Having witnessed her husband's infidelity, a woman was on her way to end her pregnancy but in court

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Having witnessed her husband's infidelity, a woman was on her way to end her pregnancy but in court
Video Transcript:
Christine crouched over the toilet seat her breaths coming in Shallow nervous gasps with a steady hand she dipped the pregnancy test stick into her stream of urine keeping her eyes locked on it for a few seconds after what felt like an eternity but was only a few seconds she withdrew the stick and placed it on the edge of the toilet seat with Trembling Hands unable to watch she started to Pace the spacious bathroom while ringing her fingers and anxiously tugging her hair a part of her was trying hard not to put her hopes up while
another part the desperate part kept thinking that this might be it after 4 years of trying for a baby this might be it she continued to Pace making a conscious effort to not glance at the stick until enough time had passed for the results to be ready this was a crucial moment and the result would either be her biggest Miracle or heartbreak she clasped her hands together and tightly shut her eyes praying that this moment didn't end as many moments before in tears after enough time had passed she stopped pacing and walked slowly toward the
stick with one deep breath she glanced down at it her heart almost stopping when she saw only a single line negative always negative her eyes darted to the reflection in the mirror and for a moment she didn't react seconds later the pain took hold and she groaned from deep within her chest her head head hanging as she sank to the floor unable to support her weight anymore she tried to cry out the pain she desperately wanted to but tears didn't come the pain was like a fist squeezing her heart and she almost stopped breathing but
still the tears didn't fall I did everything Christine moaned her head falling back against the toilet wall I did everything right truly she did everything right as a woman actively trying to have a baby everyone thought they had the advice to give and they freely gave it without boundaries Christine took every one of them when the usual way doesn't work you start to find Solutions in unrealistic ways try eating more pineapple one of her family friends said it sounded like weird advice but Christine took it in good faith she bought a truckload of pineapples and
ate it every day nothing happened an old woman at church said put your legs in the air afterward my darling it would help the sperm reach the eggs faster that's how I had my five boys Christine took that too after intercourse she would put her legs in the air for about 5 minutes which weirded Sam out but he never complained she did this for a whole month nothing happened adopt a pet first dance under a full moon talk to your future baby in your mind pray to goddess Hera Christine did all of this dancing under
the full moon was the craziest but desperate times called for desperate measures but before all this advice Christine had done everything normal that she could ovulation tracking lifestyle modification genetic counseling fertility treatments and IVF she even made Sam undergo sperm Health optimization when none of this worked she tried traditional remedies herbal supplements traditional prayers acupuncture everything nothing worked it had been four years since she had been trying for a baby why was nothing happening for her she was doing everything she could things she never imagined she would dabble into she had done them yet nothing
worked all her friends and family who got married after her already had kids some were currently pregnant but here she was spiraling over another negative pregnancy stick disappointed she grabbed the stick from the edge of the closet and hurled it against the wall watching it clatter to the Floor 2 months ago the doctor prescribed a new medication which he claimed was a new fertility treatment that other women had spoken great things about according to his instructions she took it for 3 weeks and had sex with Sam she had looked forward to this she had hoped
that this would be it why was it so hard for her she got married as a star-eyed 24-year-old girl who thought childbirth was easy she had it planned get married early to the love of her life have her first child a girl hopefully by 25 and the rest of her kids because she clocked 30 reality smacked her in the face quickly enough when one year into the marriage she hadn't gotten pregnant she started to take things more seriously in year two and that was when her struggles began she had always wanted four kids now she
would take one and be the happiest mother in the world Christine sank her hand into her hair and tugged at the strands what else is left to do she whimpered I've done everything what else is there to do the front door slammed but Christine remained on the toilet floor heartbroken moments later the bedroom door opened and she heard footsteps Christine it was her husband Sam before she could open her mouth to speak a shadow fell across the bathroom floor as Sam walked in his gaze fell on the pregnancy stick before darting back to her it
was like her tears were waiting for an audience because as soon as Sam walked in it burst out like a dam oh sweet heart Sam reached for her lowering himself to the floor beside her I'm so sorry Sam no Christine cried leaning into him I don't know what to do Sam released a deep breath don't worry we'll keep trying keep trying Christine pushed away from him I'm tired of trying I'm I'm tired of hoping Sam it's the hope that kills I really looked forward to this one I'm sorry Sam said contritely reaching for her again
how can I help Christine didn't think he understood her he was a man he never got asked infuriating questions like when is the baby coming what's taking so long Christine Sam touched her face I promise we're on the same team he said like he could hear her inner thoughts I hate to see you like this you know what what she wiped her tears Sam Rose to his feet pulling her with him Dr Tim was very confident that this treatment would work he said I've never seen him that certain about any treatment before what are you
trying to say Christine asked staring at him you can see it didn't work when is your next appointment with Dr Tim sometime next week she answered good Sam picked up the test stick and tossed it in the trash let's do a real pregnancy test at the hospital what Christine whispered babe Sam held her face you know sometimes these things aren't accurate especially in the early days of the pregnancy we need to get a proper blood test done to be certain Christine felt a flicker of Hope and she didn't know whether to be happy or upset
about it in this journey Hope was a silent killer every time she hoped to see a positive result and it came back negative something inside of her died right now there was only a little life left in her hope was dangerous but Sam was right Dr Tim had told her the same thing pregnancy test sticks were great but sometimes it wasn't accurate especially for early pregnancies Sam kissed her forehead and smiled softly what day is it next week so I can clear my schedule I'll go with you for the first time that night Christine smiled
she didn't know how Sam did it he was always cheerful never showing disappointment at her it was one of the things that kept her sane I'll have to confirm with Dr Tim first she answered probably Tuesday or Wednesday you know what whatever day it is I don't care I'm going with you okay Christine chuckled and wiped off the rest of her tears okay Sam was a branch manager in one of the popular Bank branches in town as a banker he was almost always busy it was hard to reach him at work so making time to
follow her to the hospital was a sweet gesture that she appreciated Sam started to run a bath he reached into the cabinets above and picked out one of her favorite strawberry bath bombs come on babe he said this would help you relax you don't have to do all of these Christine said you must be so tired from work it should be the other way around Sam rolled his eyes it doesn't matter get in the bath when you're done we can eat and chill Christine removed her clothes and sank into the bath groaning when the cold
water seeped over her skin thank you Sam he waved her off and kissed her forehead listen I love you okay okay I love you Sam I know he said never forget that we're a team we're fighting this together not fighting each other got it got it she laughed good he nodded and left the bathroom Christine watched him leave with a lingering smile she didn't know what she did to deserve Sam but at least that was one thing in her life that she did right she couldn't imagine going through this pain with another man it wasn't
easy even with Sam's patience and loving kindness she leaned her head against the tub letting all her worries and fears go there was still a hope to hold on to and she hoped that her visit to the doctor next week would be favorable on Tuesday of the following week Christine prepared to see Dr Tim as it always did whenever she was going to the hospital her heart started to beat wildly she didn't know what today would bring but she could only hope and pray that it was different after the pregnancy test stock showed a negative
result she held on to a small hope that the blood test would say something different when she called Dr Tim to schedule this appointment he told her to keep her fingers crossed the good doctor always tried to reassure her but Christine realized she was alone it wasn't easy to relax or keep her fingers crossed although she appreciated everyone's good gesture after trying to calm her racing heart for a few minutes she picked up her phone to call Sam she had told him a few days ago that the appointment was for 2 p.m. today and it
was already 1:30 n was he meeting her at home or should she pick him up at the office she called him twice and when he didn't answer Christine decided to drop by his office and pick him up he had probably forgotten about the appointment due to work one would think as a branch manager Sam had flexible working hours but it wasn't so he left home as early as 7: a.m. every morning and didn't return until 6:00 p.m. he always traveled for work and never had time to take vacation or breaks he was working so hard
for their family and Christine wished she could at least give him one child to care for they both had so much love they needed a baby to channel this into as she drove towards Sam's office she forced back tears this wasn't the time to cry especially since she would meet Sam's staff and subordinates very soon she needed to look her best when she parked in the bank's garage she quickly checked her reflection in the mirror touched her powder reapplied lip gloss and descended the car the receptionist a friendly lady called Simone smiled when Christine walked
in good afternoon Mrs Bailey she greeted long time no see you look good thank you Simone and so do you Christine smiled I'm here to see Sam is he in we have an appointment and he's not been taking his calls oh please hold on Simone picked up the phone hit a few buttons and put the phone to her ears after a few seconds she shook his head he isn't taking the call but you can go right up she said I haven't seen him leave all day thank you Christine headed to the elevator and bumped her
foot impatiently it was almost 2: p.m. and she hated being late for her doctor's appointment not even today that she was in a hurry to get this visit over and done with Sam's secretary Alice wasn't at her desk as Christine hurried towards Sam's door it was a shame because she liked Alice a lot Sam Christine pushed the door and walked into the office Sam are you oh my god her hand flew to her mouth as shock and disappointment spiraled through her her husband was Stark naked and so was Alice her thin red hair wild and
Frizzy which was evidence of what she just witnessed they froze when they saw her a look of pure shock crossing their faces Alice scrambled off the desk and Sam yanked up his pants it's not what you think Christine Christine was a fan of romcoms and romantic melodramas so she had watched so many with kitchy lines like it's not what you think please let me explain and it was just this one time she always laughed at this cliche she never knew it would one day be her turn as she watched them scramble into their clothes she
felt her heart shatter she didn't know she was crying until she felt the wetness on her cheeks Christine Sam walked towards her please let me explain she turned mindlessly and hurried out of the office running back outside she hit weird looks from starf and patrons further embarrassing her it was ironic how she had taken careful care of her appearance on her way in but now she didn't care that her eyes were probably smudged with mascara and eyes Shadow Mrs Bailey she heard Simone call as she ran out of the bank is everything all right was
everything all right Christine almost laughed as she slipped behind the wheels and zoomed out of the bank if Simone had asked that question on her way in Christine would have said she was 10% and that 10% was her marriage the only good thing in her life but now everything was 100% not all right her life had just shattered like Fine China and she would never be able to pick up the pieces she was halfway home before she remembered her doctor's visit but what was the point there was no need with her luck it was already
safe to assume the blood test would also be negative anyway when she got home she calmly entered the house and entered the bathroom this was fast becoming her favorite spot in the house Christine thought as she leaned on the counter while staring at her reflection in the mirror every time she was in pain pain this was where she ran to her eyes were rimmed with tears her face stained black and glittery brown with ey Shadow she reached for some cotton pads in the cabinet above and wiped her face clean when this was done she dabbed
her face with cold water she was about to leave the bathroom when the bedroom door opened and Sam appeared he looked H Hazard like he didn't stop to adjust himself before chasing after her his buttons were still undone and so was his zip his hair was rough and Christine imagined Alice running her hand through it as they stared at each other across the room Christine's heart bled Sam and Alice had looked so comfortable together it wasn't the first time they were having sex with each other was that why he was always busy was that why
he was never home whenever he went on business travels he always went with Alice was this what they did there she was so in love with Sam and had always thought he loved her the same way she met him six years ago at an entertainment event and they kicked it off they both used to be super fun and outgoing but that L changed in the marriage the pressure of infertility was too much they barely had time for anything else I can explain Sam said holding his hands like he was trying to appease a child just
let me explain Christine didn't react and Sam floundered it was just a casual fling he said I didn't mean for it to happen babe casual fling that's been happening for years Sam blanched only two years he said and frowned how' you know that I didn't she shook her head you just told me Sam's frown deepened and at that moment Christine saw that he was not remorseful for cheating he was only sorry he got caught Christine don't be like that he said lying impatiently I know I shouldn't have done that but you can't completely blame me
Christine gaped at him what do you mean I can't completely blame you should I share the blame with you yes he threw his hands in the air because you made things so hard you're not the girl I married anymore what and Alice is the girl you married Alice is he ran a hand through his hair Alice is different Okay She's Fresh she makes me forget makes you forget what she makes me forget you he said and Christine sank onto the bed unable to support her weight anymore she felt utterly drained and wished she hadn't stayed
to listen to Sam's sorry excuse of an apology but Sam wasn't done he continued to talk she makes me forget this marriage just for a little while I love you Christine but lately it's been so hard with you everything is draining what are you talking about a thick ball of bike lodged in her throat as she looked up at him she knew she was setting herself up asking for clarification but she wanted to know what she did to deserve this torment Christine you're always sad he cried you're always depressed you make it so hard to
live with you Christine stared speechlessly at him I needed to find peace and I got it elsewhere you should do a better job of making me happy and I swear I won't look anywhere else it's not like she's better looking than you there's no reason I should be with her if you were so unhappy and unwelcoming all the time I cannot believe you Sam and Alice always looks so put together he said maybe because she works you just stay home all day because you told me to quit my job Christine exploded you told me to
quit my job and focus on having a baby she couldn't believe he was using this against her like this when he brought the suggestion a year ago ago she accepted it without complaints because it felt right when she told her parents they advised against it but she didn't listen and that's the freaking problem right there Sam snapped the baby the baby the baby everything is about a baby that you don't have oh God he wielded his words like a knife and it seared through her like butter you are hyperfocused on the baby you don't think
about anyone else anytime we have sex it's boring cuz you're only doing it for the baby we never have spontaneous sex everything has to be planned to Perfection and it feels like a chore with Alice it's spontaneous it's passionate he shook his head Christine didn't believe he was still mentioning Alice in their argument right now he didn't look like the Sam she knew he looked and talked like a complete stranger you know my struggles Sam Christine said shakily how dare you say this to me it's our struggle he fired a struggle Christine laughed you're not
the one who gets asked silly questions Sam you're not the one who has to deal with the weird looks from your family apparently it's not much of a struggle if you're sleeping with your secretary I've told you we can adopt he said it's not a big deal Christine laughed it's that easy for you I have no issues with adoption but it's not that easy you're not the one who will be called a failure it's me Sam rolled his eyes you're being dramatic he said I've been the best husband to you Christine because you know you're
the problem right what he sigh I mean if I wanted I could get another woman pregnant right now but I've been careful if it's not you I don't want anyone else The Last Hope died in Christine's eyes it would have been so hard to work her way into forgiving Sam after what she saw but she could have done it but with all these things he said to her it was impossible to ignore those the words hurt even more than the image of Alice and his stuck in her head without responding to him she turned away
and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her despite the urge she didn't cry she knew she would explode later but she didn't want to give Sam the liberty of seeing her cry because of how much he hurt her he began to bang on the door Christine Christine come on please we can talk about this she ran the tap to block him out but her ears still strained to hear him above the water flow Christine I have to return to the office right now he said when I come back we will talk she didn't
respond and only when she heard the bathroom door slam did she relax Christine didn't sleep a wink through the night she had locked herself in the guest room last night and even when Sam returned from work she didn't see him he had banged and knocked on the door but she said nothing to him she had heard enough everything he said was engraved into her heart and there was no taking it back through the night she kept tossing and turning and it wasn't until the early hours of the morning she made her decision she was devastated
and it was the only way to cope with such heartbreak she called her parents and finalized things with them at 4:00 a.m. she got up and bought a ticket to go home when it was almost 700 a.m. Sam returned to her door Christine he knocked come on baby please I miss you Christine didn't move she remained on the bed her heart pounding she was starting to harden her heart towards him but it was hard because he was someone she had a lot of affection for you're being a baby he snapped we're adults why can't you
come out and let's talk then he p paused again waiting to hear her response when she didn't respond he sighed I'm off to work babe see you when I get back off to work more like off to Alice Christine waited until she heard the front door slam before springing into action with all of Sam's Antics since catching him with Alice last night it was evident that somewhere along the way he had fallen out of love with her she highly doubted that if he were home he would have stopped her from leaving the reason why she
waited until he left was because she didn't want to say goodbye if he were right there it would be hard to walk away in 1 hour Christine has packed up all her important stuff she knew she would have to pay extra at the airport for luggage but she didn't mind because she was never returning to this house she would miss it genuinely but that was okay what wasn't okay was staying here when Sam already made it known how much he didn't respect her I mean if I wanted I could get another woman pregnant right now
but I've been careful if it's not you I don't want anyone else she would be foolish to remain here after he said that to her it was only a matter of time before he would get another woman pregnant she waited for her Uber on the front porch and when it arrived she thanked the driver as he helped her store her luggage in the trunk before they left Christine turned and took one last look at the house and this time tears brimmed in her eyes this was a very huge step to take was it the right
one but she didn't give herself time to doubt she got into the back seat let's go as they drove away she didn't look back again there was nothing to look back at her hometown was the opposite of where she was coming from it was a small quiet town where nothing much ever happened but right now Christine found solace here it had been 2 weeks since she arrived home home and she still cried every night her sufferings seemed to increase now that she was away from Sam it wasn't necessarily because she missed him but because she
felt like a loser here she was childless and now without a husband her parents were the most supportive and she was grateful for them at this low point in her life it didn't help that she was also sick she had been vomiting every morning for 3 days now she planned to visit the clinic later today Sam had called a few times since she left but she never pick it up he had also stopped King and she wasn't surprised that he didn't put up much of a fight his attitude during their disagreement was enough proof that
he no longer loved her she felt the urge to throw up again and scrambled out of bed into the bathroom heaving into the toilet until there was nothing left in her stomach exhausted she flushed the closet and washed her mouth before walking outside to see her mother in the room you're still throwing up Mom said staring speculatively won't you go see the doctor Christine nodded tiredly and fell on the bed I'm so hungry that's why I'm here Mom said I made breakfast I want ice cream Christine groaned but you don't like ice cream right Christine
sat up squinting at her mom not only do I want ice cream right now I want it with hot sauce mom made gagging sounds and Christine laughed I don't know why I'm suddenly craving that combination it's kind of nasty I'll make an appointment with Dr Matthew so when you get to the hospital you get priority treatment mom walked towards the door and forget about ice cream come out and eat real food you would need it Christine's Mom finally convinced her to go to the clinic later that afternoon but it was easy because mom had already
called ahead of time and Christine was quickly ushered into the office of Dr Matthew good afternoon Dr Matthew she greeted thank you for taking the time to see me welcome Miss Christine Dr Matthew laughed how can I help you today your mom said you have some complaints for a few days now I've been feeling a little nauseous and vomiting there's also constant headaches and dizziness okay the doctor nodded we have to take a blood test he said a pregnancy test as well Christine almost laughed when he said he had to take a pregnancy test she
nearly told him not to waste his time and resources because she was sure there was nothing to see there but she didn't want to sound too forward so she let him do his thing after her blood had been taken she was ushered into the reception room to wait as she waited for her test results her phone beeped and it was a text from Sam At first she wanted to delete it and never open it but curiosity got the best of her and she clicked on the icon the text opened the divorce papers should be in
your mail by now I still love you and if you don't want us to separate come back home you have 20 days to respond according to the court Christine read this message repeatedly and each time it felt like a blow to her chest she didn't know what she was expecting and she had considered divorcing him herself but to see that he was threatening her that was shocking she was never return turning to him and 20 days was too much time to send him a response she would do it as soon as she got home Miss
Christine she looked up to see a nurse standing a few feet away Dr Matthew will see you now thank you Christine headed to the doctor's office he gestured to the chair across the desk and smiled at her your test results are here am I sick she asked because considering her poor luck these days she wouldn't be surprised if she was diagnosed with a terminal illness everything came back negative except one he held up the brown folder oh God her hand flew to her chest please don't tell me I have an STI seeing as she had
been having unprotected sex with a man who couldn't control his sexual desire that wouldn't be shocking who knew where he'd been it probably wasn't only Alice what no thank God Dr Matthew laughed and slid the folder towards her you're pregnant Christine had waited about 4 years to hear this but now that she did she couldn't believe it she snatched the folder off the desk and skimmed it her eyes Widing when she saw she was 5 weeks pregnant what Christine stared at the words expecting them to rearrange into a negative result magically I've been trying she
whispered it's been 4 years nothing worked my God her body began to shake and she felt a plethora of emotions unable to contain them she Rose shakily to her feet can I come back to see you doctor she asked I need to process this he smiled sympathetically of course anytime thank you Christine decided to take the long way home because she wanted to have decided before she arrived her parents had probably seen the divorce papers in the mail by now and would like to know what to do she had always imagined how she would react
when she finally got pregnant in all her imaginations this particular reaction wasn't part of it she had thought she would scream dance or jump for joy she never thought she would take a long walk dry-eyed her mind unsettled imagine she hadn't caught Sam cheating imagine she had gone to his office that day and he was working like he was supposed to then he would follow her to the doctor and her pregnancy would be confirmed their Joy would be restored and they could live happily ever after but that wasn't the case she had seen him and
now divorce papers were waiting for her at home she was so mad M at him that she couldn't take out this baby but the thought of doing that was like a knife stab to her broken heart and she knew she could never go through with it she waited so long for this child it didn't matter whether Sam was in her life or not she would care for the baby although she hurt for what could have been she didn't want him back nor did she want him anywhere near her and the kids Chris Christine froze on
the sidewalk she hated the nickname Chris and only one person called her that to annoy her he had been calling her that since she was 10 and he was 12 his name was Stan her childhood friend she Whirled in the direction of the voice her eyes widening to see Stan standing a soft smile on his face he looked different in the best way possible his hair was cropped short highlighting his face and aristocratic jawline she had always secretly admired his stirring jawline even though she teased him for it he looked very handsome and more mature
than ever her heart skipped Chris he said taking a step forward it's been 6 years he said yes come here he opened his arms and Christine ran to him laughing they embraced each other laughing and talking over one another I've missed you Stan Christine said genuinely it was the first time she had laughed in days thank goodness you've gr into your jaw Stan threw his head back and laughed hard then he grabbed her shoulders and held her at arms length first of all Christine you look beautiful as always he had always told Christine she was
beautiful but it's still made her toes curl thank you now tell me what's wrong what her eyes widened Stan had always been able to read her like a book but it's been six years and there was no way she was still an open book to him nothing is wrong I was just taking a stroll thankfully the result folder in her hands didn't have the hospital stamp come on he rolled his eyes I know you very well and you look exhausted not I've been strolling in the sun exhausted but deeply exhausted Christine pulled away from him
bile forming in her throat it had been 6 years since she last Saw Stan he looked like he was doing very well well for himself how could she tell him everything wrong with her life when she was supposed to be doing great I've got to go she said hurriedly Turning Away Christine Stan pulled her close it's okay we can it's not okay she cried tears falling down her face it's not okay Stan swiftly Stan pulled her into his arms and led her towards the back of the complex she didn't realize they'd been standing in front
of a shopping complex there was a private area at the back and Stan led her inside shutting the door behind him talk to me Christine didn't talk to strangers or old friends about her struggles but there was a softness in Stan's eyes that was new to her she told him everything including Sam's infidelity and the pregnancy news when she finished he nodded and held her close it's okay Christine he said don't punish yourself for another person's sins you did nothing wrong he should have been there for you not accuse you of pulling back when you
were in pain I want a divorce too she answered feeling much lighter she could finally breathe well and it seemed her head got clearer she didn't regret telling Stan at all even though she just met him again a few minutes ago it felt like time had not passed between them they had already fallen into their old friendship pattern what about the baby he asked I don't want him in the the baby's life she said I want him completely gone from our lives Stan leaned back in his seat and observed her that may be a little
difficult why in legal proceedings they deal with facts figures and data not emotions as long as you keep the baby Sam will always be in your life Christine lowered her head and gently touched her stomach I've been trying for 4 years for a baby Stan she said what do I do keep it he said you don't have to return to Sam but this baby is your Miracle don't lose it because of him his words sank deep and Christine smiled yeah you're right thank you so much Stan two days later Stan took her to an attorney
for consultation she was a friendly middle-aged woman named Linda and Christine felt comfortable as soon as they walked into her office they had already called her before forand so when they walked into the small professional Office Linda smiled welcome Stan how are you long time no see she turned to Christin good afternoon Miss Christine please have a seat thank you as soon as they were seated Linda went straight to business I understand you've briefed me on the phone but can you tell me more about your situation what are our main concerns for this proceeding Stan
squeezed her hands and she smiled in appreciation as I said my husband served me divorce papers 2 days ago we've been married for 4 years and we couldn't have kids Sam moved on I caught him with his secretary two weeks ago I feel like he abandoned me because I couldn't have kids does he know you're pregnant no I haven't contacted him since he sent me the text about the divorce papers Christine leaned forward I don't want him in my life anymore is it possible that I don't tell him about the pregnancy Linda sat back in
her seat her face drawn into a thoughtful expression transparency is essential in this case she answered slowly and we cannot completely hide it because he will find out soon enough and might contest for custody which will put us at a disadvantage Christine sigh is there anything we can do Stan asked Sam really hurts her and doesn't want him in her life we could delay announcing the pregnancy she smiles not hiding it completely what does that mean Christine asked for now we can focus on the divorce terms and secure a favorable settlement before adding the element
of pregnancy I don't want his money Christine spat yeah but it's your right Linda answered and that's why I'm here my priority is to protect your rights and secure a stable future for you and your child we'll plan our approach carefully and be prepared for any developments but first we need to resp respond to the divorce petition and start the process thank you Christine said feeling relieved they spent the next few minutes reviewing the divorce papers while Linda explained every step to her since Christine insisted she didn't want financial compensation Linda only settled for what
was fair with Linda's help Christine asserted her stance on the division of their landed property which they bought together it was the only thing she wanted she reminded Linda that she wanted the divorce settled efficiently and without delay I'll cover preliminary negotiations with Sam's attorney from here on Linda said I'll also prepare for potential custody issues because trust me I'll surely come but don't worry I have it under control two hours later Christine signed the response and it was sent out how do you feel Stan asked as they left the attorney's office Christine side relieved
she said also apprehensive why apprehensive Ive I don't know I wish I could wipe out Sam from my life's story you know don't say that Stan LED them to his car you once loved him and gave him your all he would always be a part of your story but if you continue to look back you will not move on when did you start sounding so smart Christine teased touched by his words Stan laughed I've literally always sounded like this sounds like you're just starting to see me Christine met met his soft gaze and wondered why
he always looked at her with such adoration she came with a lot of baggage and he had never once made her feel like trouble I'm so hungry she said awkwardly let's go get something to eat Stan smiled I know a place they went to a cute little cafe in town this is a new place Christine asked as they walked in yep I come here at least four times every week they're that good Christine play y rolled her eyes let's see do you still love scones Stan asked as they sat down at a window Booth she
gasped you still remember my love for scones Stan scoffed I remember everything about you he said how could I forget their gazes met again and Christine's breath ceased in her throat thankfully the waitress came and Stan looked away to talk to her it was true that time flew when you were having fun because Christine didn't notice how much time had past until she could barely see two feet in front of her Stan escorted her back home and she waved him goodbye at the door with a shy smile her parents were in the living room when
she entered and she tried to sneak back into the house without alerting them but her mother caught her right when she neared the hallway darling you're back Mom said have you been hanging out with Stan all day we were at the attorney Christine answered all day Dad quirked his brows Christine rolled her eyes I'll be down in a few minutes she said hurrying down the hall let me take a quick shower before they could argue Christine disappeared into her room her phone beeped and she thought it was Stan because she'd told him to let her
know when he got home it was a message from Sam please pick up my calls I want to talk to you about the petition the phone started ringing as soon as his message came in and for a moment she considered taking the call but decided against it there was nothing to discuss Linda had assured her that subsequent conversations would be had by her and Sam's attorney she let the call go unanswered by the time she showered and changed into nightwear he had called 10 times a text came in from Stan I'm home thanks for a
wonderful day she should be thanking him he had taken her to Linda who seemed very efficient then he took her to that beautiful eery where they served the best gon she had ever eaten from there they went to the park where they talked and caught up with everything in each other's lives she sent a response to Stan I should be thanking you I had an amazing time as well she had just hit send when a text from Sam entered Christine groaned because Sam was ruining the vibe she clicked on his text and gasped at how
malicious it was I'm going to make sure you get nothing not even the house I wanted to take you back but now I don't want that anymore good luck trying to live without me I'm simply going to move on and oh I can finally have kids Christine stared at the message for y minutes wondering how she didn't see the signs of Sam's hatred it was right there thankfully Stan sent her another text can I call you Christine responded with a yes and Stan's call came in seconds later it didn't take long for her to forget
all about Sam and his threats 3 months after sending her petition response and agreeing to the divorce Linda was finally able to secure a date for mediation despite explaining her urgency to get the divorce done Sam had refused to budge he was delaying the entire procedure and although he always had good excuses Christine was sure he was doing it deliberately she was already 4 months pregnant and didn't have a noticeable bump but Christine chose to wear a flowy dress just in case they weren't ready to reveal her pregnancy just yet on the day of the
mediation Stan offered to drive her to the location and no matter how much she tried to convince him not to bother he refused Christine wished he wouldn't stress himself because according to Linda he wouldn't be allowed into the room during the mediation session but he said he didn't mind and would wait in the car Linda was already at the location according to the text message she sent Christine as they drove into the garage Christine texted back to let her know she also just arrived she turned to Stan as he turned off the engine for the
past 4 months this man had been her shield and comfort the fact that she had Stan was proof that a god out there was looking out for her Stan made it all better and she didn't know what she would have done without him I don't know how long I'd be in there she said I'm not sure how comfortable I'll be knowing you're out here just sitting in the car Stan laughed I'll find a cafe to sit in then will that make you comfortable she nodded I think we drove past one on our way here I'm
aware Stan pulled her close this was another thing she loved about him he was always generous with his hugs and being in his arms like this made her feel safe she relaxed into his Embrace wishing she could stay here all day don't be nervous okay he kissed her forehead be strong you know what you want go for it thank you Stan honestly you're welcome he said now go smash it seeing Sam again after 4 months did nothing for her her heart did not Quicken her stomach did not fall No butterflies just anything after being with
him for almost 4 Years Christine expected her life to be shattered when she left him and that nearly happened until Stan stepped in he saved her and she could genuinely say she was over Sam Sam almost stared a hole through her as she walked in and she greeted him with a smile before greeting his attorney there was also a new face which Linda introduced as the mediator good morning everyone the mediator started when they settled my role is to facilitate a discussion to help you reach a favorable agreement everything we discuss here is confidential so
please feel free to discuss openly thank you Christine said I don't want this to last longer than it needs to be I need this divorce settled like yesterday but Sam seemed to be delaying this for some reason my priority is to retain the house if Sam doesn't want that he can buy me out if I may interject Tom Sam's attorney said Sam is feeling very pressured to make a decision quickly this is a financial decision and we must ensure all implications are understood rushing might lead him to make a decision that isn't in his best
interests I don't see what you mean Linda said it's straightforward business they both bought the house with equal pay now she wants to retain the house with him or be paid back her share around $350,000 it's not that hard could you elaborate on what you think your client needs the mediator asked Tom he needs time to consider the current price of the house we already did Linda answered and you've had 3 months to do that research as the session continued it became clear that Sam was the problem when it was obvious that we weren't settling
the mediator suggest Ed a court hearing the atones will handle filling the motions and everything else so Christine left eager to return to Stan his car was in the garage and she wondered if he went to the cafe or sat in the car all through it had been a few hours she was almost in his car when she heard Sam's familiar voice behind her Christine wait with a tired sigh she turned to him can I help you Christine come on he ran a hand through his hair how can you move on so fast she rolled
her eyes is that all I really have to go he cursed under his breath are you sure you want to do this he asked think carefully about this we can still settle everything amicably Christine are you ready to leave she jumped at the sound of Stan's voice and turned to see him leaning against the vehicle Sam narrowed his eyes at Stan before turning to her who is that mind the business that pays you Sam Christine answered and walked away as they drove out of the garage Sam remained in the same spot gaping at them I
take it that Sam Stan asked yeah how did it go Sam is delaying everything she groaned he's so annoying he wants me to rethink like I've not had months to think about it I want him out of my life Stan smiled so what's the next thing a court hearing Linda will fill me in with all the details Christine didn't want to return home yet so Stan drove them to a park it was late afternoon so no one was around just the two of them sitting side by side I know you're probably regretting why you got
involved with me Christine said what Stan frowned no I'm happy to be doing this with you Christine at that moment as they gazed into each other's eyes Christine got carried away and attempted something she had always wanted to do she leaned in for a kiss her lips had almost touched his when he gently held her shoulders and turned away the rejection stung and brought her crashing back to reality with a thud I'm so sorry she rushed to her feet so sorry Stan it won't happen again hey hey Stan grabbed her arm and gently pulled her
onto his lap she sat rigidly deeply embarrassed what was she thinking you don't know how badly I want to kiss you Chris he said I really want to I think about it day and night then why did you stop me because I'm not sure why you're doing it he answered are you kissing me because you truly want me or because you're angry with Sam Christine sucked in a deep breath Stan I would never do that to you never I don't think about Sam at all I don't want him anymore and I'm serious are you sure
Stan's eyes brightened because I love you Chris he said I always have her mouth fell open scared to tell him she loved him too because he might not believe her she almost didn't believe it herself but she was truly in love with him I want the opportunity to treat you right he said Sam was a fool for having you and messing it up I understand why he's trying to stool now and I'm afraid you'll eventually give in Christine touched his face never I will never give in to him I don't love him anymore I love
you Stan shook his head don't say things you don't mean Chris please I love you she repeated I'm saying it because I mean it they stared at each other again for one long moment before wrapping steady arms around each other Christine's heart felt light and she knew that for the first time in years she she was finally happy the court hearing was in a month and it came by quickly this time Stan was allowed in the courtroom because it was a public one Christine was so happy for him to be there because she and Linda
would finally announce her pregnancy in the hearing Linda intended to use it to push for a higher settlement she would also site emotional distress and fight for limitations on Sam's right to be involved in the kid's life Christine kept her fingers crossed hoping things went according to plan if she never saw Sam again it would be too soon she was truly in love with Stan and wanted to spend her life with him without interference from Sam the judge came in and the hearing started court is now in session the judge said we are here to
address the outstanding issues between Sam and Christine I understand that mediation did not solve these issues please counselors proceed with your presentation Tom stepped forward thank you your honor Christine seeks to retain the house or be offered a buyout as my client can't share the house with her we have agreed to pay her $350,000 as requested it looked like someone had finally talked some sense into Sam the judge nodded at Tom and turned to Linda present your case certainly your honor she Ste It Forward while we acknowledge Sam's offer it isn't going to cut it
for us anymore we now request $400,000 and dollars this should be done quickly so my client can move on with her life what Tom frowned yes Linda smiled at him because my client just found out that she's pregnant the courtroom fell silent for a few seconds until Sam loudly gasped Christine he tried to approach her table but the stern look of Tom and the judge stalled him oh God I can't believe this he turned to the the judge please I don't want to do this anymore I don't want to divorce what are you trying to
say Mr Bailey the judge asked Tom stepped forward my client requests that the court Grant him more time for reconciliation before the finalization of the divorce Christine was distraught when the judge granted Sam 6 weeks she couldn't believe she'd be stuck with him for another six weeks it was annoying when the judge left she was hurrying back to Stan whose arms were wide open to receive her but Sam stopped her Christine please wait irritated by his incessant Antics she turned to him what can we talk they were still standing in the courtroom with their attorneys
several feet away and Stan behind her I didn't want it to get to this Sam whispered his eyes rimmed with sadness I served you the divorce papers to scare you into returning to me I can't believe you accepted it please let's get back to our senses and resolve this Christine Christine turned to Stan and gestured for him to come closer he was eyeing Sam angrily and she guessed Sam's only saving grace was that they were in the courtroom Sam Christine took Stan's hand and twined their fingers samk eyes widened this is my boyfriend Stan she
said it's barely been half a year since we separated Sam fired and you're already dating you never loved me Christine Christine chuckled going by your ideology you also never loved me she said seeing as you were sleeping with your secretary for 2 years while still married to me please forgive me please Sam reached for her arm but Stan stepped in between the both of them don't touch her get out man how dare you Sam fired but Stan maintained his cool we left a furious Sam behind and headed to the car are you okay Stan asked
helping her into the car more than okay she laughed let's go home instead of taking her home Stan drove them to the park again this was fast becoming their favorite spout as usual no one was there just the two of us thank you for being there with me today Christine hugged Stan I love you Stan gasped look over there he said pulling away and pointing at something behind her Christine looked but there was nothing behind her when she returned her atten mention to Stan she almost fell off the bench Stan tears stung her eyes he
was on one knee before her an engagement box opened to reveal a beautiful ring she blinked at the ring before looking into Stan's face will you marry me Chris he asked his eyes full of love please I love you Chris I want to do right by you and your child but how Christine asked I know we've done all we can can but Sam will forever be in my life can you my focus is on you Stan said and I'm going to keep it on you I don't care what comes after as long as I have
you Stan Christine burst into tears and hurled herself at Stan he softly put the ring on her finger and kissed her hand yes I'll marry you thank you Chris he kissed her shoulder now let's do this together for 6 weeks Sam called daily crying and begging Christine on the phone but she was done her mind was made up and her sights were set on her future with Stan by the time the final hearing day came Christine was already six months pregnant and waiting for her baby to come so they could have their wedding as usual
Stan followed her into the courtroom Sam came in shortly after his eyes trained on Stan and Christine he was approaching them when the judge came in and they all had to assume their positions we are here to finalize the divorce between Christine and Sam the judge said we have previously discussed the terms and reviewed every objection today we are reaching a resolution councils over to you Sam's attorney stepped up to take the stage he talked about how Sam wanted to continue contesting the case but the judge overruled that she demanded that they provide fin Financial
records to prove the property's current market value Linda also took center stage and fought Christine's case after almost an hour of verbal battle the judge had to deliberate on everything they said so he left the courtroom for a few minutes moments after his return He said the one thing Christine had been waiting almost 6 months for based on the evidence and terms agreed upon the court will finalize this divorce the following minutes was spent finalizing the facts and drawing out a payment plan for the settlement as soon as the matter was resolved the judge left
the courtroom Christine ran over to Stan tears brimming from her face behind Stan she clashed gazes with Sam whose eyes were red and swollen with exhaustion he looked like he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep but Christine didn't care she kissed Stan's neck and pulled away should we celebrate this he asked we should I agree come on Stan walked her out of the courtroom I know just the place thank you for listening to this story please share your thoughts in the comments [Music]
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