secure clients and get more clients in this video and you can start today by using templates okay the first template that you are going to use and I only use two templates I'm only going to teach you two the first one is called Dick now some of you may have heard of dick or di I prefer dick it's probably the most simple one in the world okay let me talk you through it the d stands for disrupt the
I stands for intrigue and the C stands for get them to click a link or take an action CTA we call it in the industry CTA stands for call to action all right now the D part is simply to disrupt the reader eyes so imagine you're on a tube station or you're on a bus or you're looking around at ads the disrupt part of the copy is just to get your attention so imagine you're just [ __ ] walking around being a [ __ ] looking at nothing blah blah blah you see an ad and
it comes up with something that catches your [ __ ] eye that's the D it's disrup Ed your attention it's it's diverted your eyes towards that thing that's the disrupt it's disrupted you it's disrupted your eyes it's disrupted your oculars doing what they want and drawn them to that thing it's disrupted you okay so for an example look at the screen with winter upon us we have one question are you tired of burning your fingers when lighting a candle now if you've ever burnt your hands while lighting a candle which I'm sure you [ __
] have I did it like two days ago I still got a [ __ ] scar it's kind of an this will stand out to you okay so if you're on a tube you're looking around you listening to music or whatever and you're just [ __ ] your finger hurts whenever you try and pull out your phone and start scrolling it hurts etc etc [ __ ] why did I burn my hand [ __ ] this [ __ ] and you're looking around boom are you tired of burning your fingers when lighting candles that will
stick out to you okay it's just to disrupt your attention yeah I did [ __ ] what's that about it'll get your attention Okay Intrigue now the next part is about getting people interested okay so you've disrupted their attention you've got their eyes they're interested now you need to keep that Intrigue okay now the way you do that is by giving features a little bit of mystery not really telling them what the thing is but telling them how it can help them giving the benefits not the features something like that okay so to give you
an example we've heard your queries and birth a solution introducing the candle lighter you've all got a [ __ ] candle lighter you know what it is equipped with a 5.5 in Black Shaft and shoot you never need to use your fingers again again I wrote this I have a sick mind 5.5 black in shaft never need to use your fingers again obviously like your dick is so good you'll never need fingers blah blah blah blah blah but that is what it is okay I haven't really told you what it is but I've told you
that it's 5.5 in long and it will ensure that you never need to worry about burning your fingers again so imagine this you're sitting on the tube you've burnt your finger or you have in the past you see an ad it says you never need to worry about burning your fingers again interesting why is that well we've come up with something we've birthed a solution that's going to eradicate all those issues it's called the candle lighter and it's come up with this 5.5 in shaft to ensure that never happens to your fingers again you're going
to have burnless fingers for the rest of your life interesting burnless fingers what the [ __ ] is this thing now you're interested okay and then when you're interested at the height of your Intrigue you get them to take an action and I'll talk about this more in a minute but then you get them to take an action it's called a CTA like I said call to action click click the link to get yours now 10% off anding ending gener 17th some [ __ ] okay I think I wrote this a while ago I did
I wrote this a while ago but that is Di and that is a template so if we go back D disrupt get your attention Intrigue build some Intrigue get them interested and once they're interested once they're really invested in what you're saying and they're like oh what is this thing yeah he's telling me it can help my finger and it won't burn anymore and I'll be fine forever and I can light candles endlessly and never have to worry about it what is it what is it to get yours you have to click the link click
the link and you'll find out and then because they're so interested because they want to know what the thing is because you know it will alleviate their pain and they don't want to be in any [ __ ] pain anymore they'll click the link boom your job is done does that make sense I hope that makes sense and that's why we use a template because if I told you to try and sell a a lighter without using a template you'd be all over the [ __ ] place buy the lighter it's [ __ ] white
it gets hot when you light it it has a [ __ ] button that keeps the gas going it's got a [ __ ] weed symbol I don't even smoke weed it's the first one I got it's got a weed symbol on it that makes you cool so buy it that isn't how you sell you have to disrupt their attention build Intrigue and then get them to take an action I hope that makes sense okay go over this again if you need to but that is the template you're going to use to start CU it's
so [ __ ] simple actually I go back on my word if you do have 47 chromosones even you could do this okay not very hard right you're just building Intrigue highlighting a problem and giving a solution boom there you go like I said lighter that's probably bigger than 5 and a half in but whatever right that's the first template second template cuz there's more than one actually there's dozens but I've only ever used two and it's made me very [ __ ] well off so I'm only going to teach you two because it' be
hypocritical of me to teach you ones that I have never done okay second one nesby now nesby influenced is the four main emotions when buying or selling something okay they go as follows new easy safe and big anything you've ever bought ever in your life was influenced by one of these emotions you bought it because it was one of these four emotions okay I hope that makes sense something was either new an exclusive easy to use like brain dead retards could use it safe no risk of it breaking money back guarantee or big big results
big impact on your life okay so here's an email basically going through what that looks like see template can you see the template there I've even [ __ ] coling coded it cuz I'm so [ __ ] nice so what is this some fat burning program yeah okay so introducing the newest step in fat burning Evolution okay new say goodbye to the days of being overweight big imagine you're a fat [ __ ] can I say that you might maybe bleep that out imagine you're a fat idiot and you trying to lose weight your entire
life and then you come across this okay the newest step to burning fat in 2024 say goodbye to the days of being overweight big promise goodbye never be overweight again Harvard scientists have backed and put together a mechanism so amazing as people losing 40 pounds in 40 days Harvard scientist proof science legitimacy backing science legitimacy safe not a scam Harvard scientist best university in the world trust safe okay losing £40 in 40 days look man even I'm not overweight I've been in [ __ ] shap my whole life I'm one of God's favorites but I
know for a fact 40s in 40 days is obscene like I can't say that I was going to make a joke 40s in 40 days is a lot of [ __ ] weight okay all from the comfort of your home easy you don't even need to get up and do this you can lose £ 40 in 40 days from the comfort of your [ __ ] home you're watching this right now and I guarantee if you implemented what I'm about to say you could lose 40 in 40 days not even [ __ ] moving it's
that easy without ever taking dodgy supplements or performing dangerous activities again safe nothing dodgy nothing scammy nothing weird super safe in fact anyone over the age of seven has been trying to have the motor neuron capabilities in order to carry out this mechanism so if you're able to get up and you're over seven you can do this is that easy you're over seven you're not [ __ ] child are you if you're a [ __ ] child you can't do that if you're not a child if you're if you're over a child you can do
this super easy anyone can do it you're 8 years old you can do this simple piece of cake okay to find out more and see for yourself and see insane progress you can make big promise click the link and find out now PS 45 day guarantee if you don't lose 2020 in 45 days you'll get your money back no questions asked so not only is it safe from a logistical standpoint Harvard scientist it's also safe from a financial perspective meaning that if you don't get the results you want based on what I've told you I
Haven even told you what the [ __ ] thing is yet I know you're excited you fat [ __ ] I haven't even told you what it is if you don't get the results you want in 45 days get full refund I'll just give you back your money safe you give me a bank details I'll give it to you if you don't like it I just give you back your money you have nothing to lose besides time okay super safe let me go over that again newest okay newest step in learning evolution new say goodbye
to the days of being overweight big Harvard scientists safe all from the comfort of your home easy without taking dodgy hament safe in fact anyone over the age of seven easy insane progress big 45 day guarantee safe can you see the template can you see the template there if I told you to just sell without using this template it'd be very [ __ ] difficult you wouldn't know where to start you wouldn't know where to go You' be like oh [ __ ] do I say this here oh I've already spoken about the color three
times how do I make it more interesting [ __ ] it can only be white so many times uh uh oh and I've spoken about the the spark and the [ __ ] button what else do I [ __ ] say if I had to [ __ ] you know what cuz I'm so [ __ ] good at this let me try let me try and [ __ ] write an email by speaking an email off the top of my head with this lighter okay are you sick and tired of running out of are you
sick and tired of your lighter dying when you're out on a night out introducing the reusable flick stick lighter coming in [ __ ] at 90p so it's super cheap with a [ __ ] one finger mechanism it's super easy allowing you to make at least 200 Sparks which is a big result with a [ __ ] combustion stops so that it doesn't just explode in your pocket super safe you can get it for 99p and if it doesn't work after 200 clicks and you put gas in it and it still doesn't work you get
your money back and a free liquid [ __ ] I don't know convert kit to [ __ ] help you fill it up again for free okay that's just off the top of my head but do you see what I'm going there I'm telling how it's new it's easy to use it's safe and it's going to give you a big result in your life it's a [ __ ] lighter but it lies to everything everything youve ever bought in your entire life ever no matter what was based on one of those four emotions you may
not realize it cuz you didn't know until now but now you know look at the [ __ ] clothes you're wearing I buy this because it it gives off big Impressions oh he wears Tommy Hill figer it's new as well that's nice I don't really give a [ __ ] but that's the two emotions I was thinking when I bought my clothes if you buy a house it's big it's easy to get places it's in a good location it's brand new it's straight on the market it's safe it's in a nice [ __ ] area
area the doors are locked and the [ __ ] hinges don't break it's safe anything you want to buy ever or anything you want to sell ever is going to be based on these four emotions write that the [ __ ] down oh coffee is getting cold anyway now you now know two templates that's for emails and for captions But ultimately that's basically copy in general okay that's everything you [ __ ] right as long as you follow one of those two templates you'll be fine okay now it's only one thing knowing how to write
copy as it is to be good at writing copy okay when I started a peach 12 months ago I had no [ __ ] clue how to write not only that I had no [ __ ] idea how to practice and there's a way to practice you can get good at learning to be good at things okay there is a specific way and a certain number of attempts but I said email here that you should undertake before you'd be considered good okay so not only is there a way to get good at it but there's
a number in my mind because I've done this so many [ __ ] times there's a number of emails or number of captions you should write before I'd consider you eligible to get paid okay and I'm just going to give this to you for free when I was learning I didn't have a [ __ ] clue I had no idea how to get good and I had no idea if I was good enough impostor syndrome was was shining down on me like the [ __ ] Mercury Sun am I good enough [ __ ] NOS
I just have to figure out and find out for myself okay but I'm going to tell you how you need to write in my opinion at least 30 emails now if you're as good as me you can write 30 in 30 minutes I'm not saying it's going to take you [ __ ] one day it might take you a week but until you've written 30 you're not really good enough to start making money now I know some of you are going to be like yeah but I just want to jump straight to outreach and start
getting clients and getting paid hold your [ __ ] horses tip dick if you do that and you sign a client and they give you work and you're not good enough and they say this is [ __ ] you've burnt that client a client you could have held for years and could have paid you thousands of dollars because you were too [ __ ] [ __ ] happy and you were too [ __ ] interested in getting the money you weren't good enough to write copy and because of that you eventually burnt the [ __
] lead which could have given you thousands of dollars over years because you send them some copy that was [ __ ] and they were like no this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] so please listen to me write 30 emails or 30 captions or 30 ads and once you've written 30 using the two templates then you're good okay that's a basic rule if you're going to listen to anything listen to that write 30 before you try and get any [ __ ] clients before you try and get getting paid all right
it's [Music] like I've never worked at McDonald's I know people that work at McDonald's but I've never worked at McDonald's but I can assume if they're bringing in someone new that's never worked in McDonald's they usually have someone that Shadows them while they're working to make sure they don't [ __ ] it up so if I was a brand new McDonald's employee and I was [ __ ] flipping burgers all day I guarantee until I'd flipped and made 100 Big Macs they wouldn't leave my side until they knew I could [ __ ] do it
perfectly I wouldn't just join the job [ __ ] Patty oil lettuce come up with some [ __ ] gargantuan disaster just [ __ ] give it to people no they'd be like okay this is the Patty the lettuce bun cheese what does he want Big Mac some onions another Patty another [ __ ] Burger bang perfect okay good do that 99 more times so I can see you can do it and then once you can do it I'll leave you alone I'll let you to your own devices and then you'll be good enough to
do it on your own that's kind of the same as this you need to be good enough to do it on your own and the way you're going to good enough in my opinion is by writing 30 emails all right bare [ __ ] minimum I've probably written 2, 2500 emails in my life you can write 30 okay because you are learning a language like I [ __ ] said here you're learning a language you're learning a language copy is a language and so the more reps you put in the better you're going to get
at it okay with the right practice volume is your friend but like I said most people are [ __ ] at practicing you think you can practice oh I put in some work oh I [ __ ] put in an hour of practice and so I'm really good now yeah I'm much better than I was before no that's [ __ ] you think you did because your entire life you were taught that if you just put in the work that's considered practice that's [ __ ] okay there is a way to start practicing you're going
to use a principle called deliberate practice okay deliberate practice as you're about to find out is the sole contributor to anyone that's Elite at anything in the world now I may have a slide about this but before I jump to it let me give you an example when I was trying to be a golfer I think about two years ago three years ago I was the worst okay out of all my friends all my friends play golf I was the shittest I've been playing the longest but for some reason they were better than me which
in the eyes of most people made no [ __ ] sense I've been playing 16 years they've been playing 10 and they were better than me how the [ __ ] is that even possible anyway so one day I decided to sit down and figure out how the [ __ ] they were so much better than me I was getting up and going to the range at 5:00 a.m. and then they would get there at 900 a.m. so I'd have 3 hours ahead of them and then we practice all day from 9: till 6:00 and
then they go and [ __ ] watch TV or go out and I'd practice from 6 till 9 so I'd do basically 13 hour days while they only did six and they were still better than me why is that I put more hours in I was doing more work than them I was showing up more I was being more dedicated but they were still better than me and I knew at a [ __ ] base level this is [ __ ] because if it was just about numbers I would smash them why am I not
getting any better why are they so much better than me and it drilled down to this simple fact is that the way I was practicing was complete [ __ ] forget copywriting this is just a a lesson in life you can practice a certain way and someone else can practice a certain way even if they do less practice than you if they do the right practice they'll [ __ ] smash you and it's because I was doing the wrong practice [ __ ] hitting balls all day not getting anything done not getting any better that
they were always better than me cuz their practice was better than mine and that's because they were doing deliberate practice okay I'm going to make an entire video on this but deliberate practice is the be all Endor to being good at anything okay anyway so one day as I was playing golf hitting balls all day blisters over my hands drenched in sweat [ __ ] dirty shoes weak knees achy back I was like how the [ __ ] do I get better than them how are they better than me I'm putting in more work this
makes no [ __ ] sense what is going on anyway one day I was Googling it and I found out this guy called Anders Ericson G [ __ ] Legend he did die a couple of years ago so rest in peace Anders but he came up with a principle called deliberate practice now write this the [ __ ] down if you want to get good at something you need to do [ __ ] you can't already do until you can do it that's practice okay most people when they practice something they do the same thing
again and again and again and again so you may learn to throw a [ __ ] tennis ball until you can throw a tennis ball and then you'll stop getting good at it because you'll just practice the same movement again and again and again you don't try and throw a tennis ball into a small object cuz that's hard you just think I can throw tennis balls I'm good at throwing tennis balls if I practice an hour day I'll be good at throwing tennis balls forever that's [ __ ] sh okay you're not going to get
better at doing that if you want to get better at doing stuff you're going to have to do things you can't already do that's deliberate practice so instead what I started doing when I was on the golf course and when I was practicing is If instead of hitting the same shot 10 times I would try and hit a shot which I couldn't hit so I could hit shots straight I could hit shots left to right but if I was trying to hit a shot right to left I couldn't [ __ ] do it which means
that on the golf course if I was faced with a shot which required me to hit it right to left I was [ __ ] my friends could do it I couldn't so from that point onwards I would just spend hours and hours and hours trying to hit right to left shots and as you can imagine I was [ __ ] I didn't know how to do it it took hours for me to figure out how to do it and then all of s out of nowhere something clicked and before you knew it I was
getting shots right to left and then I could take that skill put it on the golf course and use it to be better than my friends and then you think okay now I can hit right to left shots can I hit High shots can I hit low shots can I hit Stinger shots can I hit low spin shots I hit High spin shots and so all I did I didn't reduce the amount of hours I didn't put more hours in I just put more diligent effort into the hours I was putting in I was trying
to do things I couldn't [ __ ] do most people practice the same thing again and again and again and think they're getting better repeating something you're already good at doesn't mean you're getting better at it that's just complacent learning to get better at something you need to do something you can't already [ __ ] do endlessly and tirelessly until you're able to do it then you'll get better okay so you you need to make it harder on yourself and anyway long story short I'm now [ __ ] amazing at golf and they will [
__ ] but that's how you [ __ ] get better at stuff okay so to relate this to copyrighting if you're writing emails because I'm going to tell to write 30 at least if you write 30 and then you plateau and you're like I'm not getting any better my conversions aren't getting better there's so many people that are better at writing than me how do I get better I've written loads and loads of emails but none of them are getting any better you need to focus on what you're not good at and then deliberately try
and get better at that thing so for example if you're trying to if you're struggling to build Intrigue say you're writing emails and people just aren't getting very interested in them or they don't give a [ __ ] instead of just writing more emails deliberately try and write better Intrigue in your emails I can't write Intrigue I'm [ __ ] at Intrigue I'm I'm [ __ ] at getting people interested how do I improve the interesting part how do I get them more interested and you write emails just with that sole Factor based in your
mind you'll get better at it so for an example you write one email it's [ __ ] why was it [ __ ] the Intrigue was bad okay the next five emails all I'm going to do is focus on writing better Intrigue forget the [ __ ] the the disrupt forget the [ __ ] click I just want to make it interesting I can't make people interested so all I'm going to do is focus on making it more interesting I'm going to learn more I'm going to Google stuff I'm going to get it critiqued until
my [ __ ] Intrigue is better and you'll be [ __ ] for a while it won't get any better but then it'll click and you'll be better okay now how do you build Intrigue because Intrigue like I said in di is one of the most if not behind one other thing the most important thing when writing copy if you want to persuade someone to do something or persuade someone to buy something or take action you need to not give them everything there needs to be a bit of what is it I want to know
tell me tell me tell me that's how films work bro you go to a film and it's just [ __ ] good [ __ ] all the time no it's bad and then it's good and then it's a little bit unsure and then there's uncertainty and then it's good and then it's bad and then it's Happ and that's sad is Intrigue what's going to happen next how will it go will he die will he survive will they [ __ ] is he [ __ ] his brother is she his sister and they're having sex who
knows find out at the end it keeps you interested so you need to keep them interested through the duration okay now there's a few ways you can build Intrigue when you're writing okay to make people more interested in what you're selling so they sell it so they buy it the number one way in my opinion to build Intrigue when you're writing is ask questions so this can be in the subject line in the open opening line I don't [ __ ] care as long as you're asking a question at some point it will build Intrigue
in the person that's reading it okay it will change the entire Dynamic of the copy the email the ad the website I don't give a [ __ ] what it is if you ask a question it changes the entire Dynamic and the reason for that is because all of a sudden the copy has just gone from something that the person reads to the page speaking to the person so this is an email in my inbox from today it says what do you think when you hear these words hey Tom what do you think when you
hear these words that feels like someone's speaking to me like a human does that make sense all of a sudden I'm more engaged someone's asked me a question when someone asked you a question you're more inclined to [ __ ] pay attention to what they say so you don't [ __ ] up your response it's just Inhumans you're more likely to respond to [ __ ] when they ask you things all of a sudden it's gone from me reading the page to the [ __ ] page asking me what do I think of these when
I hear these words I don't know [ __ ] let me click it out Intrigue I'm more interested now these words what do I think I don't know let me just [ __ ] okay [ __ ] feminist I [ __ ] hate that word you LGBT I [ __ ] hate that it makes you interested okay now here's an example I made it's the same thing written two different ways one is with a question and one isn't okay so if I was selling a fat burning program I could say being fat is making you
sad okay yeah I hear that all the time I look in the mirror and I'm [ __ ] upset because I'm fat I'm not fat I'm [ __ ] ripped head to toe but if you're a fat person you're going to feel really sad or you could say hey man are you not sick and tired of feeling sad because you're fat hey man bro you're not sick and tired feeling fat doesn't it make you sad yeah it does I see you on the screen I [ __ ] see you bro I feels like I'm [
__ ] talking to you now I've asked you a question do you see the difference it's the same thing put two different ways and one is way more intriguing than the other simply because I asked you a question I I I I invited you to be engaged in the entire interaction I didn't just say you're lazy [ __ ] I said are you not sick and tired of seeing 22y olds like me live the high life and wonder if you're a lazy piece of [ __ ] Intrigue you're more interested now you're more you're more
captivated into what I'm saying okay so ask questions whenever possible secondly use numbers the numerical version not the word version version the numerical version don't [ __ ] me if you're reading that what sticks out besides the red letters the numbers okay in a big bulk of text numbers stick out it's like a diamond in the dust or I would say a Pakistani in London but London's full of [ __ ] pakistanis now so it doesn't really make any sense but it sticks out okay now if you want to gain someone 's attention D disrupt
disrupt their attention get their oculars looking at the [ __ ] page a way to do that is by putting numbers on the screen because numbers stand out in a [ __ ] bunch of words letter letter letter letter paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph number numbers stand out don't say to TW wo put the number stands out a lot more okay gets you more interested all right like I said catches the attention builds Intrigue now open Loops like I said if we're going too fast or you've never [ __ ] heard of this before rewind it
okay I'm doing this in one [ __ ] take I'm not going back on anything all right so write this down open Loops now you've seen this before as well an open loop is basically you start telling someone something and then you make them find out what the rest of the thing is you're telling them and then you basically just don't [ __ ] tell them okay I'll be honest okay so for example I wrote this email today to try and help you understand this is about [ __ ] getting women and [ __ ]
hot girls etc etc so here's how to bang nines every day of the week nine being nine out of 10 hot girl girl that you're not [ __ ] a nine okay in the next 5 minutes I'm going to reveal how it how to take halftime hotties to bed like clockwork with one simple ninew pickup line a line that can be used off by heart and used in minutes John here used it and here's what he's had to say since since implementing it okay so what have I done there I've said here's how to bang
nines every day of the week you expect me to tell you the thing afterwards but I don't I say in the next five minutes I'm going to reveal what it is using this simple ninew pickup technique you expect me to say what it is and then I say a line that can be learned off heart off by heart and used in minutes and then you think now he's going to say it he's going to say the [ __ ] thing now and I still don't I then jump into a [ __ ] testimony where it
says John here used it and here is what he's saying so I've told you I'm going to tell something tell you something and I just don't [ __ ] tell you and that [ __ ] pains human beings if you tell us you're going to tell us something and then you don't tell us right on the edge of our [ __ ] seat like [ __ ] tell me what the [ __ ] is it [ __ ] spit it out tell me what are you going to say and if you just don't tell them
they're so interested they're super intrigued okay this is why the best films are the best films if you watch a film and it's the same all [ __ ] film everyone's happy everyone's having a good time everyone's [ __ ] living the high life it's not very interesting it's [ __ ] you know if someone's about to die or there's a war or some an enem is coming and something is behind him and you don't know if he's going to die or not and they're [ __ ] cheating and the husband comes in and he's
a [ __ ] psychopath will he kill her who knows and you long it out and you so interested you don't even realize you're in the [ __ ] Cinema that's what an open loop is you say you're going to tell them something and then you just don't [ __ ] tell them you tell them you're going to you're going to tell them in 5 minutes I'm going to tell you in just a minute I'm going to tell you what it is this thing is X it helped this person in the duration of the time
this has been around it's done this I haven't [ __ ] told you what it is I've just told you I'm going to tell you but I still don't tell you that keeps you very very [ __ ] interested in what I'm about to say okay does that make sense I could do this perfectly let me try and find something something you can't see okay I have something in my hand which which could be considered one of the best inventions of the 21st century it is it is portable enough to be taken anywhere in a
100 years from now historians will look back at this invention and consider it one of the best inventions of all time it allows you to get work done quicker it allows you to be more proficient it allows you to enjoy yourself more it's not as expensive as you'd think it's extremely adaptable to anyone that uses it and I guarantee that within a couple of years there aren't going to be any left cuz they're going to be completely outsold I'm going to tell you what it is in just a minute okay I've used these and they
help me a lot I've been able to go to the gym better I've been able to work better I've been able to [ __ ] walk better I've been able to do everything better do you want to know what it is click the [ __ ] link and you'll find out it's an airpod okay open loop tell you I'm going to tell you what it is but then I just don't [ __ ] tell you and if you want to find out you have to click a link and that instigates such an insane amount of
action people you cannot even comprehend if I tell you I'm going to tell you something and I don't tell you but you have to click a link to find out what it is you'll click a you'll jump over an elephant and [ __ ] wrestle a tiger to find out what it is if you want to bad enough if you're a fat [ __ ] and I tell you I'm going to make I'm going to show you something that allows you to lose 440 in 45 days but you have to [ __ ] click a
red button which is on the other side of 100 people that have AIDS and two crocodiles and [ __ ] Thanos you're going to get through all that and you're going to click that button if you want it bad enough okay open loop I'm not going to tell you what it is I'm just going to tell you that if you click this link you'll find out open loop gimmicks oh [ __ ] hell now I've already used a gimmick but let me go through it again a gimmick is basically a play on words it's just
naming something to make it sound more elusive than it is okay so let me give you an example I could say if I was selling a weight loss book I could say buy this book to lose weight okay or I could say purchase our book and learn the 40 and learn the drop 40 and 40 method and melt body fat and days now I've said the same thing basically but I've said a gimmick and the gimmick there is drop 40 and 40 method what the [ __ ] is the drop 40 and 40 method I
don't even [ __ ] know and I wrote it but that makes me more interested to find out what it is so if you're a fat person and I say buy a book I hope you lose weight oh whatever all I [ __ ] do is read books to help me lose weight they're [ __ ] I don't want to [ __ ] read another one of those it's [ __ ] uh whatever lose weight lose weight lose weight do cardio do cardio eat less eat less drop 40 and 40 method what the [ __
] is that all right click do you see gimmick more interesting that's all a gimmick is it's just making something way more elusive than a [ __ ] a drop 40 40 method yeah drop and do [ __ ] 40 burpees you fat [ __ ] that's what it is but I've said it more elusively okay I hope that makes sense and it's just a way to build Intrigue and you can drop these in everywhere everywhere apple apple does this all the time what's it the [ __ ] newest Innovation to modern living it's a
[ __ ] camera bro shut up but they say it in such a way which makes you really interested [ __ ] yeah I've got some jokes I just can't say here if you want to find out some jokes I'll [ __ ] host a free class or something I there's some things I some analogies I cannot say on YouTube I'll just get taken down immediately but yeah that's what a gimmick is all right now I'm have make another coffee and I won't cut it out either you'll just have to listen to me make it
I just get a Red Bull now it's all good listening to me we've been here for what a [ __ ] hour right now it's all good listening to me but learning is is a three-step process it's learning conceptualizing and taking action deliberate action so if you're just listening to me and you're not doing anything with what I say it's [ __ ] pointless all right so begin implementing that into your emails if this is the first time you've ever heard of copywriting and in my ugly mug that's fine but if you've started writing and
you've started being a copywriter and you don't Implement what I'm saying you're a [ __ ] idiot okay so Implement everything I've said that's deliberate practice if you've never used a gimmick in your next [ __ ] email write gimmicks if you've never used an open loop write open Loops why because I guarantee you've never written a [ __ ] open Looper before you don't allow to do it do you but I guarantee if you do enough of them you'll get good at them and then by progress as by proxy you will be better at
writing emails because now you can write open loops and use gimmicks which will make your copy better which means people will pay you more okay right emotion so I taught you going to be writing emails and ads or captions cuz they're the easiest thing I've taught you templates the templates you're going to use to [ __ ] write them I've taught you how to build Intrigue now I'm going to teach you how to elicit emotion this is very simple but it is without question it's on a [ __ ] seesaw between this in intrigue is
what is most important but emotion is super [ __ ] important okay here's some emotions happiness sadness fear happy when you see my videos sad when my videos end fear when I don't upload for a while disgust when I see [ __ ] someone that isn't a copywriter anger when you like the video that's right dislike it see if I give a [ __ ] surprise when I upload a video okay some examples for you how to build a motion right have you heard the saying people buy the motion and justify logic it stands the
tell of time and that's because it's [ __ ] true if you want to get anyone to take action or do anything or sell anything or buy anything you need to elicit emotion in them because we're human of logic I know women aren't but most of us are humans of logic and so we're not going to do anything unless we have some sort of emotion persuading us to do that thing so you have to build an emotion in someone write that down like I've said me knows me writing this an hour ago NOS write that
the [ __ ] down meaning you need to evoke an emotion in someone okay how the [ __ ] do you do that if I had to ask you how do you evoke an emotion in someone you wouldn't even [ __ ] know unless you're a [ __ ] manipulator or a [ __ ] sociopath then you might know but unless you know how or you're a copywriter how the [ __ ] are you going to know okay the best way specifically as a copywriter maybe not for all maybe not persuading girls into your [
__ ] bed but as a copywriter the best way I've learned to build emotion in people is to use descriptive writing and specific real world examples okay the more the reader feels heard the more they'll develop an affiliation with your words and the more emotion will be invoked from the things you write in them okay for example like I said I'm so [ __ ] fly I can come up with an example the top of my head let's go with the fat burning uh fat burning example if I'm trying to get some fat [ __
] to buy my product to help him lose weight you could say Hey Stephen I know you're fat and so you should buy my book which will help you lose weight Steven knows he's fat and Steven's read loads of books on how to lose weight that isn't going to spark an emotion in him he already feels like [ __ ] that's not good enough so instead of just saying that you know what I would say I would say Hey Stephen look does this sound familiar you wake up in the morning you get out of bed
the first thing you do is look in the mirror upon looking in the mirror you you're faced with disgust your room stinks not because of all the perfume from the girls you've been banging but because of the leftover deliver and your bedside table that you've been too lazy to take to the kitchen and then on top of that every time you go to sleep you struggle and you snore because you're drowning in neck fat but what if it didn't have to be that way Stephen what if you could wake up one day next to two
hotties on either side of you and your bed smells a Victoria perfume and instead of it smelling of [ __ ] deliver it smells of [ __ ] because you didn't have Del lioo you were in shape and you had washboard abs and you went out to dinner with those girls instead and when you get up in the middle of the night cuz you've just [ __ ] them for the third time you look in the mirror and instead of seeing this fat disgusting piece of [ __ ] you see this washboard AB [ __
] Lion of a man how would that make you feel Steven how would your life be different can you imagine being that I'm telling you now if you just [ __ ] do what I'm about to say I guarantee we have people like you that have been in that situation and we've transformed them to be that guy click the link and we'll find out how do you see what I mean I haven't really said anything I've just described his situation more I've evoked more descriptive language and made him have more affiliation to it if you're
fat and you're trying to sell to Fat if you're trying to sell to fat people you need to make it very abundant you know what that fat person's life is like because unless you can make them feel pain and shame and disgust over their current situation they're not going to care it's when they feel an affiliation to what you're saying and they feel an affiliation to to the words you're evoking on the page that they're going to be like [ __ ] you're right I do look like [ __ ] you're right my room does
s I am too lazy to go to the kitchen I do struggle to sleep cuz my neck fat is so out of control I haven't seen a pair of tits that isn't on a screen in years I wish I was [ __ ] models how does this how does this [ __ ] email know how does this ad know this was this ad written for me they know me this is [ __ ] great maybe they can actually help me what's this the the the drop 40 and 40 method [ __ ] it yeah let's
click that okay do you see what I'm going with here if you want to build emotion you need to be descriptive and you need to use real world examples don't just say Stephen you're fat use examples how does he feel what does he look like what what doesn't he have what does he want to have what problems does he have how do people look at him what does he wish he have what pain is he going through does he struggle to sleep does he struggle to walk does he have arthritis how many roles does he
have more than the bakery you have more roles than [ __ ] Greg's Steven get the [ __ ] out bed get the [ __ ] drop 40 and 40 method you fat [ __ ] that will evoke an emotion in him who the [ __ ] is this email [ __ ] you're right you I [ __ ] sh [ __ ] it I'll click the link that's emotion okay that's how you evoke emotion in people look man if I wanted to this is applicable to anything but if I wanted to [ __ ]
get a chick I'd be like actually you like it's it's the same for anything if I was a bar I want to get a chick I'd be like you know what you look really good in what my bed sheets I could have just said you look really pretty but I said you look good in my bed sheets now she's thinking about it his bed sheets oh his bed sheets okay so where does he live okay probably near because he said it so he must be able to walk there what bed sheets does he have are
they clean I reckon they're clean he's a very nice looking guy he's probably got clean sheets are they blue are they gray he looks like a blue guy okay now I'm wrapped in them am I naked [ __ ] I wouldn't be I wouldn't be in bed if I was in clothes so yeah I'm probably naked too [ __ ] are we going to go sleep together [ __ ] hell he's confident why do I think he's so confident I I must really like him he must really like me close the deal all I've said
is some descriptive [ __ ] language and I've elicited some Intrigue in her that's an emotion for you I've elicited Intrigue in her [ __ ] head who the [ __ ] is this guy he hasn't even asked my name okay I wouldn't say do that unless you look like me don't do that okay you'll get [ __ ] rape charge get away don't do that but that's an example okay on how to build emotion so just be more descriptive and use more real world examples okay so when you're writing think how can I make
this more descriptive how can I [ __ ] with this person how can I use more real world examples to make this person feel more heard stuff like that okay now you are going to get paid based on the results you bring so I get I get this question a lot too people are like how do I get paid why do I get paid etc etc etc it's not very [ __ ] difficult bro you give them a service and they pay you for that service okay [ __ ] hell now you may not realize
it but from what you've learned alone so far you're more qualified to write emails and captions than about 95% of business owners remember I said business owners are [ __ ] of [ __ ] writing emails and selling [ __ ] it's the truth they have no idea what they're doing now based on the last hour if you've actually [ __ ] listened you are more qualified than they are 95% of them that wasn't very difficult was it I've taught you how to build Intrigue I've taught you how to write on templates I've taught you
how to build emotion but the the fact of the matter is is that most of these [ __ ] don't know how to [ __ ] do that and that's a good thing because it means they'll pay you hard cash to do it for them okay they'll pay you for your skills the skills I've just [ __ ] taught you that took an hour of your time get your dick out your hands write some [ __ ] down the things I've just [ __ ] taught you they'll pay you to do that they will pay
you money you don't have to go work some [ __ ] construction job you can sit here like me just write [ __ ] emails it's not difficult all right [ __ ] my Mac is gonna die that isn't ideal anyway Now text is the most common form of sales on the earth okay now I don't need to tell you that you know that already anything you look at if you're being sold I guarantee 99% of the time you were sold by someone [ __ ] writing something and you wanting to buy it based on
what they wrote okay now being able to master that ensures that you're able to sell basically [ __ ] anything because everything is sold by text nowadays whether it be on a [ __ ] email an ad a website a [ __ ] notification on your phone everything is text so being able to master the art of persuasion through text is going to be very very [ __ ] valuable so you're never going to be out of a job everyone wants it because no one knows how to [ __ ] do it and it's going
to be the most valuable [ __ ] way to sell going into the future and it's everywhere so it's extremely high demand okay now people will pay you for two main reasons before I tell you I'm going to get a red bll cuz I [ __ ] thirsty actually let me [ __ ] unplug this hopefully the [ __ ] camera doesn't die okay people are going to pay you for two reasons one I'm not sleeping tonight they want your skills the skills I've just [ __ ] taught you so that you can bring better
results to whatever they're selling cuz you're better than them now if you both try and sell something you'll be better than them because I've all the things I've just taught you so that's the first reason I want you basically just for your skills but the second thing is because they want to save time I cannot bro I cannot tell you the number of times I have written on behalf of a client and I haven't even gotten them that good results but they keep paying me CU I save them time what you realize as you work
with more and more successful people is that as you work for them you'll understand that their time is their most valuable asset I work for some very [ __ ] rich people and they're more than happy to give me two grand a month than spend 2 hours a week writing emails so a lot of the time it's just to maintain [ __ ] I'll write emails just to keep their email list [ __ ] up to date do they get any money from it not really but I keep sending email so it doesn't die like
just write these keep on top of this just [ __ ] do this yourself so that I don't have to worry about it okay simple as that and they'll do that they'll just [ __ ] pay you to save them time which is great cuz then you have no pressure of having to get them results they're the best clients which is why I also say work for [ __ ] rich clients cuz they don't give a [ __ ] about money you can work for a rich client getting literally dick ass results and he'll still
pay you and they'll call you like once a month how are things going yeah sending emails yeah anything no not really all right see you next month don't give a [ __ ] someone just sending emails and you're saving them time that's all they care about okay so they'll either pay you for your skills to get them results or for your time you need to understand you ain't [ __ ] okay these people I ain't [ __ ] these people I work for multi-millionaires businesses billion dollar businesses they are their time is more important than
yours okay but that's good because they'll pay you for your [ __ ] time and I know what you're thinking yeah but you just told us that our time shouldn't be [ __ ] traded for money [ __ ] I have a client that pays me a grand a month to write an email a week and it takes me 15 minutes my hourly income is ,000 I don't know what [ __ ] planet you're living on if you're not willing to take £1,000 an hour so do I even get results not really it's a [
__ ] newsletter there's nothing to [ __ ] sell okay [ __ ] itchy nose okay now to the meat because I know a lot of people want to see this getting clients my Mac is going to die which is kind of unfortunate but [ __ ] man I I wanted to do this allinone take anyway we'll go as quickly as we can getting clients now the way you're going to get paid is by reaching out to clients and the way you to be reaching out to clients is via cold Outreach now cold essentially refers
to the fact that you are reaching out to someone that doesn't know who the [ __ ] you are now I'm going to teach you how to do that in a second but before I do understand cuz people ask me this as well isn't that weird you're just like reaching out to someone stranger like who the [ __ ] are you no that's completely [ __ ] normal welcome to the world of business business is just going up to people and asking them if they can give you their money in return for something that's all
it is strangers people you know doesn't [ __ ] matter that's all business is so when I say cold it's it's just normal you'll get in this racket and you'll understand yeah I I'm just going to send [ __ ] 100 DMS to 100 random people and hope one of them pay me that's the game it's not weird it's not convoluted it's not overt it's just the way things are cold Outreach straight [ __ ] simple as that okay obviously the transverse to that is warm Outreach where you know the person or the person comes
to you okay but in my opinion cold Outreach is the best way to get clients okay oh [ __ ] now you're going to get clients using two prisms of Outreach number one is Instagram and the second one is email okay these are the only two I've ever used and I've done pretty [ __ ] well using them I'll tell you what I've never used I've never used LinkedIn linkedin's [ __ ] gay I've never used Fiverr and I've never used upwork because you are competing let me just tell you this [ __ ] now
this is LinkedIn as well you are competing with third worlders there's nothing wrong with them but they will work for so much less than is what is livable in a [ __ ] first world country so I know what you're thinking you can go to these [ __ ] websites and you can pitch for people and they just give you jobs oh my God look at all these opportunities to try and get clients don't do it don't [ __ ] do it cuz if you pitch someone $50 an hour to [ __ ] work for
them some usbeck will charge them [ __ ] $10 a month you ain't going to win that okay we live in the Western World First World countries price isn't on our side brand is on our side so you know what a client says when he comes up to me he says oh okay yeah that's a good rate but [ __ ] aresh can do it for half that price I'll be like before I go and break ares's [ __ ] neck let me tell you why you shouldn't work with him do you want the best
results or the cheapest I want the BET exactly you want the [ __ ] best results so if you want the best results you work for me if you want the cheapest yeah go with him they're not going to go for the cheapest are they they're not [ __ ] retards they want the best [ __ ] hell women [ __ ] off they want the [ __ ] best results okay they don't want the cheapest they want the absolute dogs bollocks the Western World white boy results now who are you reaching out to you're
reaching out on Instagram an email I'll teach you that in a second you're not reaching out on LinkedIn or alwg or fiver cuz that's [ __ ] but who are you reaching out to you're reaching out to businesses and influencers so businesses like Red Bull or Tommy hillfiger or this lighter brand or apple or something and influences like those [ __ ] girls that tuck their tummy in their leggings and then sell you meal prep programs and say hey if you buy this you can look like me even though they're brutally insecure that's who you're
selling for that's who you're writing emails for that's who you're writing ads for that's who you're writing captions for businesses is a very easy one because every business has an email list so if I buy something from Tommy Hilfiger they'll make me give me give them my email and in doing so I will be then bombarded with emails telling me to buy stuff from Tommy Hilfiger simple as that and a copywriter will write those and send them to me influencers if an influencer has 100,000 followers and say they're making meal prep programs or they're a
gym influencer or something they'll have a program or a course or an ebook or a community something like that and they won't know how to sell it and so they'll come to me and say can you make can you write a website for me to to help me sell this or I have an email list from all the people on my following can you write an email telling telling those people to buy my [ __ ] and I'll be like yeah of course no worries so that's who you're writing for businesses and influencers okay I've
worked for both I'm going to teach you which is best and depending on which way you reach in a minute but that that's who you're going to work for so I don't want to hear that [ __ ] question ever again Tom who do I [ __ ] work for who do I approach businesses and insecure white girls that sell meal prep programs okay if they have a following online and they sell something you can work for them okay now here's how to get clients on Instagram step one you need to make sure your profile
is decent am I decent I mean it doesn't need to look like mine cuz mine's [ __ ] killer but you need to have plenty of pictures at least three okay have a profile pick that isn't an anime girl you [ __ ] weirdos and at least 200 followers and you have to have a public profile now the reason I say this is because when you're doing Outreach on Instagram if anyone's going to cons consider seriously working with you they are going to check out your profile you need to understand in cold Outreach they don't
know who the [ __ ] you are you are a stranger the only way they're going to figure out who you are and if you're a normal person is BAS based on the little information you give them and that information is going to be on your [ __ ] profile so it has to be public okay so they can see for themselves who you are and it has to be normal it doesn't have to be [ __ ] cool they just have to see you're a normal person not a weirdo can I trust this person
to to give my money to them and they'll actually give me results do they do they look normal is there a picture with them and another person do they have a dog do they live in the Western World okay that's all step two once your profile is in shape and you don't look look a [ __ ] weirdo honestly that isn't hard if you don't know how to build an Instagram I don't know what the [ __ ] I don't know what to tell you okay get some pictures you've probably got a female friend you
know that girl that you want to [ __ ] that you're too scared to go and [ __ ] ask her if she wants to [ __ ] ask her hey can we get a picture sometime boom now you got a girl on your Instagram couple pictures maybe a couple hundred followers nice profile pick they'll go on your profile and see oh he's a good guy yeah he's trying to write me copy oh there's a J his picture too so he's not a complete [ __ ] inel either okay yeah I'll work with you that's
all it's not very [ __ ] hard now to find clients you're going to do the following okay go on Instagram and then go into the search feature okay when you're on the search feature click the [ __ ] search bar type in some random [ __ ] word okay in this case I wrote Fitness coach why did I write Fitness coach super [ __ ] easy okay there are thousands of Fitness coaches and you want to know the best thing about Fitness coaches they all [ __ ] sell something so time in Fitness coach
I think I just chose Buster yeah Buster Fitness coach Okay click on his profile once you're on his profile you'll be able to figure out if he sells anything now that link in his bio he sells something he sells one-on-one mentoring he sells coaching programs etc etc click on their profile see if they're [ __ ] selling anything instead of selling something remember what I said everyone [ __ ] at selling stuff they need your help to help them sell their [ __ ] okay follow them and then send them a message I'm going to
tell you the message in a second but this is important most you [ __ ] don't follow people I get a lot of cold Outreach people DM me stuff they want to send me stuff promos and [ __ ] if I go through my DMs and you're not following me why the [ __ ] would I listen to you you don't even have the humility to follow me before pitching me you think I'm going to give me my [ __ ] money you're not even you're not even going to follow me follow the [ __
] person if they don't get back to you you can unfollow them in a week it's not the end of the world okay but in my experience if you follow the person they're much more likely to [ __ ] reply to you okay now once you follow them you're going to send them a script a script that I am going to give to you cuz I'm so [ __ ] nice and we have been here for an hour and 20 minutes sorry it's the least I can do okay and this script has worked very well
for me remember all those [ __ ] testimonies at the beginning they use this script so [ __ ] write this down and pay attention also if it's helped so far like the video subscribe if you want okay I know we've been here a while we're not done yet but just a little reminder in case it's helped you going to write the following script okay now it's important you understand this because a lot of people are going to [ __ ] this up when you're sending Outreach you need to understand that the the times have
moved on people know if a DM is only going to them so I know you think you're smart you can just send the same [ __ ] DM to a thousand people and because you've sent it to a thousand people you're you're more likely to get a [ __ ] response that isn't the case we live in 2024 if you're going to get a response from someone you are going to need to make it personal they're going to need to know it's only for them and if they don't they're not going to [ __ ]
respond to you because they're going to think you're a [ __ ] how many other people is he it's like messaging girls bro if you don't if you don't [ __ ] say something which initially gets their interest and they can tell it's different from all the other messages you sent to girls they're going to respond to you if I say hi Daisy to [ __ ] 100 girls and only two of them are named Daisy they're not going to get actually they probably would get back to me they probably like why' you call me
Daisy but anyway the point is you need to make it hyper personal for that person okay so here's here the DM yo Buster love the content man just read over your page and there's some gaps in your marketing I've spotted mind if I shoot something over uh that may help okay obviously by the way did I even mention this I make a living by writing I make a good living writing I have dyslexia I can't [ __ ] spell and I'm able to pull this off so if you're if you're not dyslexic you're [ __
] ahead of me anyway this is the [ __ ] Outreach script I love the content compliment just freezed over your page and there's some gaps in your marketing I've spotted mind if I shoot something over that may help now what does this do it Strokes their ego I love your content ma'am you're doing a good job cheers I appreciate it just breeed over your page and there's some gaps in your marketing are spotted so you're implementing the fact that there's something wrong with what they're doing that could make them more money now this is
important a lot of people [ __ ] this up when you're telling someone they could improve that doesn't mean insult them that doesn't mean [ __ ] [ __ ] on their parade you could say Buster your [ __ ] marketing is wank you need to fix it or you could say there's some gaps it's good there's just a couple of gaps that you might be interested in that could help fill mind if I shoot something over I haven't told you a [ __ ] I've just told you how it could be better there's a
difference and most people [ __ ] that up they think that if they just this is crap [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is this here that's going to somehow make them like you somehow make them want to give you their money no that isn't how it works you need to tell them what could be better okay don't tell them why something's [ __ ] tell them how it could be better all right you better write that down that's a [ __ ] good script anyway here are some tips to also elicit more
of a response from them okay like a couple of their pictures like all their stories comment on their pictures if he's doing a [ __ ] hip thrust or some [ __ ] or a [ __ ] squat say good form man keep up the good work because that makes yourself known he'll see that maybe over the span of a day or two he'll see your comments and he'll see your likes and he'll see your [ __ ] profile and see your name and then when he goes to check your DMs there'll be an affiliation
to you and his prerequisite opinion of what he's been [ __ ] seeing so you'll seem more recognizable which means you're more trustworthy it means you're just not a [ __ ] that's just [ __ ] in an Outreach for no reason he'll trust you more okay so like a few of their pictures like a few of their stories comment on some of their pictures basically make yourself [ __ ] known all right and then when they reply cuz if you do this Outreach they'll [ __ ] reply you make a Google doc now you
have just learned how to write emails and captions you were going to write an email or a caption for that person so you say there's some gaps in your marketing that could be fixed matter if I shoot something over they'll reply yeah sure thanks the next thing you send the next [ __ ] thing you send is a Google doc basically explaining what they could fix and maybe even an email they could use okay so do they have an email list maybe maybe they don't tell them they need an email list are they good at
emails what if they share okay they're all right but we can improve some areas here which would help this because of this XYZ tell them that do they have a welcome email does their welcome email come straight away if the welcome email takes days to [ __ ] get there need to fix that [ __ ] these are things you can tell them gaps in their marketing okay cuz you're now a pro you're better than them at writing they need you they need you to make more money okay now what time is it I'm going
to the [ __ ] gym after this as well nine out of 10 times they will say I super appreciate that thanks if they do reply which a lot of the time they will because it's just a compliment right they'll say super appreciate that so this is a client I signed about a month ago he said Tom thanks for this may I come back to you in a few days what's your email right super [ __ ] easy I gave you my email and I said I look forward to hearing from you now in this
particular case I didn't hear back from him now this guy's famous really famous I'm talking like millions of followers and he didn't get back to me I was like [ __ ] I've burnt this lead what the hell he said he get back to me in a few days it' been about a week I was like really not going to get back to me so what I did was I I shot him over a Google doc okay and he was like great that's brilliant and then I went to make coffee I had coffee with him
and I signed him anyway not the point but that's kind of how it's going to work okay you shoot over the Google Doc they'll say I really appreciate that blah blah blah blah blah and then the next thing you do is you want to get them on a call now understand when you're doing Outreach in general it's all about aggression you want to get their attention you want to get a response from them you want to get their interest you want to get them interested you want to get them affiliated with you you want to
get them to like you and then you want to get them on a call okay it's all about progression you going from a nobody to someone that's getting on a [ __ ] call with them all right now the reason you want to get them on a call is because it's a lot more personal you can sell people in DMS it's very [ __ ] difficult though so don't try just try and get them on a call this is the best progression in my opinion now the way you're going to do that to prevent all
this bickering back and forth [ __ ] is just make a calendly account it's free go to make a [ __ ] account and just shoot them over your calendly link and then say book a time that suits you okay and what this does is one it shows professionalism you're not a [ __ ] beginner even though you are you're not a [ __ ] beginner and two it saves a lot of [ __ ] time cuz when I started I had no idea what the [ __ ] I was doing how do I
get people on calls okay um it's [ __ ] 700 p.m. GMT where are you B based oh I'm based in Los Angeles okay so it's [ __ ] what 11:00 a.m. there what time suits you oh I can do Tuesday at 3 p.m. central eastern standard time okay what time is that for me okay I'm busy then can you do this time no I'm busy then I can do this time no how long's the call going to be this long by the time you've gone through that [ __ ] [ __ ] they're sick
and tired of your crap and they move on it's too much friction you need to make it as seamless as possible for them so what you do is you make it some times in your calendar you shoot it over to them and they'll book a time which suits them and Suits You Makes the whole process so much easier all right now that's Instagram and you get on to call them I'll teach you sales calls in a second that's Instagram emails is the basically the same premise it's just on an email okay now if some of
you are complete [ __ ] dogs and you literally have the shittest Instagram account in the world maybe some of you don't have Instagram I don't know you might want to do email email don't need to have a good profile email you don't need to have a good Instagram it's fine okay you can you can actually be a [ __ ] weirdo and and and email people you don't need an Instagram okay trust me those some [ __ ] weirdos that sign clients and it's probably better for society if they don't have Instagram so you
don't need it all right now there's four parts to getting clients with email okay number one finding them which I'll teach you in a second number two finding the decision maker now unlike with an influencer you can just DM that's obviously the decision maker it's their [ __ ] account okay it's obvious it's them with email if you're emailing a brand or you're emailing a person a lot of people are especially Brands will have someone that manages their emails or a head of marketing or something like that so you don't actually know who the [
__ ] your emailing when you email these Brands so you need to find out how to get the CEO's email the [ __ ] business decision maker okay you then send them an email and repeat the process okay so how do you find businesses and people to [ __ ] email you use this website this is called Apollo okay it is basically a directory to find every [ __ ] email affiliated with every [ __ ] business in the world so you go on this website open an Apollo you make an account it's free
it's free you have no [ __ ] excuse not to do this if you don't do this you are destined to be poor you make an account go on this website make an account once you've made an account you go into the search bar in the top left and then just type in some random [ __ ] word it could be anything I don't care what it is like I've said golf I just type in golf okay and as you can see 115,000 golf companies comes up okay that's a lot of [ __ ] companies
so if you're saying it's too C saturated in 2024 you can politely get [ __ ] because there's 115,000 golf businesses alone that all need copywriters because what did I say they're all good at making products but they're [ __ ] at selling them and sales is the most abundant way to sell nowadays in text and everyone needs people to write things in text to sell their [ __ ] and who's good at writing [ __ ] in text persuasively copywriters and that's what you are now that saturation [ __ ] pisses me off okay
type in a random [ __ ] word could be anything all right for example golf I would recommend looking introspectively and asking yourself what am I naturally good at what are my passions what am I good at because I get this question a lot too people are like whoa what Niche do I pick I'm good at golf so I pick golf Brands I know golf lingo I know what golf is like dislike pain hate love wants etc etc if you're really good at origami or [ __ ] cutting grass or some [ __ ] you
should type in grass cutting or origami and come up with [ __ ] grass cutting and gardening businesses cuz you know that [ __ ] which means that when you're talking to someone that owns a business like that you'll know the lingo you'll know how they think the entire interaction will be a lot easier so that's the question that's the answer if you [ __ ] ask me what's my Niche pick something you're already [ __ ] good at okay now this is is annoying because you [ __ ] you click the you go to
aplo you type in something you find the website etc etc and then you click the link and it takes you to the website now there are tools you can use to [ __ ] find the emails of the people that run these companies but I was recently told by my business partner who is a YouTube expert it is a breach of confidential information to release that and the video will get stried and I'll be [ __ ] so look at Susan being all [ __ ] gay not letting me um I am going to DM
you I'm going to set up a [ __ ] automation so if you DM me chat on Instagram I'll send you automatically the email scraper that allows you to get the emails of the CEOs of these businesses okay so DM me on Instagram and I'll automatically send you the [ __ ] software to [ __ ] find the emails of the owners of the business okay I hope that makes sense because otherwise I can't [ __ ] tell you and otherwise you're not going to be able to find the actual business owner who is the
decision maker in the business okay and then once you've got their email now you're going to say this script I'm trying to go as fast as possible because my Mac is going to die so [ __ ] annoying why is have to [ __ ] die it's so [ __ ] gay anyway you're going to say hey X this one's so smooth I can't tell you how many [ __ ] responses I get cuz of this was looking to some was looking for something to buy my ex and found you guys love you're doing keep
up the great work now this comes across very fan mail is and that's good because there's no safeguards they're not thinking oh they're trying to sell me it's just an email from a a happy customer and it also seems more real because it seems like you've bought something on behalf of someone else so I used to do this all the time back when I was single I am still single but I'm not single I am single anyway back when I was single I would say I'm looking to buy something for my girlfriend and I came
across you guys so if it was Valentine's I'd be I was looking to buy something for my girlfriend for Valentine's I came across you guys [ __ ] love what you're doing keep up the great work that just makes it seem more real okay does that make sense if I go to you uh hi I just wanted to say keep up the great work do you who the [ __ ] are you do you even care you probably don't give a [ __ ] all right but if I bought something for my girlfriend and she
really liked it I'm more inclined to say thank you because you've made her life better which has made my life better which makes both our lives better it's more inclination to say thanks okay so use that script you don't need to have a girlfriend I know you probably [ __ ] don't it's fine you can just say that okay I've only had it one time and they've said what's your order number so we can check out or what's her name or bro I signed a client this this is a [ __ ] true story I
signed my biggest client company based out of Osaka Japan and I got in the sales school with a guy and the only reason I was able to go the sales schol is because he said oh in your email you said your dad was born in Osaka when did he last go there there I was like oh well he went there a couple of years ago yeah he was born there and he moved to the UK my dad has never [ __ ] been to Japan you can just lie no one's going to [ __ ]
know okay and so yeah to a degree bend the [ __ ] rules if I could say my white pasty Dad was born in Osaka so that the [ __ ] Osaka brand has more of an affiliation to me you can say you have a [ __ ] girlfriend all right now some tips there's tips for Instagram there's tips for email bu a domain a domain basically means that you have an email address that doesn't say Gmail or Outlook or Hotmail because you're going to be taken more seriously okay you need to understand people get
emails about this stuff all [ __ ] day if you're a business owner you get a dozen emails a day being pitched [ __ ] and it's all from [ __ ] dweebs and dos like you [ __ ] sending it on your Gmail account as an amateur they're more likely to listen and more likely to look out for an email that has I don't know Tom stoic stoic that's more professional that that shows I know my [ __ ] right secondly by the way if you want to buy a domain Google it I'm
not [ __ ] here to help you do that don't spam quality over quantity again same as [ __ ] DMS on Instagram you want to make sure that the people you're outreaching to know you're only outreaching to them that means say their name say the product you bought for your imaginary girlfriend see how it helped them so that it actually works works for them if I was reaching out to Red Bull I'd say hi Red Bull uh recently just bought your junb junb drink it's really [ __ ] delicious have a good day that
wouldn't make sense if I sent it to monster that would only make sense if I sent it to [ __ ] Red Bull okay and then be patient some of many [ __ ] think this is going to work overnight it took me 38 days to sign my first client when I was sending about 100 Outreach a day allbe it my out was [ __ ] but it's going to be a long game okay the reason you don't succeed is because you're not [ __ ] patient be patient now the number one reason you're not
going to succeed in getting clients is because you don't do enough Outreach I had this the other day I had a client call one of my one-on-one students and he was like oh okay yeah so how's it been going what you been doing he was like oh yes I've been sent I've been sent it by the way I don't know why my nose is so [ __ ] itchy if someone can tell me why please do why the [ __ ] is my nose so [ __ ] itchy he was telling me Oh yeah I've
been doing Outreach I was like cool how much you done he was like oh so between now and last week I've done about 25 25 to put that in perspective that's like pouring yourself a bowl of Cheerios and only eating about three 25 are you [ __ ] kidding me in this bracket when you want to get good clients and you want to get clients on demand you need to be sending at least 40 a day that's how many I did I did between 40 100 a day and that's why I barely spoke to my
[ __ ] friends and I had no [ __ ] family affiliations for like four months cuz all I did was send Outreach sat over my [ __ ] desk like Gargamel [ __ ] crank locked elbows sending DMS all day you need to [ __ ] send at least 40 a day and the reason you don't succeed the reason most people [ __ ] up and the reason most people don't get momentum the you're still a [ __ ] failure and the reason you're not going to get anywhere and the reason that other people
like me and people like someone watching this is actually going to [ __ ] do it and do the amount of Outreach I've said is different to you is because they do the Outreach and they're going to succeed it's the monotonous play of doing the same thing again and again and again and not losing motivation that's what makes you successful in this bracket now if you're not willing to do that clean my car doesn't [ __ ] change my life but if you're [ __ ] sick and tired of that then you're going to have
to do Outreach lot of it the only reason you won't succeed is because you don't do enough there were times man I'm I'm [ __ ] not kidding there were times I genuinely thought n [ __ ] it I'm sick and I'm tired of this I can't be I've sent [ __ ] 200 Outreach today I haven't got a single response it's been two weeks I need money what am I going to do I'm I'm going to [ __ ] just steal from my friends when they're not around I'm just going to go go in
their wallets and [ __ ] steal I I needed [ __ ] money I didn't care I was pissed off and because I'm an honorable person I obviously didn't [ __ ] steal money but but there are times you're going to want to [ __ ] quit I get that you sent so many Outreach you expect to get a response you don't get a response [ __ ] why fo [ __ ] why isn't this working that's going to happen to you and the people that just push through that and say this is the process
this is how it works this is how it's going to go down if I keep doing this I know for a fact it will pull off I know for a fact everyone else doing this is going through the exact same thing and that's a good thing cuz it means if it's hard for me it's hard for them which means there's going to be less room at the [ __ ] top which means that there's going to be more fruits for just a small amount of us so if I can push through this that means that
I'll be good and they'll be she so understand when you're doing this yeah it's going to [ __ ] suck well hey it's pretty good now believe me when it sucked back then I wanted to quit now I'm so [ __ ] glad I didn't so the reason you won't succeed the reason you're not going to get the clients the reason you're not going to get the money the reason you're not going to [ __ ] move anywhere in life and the reason you're going to be in the same [ __ ] place this time
next year even after watching this video is because you didn't send enough Outreach if you give me a I get DMs like this all the day Tom I've sent some Outreach and I haven't got any responses this isn't working how many [ __ ] Outreach did you send 15 no [ __ ] Wonder send more Outreach pathetic okay now once you send loads of Outreach because you're not a [ __ ] you're not gay because if you don't send Outreach you're [ __ ] gay you are eventually going to start sending it's same exact same
on email you're going to send a [ __ ] thing get a response send a Google doc they'll be like oh my God this is great and then you're going to send them a [ __ ] Zoom link or calendar link and you get them on a zoom call okay this is where sales calls begin now like I've said you can sell in the DMS and only emails it's excruciatingly [ __ ] difficult so I don't recommend it this is easier now you going to call people on Zoom okay I know you know what Zoom
is if you don't did you even live through [ __ ] Co like this I'm pretty sure the markup on this company went through the [ __ ] roof became the most used app in the world anyway it's basically like FaceTime you talk to someone they talk to you it's all it's where business is done globally basically you're going to get on a [ __ ] call with them okay now I understand some of you have never been on a sales call that's fine you can blame the education system for that I [ __ ]
hate the education system and on my first Zoom call I [ __ ] myself I I may be able to speak for 1 hour and 41 minutes with no script and no cuts and no takes now but believe me a year ago I couldn't string a [ __ ] sentence together actually quick story on my first Zoom call I remember it was about 8:00 p.m. I was in Spain at the time it was about 800 p.m. Spanish time and at about 7:30 I was so [ __ ] petrified I didn't even look at my laptop
cuz I knew I knew it' be the first chance after sending hundreds of DMS that I might be able to make some money and I [ __ ] I was quivering bro I'm a [ __ ] bro [ __ ] athlete ripped hot girls great life I didn't have any money back then but I was about my [ __ ] I was [ __ ] scared to [ __ ] speak on a camera with some dog you ran a [ __ ] business anyway but even I was a bit like so I remember literally go
to the [ __ ] fridge and like necking three super box I was like okay right we're good now but like I understand speaking to strangers when money is on the line is going to be a little daunting in the in the beginning the only thing I can say to get better at that is to just do more I've done so many [ __ ] sales gools now I don't even think about it I wore a [ __ ] shirt and I ironed it and I was [ __ ] looking good I wore perfume even
though he on a [ __ ] screen I wanted to look and feel good nowadays I'll wear a [ __ ] dressing gown I don't give a [ __ ] now that only came through sheer Relentless amount of sales calls but that's what you do what you scared you scared to [ __ ] get on a call and ask someone for some money just get it done okay it's not that difficult now the first five minutes so if I had to [ __ ] enact this boom you got in the sales School Hi how are
you can you hear me yeah you hear me yeah yeah okay I hear you perfectly awesome the first five minutes is going to be basically back and forth [ __ ] how are you I'm good how are you I'm good where are you based London where are you based Los Angeles nice how are the girls in Los Angeles fat H obviously you live in America they're all fat do you have a wife no obviously not because you're a [ __ ] weirdo and you run a [ __ ] business but I'm not going to tell
you that cuz I need you to give me your money Shall We Begin yeah okay let's begin that's kind of how it works obviously not to that degree but just basically back and forth mintia [ __ ] okay just to accustom one another with the fact that you're having a sales call okay it's a bit rude to jump in and be like right [ __ ] give me a grand right [ __ ] like don't do that okay you need to build up to that okay stop it's like if you're meeting someone for the first
time okay okay just be normal be some of you [ __ ] aren't normal so I can't just say be normal just [ __ ] speak normally okay now this is important when you go to sales call especially the first time you need to avoid falling into the Trap of it turning into an interview now the employer the person you're working for is going to do this out of habit this is just their natur Instinct you don't want it to turn into an interview where they just ask you loads of questions and you think of
something on the spot okay that isn't going to help instead what you need to do is take control of the call now the way you do this is by answering Sorry by asking them hit questions okay and this allows you to control the frame of the call it goes from an interview to an interaction to a discovery now the way you do that is by asking asking this question these questions okay I'm going to I'm going to teach you how to [ __ ] go into it in a second but these are the questions you're
going to ask okay so you get on a call you do five minutes of [ __ ] chitchat they start asking you questions you you do what I'm about to say in a second and then you ask them these questions okay you ask them this how long have you been doing this how long you been in the business how long youve been saying meal prep programs how long youve been insecure of your [ __ ] belly that's why you put it in your [ __ ] leggings I see you [ __ ] how long you
been insecure how long you been saying meal prep program how long you been doing business how long you been selling this I've been doing it for this long and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah [ __ ] okay awesome that's awesome and um where do you want to be in a year from now like say you know a year from now we have another call where do you want the business to be and they'll say oh okay well I probably want the business to be doing this and making this much money
and doing this blah blah blah blah blah okay okay awesome right and then I'll say what's really stopping you yeah like what's stopping you right now from being in that position like is there something in particular is it your marketing like what's really you know why haven't you got that so far and they'll say oh uh because of this or my emails are [ __ ] or I done out to Market or my deliverability is wank or my back end is off for blah blah blah blah blah you say okay yeah understandable that happens and
then you say what happens if you don't fix it like what happens if you just never fix it and what you're doing here is you are taking them through an emotional roller coaster of what ifs so imagine this you're a business owner and I ask you what if you have a problem okay marketing what if that never gets fix fixed well if I never fix it I'll never be able to Market my services which means I'll run out of [ __ ] customers and if I run out of [ __ ] customers I'm going to
run out of Revenue if I run out of Revenue I'm going to run out of money and that means I'm not going to [ __ ] buy food or live anywhere and my girlfriend's going to leave me because she'll find someone that actually has money and my entire life will be [ __ ] and then I'll be [ __ ] I'll be homeless so what you're doing there is you're taking them into the absolute extreme negative of what will happen if they don't fix this issue if you don't fix your marketing your girlfriend will [
__ ] me and you'll have no money okay not not great right and then actually before I get to that and then on the transverse side that's when you lead in your solution okay so you'll say what happens if you don't fix this blah blah blah blah blah and they're like oh this will happen this will happen this will be [ __ ] you're right that would be [ __ ] okay so what I'm thinking of doing what I think I might be able to help you with is this and then be able to do
this and then because you'll be able to do that this will happen because that that that that that and then you make more money and the more products will come in and more people will see you and then you'll get more marketing and then you have more ad spend budget and then we grow andow and grow so all you're doing there is emotionally manipulating them you're taking them to the absolute depths of depravity and negativity and then you're dragging them up to the top and you're just taking them on this emotional [ __ ] roller
coaster okay because like I said what did I say people buy on emotion and justify logic you want to get them in an emotional state so they're prepared to spend money I know this [ __ ] back to that's why I'm so [ __ ] good at this I could sell [ __ ] ice to the esimo I could I could sell the I could sell my own [ __ ] ice okay that's that's how you need to do it you need to you need to build up their emotions so they're becom in an emotional
state of flux so they're more prone to buying [ __ ] AKA giving you money for your services okay don't try and logic is important sometime but you need to have a degree of emotion telling you man sales calls with chicks is so easy [ __ ] Fu you're going to sales cool with a chick holy [ __ ] it's like a [ __ ] ice cream factory you just stir that [ __ ] up her emotions are just like oh make any money it's [ __ ] so easy anyway now how do you get
into talking about these hit questions because this is what's going to happen you're going to get on call you're going to have five minutes of chitchat and then they're going to start asking you questions because they want to assert dominance in the call they're going to say who the [ __ ] are you what can you do why do I need you what have you done and your immediate inclination to that is going to be well I'm this and I do this and you should work me because of this and you think the top of
your head you're spilling over your words you don't know what to say don't do that take some [ __ ] control of the call and you know what I do I say there all good questions before I get into that just so I can understand kind of what you got going on and how things are running do you mind if I ask you a question or two just so I know what you know if I can even help you in the first place and 9.5 out of 10 times they'll say yeah sure and you know
why because people [ __ ] love talking about themselves I ask you hey how long youve been running the business and just let them speak for 10 minutes about their business even if it's [ __ ] they'll think it's the dogs bollocks they'll [ __ ] love it because I guarantee all their friends don't give a [ __ ] their girlfriend doesn't only not [ __ ] them she doesn't give a [ __ ] about the business either so you come along and say yeah talk to me about your business for 10 minutes they're going
to be relished over that idea yeah so we started the business here and I had this great idea and I always wanted to do this and oh and now I can help with these people and me me me me me they're going to love it oh really interesting okay so where do you want to be a year from now yeah that's a really good question so I also want to do this and you're just sitting there and they're like yeah [ __ ] a year from now we'll be doing this we'll making these and hopefully
this product line will come out we'll affiliate with you're just sitting there you're not [ __ ] doing anything but what that's doing is it's making them like you because subconsciously when they speak about themselves they feel really good and they speak about themselves when they talk to you and they like that okay now eventually price is going to come up you're going to get paid I'm getting there don't worry price is going to come up and there is a way to do this never ever ever be the one to bring up price write that
down never be the one to bring up price you need to wait for them to bring up price now after about about 20 maybe 30 minutes of chitchat you've spoken about everything spoken about how you can help them spoken about their issues ETC there are going to be some pauses and they're quite awkward but you need to let them flow through the natural state of the call because in those pauses they're expecting you to drop a price or talk about money and you need to not do that and the reason for that is because in
order to make them more likely to give you their money it needs to be their idea and the way it's their idea is by them bringing it up in the conversation so you talk about it you speak for 20 minutes speak for 30 minutes and maybe there's a pause brilliant okay so do you want to do this you want to get ahead yeah let's go shut the [ __ ] up shut [ __ ] up and then you wait to quote the Wolf of Wall Street whoever speaks first loses and you just wait and then
eventually because believe me they're not [ __ ] idiots if they're getting on the call they know to a degree they're going to have to spend money they're not idiots everyone knows everyone knows if they get on the call they going have to spend money at some point they will just bring up okay so how much is this going to cost me boom they have told themselves it is going to require investment they have opened the gates to being given numbers which they will have to [ __ ] give to you it's their prerogative It's
their idea you didn't mention money they did they are the Forefront of the financial agreement going forward how much is this going to cost basically saying I'm giving you money how much you haven't said anything it's their idea which means they're more likely to follow up on it what they're going to say something they don't [ __ ] believe in they're going to follow through on something that is their own idea yeah they're more likely to so you wait you wait for them to bring up price and they always [ __ ] will believe me
I've had some long [ __ ] pauses mate some long [ __ ] pauses and they always always always bring up price every time okay they're not [ __ ] idiots and when they bring up price when they bring up price you do this okay so to role play pause they say okay so how much is this going to cost me and you say okay so based on everything we've said and based on everything we got going I'll be willing to do everything every piece of copy that you need whether it be C options options
captions ads emails the whole bang um everything that you need for a a monthly retainer and that will just be $11,000 a month and then you just shut the [ __ ] up you say $1,000 a month with chest and then you wait and you know what they'll say they'll either go yeah okay cool let's go or they'll say that's too much and if they say it's too much you know what you do you say okay no that's absolutely fine how much would you be prepared to invest and then they go well I have kind
of told myself I'm willing to invest some money because I did bring up the fact that I was going to spend money and a thousand's too much but I could probably invest 700 $700 a month and then you sit back and you go okay perfect for $700 a month instead of doing all your emails ads and captions I could do all your emails and all your captions sound good now what you've done there you haven't bitched out cuz people do this they'll say a price the person will say no make it cheaper and for no
[ __ ] reason they'll drop their price why are you doing that imagine you go to a car dealership you say I want a Ferrari how much is it a million pounds I want a [ __ ] Enzo one of [ __ ] 30 I want an Enzo how much a million yeah I've only got 500 Grand no worries mate deal the [ __ ] doesn't make any sense if that happened you expect to drive it down the road and [ __ ] break down halfway so don't just lower your price for no reason instead
lower the deliverables with the price don't be a [ __ ] because I'll tell you one thing man if you lower your price for no [ __ ] reason to this stranger so for no [ __ ] reason one it's telling them that you don't have any experience and you don't have the Worth to actually give the [ __ ] thing you're saying but two it just ruins the power dynamic in the relationship he's thinking to himself okay it was $11,000 for this but now I've given him a price which is lower and he's going
to give me the same [ __ ] thing for no reason why it doesn't make any sense so from that point onwards he's going to think you're an amateur you're dying for money you're a complete beginner you've got no experience and you're a [ __ ] at least if you drop the deliverables that makes sense okay you're going to pay me less I'm going to do less I'm not just going to [ __ ] lower my price for no reason if you want if you want less money you want to give me less money I'm
G to give you less [ __ ] that's business 101 so for you to come along and say yeah okay it'll be cheaper [ __ ] it let's just do it anyway all right yeah what are you going to do and the next you'll say $350 instead okay when's it going to [ __ ] break when are you going to say no no no no no no no no no that's too little cuz he'll push the [ __ ] Mark believe me you need to say okay for $700 I'll do this when the deliverables go
down the price goes down when the price goes down the deliverables go down if the price went up the deliverables would go up that's business don't just [ __ ] out for no reason because you're so desperate to get money when I had my first ever sales call believe me I was [ __ ] myself but even I knew to not just drop my [ __ ] price for no reason I knew that was [ __ ] you can't do that you can't just sit on a [ __ ] sales go with someone that's meant
to have their trust in you and for no reason drop your price this is a [ __ ] when I got paid £27 which by the way you should never get [ __ ] paid absolute slave labor I was so desperate for money I had nothing I had nothing I was so [ __ ] broke I was like yeah $250 and you could see the [ __ ] smile in his eyes he was like yeah let's do $250 and I was I got hard under the table I was like okay yeah let's go but if
he'd said $100 I wouldn't have said no it's got to be 250 or I'm only going to do this much work for you don't [ __ ] out now I could have got a grand out of him but it's my first ever [ __ ] client so I was just like dick happy I was like yeah let's go brilliant don't [ __ ] do that okay now payment you're either going to use stripe which is just like an invoice thing Google it it's not very [ __ ] difficult you make an account you shoot them
over for a stripe invoice boom easy as that bank transfer super easy if they're in your native country that's the easiest PayPal I'm not I don't like PayPal just because they can revert it Bitcoin I've taken payment in Bitcoin [ __ ] any listen listen listen to me I don't give a [ __ ] if you live down the road and you're hot and you don't have any money but if you'll suck my dick and you're H and you're good at it works by me you want to write me emails you going to suck my
dick once a week all right [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] if you're hot and you're willing to suck my dick for me to write you emails and you have no money and that's the only thing you have to bargain with and you only 10 minutes down the [ __ ] road and you're banging I'll tell you that [ __ ] deal the point is is that you you should be able to take payment in any form never say no this is actually a business lesson I learned never say no to money
never ever say no do you know how many times I [ __ ] see someone they get on a [ __ ] sales call and they're like okay I can only pay in Bitcoin and they say oh I don't have Bitcoin okay no worri buy you could have had a th000 [ __ ] pounds if you had a Bitcoin wallet and you didn't have it why you could have taken his money you could have taken his resources you could have turned those resources into money and then bought something with it but you didn't why if
you'll pay me I'll [ __ ] take it I I give a [ __ ] what it is rupes [ __ ] ring it rupes [ __ ] pounds [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] if you'll give me something that I want in return for the thing I'm giving you I don't give a [ __ ] how I take it I'm telling you man my girlfriend was like yeah you be can't do that you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] buying you Chanel bags cuz she sucking my
dick shut up okay just how you got be just how you got [ __ ] be okay never refuse payment I mean don't be gay if he's gay he's going to say suck your dick obviously just hang up the [ __ ] call but like I'm telling you man that's how you got to be you take money no matter what hustle [ __ ] it I'll take it what you got uh limited edition Lego [ __ ] all right bring it here how much is that worth 650 quid brilliant I'll flog that off easy just
take it just [ __ ] whatever you can get whatever you can get take the money okay simple as that this better not stop [ __ ] recording okay we hit the 2hour market but yeah always take payment all right super [ __ ] important now when you're on a sales schol do your due diligence now that means do background checks and know your [ __ ] stats about the person or the business I wrote for a charity about three or four months ago and Charities usually don't have much money but for some reason this
one did probably a massive [ __ ] scam anyway on the call they were asking things that you wouldn't [ __ ] know unless you did a lot of [ __ ] research on them and the only reason I knew these things was because I did my due diligence so they were asking me [ __ ] like oh okay so you know where we're based right yeah you're based in Nairobi okay yeah and you know what we sell yeah you sell [ __ ] medical masks to people and you were founded in [ __ ]
2011 like I know my [ __ ] I did my background check on you and that to the client is extremely important because it shows that you care if you get a sales call and they start asking you [ __ ] about their business and you don't know what it is they're not going to [ __ ] pay you because they can't they can see you don't [ __ ] care okay so don't go in blind do your due diligence if you have a book if you have a call booked for the next day or
two find out who they are where they started what they do what they like what they dislike have they collabed with anyone where have they been recently if they were just in Vegas and now they're in England ask them how was Vegas that tells them you know that you've been [ __ ] looking at them you give a [ __ ] okay super important don't [ __ ] go in blind cuz they'll ask you something and you want know what it is and they'll be like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] actually this happened
[ __ ] I think this was like 3 weeks ago I had a client on a sales call and she asked me um uh so we we we do our emails on um on a particular uh uh software and the software is the software is called beehive not important but she said um yes we've got beehive boost you know what that is I was like yeah he like okay what's your experience with that if I didn't know what beehive boosts was which is basically a program where you can pay beehive to get [ __ ]
sponsors on your emails and you can make money out of it I guarantee I wouldn't have [ __ ] sold her but because I knew at the bottom of their emails which I signed up for it says at the bottom powered by beehive I knew that they were on beehive so when she asked me okay yeah what do you know about beehive boom I just jump into the Beehive section of my mind and talk about beehive for [ __ ] five minutes because now I know and that impressed her she like oh [ __ ]
okay yeah you actually do know your [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] damn [ __ ] right I do anyway sold her easy she was [ __ ] smiling when she put her digits in hi did you get the money yeah I got it [ __ ] off let me write your beehive emails okay so do your due diligence super important now you're still not done when you get paid you're not done I know you think you got paid okay you have maybe one minute to celebrate so you get paid hey you hang up
with the call I visually [ __ ] this is how it went I signed my first client on the 5th of February 2023 I I closed the zoom call I swear to God I closed the zoom call I was in my desk my my roommate was sitting in a bed right there he was about to go to sleep I get up I don't know if you can see this I just start [ __ ] air humping the [ __ ] out of the Universe I was so [ __ ] happy I saw the the invoice
cominging I just got up I just started viciously air humping so you have about a minute to do that okay but after that you need to do something called post post purchase etiquette now firstly oh God my [ __ ] nose you should get paid on call absolutely you are entitled to do that do not work before you get paid I've been I've been down that [ __ ] road it's Bleak you do a month of work and then you never [ __ ] hear from them again I'm making my personal Vendetta to find out
where they live and egg their entire [ __ ] establishment do not work until you get paid you will get paid on call or at least before you [ __ ] working okay you're entitled to do that but then you need to you need to handle postm post buyers remorse now that basically means you need to say what the [ __ ] is going to happen as soon as they [ __ ] pay you you don't even realize this but this happens to you all the time if you buy something say you buy watch I'm
haven't going watch right now but say you buy watch you go into a store you go into [ __ ] I don't know watches of Switzerland on Oxford Street you go in someone comes up to you they give you coffee you look at the watches they give you a couple they're like oh would you like any lemon juice or something I'm like [ __ ] no I don't want any [ __ ] lemon juice let me look at the watches you look at the watches you want this one they take you upstairs they bring out
the car machine it's in front of you it's right [ __ ] there you're about to get it they load up the card machine it's [ __ ] Grand or whatever okay that's a lot of money they give you the card machine the the watch is right [ __ ] there you can literally hold it in your hand as you pay when you pay and it goes through that Split Second even though the watch is right [ __ ] there that Split Second of the money leaving your account you're a bit like M that was
a lot even though the watch is right [ __ ] there and you're about to have it and take it home and wear it that Split Second of post buyers remorse is extremely powerful now you think it's bad when there's a watch in front of you wait till you're paying a [ __ ] stranger on the other side of the planet for someone that for something that you've never [ __ ] seen them do and someone you're never going to meet so to prevent them from backtracking or to prevent them from backing out you need
to do Post buyers and that means once they've paid you or once they've agreed to pay you instead of being a [ __ ] and just saying brilliant I've got the payment sweet by and shutting the lid you need to do this you need to tell them what's going to happen so this is what I do I have hiccups apologies once they've paid you you say Okay brilliant payments comeone through right here's what I'm going to do so over the next day or two I'm going to start writing emails and then I'm going to shoot
them over to you these are just going to be revisions so you can see my tone and see if it matches yours so that when we're writing for the brand you know what it's about in the meantime while you're revising those I'm going to go over all the competitors in your Niche and see their emails I'm going to download them all I'm going to go through the last emails in the week I'm going to see the good bits see what's working see what isn't working see if I know any guys that work for their companies
see if I can get the conversions for them I'm going to write that all down in document send it over to you in the meantime while that's happening I'm going to write the first email for this week I've seen your welcome email I'm going to revamp that and then when you've done that I'm going to put that there and when you send those over I'm going to put these in together and I'm going to get the information from there basically what you're telling them is this is what's going to happen now you paid me this
is the future you're just solidifying the things that are going to happen now they've paid you okay and that's extremely comforting if you buy something and you don't know what the [ __ ] you bought that you're going to be very [ __ ] scared what the [ __ ] if I just what huh I paid you and then the [ __ ] call just ends you like no give me my [ __ ] money back you need to handle post buyers remorse you you're not done yet cuz I'm telling you man if you don't
[ __ ] handle this they will give you a charge back they will just ask for their money back and you don't have a [ __ ] choice so you need to make sure they're confident in their purchase which means telling them what's going to happen being proficient about it also I say this all the time be like okay you know what that's all good but I think we should also have we should have calls when are you free for a weekly call okay Tuesdays 2 p.m. GMT I think we should have a call every
single day then so that we can just like keep up and make sure that we're not like on the wrong track or anything so we can stay in touch that's good they want to hear that they want to hear you be energetic and diligent about the agreement they want to [ __ ] know that okay he cares he's going to speak to me every week he's going to give me updates he's going to do this he's going to do that I just need to make sure that he's not a [ __ ] [ __ ]
and he's told me everything he's going to do okay pH I believe him handle post buyers remorse I had a client that [ __ ] they landed a $2500 [ __ ] email client you're sending three emails a week getting paid $2500 and we were like yeah that's brilliant man [ __ ] hell let's go woo get the [ __ ] beers Out 3 days later sorry man they they've charged me back I was like what what why what what you told me you [ __ ] sold them why did they charge back oh what
they just said they don't feel confident and so I said okay what did you do after the call and they're like what do you mean I was like what [ __ ] work did you do for them when they paid you what did you tell them and he was like well you know I so I I wrote some emails and I told them I was going to shoot like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you're telling me you didn't immediately [ __ ] tell them what you were going to do for them afterwards
are you [ __ ] dumb they've just given you 2 and a half Grand and you've just said brilliant I'll be in touch and then just shut the [ __ ] lid no wonder they [ __ ] gave you no wonder you didn't get your [ __ ] money charge you back telling you man don't [ __ ] do this honestly I ripped into him for like 15 minutes I almost made him [ __ ] pay me I was like are you dumb never do that once they paid you tell them what's going to happen
afterwards okay how to retain clients now it's all good good getting clients you've got your client woohoo you've done post buyers remorse brilliant now he needs to retain them write this the [ __ ] down you're going to under promise and overd deliver now that's a very very simple rule but for some reason most people [ __ ] it up all the time okay why so [ __ ] so [ __ ] simple don't [ __ ] this up okay under promise so for example if I say to a client okay brilliant so we'll do
three emails a week say it's Thursday I'll get those over to you by Monday so that we can send them on Monday Wednesday Friday I say okay cool sound good let me know I will deliver those emails on [ __ ] Friday evening out of nowhere hi just thought let you know I've sent over the emails are done here they are let me know if you want any revisions so that in time from Monday I can make them even better I've under promised and I've overd delivered I've told them it'll be done by Monday it's
done by Friday and I've given them time for revisions this goes a long [ __ ] way you don't realize this but this really really goes a long way they'll be thinking to themselves [ __ ] he told me he's going to do this he's done more than I [ __ ] asked in a quicker time span this is great they're really going to like you which is going to lead into a point I'm about to say in a second but always underd deliver and always over over always under promise and always overd deliver okay
exceed deadlines if they say right this needs to be done by tomorrow get it done by tonight [ __ ] you doing you ain't got no [ __ ] you ain't got no [ __ ] girlfriend in your air what are you doing getting drunk stay the [ __ ] home you don't realize if you [ __ ] if you don't [ __ ] this up it will change your life one client leads to two leads to three leads to Penthouse in London so don't [ __ ] this up all right this alone will make
you stand out cuz so many people are amateurs so many [ __ ] people just take it for granted yay I have a client there's money in my bank I can be a [ __ ] now no you can't be a [ __ ] cuz there are people like me that will [ __ ] outwork you with less promises all the time and he know he's going to get hired me not you if it takes you a week to write three emails it'll take me a [ __ ] hour and they're going to hire me
every time cuz I give more deliverables in less time so I [ __ ] always do that now there is only oh my God my neck message one of my females I need a massage hey um what do you next see me my neck is [ __ ] aching so um yeah can you give me a massage probably when I see you next it would really help cheers there's only two ways that you can retain clients okay one be liked this is a real thing you can just be liked and they'll keep you around okay
I have clients which like I said I don't really get that many results for but they like me and the reason they like me is because I bring dopamine to their life I make them feel good and I'm not a [ __ ] and they can see I'm working hard and they can see I'm tenacious and diligent and I'm doing my it takes me 15 minutes I'm doing my best to try and make emails for them and I'm putting in time and I'm not late and I'm I stick to my word and I firm handshake
when I see them and I dress well and I'm [ __ ] up to standard on what they're doing and I know what they're doing and I'm [ __ ] interested in what they're doing if you're just a good person then that's it you don't need to [ __ ] always get them results you can just be a person they want to be around I'm telling you man I fire some people and some people I don't want to fire I actually [ __ ] I kind of like them but because I don't like them enough
I'll get rid of them now there's there's one dude I won't get rid of because I actually do like him like a lot now occasionally he'll [ __ ] up but I like him enough where I just won't get rid of him I'll just tell him don't do that again like now obviously if it got to the point where he was costing me thousands of dollars I just yeah yeah get the [ __ ] out but for the most part I like him so I'm going to get rid of him okay if he was a
[ __ ] and he and he did that [ __ ] yeah you're gone mate but I like him the second thing is deliver results you can be a [ __ ] and be obnoxious but if you make them 50 Grand a month from email marketing they'll keep you around you ain't going nowhere head salesman can get away with anything head salesman can turn up late have his own car insult the boss [ __ ] dress however you want they don't give a [ __ ] if he makes the most money if you make them
money if you write them the best copy your emails convert the best you're not going anywhere you can bargain on [ __ ] price you can say I want [ __ ] three grand this month I made you 35 I want three this this month what they going to do say no no okay gone boom back down to 10 grand oh come back please we want the [ __ ] emails you have the power then if you deliver the results you can do anything okay so be one of two things be liked like me or
deliver results like me You' got to be one of them ideally be both like me but if you're none of them you're [ __ ] so figure out a way to be one of them okay now how things work from here you ask them what I say here oh yeah okay here's what we do from here here's how to start working with them they will usually tell you what work they need doing so if I work for a new brand I'll say brilliant okay so what's the agenda for this week they'll say right we need
to write emails for this product this product this product or I'm launching a program it's coming out in March it is March it's coming out in April so I need to make a series a couple of emails to [ __ ] promote it and put it in order and it comes out strategic time so they're ready to [ __ ] buy it I'll say brilliant okay so all right this email this em this email this will go out here here here how does that sound they'll say no okay make this tweak okay brilliant how about
this yep that's much better okay I'll write these you let me know what you think of them give me some revisions I'll bring it back I'll write them again and that's how it works you just write it on a Google doc Google Google doc and you just shoot it over to them you don't have to design emails you don't have to do anything that [ __ ] you shoot them over Google doc and say here it is and like brilliant and they'll do what they [ __ ] need with it okay or you can give
them suggestions now obviously because I'm a [ __ ] genius and I know exactly what the [ __ ] I'm doing sometimes I'll say look I think it would be a really good idea if you did this I know you're doing this do this just from my experience I work with another client say that they like that say I work I work with another client and and they did this try this it'll really help and they'll be like oh okay yeah let's do that and it works like oh that was so genius yeah so yeah
sometimes make some suggestions but on the most part most of the time they are just going to ask you they're going tell you what to do and then you act for Speed and you [ __ ] under under promise and overd deliver and you'll be fine and don't be a [ __ ] and try and get them results okay like I said write everything on the Google Doc so you write everything on a Google doc you write it you make it good and then in the top right it will say share you click share you
give give anyone access to say editor you copy the link and you just send them the [ __ ] link I get paid thousands of dollars every month to send links okay most of the time there's loads of spelling errors in them too cuz I can [ __ ] spell so if you can spell you're even better than me give them access send them the link leave it to them to do as they wish all right so I'll give you an example I wrote this about three hours ago if my client God forbid was a
feminist and she wanted me to write an email empowering feminists this is what it would look like so as you can see here it says SL subject line and then body body it's the meat of the email and then C GTA the call to action so subject line putting the W's back in men cuz obviously women is men with a W W's back in men body are you a woman question Intrigue if so you're probably watching the news and feeling pretty left out right now G men and women are equal why can't I go fight
in Ukraine so unfair right here at women WS we have made it our mission to fix this inequality below is a formed to sign up to the draft this March call to action stop missing out on the fun and go crawl in a ditch that's an email and you just send that off to them with the link and they would do whatever the [ __ ] they want with it okay now to make it easier for them obviously put SL subject line body the main bit of the [ __ ] email and then the CTA
that's the link so whatever you want them to [ __ ] click make that a link okay super easy getting more clients okay so now you have a client you're retaining them but you want to make more okay I get it you want to make loads of money doing this you're going to have more than one client understand this getting your first client is without question the hardest it's like getting your first girlfriend I did my like eight years ago I got my first girlfriend but like it was probably the hardest it took me 16
years to get one and then about six months to get another and then all and then it it gets easier right so that's just how it works your first one is going to be the hardest okay after your first client listen to me after your first client you're out if you don't [ __ ] up your first client you win you have succeeded that's it game over you are now a copywriter and you never have to go to work again because if you do the right thing and you don't [ __ ] up with this
client you know what will happen that client will tell their friends about you because you do good work for them and people like telling people about good work and so they'll refer you to their friend and if you do good work for them they'll talk about you and they'll say to him wow this guy's really good at copy how did you find him wow you always find the best copywriters you find the best marketers youve got the best employees and they'll feel really [ __ ] good for telling him about you which makes him feel
good and so he'll tell all his friends about you and then they have too many [ __ ] clients to handle so if you get your first client you're out if you don't [ __ ] it up which is why I say when you're [ __ ] sending Outreach uh it's so boring and monotonous and I can't be asked just shut the [ __ ] up if you get one client you're out just think the next DM the next one the next [ __ ] DM could be the one that changes my whole life cuz
that's what I was thinking and W hey now I can drink endless Red Bull I don't even look at the price just buy like [ __ ] 14 of them all at once who gives a [ __ ] cuz I I you know what I was thinking when I was sending emails and send DMs I thought what the next one the next one could change my life lo and behold it [ __ ] did actually my first client ended up being quite a travesty it's a very embarrassing story I might tell that another time but
trust me you get your first client you and you don't [ __ ] it up you're out okay but most give up most of you do 98% of you that watch this are going to [ __ ] quit you're going to watch this whole video you can take loads of notes you're going to practice you're can to do your best and I guar [ __ ] te maybe 8% of you maybe will actually do what it [ __ ] takes you'll just quit you're just a [ __ ] you were brought up in a [
__ ] Marshmallow World and you thought that everything could just come to you easy it won't trust me you will not make it I guarantee most of you watching are [ __ ] lazy that's fine more money for me and for those people that are watching that are actually going to [ __ ] do everything in their power to make this work which means sending a shitload of [ __ ] DMS and [ __ ] all of [ __ ] emails and doing everything I said and commenting thanks this helped and maybe subscribing so I
make more videos that can help you but some of you won't some of you are just going to sit there and think pipe dream all this dopamine I'm giving you all this [ __ ] good news thinking yeah I'm going to make it don't let it [ __ ] turn your head over my friend because if you don't do the work you're going to be a [ __ ] loser your whole life that's fine because some of us are going to live the high life I eat steak every single day of the week can you
eat steak every single day of the week no and why is that because you give up you send DMS and Outreach and you don't get responses and then you go to sleep and you cry and you give up for a week and you try again and you [ __ ] gay don't do that the ones of you that just [ __ ] relentlessly do Outreach I will see you at the top I'll rent a yach for us we'll have a [ __ ] great time okay now testimonials testimonials help a lot a testimonial is basically
someone saying on your behalf why you did good work for them so I do a free class sometimes if you join my free class there might be a link in the bio and you take a picture of the class and you tag me on your story I will give you a testimonial saying you worked on behalf of my company and that will help you a lot if you've never worked with anyone okay it's basically a business owner saying to other business owners that you did good work for them so for example it would be Tom
works at stoic media he was a really good copywriter I recommend Tom for copyrighting okay now the way to ask for testimonial is as follows you don't ask for one straight away or within a week or after barely [ __ ] knowing them you ask for a testimonial when you've been working for them for at least a month and specifically what's that chick that was the plan anyways see my women are trained so [ __ ] well you ask them for the testimonial when when things are going well cuz if things aren't [ __ ]
going well the last thing they want to do is give your ass some [ __ ] feedback so you can go and get more clients it's only when you're on a hire so if I write a good email and it makes them loads of money I'll say killer do you mind give me a testimony and because they're all happy yeah money [ __ ] W yeah sure man what do you want don't know something testimonials nine out of 10 times they'll just say oh what do you want me to write just write it for me
and I'll send it to whoever you want me to send it to [ __ ] [ __ ] so riged but yeah only when things are going well should you then ask for a testimony okay only when things are going well okay you're much more likely to get one ideally get them to [ __ ] video record themselves so they'll say hi my name's Tom I recommend this [ __ ] dude to [ __ ] do email copyrighting blah blah blah okay referrals now a referral is basically where someone directly tells their friend other business
partner about you and recommends them to work with you okay so a testimonial is just someone saying you did good work a referral is set is someone telling you to work with you okay do not do this arrogantly a lot of you [ __ ] do and a lot of you will because you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing I did this arrogantly and it didn't [ __ ] work the way to do this properly is as I'm about to say but a lot of you do this the [ __ ] wrong
way and the way you do it is by saying brilliant got anyone else I can work for got any mates can you put me in touch that isn't how you do it okay that's dickish that's it's arrogant it's it stinks of what's the word I'm looking for entitlement yeah just give me more [ __ ] clients hang on a minute mate whoa [ __ ] all right Hot Shot chill the [ __ ] out it's not how you do it okay instead you're going to say again when things are going well not when they're [
__ ] when things are going well do you do you know anyone else that might need my help so maybe potentially at some point maybe do you know someone that might need my help potentially very nonchalant very very potentially someone may know me or may [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is my nose so [ __ ] itchy [ __ ] man anyway yeah potentially why do you know someone that might need my [ __ ] help potentially okay they're much more likely to be affiliating with that than you just saying give me
more clients okay and N Out of 10 times I'll be like yeah I know someone that could use your help and then boom they'll just put you in touch with them boom easiest client you'll ever get but it'll only work if you do good work with this client which means getting a client in the first it's not [ __ ] it up all right how to scale you are not going to make 10 grand from one client okay that isn't how it works you are going to make 10 grand by having numerous clients that stack
up over time okay so you going to have simultaneous clients I have five clients right now okay they all pay me all at the same time and I work for them all at the same time now the only way you're going to be able to do that is if if you learn to work quicker which means learning to type faster remember you are writing for a [ __ ] living if you're going to do this for five people you better be [ __ ] quick at typing I can type with my eyes closed back to
front at around 85 to 90 words per minute literally just learn touch typing go to T type in touch typing online and just [ __ ] learn touch typing okay it's that easy I cannot stress how important this is I know people that have clients that want to work with them they just don't have enough time in the [ __ ] day cuz they're slow at typing are you really going to tell me you're going to sacrifice two grand an extra a month because you can't [ __ ] type quicker than 25 words a minute
[ __ ] learn to type amateur police London obviously someone's been [ __ ] stabbed learn to [ __ ] type okay cuz if you can write okay you can write an email in an hour I can write an email in 10 minutes I can work 10 times quicker than you which means I'll be able to take on 10 times the amount of work which means I'll be able to make 10 times the amount of money do you see so the quicker you learn to type the quicker you learn to work the more money you'll
be able to make I'm telling you from personal experience until after 10 grand you're either going to need to learn to work [ __ ] quickly or have someone help you and I didn't want to give anyone any money so I just decided to work [ __ ] quicker okay so learn to [ __ ] work quicker that's how you scale you'll have four or five or six or seven clients all at the same time you won't all have one client that's not how works you learn to work quickly so you can handle all of
them at the same time okay now another way you can scale is simply by increasing your prices now at the start don't do this you're you're not in a position to do this okay you need to get enough clients to where your safety net is big enough to where you can have clients in a sales call and say a price and them say no and you not go for their lower offer because it isn't just worth your time so I'll give you an example if I got five clients and they all pay me two and
a half Grand and I go a sales call with a new client and I'm like okay I'm kind two and a half Grand you know what [ __ ] it three and a half because even if they say no I still have five clients that pay me two and a half Grand doesn't really [ __ ] change my life you can risk higher price does that make sense now if you have no clients and you're broke and you need money like I did a year ago I wouldn't say give me three and a half Grand
cuz I need [ __ ] $350 let Al three and a half Grand it's when you have loads of clients that you're in a position to say right I'm willing to sacrifice this one in the chance that I'll get paid more because even if they say no I'm not going to die like I've got clients okay but you need some clients in the first place before you can start pitching high prices in general you are not going to get paid more than 4,000 British pounds a month I have never been paid more than that now
I know some people get paid $7,000 it's rare okay keep that in mind and if you do all that diligently within about a few months you'll be able to scale to five grand at least at least if you do everything I've said so far and you're not a [ __ ] and you have 46 chromosones you can make 5 grand a month easy that's to two maybe three clients Max okay it's not very [ __ ] difficult it took me a long [ __ ] time to make that and I had no idea what I
was doing but if you want to scale higher than that because I understand five grand isn't a lot say 15 grand a month 20 grand a month and are genuinely serious no [ __ ] this isn't for everyone you can DM me on Instagram Tom beum say stoic and you can work with me oneon-one okay if you are prepared to invest in yourself I'm not going to say this is going to be free cuz if it was free would you even believe me if I told you it [ __ ] work and you want to
work with me oneon-one in actually making 15 to 20 grand a month DM me stoic and I'll be able to work with you oneon-one and we can try and figure something out okay for those of you that don't what I've just taught you in 2 and a half hours no Cuts straight knowledge will be enough to get you to five grand a month now there's obviously things I haven't said because my voice is [ __ ] going but if you do want to find out those things DM me on Instagram Tom beanum say stoic so
I know you've come from this video and I will get in touch with you and we will see what we can do because I'm telling you man for a business model that requires no money tools you already [ __ ] have no more than grade six English level I can't spell if you can spell you're ahead of me and two months of dedication to change your whole [ __ ] life I am living proof you can do it a year ago I I was eating the same meal every day cuz I couldn't afford to eat
anything else I would eat rice beef and sriracha sauce and salt and I didn't even pay for the sriracha sauce I had to steal it from my mate I ate that meal three times a day for [ __ ] two months I was so broke and if I'm able to do it now [ __ ] living like this in a year doing everything right do you really think you couldn't do at least half as good as me in at least half the time knowing exactly what I [ __ ] told you a quarter that time
and quadruple ass salts if you [ __ ] work with me oneon-one it's up to you okay what time is it 8:50 right I need to get the [ __ ] out of here cuz I'm going to the gym but I hope that helped if it did leave a comment let me know what you thought subscribe because there's more where that came from and yeah if you disliked it dislike the video if it was too long I apologize if it was liking like the video and yeah now you have nothing but yourself to blame if
you don't make this succeed get it done
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