You Need to Keep Your Eyes On Jesus | Distracted Faith

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Put Your Eyes On Christ not on the newspapers not on the television screens for your hope your hope is in Christ he's the one that has made the promise that his kingdom is going to ultimately Prevail and Jesus is in heaven now where he's preparing a place for us the scripture says and Christ is going to come like a flash of lightning and for you that know him it's something to anticipate many of us are so taken up with this world and the pleasures and the sensualities of this world and the money we make and
the lifestyle that we live that we don't want to leave this earth we hold on as long as we can but for all of you the world and the lust thereof is going to pass away but he that does the will of God shall abide forever all right yall all right y we going to get straight into it obviously you've seen the title today we're going to focus on keeping our eyes on the Lord and I hope you all doing well and having a blessed week and I'm thankful for all of you guys that are
praying for me I'm praying for you guys as well we are always growing and stronger together and another thing I wanted to emphasize is that like whenever you watch these videos I don't just want you to like think that oh I'm getting a word I'm just here to check out this video but I want you to make a conscious decision to seek Jesus to seek Christ above all else I want you to watch these videos leaving with a burning desire and a passion for Christ at the end of the day I'm just a person that
God is using to spread his word I'm nothing but a tool and an instrument for the kingdom of God but you have to make a conscious decision for yourself to be like man I got to seek for God for myself I got to have this passion this desire to to read my word to pray to seek the Lord the number one goal is for us to grow beyond the basic to grow in our passion in our relationship with the Lord I'm just here to share what the Lord has taught me and and what the Lord
has brought me through this brings us to what I wanted to talk about today which is keeping your eyes on the Lord nowadays I feel like there is so much distraction in this world and we get easily influence and easily distracted by certain things that do not matter we are turning our heads looking at other things than focusing on Christ so much of life's worries keeps us from getting in the presence of God so much of life's struggles keeps us from getting in the presence of God and we don't realize that it's so dangerous especially
in the times that we're living in now we are living in times where it is crucial for us to keep our lamps burning but a lot of us have been sleeping a lot of us have been drifting away a lot a lot of us have been distracted by other things that are going on in the world that are going on in your life not realizing that Jesus is coming back soon not realizing that the Lord is not coming back for a fake bride that the Lord is not coming back for a weak Pride he's coming
back for a for a prde that is burning with passion for him a bride that is burning with Zeal for him a a bride that's that is burning with Holiness for him we got to get out of our heads thinking everything revolves around us thinking our problems are too big for God thinking our problems are the end all be all of everything that is going on we are too distracted by the things of the world we are too distracted by the things that are outside things that don't matter I realized whenever my I realized whenever
my eyes are away from God my thoughts become unhealthy my mind becomes unhealthy my perception becomes unhealthy first we're going to talk about keeping our eyes on the Lord pertaining to trials and the struggles and things that we go through in life early on it was very hard for me to keep my eyes on the Lord because I felt like I always needed to be kind of in control somehow so even When Trials would come I would struggle with let letting God fix my problems and trying to figure it out on my own I'm a
big overthinker and I question a lot I question a lot of things in my mind so when things would come up trials would hit I would question whether God is there with me I would question my circumstance I would question my situation because I wasn't really focused on the Lord I was focused on my circumstance I was focused on the problem at hand instead of focusing on Jesus and when stuff like that happens you start to see things falling apart breaking down getting worse and getting a becoming a mess and you you tend to want
to control the the the outcome and this was the problem for me was because I was picking and choosing what things to trust God in I was picking and choosing when I would look to God and when I will not look to God when in reality the Lord calls us to Look to Him in all of our ways the Bible says in all of your ways acknowledge Him but I wasn't doing that and this could be for you too there are things in your life that God is asking full control of and he needs you
to be able to look to him at all times he needs you to be able to to trust them at all times but that starts with you making a conscious decision that God will be the the one you lean on that the Lord will be the one that you put place your head on a perfect example of taking your eyes off of Jesus is in Matthew 14 where Jesus is walk in the water and he and Peter calls out to him and the reason I love this example so much is not just because of what
happened to Peter but it's the interaction that happened between Peter and Jesus Matthew 14:22 immediately Jesus made the disciples get onto the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd after he dismissed them he went up on the mountain side by himself to pray later that night he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from the land but FedEd by the ways because the wind was against it shortly before Dawn Jesus went out to them walking on on the lake when the disciples saw
him walking on the lake they were terrified it's a ghost they said and cried out in fear but Jesus immediately said to them take courage it it is I don't be afraid Lord if it's you Peter replied tell me to come onto the water come he said then Peter got down out of the boat walked on water and came towards Jesus but when he saw the wind but when he saw the wind he was afraid and be and beginning to sink Cried Out Lord save me immediately Jesus reached out his hand CAU him you of
little faith he said why did you doubt when they were in fear not knowing who it was Jesus stepped in to reassure them that it was him telling them to take courage Peter in faith says if it's you ask me to come on the water and Peter in faith got down walking towards Jesus it never said he he walked and started to walk around no no it says walking towards Jesus verse 30 but when he saw the wind he was afraid when he saw the wind when he saw the storm when he saw the trials
when he saw the circumstance he was afraid and he began to sink and cried out Lord Save Me Lord save me a lot of people take this verse and just look at it as Peter being distracted of the wind obviously we could see that right he took his eyes off of the Lord and he was distracted by The Wind by the circumstance and he began to sink but I want to elaborate on something too as well because when he sank who did he cry out to he cried out to the Lord yes the main part
is he took his eyes off of the Lord and he began to sing but as he fell when as he su he also looked at the Lord for help he didn't look at money he didn't look at nobody else on the boat he didn't look at anything else but he looked at Jesus to save him it is important for us to keep our eyes on the Lord regardless no matter if you fall no matter if you sinned regardless of if you fall ask the Lord to save you ask the Lord for his hand work is
not going to save you money is not going to save you your mom is not going to save you your friends are not going to save you when you're in a dire need when you have sunk in deep Waters who are you going to call who are you going to look to if we can't even look to God when we're good when we're in a good situation when everything's going to when everything's going well we can't even look at God what if what happens when we're sinking now you want to call the Lord when you're
sinking when you're falling now you want to look at God at all times let's keep our eyes and focus on the Lord and the crazy thing is a lot people are not going to want to hear this part because they love the world they love to gain for the world you would rather me talk about how you can gain in this world than in eternal life how you can prosper in this world rather than keeping your lips burning for the return of Christ Hebrews 12:2 says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud
of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out before us fixing our eyes on Jesus fixing our Eyes On Jesus the Pioneer the perfector of faith for the joy set before him he endured the cross he endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God consider him who endured such opposition from Sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose Hearts first thing to mention is that Christ died for
us to save us to redeem us to make us blameless in the sight of the that is something we always have to remember that Christ suffered shame Christ endured suffering for us sinners that is one way to keep your eyes on God always remembering what the Lord has done for you always remembering that God saved you God saved you he saved you is that a daily reminder for us every single day is that a daily reminder that man the Lord has actually saved me I am good now I am sealed with the Holy SP spirit
is that a daily reminder for you cuz that is one way of of remembering and keeping your eyes on Christ but are we constantly reminding ourselves that God has done that for us or not we we wake up daily every single day with other things distractions other things in our minds not not even not even remembering what Christ has done for us and then you grow selfish when God doesn't do anything for you you grow selfish when things don't don't go your way forgetting that it is only by grace that we are here it is
only by grace that we have the breath of life and I want to read this in Luke 12 which it's is a it's a perfect representation of the watchfulness that God is urging us to have verse 35 be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning like a servant waiting for their Master to return from A Wedding Banquet so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him it will be good for those servants whose Master finds him watching when he comes truly I tell tell you he will dress
himself to serve we have will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them it will be good for those servants whose Master finds them ready even if he comes in the middle of the night towards Daybreak but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming he would not have let let his house be broken into you must also be ready because the son of May will come at an hour when you don't expect them word of God says be dressed and ready
for service and keep your lamps burning like a servant waiting for the master to return from A Wedding Banquet are we dressed and ready waiting on the Lord's return are we getting in prayer are we seeking the Lord are we serving others are we loving others we love to cry out to God lord save us Lord do this for us Lord do this for us but we're not even prioritizing his presence at this moment the Lord is not coming back for a weak bride the Lord is not coming back for a mediocre bride he's coming
back for those that will worship Him in spirit as the Bible says those that will be on fire burning for him a Zeal for him where's that passion that we have for other things where's that passion why can't we have that passion for Christ for the Lord being watchful in service burning with the passion of and the fire of the Holy Spirit keeping your eyes on the Lord keeping your eyes on the Lord's return like I said before there's so much distraction that it's keeping us away from the things that God needs us to do
and we don't realize just how much focusing on our worries and on our problems takes us away from the from the thing that God needs us to focus on 1 Peter 58 says be alert and of sober mind your enemy the devil prows around like a rowing lion looking for someone to devour resist them standing firm in faith distraction is going to be a downfall for a lot of people not being sober minded not being attentive not being watchful of the things that are going on not getting in prayer not truly seeking God with all
of your heart this should encourage you this should fill you with joy that I get to to to participate and be ready for the for the Lord to come back this should encourage this should invoke such a a a a rejoicing Spirit within you that man the Lord is coming back that I I got to be ready I got to be prepared but a lot of us are so indoctrinated with the m with the things of the world we're so captivated by the distractions of the world we're not even realizing what the word of God
is say we're not getting in the presence of God we're not getting in our prayer closet and we're realizing man I don't have the fire for God I don't have that seal because you're not submitting yourself in the presence of God keep your eyes on Christ keep your eyes watchful away from Christ is death away from Christ is death no matter how hard it might be yes the Lord understands that but he has called us to this he has called us to this so you can't sit there and just whine and just want to be
weak no give your burdens to Christ B says come to me all who are weary and broken heavye hearted seek the Lord look to Christ don't look anywhere else look to God I hope this message greatly blessed you thank you for watching all the way through May the Lord continue to bless you and I'm continue to pray for you guys um let the family continue to grow the kingdom of God continue to grow more Believers let's continue to stay hungry for the things of the Lord continue to to keep our eyes on the Lord no
matter what happens no matter the trials that we're going through keep your focus and your eyes on the Lord don't be distracted by the things of the world your your friends might be wanting to do other things your friends might be wanting to go out here you know don't be distracted yes you can go out yes you could do certain things but stay focused once again I hope this message bless you leave a like comment subscribe if you're new be blessed in Jesus name [Music]
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