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A Word of Wisdom
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behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me chosen ones I bring to you a message of Hope open your heart and hear this for the god of the impossible is speaking to you today perhaps you've been questioning perhaps you've been doubting but today is the day your faith is about to be set on fire the same God who parted the Red Sea who shut the mouths of lions who raised the dead he is here and he's saying to you what you need is already in your hands
you've been waiting for a miracle but God is about to reveal that the seed of that Miracle has been with you all along this is the moment where your faith meets God's power I stand before you today as a servant of the most high God the God who speaks and the heavens tremble the God who calls and the Earth moves I stand before you chosen ones with a word that will shake the foundations of your soul and ignite a fire so intense that it will burn through every doubt every fear and every limitation in your
life I stand before you as a messenger to remind you of a simple truth your Miracle is already in your hands this message is not for the faint of heart this message is not for those who doubt or waver it is for the chosen ones those called by God for a purpose those destined to carry his power those set apart for greatness I'm talking to you yes you the one who feels like what you have is not enough the one who's been questioning your worth the one who's been asking God why me why now why
this listen carefully you are standing on the brink of your break through and the very thing you've been searching for is already in your possession in it's not in someone else's hands it's in yours God is ready to move but he needs you to see the power of what he has already placed in your life Welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like the video and turn on notifications to keep up to date with the word of God chosen ones I need you to wake up to the
reality of who you are you carry the fire of God within you you carry his Spirit his authority and his strength and today I'm going to show you that the miracle you've been praying for crying for fasting for is not some far off dream it is within your reach right now God has already given you everything you need to unlock the supernatural chosen ones your Miracle is in your hands God uses what you already have you need to understand this God never leaves his chosen ones without the tools they need look at the story of
the boy with the Loaves and fish he had Five Loaves and two fish nothing impressive nothing extraordinary in fact when the disciples looked at what he had they said but what are they among so many John 6:9 how many of you have looked at your life your resources your gifts and thought the same thing what I have is to small it's not enough but hear me now God does not work with what is seen he works with what is unseen God is not looking at the quantity in your hands he is looking at your faith
to trust him with it when the boy gave his small offering Jesus took it blessed it and multiplied it and not only did he feed over 5,000 people but there were 12 baskets full of leftovers this wasn't just about meeting the immediate need it was about overflow about abundance about proving that what seems small in your hands is powerful in God's hands you might be thinking but I don't have much to offer let me tell you God Specializes in using what seems insignificant think about Moses all he had was a staff just a simple piece
of wood but when God got involved that staff became a tool of power it parted the Red Sea Exodus 14:16 it brought forth water from a rock Exodus 17: 6 think about David he didn't have an army he didn't have weapons of war all he had was a slingshot and five smooth stones and with that slingshot he brought down Goliath the giant who had terrified the army of Israel 1 Samuel 17:50 think about the Widow at zarth she had only a little oil and flour enough to make one final meal before she and her son
would starve but when the Prophet Elijah spoke the word of the Lord that small portion never ran out and God sustained her through the famine First Kings 17:1 12-16 do you see the pattern here chosen ones God uses what is already in your hands you don't need more you need to surrender render what you have you don't need to search for the next big thing you need to place what you already have in God's hands God has already given you what you need maybe it's a talent maybe it's a resource maybe it's a dream that's
been buried under doubt and fear but the seed of your Miracle is already in your possession it may look small to you but in God's hands it becomes Supernatural but here's the challenge faith faith is the force that turns your little into much faith is the key that unlocks the miraculous and Faith doesn't make sense let me be very clear faith is not logical Faith steps out into the unknown into the impossible and says God I trust you look at the feeding of the 5,000 the disciples tried to use logic they calculated they reasoned they
looked at the crowd and said there's no way this little boy's lunch can feed all these people logic told them to send the crowd away logic told them to give up but faith faith told them to trust Jesus chosen ones faith is not about what you see it's about who you know and you know the God who calls things that are not as though they are Romans 4: 17 you know the God who created the universe with a word you know the God who opens doors no one can shut Revelation 3:8 and that God is
telling you today trust me Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and Assurance about what we do not see you may not see the miracle yet but faith says it's already done you may not understand how it will happen but faith says God Will Make A Way Jesus didn't wait for the food to multiply before he gave thanks he lifted those Five Loaves and two fish to heaven and gave thanks before the miracle even occurred he thanked God in advance for what was about to happen and that's what faith does
it thanks God Before the Breakthrough it Praises God before the provision it celebrates before the miracle I need you to understand something chosen ones faith is the current of Heaven God is not moved by our needs he is moved by our faith your faith unlocks the supernatural your faith brings Heaven to Earth your faith causes God to move on your behalf when Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on water it wasn't logic that kept him afloat it was Faith Matthew 14: 29 and when he began to doubt he sank you see doubt drowns
you but Faith lifts you some of you have been drowning in doubt you've been letting logic talk you out of your Miracle but today I'm calling you to rise in faith I'm calling you to step out of the boat to walk on the Waters of impossibility and to trust that God will carry you let's go deeper not only does God provide but he provides in abundance we serve a god of overflow a god of more than enough when Jesus fed the 5,000 he didn't just give them enough to survive he gave them more than enough
after everyone had eaten and was satisfied there were 12 baskets full of leftovers John 6:2 and 13 listen to me God doesn't just meet the need he exceeds it he is the god of exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think Ephesians 3:2 when you trust him he doesn't just fill your cup he makes it overflow Psalm 23:5 some of you have been praying for just enough just enough to pay the bills just enough to get through the week just enough to survive but God doesn't want you to live in just enough he wants
you to live in overflow he wants you to have more than enough so that you can bless others so that you can be a conduit of his goodness so that his glory can be seen in your life let me tell you this God's provision is not limited by your expectations he always goes beyond when he blesses you He blesses you in abundance when he provides he provides overflow and when he shows up he shows up in power look at the 12 baskets of leftovers they weren't just a symbol of God's provision they were a test
testimony of his abundance the disciples started with Five Loaves and two fish and they ended with more than they could have imagined that's the God we serve a God who takes your little and turns it into much a God who multiplies what you have and gives you more than you need now hear me God will meet your every need some of you are in situations right now where it feels like the need is too great the pressure is too much the problems are too overwhelming but I'm here to tell you that God is your provider
he is your Jehovah Jer the God who sees and the God who provides Genesis 22:14 Matthew 6 verse 25 and 34 reminds us not to worry about what we will eat or drink or wear because our heavenly father knows what we need before we even ask God knows the weight you are carrying he knows the battles you are fighting and he is not blind to your struggle he is already working on your behalf just like Jesus saw the multitude and knew they needed food he sees you he sees your pain he sees your struggle and
he is telling you today trust me I will meet your every need but here's the thing faith is the key that unlocks God's provision faith is the force that activates the supernatural Jesus Jus could have fed the multitude without the boy's Loaves and fish but he chose to use what was offered in faith your faith will activate your Miracle your faith will cause God to move in your life your faith will unlock doors that have been closed break chains that have been binding you and release blessings that have been held up so today chosen ones
rise in faith release what you have in your hands no matter how small it seems and Trust trust that God will multiply it trust that he will provide in abundance trust that he will meet your every need I stand before you today not just to speak but to ignite a fire in your spirit you are not ordinary you are chosen you are anointed and the Miracle you've been waiting for is already in your hands will you trust God with it will you surrender it to him will you let him multiply it your Miracle is is
already here it's time to rise in faith to step into the Supernatural and to experience the Overflow of God's provision in your life chosen ones hear me now as you stand on the edge of your Miracle know this God has placed the power within you what you need is already in your hands the loaves the fish the staff the stones Whatever It Is God has anointed it for greatness do not hesitate do not doubt The God Who multiplied the bread who parted the sea who raised the dead is the same God who lives in you
step out in faith cast aside the logic that holds you back and surrender what you have to the almighty the time for hesitation is over it's time to rise it's time to believe it's time to activate the Supernatural and watch God move with abundance overflow and Power in your life chosen ones your Miracle is now your breakthrough is now so take what you have offer it to God and watch as he turns your little into more than enough this is your moment seize it your God is with you and in his hands nothing is impossible
let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family Almighty father I come before your throne of grace humbling myself before the king of kings and the Lord of lords the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God of all creation you are the one who speaks and the mountains tremble who commands and the Seas obey I lift up every chosen one who hears this message right now father I ask that your Holy Spirit descend like fire consuming everything in them that is not of you igniting a passion and faith that will move mountains and
shake the very Gates of Hell Lord you are the god of Miracles The God Who multiplies what seems small and insignificant and turns it into something Supernatural father I pray for every person under the sound of my voice who feels like what they have is too little Lord open their eyes to see the miracle that you've already placed in their hands I declare that no longer will they see themselves as inadequate but they will recognize that with you Lord all things are possible Lord I come against every Spirit of Doubt every voice that has been
telling them they aren't enough that they don't have enough that their gift their resource their talent is too small I rebuke those lies in the name of Jesus every stronghold of fear and inadequacy is broken now let your people rise up with faith that defies logic faith that steps out into the unknown faith that trusts you even when it makes no sense just as you took the Loaves and fish and fed the multitude I pray you take the little they have bless it multiply it and cause it to overflow you are the god of abundance
you don't just meet needs you exceed expectations so I declare right now that every need is being met in abundance that every person listening will experience the Overflow of your provision in their finances their health their relationships and their spiritual walk father I ask you to bring Divine acceleration into their lives what seemed like it would take years let it happen suddenly what seemed impossible let it come to pass by your Mighty hand Heavenly Father you are Jehovah jir the God who provides just as you provided for the Widow with the little oil just as
you parted the Red Sea for Moses just as you defeated Goliath with a slingshot in David's hands I pray you do the same for your chosen ones today let them know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are for them and if you are for them who can be against them every barrier every limitation let it be shattered now in the name of Jesus Lord I don't just pray for their Miracle but for the fire of your spirit to fill them set their hearts Blaze so that they carry this message not only for themselves
but to those around them let them be like Moses coming down from the mountain glowing with your glory carrying your power and your word let them be conduits of your Miracles spreading your fire to their families their communities their workplaces let them see your hand at work in every area of their lives father I lift up up those who will share this message your word says in Proverbs 11:25 that a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed I declare that as they share this message refresh them Lord pour out Divine blessings on
their lives open the floodgates of heaven and release favor increase and provision over them let them be blessed in their coming and going in their rising and lying down let everything they touch prosper in the name of Jesus for every person who subscribes likes comments amen and shares this message Lord let this be a point of contact for their Miracle you see their Faith Lord and I ask you to honor it breakthrough in every area of their lives financially emotionally physically and spiritually let let them not leave the same way they came let your glory
be revealed in their lives manifest your power in their situations Lord so that they will know that you are God and that nothing is impossible for you for the one who has been crying out to you in secret Lord hear their cry and answer them speedily show them your faithfulness show them that you are a God who hears a God who sees and a God who answers I pray that as they step out in faith as they trust you with what they have you will do the impossible in their lives open doors no man can
shut close doors that are not of you bring Clarity where there's confusion bring peace where there's turmoil bring healing where there's sickness father I call forth the Mighty Warriors you have chosen the ones who will carry your word like fire in their bones the ones who will be f in their faith the ones who will walk in power and authority let them rise up now in the name of Jesus let them walk boldly into their Destiny knowing that you have already prepared the way and Lord for those who are sharing this message I ask for
double portion blessings as they spread your word as they encourage others multiply back to them what they are pouring out let their cup overflow with blessings with favor with Supernatural provision let their lives be a living testimony of your goodness of your faithfulness of your abundance Lord we declare that this is a season of divine acceleration that what took others years to achieve you will make happen in months even weeks for your chosen ones father we stand on your word that says no eye has seen no ear has heard and no human mind has conceived
the things you have prepared for the those who love you we receive those promises now in the name of Jesus father I thank you for the breakthroughs the Miracles the signs and wonders that are being released as a result of this message I thank you for the faith that is rising for the fire that is igniting in the hearts of your people I thank you that this is just the beginning that you are about to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think we give you all the glory honor and praise because
we know that it's not by our might or power but by your spirit We Trust You Lord we surrender everything into your hands and we stand in expectation of the Miracles and breakthroughs that are already being released in Jesus mighty name amen and amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important
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