what's going on you guys good all right so last Friday I spoke to loan officers in Dallas I like that that's my reaction too yeah and then I went to Cancun and ran a mastermind $335,000 per person and I spoke to all those people you think people that pay you 35,000 are really smart and got it together some of the most dysfunctional people you'll ever meet in your life so I spoke to them about podcasting and now I is is it Saturday today I don't even know what day it is I'm speaking to martial artists
owners trying to grow their business three topics in seven days we'll see how it goes here's the good news loan officers were first they did pretty good driven members of my Mastermind they did pretty good I'm wondering if this will be the best [Applause] audience nice nice so they asked me to prepare a presentation for you with slides and all that and I said ah materials for we're going to do this right off the top of the head this might be the best presentation you've seen this might be the worst presentation you've seen or it
might be somewhere in the middle I mean that covers you so I'm safe either way so this is my slides it's my Instagram I just started Instagram I have no idea what I'm doing on Instagram please follow me if you like me follow me if you hate me follow me leave hate comments because either way I guess the algorithm makes it better I don't know so Jason flin at Instagram if you like anything I do that would make me very happy my kids don't think I'm when it comes to business doesn't matter who I've coached
what I've sold they look at the numbers and they say well so and so has 10 million followers dad and you have 9,000 they just think I'm the biggest loser in the world so help me out I will do my best to help you out here today and I was really sitting here thinking I was discussing and talking about what we could have a conversation about today what could I do to help you out the most and have the biggest impact upon you and I had a couple different things that I was going to say
talk to a couple different people out there a couple different people backstage and I think I have the topic and in order to set up the topic I'd like to share with you a story I took one vacation in my whole entire childhood the only vacation I took as a child when when I was about 10 and my dad says hey we're going to go on vacation because we're going to go to Tulsa Oklahoma for vacation I mean Tulsa Oklahoma wow wow you guys Tulsa oh hell yeah see God keeps doing this to me he
keeps setting it up he says I'm I'm opening the door to you and then it's up to me and half the time I it up and other half the time I Stumble through it and I win right so I'm in Tulsa Oklahoma now this is the vacation mind you we're wrestling at the national championships for you know anybody that's not in high school that was my vacation freestyle in Greco Roman six days of getting my ass kicked in Tulsa Oklahoma I'm 10 years old and I'm cutting weight to make weight as a 10-year-old this is
my vacation so I get down there make the weigh-ins for Greco finish Greco I got to now weigh in to wrestle the freestyles next I am a tenth of a pound overweight naked and I'm exhausted and I have a half an hour left to make weight and I don't see how I can do it and my dad tells me because my dad was a wrestling coach my dad says I don't know how this works I don't know why this works but if you stand on your head for about a minute you will temporarily lose about
a tenth of a pound it's scientifically not accurate but I said whatever let's try it I'm too tired to put my clothes back on 10-year-old boy in a corner in a strange landan standing on his head naked dad holding him by his ankles right get on the scale and wouldn't you know it made weight by the skin of my teeth and what's the point of that story well the point of that story is this many years later when I started my entrepreneurial career I started in 2007 on the internet in 2007 so I am like
your great grandfather when it comes to digital marketing I started when if you wanted to be on Facebook you actually had to go to an Ivy League school and they called it the Facebook they didn't call it Facebook or meta or whatever they're going to call it next year right so when I started in business was tough and things were challenging I would say well when I was 10 10 I could do that and that was way harder than what I do now what I did at 10 for me was harder than making $1 million
when you're in a difficult situation in business or in life and when you're in a difficult situation when you're trying to hit your kpi your goals when you're trying to grow your martial arts school whatever you're trying to do it's really useful to have this material when was the time I did something more difficult than this and succeeded and so therefore this doesn't become as difficult okay this is the game changer of all game changers at least for me so if I you probably don't know who I am because I'm not that big a deal
even though in my mind I am but uh Alex heroi is one of the most popular influencers right now in the business space uh he paid me um a full days of Consulting last year to help him with his book launch and that book launch sold like the record-breaking quarter of a million books in like 40 minutes yeah he called me up because in his book $100 million Secrets which is the best selling book on the topic I'm the most quoted person in that book um and yeah thank you uh that's not a lot for
my business I appreciate it because he's the first one to actually give me credit what a novel concept right there's some other people that you would know so you know me through them so you got the Xerox copy of the Mona Lisa you didn't get the Mona Lisa all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh Dean graos and Tony Robbins they did their big mastermind.com launch this year and they paid me two days of Consulting to help them structure that offer and Implement that offer that reached uh multiple millions of people and so
I'm your guru's favorite Guru if you will this was the game changer that really helped me in my career and I'll give you one more quick story and then we're going to get down to the Brass tax right so quick story we're in Miami we went to this Grant Cardone thing Grant Cardone brought about 40 of us in and he had this you know new idea of taking over the world and he wanted our help and he employed us to do so or tried to at least he put us on this big massive yacht biggest
yacht I've ever seen in my life then he put us on a bus we're going back to the bus we're in Miami and a guy who I helped start during Co this guy called me up one day Cole called me and he says Jason I got 40,000 lawyers registered for an online event and I don't know what to do so I did my research turns out you're this guy who does webinars you're the best in the world at it on webinars will you talk to me I talked to him for two and a half hours
on the phone to help him with it it launched a business that last time it was valued at last side check was valued at $80 million on an exit somebody wanted to buy it from him and he said no two years later right and one of the key pieces of advice I gave him that helped him the most is he says Jason you do this thing on your webinars that I don't know how you do it but how do you how do you do it now for those of you who don't know who knows what
a webinar is okay wow I was like I'm 12 years ahead of the curve because nobody used to know what they were um so this is good uh quick question anybody ever done a webinar okay wow good for you good for you my guess would be that you are probably more successful than the ones that didn't raise their hands coincidence I don't know but this guy's name was Billy system be Jason how do you do these webinars because a webinar for those of you who don't know is you essentially give education in a way that
helps people make better purchasing decisions with your products so if somebody knows what you do and understands your value better guess what they do they buy from you the less they understand your value the less they buy from you the more they understand your value the more they buy for you does that make sense okay so most of you who have a problem selling right now it's not that you don't have the value you probably do they just don't know it because you don't show the value to them in a way that can help them
the most so bill says to me says Jason you get on these webinars you do your normal webinar structure for most of the time it's 60 Minutes of education and then 30 minutes of selling so you show them the value of it in advance by educating them then you transition into a sales process you say here's what I got here's what you have to invest in order to get it here are the bonuses you get when you invest here's the risk you incur and here's how we've minimized this risk and here's why you have to
invest sooner rather than later here's the bonus you get when you do invest quickly and here's the penalty you pay when you don't that's the super short Cliff nose version of that and he says Jason then you do the thing that you do better than anybody else and he goes you stay on that webinar for hours so my average webinar when I'm selling product is 4 and a half hours long how do you stay on that long and just keep going because here's what I do for a majority of that webinar I stop people from
making bad decisions and the bad decision is not investing in something that makes sense for them to invest in I show everything I have I'm like you should buy it you know you should buy it you don't buy it yet what's stopping you from buying it let's have a conversation about it so for hours two three four five six hours sometimes eight hours on these webinars all go helping people make the decision that's right for them and bill says Jason how do you do that and I said this is how I do this bill I
said I have this image in my mind and this image in my mind is here's my ideal Prospect and they're in the water in the ocean and they're drowning their head's about to go underwater they're about to die and I throw them a life raft to save their life and they kick it away I do anything and everything I can to stop them from drowning because if I don't they will die but if I can save their life then I will feel good and they will live that's the attitude that I have when it comes
to serving my audience that's the belief that I see in my mind when I'm selling what I sell what I'm when I'm selling what I sell to who I'm selling it to and I know it's in their best interest to buy it just upsets me so much that they won't do the thing that I know will help them the most and so I don't give up on the audience they say Hey listen I'll buy from you simply because there's no one else left to buy from I will trust you because you didn't just tell me
you cared you showed me you cared here's the difference between marketing that works and doesn't work marketing that doesn't work and unfortunately most of you are doing this kind of marketing is you're telling people stuff that doesn't work marketing that does work you're showing people stuff that's the key difference between the two so don't just tell you got to tell but also show so who here really truly cares about the audience that they serve yeah okay good so I asked Adam I said Adam everything I could teach and talk about and address here today what
do you think would have the most impact and he says teach them sell stuff help them with selling specifically with objections and with closes and I said good I got it because that's the kind of thing that I do the most and I can do this in any environment I can do this in any situation I can do this off the top of my head you could give me the biggest objections that you face with your audience and if I'm really good at it I could give you the answer of exactly how to handle it
live right in front of you would you like to do some of that here today okay cool we'll do some of that here in a second I will play that game with you hopefully I'll do okay but if not I'm willing to at least attempt it but here's where I think it gets even more exciting to me because you are most of you I'm assuming tell me if I'm right or not your impact is pretty much in a local environment like you don't have a chain of things spread across all the country and you you
don't have schools and places you never visit pretty much your school is in your same local area is that you okay yes so For Better or Worse you impact the community you live in there is no bigger Stakes to me than that I sell people all over the world last I checked I I have customers in 153 countries half of them I can't spell and the other half I can't pronounce I have touched people's lives that I will never meet and that's really cool but that's abstract that's marketing at the highest level I went and
spoke at Sal Paulo uh Brazil earlier this year I had a guy come up to me and my kids went with me because they don't think I do anything they think I look at a computer and make no money or anything like that right like I had to explain it to them so I took them down to Sal Paulo and they saw me speak down there and the guy came up to me says Jason I learned how to speak English just so I could talk to you and I looked at the kids and I said
see see so that's kind of impact I have to live off of but you impact your community at a local level so I'm assuming the following experience has happened to you at some point in time and that experience is this a parent came up to you and said my child wasn't doing so well they could have went either way they were at risk I joined your school you set them straight you gave them discipline you gave them support you gave them community and now they are thriving you have changed my child's life if that's happened
to you say me okay yes good that's the actual value you have now how does that show up in your marketing it doesn't thank you for being honest Jim most of you it doesn't show up in your marketing it doesn't show up enough in my own marketing it's hard to do this for yourself it's hard to your own hair I tried it during Co it didn't go very well right it's hard to you take it for granted almost in a sense for me it's like well yeah that's what I'm supposed to do that's what I'm
here for but the audience needs to see that right they need to see that like what are their Alternatives what are other things that their kids could enroll in yeah that kind of stuff right tell me in your heart of hearts cuz I believe this to be true cuz wrestling was a martial art for me there nothing that impacted My Life as a child and disciplined me more and set me up more for Success than wrestling I was in baseball I didn't do it I was in football it didn't do it maybe it does it
to some degree but to the deepest degree do you think these other alternatives are better no you probably have the best bet really truly and that bet pays off in a very tangible way because it affects the community that you live in in a very positive way right we could discuss politics all day long on Twitter and talk about what should be done that don't matter okay that's telling or we could show what we want to be done by impacting the people that we can impact are you cool with that okay so how do we
do that here's how we do that when you have somebody that comes in that should enroll in your school and doesn't that is the greatest tragedy that could ever exist in your business but here's the biggest reason in my opinion because you paid all that money to get them this close to the Finish Line because you're marketing you have to get the lead in the door if you're going to use the terminology of marketing you're going to have to get them to know who you are you're going to have to get them to raise their
hand and say I'm interested not closing a sale is like driving the ball to the one yard line in football and then time expiring guess how many points they give you when you almost put it in the end zone They gave you zero points right guess how much money you make on a sale that almost closes zero the sales Fairy doesn't fly down says well you tried really good so here's $10 it doesn't happen that way okay you either get them or you don't it's binary so so many people that you were this close to
truly helping you let slip through your fingers at the last minute and why do you think this happens what are some reasons others not you that are in your space that are almost exactly like you what are some of the reasons that this happens pushing right he said unclear L not pushing okay uh I'm who here is feels uncomfortable sometimes pushing people yeah go ahead yeah it's cool yeah yeah that is a normal response okay if you don't feel uncomfortable pushing people we have a classic definition for you it's called psychopath right if you say
I don't feel dis on any discomfort at all pushing somebody we call you crazy all right it is a normal response to feel uncomfortable pushing something on someone that is resistant towards it that's supposed to happen but just because it feels uncomfortable doesn't mean it's wrong which one feels more uncomfortable to you letting somebody down or pushing what would be worse pushing somebody a little too far and making them upset at you or not pushing them far enough and then having their life get worse and worse and worse wouldn't you rather risk pushing a little
too far they're not pushing far enough I would because if they walk out that door and you can never impact their life again what influence can you have over them how much can you help them you can't so I would rather risk a little bit more to help a lot more then not risk enough and not help at all does this make sense so people are afraid to push I'll give you a little clothes and I've used this clothes so many times you say to somebody in this uncomfortable situation you say Hey listen what I'm
about to do next I would like your permission because it might feel a little bit uncomfortable I'm going to push aggressively and I'm going to push very hard to get you to join and I'm going to apply a lot of pressure to get you to join here's why I'm going to apply the pressure because I feel like there is nothing better for you and your child right now than this so would it be okay because I'm so passionate in what I believe in and so sure that this is going to help you that if I
push gently and with kindness but push nonetheless to make sure that we can make the best decision is that okay now the words don't exactly matter what matters is the technique if you get permission to push what do you think happens I've made many many millions of dollars this way this is how I started in this business because I was very uncomfortable selling so when I used to get on sales presentations whether they were one to one one to few or one to many and I would start the presentation out something along these lines so
I have two agendas here today agenda number one is to teach you X Y and Z agenda number two is to sell you something just flat out tell my audience and I say here's the deal if I don't accomplish my first agenda to truly teach you XYZ to your heart's content then please do not buy what I sell at the end of our presentation together however on the slim Miracle of a chance that I may actually be able to finally teach you how to do X Y and Z to your heart's content then you should
feel obligated to buy what I will sell to you at the end of the presentation here today and then I say the the most important part of that clo I like that you laughed at that that's good yeah you're feeling something different you're like ah this is how the best Insight you ever get is through laughter by the way if you can laugh at your problems you now have power over your problems okay so I say that my two agendas closed and then I go into the final punchline I say do we have a deal
now what do you think the compliance rate on that is how many people as a percentage say yes to that almost 100% 99% there's always some somewhere right the good news is there's only about 10 of them in the world they just move around a lot so when they agree to be sold to now it's no longer a problem do you feel that if you can get them to agree to it then you can do anything so if you say to him at the very beginning when you sit down you can say Hey listen I'm
going to walk you through this program now I have to apologize in advance I am very passionate about what I do it's my life's work and we've saved so many lives this way and we've impacted the community so much so forgive me you ever heard the saying that how you do anything is how you do everything how long would you be willing to sit with somebody that you knew should sign up for your program if they sat there and they kept talking to you how long would you talk to them for if they were a
qualified lead and you said I know if I say the right combination of words this person will say yes how long would you hang in with somebody as long as it takes hours if it takes right now on a micro level this doesn't make any sense because that doesn't scale it's counterproductive you could make more money driving Uber than if you every sales that you closed was eight hours long right here's why it matters though on a macro level on a macro level is the attitude that it creates for you once you know that you're
willing to go the extra mile on the individual basis how you do that is how you're going to do everything in your marketing you're going to show up with more intentionality when you sit down and talk to enough people for a long period of time you discover every objection known to man and then when you have the Insight oh this is why this person doesn't buy then you can apply that in your marketing on a global level you can reach everybody with this this becomes the content that you create and you push out on social
media this becomes the hooks for the ads that you run this becomes uh just completely how your business now starts to operate because you understand at the deepest level why people make decisions to buy from you or don't buy from you it's the best investment that you can make because on the micro level you start to show that transference of feeling and then once you do that on a micro level it gives you enough insight to do it on the macro level to have it show up everywhere in your business you will attract the best
talent because people want to work with people that are truly committed so you will get the best people to work for you you will attract the best customers because the customers will have a great experience with because of that attitude and they will tell their friends but it starts on the one to one level because you don't just run a business you serve people the business is the macro the people are what matter they're the soul of the business is the souls that you can connect with what then are some of the challenges that you've
encountered when you've had people walk in ready to sign up and then they don't sign up like what are some really objections that we could just get at the root at and see if we could just completely smash to Oblivion so we can next time you get one of these you laugh at say oh I know you you're one of those cute little objections boom price I knew it was going to be number one here's how this works price time and then belief those are always the three levels of objections so number one with price
okay now price can go along we can go a million different ways with just price alone here's something just so you know that should help you when you deal with the price objection 20% of a market spends 80% of its money so you can ignore four out of five people in your local community because those combined don't spend as much as the one out of five who do your goal isn't to have the best price for everybody your goal is to have the best price for the people that are most serious to solve their problem
those two are incompatible with each other because if you try to make it the most reasonable price for everybody you have to cut Corners you have to sacrifice certain things that you would like to have but can't have because you know four fifths of people can't afford it and so I say I tell four fifths of people to get lost because I would rather create the best experience for the one out of five where price is not an issue to begin with so the thing about price is if your marketing is correct price is not
a real objection it is what's called a smokescreen objection price is an indication that oh they're looking to buy but they're a little scared a price objection is a positive indication that you have a good lead on your hands because you know who doesn't care about the price the person that ain't going by they care nothing about price there's two types of people that care about price people that are most serious to buy and don't have the money or it's going to be tough to get the money and then the people that are using it
as a substitute for a deeper objection I'll give you an example cuz I saw very expensive stuff so Adam is part of our driven Mastermind which is $35,000 uh really good investment by the way the the key differentiation between those who are committed to the customers and those who aren't is this if you invest more than your customers invest in education in training then it's easier to sell to them does that make sense you know who's you know it's really hard to sell to somebody when you ask them for more than what you give yourself
you tell them to invest in themselves and you don't invest in yourself to that direct 10x that proportion so whenever I ask for somebody to give me money I laugh because I've given 10x more for 10 times less than they have and been happy because I'm so sold on this concept of investing in yourself Adam's part of this Mastermind that we're on it's $35,000 and I can't tell you how many times when somebody either joins or renews they say Jason uh the price is it's too much for me to to join again they're not telling
me the truth nine out of 10 times and I know they're not telling me the truth because it would be much harder for them to admit I ran my business into the ground I'm supposed to know what I'm doing with business I don't have enough money toay pay payroll because it's too hard to admit the truth so when most people say the price is too much it is a smoke screen for a deeper objection so if you hear a price objection you got to address it to move past it but it's 95% of the time
it's not the real objection so you should never worry about the price you should know how to handle it but you should never worry about it so a you're active listening not passive listening so you've shown them immediately that you've heard what they' said which is good okay second thing you done there is you've reframed it if you learn nothing else from my speaking learn the art of reframing okay a budget in their mind equals negative at this point it's out of my budget that's a negative frame I turned it into a positive frame oh
you got a budget that's nice now by the way do you think they really have a budget no it's how do you know what to budget for and then whatever they give you you align your offer with that they say well I budget for things because of these reasons and this reason and then you say oh okay that's fantastic I love that you do that because specifically when we priced our membership levels the way that we did we did the same thing and then you close now here's what's going to happen you deal with a
price objection most of the time that will not close the sale for you just like if you were single and you met somebody and you gave them one compliment and they received it really well that you don't immediately go sleep with them right there's more steps in between the two okay you bring it closer but you don't close the deal nine times out of 10 because price isn't the real objection so how does this actually show up specifically in your Market when you have an issue closing a sale can't match the schedule right sounds like
you're really busy so that's the first thing we can say to them right so acknowledge every single time somebody says something to them with you immediately acknowledge and agree with it sounds like your time is really busy yeah is so how do you know what to make time for and what not to make time for popular misconception in the marketplace today that nobody watches webinars anymore nobody comes to webinars anymore and I got a quarter of a billion dollars worth of reasoning why they do but people believe what people believe okay so the issue with
this is uh I was in a seminar once and a guy says nobody comes to webinars anymore I said okay let me understand this you flew halfway across the country that's a long flight to SP and so far eight hours yesterday in a room and four hours today in a room and then you got a whole another eight hours tomorrow and you're going to fly home H yeah you're right nobody ever pays attention to things that are important to them got it right so I was like people will tell you they don't have the time
after spending an hour and a half with you having a conversation with you people will tell you they don't have the time after emailing you now 17 times yet they still haven't signed up yet right so if you can collapse the reality this is the technical term that I call this that will close more Sals than anything so he says great yeah time is really important you can't fit it into your schedule right now how do you know what you can fit into your schedule how do you make the difference between the two because you
took the time to have a conversation with me here today so that seems important and they they're like okay Co so you address the objection you agree with it but you change the terms of the agreement in a Cell situation the person in control wins so you either control the conversation or you lose and they're going to typically have all the power in this uh the dynamic because ultimately the easiest thing to do is nothing in the short term easiest thing to do is nothing no energy no money no thinking nothing and I've used this
clo a million times on my audience I say that's great in the short term but what what happens if we run that out for 10 years and you continue to do nothing then what happens so in the short term though and this is legit it's easiest for them to do not a thing not a thing at all okay I mean if Pamela Anderson hit up and was like Hey man um Saturday morning I'd like to go out with you you wouldn't say well I'm at uh you know the Relentless Summit so uh maybe we could
do Tuesday at 2 pm would that work for you right you would tell us to off you would run out there we wouldn't see your ass again right people make time for what is important to them people make time for what is important to them so if they're not going to make time for you you haven't demonstrated you are important enough for them that that's a you problem so you have to do better in your marketing to demonstrate that you're important to somebody and then they will make time for you otherwise you're a low priority
here's another question you could ask and by the way I have no experience in the martial art business whatsoever but because I understand the universalness of selling and how people make decisions I can do this so a question that I would ask somebody in this situation is well what are you doing for your children right now that's trying to help them lead a positive more productive more healthier lifestyle because all I have to do is take the fifth thing that they're doing on their list and replace that I say okay so you do these five
things correct and I would write them down and I say listen you don't have to replace the first four but this fifth one how much time do you devote to this and they tell you how much time they devote to this great just put me in there cross that off and write your name in there good I'll take the fifth spot just give me the fifth spot because I'm confident enough that if I have the fifth spot it will soon be the fourth third second and then the first but you just got to give me
a chance part of them are like yeah part of like d hold on slow down I don't want to make a commitment because commitments are scary even the best commitments are we can't let them off the hook we can't let them off the hook you lose more money and you hurt more people because you let them off the hook because there's a temporary feeling of uneasiness and that is a tragedy that is a tragedy of all tragedies good things must be sold you know why a superior thing needs to be sold because if it's truly
Superior it's done different than the ordinary and if it's done different than the ordinary people need to understand that difference and until they understand the difference they will just take the ordinary because they understand the ordinary oh it's not really a money objection nine times out of 10 it's not really a Time objection nine times out of 10 it's a belief objection now what do you think I mean by belief if if you had to guess at what a belief objection is what would you say it could be Bingo hell yeah right I don't believe
you can actually do what you say now don't say that I wish they would I wish we could sit down and have a conversation and somebody says this all sounds good I just don't think you can do what you can do life would be much better if people were more forthright like that but they're not because it's socially unacceptable to be brutally honest they don't quite understand their own problem that well so they can't communicate that problem to you so the best thing you could ever do is understand their problems better than they understand their
problems and that's a cloth I use I use that cloth all the time go listen when it comes to this I've thought more about your problems than you've thought about your problems and they're like huh what do you mean I go here's what's going on in your mind right now and then I tell them what's going on in their mind right now and they're like oh my God yeah they're like you're like John Edward from crossing over and you could speak with the dead right give them a TV show you know like I because I
know my audience that well because I care that much remember not just tell but show don't tell them that you know them show them that you know them and then you will get more of them and they will spend more money with you they will stay with you longer and they will tell more people about you they will open up more doors for you than you could ever open up on your own but you have to understand them first so the the first level is they don't believe you enough that's actually the easiest to deal
with because your marketing should demonstrate that in advance of them ever talking to you so you get this out there in advance by showing your value so every time you have a win with somebody document it and then show it every time you have an Insight that you think could help somebody regardless of whether they do business with you or not show it in its ugliest form possible the details can come later the most important thing is showing up in the marketplace you can't say you you care and then be invisible you can't say you
care and then be invisible so they say that I don't believe you but that's usually not even the real objection believe it or not you get some of that but that's easy to handle you can say I'm not sure you could deliver for me here's a here's something you can say to them how would you know if I could deliver for you what would be required for you to say yes you can deliver from me and then they will tell you it's the craziest thing they'll say well I would need to know xyz123 ABC so
if you knew XYZ one23 and ABC to your fullest belief then you would say yes see how we're always moving it Forward we're always moving it forward we either get the cell or we move the ball forward that's the attitude every question is an opportunity to either close or move the cell forward that's how you have to interpret every single question question I do this sale so I had this webinar one time it did $9.8 million in 8 days and it set the record because I wasn't even selling my product I was selling somebody else's
product I got 50% of the sales and the way I transitioned into the close in this offer is I said um basically essentially it says if you knew that six months from now I could sit you in front of a crystal ball and it said in six months you will be $50,000 richer would you give me $10,000 today if you knew 100% Beyond any doubt that you would be $50,000 richer in the future and I go the answer is you would 100% give me the money today except for one thing you won't you don't believe
me that's the only thing that would stop you you think the testimonials I showed you are fake you think they're made up you think I lied to you you think I doctored the result you think I misrepresented and fabricated everything that I sold or showed you here today they argue with you against their own problem well no it's not that bad okay sure you sure right so like when I'm teaching webinars to to people to begin to get them to start they're so afraid I'm like yeah man you could do this webinar if it's really
bad a customer is going to show up at your house house they're going to grab you by the neck they're going to drag you out in the street naked and they're going to beat you in public saying what a shitty webinar presenter you are right and they're like no Jason it's not that bad and now they're arguing with me against their own problem I like that right that's why when I sell I say this thing is so expensive oh my God you might have to donate a kidney in order to buy it right then they
say the price like well the price isn't that bad it's only $20,000 that's that's less than a kidney I think right so I exaggerate their problem back to you so I say that but then I transition to the second half which is where all the real objections are I said you don't believe me I go is it that and then in this particular close I said they did it all these people I showed you but they is not you can you do it and then I show them how I believe they can I I say
once you have these resources that I've created for you once you have this software and this community behind you then you will have the advantages that they had but until now you don't have those advantages so yeah you would be right to believe that you can't do it without the advantages that I've created for you to do it and then I'll do a close like this okay I'll say and if I have to pick you up throw you over my shoulders and drag you kicking and screaming across the finish line I will do that for
you if I ask you to take one step I will take 10 steps on your behalf but you got to take the first step 6.2% of them buy and 93% don't buy and 6.2% equals $9.8 million okay most people are still going to say no no matter what you do despite your best efforts no matter how hard you try so it's easy to look at the quantity of NOS now it's easier when you're local way easier it's easier when you're in person way easier I'm selling to people from like Zimbabwe I don't know where the
hell they're at right I'm selling to a thousand people all at the same time so your conversion rates will be much higher but the reality is most of the people who should buy from you will still say no despite every possible thing that you can do in your willpower and you got to accept that because we don't do this for the people that say no we do this for the people that say yes and if you if it takes 10 to say no to get to one yes you just got to see the yes and
then the NOS don't matter and then the noo matter but right now I will tell you for Mo a majority of you you have a yes and you're not allowing it to get there you're putting the food in the oven it says set set the timer for this 50 minutes you're checking out at 20 minutes you're saying it's not done I can't cook you throw the thing out the door that's what's happening and it's a tragedy and this is why I'm traveling all over the world to write this wrong and to reach at least a
few of you who could get this and apply this and have this show up in your business is this good stuff okay so how do you deal with somebody who has a limiting belief who doesn't believe that they can do that how do you break that limiting belief that's where all the money is made that I've ever had okay so when I sell products on online sometimes I sell to people who've bought 1925 32 46 other products that promised the same thing and Fa to deliver so it is clinically insane for that person to expect
the 47th time they buy something to get a different result it's very logical I do a thing 46 times and I lose of course I'm going to lose on the 47th time that makes a lot of sense doesn't it yeah so when you say ah why are they throwing us an objection I mean that's the most logical conclusion they can have that they're going to fail again I tried this for my child I tried this for myself I tried this in a variety of different ways and I failed every single time so it makes sense
that they would have that objection but does that serve them does that serve them no because by the way if you quit at 46 guess what guess what the rate of failure is 100% so even at the 47th time represents a 1% opportunity for this time to be different isn't that worth trying if the difference is between 1% and 0% I'd rather have a 1% chance than a 0% chance so even if your thing can't deliver for whatever reason at least you're trying to get the result the alternative is not trying anymore so you can't
let them get away with I failed so many times in the past why would this time be different it might not be different but what if it was and I'll tell you what won't be different doing nothing that will be the same thing you will have the problem and the problem actually get worse and worse and worse the longer you allow it to occur so how can you deal with this I'll give you one if somebody says I've tried so many things in before and they didn't work you say great you're showing to me that
you're willing to continue to work through this to get the result that you want that is an admirable quality so what did we do there have you noticed the pattern yeah reframed it we took what they thought was an objection or an issue we agreed with it but then we changed the terms of what we were agreeing to okay then I might say something like this and I use many quo closes but this is one of them I say say you had a journey of a thousand steps and you were on step 999 don't you
need those steps before you get to the thousandth step so every single decision that you've made in the past regardless of the outcome of it was a step closer to the result that you wanted do you agree with that and they say almost always yes so we can't get you to the success you want without having those 47 other steps that occurred before it everything has brought you one step closer to success and I'm here today to get you across the Finish Line do you close like that not yet will you close like that I
sure hope so not for my sake because guess how much of a commission I get for your closing okay it makes me no money yeah here's how I make money today you follow me on Instagram and then that PES me up on the algorithm maybe you buy my book for a whopping $20 of which I get three bucks for but yeah follow me Jason flet at Instagram I make money I fly halfway across the world I get paid by Adam which is nice right but not enough honestly not enough but nice [Laughter] right I mean
nothing is enough to take you away from your family but you do this for your family so when you come back to them right you do this because you care this is showing how you care not just telling how you care but yeah um I come here today to reach out and impact you so then when I impact you you have something amazing happen in your life and then you tell people about me that's the agenda that I have here today but it's the same thing at a local level you're going to reach people who
are in the disease of indecision that's what most of your audience faces most of your prospect face most of the people that you can help they they have the disease of indecision because people have trouble making a decision because with a decision becomes what accountability with a decision says what I'm going to become more than who I am and that's really hard so we have to have compassion and empathy with that right now you should structure it in such a way where it makes it easier for them to not make the same mistakes that they
used to make right so Adam has a program that he has as a mastermind where he's developed things for you so you don't have to develop them on yourself so you can start at the 50 yard line instead of at the end zone so you can have things developed that you can use so when he's selling you his Mastermind that is a value Val thing for you because he's doing 90% of the work and then you got to finish it off you should do the same for your audience so if there are challenges and friction
points that get in the way how can you minimize those how can you make their objections sound silly when they say them out loud because you say oh really we have a thing for that oh really that's an issue for you you're exactly who we had in mind when we created this so what are the deliverables what are the experiences that you have how do you have it so when they meet with a they can meet that challenge with a lot of yeah I got you what do you do to help them understand that what
you give for them will allow them to deal with those challenges anybody what do you do somebody tell me what you do to help get somebody inspired to deal with the challenge they're going to face take some deep breaths right so you're GNA so you're going to say part of what we do in our program is we have people breathe in a certain way and when they breathe in a certain way they feel different and if they feel different they can get a different result when you change somebody's physiology you change who they are and
what they can do you ever seen Superman slump over like this before he saves Lois Lane no he's like this right we get people in that state of mind and if we can get people in that state physiologically they can do things that they can't do before and that's what we're going to help you do so when challenges come up and when you're working through this this is how we're going to empower you to deal with those challenges how does that sound to you you feel it okay that's me on a 7-Day tour across the
country with no slides no prep just understanding how people make decisions you can do a million times better than I did if you sit down and start scripting some of these out you say I get this question all the time how am I answering it right now write that down based on what I heard that Jason discussed with me today how could I answer it differently write it down write it down I'm assuming the programs that you have in your schools are you show up and say let's just figure it out along the way there's
probably a lot of design in there isn't there there's probably a lot of purpose behind what you do and then you treat sales differently and you don't take that same attitude and put it into sales so start scripting out these answers start knowing how to say these so the next time I run up to you and say it costs too much you could say how much is too much and then you can have a conversation my name is Jason flin it's been an honor and a privilege to serve you here today I appreciate each and
every one of you