Why SMMA Is The Best Business To Start In 2020

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Iman Gadzhi
It's simple. SMMA is the BEST business to start in 2020 to become financially-independent. *** ...
Video Transcript:
so it is 2020 and you do not want to be a broke anymore it can be very confusing as to where to put your time and attention in 2020 you've got this person telling you this business mall what's best about this person thing in this business mall is the best and as I said it can leave you feeling very confused or jaded that's why I wanted to put together this video and breaks down without any bias simply just using logic and common sense why social media marketing is the best business to start in 2020 first
go ahead and smash that like button if you are thinking of storing a social media marketing agency in 2020 or you were already a proud agency owner so I'm going to try to keep this brief what is social media marketing well social media marketing is a totally unsexy business model really what it is is you are providing a service to businesses in return for a monthly retainer and a retainer just means they see a monthly fee now these monthly fees can range anywhere from I've seen people take on clients for as low as a hundred
or two hundred dollars per month my first ever client was actually $400 per month retainer all the way up to those people out there charging 50 a hundred three hundred five hundred thousand dollar month retainers no that's not realistic unless you have a full scale agency and you're working with a client like LG actually the product manager at my education company grew agency.com LG was actually one of his old clients he worked at one of these big agency because managing a team of 30 people so my point is that you know it can get quite
big now for those you guys who don't know a little more about me my name is Emma and gaggy and I run an advertising agency called IG media if you have an online e-commerce business or you are an info product business there's a link down below we love to work with you my other company is growing agency go home and it is the leading online education company for agency owners so what that means is I have thousands and thousands of students and I've seen the entire landscape of what it's like for a beginner to get
started with social media marketing and sort of realistic retainers for people in their first year two years three years of having a social media marketing agency is a thousand to ten thousand dollars per month we've had students sign $16,000 twenty-five thousand thirty I think the maximum retainer was 35 thousand dollar-a-month retainer we've had that before but those are sort of outliers Benny was back to my point you offer services around digital marketing for clients so you pick your niche niche you want to work with and you pick what sort of service you want to run
now most of my students end up running Facebook adverts for their clients and most of time their local clients very very easy ads to run and I also have students who run creative agencies in fact when I go start with social media marketing I had a creative agency I would shoot photo video edit it create the captions post on social media and grow my clients social media following and that's how I service all my clients and I actually managed to get my agency up to fifteen twenty thousand dollars a month using that but it was
only until I pivoted and started running ads for clients that I matched it crack my first hundred thousand dollar profit in July of 2019 so that's a little bit of background about social media marketing now what's our results can you expect I can't give you that answer I've had students sign $16,000 a month retainers within three weeks of joining the program and then start with their agency and I've had students who work their butt off for six months and really do deserve to have a client and it's only after nine months that actually mashing to
secure their first client so there's no real result that you can expect but what I want to leave way into is why I have so much love for the agency business model and why let's break it down with logic it is undeniably the best businesses start in 2020 because here's the thing you see all of these videos are online but oh no this is the best business mall store this is the best business mall store and they're always talking in terms of benefits and that's basically what I was only talked about to you guys so
far is what are the benefits of sort of social media marketing agency what I want to do right now is I want to lay out what is the worst case scenario if everything fails everything goes wrong now I'm gonna go ahead and pit social media marketing up against other businesses there are a lot of people get into in hopes of being financially free independent and then going on to be very financially abundant so we've got social media marketing I'm gonna compare it to real estate and then I'm gonna compare it to Amazon FBA now let's
get started with the worst case scenario in a real estate let's say you do something like a buy-to-let deal if you have missed manage your cash flow properly and you put 20 percent deposit so you put down a good chunk of money and that's also the other thing with real estate in my opinion real estate is a credible way to grow your wealth but for the average person who has 20 30 40 50 $100,000 throw down at the deposit on a deal it's just not very realistic and this is coming from someone who's about to
invest a lot of money into real estate in 2020 to grow all of the wealth that I've accumulated from my agency that's many many years on and after growing a very very successful agency I'm trying to multiply that wealth with real estate if we look at someone who's just getting started let's say you get into by the lens deal you miscalculate how much that property is actually like cash flow which means basically how much money you're gonna make from the rent - all the expenses a long time you can be negatively cash flowing which actually
means having the property costs you money plus you've tied down a large maybe 10 20 30 some of you guys even 40% deposit if you're getting started and you're looking to become financially free and then go on to be financially abundant the best way to do it is to have an actual cash flow business so worst case scenario with real estate you get into a really bad deal and you are screwed and there are videos on YouTube in fact I was watching one I think a week ago which is actually I got the inspiration to
shoot this video someone who very openly shared the numbers of how they got in two to three deals thinking that it would give them the financial success that they wanted but instead they're in a nightmare situation where between the three properties they're negatively tapped on over a thousand to $1,500 a month and there's stuff with that property you know to me that's very very very scary stuff for a beginner so with real estate I think you generally have to have maybe four brain cells to actually stand behind the statement that real estate is the best
business or sort of financial vehicle to start if you've got no money or you're beginner or young even or even if you might have a good nest of money saved up but you're looking for a full-time business so that's completely out of the question it's the next worst case scenario we're gonna look at is Amazon FBA now with Amazon FBA you have to physically buy the stock there's other costs associated around starting a business selling Amazon itself and if you spend two three four five ten thousand on stock and that product sits idle it doesn't
make you money than you are in big big trouble the thing that scares me most about a lot is businesses model is upfront you're so much in the hole then you're trying to recoup that money that is really what scares me about a business model like Amazon FBA for example is you won't be cash flowing from day one in fact you won't be cash flowing from month one because you have to get your product up you have to take product shots you have to there's a lot of costs associated to it so for someone who's
getting started in business to have all that money on the line that amount of stress that that's gonna cause me it's just I wouldn't wish that upon a beginner in business let alone someone who's intermediate and by the way still coming from someone who has a physical brand I probably should have mentioned that earlier in the video but I'm not wearing it right now but you can go to Gary clothing calm not only do I have a physical brand it's not print on demand everything is bespoke everything is done in-house to the package from the
packaging to the insert cards to the entire manufacturing process yeah now that I think about it I don't know why they mention the soil but I have a physical product man so when I ordered stock for my first initial long time multiple five figures in the whole because of it for me that's why I'm because I have my agency as my cash flow business the thing to make sure I'm rock solid no matter what but if I was just a beginner I'm just getting start out that is such a scary prospect to face so once
again I think if you have more than three brain cells you cannot make a real argument that Amazon Fe is the best is the start if you're a beginner even an intermediate so let's push those two to the side and now what I want to relay is what is the worst case scenario I listen let's talk it everything goes wrong here with a social media marketing agency the worst case scenario with a social media marketing agency because there are no costs associated to the only cost that is potentially associated to having an agency is a
website having a Squarespace website a couple other software's you might want acuity scheduling or calendly so potential plan can book in a time to call with you you might want to have slack so you can communicate with clans but here's the thing when you first start with social media marketing you only need the software's to sign clients for example you don't need to start paying for slack until you get a client and that client will pay for your slack subscription so realistically you can always do things on a budget in terms of software cost associated
to having an agency you need to spend more than 30 40 50 bucks a month on software cost so let's say someone gets started with social media marketing and they're really struggling and for six months they don't sign a client that is not the end of the world because there's no upfront cost associated today and there's no monthly reoccurring call they don't need to hire employees they don't need to hire a contractor to maybe help them deliver on some of the services until they get that first client and that first client opens that cash flow
to let them do that so as I said running the leading online education company for agency owners in the world I was a lot of experience and I've seen a lot of agency owners struggles succeed succeed really quickly and then struggle lately I've seen I've literally seen the stories of thousands of my students in detail and for some students as I said they can struggle for six months and their monthly cost since you know Squarespace County and maybe pipe drives just so they can track some of the clients are trying to sign and like sort
of and lead flow like where people are at the stage of signing under the client six months is they spent thirty they spent thirty bucks a month they're down in the hole 200 bucks and they sign a client in that six months for two thousand dollars monthly you know in the great ec community at least we call that a fish that's a pretty small client it's pretty standard and with that two thousand dollar my client in Gori agency I've taught all my students we only sign clients with a three month minimum and then it rolls
into a ruling month by month so they know that they've just secured six thousand dollars guaranteed and the amazing thing about that is that's not six thousand dollars in revenue the margins on that especially when you first start using ninety ninety five percent it's it's nuts so that is why I believe social media marketing is buy for the best business to start because you can you can stumble you can fall you can fail for six months for a year it doesn't matter and the cost associated to running the business while you're going through those difficulties
is the same is having a dinner with your friend or your girlfriend in Chipotle and covering their side of it it's like 30 bucks a month when you first get started don't have a client so that is why social media marketing and I've tried to you logic here to really break this down to you is hands-down the best business ball to start in 2020 now I really just scratch the surface here if you want to have a full three-hour training where I'm actually gonna show you how to get clients how to deliver services for them
or even get a contractor to deliver services and still keep 70 80 % margins with amazing client results they're gonna show you how to quickly scale up to ten thousand dollars a month with your social media marketing agency and really just a whole host of other things that if you haven't seen it I actually did an updated version two months ago so it's brand new it will change the entire fate of 2020 for you so as I said if you want to go from zero to hero with your agency or you're already successful agency owner
and you want to take it to the next level go ahead and sign up to that free training it's not live it's pre reported about tons of time and intention into it there's different aspects of it where I'm on my computer where it's just video of me where I'm going on my whiteboard where I show examples of my actual clients and what it's like to run an agency and the best part is you get to walk away with a full 7 page plug and play including videos written text on how to run local Facebook ads
for clients that plug and play that I give you is really all you need to run ads for clients an entire guide on how to run as four clans hat so you can charge them these fees I also give you a cold call plug in place so everything you need to lock in meetings using cold calls and I even give you a lite version of the sale script that we use a gray agency so look just to conclude this video there are a hundred and one different ways to make money ethically and get yourself to
a yearly income within a year or two years the most MBA students strive for in 1020 years there really are a hundred and one different ways to do it all I want to do in this video is really lay out the variables and show you why social media marketing is the most reliable is the highest chance and the lowest risk of you building a six multi six and even seven-figure your business profit and once again that's another thing other business models most time they talk in revenue not actually what's left in their pocket at the
end box ladies and gentleman I hope you enjoy this video if you're not already subscribed and you're new to this channel I create videos here in my free time while I'm not running my agency or my education company or my clothing line which I fail to mention so I really hope you stick around I really hope you're doing the hundred thousand-plus of us already here and I'll see you guys in the next video
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