Michael Singer - Living From a Deeper Part of Your Being

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Seats of Contemplation
We love Michael Singer’s work. As long as he and YouTube allow us to post these videos, we will. We...
Video Transcript:
Giger eventually if you're sincere in your growth you'll see that it all boils down to Shakti it all boils down to the chi flow all the different things that you're trying to achieve and get and experience in life it's not about renouncing or deciding or getting or getting rid of the beauty of true spirituality is that you get to have every single thing that you ever really wanted the trouble is people don't know what they want all you want guaranteed under all circumstances at all times is to be happy that's all anybody wants they just
want to feel Joy they want to feel love they don't want to be afraid they want to feel okay they want to feel that everything is fine and there's nothing wrong with the innate yearning to be at peace to be okay to have nothing bothering you nothing nothing ever and to always feel love and joy while you go about the business of life there's nothing wrong with that that is what you should yearn for it is what the soul yearns for there's nothing you can do about it the trouble is that that Yearning For Peace
for well-being goes to the mind which is the easiest place for us to go and it uses the Mind as a tool to try to find out how to make this happen that's the mistake that is the core of all the mistakes that is the cause of all suffering when the yearning to find peace and the yearning to feel love and the yearning to just be okay we just call it that to just be okay fine goes to the mind and says what should I do what needs to happen oh Guru mind it's basically how
we treat our minds oh knower of all things great God of the Mind what should I do well the mind in truth is not so smart it won't tell you that but the mind only knows what it knows it is the sum of its learned experiences it only knows what it's been programmed with it only knows what experiences it's had and what the analytical mind does when you go to it with that question is it goes to its memory bangs it goes to its analysis and says oh you need to get married oh you need
to have another child oh you need to make more money oh you need to lose weight oh you need to get a new career oh you need to change jobs that's what it does doesn't it all right it comes up with answers it's an answer machine that's what it was hired for does it come up with answers what do you think when you say I can't make up my mind it means it came up with so many answers I can't even figure out what to do you need to get married and need to get divorc
you need to have children you need to not have children hello it'll do them all won't it all it's doing is trying to come up with something that makes you feel it will work it's such a fascinating process when you slow it down when you go into a clothes store and you go to buy clothes I've watched you I know what you do you try them on you watch people trying to buy clothes both men and women it's not a gender thing and they have these big mirrors three-way back front and you stand on these
platforms and you do your little buy the clothes thing right what exactly are you doing when you do that you already can tell when you put them on whether they fit or not that's not what you're doing if they're too tight you'll know if they're too loose you can feel it but when you're standing in front of those mirrors a very fascinating and Deep thing is happening that you need to pay attention to without realizing and what you're doing is taking in the reflection of what you're seeing and letting it process through your entire judgment
system through your heart through your senses is a feeling to try to see how it moves you and if when you stand in that mirror your heart opens and you feel warmth and you feel good about yourself you say I like it which is a lie what you really like is the feeling that you felt come up inside not the outfit that outfit that made you feel that way today may hang in that closet and never get worn you know that because it never feels right again but in that particular moment it made you feel
that way and that's where people go astray instead of recognizing that what they like what they love is the feeling of well-being the feeling of right they associate it with objects that make them feel that way in a given moment and there's nothing wrong with you the same object will not necessarily make you feel the same way next time if you actually watched what it is that made you feel that openness that warmth that sense of well-being when you looked in that mirror it may have as much to do with what you ate last night
as it does that outfit if your stomach is upset if somebody called you yesterday and didn't wasn't a good thing was still on your mind all of these different things affect how you're going to feel when anything comes in through your senses whether it's sunny out and the way the light is falling through the windows or whether it's cloudy and rainy and you're in a depressed mood affects whether you open when you look at the reflection of those clothes or when you meet a person or when you ask your mind what do I need to
do to be okay it doesn't stay the same does it who's willing to be honest one day it's one way next day it's another way and how the heck can you decide anything the only thing you can be sure of is that underlying every single thing is the yearning to be okay is that under all circumstan ances what you really want is to feel open to feel love to feel peace to feel an inner sense of enthusiasm and well-being if something makes you feel that way then your mind tells you that's what you need to
feel that way and it tells you that all the time and so your mind you go to the mind the mind takes its past experiences all the different input it has and it comes up with conjures up these concepts of what you need to do what everybody else needs needs to do everything needs to be in order for you to experience what you want to experience and that is the Folly of humanity so when yoga says you can have what you want what it means is you can have the peace you can have the love
you can have the joy you can have the enthusiasm you can have the overwhelming feeling of well-being from the moment you wake up in the morning to the moment you go bed tonight without thinking about a single thing at any time and feel that way every day of your life there that's not a bad gift you want to buy a gift for somebody package that all right you can live like that no matter what happens period you have the right to live like that the problem is you are not going to live like that through
the process you're using now and the process you're using is going to the mind and saying what needs to happen in order for me to be that way and what the mind will do is come up with some notion some concept some movie it saw something that happened in its past you know when was the last time I was happy it was on my honeymoon I need to have another let's have a second honeymoon go back to Niagara Falls all right the probability that you're going to feel when you go back to Niagara Falls what
you felt the first time went to Niagara Falls is so low you can fake it but the factors that caused you to open 20 years ago are not there the newness the this just all sorts of stuff you can't do that you can't go to the Mind cut a long story short you can't go to the mind and ask it what do I I need to do and what does everybody else need to do and what does the world need to do in order for me to feel better feel higher feel safer feel more open
and yet that is the only thing that anyone ever does is go to the mind and so the Mind comes up with this answer telling you what needs to happen and then you go about your business trying to make it happen and that is the cause of suffering because one you're not going to make it happen anyways you've been around the block it's very difficult to make this world be the way you want want it to be very difficult and I'm going to guarantee you something and you should be able to guarantee it to me
should you have that unique experience of actually managing to get it the way that your mind said it needed it to be to make you happy it won't make you happy or get it the way that your mind said you need to be so you won't be scared and you'll feel safe you will not feel safe and you will still feel scared now do you know that yet how many times is your mind told you if only this would happen I'd be okay are you you tell me it never happened sometimes things happen you're not
okay the minute it happens you're okay for 20 seconds and then the mind says now what we need is it comes up with something else nothing right just it wasn't a matter of him saying he loved me I want him to love me and never talk to anybody else and then I want him to get married and they can't just be married I want him to get a job that pays enough money to have kids it's always something isn't it it has never ever ever not been something and the one that really worked is when
you're afraid when you feel insecurity when you feel fear and you think what could you do to feel more secure if you do that all you will do is transfer your insecurity onto that so if I meet somebody who makes me feel more secure about things I'm going to be insecure about losing that person whatever you project your sense of fear onto becomes another source of fear told you once before you can't get rid of fears by taking care care of things if I'm afraid that this could happen or that could happen and I go
about my business trying to make that particular thing not happen How will I know that something else won't happen how do I know won't happen later so the minds say isn't it it's okay now she apologized now but did she really mean it how do I know she won't do it again guess what you don't do you how could you ever know what's going to happen you'll never know what's going to happen so if you're afraid and your mind comes up with things that need to happen for you to not be afraid you're in big
trouble if you go after those things you will fail they will never ever make you not afraid that is not how you get Not Afraid is by doing what the mind says to take care of the picky un little problems of the moment it's never about the problems of the moment it's always about something deeper so you get to a point and this is a deep point and this is real spiritual growth where you realize this mind is not going to help me it says it's helping me it comes up with all kinds of things
all the time it's very demanding and there's not a single thing that it says that if I managed to make it happen would really make a significant difference in my well-being if it's not this it's something else have you seen that yet when has it ever not been something can you even think when did you go for a prolonged period of your life that you were not having problems it's just this problem problem you just focus on the particular one now then the next one so you have to get to a point where you go
deeper and you say to yourself I do have the right to be happy and I do have the right to feel Joy and I do have the right to feel love and I do have the right to feel enthusiasm and I do not have to feel fear there I want you to say that that's your starting place that you are capable of achieving that state all the time your life should not be about trying to make things happen to make you happy you should be happy and have fun with life your life should not be
about trying to make things happen so you don't to be afraid or insecure or scared you should not be scared and have fun with life all right it's your job should not be to make it be so you're not because then the truth is you're letting fear and lacking run your life you should feel whole and complete within yourself at all times with spontaneous Joy welling up inside of you and then say what do you want to do today what are we going to do with all this good energy let's go play Let's have a
nice relationship with somebody let's do something but no need needs are not natural they will never tell you that needs are equivalent to sickness you have no needs I'm not talking you can eat you know you got to eat I'm not talking about that you know what I'm talking about there are no needs all of your psychological needs are lies you whole and complete within yourself when the shui and the chi is Flowing properly you are so filled with love you don't need love does that mean you don't have relationships why why would you not
have relationships you have so much love it's fun to share it but you don't need relationships to have love and if you ever get into a relationship where you don't need to be in the relationship it'll be the finest relationship you ever had it's just a fun beautiful experience of sharing what you already have going inside of you if they want to stay they're welcome to stay if they want to leave they're welcome to leave doesn't make the slightest difference because you are whole and complete within yourself and if you go to a job you're
just working at the job to express yourself and give and if they like what you're doing they like what you're doing they don't like what you're doing they like what you're doing cuz you have no needs you should have no needs you should have no needs that's the starting place of a decent life and it is the starting place of spiritual growth while you are out there in this world trying to get there's nothing spiritual going on it is when you reach a point that you realize I am whole and complete Within Myself there's something
that's stopping me from experiencing that let me work with that and then you use your life to remove the part of you it has nothing to do with outside you use all of life all of it 24 4 by S every second you use all of life to get rid of the part of you that is keeping you from experience the deeper part of your being that is always okay I say it again there's a part of your being that is always okay period no matter what you've ever done I don't care whether you think
you're the worst person ever walked the face of the Earth you're not right and there's nothing that you can do or ever have done or will ever do that will taint the part of your being that's whole and complete it doesn't touch it your soul your being is transcendent to every single thing that's going on in this world and everything that's going on inside your psyche so once you understand that you understand spiritual growth spiritual growth is about going back to that part of your being it is not about anything outside all of your work
is inside of you and all of your work is between you and you it has nothing to do with anybody else now that is very relieving and refreshing because it means you don't have to be dependent upon everybody else what a lot of people do this so I want to grow but my kid or my husband or this or that or no way every single thing in life is for the benefit of your growth the moment you realize it's about getting rid of the part of you that's keeping you from going deeper all right how
does one go about that we know how to go about getting lost once more the way you go about getting lost is to realize you're not okay well that's not hard to realize is it you get reminded every second don't you right either your heart or your mind someone's telling you it ain't so good and then you go to the mind you do it just watch all the time you go to the mind how do you know you went to the Mind listen when the mind's giving you answers about what to do don't do this
go here do that don't say that well maybe you should talk to this person ask for this don't why' you have to say when he's doing all that kind of stuff which it does all the time you know you went to the mind and asked how do I fix this how do I be okay right maybe need to go on a vacation work out I go maybe I'll go here it's just busy trying to come up with things like the clothes you were trying on that's what you do with your mind you do the same
thing your mind is coming up with different situations different ideas you're trying them on and you're trying to see if they make you feel open and make you feel better just like when you try your clothes on well you know we could go off and try this or maybe we could go on separate vacations no we could go back in a second honeymoon wa just boom boom it'll do all of them in 10 seconds it'll come up with 50 different Alternatives won't it and then you're trying them on and if one of them makes you
feel ah who that would be unbelievable it's exactly like when you put the clothes on and it makes you feel that don't you believe for one second that just cuz you came up with a thought and it made you feel good at that moment that that thought holds any promise for anything your thoughts are not going to solve your problem your problem is deeper that's why you went to the mind there's nothing that mind is going to come up with ever under any circumstances that is going to solve your deeper problems you have to solve
them inside I hope you understand that I mean that's like such a giant step to realize that this act of going to the mind to solve the problems of the heart and the soul is a very futile thing they not going to do it and then your mind just goes nuts trying to come up with more stuff then you wonder why it didn't work all right all right what's the alternative the alternative is real spiritual growth but it's so real people don't want to own it the AL alternative is to look inside yourself and say
there's something wrong in here why am I not okay all the time one no one even told you you were supposed to be in most cases no one ever had a discussion like this with anybody like your natural state of health we know the body is supposed to be healthy you're not supposed to worry about your body all the time I think we all understand that there is such a thing as being healthy enough to go about your business no one understands that about the psyche you should never have to worry about your psychological well-being
you should be okay all the time you should nothing just fine I'm fine I don't have to worry I don't have to think I don't have to figure anything out I don't have to decide what to do I don't have to make decision nothing I'm just fine imagine that most psyches have never ever been fine that's so so funny so someone who meditates they go into a state where it's fine good now why doesn't it stay that way why can't the psyche just be fine why is that to be a neurotic mess it is isn't
it it's just nuts thinking worrying Conjuring fighting everything why you start by looking at that and saying to yourself why is it like this inside not what should I do about it there's the big difference in a western way of thinking when something's wrong inside you ask what should I do about it then you're taught you know assertiveness training to go out and make it happen in the deeper teachings the true teachings when you see something not right inside you just ask why I'm holding complete with myself why don't I feel that way not what
do I do about it why is it this way not Outside Inside and so you start working with yourself what does that mean I'm telling you if you'll start from the base point that everything should be fine inside without any effort of your own wow what a starting point Have you ever even thought like that that's how it should be that's your natural state you are whole and complete within yourself if it is not that way there is something wrong all right inside not outside I'll go further the natural state is you are whole and
complete within yourself and you are fine at all times no matter what happens outside no matter what no matter who dies no matter what anybody says to you no matter what takes place no matter what the finances are no matter what anything is it does not touch anything inside of you you are completely and unconditionally whole and complete within yourself that's what it means to be who you are you're a great being but there's this Veil that is blocking that the veil of your psyche you have to decide do I want that veil of the
psyche to continue to run my life or do I want to get rid of the veil of the psyche so I can fall back into the deeper aspects of my being where I am whole and complete under all circumstances then by all means deal with it play with life do things whatever you want to do get married get rich do whatever you want but not because you need not because you think it's going to solve what's wrong inside of you because it is is not going to solve what's wrong inside of you I know nowadays
a lot of you guys are into natural healing and holistic stuff and you don't like all the drugs that Western medicine gives to so to speak heal because you understand it doesn't really heal anything all it does is suppress and hide the symptoms and experiences that you're having that's not a hard talk to have with new age people you are doing the same exact thing with your psyche if what you're doing is saying I'm I'm not okay inside okay well then something's wrong but that's what you're saying you're saying I'm not okay inside what pill
can I take I.E a relationship I.E a new job I.E you know a vacation this or that whatever it is what pill can I take to hide to suppress to lay on top of this sense of non-w well-being so I don't have to experience it how can I stay busy how can I go to parties how can I what is it I need to do so I'm not experiencing this problem having inside why is it any different to Yogi it's exactly the same it is an addiction to using the outside to substitute for the fact
that something's wrong inside and no more than those pills are going to fix what's wrong with you what you're doing outside is not going to fix or in any way shape or form affect what is wrong inside so you just finally get this you get it I'm whole and complete and there's something wrong inside and that's why I'm running around like a chick on my head cut off and I don't want to do it anymore ever not even once ever again I want to fix what's wrong inside and I will do it at any price
no matter what it takes and it doesn't take money it takes bleeding it takes purification it takes the willingness to go through the changes you need to go through inside all right it doesn't cost a penny not one penny nobody cannot afford this right it's just the willingness to go through what you need to go through to cleanse What's blocking your wholeness so that solves it that's your relationship with the outside it's just a fun thing that's out there that has nothing to do with you you're welcome to play with it but it has nothing
to do with you if you walked away it would still be there you understand people will still be there places be everything will still be there it has nothing to do with you you're trying to use it to fix you that's why it has something to do with you you shouldn't be you should wake up in the morning and say hi hi hope you have fun today right now how do you work with yourself how do you truly work with yourself a good way to do it is to start with that challenge of yourself I
am whole and complete within myself I am capable to experience enthusiasm and joy under all circumstances and no matter what challenge takes place in life outside it's just fun it's just a sport let play and then look to see why you don't feel that way cuz you're not going to feel that way let's get that straight that's just just an neat affirmation to say so you look at it you say why don't I feel that way and you're going to see a part of your being that you'd rather not see and it's very needy and
it's very scared and it's very messed up and sometimes you feel it it comes up when things go wrong it comes up and you don't like it and you blame everybody for making it come up and sometimes you don't feel it but you know it's there don't you it's just sitting right underneath and all that has to happen is the person say the wrong thing or this not happen or this happen and boom there it is again again and you spend your whole life running away from that part true spiritual growth is you stop you
stop running and you look at it and you say if I have but one life to live I am not going to spend my life afraid of myself I'm not and I'm never ever again for the rest of my life to ask another human being to be the way I need them to be never this is what real spiritual growth is about why do you want another human being to change so that you're okay now your okayness is dependent upon them why would your okayness be dependent upon another person you're whole and complete within yourself
it has nothing to do with anybody else so look how much this changes you right it's fun imagine how much people will enjoy being with you much more you're not trying to make them be what you need for them to be for you to be okay so you start watching the part of your being that's doing that and that's that's all the time right the part of your being that's saying I can't be okay until this happens I won't be okay till that happens or I'll be all right if this person does this and you
look at it and from now on you say no that's a lie it's not true I've chased that my whole life everyone I know has chased that and I Haven met an okay person yet you know a complete whole being and so you look at it and you say I'm not going that way imagine and you actually don't do it for the first time first time you're sitting there and the mind says oh my God don't let him do that don't let him do that you know if he does that if he talks to somebody
else and or know starts going to play ball when you like to your home time or quality time whatever the heck it is you know you start doing that and it starts getting manipulative and controlling and you take one look at it and you say no and it says no what no no we ain't going there we're not going there and your heart starts getting into a tornado and ripping starts happening inside wow out of sight you're getting there and you just relax you just relax and release in the face of all that noise that
is your spiritual growth you hold on to the deeper part of your being under all conditions you could ask How Will I Know What the deeper part is versus the shallower part but I don't think you're going to ask that I believe to the bottom of my heart and soul that every single human being knows the difference between the deeper part and the shallower part if they never heard a lecture if they never read a book if they don't even know what spirituality means there is no question when you're sitting in there which Parts the
noise maker and which parts back there watching and you just come to a point where you realize if I'm watching then it's not me if I'm watching a part of my being carry on like a temper tantrum and make demands of other people and I'm just watching the mind come up with all these ideas and all these thoughts who am I who's watching this who am I that's aware that my heart is hurting and my mind is demanding and I'm about to open my mouth and tell somebody off or demand that they be a certain
way don't you watch that aren't you aware before you do it you are okay every one of you is aware how about if you made a little rule for yourself never again don't do it slowly it's not like weaning yourself no never again will I go with the shallower part of my being I will sit in the deeper part of my being who is capable of seeing what's going on and I will go through whatever no matter what it is I don't care if it seems like it's going to kill me I will sit in
there and let go every single time what would happen if you did that you know what would happen you'd grow spiritually that's what it means to grow spiritually you live deeper all the time you hold on to the deeper part of your being by letting go of the shallower part that's all you don't have to know where you're going if you will let go of these shallower very obviously shallow follower darker parts of your being that are grabbing and needing and taking and complaining and manipulating and all that kind of stuff you see what they
are the parts of your being that are not okay you know how you become okay by letting go of the parts of your being that are not okay it becomes that simple the part of you that's watching that that little quiet part inside that watches that that's the part that's okay doesn't seem like that would be the part that's okay it's so quiet that's the part that's okay if you keep letting go of the noisy one of the boisterous of the needy you will end up in the peace cuz that's who you are the one
who's watching all this is the highest thing there is so spiritual growth takes on a whole another dimension when you do what we really mean by get real that's what it means to get real but it's really deep stuff in it are you capable yes when are you capable what osten do you need to do first or what therapy do you need to go through nothing how you like that you're capable right now under all conditions no matter what of handling every single thing that has happened in your life from the highest and deepest place
you can ever come from period he you like that but nobody will tell you that like everybody just a bunch of wusses you say well you know don't try to go too fast and you know just put your toe in the water and no no no no no this is your life pretty soon you're going to be dying and you will have wasted your life not being okay wouldn't you rather be okay that's what you get wouldn't you rather just be okay all the time and just have fun with everything and everybody and if you're
getting married have fun getting married and if for some reason you're getting a divorce have fun getting divorced right and if you're healthy have fun being healthy and if you get sick have fun learning about what it's like to be sick and you why not just have fun you're just going to die anyways you're guaranteed you're just going to die anyways why not have fun between now and then all right you realize okay I will it's very much like a diet or stopping smoking let's take that one all right how do you stop smoking you
stop you don't need patches you don't need nicotine drops you just say to yourself I will never pick up another cigarette and you don't what what happens you will feel impulses and urges inside of you to pick up a cigarette you just don't do it which one of you is not capable of not doing it they treat you like babies they like it's assumed you're not going to be able to do it isn't it that's how every single thing talks to you you will not be able to do this so let's go hypnotize you you
will not be able to go this so we'll put this patch on you you will not be able to do this so here are these nicotine free cigarettes so in other words you're not capable you're a wuss and you let them talk to you like that and every single one in your Society talk talks to you like that that's what's wrong you are perfectly capable of never picking up another cigarette aren't you come on some you even done it right I mean just you just don't pick up another cigarette is it fun no it's not
fun all right there no more fun than Breaking any other habit you will feel the Tendencies of the energy inside of you to urge you to do that won't you it's like your whole being tries to go in the direction of your habit are you capable of not going you're so capable it's not even worth talking about you just don't do it that's the exact way you deal with these other aspects of your being when you start seeing your mind telling you what you need to do and everybody needs to do to be okay you
just don't do it when you start seeing your heart freaking out telling oh my God I'm going to suffer for the rest of my life and you know carry on the edge of night and As the World Turns in general hospital all shuffled together if you got that junk going on inside of you you just don't listen you just look at it say you know sticks and stones will break my bones when emotions can't hurt me show it to me go on show me what you can do give me your worst all right it's just
energy moving inside of you how can you not handle energy do not be afraid of yourself do not ever again belittle Yourself by telling yourself that you can't handle something you can handle anything and everything all you have to do is want to first of all there's nothing to do it's not like I told you to pick up a th000 PBS I just said sit there if it wants to make all that noise let it make the stupid noise let the heart throw the worst it's got at you while you sit there doing your Mantra
or breathing and guess what you will never be afraid of your heart again why are you afraid of your heart anyways are you afraid of your heart are you afraid of what your heart can throw up at you fear jealousy insecurities embarrassment you're afraid of it of course you're afraid of it that's why you spend every minute of your day trying to make sure it doesn't happen stop it that is a waste of your time what you're literally doing when you do that is living for the lowest part of your being when you go out
of your way to make sure you don't get embarrassed when you go out of your way to make sure you don't get in a position that's insecure that this doesn't happen or you get scared or anything like that you go out of your way what you're doing is saying I am incapable of facing my own self so I will go out there and spend the major part of my life practicing avoidance and manipulation so I don't have to experience myself and then that's fine you do if you want but that's what you did with your
life you spent your life avoiding yourself and you manipulated every person around you to avoid yourself kind of life is that nothing it's nothing you are much greater than that and so you finally reach the point let it be now where you say no never again it's just like stopping smoking I ain't doing it right I'm not going to waste my life being afraid of myself that's what you're afraid of you understand that you're afraid of yourself you're afraid of your own feelings and you just sit there and say whatever can come up through this
heart I'm going to relax and release whatever can go on in this mind I'm going to relax and release I don't care what it is spirit and I'm never going to blame anything or anyone ever again ever ever outside for what's going on inside of me what's ever that's a major step you hear me no blame no blame and no shame I will go through whatever I need to go through I'm not afraid I'm not embarrassed I'm not ashamed and I will never blame anybody ever again outside nothing for what's going on inside of me
now we're getting somewhere aren't we your whole life changes when you truly grow spiritually none of the outside form changes but everything changes your whole motive in life your whole purpose of life your whole way of approaching life goes to a complete transformation you just sit there and say if I have but One Life to Live I will live free but with real Freedom the real freedom is freedom from yourself not freedom from other people you don't need freedom from other people they're not doing anything the only reason it seems like they're doing something is
because you need them to be a certain way and what you mean by freedom is I want to be free to make him be the way I want him to be that's ridiculous what you need to be free from is yourself free from your own fears of yourself and you have a life to live and you decide to live it so you wake up every single morning every morning and you sit there and say the world is what it is has nothing to do with me it was even here while I was sleeping how come
that doesn't freak you out you let it go about his business while you were sleeping but you won't let it go about his business when you're awake very confusing to me when you're sleeping you ain't running nothing are you right so why do you have to run it when you're awake I told you I challenged you once before the name of the game is if I see it then I have to control it but if you don't see you don't have to control it that's weird you don't control what goes on behind you you don't
control what goes on in other states other cities other planets but you sure control what's in front of you don't you it's got to be exactly the way you need it to be to be okay you better meditate on that something's sick with that something's wrong with that and so you wake up and you say I do not need to control this world I do not I do not expect or need anything of anybody or anything under any circumstance any time every person every place every bug everything is free to be accordance to its nature
I'll work with it if there's a bug in the house I'll sweep them out and I'm saying you have to run around the house right but I can handle anything that goes on in this world anything no matter what it is the worst it can do is cause what's left of my Disturbed heart or disturbed mind to get agitated and I can handle this is your affirmation I can handle with no problem at all anything anything that goes on in my heart and anything that goes on in my mind why want you talk to yourself
that way they should start at kindergarten teaching you to talk to yourself that way you hear me so you're not afraid of yourself and then what happens if something does happen the heart starts getting stirred up relax your shoulders relax your chest and lean backwards you'll see the Tendencies to lean forward and get all involved in what's going on don't do it don't do it it'll just come and go if you leave it alone if you don't involve yourself in it your heart or mind it can't touch you you just keep relaxing and releasing relaxing
and releasing and what will happen eventually more and more you will stay back behind the heart and the mind and you will realize no matter what happens ever again nothing will ever pull you down and that's when you start to really enjoy life you stop being afraid it's a beautiful thing the thought of Freedom like that you are capable of living like that inside the exact life you're in right now you don't have to change anything or anybody it's all about not letting the lower part of your being control your life you do that by
obviously letting go of the stuff that comes up so this is true spirituality it's an amazing process like I said it's so amazing that no one will teach it because no one wants to hear it so instead they feed you these tiny little things you know if you do this you do this there little things that you can feel good about yourself instead of the overall truth which as far as I'm concerned and I know it's true because I've seen it I've seen people do it you're capable of doing right now you're capable of the
highest state right now and you know you are but you know you don't want to challenge yourself to that level you don't want to hold yourself to that level why do you want to be weak you're not weak you are not weak you're the strongest thing there is you are the greatest thing there is you are the highest species on The evolutionary ladder what you are is very very great and the soul is even greater than the human and that's what you are so why not live that way and just struggle through go through you'll
fall a lot of times well what do I do if I set such aspirations for myself and I can't do it get up just get up get up and if you see yourself feel bad that you fell let go of that it was learn to create some decent Health inside yourself do the best that you can to reach the highest state you're capable even imagining and don't be afraid to set your eyes there and anytime you fall down just pick yourself up and never think about it again never you don't have to apologize you don't
have to explain you have to do anything the fact that you're even reaching for States as beautiful as that earns you the right to pick yourself up and never think about it again you never blame anybody you never blame yourself the only thing that's asked is will you set your eyes on the highest and the highest is you the highest is the deepest part of your being and not give in to these lower aspects of your being you don't destroy them you don't get rid of them you just let them go when they come up
do you understand that it's not about strength it's not about control it's about release it's about softness it's about surrender you let the energies come and pass through you then they're done that which seems like it's going to be the biggest problem that ever was I don't know anyone who doesn't say this it looks like the biggest problem that could ever be and then you relax and release and it goes away like just goes away it just becomes much easier to deal with it is your resistance that is letting these energies build inside of you
if you will relax fall back behind them give them the space to pass through they will not touch you so that's the start of spirituality it's not the end it's a start when you become a veteran because you've been through enough of this you will naturally not through effort you will naturally find yourself living very naturally doesn't even seem like you're anywhere but you are at a place deep inside yourself to where neither your heart nor your mind nor the world can touch you when you spend enough time there I say this to you every
time at the end of the talks an energy will awaken inside that you're not used to experiencing it comes from behind everything else is in front of you you're struggled in front of you this is from behind you it opens up that's what they mean by Spirit that's what's meant by Shakti that's the great energy flow which is in truth your own being because you've come closer to your being you will feel the sunlight the burning heat and power of your own being that's what shaki is that's what spirit is it is your own energy
that you were not tuning into and it will start to pull you up that's how you ascend you don't Ascend through will you ascend because the energy is pulling you up and you're surrendering to it and releasing and it just takes you up into it that is your spiritual path so you have a choice you either live this magical phenomenal life of every day becoming more fun of every day becoming a greater being or live the life of running around afraid of everybody and everything and needing and worrying about something that doesn't even matter something
that's not going to work anyways all right will you still have a decent life you'll have better than a decent life the more energy you have inside yourself the more enthusiasm you have the more love you have and the more you devote yourself to the things you're doing for no reason reason other than letting go of the part of you that doesn't want to you'll be perfect at your job you'll be perfect at your relationship you'll be perfect at everything you'll be the best there is because nobody lives like that right you give your whole
being to what you're doing that is a yogi that's yoga what I just described that whole state is karma yoga it's rajer yoga it's every stage of all the yogas are encompassed in sitting in that state and letting go you sit in the higher and you let go of the lower you sit in the higher and let go of the lower and you serve everything that's put before you while you're doing so all right work with these things ja
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