Two years of copywriting knowledge in 147 minutes (2024)

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all right welcome in this video which again is going to be a [ __ ] extortionately long one nonetheless in this video I'm going to teach you arguably what might just be some of the best copyrighting information you've ever been taught in your entire [ __ ] life okay now the reason this video has come about is because I was scrolling YouTube a couple of weeks ago as you do like a doom scroller like yourself and I came across a video about someone talking about their 30 years in business and how they had managed to
somehow condense all their years in business into like two hours of information anyway it went viral as [ __ ] and I thought you know what I've not been in business long enough to do that but I'm certainly good enough to do it in copyrighting and I'm a [ __ ] wizard at teaching people so I put two and two together and now we're here so in this video I'm going to teach you two years of copyrighting knowledge in the span of two hours okay hopefully it says two hours on the presentation will it be
2 hours [ __ ] NOS it's going to be a long time okay hopefully I'll get it to two hours okay cuz I'm a professional and I can get it done but we'll see all right so editor synchronize okay right two years of copyrighting knowledge in two hours this puts the paid stuff to [ __ ] shame and I'm serious okay the stuff I've put in here I've spent [ __ ] days making this to make sure it's as good as possible so please for your own sake your own future your own offsprings life in
25 years pay attention Okay for their sake all right uh go bang click okay brief introduction I'm sure some of you have seen me before if you've never seen me before I've done this a thousand [ __ ] times so let me just like get over it quickly my name is Tom obviously I've been copyrighting for 2 years almost just almost 2 years it'll come up to 2 years in a few months I've generated $6 million to my clients I make well over 20 grand a month doing this blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I know my [ __ ] I've done this for a long time I know exactly what I'm [ __ ] talking about and if you listen to me for the duration of this next 60 to 120 Minutes I guarantee it's going to be worth absolutely every minute that you put into it okay if you see people walking around I'm in a nice place okay there's just women everywhere what can I [ __ ] say Okay so pay the [ __ ] attention all right get a notepad get a pen sit the [ __ ] down
turn the distractions off listen up tell that girl to piss off tell your dad to go to sleep put the baby to bed don't give a [ __ ] okay we're here to learn all right I about to give you the knowledge that it took me 2 years to obtain that is not a joke that is not satirical it took me two years okay if some of you know my backstory you'll know that I've been through hell and hell's anus to [ __ ] get here okay I'm going to tell you everything thing it took
to get to the position I am now from the highs the lows the [ __ ] days the good days the lessons I had to learn the hard way the things I wish people would have told me in the first place but never [ __ ] did I'm giving it to you all okay in the next two hours all right right obviously for no other reason Beyond it being extremely funny there are 69 points in this presentation because 69 is a familiar number so I thought [ __ ] it I'll make 69 points okay right
number one and this is the most important one which is why it's number one copywriting is not saturated you're just [ __ ] and the reason I'm making this number one is because a lot of people even if you watch me and you're still you know interested in doing this you're not because you're scared of it being saturated and I I'm sick to death of people coming along and saying that oh I can't do it because it's saturated and Tom I'm not going to start because there's a million [ __ ] people in [ __
] knows where in the third world countries doing it for way cheaper and it's saturated and I can't be asked I want to drill this home and drill it home once so I never have to drill it home ever a [ __ ] again everything is saturated everything okay not just copyrighting but everything playing football is saturated getting girls is saturated [ __ ] being in shape is saturated going to the gym is saturated everything you can think of is saturated Okay the reason you haven't got to worry about it is because even though it's
saturated you can still succeed and the reason for that is because if you're the best in said field saturation doesn't matter okay yeah copyrighting is saturated guess what football saturated how many people play football three billion okay there are still people that are good at it there are still people that make a living from it why because they're just the best so if you're the best everything else is negligible Nothing Else Matters okay so just don't worry about it oh I can't do it CU it's so saturated I'm telling you now if all you worry
about is being good being diligent and not being lazy and trying to improve every single day all these saturation issues won't [ __ ] matter okay I have seen it okay people that are really they've got loads of potential and they won't do it because I don't know they just don't think that there's too much competition and they don't back themselves when I was starting I knew there were millions of people doing this and I knew there was people already making loads of money and you know what I did I just said [ __ ]
it I'm better than all of you I'm going to be better than you and I'm going to make more money than you okay so saturation isn't an issue you're just [ __ ] cuz I guar fuckinge you if you were good enough you'd have more clients than you know what to do with okay believe me okay you think the best footballers in the world are struggling to get signed to clubs no because they're the best so if you're the best it doesn't matter and if you think it's saturated it's because you're [ __ ] so
worry about getting good and then you won't have to worry about it okay okay number two you should treat Outreach like a habit now Outreach obviously I'm referring to getting clients so you're reaching out to people you're saying hi I'm a copywriter I want to work for you etc etc etc cool I get that but you're not treating it like a habit people come to me and they say why do you think that you were specifically good and why did you specifically Excel past other people and the only answer I can give them is because
I didn't see an end to it it was a be all endle get rich or die trying don't give a [ __ ] I'm doing this until I die or I'm going to die and I'm not going to do it kind of thing okay so you need to treat Outreach like a habit and by that I mean don't think need to do loads of Outreach today I mean wake up look at your schedule think I need to brush my teeth at 9:00 a.m. I need to take a [ __ ] at 10: p.m. sorry at
10:00 a.m. I need to have a coffee at 12:00 and I need to do Outreach at 3: okay it needs to be integrated into your routine daily the way I was doing Outreach I didn't have a Choice it wasn't oh I'm going to do some Outreach today it was it's today I'm brushing my teeth and after brushing my teeth I'm doing Outreach you need to treat it like a habit okay and that's the only way I can say it's going to become easier to start getting clients because if you're going through it every day it's
okay you can run past fast as you can that's it if you treat it like a habit it's not going to feel like a chore you don't wake up in the morning and think oh [ __ ] I have to wipe my ass when I take a [ __ ] no you just do it right and that's how I thought about doing Outreach okay so everyone here if you're struggling with motivation to do Outreach etc etc just think this is a non-negotiable in my life for the rest of my life I'm going to do this
20 or 30 times a day every day until I [ __ ] die and if you can't deal with that go do something else but I'm telling you now if that's the mindset or the the frame in which you look through this it's going to be way easier all right so wake up and think Outreach is part of my daily living okay I just do this like I wake up brush my teeth [ __ ] coffee get a [ __ ] in the morning bang Outreach okay that's what you need to do I don't think
about it like a chore I think about it like a lifestyle okay and that's how it helped me next clients below $1,000 are worthless and annoying and it's true now you're probably thinking yeah but Tom if I get a client that's cheaper it'll be easier to get them so surely that's better than nothing and you're right cuz that's exactly how I thought but why would you want a cheap client you want to get paid less money okay and I know you're thinking I'm not good enough I'm going to get onto that later but I'm telling
you now from experience cuz believe me I've tried and tried and tried again clients aren willing to pay you at least $1,000 are just a waste of your [ __ ] time okay it's like having a girlfriend that's like a three just it's a waste of your time what you're with her just to have sex but she's probably a home she's been on the Dick train bro like it's not worth your time and cuz she's a three she's probably constantly seeking validation from 100 dudes so it's annoying as [ __ ] like you're better off
just not being with her in the first place and it's the same case here you're better off just not having a client that's not willing to pay you $1,000 okay and $1,000 is a key number cuz it's like a it's a four figure number it's like a jump you know and in my experience if they're not willing to pay you that much they are going to be annoying I have clients that pay me upwards of $10,000 when was the last time my $10,000 client messaged me let me check cuz I want to bring home a
[ __ ] point here 8 days ago 8 days ago and the point I'm making is they are so much easier to work for they don't care as much as these little broke clients okay so don't work for clients that aren't willing to pay $1,000 cuz they're going to be annoying as [ __ ] they're going to be up your ass all the time if they pay you which is very rare cuz sometimes they don't it isn't going to be on time it's just annoying just [ __ ] just just there's better clients out there
and they're all on the other side of $1,000 okay so I'm telling you now get your first one for free and then whatever else over $1,000 because it's just [ __ ] right next big clients will come through let me say that again big clients will come through small clients now I get this question a lot Tom I'm stuck at getting clients at $1,000 or $1,500 maybe even $2,000 how do I get bigger client clients that are going to pay me more cuz that's ultimately the goal right you want to get the biggest client so
you can get paid the most and do the least amount of work right now what I learned was it's very hard to get a big client just off your own tone like of your own voice off your own back it's not very easy okay it's a lot easier to get like a [ __ ] muncher client maybe something that's like $1,000 maybe like a [ __ ] Ecom brand or someone that's barely doing anything and then use them as leverage to get bigger clients okay that's way easier cuz you got to think of it like
this if you're a nobody okay like sure maybe I'm I'm Tom sto I've got a big brand Etc I've worked for all these companies if I go and Pitch I don't know [ __ ] Apple they're going to be like who the [ __ ] are you if they even respond to me but if I work for Tso and then TSO say to Apple we have a copywriter that's been working for us for a year and he's killing it maybe you should look into him I'm much more likely to get them okay so don't just
go straight for the big clients it's impossible okay it's not going to work you need to find a small client do amazing work for them and then use them to refer you to bigger clients cuz all business owners no business owners all influencers know influencers okay if you do some work for me and you're my video editor and you do a good job guess what there's four others of us out there [ __ ] waiting for a video editor and I'll just refer you okay they make they got bigger channels than me all right but
you use me to get to them you don't just go to them okay so get a small client do good work get a referral and that's how you get bigger clients okay I wish someone would have told me that when I started I was just like ratting around scurrying like a [ __ ] Vermin looking for the big clients knowing they would just piss on me whenever I came up to them not knowing that if you just went for a small client they'll get you the big clients okay number five say yes despite not being
able to so I have a story for this one about a year ago I had a client and they wanted emails as usual like most clients do they wanted three emails a week selling [ __ ] no some [ __ ] and they asked me a question and they said cool you can write our copy but can you also design our emails cuz in clavio which is a software which we'll get to you design the emails too so if you go on your inbox you'll see emails and they're not just text right there's animations and
and designs and [ __ ] and they were like can you also design it and I'm on this Zoom call like literally [ __ ] talking to the owner of this business and they said cool can you write them but can you also design them and me as someone that has never designed an email in my [ __ ] life when yep won't be a problem I design emails all the time I can definitely design yours and I sold them okay now what most people will do and you you probably done in the first at
some point in your life is have someone ask you to do something and you not know how to [ __ ] do it and say sorry I can't do that and then boom opportunity gone don't do that instead just say yes and then figure it out I said yes to them H hung up the zoom call got paid and then figured it out went on YouTube how the [ __ ] do you design emails okay wow 15 minutes later I could do it okay the reason people don't see any success is because they they aren't
willing to adapt in the moment you know what I mean like you're just like oh these are the things I can do and these are the things I can't and unless unless I can do the things I'm not going to be able to take the job [ __ ] that that's not how I thought I thought I will literally do whatever you [ __ ] ask I will get paid and then I will figure it out so what if you can't do it I'm sorry Tom the [ __ ] emails aren't that well designed I
don't give a [ __ ] you just got paid just never speak to them again oh sorry yeah I've been ill or my [ __ ] dog died I'm stressed yeah my dog died and so I don't have the imagination abilities to make good emails and just make up some [ __ ] okay but you could have got paid if you just said yes and figured it out okay like I said even if you can't who cares worst case scenario you refund them okay worst case scenario most of the time they just say okay fine
whatever you keep the money okay so say yes to things you can't even [ __ ] do and then figure it out afterwards six always keep in touch touch based with your clients so I've had clients which I've lost okay not very many cuz I'm very good but I have had clients that I've lost and a lot of the time it's simply because I do not keep in touch with them okay now I've learned this the hard way and I suggest you [ __ ] write this down you need to keep in touch with your
clients just cuz they've paid you and just cuz it's a done deal doesn't mean that's it forever okay you don't get a girlfriend bang get a girlfriend [ __ ] whatever start dating and then just never speak to her again cuz the relationship will fall apart okay you need to maintain it Hi how are you you oh good morning yeah oh wow it's so rainy today I'm so sad oh okay yeah don't worry it's sunny where just [ __ ] but you got to keep in touch with them okay you got to make sure they
know you're still alive and you're still trying to figure out things hey baby we're going on a date this week blah blah blah blah blah or hey client I'm going to try and do this in the emails this week so we can try and get a few more sales keep in touch with them don't just go ghost okay cuz a lot of the time which has happened to me they'll just [ __ ] send me a message and say hey Tom for whatever reason we've decided to Go a different direction and I know why it's
cuz I never spoke to them I got paid I did my work but I didn't keep in touch with them okay they're just going to [ __ ] think you'll just you know you're in it for the money obviously you are in it for the money but like they're just going to think it they you you want them to think that you you really care about them okay so keep in touch with them daily messages that's fine hi just thought I'd do this I'm going to put this over and I'm I'm going to send this
to you let me know what you think or hi these are the results from the last email this is what I liked this is what I didn't like I'm going to change this and flip this round have a good day I'll let you know anything else later okay just keep in touch with them super important seven write first and edit second now this is a [ __ ] hack that some of you can Implement right now so please pay attention to this a guar [ __ ] te every single person watching this you're writing wrong
every single one of you maybe one or two people are doing this right but guarantee most most of you are doing this wrong okay you want to write first and edit second and by what I mean that and what I mean by that is literally write the copy first in its entirety from start to finish and then go over it and edit it and fix it and tweak it and fix all the spelling errors which in my case is about 400 quintilian okay you want to write first and edit second and the reason for that
is because if you're writing writing writing going back editing fixing a spelling error going back writing writing writing going back fixing that you can't lean into either side of your brain okay human beings have one one side of their brain which is creative and one side of their brain which is logical so if you're writing using the creative side and then every 4 seconds you're jumping into the logical side you can't get in a rhythm you can't flow and if you can't flow you're not going to get any good ideas okay so you need to
use one side of your brain the creative side to get all your good ideas out get the copy out and then once you finished writing use the logical side of your brain to go over it all edit it here fix that do that after the copy's finished I'm telling you now it is very difficult sometimes to just write copy and just see like endless red lines under the words okay cuz I can't spell for [ __ ] right so like literally every three or four words it's like [ __ ] it's like just Red Line
Red Line Red Line red line but you need to train yourself to ignore it keep writing and edit edit it at the end okay I cannot put into words how good that will be for your writing if you do that that alone is worth this entire video okay we're only at Les lesson seven [ __ ] have got 62 more to come but that alone is good enough okay telling you it's killer eight use your girlfriend I should not even explain this one I should just move on with no context use your girlfriend now the
way this one came about I have a client and it wasn't a client I worked for it was a client that was getting mentorship from me and he was trying to do Outreach and he was good he was good at writing and he was he was getting loads of clients like interested but he wasn't quite selling them and we were going over it and he'd sent like 150 DMS in a day and he was really really going for it and so I was like you know what we'll set aside some time and we're going to
see what the [ __ ] is going wrong okay so I went over his you know Outreach methods we saw what was going wrong Etc and in the midst of me talking about this just randomly he went yeah I'm doing Outreach but you know I want to do more but I can't cuz I'm working so I've got my girlfriend to do some Outreach for me like she's also doing Outreach from her phone on my account for me so we're like double bubble right so it's like two at one and he was like yeah I'm doing
this and I was like whoa whoa whoa shut up like I Lally told him on the [ __ ] cool be quiet what did you just say he's like yeah I'm getting my girlfriend to help me and I was like I'm a [ __ ] genius because what I realized which I should have realized from the [ __ ] get-go is that women for whatever reason just so happen to be Masters at getting responses from people in the DMS okay and so what we decided to do was I said no okay listen let's just call
him I don't know sha listen sha you're not going to do any [ __ ] Outreach none you're going to do all the writing you're going to get your girlfriend to do all the Outreach so what was happening was sha would get his girlfriend to do Outreach on her account to clients hi I'm a copywriter hi I'm a copywriter hi I like your thing how can I write a copy for you on her account and then she would get responses and then get on the call with them and sign them and then just he he'd
write all the [ __ ] copy because she's a hot girl and hot girls are much more likely to get replies he's just some dude he's sha no one gives a [ __ ] about sha she's a hot girl she's like a seven a blonde girl in a [ __ ] DMS going through DMs pitch pitch pitch pitch pitch pitch bch [ __ ] hot girl who's that like I'm guilty of this I get DMS all the day I just [ __ ] go through okay yeah boobs okay yeah like that's how it works and
so what was happening she was doing all the [ __ ] Outreach getting on a sales call I had to teach her sales and then after she'd sold them which was easy as [ __ ] cuz I just tell her to put on a push-up bra he would do all the [ __ ] work they milked the game they sweeped up he got to like 10 grand a month in like 5 days she was just hammering Outreach literally he was he was stuck at like two grand we implemented this she was on coffee 24/7 sending
[ __ ] Outreach swapping in and out push-up bras on sales calls all day and he was just doing all the [ __ ] work now obviously this isn't going to work for most of you because you don't have hot girlfriends but if you are watching this and you have a hot girlfriend put her to [ __ ] use obviously don't be a dick okay I know I've said to here use your girlfriend just walk up to her and say hey baby listen we can make loads of money doing this and she' be like oh
what do you mean you be like listen whatever you're doing good but I guarantee if you help me we can make loads of money and she' be like oh really what and she'll like it she'll be like oh yeah teamwork C we're going to [ __ ] do this you teach her and you get on a sales call and you teach her to do the sales call bro you were going to make so much [ __ ] cash the reason this doesn't work for everyone is cuz most of your girls just aren't hot enough but
if you have a hot girlfriend you can absolutely do this okay so get a hot chick get her on camera get her sending DMS then do all the [ __ ] work in the background if I'd known about this a [ __ ] year ago that's what I would have done like hey sweetheart [ __ ] stop whatever you're doing bang send Outreach okay gentlemen there's more to life than putting your dick in a like you know what I mean like [ __ ] think entrepreneurial okay I'm telling you killed it okay so use your
girlfriend if you have one nine use your practice as portfolio so question I get all the time I'm going to Breeze through this one cuz I speak about it all the [ __ ] time you should be practicing every single day and that practice is your portfolio so for example if I'm practicing I'm a newbie right I've never done this before I'm like practicing to start getting good at copy so I write an email about a tprx this is the watch blah blah blah blah blah and then I write an email about Apple the phone
and then I write an email about a [ __ ] glass and then I write an email about a [ __ ] table and then I write an email about some [ __ ] artwork okay email email email I write all these emails and what you don't realize is that is technically your portfolio so when a client comes up to you and they say okay yeah brilliant who who have you worked for can you show us your portfolio do you know what you do you don't say oh sorry I don't have any portfolio cuz I
have no clients you don't say that you say yes I have an Eclectic group of portfolio pieces ready to give you [ __ ] TSO Apple this glass MacBook [ __ ] artwork just send them all over do you know what they don't do [ __ ] email Tim Cook oh yeah sorry did did Tom write copy for you in in 2023 did he write an email for you they don't do that okay you can just lie you can just say you wrote emails for these companies and never got paid technically that still a portfolio
Okay hey give me your portfolio wow that's a lot of people you've worked for yeah I've worked for loads they're not going to [ __ ] email them they don't give a [ __ ] okay and even if they do just say you didn't get paid okay so any of your practice you've got loads of practice hopefully cuz you're not a [ __ ] you got loads of practice that's your portfolio put in a nice document label it this company this company this company this company bang one document send over to them bro I have
this all the time like I have big Brands I've written for and they'd be like you you wrote for them and I'll say with a Stern face yes I wrote their emails they killed and they'll be like wow they be like yeah so you can do it okay so yeah use your practices portfolio 10 practice on boring products something I don't hear and it's probably because I invented it CU I'm a [ __ ] genius you need to practice on boring products okay it is very easy to sell something that's easy to buy okay if
I'm selling I don't know [ __ ] PR s to make money or or vitamins to to [ __ ] lose weight or some complete [ __ ] it's a lot easier okay cuz it's a vitamin and it's new and it's exclusive and it gives all these big benefits and it's going to change your life and it's easy to take you just pop it in the morning it's very easy to sell something that's very easy to buy do you want to know how you get good at writing copy you write [ __ ] selling stuff
that's [ __ ] boring so I have clients like oneone oneon-one clients and they'll say okay how can I practice and I'll say look around your room find the most boring [ __ ] thing on your table and write an email trying to sell it you can do this now what have I got a glass okay a [ __ ] glass instead of writing emails about vitamins and how you can lose weight I want you to go into your room and find something as mundane as a glass or a [ __ ] pencil or pen
or door or chair find something boring Ing and write an email about that it's not easy to write emails about [ __ ] glasses what do you say it's a glass it holds water it's seethrough it's not easy okay but what you're doing is you're making it harder for yourself and if you make it harder for yourself guess what normal copy becomes a lot easier okay so I say to people all the time if you want to get good which is the most important thing cuz it's [ __ ] lesson one if you want to
get good practice needs to be harder than what you're actually doing stop writing for these lucrative [ __ ] businesses and pills and promises and services write for a [ __ ] cup try and write an email selling a cup you're going to be using your imaginary juices like you've never used them before you're going to be looking at the screen thinking it's a cup how the [ __ ] do I sell a cup but that's good okay because eventually you're going to know how to sell a cup and if you can sell something as
boring as a cup selling anything else will be way easier okay you'll get a lot better so write for boring products it will make you so much better when you write normal things next write every single day non-negotiable okay some of you here say you write every day oh yeah Tom yeah I write every day sending messages to that girl that doesn't want to [ __ ] you isn't writing okay that's just pathetic I mean write copy every single day and the reason for that is because it's a skill you will lose if you do
not maintain it I have been very good at this now I know this is lessons that I've learned in two years I have with 100% certainty and chest written some copy every day for the last two years I don't care if it's an email I don't care if it's a 100 emails I don't care if it's a [ __ ] caption I don't care at some point every day I wrote some copy and that compounds over time imagine imagine you wake up and you want to get to and you want to get get better at
speaking okay cuz some people ask me H Tom how do you get better at speaking I've made a video on that go [ __ ] watch it but if you want to get better at speaking would you just not speak for an entire day or a couple of days like how are you going to get better if you just stop you can't get better right you need to do it every single day and so when I say you need to write copy every single day I [ __ ] mean it don't just think I can
skip a day it won't matter because a day turns into two two turns into to a week before you know it you're messaging me saying oh yeah Tom I haven't actually sent that much copy or I haven't written that much copy I'm sliding and I'll read your copy and it's [ __ ] [ __ ] mode all over again okay so write every single day even if it's one email you have time and if you don't have time clearly don't want it bad enough and you can go be a [ __ ] loser WR every
single day it's super important if you want to get better at anything you need to learn properly that's important but you need to do it every day as well okay after with anything all right there's a analogy in there which I'm not going to say but you get the point if you want to get really good at something do it every day or every night next email softwares I'm going to Breeze through this because it is a very very simple one but email softwares obviously if you're writing copy you're not just going to be writing
it on [ __ ] Gmail you're going to be writing it on softwares so a client will come to you say for example a watch comp company they'll say hi Tom we sell watches we have a watch company we want to sell more watches on our email list how can we do that okay and the way you do that is by using email softwares they essentially make the process a million times [ __ ] easier and you can just write one email and send it to 10,000 people and get loads of sales and it's super
easy okay I've only ever used three in my life and I recommend you only use these three okay because I [ __ ] said so right number one beehive this will be on the screen editor make sure this is on the screen number one is beehive okay super easy I use beehive it's more like a newsletter one so if you're trying to write for a newsletter write that super [ __ ] easy secondly mail a light melee light is kind of like beehive it's just different I think beehive is a bit more expensive by the
way they'll be paying for the email software not you that's not your job Mele a light is just a lot cheaper okay it's not [ __ ] but it's cheaper and then the last one is clavio CL is probably the most used email software in the world any any inbox you're in from any [ __ ] brand probably uses clayr okay they're all easy to make you make an account you set it up you can very easily learn I'm going to [ __ ] teach that here you can go learn that on your own [
__ ] YouTube it you learn very quickly you set it up bang you put a link wherever they want to put a link people start signing up you start writing emails on the software boom you send it off everyone's [ __ ] happy okay that's the the email softwares write them down remember them make accounts okay cuz I don't want to hear that tell them which email software do I use [ __ ] use one of these three okay it's that simple 13 your clients will do a background check on you it seems like with
with every one of these I have a story that might be why I've given each one of these their place on the [ __ ] PowerPoint but nonetheless this one has a story too so I had a client probably about 9 months ago a [ __ ] huge client millions of followers whale bro had money like [ __ ] minted anyway I used my Outreach method which obviously worked like a [ __ ] dream which you should go and watch I used my Outreach method and I signed him okay signed him met him in person
bang had coffee signed him on the [ __ ] spot now I need to say this carefully but he wasn't straight let's just say that okay he wasn't heterosexual let's just say that and if you've been following me for a while you'll know that occasionally just occasionally on the odd chance once in a blue moon I say something's gay which is very rare but sometimes I do anyway I start writing for this guy thinking this is great he's paying me loads of money these emails are great he's really famous he can give me loads of
clients I'm [ __ ] you know my dick's hard when I'm writing emails for him I write emails for about a week and then one day I might have the email I might have it if I have it then I found it I've done a good [ __ ] job so I put it in the [ __ ] PowerPoint but one day I got an email from him out of the blue you know I've been speaking to him all week out of the blue I get an email from him saying sorry Tom for production reasons
or things out of my control my agency has said that we're going a different direction and I no longer need someone writing emails for me blah blah blah blah blah loads of [ __ ] basically and he fired me and I thought that's really weird because he was very very interested in doing this and he was absolutely confident I could do it for him and I was getting him good results and then out of nowhere he just [ __ ] leaves like that doesn't make any sense I was like why anyway a week goes by
I think nothing of it another week goes by I still think nothing of it I just think cool whatever that's life get up butter up buttercup who gives a [ __ ] and then about three weeks later I'm just scrolling my emails and I get an email from him from his newsletter and I click it and it's an email written about something very recent and I sure as [ __ ] didn't write it so I was like something ain't adding up here anyway the conclusion I came to was that he hired me on an Impulse
basis cuz I Charmed the [ __ ] out of him okay he was gay I'm good-looking as [ __ ] smooth talker slick talk bad boy signed him on the spot he didn't do a background check on me I worked with him for a week someone that worked for him probably said oh you should probably give a background check on this guy he did a quick background check typed my name into [ __ ] Google looked at one of my videos and within about 4 minutes realized okay probably not the best guy to work for
and so he fired me okay that's what I think so understand anything you put on the internet anything that you provocate to the world anything that you are currently outlandishly saying to the internet people are going to do background checks on you okay so you got to be cautious I lost a client cuz I make gay jokes so now I no longer have any gay clients but the fact of the matter is and the point stands be cautious okay anything you have even if it's your bio on Instagram just be careful okay CU like it
will happen okay I know they may not say they're going to do a background check on you but randomly one day you might just get fired for no [ __ ] reason okay 14 lean into your disadvantages now this one is going to shock some people so I'm going to make this very clear your disadvantages can be your advantage I have a client and again another one-on-one student and he's Indian and he came to me and he said Tom I want mentorship because I think it's going to be very difficult to get clients CU I'm
from India right I'm not even going to I'm not going to do an accent but he says I'm from India etc etc and he was like it's going to be hard to get clients like I'm from I'm I'm from the third world they're all from the [ __ ] Western world they're not going to listen to me they're going to pick up they're going pick up the phone here one syllable out my mouth and just hang up thinking I'm some scammer how do I sign clients and I said you know what I would do if
I was in your position if I woke up in the morning in Mumbai okay and I was Indian do you know what I would do I do the exact same thing and I would just lean into my disadvantage and so what I told him to do was every time he go on a sales call or every time he started pitching people within one minute I would get him to say do I do an accent no that's completely racist I would get him to say listen I know you probably think I'm some Indian scammer I'm not
I'm one of the good ones right and that's what he would say he would get on a call and within you know two three 4 seconds he'd be like listen before we even get off off the off the Mark I know you probably think I'm some scammer from the third world that's just trying to take your money it's not the [ __ ] case okay I'm a hardworking guy I know exactly what I'm talking about and and even though the stereotypes are true that's not me okay so what it was doing was it was it
was a admitting his disadvantage to the client saying listen yeah I'm I'm an Indian scammer I'm going to take your money no that's not me and now that's what you probably think I'm Different okay 99 of them yeah they're going to take your money and Rob grandmas that's not me I'm the one okay and that little bit of self analysis that little bit of humor built Rapport in the client and they were like okay yeah you know what [ __ ] it let's go so whatever your disadvantage is again if you're from the Third World
open up the sales C or open up the mess me be like yeah listen I'm not just some [ __ ] [ __ ] muncher from the third world like everyone else like I'm actually about it okay I know that's probably what you think oh he's from the third world probably shits on the floor and then [ __ ] sprinkles his [ __ ] on his own dinner or some [ __ ] no I'm a legit worker and I know what I'm talking about and if you admit to your disadvantages a lot of the time
it just breaks Rapport sorry builds Rapport it breaks the tension and they like you and they and they sign you okay so any disadvantage all right I used to say this for the [ __ ] time literally I get I get on sales calls of people and and and I'd sign them or show them some of my work and I'd be like yeah by the way I'm dyslexic as [ __ ] like I can't spell and they're probably like why would he tell me he can't spell he's trying to write for me that doesn't make
any sense but what I was doing was I was admitting my own disadvantages and despite that still delivering them good work and they were like holy [ __ ] this guy must be good because he has a disadvantage and he's still good at what he does so yeah [ __ ] it I'll hire him so use your disadvantages okay it can help 15 market research can be done on Reddit and Amazon so any of your market research questions oh my God my neck [ __ ] out any of your market research questions can be done
on Reddit and Amazon so if you're looking to say for example you get you get a client your client sells watches okay they're a watch selling client and you're like how do I find out the target market Etc usually usually you should just ask them you should say hi before we start writing can you tell me who your basic customer is how old they are gender interest age income blah blah blah blah blah so you know who you're writing for cuz if you know who you're writing for it's a lot [ __ ] easier but
if you don't have that you know what you can do you can just Google their competitors and see what other people are saying about them so for example if I'm writing for a watch brand and I want to sell this watch I think how the [ __ ] can I sell this watch I don't really know who I'm writing for and I don't really know much about watches what I can do is I can go on Reddit I can type in [ __ ] I don't know a competitor to TSO like Rolex type in Rolex
Day date on Reddit and it will come up with loads and loads of [ __ ] posts with people with Rolex Day dates talking about their experience I had a Rox Day date and I didn't like it because the metal chafed on my skin I had a Rolex Day date and I didn't like it because it was too heavy and it was annoying to carry around blah blah blah blah blah I had a Rolex Day date and I didn't like it because it just signified to in that I was just [ __ ] rich and
they started gold digging me and now I have no money and I have to [ __ ] wank over porn every day for the rest of my life whatever it is okay you need to look at what people are saying and then flip it when writing for your brand so when I'm writing for this this watch brand I'll say unlike most watch brands the metal doesn't chafe your skin we've come up with a an aluminum which deliberately makes it very comfortable on your skin we've also made sure that it's light and mobile and easy to
move around on your wrist it's not not too heavy okay and it also isn't too flashy so people won't think that you're a rich [ __ ] and just come and steal all your money what I'm doing is I'm finding what's bad about other products from Reddit I'm using those as points to use to sell my product so you can do that okay and Amazon as well go on Amazon type in a product go to the reviews go to the onear reviews find out what everything is [ __ ] okay flip it say their product's
this our product isn't this which is why you should buy it okay does that make sense I hope that makes sense cuz that's [ __ ] killer I don't want to hear any questions about I don't know any market research that's your market research go on [ __ ] Reddit some of you probably are on red it what is it like [ __ ] slimy tits and [ __ ] like you're all you're wanking over Reddit and [ __ ] so you're probably on it already but you can use it for market research okay 16
affirm the present by assuming the future before I get into this I am feeling a little bit tired I have an app on my phone where if I type a few buttons a coffee is made and delivered to me within 10 minutes let's see if this works boom okay we'll see if that comes 16 affirm the present by assuming the future so a very powerful tactic if you're on a sales call and you are not sure if you're going to close that client what you can start doing is by talking about the future so what
I would do on sales calls if I was with someone and I wasn't quite sure they were over the line yet I would just think [ __ ] the present let's talk about the future Yeah so basically once we get going we've got all this set up I'm going to run these email campaigns we're going to do that in a couple of months just to make sure that they're you know relevant and then by the time Christmas comes around I'm going to have those ready and we're going to [ __ ] look at the competitors
and see their Christmas emails what I'm doing is I'm talking about the future and how am I able to talk about the future by assuming that we work in the [ __ ] present I'm talking about the future cuz obviously we're going to start working together obviously you're going to sign me and we're going to start going immediately okay what broscious [ __ ] has the gumption to start talking about the future before they [ __ ] signed him in the first place okay it comes across just confident enough to know what you're talking about
but arrogant enough to think who the [ __ ] is this guy so just start talking about the future because if you're talking about the future they're going to think okay yeah the future okay yeah that sounds good but wait if we're going to be working in the future that means we're going to be working in the present which means we're going to start working now okay yeah [ __ ] it let's go okay so talk about the future super powerful 17 always say because when when telling your client something now there was a study
and I don't know where it was but I heard it there was a study that said something along the lines of if you get three people in three different cues and they're trying to jump the queue you can do it three different ways the first way is if you just go up to the queue and you say hi can I jump in okay for no reason like imagine you're in a queue you trying to get a ticket for something hi can I jump in okay about 90% of people didn't get in the queue 10% did
the next group went up to the queue and said hi can I get in or can I fit in please right so they go up to the queue and they say hi can I come in the queue please and about 50% of them got in right so in the ticket there's a queue Etc you come up you cut the entire queue and you say hi can I can I can I jump in please and about 50% of them got in the third group went up to the queue and they said hi can I jump in
please because I need to be somewhere urgently and what they found is if you say because and you give a reason for whatever reason our [ __ ] monkey brain turns on and we just let you in because the word because somehow validifi whatever [ __ ] reason we have and we let them in and what they found is 90% of the time if they were trying to if if someone came up to the queue and they said I need to get in I need to cut in front of you because of a reason they
let them in it could be the most [ __ ] the most [ __ ] thing hi can I cut in the queue I need to get a ticket for a taxi because my wife is getting [ __ ] at home doesn't matter okay they would just be let in so always say because when you're speaking to your clients and the reason for that is because they probably won't believe you so for example if I'm working for a client or you're working for a client and you say to them do you hear that it's a
coffee machine and they say to you okay yeah uh that's good that's good that's good why should we do that or you bring up something you say right we're going to write emails like this and then we're going to do that say because don't just say we're going to write this email that doesn't work okay you need to say we're going to write this email because XY Z and a lot of the time they'll listen to you okay so if you're if you're tussling back and forth I've had this before and they're like we're going
to do this and they're like oh I don't think I don't really think we should do that bear in mind I'm the [ __ ] professional you're a [ __ ] idiot but nonetheless they've got Egos and so you just have to you have to persuade them I'm like we're going to do this blah blah blah blah blah they're like no I don't want to do that blah blah blah blah blah I'm like no we're going to do this because XY Z and if you give a because a lot of the time they Bend okay
so say because always that's in anything you can do that for anything you know like [ __ ] you're coming home with me no you're coming home with me because I have really nice sheets and you'll sleep like a [ __ ] baby in my house sweetheart say say because [ __ ] powerful [ __ ] 18 the next one can change your life the next one what I mean by that is once you're doing Outreach you need to understand I don't care how many you're [ __ ] sending a day I don't care if
it's a million I don't care if it's three it doesn't matter what it is the next one could change your life oh my god you're an angel thank you the next one could change your life okay so once you're doing Outreach I know what it's like believe me I've all of this is in two years I've learned and I am where you have been sorry I have been where you are sending Outreach all day not getting any responses sending Outreach getting a response not turning into a sales call [ __ ] this is depressing [
__ ] this is sad [ __ ] this is demotivating I have been there thinking this is [ __ ] copyrighting is a load of wank someone lied to me how do people make money I can't get any clients this is a load of crap and you're just sitting there thinking it's impossible it's impossible you need to eliminate that thinking and switch it to I am sending Outreach every single day and the next one I send the next one could be the one that changes my life cuz it could be the next one could change
your life you're sending 40 a day cool maybe 39 of them don't need your work or they don't open it one of them will I'll give you the perfect example video editors video editors reach out to me all the [ __ ] time I never need them look at me linguistic God I don't [ __ ] need your editing I guarantee if you reach out to enough YouTubers one of them will need editing and the point I'm trying to make is I always thought the next one could change my life cuz if I sign him
that's it someone's going to need my work someone it's just a matter of doing it until someone does which means the next one could be okay not that one the next one could be okay not that one the next one could be okay not that one bang the next one you sign him you do good work he knows people he gives you more clients bang 2 3 4 5 six clients 5 grand a month 10 grand a month your [ __ ] life changes okay that's how I viewed it I didn't view it as oh
it's so monotonous and it's not working I was in I I looked forward to outreach I was like I can't wait yeah right let's reach out to more people the next one could change my life and a lot of the time it didn't but one day it did now I'm here okay so think the next one will change your life honestly you [ __ ] you need to get this app on your phone what was that 3 minutes 3 minute coffee delivery good looking coffee machine too 19 more than half of copyright as a [
__ ] it's true half you watching this you're wank I don't want to [ __ ] foot it you just [ __ ] which is a good thing and a bad thing it's a bad thing if you're part of the [ __ ] okay get good follow principle one all you need to do is be good really but if you're if you're not in that half it's a good thing half of your competition is a [ __ ] idiot half your competition doesn't even know what the [ __ ] they're doing okay so I know
it's saturated Etc cool whatever if a 100 people try to do copyrighting 50 are retards 20 know what they're actually doing 10 give a [ __ ] five are actually hardworking and two might sign a client okay that's the reality so don't worry about it okay a lot of them are just [ __ ] so if you see all these people doing copyrighting most of them are wank most of them are just wasting time most of them are just like hopping from one thing to another if you stick with it you'll see success okay 20
impostor syndrome isn't real now if you don't know what imposter syndrome is essentially imposter syndrome is not feeling you are adequate enough to do something something or be somewhere for example if I don't know you you get hired for a business that you know you're not qualified for and you're surrounded by people and you think I don't belong here you know what I mean or like if you play a sport and you get bumped up a team and now you're with the big guy you with the [ __ ] a players and you're like I
don't belong here that's impostor syndrome okay but I don't believe in that and I think that's a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] and the reason for that is because everyone's had imposter syndrome and it isn't imp F syndrome it's just the next step I know you think you're not good enough and I know you think that you aren't ready when else are you going to be ready you think you'll be ready when you're ready no you're just given opportunities and thrown into circumstances and just have to [ __ ] deal with it
when I've signed clients I find I signed my first client a lot of you are going to [ __ ] experience this you sign your first client and you genuinely think I'm not good enough or some people message me and they say Tom how do I know I'm good enough to start charging money for people and it's like you just have to [ __ ] go and just think I'm the dog's bollocks [ __ ] everyone I deserve to get paid to do this I suppose it's an ego thing I always thought yeah I deserve
to get paid I see people doing this and think you're an idiot you're [ __ ] like what I could do that there's no way you can do that and I can't do that I always thought I was just better than people in that respect and so I never struggled with imposter syndrome but if you're thinking how do I know I'm good enough to get paid this much or how do I know I'm good enough to have a client you won't but that is the absolute Natural Evolution to getting good at anything that is the
Natural Evolution To Life some of you have never had a girlfriend and you're probably thinking how do I know I'm good enough to have a girlfriend you don't I [ __ ] didn't I was like right [ __ ] it that's just cool relationship even of the back of my mind I was like she's too hot for me whatever whatever I don't give a [ __ ] I was like yeah I'm [ __ ] her cool bang this is life now okay you just need to step and move forward and think it's scary as [
__ ] but eventually you're going to have to do it and everyone's had it everyone that's ever achieved anything has been an imposter do you not think when I stepped on camera on YouTube on my first video I didn't think okay is this really me like can I do this now I didn't think it for long because I'm me but yeah to a degree I was like okay yeah right camera new settings is anyone going to listen to me does even give a [ __ ] what I say I don't know [ __ ] it
I'll do it anyway okay imposter syndrome is everywhere everyone that's done anything ever has experienced imposter syndrome so it's not imposter syndrome it's normal syndrome it's it's [ __ ] everyone's syndrome everyone has it it's not impostor syndrome you're not a [ __ ] imposter you're normal like the everyone else and anything you do that think is you think is scary isn't scary everyone else has just done it and they [ __ ] dealt with it and you're next okay 21 most girls aren't happy in their relationship I would know not because my girl is
unhappy in my relationship but I know a lot of girls in relationships that aren't happy anyway the point is is that people won't pitch clients because they see they have copyrights do you want to know something about the industry that most people don't tell you that I'm going to [ __ ] tell you cuz I'm so [ __ ] nice a lot of the time if you see a business owner with a copywriter 50% % of the time they don't even like their copywriter 50% of the time they'll have someone writing their emails and they
don't even like them so you're probably thinking yeah but Tom that makes no sense why wouldn't they just fire them because the hassle and the the [ __ ] that they have to go through to get a new copywriter is just not worth it so they'd rather just put up with it put up with their [ __ ] copywriter than [ __ ] get a new one and that's beautiful cuz that means you can reach out to them yeah that's right businesses that already have copywriters you can reach out to them cuz 50% of the
time they're looking for new writers they're praying you [ __ ] send them an Outreach people don't do this this is how I got so many [ __ ] clients I knew that most people didn't like their writers while everyone was looking for copy for businesses that didn't have any writers I was looking for businesses that did have writers I was like [ __ ] yeah okay they email are in check they've got everything good but their copy [ __ ] I guarantee they're looking for someone else bang send the owner an email hi I
saw you writing emails I just see they didn't they're not good enough oh yeah actually we have been looking for a new copywriter it's actually very nice of you to to reach out to us we've been looking for this for a long time would you mind getting on a call bang just took some [ __ ] job [ __ ] roll up hi [ __ ] off like you can do that okay like like I said most girls aren't happy in their relationship but they'll just stay with the dude because you know he pays the
bills you know he drives it's convenient he drives me to the club so I can go and [ __ ] other dudes like it's it's convenient most girls are not happy in their relationship okay and so don't feel scared to reach out to girls in relationships okay it's [ __ ] easy 50% of the time you catch some fish okay so reach out to businesses with writers a lot of the time they want a [ __ ] new one okay 22 Outreach methods won't last forever this is something that people don't seem to get around
their head but I'm going to say it anyway Outreach methods aren't going to last forever Outreach methods that we're in 2023 don't [ __ ] work in 2024 they don't work because everyone's used them everyone's been pitched them okay and instead of whine and [ __ ] about that you know what you need to do adapt like I did when I started in 2023 I started using an Outreach method that worked for about a month and then 2024 came around and it stopped [ __ ] working people started saying to me stop sending me this
everyone's sending me this and I was like I think something new cuz this was [ __ ] no you doing anything with email I just like no no one's [ __ ] doesn't work right so I had to come up with something else and I've come up with something now which hopefully you [ __ ] watch my video and you know how to do okay cuz it's good now 2025 probably won't work as good as I am at what I do and as amazing as my Outreach method is 6 months probably won't work that's life
okay so what you need to do is understand it won't work milk the [ __ ] cow now and then in 6 months just find a new cow just find something else be inventive okay now subscribe cuz I'm going to be coming up with new stuff I'll come up with new Outreach methods for the rest of time but they're not going to last forever and I hate people that think yeah this is the best Outreach method ever and it would just [ __ ] last until the end of time and no it's not going to
last it's going to [ __ ] get stale and people are not going to [ __ ] be receptive to it and you're going to be [ __ ] so be prepared new ones are coming every day okay I'm still thinking of new Outreach methods to this day okay they're not going to last forever 23 take care of your appearance this seems like a very very very simple one but I get on calls with some of you and you just dress like hobos take care of your appearance okay now it's all good being able to
speak like I can or write like I can if I turn up and I look homeless do you think they're going to [ __ ] sign me do you think I'm going to get on a call with someone that hasn't showered in a year and hasn't shaved in a [ __ ] month and they're going to be like yeah let's work together no they're going to be like do you know what deodorant is they're not going to [ __ ] sign you okay take care of your appearance unfortunately we are humans of judgment and we
judge based on appearance all the time so whenever you whenever you're on a sales call don't don't be weird okay I was weird first time I ever got a sales call I wore a [ __ ] I wore a suit or a [ __ ] tie in my bedroom [ __ ] like it was awful but look nice okay just wear a nice t-shirt [ __ ] get a haircut wash have a background that isn't [ __ ] anime posters okay look normal professional like you know what you're [ __ ] talking about because it
doesn't matter what you say if they don't believe what they say on the screen it's going to be very hard for them to listen to you okay so take care of your parents 24 also if you take care of your parents they're going to think he take carees of he takes care of himself he'll probably take care of me and that's what I say they'll be like okay but how do I know you're the one it's like listen I don't want to brag my life's pretty good I take care of myself I know what I'm
doing I take care of myself I'm going to take care of you like I've taken care of all my clients okay 24 we are only an hour in 24 a third of the way [ __ ] are so lucky you can speak money into your bank account now what I mean by that is when you're on a sales call because believe me I am proponent number one of this if you're just good enough at speaking you got the GI of the gab you're a syntax God slick talk bad boy elocution assassin you know what I
mean you can just speak money into your bank account I've been on sales calls that I was not qualified to be on and had no [ __ ] clue what I was doing but because I could speak and because I could persuade them over the phone or over the call they hired me okay so if you're just good enough at speaking you can speak money into your bank account I've done it innumerable times like I said like I said someone say can you do this no of course I [ __ ] can't yeah I can
do it I do it all the time in fact I just did it for make up some [ __ ] literally off the top of my head I just did it for a client the other week they got these results I'm getting better at it I'm thinking how I can hone it actually now that we're doing it now it'll allow me to do it even better and I guarantee you'll get the best results what were you thinking can we do this next week what's your schedule bang [ __ ] just just garbage coming out my
mouth but I'm good at speaking and they're just sitting on the call for like four or five minutes straight without ever saying anything me just like globber [ __ ] out my mouth thinking this guy [ __ ] knows something because like I said in my [ __ ] communication video which you should also go and watch Being able to speak shows competence not many people can speak if you can speak they'll think this guy is a competent individual just inherently they'll think he can speak well I trust him not many people can speak well
he can he can he can he can construct sentences and make me feel things and make me think things [ __ ] it I trust him I'll give him my money and if you're good enough at speaking that's all you [ __ ] need okay obviously I was semi decent but if you're just good enough at speaking bang get on a call okay it's the same I know I keep going back to dating and girls but there's so many crossovers do you know how many girls I've dated that are like a year out my league
or a [ __ ] million miles out my league just because I'm so [ __ ] smooth at talking in their ear like you could just speak things into existence you just be good at talking and get what you want okay so just watch my communication video or learn to speak cuz it will make you a lot of money okay 25 every sales tool is good regardless if you get paid now people come to me and they say Tom I had a sales cool but it was [ __ ] cuz I didn't get paid not
the case it is not the case if you do not get paid on call that is not a bad call in fact I would say right now any call you get on is a good call cuz at least you [ __ ] got on it and I'll tell you now here's how you make the most out of every single sales call once you're on a sales call you should be looking to get something no matter what okay so if you're on a sales call maybe you don't get paid you know what I would do if
I know I wasn't going to get paid I would book a follow-up call didn't get paid but I still got something okay we have a follow-up call okay so we'll keep talking lead isn't dead yet the lead isn't dead and also even if you get on a sales call that is still investment from their end you are technically still an important person and a lot of the time if they're willing to get on a sales call they are prepared to spend money they're not getting on a call cuz they don't want to spend money they
are getting on a call cuz they have money in their bank and they don't want to spend it on [ __ ] this month they want to spend it on something for [ __ ] good use and they're on a call with you and maybe didn't pay you probably because you don't know how to speak properly and you can't convince them but it's still better than nothing okay so don't think oh I didn't get paid on a sales cool [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] it's still a good thing and even if
you're not if if you didn't get paid try and get something try and get a sales call or or try and get them to [ __ ] put something in writing or or or predict the future and say we're going to do this I'm going to write this for you and get them to say yes get something every sales call is a good sales call it's just depending on it it depends on how much you can get okay every sales gool is a good sales gool which leads into 26 you want to get paid on
call okay this is imperative if you've never been on a sales call before I want to make this very [ __ ] clear people take impulsive decisions on call they do it all the time and if you can get someone on a phone call it's a a lot easier to get them to pay you because people are cowards people are scared okay so if you can just be like right we're going to do this we've got this in in line everything's going to be good it's this much or we've agreed on this much bang payment
link has been sent over let me know you got it they're much more likely to pay you and I'll tell you one thing because I've had this innumerable times in fact in fact is this a later lesson no this is a later lesson I'll get to it you need to get paid on the call because if you don't get paid on call the chances of you seeing that money is slimmer than a Mongolian who the [ __ ] is messaging me like it's just not going to come through okay you need to secure them on
call okay so you'll be on a sales call you talk some [ __ ] they bring up price I think that's a lesson they bring up price it's their initiative it's their prerogative good we've agreed on this is that's how much you'd be prepared to pay yeah I'd be prepared to pay about $1,500 okay awesome right lock that in cool I've just sent over the link let me know you got it and they'll say oh oh actually I need to go and do something so some [ __ ] oh I have going to do something
what what what you going to do take a [ __ ] no it's [ __ ] they haven't got to do something they're just scared to [ __ ] give you their money and you need to [ __ ] hard close them you need to say no okay I understand you're busy but I have a very busy schedule and if we're not going to do this now I doubt we're going to do anytime soon and so I really think if we could just get this done now I can start working today and I can start
sending you stuff over tomorrow and we can start working this week and see results within [ __ ] 14 days now go progression now pay me okay and the reason for that is because like I said if they if they get off the call and an hour goes by and a day goes by and you're messaging them hi hi hi hi hi yeah can you can we get the payment hi hi can you can you pay me hi hi hi can you pay me no it's just like like [ __ ] off just piss off
[ __ ] wanker okay again with girls you go on a date with a girl you don't [ __ ] her cool no worries guess what most of you do you go home you message her hi hi can we see each other again hi I really enjoyed seeing you hi hi can we get another drink hi hi hi you're really beautiful hi swipe up on a story hi you really you really look good in that not knowing that she's probably another date with a dude hi you look really good today she's just like I just
[ __ ] off just like go away so it's imperative you get paid on call okay imperative get paid on call 27 this is a serious [ __ ] hack I want everyone here to listen to this because I found this out and my mind was blown I was like what you can do this and it leads into the previous point so you want a sales call and whatever the [ __ ] being an idiot he's like oh I'm going to pay you I need to go and I know get fingered by my wife you
say okay right before you go and get fingered by your wife I understand you don't want to get paid right now but and I say this you can I literally I'll roleplay this I'll say okay I understand you want to get going that's absolutely fine to prove to me and yourself or to really set something in stone to know that we're really about it and we're really serious can we just get some sort of minuscule investment to you know solidify the deal to solidify the future going forward and they'll say like what and I'll say
nothing crazy nothing ridiculous just like I don't know $100 $100 investment to know that I know that you're serious and I'm not wasting my time and you're not wasting your time and a lot of the time they'll go $1100 or $50 all right yeah sure so you make a stripe invoice Google it I'm not going to teach you how go on stripe and make an account make a stripe invoice for $50 $100 send it to them and then what you do once they've paid it you finish the call you then send them an email and
say just to be clear what we said on the call I'm going to do this and this and this for this much and this time frame blah blah blah blah blah you just sort of saying what's going to happen for what you're getting paid for and you just got to say just to let let me know this is all okay just reply yes or say this is absolutely fine if they reply yes you now have legal control over them bear with me okay because this is [ __ ] snark [ __ ] if you get
if you get a micro investment from them and then you send them an email saying everything you're going to do for them for the amount of money you've agreed and then they say yes yes you now have it in writing and so if you start working for them and they don't pay you do you know what you can do which I don't even know how this is possible do you know what you can do you can go on stripe you can go onto their invoice and you can take money from their account I am not
lying you can go on stripe say they say say they said they pay you $2,500 and you did all this work and they didn't pay you you say please pay me please pay me please pay me and they don't pay you you know what you can do you go on stripe you type in their invoice you type in $2500 and it takes it out their account and puts it in yours and I know you're thinking okay Tom but that's [ __ ] illegal you can't do that no it isn't you want to know why because
you have it in writing saying that they agree to the terms and they agree to paying you the amount they're going to pay you and that will hold up in court if you take money out their account and they say how the [ __ ] can you do this this is [ __ ] you can't [ __ ] take money for me I'm going to the court you can say go to the court go to court call the police police come around hi you took money from his account yeah let me just get my [
__ ] email where he said he'd pay [Applause] me he's got no leverage he has no leverage so yeah that's a little hack you can use if you're not sure if they're not willing to pay you if they're not to do it just say okay let's get a micro investment bang send over an email get their agreement if they don't pay you [ __ ] take their money I've done this once I don't like doing it cuz it's like you do feel like a bit of a [ __ ] vigilante but took it you know
cuz you know why you'll be hitting them up hi can you pay me hi can you pay me like that little [ __ ] you'll then take the money from their account and within one minute they're like the [ __ ] is this like they'll do a full 180 okay so do it if they're going to be a dick to you be a dick to them [ __ ] it pay me I'm working for free okay 28 start your copy short one word little hack you can use when you're writing so when I started I
was doing it wrong I would because you you probably do this yourself you write copy right you start you write like you were taught in school which is wrong this is the copywriting world that's the school World once you write and copy start with one word or two words or three words if you're subscribe to my email list you'll know I start most of my emails with one word or two because that's much easier to read than a [ __ ] paragraph if you open an email and it's a paragraph of text who the [
__ ] reads that no one no one gives a [ __ ] that's effort okay you got Tik Tock brain you got PornHub membranes you got [ __ ] you ain't got time for that okay so what I do is I make it as easy as possible for the reader to start reading one word that will be the first [ __ ] word one word sentence guess what that'll be it and then the next line will be I've got something to show you and then the next line will be you're not going to believe this
but I think it will really help and then the next line will be a full sentence what I'm doing is I'm slowly slowly making the sentences longer because if they start reading it they're much more likely to to continue and the best way to start reading it is if it's very easy to read one word I can read a word and if it's curious as well they're much more likely so so I always start my emails with guess what it's short and it's it's intriguing guess what what this what about this just get them in
get them in get them in get them in get them in you know it they've read the whole [ __ ] email okay so start your copy with one word 29 I really hope the camera doesn't die anyway never stop outreaching all your clients could die so what I did once I was doing this I started outreaching I got maybe three or four clients thinking I'm on top of the [ __ ] world thinking okay cool I've quit my job I no longer need to do this etc etc etc thinking wow I've completed life and
then about a week later two of my clients for whatever reason just went bust and said sorry we can't pay you anymore two of them my income went in half and then later that day my third client said we're going to have to do a review we're not sure if we can keep working and I was like what I've gone from four clients thinking I'm the dogs bollocks on top of the world to two of my clients leaving me and my third one threatening to leave now to ensure this doesn't happen to you you need
to keep outreaching you have you you you can't stop you can't stop trying to get more clients even if it's through referrals I don't give a [ __ ] how you do it you need to keep looking for more clients because you never know when your clients are going to bounce you never know they could all die they could all die for whatever reason they could all be in the same car and a [ __ ] idiot could Ram them off the road and bang you're [ __ ] right so keep looking out for clients
and I didn't do that I thought I've got all my clients I'm no longer need to do any Outreach I'm on top of the world no [ __ ] that I don't care if you have four clients 5 10 15 give a [ __ ] keep looking for more cuz if they go you're [ __ ] but if you keep bringing new ones keep them interested keep them in the pipeline if one goes bang get another one in okay so you never run out of income 30 which leads into this one clients are going to
leave they're going to leave I know you think they never will I certainly didn't look at me I give [ __ ] Tom dock one the best emails in the world I never thought they' [ __ ] leave and they did okay they saw my YouTube S I made the occasional gay joke gone okay they're going to leave and there's not much you can do about that besides be good at what you do besides that there's not much you can do but you can prepare for it okay like I said with point the point before
you can prepare for it okay so you don't have to be like oh Tom I had all these clients and then out of knowwhere they all left me and I've gone from 8 Grand a month to zero Grand a month and now I'm going have to [ __ ] h my body out and use my mouth as a [ __ ] money machine on the [ __ ] corner and suck dick for a living cuz I didn't do any Outreach when I had all my clients cuz I thought I was going to lose any to
my [ __ ] clients okay you need to think they're going to leave and if that if that happens cool no no worries just do more [ __ ] Outreach it's better to be prepared that they're going to leave they not think they're going to leave and they end up leaving if they leave either way but you're prepared that's better off okay I'm prepared for all my clients to leave cuz I can get new ones I know the procedure to get a new one if if one of them leaves now do they leave no cuz
I'm me I'm [ __ ] amazing but if they do leave I can deal with it don't be core cuz they're going to leave especially if you're [ __ ] especially if you're [ __ ] and especially if they're broke clients they're broke and your [ __ ] bro it is it is a matter of when not if okay so keep that in mind which leads into the next Point squeeze the juice out of used fruits so I did did this a few months ago a client was about to leave me and I knew they
were about to leave because you know what it's just stale like the communication [ __ ] like I wasn't writing bad copy but they weren't getting the sales they liked to be fair they they ran a [ __ ] business so it's not really my fault but they run a [ __ ] business they weren't making any money things were getting stale I knew I predicted it clients are going to leave he's going to leave [ __ ] going to leave okay he was going to leave I knew he was going to leave and I
knew I wasn't going to win okay I KN I knew I was going to keep him so you know what I did I thought okay I'm [ __ ] I'm going to lose him but what can I get out of him before he leaves the fruit's going to go rotten can I squeeze any juice out of it before it does and so what I did was I asked him for a referral thought [ __ ] it hail Mary I got a little bit of good results for him bang use that as an opportunity yo [
__ ] got got any friends I [ __ ] anyway what's he going to do oh no you're [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm never going to talk to you again bro he going to leave anyway client's gone anyway may as well just [ __ ] try and milk something out of it so I tried to squeeze and if you know a client's going to leave just squeeze some juice out of them maybe not a referral maybe a testimony whatever it is okay get something out of them before they go I did this
and it worked okay he said I can't give you a referral but I can keep you in mind and I can give you a testimony and I said okay can I I kept milking it I was like can you give me a face testimony can you speak to the camera I don't want an email emails can be [ __ ] frauded I want you saying on camera I worked with Tom and he was amazing okay if I hadn't done that he would have left and I wouldn't had it that's helped me I put that in
my [ __ ] portfolio if someone come someone comes to me and they say do you have any clients yeah I send that video okay squeeze the juice out used fruits 32 it's hard to skew [ __ ] I'm writing these I'm the funniest kind of live it's hard to score during that time of the month so you're going to have clients that need your services but for whatever reason just don't go ahead with it okay and the reason I've said it like this is because again girls is just the best [ __ ] example
there will be girls that are head over heels in love with you and want to suck you until you're drier than the Sahara desert but because they're on their period just won't go home with you or just like won't progress with you for whatever reason okay they on the period okay there's nothing you can do about it it's that time in the month unlucky you could have the most Flawless game on the planet believe me I [ __ ] know some things you just don't close and the reason I know that is because you try
something you try the same thing a few weeks later bang Works flawlessly so sometimes just that time of the month sometimes even if they need need it even if they definitely could benefit from your writing and you're like why the [ __ ] aren't you just saying yes we're going to make so much money it's that time of the month maybe they're just not interested maybe they're idiots maybe they just don't know why they need it okay whatever they could have just had a [ __ ] client they had a [ __ ] copywriter someone
that doesn't learn from me bang okay I've had a [ __ ] writer and then you come in straight away they're like [ __ ] yeah I don't want another writer it's how it is okay sometimes it's that time of the month can't win try again in a month okay in fact I had a client again another [ __ ] porn addict I don't know why I get all these [ __ ] porn addict client she was a woman she was a chick and she she was addicted to porn like a chick and she made
YouTube videos being addicted to porn anyway super weird I I I pitched her and I said we can make loads of money cuz I don't know why she she she killed the market like she was a girl and and she was obviously addicted to flicking the bean but dude are always addicted to [ __ ] wanking and so they saw like an affinity with her and they were like yeah I'm also addicted to wanking but you're a girl and and because I'm addicted to wanking I might be able to get on a call with you
and talk about how we're both addicted to wanking and she was getting paid like $100 an hour to speak to these dudes I like $100 an hour to listen to wankers talk about how they can't stop wanking like you you you're taking the bread home and and I was like you can make all this money and we can do this and I was writing some emails for her and she was like yeah I'm just not interested oh I don't want to I was like okay you [ __ ] idiot whatever so I stopped talking to
her anyway 9 months later I was going through my emails I thinking what old leads do I have and I reached out to her I said hi name I'm not going to say hi so you've been killing on YouTube still any thoughts on how we can keep going with this or I've worked with someone similar in the industry [ __ ] I've worked with someone similar in Industry I got these results fancy doing the same bang and she said yeah this is great boom signed her so sometimes it's that time of the month and it's
it's hard to score okay but just follow up and it worked flawlessly 33 the best ideas are on the other side of a [ __ ] so when you're writing you need to be in a state of mind which allows ideas to come free flowingly and if you're constantly thinking about something else it's going to be very hard to get in a get in a a mood or a position where you can give your best ideas and put them on the page most of you are dudes my audience is 80% dudes and most of you
are probably sex deprived right you can never have enough sex and I'm telling you now this doesn't just have to be about that but if you have something on your mind that's like etching at your [ __ ] brain you're not going to be able to write good copy if I'm trying to write something but something's on the top of my mind and I can't get out my [ __ ] head I cannot write properly I need to get that thing out my head I need to deal with that thing before I can start doing
this okay and so yeah [ __ ] it like if you're trying to write and you can't write that good maybe it's because you're horny as [ __ ] just ask your girl hey baby yeah [ __ ] what do you mean [ __ ] it's 2: p.m. yeah baby I need to make money though I can't think I need one of your help think brain tank blow jobs please baby oh okay bang nut in her mouth boom now you're not thinking about it anymore your mind is free you can start thinking about copy okay
something to think about all right I know people are I'm no one's ever going to say this it's only me that's going to start talking about this I'm telling you now you need to be in a clear state of mind and a lot of the time it's because you're thinking about sex so just [ __ ] get on with it have a [ __ ] ladies if you know someone that is a copywriter and they're not making as much money suck his dick maybe he'll start making more okay you're welcome 34 don't slay dragons before
you can catch fish so people DM me saying Tom I want to write sales letters and vsls and all this [ __ ] [ __ ] big big projects why you can't even write a [ __ ] Instagram caption [ __ ] stop worrying about writing vsls and sales letters you need to get good at doing the small things before you you have the ability to do the large things I can write sales letters and vsls and websites and all that good [ __ ] I couldn't 15 months ago I could barely write a [
__ ] email don't worry about any of that until you're really good at doing the easy stuff writing about pages and captions and emails okay you don't try and [ __ ] the mova N9 out of 10 Barbie before you [ __ ] a couple you know back of the classroom [ __ ] whatever they're called okay so you need to start low get your confidence up know what you're doing and then you can tackle the dragon okay fish catch a fish goldfish okay then catch another fish I don't any fish I don't go [
__ ] fishing fish fish fish fish fish catch a good fish then go shark hunting okay then catch a lion or some [ __ ] and then catch a [ __ ] Dragon you got to get there incrementally don't just go straight for the [ __ ] Dragon okay you're an idiot okay work up to it okay and that's going to allow you to have the confidence to do that so unless you're already good at writing emails and [ __ ] doing websites and all that [ __ ] you're not good enough okay give it
30 emails if you written 30 emails 50 captions couple of websites sorry not a couple of websites couple of uh uh about Pages I'll consider that good okay 35 this is a super important lesson no one ever won by following the rules no one ever won by following the rules no one ever ever now quite notoriously I have a story about how I got a client and the way I got that client was by not necessarily breaking the rules I don't think you need to break them but certainly [ __ ] bend them now I
signed this client quite notoriously like I said by saying I had an affiliation to the brand because my Dad was born in Japan and the brand was based out of Japan and so I found them through my dad cuz my dad's [ __ ] Japanese and blah blah blah blah blah wow your dad's from Japan yeah my dad's from Japan K you are yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no my dad's the whitest pastiest londonist English most [ __ ] white dude you've ever met in your life okay I just lied you can just [ __
] lie now don't break the rules don't make up some complete [ __ ] just bend them a little bit okay that [ __ ] white lie that little Bend of the rules signed me that client that was a Fortune 500 company I bent the rules to get in a position where I was writing emails for one of the biggest companies in the world okay and I guarantee if I didn't do that I might not be in the position I am today cuz that client got me all my clients for the rest of my [
__ ] life okay no one no one succeeded by following the rules okay the rules are there literally to ensure that not everyone succeeds you don't realize that you think how are some people successful and some people aren't because most people follow the train track of R [ __ ] twists and turns you're always inside it and you never [ __ ] go out of it and you're thinking how am I always ending up in the same person in the same place as everyone else how am I always doing the same thing as everyone else
how am I not succeeding anything any more than anyone else cuz you're all going on the same [ __ ] Direction you're all following the same [ __ ] rules school is the best example everyone goes to school gets a job gets in Deb has a [ __ ] [ __ ] existence why cuz they all went to school and why do they all go to school because they all followed the rules guess what I did got expelled from school I didn't follow the [ __ ] rules now I'm here in a $5 million Manion
on a [ __ ] Monday what you doing on a Monday you went to school what are you doing preparing for Tuesday probably cuz you follow the rules I didn't follow the rules I broke the [ __ ] rules and yeah it led me down a different path in life but at least not the [ __ ] way that you went okay so no one ever won by following the rules no one ever won by following the rules every athletes on [ __ ] gear okay news flash your favorite athletes on [ __ ] GE
bro I play golf Tiger Woods is probably on loads of [ __ ] I'm going to say probably so I don't get a [ __ ] defamation lawsuit probably wink wink probably all your athletes are on on [ __ ] okay everyone's doing some [ __ ] to get the upper hand it's ruthless you can't follow the rules okay I'm not saying be a dick or be a distasteful person but certainly give yourself the upper hand whenever you can if that means saying that your [ __ ] white dad is from the depths of [
__ ] sabuya or whatever the [ __ ] it is in Japan then that's what you got to say okay again no one's going to die you just [ __ ] give yourself the upper hand all right 36 you can win with just volume we're an hour and a half in okay you can win with just volume so I know a guy he's from the depths of India and it's a lot harder for him to sign clients obviously okay because whatever okay India accent whatever background whatever he's from the depths of India but he still
signs clients he makes 4 and a half Grand a month which in India is basically millionaire status and I say to people you don't even have to be that good you don't even need to be the best if you're just willing to relentlessly do the volume you'll win if you don't give a [ __ ] and you're prepared to just go loopy and just say I don't give a [ __ ] how much I do this I don't give a [ __ ] if it takes every moment of every day for the rest of my
life and you just do that thing you can win a lot of the time you can win with pure volume sure there's people that are the best sure there's people that have innate talents sure there are people that bend the rules I still recommend you do that but if you just if you just do the numbers game you can win and this [ __ ] guy knew that his only Advantage was doing the numbers game he was just on it he didn't give a the [ __ ] he was in India he's got family to
[ __ ] feed bang on it on his [ __ ] Sony XPR [ __ ] phone doesn't even load sending sending Outreach from his [ __ ] Anon account on Instagram and then sending voice notes and his deep Mumbai and accent he didn't give a [ __ ] he was getting rejected 99 times out of 100 and he's still signing clients cuz I guarantee if you if you speak to a a [ __ ] 10,000 people you know think at least one of them or two or three is going to be interested and that's
what he did okay and and you're better off than him so if you just do the volume you can get what he what he got and he's he's in a worse position than you he's Broker Than You his accent's [ __ ] up even I don't understand what he's saying sometimes again I'm not going to say an Indian accent because just can't be asked but he's in a wor worse position than you are okay but the reason he's winning and you're not is cuz he's just prepared to [ __ ] do the numbers that's what
I did not to that degree he's [ __ ] crazy but I just did the numbers okay you can win with just volume so do it it's like we I keep going back to this but I'm telling you now if you are ugly as a [ __ ] and you get no girls you don't even know what a vagina looks like you look at a Leo and think it's a [ __ ] alien I don't I don't know if you just go up to every girl you ever Mercy for the rest of your life you're
going to get laid I'm telling you now it's the dudes in the club that just don't care they'll go up to the [ __ ] hot ones they'll go up to the barid they'll go up to the [ __ ] whale in the corner that's like only there to [ __ ] make the other friends look good she's the duff the designated ugly fat friend he goes up to them go up to [ __ ] everyone one of them is going to be sad enough horny enough or desperate enough to say yeah and she'll [
__ ] you but you're only going to know if you go up to every single one of them and you can win with just volume okay so if you're just prepared to do the numbers good you'll win okay 37 detach your emotions from the outcome this is so important because this is half the reason most people don't succeed most people don't succeed not because they don't get any results it's because they get some results but not all the results so I'll give you the perfect example if this is no money no clients nothing and this
is sales cool and this is getting paid people don't quit cuz they never get to hear that isn't why people quit do you want to know why people quit the reason people quit is because they get to hear and they never get to hear they'll get some of the way sales call they'll get happy they'll elicit emotion like they'll get a response and think yeah I've got I've got a response cool I've got I've got sales call awesome nice they'll get to this part for whatever reason doesn't pan out and their emotions have gone from
[ __ ] up here to down here and that makes them feel sad but it's okay that's one time and they'll do it again and they'll get to here sales cool nice and they won't get to hear [ __ ] back down again and they'll do it again sales cool nice this this time this is going to be the one and they won't get here back down again and I have seen it firsthand and I guarant [ __ ] te everyone that's done Outreach can relate it is soul crushing not because you didn't get any
progress but because you got a little bit of progress and you didn't get all the way and you you get to a point where you start scratching your head and you're like I cannot deal with this anymore I cannot put put up with the emotional trauma and torment and [ __ ] that I have to go through every single time I want to want to get a client and so you quit that's why you quit you quit because you are sick and tired of reaching out for something seeing it and not being able to grab
it imagine going to bed with a girl and she's naked every single night for a year and you never [ __ ] her can you imagine what that would do to you mentally she's like a [ __ ] Barbie doll and she's laying there and you haven't had sex in years you're broke you're virgin you get no [ __ ] you have no money and you're sitting there and she's naked okay she's there you've got to this point she's naked and she's in your bed but she never has sex with you Soul crushing and that's
why people quit he's like nah [ __ ] this I'll sleep on the floor [ __ ] that okay that's why people quit so you need to detach your emotions from the outcome and the reason for that is cuz if you detach your emotions in the outcome who gives a [ __ ] cool sales cool right whatever cool didn't pan out right give a [ __ ] bang next one cool don't care don't give a [ __ ] bang don't care cool don't give a [ __ ] if you don't give a [ __ ]
you win cuz eventually if you do the numbers one of them is going to go to here and you're going to get paid I'm telling you now when I was doing this I was caught in this emotional [ __ ] roller coaster of [ __ ] and it got to the point where I would get on sales calls a lot of the time I would get on sales calls and just think it's not going to go anywhere or they'd send me a [ __ ] time to book a call with them I think okay yeah
it's not going to go anywhere in fact I have a story I had a client some chick I had a client with a girl sorry I almost had a client with this girl and when I say this client was done it was done okay I'm going to talk about this later on but holy [ __ ] this taught me to detach my emotions from the [ __ ] outcome and you need to cuz if you don't care it's easier to go through the motions it's easy to handle with rejection okay so stop being so affiliated
with the sales call or the response or the yeah we're going to do this or whatever the [ __ ] they say ignore them just tell them ignore it okay detach your emotions cool sales cool whatever oh okay they responded nice whatever give a [ __ ] okay CU if you if you do that you're not going to be as traum T traumatized tormented and traumatized when I eventually won't go through with you okay 38 which leads on to this point until there's money in the bank it ain't real this client I had this girl
didn't get her in the end this client I almost had when I say this client was in the bag I mean in the bag like I mean a panel van has just pulled up to the side of the road and kidnapped someone shut the [ __ ] door and sped off into the [ __ ] Horizon it was over it was done I'd sa I'd sold the [ __ ] out of her on call she was flirting with me she drafted up a contract that I didn't even [ __ ] want to sign so I
didn't even need to sign it cuz she believed in me I said yes we agreed on on an amount of money everything was done everything she said yes in the DMs I sent over the payment link she was like I'm going to pay it right now obviously she didn't pay it on call which is why I allude to the [ __ ] point earlier but it was done done and this was like $2,500 which back then was a lot of money to me and I was like great whoopy dooo I closed my lid on the
laptop started dancing around I was that [ __ ] I was that sure I was that sure it was dumb it's again it's like literally going home with a girl getting naked she gets the condom out and takes your pants off it was that done and about a day later after having the money still not arriv in my account I message her and I say oh hi I think her name was Elaine hi Elaine [ __ ] her I'll do sir don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] hi Elaine
can you just give me an update on the payment etc etc didn't hear a word next day hi Elaine can you give me an update on the payment didn't hear a word after like 4 days I just knew the money it was gone the client was done she was never going to respond to me whatever happened maybe her [ __ ] dad died who the [ __ ] knows it was done I didn't get over that for about three [ __ ] out right camera died I haven't [ __ ] moved anything to show you
I'm not [ __ ] around okay I haven't just recorded this the next day camera [ __ ] died okay this is close to cuz I can get camera's still on 20% if I don't get it done in this [ __ ] it I'll just finish it tomorrow right what was I talking about oh yeah a lane that [ __ ] so yeah basically unless there's money in the bank it ain't real okay right 39 cold coffee bro if you leave coffee too long all the [ __ ] jizz part like floats to the top
it's kind of disgusting right 39 reach out to prospects and say you know someone M someone Mutual so if you're reaching out to someone I used to do this all the time if I was in a particular industry for example the golf industry I would reach out to someone say a golf coach like literally anything but say golf coach and I would just say I do the Outreach whatever whatever whatever we talk back and forth and then I'd say by the way I also know XYZ or someone they might know or someone else in the
industry did I know them no okay but a lot of the time they would never [ __ ] check okay and you know what I didn't lie all the time okay it's was not even lying I did know them okay technically I did know them but what I would do is I would i' I'd mention something they might know so for example if I'm reaching out to a golf coach and i' be like oh okay yeah I know this person I know this person I would like bring up a screenshot of like me reacting to
one of their stories and them liking it like so technically now we know each other you know like okay I reacted to a story now he knows me I can use him as leverage to get more clients like you can do that and and if people see that you know other people that they know they're more likely to trust you so and in fact this works even if you don't even [ __ ] like bro I had clients I'd reach out to I'd work with them and then we stop working for whatever reason and then
I'd reach out to someone else that they know or if they did a collaboration with that person and I'd reach out to them and in my opening pitch I'd say hi XYZ I know this person I worked for them I also want to do the same for you even if we fell out on [ __ ] [ __ ] terms okay so reach out to people and say you know other people they might know okay and again you can do it I'm not going to check often okay so you just do it okay like I
said bend the rules 40 focus on your main [ __ ] and then worry about your side checks it's a pretty standard [ __ ] straightforward point but let me just extrapolate it got your mean [ __ ] all right real ones no got your mean [ __ ] you need to satisfy her and treat her the best it's the way it works okay you can't be [ __ ] treating other people as good as her okay she's number one for a reason and the same applies to your copyrighting client there is a hierarchy of
importance when you're a writer especially if you're a copywriter the the clients if there was a triangle a hierarchy the clients are at the top they're number one [ __ ] they get the first load okay once they've been fed then you worry about the ones below them and then once they've been fed you worry about the ones below them okay so for example if I have a client I have one client I will do all my work for them and fulfill all my duties towards them before I even consider doing more Outreach and people
[ __ ] this up they'll get a client good good job you get a client and then you [ __ ] lose them because you stop treating them like the main [ __ ] they're the main [ __ ] stop worrying about getting new side chicks until you [ __ ] satisfied your main girl you're at the top you've got her and they'd have her they have her they'd have them but then they keep doing Outreach and neglect the [ __ ] client they have and then the client would leave them and they wouldn't get
any clients anyway so don't neglect the main [ __ ] for for new side checks okay you've got your client that's the most important once they've got everything in line and everything's good with them then do Outreach okay also if a client's in the pipeline they're also more important so if you have a client that you're negotiating with they take precedence over new clients so client that you have is most important clients you're negotiating with is second importance and clients that you haven't even spoken to you're outreaching to last importance okay hierarchy see the first
one then go to the second then go to the third 41 this is a writing tip something I used all the time I still Ed to this day is extremely powerful so please write this down in fact [ __ ] implement it today okay because it's good once you're writing and you're trying to sell someone something say what you're going to tell them tell them and then tell them what you've just told them so for example fitness programs I always go to fitness programs cuz they're super [ __ ] easy I am going to teach
you how to lose loads of weight you are going to lose loads of weight by doing burpees by doing burpees you've now lost loads of weight see what I did there I've told them what I'm going to told them I'm going to teach you how to lose loads of weight I've told you what I'm going to tell you you're going to do loads of burpees I've told you and then I've said you're going to lose loads of weight because of burpees and then I've just told you what I've just told you okay so you can
do this all the time and the reason it's so powerful is because it's just compounding something you already told them it's like it's this and they go okay and it's but it's this and they go okay it's this and like okay I get it I get it I get it rout okay this is super important this is super amazing tell them what you're going to tell them tell them and then tell them what you just [ __ ] told them super powerful cuz people don't people are dumb people are stupid they'll read stuff and they
won't even they won't even conceptualize it they'll just like they'll just like draw over the page while they go over it I don't care so you got [ __ ] say it to them say it to them again and then tell them what you just [ __ ] told them then they get it okay so whatever you're selling if selling the benefits of something tell them the benefit so sorry tell them what the benefit is going to be tell them what it is and then tell them what you just told them okay some people won't
be able to do that cuz you're just idiots but if you're if you're semi good at writing you can you can weave that into your copy and that works really well 42 book the next date before the first one finishes so assuming that you're not all virgins if you've been on a date and you don't know if you're going to seal the deal you'll go home what you probably don't do is set up another date before you [ __ ] leave you probably just go home awkwardly kiss go home and wank thinking about her and
then stalk her Instagram okay you need to book the next one on the one that you're currently on and what I mean by that is if you're on a sales call with someone and you know like I said you know it's not going to [ __ ] fall through or you know you're not going to get paid like I said every sales go is good in some way in some way they're good don't just leave okay cuz for whatever reason they're not willing to pay you it's probably because one they don't trust you two they
need to think about it or three they need to talk to someone that's usually the reasons and if they can't make that decision on call fine so don't worry go away and think about it and we'll talk again on another call and they'll say okay bye and you say no wait before you [ __ ] go when are you free let's book another call right now on the [ __ ] phone okay cuz now they're committed when are you free this time okay cool get it in if you if you leave the call then it's
done then you got to message them hi love the call when are you free they don't respond hi did you get this they don't respond Hi here's the calendly link let's book another call they say okay I'll get round to it never [ __ ] do like it's just long get them on a call if you know you're not going to sell them pitch them another call on that call literally while they're there right I can do this day at this time can you do that no okay how about this day at this time this
day at this time cool that's booked in I'm going to send that to you you'll get an email I'll see you then okay book another the date before the first one finishes again with girls [ __ ] it you want a date not going to [ __ ] cool no worries I had a really good time seeing you when are you next free Wednesday no Friday no Saturday yeah I can do Saturday afternoon coffee okay cool see you then all right 43 the money is in the followup a pretty notoriously simple one but some people
still need to hear it and there's a story behind this one I have a client it was a jewelry client they sold jewelry they're an English brand and this was 13 14 months ago I was reaching out to them sending 40 a day getting no responses cuz I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing I sent these guys an email they got back to me and they said they were really interested and I thought okay great so I sent them another email basically saying let's get on a call heard nothing next day
sent another another email heard nothing next day sent another email heard nothing I sent these [ __ ] nine emails before they got back to me and got on a call with me and I sold them if I just stopped after one or two and never heard anything from them I wouldn't have got the money okay so the money is in the followup I know it sounds tedious and you feel like a dick and you're like I'm pestering them yeah you are pestering them I'll pester people for money I don't give a [ __ ]
hey you there there hey hey [ __ ] you there hey you there no no hey you there until you just piss them off enough and they're like no I don't [ __ ] want it or they say yes we've been really busy let's get on the call okay there's a lesson on later on where I talk about this but just get something out of them okay I don't get what it is as long as they say yes or no that's all that matters and a lot of the time if they're not answering you it's
cuz they're busy I'm busy I miss [ __ ] calls very rarely if you're not that important I I've got [ __ ] on bro like I just it's just life right follow up with me I'll probably get on the call next time okay you going to keep following up people give up too quickly oh they didn't get back to me after one followup email I'm just going to [ __ ] crawl into a hole and bury myself and die no you got to [ __ ] say listen I'm going to blow up your inbox
until you block me and I'm going to [ __ ] blow up your inbox and a new email until you block me again until you [ __ ] respond to me or you go the call and you pay me okay 44 find influencers on Tik Tok and message them on Instagram Instagram as a search engine is pretty wank I'm not going to lie you type something in it's not bad it's okay Tik Tok on the other hand if you want to find influencers go on Tik Tok type in Fitness type in [ __ ] literally
type in [ __ ] [ __ ] coach will probably [ __ ] come up the T the Tik Tok search engine is so much better and so what I do is when I try and find clients I go on Tik Tok I type in something random like I don't know architecture or [ __ ] therapy coach or some random [ __ ] and then I'll [ __ ] find them go on their profile see if they have Instagram click their Instagram and then I'll message them on Instagram message them on Instagram find them on
TK Tok CU it's so much easier to find them on Tik Tok Instagram's a [ __ ] show for finding clients okay so find them on Tik Tok message on on Instagram because messaging on Tik Tok is wank okay you got to use both platforms you got to be very initiative okay adaptable right use one for one thing use one for the other thing you're fine 45 use Kickstarter it's great I'll be very quick here if you go to a website called I [ __ ] wish I knew about this a year ago if
you go to a website called it's like a website that new brands go to get funding so they'll go there and they'll post their advert hi we make glasses we're a new glass brand we need funding to get going loads of people invest money hundreds of thousands of pounds and you can see how much money they have and that's good for two reasons one it shows that they have money meaning they can [ __ ] pay you and secondly it shows that they're brand new brand new businesses aren't worrying about their emails they're worrying
about getting the [ __ ] product made in the first place so you can swoop in like a ninja and say hey I saw you've just started have you figured out anything to do with your your emails yet I'm an email copywriter I can help you and they' be like okay we haven't thought about that yet you're the first one to ask [ __ ] it why not I cannot tell you how many times I've done that I found a new brand or a new business pitched them or wrote them a welcome email and the
first [ __ ] day I [ __ ] saw them I've sent it to them said you can use this when you launch your brand we start working together and I know they have money so they can pay me and you sign a client so yeah use Kickstarter 46 relate everything to money with clients everything absolutely everything needs to relate to money I don't know why I need to say this but I'm going to say it cuz some of you are [ __ ] idiots everything needs to relate to money you think they give a
[ __ ] about email open rates oh hi I'm a copywriter and I can I can increase your email open rates oh yeah basically I'll take you from a [ __ ] 24.1% open rate to a 28.6 open rate oh my God I get no [ __ ] they don't care okay that's gay don't say that everything needs to relate to money if you want a call and they say how can you help me and you go I can increase your email open rates they're going to be like I don't give a [ __ ]
you need to say I am going to increase the conversions on your emails which will make you more money lead everything back to money I can write captions which will get you pushed further in the algorithm which will get you more business which will make you more money I can write emails which will open more which will get you more conversions which will make you more money I'll write better website copy which will get people to build more Rapport of your company which means you'll get more money money money money money money all these people
care about you need to think about this they're paying you as an investment to make more money out of you you're basically a [ __ ] okay like you're basically just you're being ho out okay they're paying $2,000 for you so that you make them $4,000 don't give a [ __ ] about oh paying $2,000 for email open rates don't give a [ __ ] they want money okay so you need to relate everything to money money money money money money is that clear does that make any sense I [ __ ] hope so okay
good 47 followup up with voice notes again super simple you send them a message and they don't get back to you or you're in conversation and they don't get back to you send a voice note why cuz you can't air a voice note you got to [ __ ] listen to it and the Intrigue alone forces people to open it I see this all the time I'll send someone a message and they all get back to me and I'll say okay you're a dick I won't say that but I'll say it in my head I'll
be like cool whatever send them a message they don't get back and then I'll send them a voice note voice notes are intriguing voice notes get me I've got [ __ ] hundreds of DMS you send me a voice note I'm going to open it I may not I may not accept it but I'm going to [ __ ] listen to it cuz they're way more interesting oh what's that Intrigue [ __ ] I want to know right so send voice notes now this is nuanced if you have a thick congales accent and you can't
even string a [ __ ] sentence together obviously don't send voice notes just send messages and figure it out just do more volume okay but if you speak well and you know you don't sound like you're from the [ __ ] depths of the Sahara you just use it send send voice notes and even if you are again like I said use your disadvantages to your [ __ ] benefit hi I know I sound like I'm from [ __ ] scam no scam nowhere but listen up I know I'm from India but I'm going to
be the best [ __ ] Indian worker you've ever had in your entire [ __ ] life bang okay that's what I do if I wasn't [ __ ] if that wasn't me and I was Indian that's what I do okay so just do that 48 learn storytelling it's the best way to sell anything no [ __ ] you want to sell something tell a story okay if I wanted to sell something I would tell a story I tell loads of stories in my [ __ ] videos story story story why they're so [ __
] encapsulating why I don't even know but if you can somehow tie a story in and get the reader to relate to it they are much more likely to listen to you stories are interesting stories like films we like films films don't feel like work you just abor absorb the film and take the lessons by proxy you know what I mean so if you're just reading a story you're learning the lessons and and feeling the emotion and then boom before you know it you [ __ ] be you're being sold something and also stories get
you in a very emotional state you want to you want to make people emotional emotional people buy they buy with emotion and justify Logics you want to get them emotional and emotion is triggered a lot of the time by stories funny sad interesting depressing who gives a [ __ ] develop an emotion in them and you're going to do that through [ __ ] story okay now the way to write stories there is a there is a template I have it I'm going to try and remember off the top of my head it's I think
it's protagonist does something protagonist sees some momentum protagonist has a good life protagonist fails protagonist learns something and then protagonist teaches a lesson based on what he's learned so for example I become a copywriter I start to learn I start to get good I start to find clients but then I lose all my clients cuz I didn't [ __ ] subscribe to Tom stoek I lose all my clients and then I start again cuz I'm subscribe to Tom Starck and then boom before you [ __ ] know it I'm now making more money than ever
and the lesson was to subscribe to Tom Starck does that make sense like you need to have that's like a template basically okay and you use that and you intertwine it to whatever you're selling and you'll be good 49 only worry on writing email ad only worry on writing emails ads and captions to begin with okay like I said don't fish for Dragons before you can capture [ __ ] goldfish okay you you're not good enough you need to be able to write the basics so that you can write the advanced stuff okay simple I've
already been over this I'm not going to go over it too much but yeah start with emails and captions and ads they're [ __ ] easy and if you really really want to I don't and I absolutely have to if you really want to go and write some [ __ ] websites okay if websites make your dick hard write loads of [ __ ] websites I don't care okay 50 we're an hour and 57 minutes in not bad threaten to end the relationship before it lasts or sorry before it starts so you're going to see
this happen a lot especially if you're trying to get clients when you're getting clients and they're being fickle you know what I mean like they're just being for lack of a better word [ __ ] basically they're just not being direct to the point and they're just delaying things and it's taking weeks and weeks and weeks weeks to make any progress with them you know what you do instead of keep begging them you threaten to leave them you pull away so if I have a client sorry I have a potential Prospect and I'm trying to
get them hey let's book a call hey let's do this hey did you get back to me hey did you see this and they're just being annoying you know what I'll say instead of still licking their [ __ ] like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I'll do I'll say listen name I know you're busy I'm sure you are however out of my for for the best for the betterment of my own interest and to ensure that we don't waste one another's time I'm going to need a response for you within
the next day if you don't respond to me we're just going to have to part ways and I wish you nothing but the best something like that basically saying you've been [ __ ] around too much I'm [ __ ] sick and tired of this I'm leaving unless you give me a [ __ ] yes or no answer and we do something today and they're going to read that cuz they read all your messages I know you don't think they do they [ __ ] see them I see all my DMs all of them even
the [ __ ] weird ones I I see them all okay I just don't respond to them so they definitely see it you know getting more DMS than me they they definitely see it they're reading it they're reading it oh yeah he's trying to get in touch with me oh he's trying to get in touch with me blah blah blah blah blah blah blah oh [ __ ] he's about to leave it's like shock it's like what huh he's leaving a lot of the time they'll say oh sorry I've been really busy getting fingered by
my wife sorry yeah let's get on the call bang [ __ ] pressure them pull away okay pull away and they come after you and if they don't like I said they're probably been a [ __ ] anyway so you saved yourself a load of time okay so if they're not doing what you want and they're not being proactive and they're being annoying threaten to pull away two hour mark let's go 51 pitch high prices and work down to a deal I get this all the time someone will come up to me and say Tom
I'm making this much but I want to make more and I don't know how uh how about you try asking for more money you [ __ ] idiot does that cross your mind maybe just ask for more I'm making 1,000 I want to make two okay good ask for two that's never going to hurt I don't why people are so scared to ask for more I'll happily ask for more I ask for like six seven Grand and like sorry our budget's 1,000 I'm like okay right but it doesn't hurt to ask you can always ask
okay so pitch high prices and then work your way down there's nothing worse than pitching a [ __ ] price and then being Oh I thought it'd be more than that bro it's like [ __ ] suicide fuel like you're like oh I could have got them for more but I was a [ __ ] and I didn't ask for more okay you don't want to do that pit a high price they say no sometimes they say yes they usually say no if they say no fine you say you know what what is a comfortable
price and they give you a price which you're not comfortable with and you say how about this we meet in the middle and we do this boom okay I guarantee it would have been more than you would have [ __ ] got if you just said oh oh yeah can I get $1,000 pitch [ __ ] five [ __ ] it and you know what's funny a lot of the time they'll be like who is this guy f [ __ ] $5,000 for emails [ __ ] highest pitch cuz you got to understand these people
are getting pitched all the time it's like oh yeah oh yeah $1,000 $1,500 $1,000 $1,500 $1,800 5 grand you be like who the [ __ ] are you so yeah pitch high and they might just be like intrigued and think he's picked that number for a reason [ __ ] it all right let's go okay so pitch high and work down 52 never outshine the master rule of power in the 49 rules of whatever it's called 49 [ __ ] manipulation I get no girls book of [ __ ] I want to [ __ ]
manipulate people book whatever whatever manipulating book whatever whatever never outshine the master so you're going to be working for clients and they they have egos okay they have egos they're businessmen they're influencers they're chicks with hundreds of thousands of followers simps messaging them all day they think they literally don't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] feces and piss piss okay they think they're better than all of us and so if you come along and you just start [ __ ] outshining them and everything everything they do they're not going to like you
and they're going to fire you so what you need to do is obviously you know more than them obviously but you need to not show them so for example I have clients where I'll I'll I'll know that they have big Egos and I'll know that you know things are a little bit shaky and even though I know exactly what I'm [ __ ] doing you know what I'll do sometimes just for fun just to make sure that you know with a level basis and I don't outshine the master I'll be like hey maam before I
send this out can you just give it a read just give it a read just just so that just so that you you know just in case I'm missing anything [ __ ] missing anything [ __ ] course [ __ ] missing anything but can you just like have a look to see if if I'm missing anything and that makes them feel really good they're like this guy's the [ __ ] professional he wants my help of course he does I'm the [ __ ] boss yeah [ __ ] it all right come on then
right yeah and you know what he'll do every time they'll be like what the [ __ ] was that did the camera just move don't know you know what he'll do every time he' be like oh yeah you could fix this this and this for no reason like yeah I obviously knew that but like he's just trying to assert dominance like he doesn't want to feel like you're better than him so you need to just not outshine him feel like you feel like an idiot show him that he's better than you even though he's not
to just to fulfill his ego cuz if he starts to feel like you're better than him he's going to resent you and he's going to [ __ ] fire you why cuz humans have egos that's the way it is okay I'm telling you now so never outshine the master give them your work say can you see if it can be any better they'll give you some [ __ ] response and then you just say oh I never thought of that okay yeah do nothing okay it just makes them happy 53 always do something it's better
than nothing if things aren't going well you need to start doing things you cannot just sit there and wait for it to [ __ ] fix itself if I have a client and and things aren't going well I'm constantly blowing up their phone okay I know the I know the reason things aren't going well you have a [ __ ] business and your product is wank and you're not promoting it that's why it's not working but I'll still try and take responsibility yeah don't worry I'll fix this yeah don't worry I'm trying that yeah don't
worry we're going to do this we're going to do that I'm looking at this we're going to fix that I'm going to do this I'm going to review that once we review that we'll have a cool we do that always do something show them you're doing something if you show them you're doing something they're going to they're going to be more interested and they're going to be like okay things are going quite bad but at least he's trying if you're just sitting there you know what this reminds me I worked in a pro shop when
I was 21 I worked in the golf pro shop as one of the helpers and I was making about £7 an hour maybe six6 an hour and my boss was the head of the pro shop he was a professional and he ran the Pro Shop it was his business and for people that don't know if you work in a pro shop it's basically you sit there on a [ __ ] chair and just give grandmas chocolate bars and just like [ __ ] drink Lucas a out the fridge and watch YouTube like it is not
a hard job okay so what I would do is I would sit there all day because the [ __ ] I'm getting paid I don't give a [ __ ] I can work all day and not do any work at all I'm on the doll I'm getting paid by the hour no matter what so technically I I just worked as little as possible but what would happen is he would come in and see me sitting there and be like what are you doing and i' be like what do you mean he' be like why are
you not working and I'll be like I am working and he be like no you're not you're just sitting there and he'll be like but there's no customers he's like I don't care if there's no customers there are things to be done which could make the customers want to buy from us and I'm like what everything's here the [ __ ] prices are on the [ __ ] chocolate bars what else do you want me to do and he's like clean the walls Hoover the ground reorganize the chocolate bars so they're [ __ ] synchronized
and they'll look nice and at the time I was like this is [ __ ] this not going to [ __ ] do anything I've already hoovered the floor twice today and the walls are already beautiful what the [ __ ] do you want me to do but the point is is that it's better to do something than nothing because your boss is paying you and going to want to see you do things all the time now was replacing the chocolate bars or hoovering the floor actually going to make a difference of course it [
__ ] wasn't but it made him happy so from that point on I would like set like a there's like a mirror that you could kind of just see around the corner I was looking at that mirror every 20 seconds obviously still doing nothing but when he came I was up [ __ ] polishing [ __ ] moving stuff right if you do stuff it's better than nothing okay always do do something it'll make your boss or whoever you're working for way happier 54 lean to the reader's pain it's the best way to get them
to buy anything people are very interesting you can either get them to buy something because they want it or you can get them to buy something CU they don't want something else so for example I wanted to be successful cuz I couldn't bear having a [ __ ] life some people want to be successful cuz they really want a Ferrari like which one are you like you're watching this I assume you're one of the two do you want to be rich so you can drive a Ferrari or do you want to be rich so you
don't have a [ __ ] [ __ ] life which one is it okay I was the latter and a lot of the time if you lead into the reader's pain they're going to take a deep affiliation to it and they're going to take action so whenever I open an email I will immediately lean into the pain so for example watches I'm trying to sell a watch I'll lean into the fact that they probably have no idea how to wear a watch or they have no watch or they're the only one in their friend group
that doesn't have a watch or they feel like an idiot cuz they don't have a watch and they don't look cultured cuz they don't have a watch or I don't know [ __ ] they're too broke to buy an expensive watch that looks nice so you can have this watch which isn't expensive but does look nice like you're a [ __ ] loser lean into their pain cuz if you lean into their pain they're going to try and alleviate it and the alleviation is going to come through the [ __ ] Link at the bottom
and if you dig into that pain deep enough they're going to click it so lean into the pain don't worry about the benefits and all that for the start lean into the [ __ ] pain it's way easier I don't worry about the benefits of the watch I say you're a [ __ ] loser all your friends have watches you don't what are you [ __ ] dumb okay lean into the pain 55 don't say what's wrong and say what's right and how it could be better okay yeah right so once you're pitching clients you
can review what they're already doing to show your expertise so what I used to do is I used to review clients about pages so they'd have an about page and it was [ __ ] and I'd rewrite it for them now the wrong thing to do is to go up to the client and say hi I checked out your about page it's [ __ ] awful they don't like that like I said we have OS okay they don't like that all right 55 camera keeps dying so I want to [ __ ] buzz through this
with stops dying and I don't have to [ __ ] keep doing this again 55 don't say what's wrong say what's right and could be better so if someone's if you got a client and you can clearly see something's wrong with their work or something's wrong with their business or something's wrong with their copy don't say oh yeah this is [ __ ] you should [ __ ] do something about it say this is good but it could be better and I would do this to improve it okay don't go out and say it's [
__ ] wank they don't like that they have egos and if you say that they're going to be really annoyed instead just say yeah it's really good yeah no no it's really good it could just in I'd probably do this you know like I probably just add this okay it's a lot smoother and it's going to you know it's going to make sure you don't get [ __ ] fired okay cuz they have [ __ ] egos all right next 56 description Sparks and motion I've spoken about this in my free master class but I'm
going to go over it very very briefly you do not know how to spark emotion 99% of you don't so let me teach you the way you spark emotion is by describing people's situations and relating it to their life so again if I was trying to get someone to lose weight by buying my pill I wouldn't say listen stepen you're a fat [ __ ] you need to lose weight step knows he's a fat [ __ ] he doesn't care you need to describe Steph's situation he wakes up and he gets no [ __ ]
he [ __ ] can't see his dick cuz he has so many rolls he can barely fit through the [ __ ] door he runs out of breath just cuz whenever he takes a piss describe his situation and the more in depth you describe the situation the more that they're going to have affiliation with your words and thus they're more likely to buy whatever you're selling okay they'll feel like oh [ __ ] this piece of paper really understands me okay does that make sense so describe their situation if they're a drug addict describe what
a drug a drug addict's life is if they're a [ __ ] fat piece of [ __ ] like Steven describe what being a fat piece of [ __ ] is like like in depth because if you can go in depth you'll be able to hit their emotions and they'll be like holy [ __ ] this piece of paper understands me this this writer understands me I'm going to buy that [ __ ] okay okay cuz they'll feel heard 57 knowing to Sprint some tasks need to be taken slowly so on the whole you should
be working quickly if someone gives you some some work a client gives you some work ideally you want to be doing it quicker than you are asked to do it and the reason for that is because it shows efficiency and it shows that you care however in some circumstances you want to be slower and the reason for that is because if you do something too quickly they're just going to think it's [ __ ] if they give a vssl or a website or something that's a big a big project and I turn it around in
a day they're just going to think it's wank it doesn't matter if I if I stayed up all night trying to do it they're going to look at and think okay to yeah brilliant okay good why did it take so quick why hasn't it taken longer and I don't care how good you are I don't care how efficient you are I don't care if you didn't sleep that night at the back of their mind they're going to think you didn't give a [ __ ] about this you didn't care and they're going to be looking
for mistakes more than they usually do so if it's a big project simple just take a bit longer okay and if they for whatever reasons they go why is it taking so long just say listen I want to make sure this is really good I'll give it to you when it's really good and then we can revise it and I'll go over it again some projects need to be taken slower okay it's just the way it is 58 the ideas don't come to you you go to them so if ever you have writers block which
I'm sure some of you do cuz I've had it you can't just sit to the keyboard you can't just sit here and just like expect things to come to you it's not how it works what you need to do is begin writing and ideas will come to you so what I'll do is if I have a blank screen I need to write some copy and I can't [ __ ] think of anything like for whatever reason I'm just like I'm just looking at the screen like nothing's coming to me I'll start writing random [ __
] like things that have nothing to do with it even if it's barely barely relevant I'll just start writing write this okay write that write that and if you start to spin the cogs eventually things will start coming to you you can't just wait for ideas to come you need to [ __ ] force ideas into your brain so next time you have writers block just start writing just begin they might be the shittest ideas in the world if you just begin eventually ideas will start coming and you'll have loads of good ideas and you'll
be fine 59 describe things in threes whatever reason I don't know why the human psyche loves threes so for example if I'm describing the benefits of something like this glass I'll say it's aesthetic it's ergonomic and it's cheap sorry not cheap never ever ever say cheap it's ergonomic it's aesthetic and it's valuable or it's worth the price okay say things in threes why who the [ __ ] knows just do it okay cuz I said so 60 pitch clients from previous side hustles so I have a one-on-one student and he's a Mente and he's 16
years old again I think I've spoken about him he's 16 years old he's based out of India and before he was a copywriter he was a video editor and he came to me and he said Tom I want to do copyrighting I don't really have any idea how to do it but I've done video editing so I basically know how to do Outreach I said brilliant you know what you can do you can just reach out to all your old clients that's exactly what he did he reached out to them he said hey instead of
editing your videos I want to write your scripts hey instead of editing your videos I want to write ads for your business you sign like four clients in [ __ ] 4 days making 8 and a half Grand a 16 in India it's [ __ ] millionaire [ __ ] porcelain capped white toilets in his [ __ ] house pays for his entire family's wellbeing [ __ ] were get making money okay so if you can just find old side hustles I've done this if I was like I don't know [ __ ] trying to
do ads I tried to do ads at one point it's long story I tried to do ads for a barbers like a [ __ ] hair salon and I went up to them and I said Hey listen I know it's been 4 years but you know I can write a copy for you and they be like oh how you been yeah yeah yeah whatever do you need a haircut no I don't need a [ __ ] haircut but I can write ads so that other people want haircuts from you okay so look into other side
hassles old clients everyone needs copyrighting reach out to them okay 61 never work as a Duo what the [ __ ] it's probably the most dyslexic dyslexia I've ever dyslexic in my entire life anyway never work as a Duo some of you here have friends and you want to do this with your friends you want to be copywriters together don't okay and the reason you don't want to is because one eventually is going to [ __ ] you over one of you will eventually do something to get over the other person which is kind of
annoying and secondly I have noticed in my opinion that people get the best out of each other when they're doing slightly different things but have the same goal as in they're not both trying to do the same thing they're doing different things but they have the same golf so for example I'm in a house right now with four other ENT entrepreneurs we're all trying to make money we just don't do the same business model we all push each other you know like I see him working I see him working that makes me work but we're
not all doing the same thing and so try not to just do it with us someone else okay you're going to [ __ ] each other over or you're going to like stop one another from progressing I know you think it's going to be easy it's better to have a community where everyone's trying to [ __ ] basically be in it for themselves but they can help Duos in my opinion just don't work okay so if you have a friend that you're trying to do it with just don't okay 62 the hardest you'll ever work
is when you're making no money quote from Jordan bford and it's absolutely [ __ ] true I worked way harder when I had no money way harder nowadays I wake up I get a [ __ ] I have a coffee I write for about an hour and then I go go do whatever the [ __ ] I want back in the day I used to wake up and not stop for [ __ ] 12 hours straight cuz I was making no money when you start making money the momentum builds and when the momentum builds you
just need to maintain it an aircraft uses 60% of its fuel getting off the [ __ ] ground once it's off the ground it's [ __ ] great it's like woo flying around okay you just need to get off the ground and you're going to use basically all of your energy to try and do it once money starts coming in once you start getting clients it's [ __ ] easy it's easy easy it's just getting out of that [ __ ] hole getting the momentum going that's the hard bear so you do that and you'll
be fine okay and please listen to me the hardest you will ever work is when you're making no money so whatever if you're making no money right now please understand it gets [ __ ] easier and you're going to be working a lot less hard as you start to make more money 63 100% 50% 20% 5% again saturation all of you watching this probably think oh it's saturated I can't be asked you're going to be looking at the views on this video whatever it is 5,000 10,000 50,000 whatever the [ __ ] it is then
you think there's 50,000 people watching this there's no way I'm going to be able to do that not the case you want to know why cuz 100% of those people are watching it that's 50,000 50% of them are going to do anything about it that's 25,000 20% are actually going to [ __ ] try that's like what 14,000 and 5% are going to really start doing it and maybe make a client maybe get some money okay that's like a couple thousand okay and then like 1% is really is going to get to my point less
than 1% so it's not 100% of people that you're competing against like cut it down okay if 100 people watch it 50 people care 20 people try 10 people do anything about it to a degree five people get a client and one person kills it that's how it works okay so don't feel like it's going to be oversaturated did I just miss there's no 64 that's weird anyway [ __ ] it no 64 get over it 65 5% on the market once you are reaching out to clients someone told me a couple of years ago
that 5% of the market is available so if you're reaching out to say there's 330 million businesses in the US 5% of those need copywriters okay they're the ones looking for copywriters okay so once you're reaching out you're just looking for that 5% reach out to 100 brands 95 don't want it five five of them do and you are sending Outreach to just hit the five and then you're making sure you make the most out of those once you found them okay there's only 5% of the market at any time on average 5 to 10
depending on the time of year 5 to 10% of any [ __ ] Market okay so if you're thinking this is ridiculous no it's not you just need to send out as many [ __ ] bullets as possible and hope you hit five five of the right ones okay 66 anything is better than anything is better than nothing get a response when you're doing Outreach and someone's being a dick cuz I get it it happens and they're not getting back to you you know what you [ __ ] do you pressure them into responding to
you cuz you got to understand something if you're sending loads of Outreach and you're trying to get back to someone or you're following up with someone and they give you no answer is that a yes is that a no are they going to pay me are they going to pay me today are they going to pay me in a year from now what are they feeling is the deal on who [ __ ] knows it's better to get a response I don't give a [ __ ] what it is than no response because if you
get no response you don't know where to go okay I would rather have a firm [ __ ] off than a than no response okay so always try and get a response out of them if that means you need to pest to them pest to them I don't give a [ __ ] hey hey hey hey respond to me respond to me respond to me if they block you technically that's a response they don't [ __ ] want you okay I reached out to a client with nine follow-ups nine times I [ __ ] went
hey hey hey hey hey pay me hey let's go hey hey I reach outed them nine times boom on the ninth time they [ __ ] said oh yeah I've been busy sorry let's get going boom bang $2,500 started writing emails for them okay so anything is better than nothing do not stop reaching out to a client until they give you a [ __ ] answer it's a yes or it's a no 67 headlines this is how you write headlines the headline should go as follows it should be how to do X without y within
Zed so for example how to lose £50 without exercise within 90 days okay on the whole if you want to write a headline that's how you're going to do it all right apply it to whatever you're doing and then use that 68 speak out loud and I think this is the last one since 69 doesn't exist oh no 68 okay we're go to 68 68 speak speak out loud this is a [ __ ] killer tip listen to this if you want to know if your copy is good you can try this right now write
copy write something on a Google doc I don't get what it is and then once you've written it just say it out loud read it word for word line for line out loud and you'll know pretty [ __ ] quickly if it's good or not because you you'll know how it sounds if it sounds broken and there's no flow and you run out of breath every 30 [ __ ] seconds then you need to change it because it's not flowing properly the sentence is a [ __ ] okay and the best way to tell if
the sentences work together and the you know the syntax is proper proper and you know you've elocuted it properly is to [ __ ] speak out loud okay so write the copy then say it out loud and you'll know pretty quickly if it's smooth because if it isn't smooth it'll be difficult to say and if it's difficult to say it's probably not easy to read okay so speak it out loud okay that's a [ __ ] killer tip please use that and 69 the last tip get a mentor now the reason I say that is
because if you want to get good at something at any speed it's going to require practice but if you want to get to Something in the fastest speed you may as well just copy someone that's already [ __ ] done it okay it took me eight months to hit five figures I know people hitting that in 45 days CU they have a mentor so get a mentor you don't have to pay for them you can do it for free but I want what I do recommend is you stick to one Mentor there's loads of people
teaching copyrighting I don't give a [ __ ] if you listen to me okay if you don't like me don't listen to me listen to someone pick one person and listen to them because if you start picking numerous mentors and you start looking at loads of people to learn copyrighting you're going to be all over the [ __ ] place I'll teach one thing someone else will teach another those things will conflict even though they probably both help but they're conflicting and so you be like which one do I do you'll learn something from someone
else that will also conflict you'll be a [ __ ] cabbage in your brain you w know what to learn or what to say or what to do it's [ __ ] so pick someone and and mentee from them learn only from them okay now I do mentorship I've mentioned it a few times in this I have loads of mentees and they all kill it if you are interested in getting Mente there will be a link under here you can either book a call or come to one of my free classes and at the end
of that you can can book a call it's not free so I'm just going to [ __ ] stop you there if you think oh it's going to be free it's not [ __ ] free it's for people that have an an okay amount of money at least $1,000 and are prepared to work and I mean [ __ ] work cuz I'm not going to have any time wasters to genuinely start doing this okay and and I I don't I don't need the money particularly I I want good results because it's good for my reputation
I want to be the guy that people come to for copyright and mentoring and I [ __ ] kill it from them every time so if I know you're a lazy piece of [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about your money okay I want people that are good so my reputation is the best okay but if you want mentoring and you want to get results and you're not a lazy piece of [ __ ] there'll be a link under here click it don't click it I don't give a [ __ ]
but if you really want to see results click it or join the free class and click the link at the end book a call and I will see you there okay like I said minimum dollars a th000 if you don't have that don't even [ __ ] bother learn from my YouTube for free make some more money okay and once you're in a position to get mentoring then book a call and I can help you get to 10 to 15 grand a month okay but that's it who the [ __ ] is messaging me what
the [ __ ] okay also I just screen recorded every WhatsApp chat I have open so editor get the [ __ ] rid of that and um yeah right get off Dr [Music] yeah I bet
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