my whole life I've kept a daily gratitude list of five things every morning for which I'm grateful and in this experience I kept thinking I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I'm so grateful it's over I really felt like I'd been granted early release for good behavior off this insane asylum we call Earth I really did I felt free was just so happy and I remember also thinking my whole life I've wondered what would take me out and how funny that my first real encounter with the medical world was what took me out out hello everyone
welcome to Beyond the Veil today we hear from rosemary Thornton a widow who experienced the afterlife after her husband's tragic death and her own battle with cancer her journey Beyond life will inspire and move you my name is Rosemary Thornton I live in the midwest because I love watching corn grow and I've written 10 books and nine books were principally on historic architecture my 10th book one which I was actually very reluctant to write was about my near-death experience I suppose the story of my near-death experience begins with 2016 I had been married for 10
years and my husband was a successful professional thought we had a pretty good life I was a writer I'd written for newspapers magazines written books everything and then one day he came home for lunch and ended his life and I pretty much lost my mind being a writer a sensitive soul and impath I really went off the deep end our last conversation had not been a pleasant one he had started an argument over the phone and he ended the phone call and then took his life so the amount of guilt self-recrimination and blame that I
felt was off the charts to say the least it was enormous so for 29 months I was a mess I actually prayed every I actually prayed three prayers every night it was God heal me or let me go my second prayer was no more hard decisions I had had to face so many hard decisions after his death when somebody ends their life abruptly like this there are a lot of legal messes that have to be untangled and my third prayer I had been fascinated by ndes throughout my life I mean fascinated when Raymond Moody's book
came out Life After Life little trade paperback I think it came out in 76 I read it again and again and again and then danan Brinkley and Betty Edy and all those folks I I just was drawn to those stories so powerfully and I loved reading them my third prayer was I wanted to be spared the Life review I didn't want to see all this mess having gone through it once and seeing how hellish that existence was I beg God when I go let's skip the Life review part and I guess a few weeks I
met with a financial adviser because I now had to be responsible for my own budget and my finances and she was very perky this financial adviser and perky people make me very nervous but she said Rosemary where do you see see yourself in 2 years I mean I really had no expectation that I would survive this thing and she said that's not very positive and I said yeah well it's truthful as I said I asked God every night let me go or heal me and I couldn't see any way that I could be healed and
then 29 months after my husband I was diagnosed with Stage 2 cancer I was pretty angry at God at this point because I was like you know what I was pretty clear heal me or let me go I didn't mean gradually I mean like lay down and be gone so he and I got into the whole round robin of UN ologist and appointments and I was scheduled to start chemo and radiation and all that mess and I was so frightened I was like wow haven't I been on the rack long enough you know can we
just skip this part and just let me go so I had a surgery scheduled and during the surgery something went wrong and when I woke up in the recovery room after this little surgical procedure I was bleeding profusely and I told the attending nurse I said hey I'm bleeding a lot and she said oh that's perfectly common for what we've done you can expect that and I was like no something's really gone wrong three times I told her that three times she said why don't you get home and lay down your own bed you'll be
fine I've since learned and and this was a gynecological cancer I've since learned that a gynecological bleed is considered a life-threatening emergency as it should be so I went home dutifully this is really my first encounter with the medical world because I'd been raised as somebody who believed in prayer for healing and also that that when you're really stressed that's when disease kind of creeps up you to press your immune system and I know that's not true for everybody but for me I'd had really good success in just calming down saying a few prayers and
trust also trusting the process we're built to heal we are designed to heal we're not designed to get sicker and sicker so I went home and I wasn't home very long when I realized things were getting much worse and so I I was bleeding pretty profusely at this point and I had this beautiful home with wall to- wall Almost White carpet I waited my whole life to have white carpet so I was very concerned about messing up the carpet I was less concerned about bleeding to death and more concerned about messing up the carpet because
you know that's a real housekeeping nightmare to clean up a house after that so I actually went and stood in my walk-in shower and I thought well at least here I can't make a mess and and I had been thinking about I think it's First Corinthians 1 Corinthians 10:13 which says God will show you a way out and I thought you know I went to the doctor I did all the stuff you're supposed to do now I'm bleeding to death maybe this is God's mercy maybe this is my way out and I thought about it
long and hard and I thought you know all I have to do is sit down on this shower floor and I'm out of here and nobody will say anything except oh what a shame she went to the doctor we screwed it up the end and I really thought hard about this and then I thought so many people had rushed into the fry to save me I mean people had really worked it trying to save me there is a Vincent Van go painting called the Good Samaritan and in that painting it shows the tremendous effort the
Good Samaritan is putting into getting the wounded traveler up on his beast of burden to take him to the in and I realized in seeing that painting that painting I had it in my home for a time it really moved me deeply but I realized so many people put so many e so much effort into keeping me alive that I kind of had a duty to continue living for them so I stepped out of the shower and I called my friends who were in the living room and I said I'm beding to death we need
to get an ambulance ambulance came took me to a little ER it was a standalone ER it did not have a hospital attached to it which I kind of think we shouldn't do that anymore Standalone are they made a few more mistakes again they did not take my concern concerns seriously honestly the janitor who had to mop up after I tried to walk through the facility the janitor was more concerned about me than the medical staff because he was like good Lord what happened at this hallway CU I was bleeding profusely and I was put
in a little cubicle and they gave me a shot of something for pain which was actually a morphine derivative which really did you know I used I've given this talk a few few times to a live audience and when I do I I love to look out at the audience and I can see the medical personnel when I say they gave me with plunging blood pressure and bleeding out they gave me a morphine derivative and all the medical personnel in the audience walk up oh but they didn't and they left me alone in the room
actually right before that uh this RN had been by my side while the doctor was examining me and it's very sweet genuinely sweet motherly RN held my hand and at this point I was very frightened I mean really frightened it's one thing to think oh I wish I was dead there another thing to know that bus is coming for you it won't be long now and I said promise me you're not going to let me die and she was so sweet she said honey we have many solutions for this we're not going to let you
die and I was comforted by that so after that they gave me the shot for the uh painkiller and then they left left the room well my friend was still present with me my friend sat down beside the the gurnie and he he said after that shot I passed out pretty quickly and meanwhile he said my blood pressure they had one of those automated blood pressure thingies on me that you know kept clicking away but he said the blood pressure kept going down down down it got to 32 over 25 and then it went to
error but meanwhile I was having the time of my life you know it was very close to my last words on Earth were that's some really good stuff right before I passed out I mean you know the room was kind of dancing around me it was all great and then I lost Consciousness I realized I popped out of my body like toast out of a toaster I mean it was very dramatic the way I popped right out and the second I started floating further and further away from my body I knew exactly what was happening
I mean I think we need to give our soul a lot more credit than we do for having an awareness or a knowing of what's happening and sometimes I think life in this modern society is just so much static that we lose those broadcast signals but in this experience my first thought was I'm dying or no my very first thought was my heart has stopped and I thought how do I know that I I don't know how I know that but I know that's right and then my next next thought was I'm dying and then
being the longtime writer and editor I said actually you're not dying you're dead cuz when you're going on to your reward the most important thing is correcting your tense but the other thing is I thought that was pretty funny and I laughed out loud because here I am floating away from my body no intention of ever going back ever and I realize everything I really am went with me my voice sounds the same my laughter sounds the same my mob sense of humor is the same even my intellect as I'm observing this environment this new
environment I'm in and I can't tell you how comforting that was to know that everything I really am had made the transition and I thought about actually I asked myself this very question what got left behind on that gurnie and I thought the fear the anxiety the guilt the regret the doubts the worries the upset the self- recriminations all of it and I I did not have a Life review which was great but what was interesting is I remembered the fireman who'd come to my house to load me into that ambulance and I remember how
how kind and thoughtful and solicitous they were they were such gentle souls and so gentle with me and so kind to me and I just remembered how much love they showed me and how that touched me so I mean I was no one to them I was a perfect stranger so moving on through this experience I was really excited to be out of this world and one of the thoughts I had was you know I was pretty worried about all these bills I had comeing I live on a pretty tight budget and I thought those
bills have ceased to be a problem and I also remember thinking I was supposed to start a tutorial on chemotherapy on Monday in anticipation of receiving the treatment and I thought that has also ceased to be a problem I won't be needing that and I had I was supposed to go to the radiation place and get a tattoo and I thought none of this is going to be a problem anymore for me and I was just so relieved my whole life I've kept a daily gratitude list of five things every morning for which I'm grateful
and in this experience I kept thinking I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I'm so grateful it's over I really felt like I'd been granted early release for good behavior off this insane asylum we call Earth I really did I felt free it's just so happy and I remember also thinking my whole life I've wondered what would take me out and how funny that my first real encounter with the medical world was what took me out you know go to the doctor and and get into the hospital One Time Boom off you go that was really
rich I I found great humor in that even in this experience so I had so many thoughts pouring through my head at once I've often likened it to being like in this life we're at 60 amps and when I died it's like I went to a 100,000 amps there were so many ideas and so many directions and so many thoughts and one of my first encounters I'm I was floating in Blackness and I've heard people call it is a velvety perfect piece and that's a good description it was comforting me and I even remember thinking
I've been really scared of the dark ever since my husband's death and yet in this Blackness I felt the most perfect peace it was like it was generating peace not just enveloped in peace but it was actively creating peace and oh did that feel good for somebody who suffered with anxiety their whole life that was just Bliss truly but I felt this massive presence join me and I looked up and kind of behind me to see who had joined me in this perfect Blackness and I thought how interesting that I'm turning my head and looking
over my left shoulder so I must have something of a humanesque form even now that's pretty cool and I looked up at this being and I said and who are you CU I was really happy can't it was the happiest I've ever known in conscious memory really and truly it's not been an easy life and before I could even get the question out the answer was immediate I mean I didn't even finish asking and the answer was you Rosemary you are the image and likeness I'm the original I thought wow that's Genesis 1 125 and
26 I wondered about that my whole life what does it mean to be made in the image and likeness I was like oh there's an original and I'm talking to her it was just wonderful and you know one of the most frequent criticisms I get about my writing is that I refer to God as she but if you're female and you encounter the original it just feels like she and then part two of that is I grew up with a very very mean-spirited father and when I was 14 he took off but Mom my mother
was how I experienced and and knew about love and Trust so my father when people would call God the Father I'd think let's not talk about that but I could imagine God as a love as a loving mother so this this thing that I was made in the image and likeness and there was an original and I remember thinking you know that would have been good to know back there but still useful information what's next there was so many thoughts so many thoughts that went through my mind at that point and one of the thoughts
was I thought about the Bible verse from Paul when he talked about the peace that passees all understanding and I thought this is that pieace that's what Paul was talking about this is the piece that you can never describe never Define there aren't adequate words this is that perfect pece and you know the word perfect means whole isn't that interesting and the word integrity means whole too so yeah it's a whole piece with no spaces for anything ugly to creep in and then the other thing that happened there was so much if you when I
came back if you told me I'd been gone for a couple days I would have believed it and that's the other thing I don't know if you there's something called the Grayson scale where you measure the depth of an nde named after Dr Bruce Grayson but one of the things is a distortion of time if you're gone for 10 minutes and it feels like you were gone for 10 hours according to Dr Grayson that suggests an unusually deep nde but in my experience I mean this went on and on and on and one of the
things that happened was I remembered the I was talking to an angel I just had this companion moving with me a spiritual companion moving with me through this experience as I continued floating further and further away from my body and I told her I said this whole Blackness floating peace thing I've been here before like in this 59e experience something very familiar about this and she said remember your mom told you that when you were a baby you were given up for dead but that my mother actually my mother had been sent home from the
hospital when I was an infant and told go focus on your other children this one's gone the hospital policy in 1959 is they're not going to let Mom sit there and watch their child pass on so my mom went home and sat with a friend from church and they spent the night in prayer and the next morning they came back and I was according to my mother not only better but healed of the thing that was shutting down my organs and kid so the angel said you know that experience it's not that you got close
to death you actually crossed over and came back and I thought oh that explains so much again that would have been good to know back there but okay cool what's next but and I think that explains why I was always fascinated by ndes and why I could always experience things that other people couldn't and my father kind of turned it into a parlor trick trick when I was five or six years old he would have me he would have me play games and talk telepathically to others and listen telepathically to others and my mother put
a stop to that but that also explained a lot my whole life I felt quite different like an outlier like somebody who doesn't oh my gosh there's a quote I think it's St Francis of aissi who says we should never be too comfortable in this world and I was like yeah I get that what's it like to be comfortable in this world so that explained a lot about my life and then somewhere in this experience the floating stopped and I was in a white room and the thing that gets me is I don't remember the
transition from floating in this Blackness to standing on my own two legs in this white room and I think stuff happened there that either I don't have the capacity and Consciousness to understand or retain where it's the angel saying yeah we're going to have a little fun here we're going to do a thing and yeah you're not going to know about it but I was in this white room standing on my feet having gone from this floating and in the white room it was you know I couldn't see walls but I could see a door
in front of me and I having read all those zie ebooks I knew exactly what that door was and I'm like okay everybody out of my way we're doing the door we don't need to chat talk anything I'm going get to that door as fast as I can and the door was probably about 15 feet in front of me and the room was filled with the most perfect white light and yet it didn't hurt the eyes and there was this Mist falling and it was almost like a what you might call a pea soup fog
it was very thick Mist but it was moving was like swirling around me it's really cool is and I see that door and I literally thought I remember thinking I don't know if I have legs or feet wish I'd looked down but I thought I can perambulate with intention to that door so I thought yes I want to be at that door and so I moved as quickly as I could to the door and as I'm walking I see this light or rather this fog just swirling around me and I still had a companion Spirit
an an with me and I asked her I said oh I tried to focus on an individual particle of the vapor and I asked my companion why can't I see that why can't I focus I mean next time you're in a fog think about focusing on an individual droplet but the angel said your spiritual eyes have not acclimated to this new environment but what you're looking at are particles of light and it was likened to a spiritual car wash that all the muck of the Earth has to be washed away from us and there are
some people who become so entrenched in their disease that they think it's part of their identity when it's not and that's what this light does it cleanses us and prepares us for heaven as a friend of mine said leave your muddy boots at the door and somewhere in this experience and I I don't really know this the precise chronology because what is chronology you know it's past present future and yet Einstein said to those of us who are committed physicists the past present and future are only an illusion however persistent so we I Wonder do
we create this chronology or is that just the way our brain sorts it out but in this chronology in this in this experience somewhere the angel told me if I agreed to go back I'd be restored to wholeness and I thought okay good to know out of my [Laughter] way I really wanted to be through that door so I I got two the door and the door was shut and I remember thinking that door should be open but it was shut I put my right hand up to push through the door pretty fascinated by the
fact right-handed on Earth right-handed in heaven I thought wow we really take a lot of who we are with us but I put my right hand up to push through the door and I paused and I asked is this the Divine will for my life you know that this foolish little medical mistake sends me on and again I couldn't even get asked is this the Divine and the answer again was immediate and it wasn't just an answer with words but it came with an infusion of knowledge and the answer was no it is not but
whatever you decide you go with all of God's mercy and blessings and love and care there isn't a wrong decision and boy talk about decision fatigue I had had so much of it in my earthway life and being relieved of that the decision whether to go on to heaven or come back to earth is a pretty big decision so I love that that that there wasn't a wrong decision in this experience so I said okay good to know I'm out of here and again I proceeded to move through the door and I was given a
vision of that very motherly nurse who had held my hand there at the end and in the vision and it's more than a vision it's like I was put in a room with her as a silent invisible Observer to her experience and people ask me well was this really happening no I think it was a potential Future Vision but in this Vision that nurse who'd been so kind was Seated on a metal stool in the middle of a hospital supply room surrounded by all the acut mons of that you'd see in a hospital and she
was leaning forward in the stool heading her hands sobbing uncontrollably and she said I promised that woman I wasn't going to let her die and I lost her and I thought oh come on way to get an impath you know hook me in like a fish and then I thought she looked to be about my age she's lost patient she'll get over this she'll move on she'll be okay but then I wasn't just shown the vision I was shown the grief she was experiencing it I felt it in my innermost being like at the very
center of my core I felt that deep grief and I recognized it as being similar to The Great regret I had felt after my husband's death and I do remember thinking if I can spare one person that much Agony on this Earth I guess I have to go back and boy was that sad I I I put my right hand back down at my side and like that in a millisecond I was back in my body on a gurnie in that little ER and I I was I remember looking up and I had an oxygen
mask on and I remember looking up like well I'm in a different room they had moved it moved me at some point and I remember there was an angel in the upper leftand corner of the room by Angel I know this sounds out there you know I really wish I had a more traditional experience that would have been easier to talk about but it was just this ball of energy and light beautiful colors swirling around in the upper leftand corner of the room and I said to hey do you know how much effort it took
to die you know what a big deal that was you know how frightening it was but then it was over and now I'm back I mean really really what's the deal I don't want to come back here and she looked at me truly this expression I got from her was hello you're back they don't answer questions don't bother asking you know but the nurse and again I don't know if it's the same nurse because now everybody in that little was in my room even I found out even the receptionist had been called to work on
me but the nurse was in my face and my glasses were off my head but I had an oxygen mask and I wasn't a much bigger room and this nurse is right here and she says what is your name and I said Rosemary and she said what year is it and I said 2018 and then she said where are you and I said a crummy excuse for an ER that didn't go well with her but then I was in I was put in the hospital for several days actually four days I think and in the
hospital experience too it was very profound the N A Nurse came in the room at some point because once you know what once you die due to Medical boo boos and then you come back you get all the doctors and the nurses that are like at the top of their game you don't get the one anymore that says can you spell this word for me which I actually had happened on my medical chart but yeah this this one nurse came in like 2: in the morning or something to check on me and she smiled at
me and I was you know still kind of in and out of things but she smiled at me and when she smiled it's like the whole room lit up with light and it was like so much light and I just felt the love behind that smile and I just think about maybe we should spend more of our life smiling at people you just it just the room exploded in light I started to sob and she moved closer to me she said are you okay and I said yes it's just your smile it puts so much
more light and Beauty into the room and I know I got pegged in that hospital is the weird one but the other thing that happened I had several friends I I guess two or three friends would rotate in and out who would sit with me because when you're not at the top of your game it's good to have somebody sitting with you in a hospital and when they would leave the Angels would appear around my bed you know the three sides of the bed two sides in the foot and they'd sing me the most beautiful
songs glorifying God and they were like 6 and 1/2 7t tall and they were dressed in Robes of light and these robes sparkled and the more they sang songs glorifying God the brighter those Sparkles got and the brighter those Sparkles got the more they sang songs glorifying God and I told them I said I'm really good with houses got an amazing memory I said but Melody and lyrics not so good and they said this is not for you to remember this is for your peace this is your for your healing and this is a thank
you for agreeing to come back I used to tell people that I will remember that till my dying day but that's not true I will remember the angels singing to me for eternity and you know when I came back from this experience I felt like my abdominal area was still pretty messed up there was some pain there and I would ask these angels I said am I going to die again because it seems like a lot of work and effort to just go through this again and they said no we're still making some adjustments things
aren't quite right yet but we're taking care of it and I just can't explain when you come back from this people say they feel like they're 50% in this world and 50% in that I didn't I feel like I was 95% in that world and 5% in this one and I wanted to live in that world forever and and yet again the noise the static the pressure the depression the sadness all the crap of this Earth tends to rush in and crowd out all that spiritual Beauty I mean we're here on Earth to be good
to do good to love to be kind to be wise and I think we can't do that if we stay completely tuned in to the angels I mean I don't know anybody who can so I I got sent home I didn't want to go home because the hospital three times a day actually more than that they come to you and bring you food and then in the in between times they bring you apple juice and anything you want which is great I love it when people bring me food and I didn't want to go home
and my doctor said it's time for you to go home he said you have pretty much a super duper low white blood cell count he said all it's going to take is one opportunistic infection to take you out and we won't be able to save you he said the odds of you bleeding out now are minimal and one of the things that happened and I hope this isn't too much for folks but it really touched my heart when they had brought me back one of the things I learned about this I actually interviewed some Er
people a doctor and a couple nurses for my book when somebody died from bleeding out and their heart stops which by the way was my cause of death they can't just do CPR because that just pushes out more blood so what they do is a doctor explained to me he said we seal we we seal the leak we refill the tank and then we restart the heart so I had been gone for more than 10 minutes and so by medical Theory I should have come back compromised mentally but I really felt like I came back
with a major upgrade a major major upgrade I came back feeling very different and all that grief and all the stuff for my husband is just gone you know I I was finally able to just miss him to wish he'd made better choices to wish things had gone differently but that guilt and regret and self-hatred and self-loathing was just gone and the angels told me because the Angels continued to talk to me after I came back the Angels told me that it had all been encapsulated and they said it's it's a messy thing but it
can't hurt you it's sealed in a way it can never hurt you or cause you pain anymore and that has been a blessing that has been such a blessing and that's proven true it's been this all happened six years ago now and then uh I actually what I was going to say that a story I haven't shared elsewhere but when they were patching the leak in the ER they had stuffed me with gauze like a you know like a bird and so there came a day at the hospital where they had to remove all this
bandaging from me and there was a tremendous amount of concern that when doing that the bleeding would start again and this was very touching to me because my interactions with the medical world had not been great you know but a surgeon came in and some nurses and medical staff came in for this great removing of the gauze and everything and I said I'm a little frightened I don't want to bleed to death now you know I've been through all this and what the doctor said he said Miss Thornton we have booked an O we've got
an O reserved and he said we're ready if anything happens you get whisked away and we just operate and we fix it he said but you are not going to die try not to be emotional Ronald Reagan once said if you tell a story enough times you can strip the emotion away from it I'm failing but after this experience of being treated so dismissively by the nurses and the medical staff and being told oh just go home and lie down oh you're fine oh we're going to find you a hospital transfer soon which is what
they told me that little we are having a group of medical professionals say we are not going to let you die on us oh my gosh it was it was lifechanging so then uh I went home and I had good care for two weeks friends and friends and loved ones surrounded me and took care me for two weeks and then I went back to the doctor and they did blood work on me actually was 14 days after I had bed to death and the doctor said it would take about two to three months for the
breathlessness to end every time I stood up I fainted for the breathlessness to end and my white blood cell count to return to normal and all this other stuff and I noticed I started getting better really fast at home and when the blood work came back the doctor looked at it and said there's a problem with your blood work and I said what is it he said well there's been an error and I said what is the error he said it's all textbook perfect right down to to the decimal all your numbers are perfect this
is 14 days after my heart stopped from bleeding out and I said no that's that's got to be right cuz I'm back on my bike I'm back to riding my bike again he said what and I said yeah I feel fine write it kind of slowly gently that was my first sign that something quite extraordinary had transpired and then the second one I had to find another doctor on the other side of the state who would even see me the first doctor I went back to a big big fancy important oncologist and I went back
to him I said good news I think I'm I'd like to know for sure but I'm pretty sure I was he heal in heaven and he said hey you're starting chemo as soon as your blood cell counts back up and then he put on you know they do the patient portals now so you can log in and see what they say he put mentally ill on my medical chart and then I did have to find another doctor on the other side of the state well she's about 60 miles away and I had to go through
all kinds of tests again and ultimately she did another surgical biopsy which was a big deal huge deal she took flesh from all kinds of places you know took flesh from places I didn't even know you could take flesh from but yeah they sliced me open took a bunch of Flesh and then it was determined in fact that surgeon well she was an obstetrical gynecologic wait gynecological what do you call it gynecological oncologist that's a big bunch of words she actually came out of the surgery and greeted my friend again who's waiting outside in the
waiting room for me threw her arms around his neck and said she's right there's not one cell of cancer and she said in fact her flesh is so pink and pretty and perfect were it not for all these pre-test you know from the other doctor she said I don't know that I'd believe she ever had cancer and so that was a big deal that was a very big deal to be set free from that and you know when I got home I guess I guess it was after all my guests left it was a lot
of fun having all those people in the house take care of me but when I was home alone I grabbed my Bible and it flopped open to the 23rd psalm and one one sentence in the 23rd psalm looked like it had been highlighted looked like a light was shining on it and it was he restoreth my soul and I thought that's the real healing my soul was reset and restored and that was a big deal so after this I sold everything I own well not everything but I sold a lot of stuff sold my car
I had a really pretty car but I wanted to have a simpler life and I moved A Thousand Miles Due West at Midwest because I wanted to watch corn grow which is my favorite thing and I ended up buying a house it took a few years but I ended up buying a house on the edge of a of a field and the farmer planted soybeans this year and I'm like dude his name is Tony the farmer I said Tony I want to see some corn and he said well we got to do the soybeans in
rotation so yes now I can look out my back door and see things grow which makes me very very happy think I actually put that on a dating profile I like watching corn grow people thought I was nutty as a fruit cake but I meant it I do who doesn't like like watching things grow isn't it magnificent you know people people hear this story I've told this story a bunch of times and they get this idea that my life is perfect now it's not it's not but I take so much joy in hearing that this
story helps others a friend shared this with me and I put it up on my wall I put it up in about 20 places in my house but it said God please help me heal so that I can help others heal I want to help others heal that is my number one goal so through this experience I learned to stop blaming me and it yeah to say it was lifechanging I was on a bad path so the great blessing in my life now is I get a lot of emails every day which people tell me
my story helped lift some of the heaviness from their heart if I had to sum up this experience this near-death experience in just three words I could and those three words would be welcome home Deary when I was floating through that Blackness I felt so surrounded by beings who loved me so much and it's like all these voices were saying you're back here you are look at you we're so happy to see you and the welcome home Deary was prevalent like just they were all so happy to be with me again and I learned that
even with our foibles and Foles and padillos and all the things we do wrong and all the little mistakes we make that is that is inconsequential to the amount of love we have and I also learned and this was a big lesson for me God of course loves us but God and the angels really really really like us too they look at us through the very clear lens of knowing who we really are and they're just enamored of us just crazy about us like when a mother holds a newborn for the first time and looks
in their eyes and just sees Perfection and potential and promise I felt that loved that completely encased in perfect love thanks for watching today's video if you want to learn how to create a profitable YouTube channel like this one click the link in the description and let us show you how see you on the next one