hello my dear adventurers it's Fox I'm so glad you could join me for another evening of stories around the fire tonight I wanted to do something just a tad bit spookier for the start of The Fall season and so we'll be stepping into the darkened Halls of middle Earth's history where the witch king of Angar and his ominous ring wraiths reside this is a tale about fear power and Corruption of the inescapable pull of Darkness that can twist even the noblest beings the witch King alongside the ring wraiths or nasgul as they're also known are
the embodiment of dread I distinctly remember how it felt seeing them for the first time when I was younger the quiet Terror they instilled and how they came to represent an element of Dark Fantasy that I've adored since we're going to explore the Legacy the Enigma of the witch King who was he really how did he come to wield so much power and in what Manner did he meet his fated demise then afterwards I'm going to read some bits from the various chapters in tolkin books the ones that feature the witch king and the ring
wraiths in some form along with their most iconic appearances or lines so gather close Let the Fire Light chase away the chill there's much to discover and as always we'll do it together with a Keen Eye a brave heart and just the right amount of curiosity and if you'd like to support my little quest to Mordor consider joining my patreon and leaving some lmers bread for the road now as we prepare to journey into this tale of darkness and despair I invite you to find a place of comfort and warmth maybe you have a favorite
Chair by the fire or a Cozy Corner with a view of the night sky whether you are a seasoned traveler of Middle Earth or a newcomer to its wonders we will set off on a fellowship of our own exploring the very paths where Frodo and his friends once walked and sometimes hid from the shadowy Nazgul as you settle in perhaps with a warm cup of tea or something stronger take a moment to let the weight of the day slip away close your eyes if you like and let the soft glow of the fire and the
gentle sound of my voice guide you let your mind wander back to the ancient lands of Middle Earth imagine the vast plains of Rohan The Towering peaks of the Misty Mountains and the dark forests of merkwood for it is in these lands that the Nazgul once roamed picture yourself with Frodo and the hobbits huddled in that small dimly lit room with strio watching over them the only light coming from the steady Ember of his tobacco pipe outside the wind howls and the trees Creek in the darkness their branches clawing at the Windows like the Twisted
hands of the wraiths they dread the world outside must have felt distant almost unreal as if they had been transported to another time and place but with Strider by their side there was still a sliver of Hope however faint to hold on to feel the Earth Beneath Your Feet As you move quietly through the underbrush mirroring Striders every move together you follow the faint traces left behind behind by the hobbits the Broken Twig here a footprint there knowing they are just ahead hiding from the Black Riders you can almost hear the rustle of leaves the
distant thumps from the Hooves of their beasts and the low murmur of a hidden stream the tension hangs heavy as you and Strider keep your focus aware that the nasgul could be just around the corner ready to strike now fully immersed let us begin this journey together and may the light of arondil's star guide us as we venture into the shadows of Middle Earth Our Story begins long before Sauron Rose to the height of his power in an age when Middle Earth was still young and full of wonder it was a time of great Beauty
when the elves uat's first born the creator of all that is lived in harmony with the world their cities glittered with the light of the two trees the sacred sources of light that illuminated The Land Before the Sun and Moon existed Untouched by the shadow that would wonder spread across the land under the guidance of the Valor powerful beings sent by alatar to shape and govern the world the elves had long been masters of many Arts their skill in crafting grew to be unmatched by any other race in Middle Earth they could shape metals and
gems with such delicacy and precision that their Creations seemed almost alive among the elves there was one who stood out cmore the grandson of fenor now fenor if you remember was the greatest of all Elven Smiths but he was also driven by pride and his legacy was one of tragedy cmore however was different he inherited his grandfather's skill but his heart was purer he wanted to create things of beauty to preserve the world's Splendor for all time the elves were keenly aware of the passage of time though they themselves were Immortal they could see the
world around them changing and so C bmore and his kin in Aon set out to forge something truly remarkable the rings of power these weren't just ordinary Rings they were conceived as a way to Halt the decay of the world to keep Middle Earth beautiful forever but as you might guess things didn't go as planned for even as the elves set about their work with the best of intentions Sauron the leftenant of the first dark lord morgoth had not been Idol he had his own plans and they were anything but Noble he had long sought
to dominate Middle Earth and bring all its peoples under his control it was with this goal in mind that Sauron disguised himself as anatar the Lord of gifts and approached the elves of Orion anatar presented himself as a benevolent figure one who sought only to help the elves achieve their lofty goals he spoke of his desire to see Middle Earth flourish and promised that together they could craft Wonders that would stand the test of time his words were honeyed and his demeanor was humble cmore and his kin eager to learn and to create welcomed him
with open arms not knowing that they were inviting the very architect of their downfall into their midst under anatar Guidance the elves worked tirelessly to forge the rings of power but all the while anatar Sauron was subtly steering their work towards his own dark ends finally after years of Labor the Rings were complete 19 in total each one was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and Magic but even as the elves admired their work they knew not the depth to which they'd been deceived because while they had been busy in oron Sauron had forged another tempered in
the fires of Mount Doom he crafted the one ring to rule them all when Sauron put on the One Ring the elves felt it immediately it was like a dark presence reaching out to them trying to take control they realized too late that they'd been betrayed in a desperate attempt to keep their rings out of sauron's grasp they hid them but the damage was done the Rings were tainted their fate tied to the one ring and to sauron's will the 19 rings of power were divided amongst three groups three for the Elven Kings under the
sky seven for the dwarf Lords in their Halls of stone and nine for Mortal men doomed to die each of these Rings was unique in its qualities and Powers tailored to the nature and desires of the beings who were meant to Bear them the three ring Rings known as naria Nya and Vila were the most powerful and pure of the Rings of power they were intended to preserve and protect to heal the wounds of the world and to keep alive the beauty of Middle Earth naria the ring of fire was meant to inspire and rekindled
the spirits of those who fought against Darkness Nya the ring of water was a symbol of protection and preservation its power bound to the secret places of nature Vila the Ring of air was the mightiest of the three with the power to heal and to ward off evil these Rings were given to the greatest of the elves Galadriel Eland and San but so long as Sauron wielded the One Ring they feared to use them lest he see their thoughts but the seven and the nine were different these Rings were crafted with the direct involvement of
anatar and were far more susceptible to sauron's influence the Seven Rings were given to the dwarf Lords the rulers of the seven Great houses these Rings were intended to bring wealth and prosperity to their bearers amplifying their natural talent for Mining and craftsmanship and indeed the dwarf Lords who received these Rings became immensely wealthy their hordes of treasure growing to unimaginable sizes but there was a darker side to the power of the seven Now by their very nature and hardiness the dwarves were quite resistant to sauron's Direct Control but instead they became consumed by greed
and avarice their desire for wealth became an obsession driving them to delve ever deeper into the Earth in search of riches this greed ultimately led to the downfall of many of the Great Dwarven kingdoms as they awakened things in the Deep places of the world that should have remained undisturbed the nine Rings were given to the greatest of Men Kings Sorcerers and Warriors of immense power and ambition the Rings granted them great power of course extending their lives far beyond their natural span essentially immortalizing them but the Rings also eroded their Wills corrupting their hearts
and Minds until they were no longer men but wraiths Shadows of their former selves bound to the will of saign for all eternity these are the men who through a long and painful process would become known as the ring wraiths or Nazgul I want to talk a little more about the process of this transformation the inherent weakness of men is a theme that runs throughout most if not all of tolk's works and it's rather clear to see why unlike the elves who are already Immortal and unlike the dwarves who are naturally Hardy and resistant men's
lives are short fleeting and often filled with the unknown it is this fear makes them particularly susceptible to the Allure of power and the promise of immortality a promise that the rings of power offered in abundance the process of their transformation into ring wraiths was gradual with multiple stages of corruption but perhaps through sheer ambition and Folly the Kings of Men did not notice the dark power feeding off of their doubts and fear until they were consumed by it at first the ringbearers experienced only the benefits of their Newfound power they grew stronger wiser more
influential Their Kingdoms flourished under their Rule and their subjects revered them as near gods But as time passed the darker aspects of the Rings began to assert themselves they had vivid dreams filled with images of shadowy figures and dark Landscapes they heard Whispers In The Night voices that spoke of power and Glory but also of fear and despair the bearers of the nine rings found themselves increasingly drawn to these visions their thoughts consumed by the promise of even greater power they became obsessed with their own Ambitions willing to do anything to achieve their goals even
if it meant sacrificing their morals and their Humanity as the years passed the bearers of the nine Rings became increasingly detached from the world of the living their bodies began to fade becoming Ghostly and insubstantial they could no longer feel the warmth of the Sun or the coolness of the night air food and drink brought them no pleasure and the company of others became a source of irritation rather than Comfort they retreated into their strongholds isolating themselves from their subjects and surrounding themselves with Darkness and with that came the paranoia and distrust seeing enemies and
conspiracies where there were none they grew even further obsessed with their own power to the point where they could think of nothing else they abandoned the ideals of justice and honor that had once guided them replacing them with a ruthless desire for control and anything to maintain their power even if it meant betraying those who had once been their friends and allies with the slow erosion of their will one by one they fell prey to the delusions and Visions sent by Sauron no longer able to distinguish between their own Ambitions and those of the dark
lord the Phantoms and Horrors they saw twisted them and in time the ring bearer's transformation into the nasgul was complete straddling the line between the realm of Shadow and the living they were no longer men but wraiths creatures of Shadow and darkness their bodies were completely insubstantial the only ones who could perceive them in this unseen state were the elves from the undying lands of which there were few the Maya such as Sauron and the Wizards and any who wore the one ring and with their transformation into the ring wraiths they became mere instruments of
sauron's terrible will compelled to carry out his orders without question with the ring wraiths being bound to Sauron this also meant that while he was weak the Nazgul too were powerless but while the dark lord gathered power theirs grew immensely in turn to the point where the witch king of Angar who we'll talk about next is said to have rivaled Gandalf the White the tale of the witch king of Angar is one shrouded in mystery and fear his true name lost to the ages buried under centuries of darkness and despair yet fragments of his story
linger whispered across the ages he was once a mighty sorcerer and a king a man of great power and ambition whose path led him into the deep and perilous ways of dark law some say he was of the numenorians those men who hailed from the Blessed aisle of numor gifted to them by the Valar as a reward for their Valor in the ancient Wars against morgoth the first dark lord the numenorians were a people of Pride and might blessed with long life and wisdom beyond the Reckoning of lesser men but within Numa as within all
great Realms there were those whose Hearts grew cold and whose Minds turned to darker purposes in the second age many among them fell under the shadow of Sauron becoming known as the black [Music] numenorians these men were in snared by the lies and Promises of the dark lord their souls Twisted by greed and the lust for power it was among those corrupted that Sauron discerned the potential for great malice in one Sorcerer of particular skill to this man Sauron offered one of the Rings of power and over the years he was transformed from a king
of men into a wraith his identity erased his will entirely subsumed by saurons he became the witch king of Angar the greatest and most feared of all the ring wraiths he would set about enacting his master's long vengeance upon the Realms in Exile of the dunadan the descendants of the faithful of numor who had escaped its destruction and who subsequently brought him low with the last Alliance and so he set his sights to the north before we start talking about angmar and the conquest of the North I want to speak a little bit on the
actual appearance of the witch King and what sort of weapons and fell beasts he and the ring wraiths had in their Arsenal clad in Robes of pure Darkness the witch King's appearance was a twisted darkened reflection of the great power he once held in life his form was shrouded in Shadow with a crown that hovered upon his invisible head a symbol of his lost kingship now perverted by the will of Sauron even his mere presence struck horrific fear into the hearts of armies and with looks like that how could it not have but he also
had the morgal blade a weapon as cursed as the one who bore it to be struck by this blade was to invite a slow and agonizing transformation The Shard would embed itself in the victim's flesh working its way ever closer to the heart turning them into a lesser sort of wraith a servant bound forever to the dark will of the witch King it was less so a weapon of death and more a tool designed to Rob its victim of their very Soul it was this very same blade that was used to wound Frodo on weathertop
and it took the help of Elon in rivendel to heal the morgal wound there was also the black breath a deadly miasma that the witch king and the ring wraiths exhaled sapping strength and Hope from those around their breath was poisonous and that cursed blight caused people to fall into a dark cold sleep and maybe even never recover the nine rode black horses of nightmare a far cry from the noble steeds of the free peoples of Middle Earth these horses were bred and Twisted by dark sorcery making them tireless fearless and Swift during the latter
years of the third age during the war of the Ring these horses were Swept Away by a flood and so Sauron gifted his nasgul with Dread mounts fell beasts known as black wings these creatures had come from an older World perhaps even surviving from the Elder days they were fed corrupted meat and bred to be as fearsome as the wraiths who Rod a top them but getting back on track let's talk about the founding of Angar the witch King's Fortress the northern reaches of Middle Earth particularly the vast and storied lands of arodor and Anor
were once vibrant centers of num manorian culture and power Anor in its prime stood as a Mighty Kingdom founded by elendel the tall and his sons after the cataclysmic downfall of Newman it was a land of gentle Hills and ancient forests of lofty mountains and Swift flowing Rivers a realm of beauty majesty and deep rooted Heritage yet as the ages wore on and the shadow in the East grew the kingdom of aror fell into decline in internal strife and the Ambitions of lesser Lords fractured the great realm into three smaller and weaker kingdoms aradan cardolan
and rudor this division born of Pride and Discord left the once United Kingdom vulnerable to the encroaching Darkness a weakness that the witch king of Angar was quick to perceive and eager to exploit far to the North of these baguer Lands Beyond the eten Moores and the high passes of the Misty Mountains lay a desolate and forsaken region known as Angar this was a realm of bitter winds and Barren Plains few ventured into this inhospitable Wilderness and fewer still returned to tell the tale it was in this Grim place that the witch King chose to
establish his Dominion Angar with its natural fortifications and strategic position offered the perfect base from which to strike at the heart of the weakened Northern kingdoms while staying hidden from the Vigilant Eyes Of The Elves and the dunadan in building his fell Kingdom the witch King summoned all the dark and malevolent forces at his command Orcs And trolls crept down from the mountains Wars and Wolves prowled Out of the wilds and Men whose Hearts had long been corrupted by the shadow answered his call they flocked to Angar drawn by the promise of power and the
opportunity to serve the most feared of their Lord's servants the capital of angmar was established at kandom a fortress built into the mountains in the far west of the region Kum was a dark Citadel where the forces of Darkness gathered to do the witch King's bidding The Fortress was surrounded by high walls and deep chasms with only a few narrow passes leading to its Gates within its walls the witch King's Sorcerers and Generals plotted the downfall all of Anor while his armies marshal for the coming War the witch King himself resided in candom from where
he ruled his kingdom with an iron fist his power was greatest in Angar where the land bent to his will the skies above the Fortress were often darkened by storm clouds and the air acrid with the stench of death and decay those who dared to enter his realm were met with unspeakable Horrors as the witch King's magic Twisted the natural world into something malevolent now the war waged by the witch king of Angar against the northern kingdoms of Anor was not a swift Conquest but rather a remorseless campaign spanning many centuries he did not want
Mere nearly to subjugate these Realms but to obliterate them utterly erasing their memory from The Chronicles of Middle Earth at the outset the witch King set about weakening the three sundered Realms of Anor in rudor the line of the dunadan had long since failed and the land had fallen under the sway of lesser Lords easily seduced by promis of power it was here that the witch King first gained his foothold placing a puppet upon the throne and fortifying the land with his own forces and other foul creatures drawn to his dark Banner with rudor under
his Dominion he turned his gaze upon calan though stronger than its sister realm cardan had been grievously weak by War and plague the witch King's agents crept into its courts spreading lies and sowing mistrust soon the kingdom found itself besieged on all sides its people weary and demoralized unable to withstand the Relentless Onslaught the witch King's sorcery added to their misery and he sent whites to ha the barrows driving the living to Madness and despair in the end calan was laid waste its cities and fortresses reduced to Rubble with cardan in Ruins and rudor in
thrall the witch King turned his full wrath upon aradan the last stronghold of num manorian power in the north this realm ruled by the line of isildur the great king who cut the one ring from sauron's hand had long resisted the encroaching Darkness but now it stood alone against the might of Angar the witch King gathered his forces at kandom and his army vast and terrible descended upon aadan in a series of brutal raids the final blow came in the year 1974 of the third age at the Battle of fornost fornost the ancient capital of
aradan was a city of great strength and beauty built by the numenorians in the days of their Glory but the witch King knew that if Forest fell The Last Hope of aror would be extinguished clad in Black armor his form wreathed in Shadow though he led his armies against the city the dunadan fought valiantly but they were outnumbered and outmatched one by one the gates fell and the witch King's minions poured into the city thus Forest fell and with it the last vestage of the north Kingdom the witch King's victory was complete and the once
proud realm of aror was no more its lands left in darkness and its people scattered to the winds the light of numor had been extinguished in the north but the Triumph of the witch King did not last even as Darkness fell over the north Hope was rekindled in the hearts of free folk the remnants of aror LED by the steadfast dunadan took refuge in the hidden valleys and wooded Hills waging a silent war of resistance against their oppressor to their aid came the elves of Linden and rivendel and from the south marched the Valiant men
of Gondor who had not forgotten their kinship with the north thus a great Alliance was forged to challenge the the might of Angar in the year after forest's fall this host Advanced northward under the command of Erna Prince of Gondor upon the plains near the ruined City they met the armies of the witch King in a battle terrible and bitter the field ran red with the blood of men and Orcs alike but the resolve of the free peoples did not waver nna in his wisdom dispatched a swift Cavalry Force into the hills of evendim where
they lay concealed as the battle raged below these Horsemen swept down upon the enemy's flank like a storm Unleashed throwing the ranks of Angar into chaos and despair in the middle of all this mess the witch King sought to flee northward to his strong hold of khum but from rivendel came glorfindel the hero of old whose might was undimmed by the passage of Ages leading a host of Elven Warriors they fell upon the retreating Foe and in that hour the witch King himself appeared dark and fell mounted upon a sable Steed he rode against ER
and such was his Dreadful Visage that the prince's horse reared in Terror carrying its Rider away despite his will the witch King laughed a sound cold and cruel but his mirth was shortlived glorfindel approached his presence radiant and fearsome on his White Horse the elf Lord bore down upon the black clad wraith and the witch King sent the might AR raay against him turned and fled into the Shadows none saw where he went and in the darkness he vanished Without a Trace nna eager to pursue and finish what had been started was held back by
glorfindel who spoke the words that made his famous prophecy do not pursue him he will not return to these lands far off yet is his doom and not by the hand of man shall he fall thus ended the reign of Angar the north was free though scarred and desolate and the kingdoms of old did not rise again the dunadan became a Wandering people keeping secret watch over the lands they once [Music] ruled the elves bore their their own losses but found solace in the victory achieved as for the witch King he fled to Mordor where
darker designs awaited him though Sauron yet concealed himself in do goulda known only as the Necromancer the nine ring wraiths gathered once more in the black land there they labored to rebuild their Master's strength mustering hosts of Orcs and creatures of Shadow preparing for the time when the dark lord would rise a new and cast his shadow over all Middle Earth in the year 2000 of the third Age The Ring wraiths emerged from Mordor their black banners flying as they set their sights on Gondor a kingdom weakened by the ravages of the Great Plague and
the way rider Invasion the witch king led the assault laying Siege to the Fortified city of Minas ethil after two years of Relentless Siege the city fell to the Nazgul who claimed it as their own from that time onward it was known as minus morgal the Tower of sorcery a place steeped in the darkest of magics where Shadows whispered of ancient evils As Time passed the witch King's old foe nna ascended to the throne of Gondor upon the death of his father King nnel the witch King ever vengeful and seeking to settle old scores challenged
the new king to single combat nna remembering his past encounter with the witch King refused the challenge perhaps sensing the Trap that lay within but 7 years later the challenge was issued again and this time nna could not resist filled with pride and anger remembering his humiliation at their last encounter he rode out from minus tyth to face the witch King ad minus morgal there in the shadow of the accursed tower he vanished and none saw him again with his disappearance the line of kings of Gondor came to an end and the rule of the
stewards began a time of great uncertainty for the kingdom the witch King having claimed yet another Victory retreated to his Dark Tower soon after Sauron still still only known as the Necromancer fled DOL gulur to avoid the investigations of Gandalf and hid in the East and the Nazgul remained quiet biding their time in minus morgal as a constant lurking threat that would endure for the next 400 years and in the year 2951 of the third age Sauron cast aside all pretense and declared himself openly he was bent on reclaiming the One Ring the source of
his power so began the hunt and the Nazgul Relentless as death rode forth once more across the wide lands of Middle Earth the war of the Ring was the final chapter in the long and bloody history of the Ring wraiths it was during this time that Gollum a wretched creature Twisted by the long years of possession of the Ring was captured through torment and the Art of dark questioning Sauron extracted from him the tale of how the ring had passed into his hands then lost but gollum's words were misinterpreted by the dark lord leading him
to believe that the ring lay hidden near the gladen fields where Gollum had once dwell so Sauron dispatched the nine led by the witch King to scour the lands of arodor in search of his precious prize Carl the leftenant of the witch King scoured the veils of anduin but the land known as the Shia eluded him undeterred the witch King drove drove his forces north and west but soon sauron's gaze was diverted by events in Gondor and the treachery of Saron who sought the ring for himself the ring wraiths were sent to Eisen guard where
Saran with cunning words deceived them into believing that Gandalf alone knew the whereabouts of the Ring resuming their search the witch King and his Wraith Came Upon the traitorous Worm tongue who spoke of Gandalf's Passage through the Shire and even of San's betrayal his life was spared for the witch King foresaw San's downfall at wormtongue's hands the nine then captured Spies of Saran discovering maps of the Shire and with them renewed hope in their Dark Quest at San Ford the ring wraiths encountered the dunadan Rangers Valiant Guardians of the north who sought to hold them
at Bay but the power of the nasgul was too great and the Rangers were overcome with only a few escaping to warn their Chieftain Aragon but even as the wraiths entered the Shire the One Ring had already passed into the hands of Frodo baggin a hobbit one of saran's former spies now in service to the witch King saw Frodo vanish in a Tavern and reported as such and so the witch King pursued the ring bearer to weathertop where he struck Frodo with a morgal blade wounding him terribly though driven back by Aragon's bravery the ring
wraiths continued their pursuit to Rivendell until they were Swept Away Downstream By the Waters of the bruinen summoned by the elf elon's command defeated but not destroyed the witch King returned to Mordor where he prepared for the eventual Grand assault upon Gondor leading the hosts of masas morgul he shattered the gates of minus tyth only to be met by gandal upon shadowax who stood against him the witch King rode his fell Beast into the thick of the battle where he turned his malice upon king theodan of Rohan striking him down but iWin The Shield maiden
of Rohan and the King's niece disguised as a soldier fulfilled the ancient prophecy for she was no man and she slew the witch King with the help of The Hobbit Mary brandybuck and so it came to be that the greatest servant of Sauron was vanquished and the tide of the battle of the pela fields turned heralding the beginning of the end for the Dark Lord's Dominion now that you're better familiar with the law and context of of his character let's read a few excerpts from tolk's works that have some of the most iconic lines and
moments that feature the witch king of Angar and his dark Riders we'll start off with the hobbit's first encounters with them in the Fellowship of the Ring when their breakfast was over and their packs all trussed up again it was after 10:00 and the day day was beginning to turn fine and hot they went down the slope and across the stream where it dived under the road and up the next slope and up and down another shoulder of the hills and by that time their cloaks blankets water food and other gear already seemed a heavy
burden the day's March promised to be warm and tiring work after some miles however the road ceased to roll up and down it climbed to the top of a steep Bank in a weary sort of way and then prepared to go down for the last time in front of them they saw the lower lands dotted with small clumps of trees that melted away in the distance to a brown Woodland Haze they were looking across the Woody end towards the Brandy Wine River the road wound away before them like a piece of string the road goes
on forever said Pippen but I can't without a rest it is high time for lunch he sat down on the bank at the side of the road and looked away East into the haes Beyond which lay the river and the end of the Shire in which he had spent all his life Sam stood by him his round eyes were wide open for he was looking across lands he had never seen to a New Horizon do elves live in those woods he asked not that I ever heard said Pippen Frodo was silent he too was gazing
Eastward along the road as if he had never seen it before sudden he spoke aloud but as if to himself saying slowly the road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began now far ahead the road has gone and I must follow if I can pursuing it with weary feet until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet and with then I cannot say that sounds like a bit of old Bilbo's rhyming said Pippen or is it one of your imitations it does not sound altogether encouraging I don't
know said Frodo it came to me then as if I was making it up but I may have heard it long ago certainly it reminds me very much of Bilbo in the last years before he went away he he used often to say there was only one road that it was like a great River its Springs were at every doorstep and every path was its tributary it's a dangerous business Frodo going out of your door he used to say you step into the road and if you don't keep your feet there is no knowing where
you might be swept off to do you realize that this is the very path that goes through merkwood and that if you let it it might take you to the Lonely Mountain or even further and to worst places he used to say that on the path outside the front door at Bag End especially after he had been out for a long walk well the road won't sweep me anywhere for an hour at least said Pippen unsling his pack the others followed his example putting their packs against the bank and their legs out into the road
after a rest they had a good lunch and then more rest the sun was beginning to get low and the light of afternoon was on the land as they went down the hill so far they had not met a soul on the road this way was not much used being hardly fit for carts and there there was little traffic to the Woody end they had been jogging along again for an hour or more when Sam stopped a moment as if listening they were now on level ground and the road after much winding lay Straight Ahead
through grassland sprinkled with tall trees outliers of the approaching Woods I can hear a pony or a horse coming along the road behind said Sam they looked back but the turn of the road prevented them from seeing far I wonder if that is Gandalf coming after us said Frodo but even as he said it he had a feeling that it was not so and a sudden desire to hide from the view of the rider came over him it may not matter much he said apologetically but I would rather not be seen on the road by
anyone I am sick of my doings being noticed and discussed and if it is gandal he added as an afterthought we can give him a little surprise to pay him out for being so late let's get out of sight the other two ran quickly to the left and down into a little Hollow not far from the road there they lay flat Frodo hesitated for a second curiosity or some other feeling was struggling with his desire to hide the sound of hoofs Drew nearer just in time he threw himself down in a patch of long grass
behind a tree that overshadowed the road then he lifted his head and peered cautiously above one of the great roots Round the Corner came a black horse no Hobbit Pony but a full-sized horse and on it sat a large man who seemed to crouch in the saddle wrapped in a great black cloak and Hood so that only his boots in the high stirrups showed below his face was shadowed and invisible when it reached the tree and was level with Frodo The Horse stopped the riding figure sat quite still with its head bowed as if listening
from inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing to catch an elusive scent the head turned from side to side of the road a sudden unreasoning fear of Discovery laid hold of Frodo and he thought of his ring he hardly dared to breathe and yet the desire to get it out of his pocket became so strong that he began slowly to move his hand he felt that he had only to slip it on and then he would be safe the advice of Gandalf seemed absurd Bilbo had used the ring and I am still
in the Shire he thought as his hand touched the chain on which it hung at that moment the rider sat up and shook the rains the horse stepped forward walking slowly at first and then breaking into a quick Trot Frodo crawled to the edge of the road and watched the rider until he dwindled into the distance he could not be quite sure but it seemed to him that suddenly before it passed out of sight the horse turned aside and went into the trees on the right well I call that very queer and indeed disturbing said
Frodo to himself as he walked towards his companions Pippen and Sam had remained flat in the grass and had seen nothing so Frodo described the rider and his strange Behavior I can't say why but I felt certain he was looking or smelling for me and also I felt certain that I did not want him to discover me I've never seen or felt anything like it in the Shire before but what has one of the big people got to do with us said Pippen and what is he doing in this part of the world there are
some men about said Frodo down in the South Farthing they have had trouble with big people I believe but I have never heard of anything like this Rider I wonder where he comes from begging your pardon put in Sam suddenly I know where he comes from it's from hobbiton that this here Black Rider comes unless there's more than one and I know where he's going to what do you mean said Frodo sharply looking at him in astonishment why didn't you speak up before I've only just remembered sir it was like this when I got back
to our hall yesterday evening with the key my dad he says to me hello Sam he says I thought you were away with Mr Frodo this morning there's been a strange customer asking for Mr Baggins of Bag End and he's only just gone I've sent him on to bucklebury not that I liked the sound of him he seemed Mighty put out when I told him Mr baggin had left his old home for good hissed at me he did it gave me quite a shudder what sort of a fellow was he says I to the gaffer
I don't know says he but he wasn't a hobbit he was tall and black likee and he stooped over me I reckon it was one of the big folk from foreign Parts he spoke funny I couldn't stay to hear more sir since you were waiting and I didn't give much heed to it myself the gaffer is getting old and more than a bit blind and it must have been near dark when this fellow come up the hill and found him taking the air at the end of our row I hope he hasn't done no harm
sir nor me the gaffer can't be blamed Anyway said Frodo as a matter of fact I heard him talking to a stranger who seemed to be inquiring for me and I nearly went and asked him who it was I wish I had or you had told me about it before I might have been more careful on the road still there may be no connection between this Rider and the gaffer's stranger said Pippen we left hobbiton secretly enough and I don't see how he could have followed us what about the smelling sir said Sam and the
gaffer said he was a black chap I wish I had wait waed for gandal Frodo muttered but perhaps it would only have made matters worse then you know or guess something about this Rider said Pippen who had caught the muttered words I don't know and I would rather not guess said Frodo all right cousin Frodo you can keep your secret for the present if you want to be mysterious in the meanwhile what are we to do I should like a bite and a soup but somehow I think we had better move on from here your
talk of sniffing riders with invisible noses has unsettled me yes I think we will move on now said Frodo but not on the road in case that Rider comes back or another follows him we ought to do a good step more today Buckland is still miles away the Shadows of the trees were long and thin on the grass as they started off again they now kept a stone's throw to the left of the road and kept out of sight of it as much as they could but this hindered them for the grass was thick and
tusy and the ground uneven and the trees began to draw together into thickets the sun had gone down red behind the hills at their backs and evening was coming on before they came back to the road at the end of The Long Level over which it had run straight for some miles at that point it bent left and went down into the lowlands of the Yale making for stock but a lane branched right winding through a wood of ancient oak trees on its way to Wood Hall that is the way for us said Frodo not
far from the road meeting they came on the huge Hulk of a tree it was still alive and had leaves on the small branches that it had put out round the broken stumps of its long Fallen limbs but it was Hollow and could be entered by a great crack on the side away from the road the hobbits crept inside and sat there upon a floor of old leaves and decayed wood they rested and had a light meal talking quietly and listening from time to time Twilight was about them as they crept back to the Lane
the west wind was sighing in the branches leaves were Whispering soon the road began to fall gently but steadily into the dusk a star came out out above the trees in the darkening East before them they went AB breast and in step to keep up their Spirits after a time as the Stars grew thicker and brighter the feeling of disquiet left them and they no longer listened for the sound of hooves they began to hum Softly As Hobbits have a way of doing as they walk along especially when they are drawing near to home at
night with most Hobbits it is a supper song or a bed song but these Hobbits hummed a walking song though not of course without any mention of supper and bed Bilbo baggin had made the words to a tune that was as old as the hills and taught it to Frodo as they walked in the lanes of the Water Valley and talked about Adventure their song ended and now to bed and now to bed sang Pippen in a high voice hush said Frodo I think I hear Hoops again they stopped suddenly and stood as silent as
tree Shadows listening there was a sound of hoofs in the lane some way behind but coming slow and clear down the wind quickly and quietly they slipped off the path and ran into the Deeper Shade under the oak trees don't let us go too far said Frodo I don't want to be seen But I want to see if it is another Black Rider very well said Pippen but don't forget the sniffing the Hooves Drew nearer they had no time to find any hiding place better than the general Darkness under the trees Sam and Pippen crouched
behind a large tree bowl while Frodo crept back a few yards towards the lane it showed gray and pale a line of fading light through the wood above it the stars were thick in the dim sky but there was no moon the sound of hoofs stopped as Frodo watched he saw something dark pass across the lighter space between two trees and then halt it looked like the black shade of a horse led by a smaller Black Shadow the black shadow stood close to the point where they had left the path and it swayed from side
to side side Frodo thought he heard the sound of snuffling the Shadow bent to the ground and then began to crawl towards him once more the desire to slip on the ring came over Frodo but this time it was stronger than before so strong that almost before he realized what he was doing his hand was groping in his pocket but at that moment there came a sound like mingled song and laughter clear voices Rose and fell in the Starlet air the black shadow straightened up and retreated it climbed onto the shadowy horse and seemed to
vanish across the lane into the darkness on the other side Frodo breathed again elves exclaimed Sam in AO horse whisper elves sir he would have burst out of the trees and dashed off towards the voices if they had not pulled him back yes it is elves said Frodo one can meet them sometimes in the Woody end they don't live in the Shire but they wander into it in Spring and Autumn out of their own lands away beyond the tower Hills I am thankful that they do you did not see but that black Ryder stopped just
here and was actually crawling towards us when the song began as soon as he heard the voices He Slipped Away now we'll move on to the chapters where our Hobbits come across Strider or Aragon as you might better know him and where they all have some close calls with the dark Riders hot on their Trail Frodo Pippen and Sam made their way back to the Parlor there was no light Mary was not there and the fire had burned low it was not until they had puffed up the Embers into a blaze that they discovered Strider
had come with them there he was calmly sitting in a chair by the door hello said Pippen who are you and what do you want I am called Strider he answered and though he may have forgotten it your friend promised to have a quiet talk with me you said I might hear something to my advantage I believe said Frodo what have you to say several things answered Strider but of course I have my price what do you mean asked Frodo sharply don't be alarmed I mean just this I will tell you what I know and
give you some good advice but I shall want a reward and what will that be pre said Frodo he suspected now that he had fallen in with a rascal and he thought uncomfortably that he had brought only a little money with him all of it would hardly satisfy a rogue and he could not spare any of it no more than you can afford answered Strider with a slow Smile as if he guessed Frodo's thoughts just this you must take me along with you until I wish to leave you oh indeed replied Frodo surprised but not
much relieved even if I wanted another companion I should not agree to any such thing until I knew a good deal more about you and your business excellent exclaimed Strider Crossing his legs and sitting back comfortably you seem to be coming to your senses again and that is all to the good you have been much too careless so far very well I will tell you what I know and leave the reward to you you may be glad to Grant it when you have heard me go on then said Frodo what do you know too much
too many dark things things said Strider grimly but as for your business he got up and went to the door opened it quickly and looked out then he shut it quietly and sat down again I have quick ears he went on lowering his voice and though I cannot disappear I have hunted many wild and wary things and I can usually avoid being seen if I wish now I was behind the Hedge this evening on the road west of Brie when four Hobbits came out of the downlands I need not repeat all that they said to
Old Bombadil or to one another but one thing interested me please remember said one of them that the name baggin must must not be mentioned I am Mr Underhill if any name must be given that interested me so much that I followed them here I slipped over the gate just behind them maybe Mr Baggins has an honest reason for leaving his name behind but if so I should advise him and his friends to be more careful I don't see what interest my name has for anyone in Brie said Frodo angrily and I have still to
learn why it interests you Mr Strider may have an honest reason for spying and eavesdropping but if so I should advise him to explain it well answered said Strider laughing but the explanation is simple I was looking for a hobbit called Frodo baggin I wanted to find him quickly I had learned that he was carrying out of the Shire well a secret that concerned me and my friends now don't mistake me he cried as Frodo Rose from his seat and Sam jumped up with a scowl I shall take more care of the secret than you
do and Care is needed he leaned forward and looked at them watch every shadow he said in a low voice black Horsemen have passed through Brie on Monday one came down the green way they say and another appeared later coming up the greenway from the south there was a silence at last Frodo spoke to Pippen and Sam I ought to have have guessed it from the way the gatekeeper greeted us he said and the landlord seems to have heard something why did he press us to join the company and why on Earth did we behave
so foolishly we ought to have stayed quiet in here it would have been better said Strider I would have stopped your going into the common room if I could but the inkeeper would not let me into see you or take a message do you think he began Frodo no I don't think any harm of old butterbur only he does not altogether like mysterious vagabon of my sort Frodo gave him a puzzled look well I have rather a rascally look have I not said Strider with a curl of his lip and a queer GLE in his
eye but I hope we shall get to know one another better when we do I hope you will explain what happened at the end of your song for that little prank it was sheer accident interrupted Frodo I wonder said Strider accident then that accident has made your position dangerous hardly more more than it was already said Frodo I knew these Horsemen were pursuing me but now at any rate they seem to have missed me and to have gone away you must not count on that said Strider sharply they will return and more are coming there
are others I know their number I know these Riders he paused and his eyes were cold old and hard and there are some folk in Brie who are not to be trusted he went on Bill Fernie for instance he has an evil name in the Bree land and queer folk call at his house you must have noticed him among the company a swy sneering fellow he was very close with one of the Southern strangers and they slipped out together just after your accident not all of those Southerners mean well and as for Fernie he would
sell anything to anybody or make Mischief for amusement what will Fernie sell and what has my accident got to do with him said Frodo still determined not to understand strider's hints news of you of course answered Strider an account of your performance would be very interesting to certain people after that they would hardly need to be told your real name it seems to me only too likely that they will hear of it before this night is over is that enough you can do as you like about my reward take me as a guide or not
but I may say that I know all the lands between the Shire and the Misty Mountains for I have wandered over them for many years I am older than I look I might prove useful you will have to leave the open road after tonight for the horsemen will watch it night and day you may escape from brie and be allowed to go forward while the Sun is up but you won't go far they will come on you in the wild in some dark place where there is no help do you wish them to find you
they are terrible the hobbits looked at him and saw with surprise that his face was drawn as if with pain and His Hands clenched the arms of his chair the room was very quiet and still and the light seemed to have grown dim for a while he sat with unseeing eyes as if walking in distant memory or listening to sounds in the night far away there he cried after a moment drawing his hand across his brow perhaps I know more about these pursuers than you do you fear them but you do not fear them enough
yet tomorrow you will have to escape if you can Strider can take you by paths that are seldom trodden will you have him there was a heavy silence Frodo made no answer his mind was confused with doubt and fear Sam frowned and looked at his master and at last he broke out with your leave Mr Frodo I'd say no this Strider here he warns and he says take care and I say yes to that and let's begin with him he comes out of the wild and I never heard no good of such folk he knows
something that's plain and more than I like but it's no reason why we should let him go leading us out into some dark place far from help as he puts it Pippen fidgeted and looked uncomfortable Strider did not reply to Sam but turned his Keen eyes on Frodo Frodo caught his glance and looked away no he said slowly I don't agree I think I think you are not really as you choose to look you began to talk to me like the Brie folk but your voice has changed still Sam seems right in this I don't
see why you should warn us to take care and yet ask us to take you on trust why the disguise who are you what do you really know about about my business and how do you know it the lesson in caution has been well learned said Strider with a grim smile but caution is one thing and wavering is another you will never get to Rivendell now on your own and to trust me is your only chance you must make up your mind I will answer some of your questions if that will help you to do
so but why should you believe my story if you do not trust me already still here it is at that moment there came a knock at the door Mr butterbur had arrived with candles and behind him was knob with cans of hot water Strider withdrew into a dark corner I've come to bid you good night said the landlord putting the candles on the table knob take the water to the rooms he came in and shut the door it's like this he began hesitating and looking troubled if I've done any harm I'm sorry indeed but one
thing drives out another as you'll admit and I'm a busy man but first one thing and then another this week have jogged my memory as the saying goes and not too late I hope you see I was asked to look out for Hobbits of the Shire and for one by the name of Baggins in particular and what has that got to do with me asked Frodo ah you know best said the landlord knowingly I won't give you away but I was told that this baggin would be going by the name of Underhill and I was
given a description that fits you well enough if I may say so indeed let's have it then said Frodo unwisely interrupting a stout little fellow with red cheeks said Mr butterbur solemnly Pippen chuckled but Sam looked indignant that won't help you much it goes for most Hobbits barley he says to me continued Mr butterbur with a glance at Pippen but this one is taller than some and fairer than most and he has a c in his chin perky chap with a bright eye begging your pardon but he said it not me he said it and
who was he asked Frodo eagerly ah that was gandal if you know who I mean a wizard they say he is but he's a good friend of mine whether or no but now I don't know what he'll have to say to me if I see him again turn all my Al sour or me into a block of wood I shouldn't wonder he's a bit Hasty still what's done can't be undone well what have you done said Frodo getting impatient with the slow unraveling of Butter's thoughts where was I said the landlord pausing and snapping his
fingers I ah yes old gandal 3 months back he walked right into my room without a knock barley he says I'm off in the morning will you do something for me you've only to name it I said I'm in a hurry said he and I've no time myself but I want a message took to the Shire have you anyone you can send and Trust to go I can find someone I said tomorrow maybe or the day after make it tomorrow he says and then he gave me a letter it's addressed plain enough said Mr butterbur
producing a letter from his pocket and reading out the address slowly and proudly he valued his reputation as a lettered man Mr Frodo bagins Bag End hobbiton in the Shire a letter for me from gandal cried Frodo ah said Mr butterbur then your right name is Baggins yes it is said Frodo and you had better give me that letter at once and explain why you never sent it that's what you came to tell me I suppose though you've taken a long time to come to the point poor Mr butterbur looked troubled you're right Master he
said and I beg your pardon and I'm mortal afraid of what Gandalf will say if harm comes of it but I didn't keep it back a purpose I put it by safe then I couldn't find nobody willing to go to the Shire next day nor the day after and none of my own folk were to spare and then one thing after another drove it out of my mind I'm a busy man I'll do what I can to set matters right and if there's any help I can give you've only to name it leaving the letter
aside I promised Gandalf no less barley he says to me this friend of mine from the Shire he may be coming out this way before long him and another he'll be calling himself under Hill mind that but you need ask no questions and if I'm not with him he may be in trouble and he may need help do whatever you can for him and I'll be grateful he says and here you are and trouble is not far off seemingly what do you mean asked Frodo these black men said the landlord lowering his voice they're looking
for Baggins and if they mean well then I'm a hobbit it was on Monday and all the dogs were yammering and the geese screaming uncanny I called it Knob he came and told me that two black men were at the door asking for a hobbit called baggin noob's hair was all stood on end I bid the black fellows be off and slam the door on them but they've been asking the same question all the way to our chair I hear and that Ranger Strider he's been asking questions too tried to get in here to see
you before you'd had bite or SU he did he did said Strider suddenly coming forward into the light and much trouble would have been saved if you had let him in baman the landlord jumped with surprise you he cried you're always popping up what do you want now he's here with my leave said Frodo he came to offer me his help well you know your own business maybe said Mr butterbur looking suspiciously at Strider but if I was in your plight I wouldn't take up with a ranger then who would you take up with ask
Strider a fat inkeeper who only remembers his own name because people shouted at him all day they cannot stay in the Pony forever and they cannot go home they have a long road before them will you go with them and keep the black men off me leave Brie I wouldn't do that for any money said Mr butterbur looking really scared but why can't you stay here quiet for a bit Mr Underhill what are all these queer goings on what are the these black men after and where do they come from I'd like to know I'm
sorry I can't explain it all answered Frodo I am tired and very worried and it's a long Tale But if you mean to help me I ought to warn you that you will be in danger as long as I am in your house these Black Riders I am not sure but I think I fear they come from they come from Mordor said Strider in a low voice from Mordor Baran if that means anything to you save us cried Mr butterbur turning pale the name evidently was known to him that is the worst news that has
come to Brie in my time it is said Frodo are you still willing to help me I am said Mr butterbur more than ever though I don't know what the likes of me can do against against he faltered against the shadow in the East said Strider quietly not much Baran but every little helps you can let Mr Underhill stay here tonight as Mr Underhill and you can forget the name of Baggins till he is far away I'll do that said butterbur but they'll find out he's here without help from me I'm afraid it's a Pity
Mr Baggins Drew attention to himself this evening to say no more the story of the Mr Bilbo going off has been heard before tonight in Brie even our knob has been doing some guessing in his slow port and there are others in Brie quicker in the uptake than he is well we can only hope the Riders won't come back yet said Frodo I hope not indeed said butterbur but Spooks or no Spooks they won't get in the pony so easy don't you worry till the morning war no will say no word no black man shall
pass my doors while I can stand on my legs me and my folk will keep watch tonight but you had best get some sleep if you can in any case we must be called at dawn said Frodo we must get off as early as possible breakfast at 6:30 please right I'll I'll see to the orders said the landlord good night Mr bagins Underhill I should say good night now bless me where's your Mr Brandy Buck I don't know said Frodo with sudden anxiety they had forgotten All About Mary and it was getting late I'm afraid
he is out he said something about going for a breath of air well you do want looking after and no mistake your party might be on a holiday said butter bur I must go and bar the doors quick but I'll see your friend is Lettin when he comes I'd better send knob to look for him good night to you all at last Mr butterbur went out with another doubtful look at Strider and a shake of his head his footsteps retreated down the passage well said Strider when are you going to open that letter Frodo looked
carefully at the seal before he broke it it seemed certainly to be Gandalf's inside written in the Wizard's strong but graceful script was the following message the prancing pony Brie midy Year's Day shy year 1418 dear Frodo bad news has reached me here I must go off at once you had better leave bagen soon and get out of the Shire before the end of July at latest I will return as soon as I can and I will follow you if I find that you are gone leave a message for me here here if you pass
through Brie you can trust the landlord butterbur you may meet a friend of mine on the road a man lean dark tall by some called Strider he knows our business and will help you make for Rivendell there I hope we may meet again if I do not come Eland will advise you yours in haste Gandalf P.S do not use it again not for any reason whatever do not travel by Night PPS make sure that it is the real Strider there are many strange men on the roads his true name is Aragon all that is gold
does not glitter not all those who wander are lost the old that is strong does not wither deep roots are not reached by the frost From the Ashes a fire shall be woken a light from the Shadows shall spring renewed shall be blade that was broken the crownless again shall be king ppps I hope butterbur sends this promptly a worthy man but his memory is like a lumber room if he forgets I shall roast him farewell Frodo read the letter to himself and then passed it to Pippen and Sam really old butterbur has made a
mess of things he said he deserves roasting if I had got this at once we might all have been safe in rivendel by now but what can have happened to Gandalf he writes as if he was going into great danger he has been doing that for many years said Strider Frodo turned and looked at him thoughtfully wondering about Gandalf's second postcript why didn't you tell me that you were Gandalf's friend at once he asked it would have saved time would did would any of you have believed me till now said Strider I knew nothing of
this letter for all I knew I had to persuade you to trust me without proofs if I was to help you in any case I did not intend to tell you all about myself at once I had to study you first and make sure of you the enemy has set traps for me before now as soon as I had made up my mind I was ready to tell you whatever you asked but I must admit he added with a queer laugh that I hoped you would take to me for my own sake a hunted man
sometimes wearies of distrust and Longs for friendship but there I believe my looks are against me they are at first sight at any rate laughed Pippen with sudden relief after reading Gandalf's letter but handsome is as handsome does as we say in the Shire and I dare say we shall all look much the same after lying for days in Hedges and ditches it would take more than a few days or weeks or years of wandering in the wild to make you look like Strider he answered and you would die first unless you are made of
Sterner stuff than you look to be Pippen subsided but Sam was not daunted and he still eyed Strider dubiously how do we know you are the Strider that Gandalf speaks about he demanded you never mentioned Gandalf till this letter came out you might be a play acting spy for all I can see trying to get us to go with you you might have done in the real Strider and took his clothes what have you to say to that that you are a stout fellow answered Strider but I am afraid my only answer to you Sam
gamji is this if I had killed the real Strider I could kill you and I should have killed you already without so much talk if I was after the ring I could have it now he stood up and seemed suddenly to grow taller in his eyes gleamed a light keen and commanding throwing back his cloak he laid his hand on the hilt of a sword that had hung concealed by his side they did not dare to move Sam sat wide mouthed staring at him dumbly but I am the real Strider fortunately he said looking down
at them with his face softened by a sudden smile I am Aragon's son of arthorn and if by life or death I can save you I will there was a long silence at last Frodo spoke with hesitation I believed that you were a friend before the letter came he said or at least I wish to you have frightened me several times tonight but never in the way that Servants of the enemy would or so I imagine I think one of his spies would well seem fairer and feel Fowler if you understand I see laughed Strider
I look foul and feel fair is that it all that is gold does not glitter not all those who Wonder are lost did the verses apply to you then asked Frodo I could not make out what they were about but how did you know that they were in Gandalf's letter if you have never seen it I did not know he answered but I am Aragorn and those verses go with that name he drew out his sword and they saw that the blade was indeed broken a foot below the hilt not much use is it Sam
said Strider but the time is near when it shall be forged a new Sam said nothing well said Strider with Sam's permission we will call that settled Strider shall be your guide and now I think it is time you went to bed and took what rest you can we shall have a rough road tomorrow even if we are allowed to leave Bri unhindered we can hardly hope now to leave it unnoticed but I shall try to get lost as soon as possible I know one or two ways out of breand other than the main road
if once we shake off the pursuit I shall make for weathertop weathertop said Sam what's that it is a hill just to the north of the road about halfway from here to Rivendell it commands a wide view all around and there we shall have a chance to look about us Gandalf will make for that point if he follows us after weathertop our journey will become more difficult and we shall have to choose between various dangers when did you last see gandal asked Frodo do you know where he is or what he is doing Strider looked
grave I do not know he said I came West with him in the spring I have often kept watch on the borders of the Shire in the last few years when he was busy elsewhere he seldom left it unguarded we last met on the 1st of May at s Ford down the Brandy Wine he told me that his business with you had gone well and that you would be starting for Rivendell in the last week of September as I knew he was at your side I went away on a journey of my own and that
has proved ill for plainly some news reached him and I was not at hand to help I am troubled for the first time since I have known him we should have had messages even if he could not come himself when I returned many days ago I heard the ill news the tidings had gone far and wide that Gandalf was missing and the horsemen had been seen it was the Elven folk of gildor that told me this and later they told me that you had left your home but there was no news of your leaving Buckland
I have been watching the East Road anxiously do you think the Black Riders have anything to do with it with gandal absence I mean asked Frodo I do not know of anything else that could have hindered him except the enemy himself said Strider but do not give up hope Gandalf is greater than you sh folk know as a rule you can only see his jokes and toys but this business of ours will be his greatest task Pippen yawned I am sorry he said but I am dead tired in spite of all the danger and worry
I must go to bed or sleep where I sit where is that silly fellow Mary it would be the last straw if we had to go out in the dark to look for him at that moment they heard a door slam then feet came running along the passage Mary came in with a rush followed by knob he shut the door hastily and leaned against it he was out of breath they stared at him in alarm for a moment before he gasped I have seen them Frodo I have seen them Black Riders black Riders cried Frodo
where here in the village I stayed indoors for an hour then as you did not come back I went out for a stroll I had come back again and was standing just outside the light of the lamp looking at the stars suddenly I shivered and felt that something horrible was creeping near there was a sort of De Deeper Shade among the Shadows across the road just beyond the edge of the Lamplight it slid away at once into the dark without a sound there was no horse which way did it go asked Strider suddenly and sharply
Mary started noticing the stranger for the first time go on one said Frodo this is a friend of Gandalf's I will explain later it seemed to make off up the road Eastward continued Mary I tried to follow of course it vanished almost at once but I went round the corner and on as far as the last house on the road Strider looked at Mary with Wonder you have a stout heart he said but it was foolish I don't know said Mary neither Brave nor silly I think I could hardly help myself I seemed to be
drawn somehow anyway I went and suddenly I heard voices by the Hedge one was muttering and the other was whispering or hissing I couldn't hear a word that was said I did not creep any closer because I began to tremble all over then I felt terrified and I turned back and was just going to bolt home when something came behind me and I I fell over I found him sir put in not knob Mr butterbur sent me out with a lantern I went down to Westgate and then back up towards Southgate just nigh Bill fernie's
house I thought I could see something in the road I couldn't swear to it but it looked to me as if two men were stooping over something lifting it I gave a shout but when I got up to the spot there was no signs of them and only Mr brandybuck Lying by the roadside he seemed to be asleep I thought I had fallen into deep water he says to me when I shook him very queer he was and as soon as I had roused him he got up and ran back here like a hair I'm
afraid that's true said Mary though I don't know what I said I had an ugly dream which I can't remember I went to pieces I don't know what came over me I do said Strider the black breath the Riders must have left their horses outside and passed back through the south gate in secret they will know all the news now for they have visited Bill Fernie and probably that Southerner was a spy as well something may happen in the night before we leave Brie what will happen said Mary will they attack the Inn no I
think not said Strider they are not all here yet and in any case that is not their way in dark and loneliness they are strongest they will not openly attack a house where there are lights and many people not until they are desperate not while all the long leagues of arodor still lie before us but their power is in Terror and already some in Brie are in their clutch they will drive these wretches to some evil work Fernie and some of the strangers and maybe the gatekeeper too they had words with Harry at Westgate on
Monday I was watching them he was white and shaking when they left him we seem to have enemies all round said Frodo what are we to do stay here and do not go to your rooms they are sure to have found out which those are The Hobbit rooms have Windows looking North and close to the ground we will all remain together and bar this window and the door but first knob and I will fetch your luggage while Strider was gone Frodo gave Mary a rapid account of all that had happened since supper Mary was still
reading and pondering Gandalf's letter when Strider and knob returned well Masters said knob I've ruffled up the clothes and put in a bolster down the middle of each bed and I made a nice imitation of your head with a brown Woolen mat Mr Bag Underhill sir he added with a grin Pippen laughed very LIF like he said but what will happen when they have penetrated the disguise we shall see said Strider let us hope to hold the fort till morning good night to you said knob and went off to take his part in the watch
on the doors their bags and gear they piled on the Parlor floor they pushed a low chair again against the door and shut the window peering out Frodo saw that the night was still clear the sickle was swinging bright above the shoulders of Brie Hill he then closed and barred the heavy inside shutters and Drew the curtains together Strider built up the fire and blew out all the candles the hobbits lay down on their blankets with their feet towards the Hearth but Strider settled himself in the chair against the door they talked for a little
for Mary still had several questions to ask jumped over the moon chuckled Mary as he rolled himself in his blanket very ridiculous of you Frodo but I wish the hobbits name for the plow or Great Bear I had been there to see the worthies of Brie will be discussing it a hundred years hence I hope so said Strider then they all fell silent and one by one the hobbits dropped off to sleep as they prepared for sleep in the inner Brie Darkness lay on Buckland a Mist strayed in the Dells and along the riverbank the
house at cric Hollow stood silent fatty Bulger opened the door cautiously and peered out a feeling of fear had been growing on him all day and he was unable to rest or go to bed there was a brooding threat in the breathless night air as he stared out into the Gloom a black shadow moved under the trees the gate seemed to open of its own accord and close again without a sound Terror seized him he shrank back and for a moment he stood trembling in the hall then he shut and locked the door the night
deepened there came the soft sound of horse LED with stealth along the lane outside the gate they stopped and three black figures entered like shades of night creeping across the ground one went to the door one to the corner of the house on either side and there they stood as still as the shadows of stones while night went slowly on the house and the quiet trees seemed to be waiting breathlessly there was a faint stir in the leaves and a crowed far away the cold hour before Dawn was passing the figure by the door moved
in the dark without moon or Stars a drawn blade gleamed as if a chill light had been un sheathed there was a blow soft but heavy and the door shuddered open in the name of Mordor said a voice thin and menacing at a second blow the door yielded and fell back with Timbers burst and lock broken the black figures passed swiftly in at that moment among the trees nearby a horn rang out it rent the night like fire on a Hilltop awake fear fire foes awake fatty Bulger had not been idle as soon as he
saw the dark shapes Creep from the garden he knew that he must run for it or perish and run he did out of the back door through the garden and over the fields when he reached the nearest house more than a mile away he collapsed on the doorstep no no no he was crying no not me I haven't got it it was some time before anyone could make out what he was babbling about at last they got the idea that enemies were in Buckland some strange Invasion From The Old Forest and then they lost no
more time fear fire foes the Brandy bucks were blowing the horn call of Buckland that had not been sounded for a hundred years not since the white wolves came in the fell winter when the Brandy Wine was frozen over awake awake far away answering horns were heard the alarm was spreading the black figures fled from the house one of them let fall a hobbit cloak on the step as he ran in the lane the noise of hooves broke out and Gathering to a Gallop went hammering away into the darkness all about Crick Hollow there was
the sound of horns blowing and voices crying and feet running but the Black Riders rode like a gale to the north gate let the little people blow Sauron would deal with them later meanwhile they had another erand they knew now that the house was empty and the ring had gone they rode down the guards at the gate and vanished from the Shire in the early night Frodo woke from Deep Sleep suddenly as if some sound or presence had Disturbed him he saw that Strider was sitting Alert in his chair his eyes gleamed in the light
of the fire which had been tended and was Burning Brightly but he made no sign or movement Frodo soon went to sleep again but his dreams were again troubled with the noise of wind and of Galloping hoofs the wind seemed to be curling around the house and shaking it and far off he heard a horn blowing wildly he opened his eyes and heard a C thrwing lustily in The inyard Strider had drawn the curtains and pushed back the shutters with a clang the first gray light of day was in the room and a cold air
was coming through the open window as soon as Strider had roused them all he led the way to their bedrooms when they saw them they were glad that they had taken his advice the windows had been forced open and were swinging and the curtains were flapping the beds were tossed about and the bolsters slashed and flung upon the floor the brown mat was Torn to Pieces Strider immediately went to fetch the landlord poor Mr butterbur looked sleepy and frightened he had hardly closed his eyes all night night so he said but he had never heard
a sound never has such a thing happened in my time he cried raising his hands in horror guests unable to sleep in their beds and good bolsters ruined and all what are we coming to Dark Times said Strider but for the present you may be left in peace when you have got rid of us we will leave at once never mind about breakfast a drink and a bite standing we'll have to do we shall be packed in a few minutes Mr butterbur hurried off to see that their Ponies were got ready and to fetch them
a bite but very soon he came back in dismay the ponies had vanished the stable doors had all been opened in the night and they were gone not only Mary's ponies but every other horse and beast in the place Frodo was crushed by the news how could they hope to reach rivendel on foot pursued by mounted enemies they might as well set out for the Moon Strider sat silent for a while looking at the hobbits as if he was weighing up their strength and courage ponies would not help us to escape Horsemen he said at
last thoughtfully as if he guessed what Frodo had in mind we should not go much slower on foot not on the roads that I mean to to take I was going to walk in any case it is the food and stores that trouble me we cannot count on getting anything to eat between here and Rivendell except what we take with us and we ought to take plenty to spare for we may be delayed or forced to go roundabout far out of the direct way how much are you prepared to carry on your backs as much
as we must said Pippen with a sinking heart but trying to show that he was tougher than he looked or felt I can carry enough for two said Sam defiantly can't anything be done Mr butterbur asked Frodo can't we get a couple of ponies in the village or even one just for the baggage I don't suppose we could hire them but we might be able to buy them he added doubtfully wondering if he could afford it I doubt it said the landlord unhappily the two or three riding ponies that there were in Brie were stabled
in my yard and they're gone as for other animals horses or ponies for draft or whatnot there are very few of them in Brie and they won't be for sale but I'll do what I can I'll route out Bob and send him round as soon as may be yes said Strider reluctantly you had better do that I am afraid we shall have to try to get one pony at least but so ends all hope of starting early and slipping away quietly we might as well have blown a horn to announce our departure that was part
of their plan no doubt there is one crumb of comfort said Mary and more than a crumb I hope we can have breakfast while we wait and sit down to it let's get hold of Knob in the end there was more than 3 hours delay Bob came back with the report that no horse or pony was to be got For Love or Money in the neighborhood except one bill Fernie had one that he might possibly sell a poor old half starved creature it is said Bob but he won't part with it for less than Thrice
its worth seeing how you're placed not if I knows Bill Fernie Bill fery said Frodo isn't there some trick wouldn't the Beast bolt back to him with all our stuff or help in tracking us or something I wonder said Strider but I cannot imagine any animal running home to him once it got away I fancy this is only an afterthought of kind Master fery just a way of increasing his profits from the affair the chief danger is that the poor Beast is probably at death's door but there does not seem any choice what does he
want for it Bill fernie's price was 12 silver pennies and that was indeed at least three times the pony's value in those parts it proved to be a bony underfed and dispirited animal but it did not look like dying just yet Mr butterbur paid for it himself and offered Mary another 18 p as some compensation for the lost animals he was an honest man and well off as things were reckoned in Brie but 30 silver pennies was a sore blow to him and being cheated by Bill Fernie made it harder to bear as a matter
of fact he came out on the right side in the end it turned out later that only one horse had been actually stolen the others had been driven off or had bolted in Terror and were found wandering in different corners of the Bree land Mary's ponies had escaped altogether and eventually having a good deal of sense they made their way to the Downs in search of fatty Lumpkin so they came under the care of Tom Bombadil for a while and were well off but when news of the events at Brie came to Tom's ears he
sent them to Mr butterbur who thus got five good beasts at a very fair price they had to work harder in Brie but Bob treated them well so on the whole they were lucky they missed a dark and dangerous Journey but they never came to Rivendell how however in the meanwhile for all Mr butterbur knew his money was gone for good or for bad and he had other troubles for there was a great commotion as soon as the remaining guests were a stir and heard news of the raid on the Inn the southern Travelers had
lost several horses and blame the inkeeper loudly until it became known that one of their own number had also disappeared in the night none other than Bill fernie's squint eyed companion suspicion fell on him at once if you pick up with a horse thief and bring him to my house said butterbur angrily you ought to pay for all the damage yourselves and not come shouting at me go and ask Fernie where your handsome friend is but it appeared that he was nobody's friend and nobody could recollect when he had joined their party after their breakfast
the hobbits had to repack and get together further supplies for the longer Journey they were now expecting it was close on 10:00 Before They At Last got off by that time time the whole of Brie was buzzing with excitement Frodo's Vanishing trick the appearance of the black Horsemen the robbing of the stables and not least the news that Strider the ranger had joined the mysterious Hobbits made such a tale as would last for many uneventful years most of the inhabitants of Bri and stadle and many even from com and aray were crowded in the road
to see The Travelers start the other guests in the Inn were at the doors or hanging out of the windows Strider had changed his mind and had decided to leave Brie by the main road any attempt to set off across country at once would only make matters worse half the inhabitants would follow them to see what they were up to and to prevent them from trespassing they said farewell to knob and Bob and took leave of Mr butterbur with many thanks I hope we shall meet again someday when things are merry once more said Frodo
I should like nothing better than to stay in your house in peace for a while they tramped off anxious and downhearted under the eyes of the crowd not all the faces were friendly nor all the words that were shouted but Strider seemed to be held in awe by most of the bre Landers and those that He stared at shut their mouths and Drew away he walked in front with Frodo next Came Mary and Pippen and last came Sam leading the pony which was Laden with as much of their baggage as they had the heart to
give it but already it looked less dejected as if it approved of the change in its fortunes Sam was chewing an apple thoughtfully he had a pocket full of them a parting present from knob and Bob apples for walking and a pipe for sitting he said but I reckon I'll miss them both before long the hobbits took no notice of the inquisitive heads that peeped out of doors or popped over walls and fences as they passed but as they drew near to the further gate Frodo saw a dark EPT house behind a thick hedge the
last house in the village in one of the windows he caught a glimpse of a sow face with Sly slanting eyes but it vanished at once so that's where that Southerner is hiding he thought he looks more than half like a goblin Over the Hedge another man was staring boldly he had heavy black brows and dark scornful eyes his large mouth curled in a sneer he was smoking a short black pipe as they approached he took it out of his mouth and spat morning long Shanks he said off early found some friends at last Strider
nodded but did not answer morning My Little Friends he said to the others I suppose you know who you've taken up with that stick at nort Strider that is though I've heard other names not so pretty watch out tonight and you Sammy don't go ill treating my poor old Pony P he spat Again Sam turned quickly and you Fernie he said put your ugly face out of sight or it will get hurt with a sudden flick quick as Lightning an apple left his hand and hit Bill's Square on the nose he ducked too late and
curses came from behind the Hedge waste of a good apple said Sam regretfully and stroe on at last they left the village behind the escort of children and stragglers that had followed them got tired and turned back at the south gate passing through they kept on along the road for some miles it bent to the left curving back into its Eastward line as it rounded the feet of Brie Hill and then it began to run swiftly downwards into wooded country to their left they could see some of the houses and Hobbit holes of stadle on
the gentler Southeastern slopes of the Hill down in a deep Hollow away away north of the road there were wisps of rising smoke that showed where comb lay Ashe was hidden in the trees Beyond after the road had run down found someway and had left Brie Hill Standing Tall and brown behind they came on a narrow track that led off towards the north this is where we leave the open and take to cover said Strider not a shortcut I hope said Pippen our last shortcut through Woods nearly ended in disaster ah but you had not
got me with you then laughed Strider my cuts short or long don't go wrong he took a look up and down the road no one was in sight and he led the way quickly down towards the wooded Valley his plan as far as they could understand it without knowing the country was to go towards our shett at first but to Bear right and pass it on the East and then to steer as straight as he could over the wild lands to weathertop Hill in that way they would if all went well cut off a Great
Loop of the road which further on bent southwards to avoid the midwater marshes but of course they would have to pass through the marshes themselves and strider's description of them was not encouraging however in the meanwhile walking was not unpleasant indeed if it had not been for the disturbing events of the night before they would have enjoyed this part of the journey better than any up to that time the Sun was shining clear but not too hot the woods in the valley were still leafy and full of color and seemed peaceful and wholesome Strider guided
them confidently among the many crossing paths although left to themselves they would soon have been at a loss he was taking a Wandering course with many turns and doublings to put off any Pursuit Bill Fernie will have watched where we left the road for certain he said though I don't think he will follow us himself he knows the land around here well enough but he knows he is not a match for me in a wood it is what he may tell others that I am afraid of I don't suppose they are far away if they
think we have made for our shet so much the better whether because of strider's skill or for some other reason they saw no sign and heard no sound of any other living thing all that day neither two-footed except Birds nor four-footed except one fox and a few squirrels the next day they began to steer a steady course eastwards and still all was quiet and peaceful on the third day out from brie they came out of the Chetwood the land had been falling steadily ever since they turned aside from the road and they now entered a
wide flat expanse of country much more difficult to manage they were far beyond the borders of the Bree land out in the pathless wilderness and drawing near to the midwater marshes the ground now became damp and in places boggy and here and there They Came Upon pools and wide stretches of reeds and rushes filled with the warbling of little hidden Birds they had to pick their way carefully to keep both dry footed and on their proper course at first they made Fair progress but as they went on their passage became slower and more dangerous the
marshes were bewildering and treacherous and there was no permanent Trail even for Rangers to find through their shifting Quagmire the Flies began to torment them and the air was full of clouds of tiny that crept up their sleeves and britches and into their hair I am being eaten alive cried Pippen midwater there are more midges than water what do they live on when they can't get Hobbit asked Sam scratching his neck they spent a miserable day in this lonely and unpleasant country their camping place was damp cold and uncomfortable and the biting insects would not
let them sleep there were also abominable creatures haunting the Reeds and Tusk that from the sound of them were evil relatives of the cricket there were thousands of them and they squeaked all round neek break breek neek unceasingly all the night until the hobbits were nearly frantic the next day the fourth was little better and the night almost as comfortless though the nas as Sam called them had been left behind the midges still pursued them as Frodo lay tired but unable to close his eyes it seemed to him that far away there came a light
in the Eastern Sky it flashed and Faded many times it was not the dawn for that was still some hours off what is the light he said to Strider who had risen and was standing gazing ahead into the night I do not know Strider answered it is too distant to make out it is like lightning that leaps up from the hilltops Frodo lay down again but for a long while he could still see the white flashes and against them the tall dark figure of Strider standing silent and watchful at last he passed into uneasy sleep
they had not gone far on the fifth day when they left the last straggling pools and Reed beds of the marshes behind them the land before them began steadily to rise again away in the distance Eastward they could now see a line of Hills the highest of them was at the right of the line and a little separated from the others it had a conle top slightly flattened at The Summit that is weathertop said Strider the old road which we have left far away on our right runs to the south of it and passes not
far from its foot we might reach it by noon tomorrow if we go straight towards it I suppose we had better do so what do you mean asked Frodo I mean when we do get there it is not certain what we shall find it is close to the road but surely we were hoping to find Gandalf there yes but the hope is faint if he comes this way at all he may not pass through Brie and so he may not know what we are doing and anyway unless by luck we arrive almost together we shall
miss one another it will not be safe for him or for us to wait there long if the Riders fail to find us in the wilderness they are likely to make for weathertop themselves it commands a wide view all around indeed there are many birds and beasts in this country that could see us as we stand here from that Hilltop not all the birds are to be trusted and there are other spies more evil than they are the hobbits looked anxiously at the distant Hills Sam looked up into the pale Sky fearing to see Hawks
or Eagles hovering over them with bright unfriendly eyes you do make me feel uncomfortable and Lonesome Strider he said what do you advise us to do asked Frodo I think answered Strider slowly as if he was not quite sure I think the best thing is to go as straight Eastward from here as we can to make for the line of Hills not for weathertop there we can strike a path I know that runs at their feet it will bring us to weathertop from the north and less openly then we shall see what we shall see
all that day they ploted along until the cold and early evening came down the land became drier and more barren but Mists and Vapors lay behind them on the marshes a few Melancholy birds were piping and wailing until the round red Sun sank slowly into the Western Shadows then an empty silence fell the hobbits thought of the soft light of sunset glancing through the cheerful Windows of bagend far away at the day's end they came to a stream that wandered down from the hills to lose itself in the stagnant Marshland and they went up along
its banks while the light lasted it was already night when at last they halted and made their Camp under some stunted Alder trees by the shores of the stream ahead there loomed now against the Dusky Sky the Bleak and treeless backs of the hills that night they set a watch and Strider it seemed did not sleep at all the moon was waxing and in the early night hours a cold gray light lay on the land next morning they set out again soon after Sunrise there was a frost in the air and the sky was a
pale clear blue the hobbits felt refreshed as if they had had a night of unbroken sleep already they were getting used to much walking on short Commons shorter at any rate than what in the Shire they would have thought barely enough to keep them on their legs Pippen declared that Frodo was looking Twice The Hobbit that he had been very odd said Frodo tightening his belt considering that there is actually a good deal less of me I hope the thinning process will not go on indefinitely Or I shall become a wraith do not speak of
such things said Strider quickly and with surprising earnestness the hills Drew nearer they made an undulating Ridge often Rising almost to a thousand ft and here and there Falling Again to low Cliffs or passes leading into the Eastern land Beyond along the crest of the ridge the hobbits could see what looked to be the remains of green grown walls and dkes and in the cliffs there still stood the ruins of old works of stone by night they had reached the feet of The Westward slopes and there they camped it was the night of the 5th
of October and they were six days out from brie in the morning they found for the first time since they had left the Chetwood a track plane to see they turned right and followed it southwards it ran cunningly taking a line that seemed chosen so as to keep as much hidden as possible from The View both of the hilltops above and of the flats to the West it dived into Dells and hugged steep Banks and where it passed over flatter and more open ground on either side of it there were lines of large Boulders and
Hune stones that screen The Travelers almost like a hedge I wonder who made this path and what for said Mary as they walked along one of these Avenues where the stones were unusually large and closely set I'm not sure that I like it it has a well rather a barrow whitish look is there any Barrow on weathertop no there is no Barrow on weathertop nor on any of these Hills answered Strider the men of the West did not live here though in their latter days they defended the hills for a while against the evil that
came out of Angar this path was made to serve the forts along the walls but long before in the first days of the north Kingdom they built a great Watchtower on weathertop amans Sue they called it it was burned and broken and nothing remains of it now but a tumbled ring like a rough crown on the old Hill's head yet once it was tall and fair it is told that Ellen El stood there watching for the coming of gilgalad out of the West in the days of the last Alliance the hobbits gazed at Strider it
seemed that he was learned in Old Law as well as in the ways of the wild who was gilgalad asked Mary but Strider did not answer and seemed to be lost in thought suddenly a low voice murmured gilgalad was an Elven king of him the Harpers sadly sing the last whose realm was fair and free between the mountains and the Sea his sword was long his Lance was Keen his shining Helm afar was seen the countless stars of Heaven's field were mirrored in his Silver Shield but long ago he rode away and where he dwelleth
none can say for Into Darkness fell his star in Mordor where the Shadows are the others turned in amazement for the voice was Sam's don't stop said Mary that's all I know stammered Sam blushing I learned it from Mr Bilbo when I was a lad he used to tell me Tales like that knowing how I was always one for hearing about elves it was Mr Bilbo as taught me my letters he was mighty book Learned was dear old Mr Bilbo and he wrote poetry he wrote what I have just said he did not make it
up said Strider it is part of the lay that is called the fall of gilgalad which is in an ancient tongue Bilbo must have translated it I never knew that there was a lot more said Sam all about Mordor I didn't learn that part it gave me the Shivers I never thought I should be going that way myself going to Mordor cried Pippen I hope it won't come to that do not speak that name so loudly said Strider it was already midday when they Drew near the southern end of the path and saw before them
in the pale clear light of the October Sun a gray green Bank leading up like a bridge onto the northward slope of the Hill they decided to make for the top at once while the daylight was broad concealment was no longer possible and they could only hope that no enemy or spy was observing them nothing was to be seen moving on the hill if Gandalf was anywhere about there was no sign of him on the western flank of weathertop they found a sheltered Hollow at the bottom of which there was a bowl-shaped Dell with grassy
sides there they left Sam and Pippen with the pony and their packs and Luggage the other three went on after half an hour's plodding Strider reached the crown of the Hill Frodo and Mary followed tired and breathless the last slope had been Steep and Rocky on the top they found as Strider had said a wide ring of ancient stonework now crumbling or covered with age- long grass but in the center a can of broken Stones had been piled they were blackened as if with fire about them the turf was burned to the roots and all
within the ring the grass was scorched and shriveled as if Flames had swept the hilltop but there was no sign of any living thing standing upon the rim of the ruined Circle they saw all round below them a wide Prospect for the most part of lands empty and featureless except for patches of Woodland away to the South Beyond which they caught here and there the glint of distant water beneath them on this southern side there ran like a ribbon the old road coming out of the West and winding up and down until it faded behind
a ridge of dark land to the east nothing was moving on it following its line Eastward with their eyes they saw the mountains the nearer Foothills were Brown and somber behind them stood taller shapes of Gray and behind those again were high white Peaks glimmering among the clouds well here we are said Mary and very cheerless and uninviting it looks there is no water and no shelter and no sign of gandal but I don't blame him for not waiting if he ever came here I wonder said Rider looking round thoughtfully even if he was a
day or two behind us at Brie he could have arrived here first he can ride very swiftly when need presses suddenly he stooped and looked at the stone on the top of the can it was flatter than the others and whiter as if it had escaped the fire he picked it up and examined it turning it in his fingers this has been handled recently he said what do you think of these marks on the flat Underside Frodo saw some scratches there seems to be a stroke a DOT and three more Strokes he said the stroke
on the left might be a gune with thin branches said Strider it might be a sign left by Gandalf though one cannot be sure the scratches are fine and they certainly look fresh but the marks might mean something quite different and have nothing to do with us Rangers use runes and they come here some sometimes what could they mean even if Gandalf made them asked Mary I should say answered Strider that they stood for G3 and were a signed that Gandalf was here on October the 3 that is 3 days ago now it would also
show that he was in a hurry and D was at hand so that he had no time or did not dare to write anything longer or pler if that is so we must be wary I wish we could feel sure that he made the marks whatever they may mean said Frodo it would be a great comfort to know that he was on the way in front of us or behind us perhaps said strider for myself I believed that he was here and was in danger there have been scorching Flames here and now the light that
we saw three nights ago in the Eastern sky comes back to my mind I guess that he was attacked on this Hilltop but with what result I cannot tell he is here no longer and we must now look after ourselves and make our own way to Rivendell as best we can how far is rivendel asked Mary gazing round wearily the world looked wild and wide from weather top I don't know if the road has ever been measured in Miles Beyond The Forsaken Inn a Day's Journey east of Brie answered Strider some say it is so
far and some say otherwise it is a strange Road and folk are glad to reach their Journey's End whether the time is long or short but I know how long it would take me on my own feet with fair weather and no ill Fortune 12 days from here to the Ford of Bruin where the road crosses the loud water that runs out of Rivendell we have at least a fortnight's journey before us for I do not think we shall be able to use the road a fortnite said Frodo a lot may happen in that time
it may said Strider they stood for a while silent on the hilltop near its Southward Edge in that lonely Place Frodo for the first time fully realized his homelessness and danger he wished bitterly that his fortune had left him in the quiet and beloved Shire he stared down at the hateful Road leading back Westward to his home suddenly he was aware that two black specks were moving slowly along it going Westward and looking again he saw that three others were creeping Eastward to meet them he gave a cry and clutched strider's arm look he said
pointing downwards at once Strider flung himself on the ground behind the ruined Circle pulling Frodo down beside him Mary threw himself alongside what is it he whispered I do not know but I fear the worst answered Strider slowly they crawled up to the edge of the Ring again and peered through a cliff between two Jagged Stones the light was no longer bright for the clear morning had faded and clouds creeping out of the East had now overtaken the Sun Sun as it began to go down they could all see the black specks but neither Frodo
nor Mary could make out their shapes for certain yet something told them that there far below were Black Riders assembling on the road beyond the foot of the Hill yes said strier whose kenina site left him in no doubt the enemy is here hastily they crept away and slipped down the north side of the hill to find their companions Sam and perigrine had not been idle they had explored the small Dell and the surrounding slopes not far away they found a spring of clear water in the Hillside and near it Footprints not more than a
day or two old in the Dell itself they found recent traces of a fire and other signs of a hasty Camp there were some Fallen rocks on the edge of the Dell nearest to the hill behind them Sam Came Upon a small store of firewood neatly stacked I wonder if old gandal has been here he said to Pippen whoever it was put this stuff here meant to come back it seems Strider was greatly interested in these discoveries I wish I had waited and explored the ground down here myself he said hurrying off to the spring
to examine the footprints it is just as I feared he said when he came back Sam and Pippen have trampled the soft ground and the marks are spoiled or confused Rangers have been here lately it is they who left the firewood behind but there are also several newer tracks that were not made by Rangers at least one set was made only a day or two ago by heavy boots at least one one I cannot now be certain but I think there were many booted feet he paused and stood in anxious thought each of the hobbits
saw in his mind a vision of the cloaked and booted Riders if the horsemen had already found the dell the sooner Strider LED them somewhere else the better Sam viewed the hollow with great dislike now that he had heard news of their enemies on the road only a few miles away hadn't we better clear out quick Mr Strider he asked impatiently it is getting late and I don't like this hole it makes my heart sink somehow we certainly must decide what to do at once answered Strider looking up and considering the time and the weather
well Sam he said at last I do not like this place either but I cannot think of anywhere better that we could reach before nightfall at least we are out of sight for the moment and if we moved we should be much much more likely to be seen by Spies all we could do would be to go right out of our way back North on this side of the line of Hills where the land is all much the same as it is here the road is watched but we should have to cross it if we
tried to take cover in the thickets away to the south on the north side of the road Beyond The Hills the country is bare and flat for miles can the Riders see asked Mary I mean they seem usually to have used their noses rather than their eyes smelling for us if smelling is the right word at least in the daylight but you made us lie down flat when you saw them down below and now you talk of being seen if we move I was too careless on on the hilltop answered Strider I was very anxious
to find some sign of Gandalf but it was a mistake for three of us to go up and stand there so long for the black horses can see and the Riders can use men and other creatures as spies as we found at Brie they themselves do not see the world of light as we do but our shapes cast shadows in their minds which only the noon Sun destroys and in the dark they perceive many signs and forms that are hidden from us then they are most to be feared and at all times they smell the
blood of living things Desiring and hating it senses too there are other than sight or smell we can feel their presence it troubled our hearts as soon as we came here and before we saw them they feel ours more keenly also he added and his voice sank to a whisper the ring draws them is there no Escape then said Frodo looking round wildly if I move I shall be seen and hunted if I stay I shall draw them to me Strider laid his hand on his shoulder there is still hope he said You are not
alone let us take this wood that is set ready for the fire as a sign there is Little Shelter or defense here but fire Shall Serve for both Sauron can put fire to his evil uses as he can all things but these Riders do not love it and fear those who wield it fire is our friend in the wilderness maybe muttered Sam it is also as good a way of saying here we are as I can think of bar shouting down in the lowest and most sheltered corner of the Dell they lit a fire and
prepared a meal the shades of evening began to fall and it grew cold they were suddenly aware of great hunger for they had not eaten anything since breakfast but they dared not make more than a Frugal supper the lands ahead were empty of all save birds and beasts unfriendly places deserted by all the races of the world Rangers passed at times Beyond The Hills but they were few and did not stay other Wanderers were rare and of evil sort trolls might stray down at times out of the northern valleys of the Misty Mountains only on
the road would Travelers be found most often dwarves hurrying Along on business of their own and with no help and few words to spare for strangers I don't see how our food can be made to last said Frodo we have been careful enough in the last few days and this supper is no Feast but we have used more more than we ought if we have two weeks still to go and perhaps more there is food in the wild said Strider Berry root and herb and I have some skill as a hunter at need you need
not be afraid of starving before winter comes but Gathering and catching food is long and weary work and we need haste so tighten your belts and think with hope of the tables of elon's house the cold increased as Darkness came on peering out from the edge of the Dell they could see nothing but a gray land now Vanishing quickly into Shadow the sky above had cleared again and was slowly filled with twinkling stars Frodo and his companions huddled around the fire wrapped in every garment and blanket they possessed but Strider was content with a single
cloak and sat a little apart drawing thoughtfully at his pipe as night fell and the light of the fire began to shine out brightly he began to tell them Tales to keep their minds from Fear he knew many history and legends of long ago of elves and men and the good and evil Deeds of the Elder days they wondered how old he was and where he had learned all this law tell us of gilgalad said Mary suddenly when he paused at the end of a story of the elf kingdoms do you know any more of
that old Lei that you spoke of I do indeed answered Strider so also does Frodo for it concerns us closely Mary and Pippen looked at Frodo who was staring into the fire I know only the little that Gandalf has told me said Frodo slowly gilgalad was the last of the great elf Kings of Middle Earth gilgalad is Starlight in their tongue with elendel the elf friend he went to the land of no said Strider interrupting I do not think that tale should be told now with the Servants of the enemy at hand if we win
through to the house of Elon you may hear it there hold in full then tell us some other tale of the old days begged Sam a tale about the elves before the fading time I would dearly like to hear more about elves the dark seems to press round so close I will tell you the tale of tinu V said Strider in brief for it is a long tale of which the end is not known and there are none now except Elon that remember it a right as it was told of old it is a fair
tale though it is sad as are all the tales of Middle Earth and yet it may lift up your hearts he was silent for some time time and then he began not to speak but to chant softly the Elvish tale of old as Strider was speaking they watched his strange eager face dimly lit in the red glow of the Woodfire his eyes Shone and his voice was rich and deep above him was a black Starry Sky suddenly a pale light appeared over the crown of weathertop behind him the waxing moon was climbing slowly above the
hill that overshadowed them and the stars above the hilltop faded as the story ended the hobbits moved and stretched look said Mary the Moon is rising it must be getting late the others looked up even as they did so they saw on the top of the hill something small and dark against the glimmer of the moonrise it was perhaps only a large stone or jutting Rock shown up by The Pale Light Sam and Mary got up and walked away from the fire Frodo and Pippen remained seated in silence Strider was watching The Moonlight on the
hill intently all seemed quiet and still but Frodo felt a cold dread creeping over his heart now that Strider was no longer speaking he huddled closer to the fire at that moment Sam came running back from the edge of the Dell I don't know what it is he said but I suddenly felt afraid I Daren go outside this Dell for any money I felt that something was creeping up the slope did you see anything asked Frodo springing to his feet no sir I saw nothing but I didn't stop to look I saw something said Mary
or I thought I did away westwards where the Moonlight was falling on the flats beyond the shadow of the hilltops I thought there were two or three black shapes they seemed to be moving this way keep close to the fire with your faces outward cry R Strider get some of the longest sticks ready in your hands for a breathless time they sat there silent and alert with their backs turned to the Woodfire each gazing into the Shadows that encircled them nothing happened there was no sound or movement in the night Frodo stirred feeling that he
must break the silence he longed to shout out aloud hush whispered Strider what's that gasped Pippen at the same moment over the lip of the little Dell on the side away from the hill they felt rather than saw a shadow rise one shadow or more than one they strained their eyes and the Shadows seemed to grow soon there could be no doubt three or four tall black Figures were standing there on the slope looking down on them so black were they that they seemed like black holes in the Deep shade behind them Frodo thought that
he heard a faint hiss as a venomous breath and felt a thin piercing chill then the shape slowly Advanced Terror overcame Pippen and Mary and they threw themselves flat on the ground Sam shrank to Frodo's side Frodo was hardly less terrified than his companions he was quaking as if he was bitter cold but his Terror was swallowed up in a sudden temptation to put on the ring the desire to do this laid hold of him and he could think of nothing else he did not forget the Barrow nor the message of Gandalf but something seemed
to be compelling him to disregard all warnings and he longed to yield not with the hope of his Escape or of doing anything either good or bad he simply felt that he must take the ring and put it on his finger he could not speak he felt Sam looking at him as if he knew that his master was in some great trouble but he could not turn towards him he shut his eyes and struggled for a while but resistance became unbearable and at last he slowly Drew out the chain and slipped the ring on the
forefinger of his left hand immediately though everything else remained as before dim and dark the shapes became terribly clear he was able to see beneath their black wrappings there were five tall figures two standing on the lip of the Dell three advancing in their white faces burned keen and merciless Eyes under their mantel were long gray robes upon their gray hairs were Helms of silver in their Haggard hands were Swords of Steel their eyes fell on him and pierced him as they rushed towards him desperate he drew his own sword and it seemed to him
that it flickered red as if it was a fire brand two of the figures halted the third was taller than the others his hair was long and gleaming and on his Helm was was a crown in one hand he held a long sword and in the other a knife both the knife and the hand that held it glowed with a pale light he sprang forward and bore down on Frodo at that moment Frodo threw himself forward on the ground and he heard himself crying aloud o elberth Gil onal at the same time he struck at
the feet of his enemy a shrill cry rang out in the night and he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder even as he swooned he caught as through a swirling Mist a glimpse of Strider leaping out of the darkness with a flaming brand of wood in either hand with a last effort Frodo dropping his sword slipped the ring from his finger and closed his right hand tight upon it when Frodo came to himself he was still clutching the ring desperately he was lying by the fire which was now
piled high and Burning Brightly his three companions were bending over him what has happened where is The Pale King he asked wildly they were too Overjoyed to hear him speak to answer for a while nor did they understand his question at length he gathered from Sam that they had seen nothing but the vague shadowy shapes coming towards them suddenly to his horror Sam found that his master had vanished and at that moment a black shadow rushed past him and he fell he heard Frodo's voice but it seemed to come from a great distance or from
under the Earth crying out strange words they saw nothing more until they stumbled over the body body of Frodo lying as if dead faced downwards on the grass with his sword beneath him Strider ordered them to pick him up and lay him near the fire and then he disappeared that was now a good while ago Sam plainly was beginning to have doubts again about Strider but while they were talking he returned appearing suddenly Out of the Shadows they started and Sam drew his sword and stood over Frodo but Strider knelt down swiftly at his side
I am not a Black Rider Sam he said gently nor in League with them I have been trying to discover something of their movements but I have found nothing I cannot think why they have gone and do not attack again but there is no feeling of their presence anywhere at hand when he heard what Frodo had to tell he became full of concern and shook his head and sighed then he ordered Pippen and Mary to heat as much water as they could in their small kettles and to bathe the wound with it keep the fire
going well and keep Frodo warm he said then he got up and walked away and called Sam to him I think I understand things better now he said in a low voice there seem only to have been five of the enemy why they were not all here here I don't know but I don't think they expected to be resisted they have drawn off for the time being but not far I fear they will come again another night if we cannot Escape they are only waiting because they think that their purpose is almost accomplished and that
the ring cannot fly much further I fear Sam that they believe your master has a deadly wound that will subdue him to their will Sam choked With Tears Don't despair said Strider you must trust me now your Frodo is made of Sterner stuff than I had guessed though Gandalf hinted that it might prove so he is not slain and I think he will resist the evil power of the wound longer than his enemies expect I will do all I can to help and heal him guard him well while I am away he hurried off and
disappeared again into the darkness Frodo dozed though the pain of his wound was slowly growing and a deadly chill was spreading from his shoulder to his arm and side his friends watched over him warming him and bathing his wound the night passed slowly and wearily Dawn was growing in the sky and the Dell was filling with gray light when Strider at last returned look he cried and stooping he lifted from the ground a black cloak that had Lain there hidden by the darkness a foot above the lower hem there was a slash this was the
stroke of Frodo's sword he said the only hurt that it did to his enemy I fear for it is unharmed but all blades perish that pierce that Dreadful King more deadly to him was the name of elberth and more deadly to Frodo was this he stooped again and lifted up a long thin knife there was a cold gleam in it as Strider raised it they saw that near the end its Edge was notched and the point was broken off but even as he held it up in the growing light they gazed in astonishment for the
blades seemed to melt and vanished like a smoke in the air leaving only the hilt in strider's hand alas he cried it was this accursed knife that gave the wound few now have the skill in healing to match such evil weapons but I will do what I can he sat down on the ground and taking the dagger Hilt laid it on his knees and he sang over it a slow song in a strange tongue then setting it aside he turned to Frodo and in a soft tone spoke words the others could not catch from the
pouch at his belt he drew out the long leaves of a plant these leaves he said I have walked far to find for this plant does not grow in the bare Hills but in the thickets away south of the road I found it in the dark by the scent of its leaves he crushed a leaf in his fingers and it gave out a sweet and pungent fragrance it is fortunate that I could find it for it is a healing plant that the men of the West brought to Middle Earth athus they named it and it
grows now sparsely and only near places where they dwelt or camped of old and it is not known in the north except to some of those who W in the wild it has great virtues but over such a wound wound as this its healing powers may be small he threw the leaves into boiling water and bathed at Frodo's shoulder the fragrance of the steam was refreshing and those that were unhe hurt felt their minds calmed and cleared the herb had also some power over the wound for Frodo felt the pain and also the sense of
Frozen cold lessen in his side but the life did not return to his arm and he could not raise or use his hand he bitterly regretted his foolishness and reproached himself for weakness of will for he now perceived that in putting on the ring he obeyed not his own desire but the commanding wish of his enemies he wondered if he would remain maimed for life and how they would now manage to continue their Journey he felt too weak to stand the others were discussing this very question they quickly decided to leave weathertop as soon as
possible I think now said Strider that the enemy has been watching this place for some days if Gandalf ever came here then he must have been forced to ride away and he will not return in any case we are in great Peril here after dark since the attack of last night and we can hardly meet greater danger wherever we go as soon as the daylight was full they had some hurried food and packed it was impossible for Frodo to walk so they divided the greater part of their baggage among the four of them and put
Frodo on the pony in the last few days the poor Beast had improved wonderfully it already seemed fatter and stronger and had begun to show an affection for its new Masters especially for Sam Bill fernie's treatment must have been very hard for the journey in the wild to seem so much better than its former life they started off in a southerly direction this would mean crossing the road but it was the quickest way to more wooded country and they needed fuel for Strider said that Frodo must be kept warm especially at night while fire would
be some protection for them all it was also his plan to shorten their journey by cutting across another Great Loop of the Road East Beyond weathertop it changed its course and took a wide Bend northwards they made their way slowly and cautiously around the southwestern slopes of the hill and came in a little while to the edge of the road there was no sign of the Riders but even as they were hurrying across they heard far away two cries a cold voice calling and a cold voice answering trembling they sprang forward and made for the
thickets that lay ahead the land before them sloped away southwards but it was wild and pathless bushes and and stunted trees grew in dense patches with wide Barren spaces in between the grass was scanty coarse and gray and the leaves in the thickets were faded and falling it was a cheerless land and their Journey was slow and gloomy they spoke little as they trudged along Frodo's heart was grieved as he watched them walking beside him with their heads down and their backs bowed under their burdens even Strider seemed tired and heavy-hearted before the first day's
March was over Frodo's pain began to grow again but he did not speak of it for a long time 4 days passed without the ground or the scene changing much except that behind them weathertop slowly sank and before them the distant mountains loomed a little nearer yet since that far cry they had seen and heard no sign that the enemy had marked their flight or followed them they dreaded the dark hours and kept watch in pairs By Night expecting at any time to see black shapes stalking in the gray night dimly lit by the cloud
veiled moon but they saw nothing and heard no sound but the sigh of withered leaves and grass not once did they feel the sense of present evil that had assailed them before the attack in the Dell it seemed too much to hope that the Riders had already lost their Trail again perhaps they were waiting to make some ambush in a narrow place at the end of the fifth day the ground began once more to rise slowly out of the wide shallow Valley into which they had descended Strider now turned their course again northeastwards and on
the sixth day they reached the top of a long slow climbing slope and saw far ahead a huddle of wooded Hills away below them they could see the road sweeping round the feet of the hills and to their right a gray River gleamed pale in the thin sunshine in the distance they glimpsed yet another River in a Stony Valley half failed in Mist I am afraid we must go back to the road here for a while said Strider we have now come to the river horwell that the elves call mithel it flows down out of
the etinor the troll Fells north of rivendel and joins the loud water away in the South some call it the gray flood after that it is a great water before it finds the sea there is no way over it below its sources in the etan Moors except by the last bridge on which the road crosses what is that other River we can see far away there asked Mary that is loud water the Bruin of rivendel answered Strider the road runs along the edge of the hills for many miles from the bridge to the Ford of
bruan but I have not yet thought how we shall cross that water One River at a time we shall be fortunate indeed if we do not find the last bridge held against us next day early in the morning they came down again to the borders of the road Sam and Strider went forward but they found no no sign of any Travelers here under the shadow of the hills there had been some rain Strider judged that it had fallen two days before and had washed away all Footprints no Horsemen had passed since then as far as
he could see they hurried along with all the speed they could make and after a mile or two they saw the bridge ahead at the bottom of a short steep slope they dreaded to see black figures waiting there but they saw none Strider made them take cover in a Thicket at the side of the road while he went forward to explore before long he came hurrying back I can see no sign of the enemy he said and I wonder very much what that means but I have found something very strange he held out his hand
and showed a single pale green Jewel I found it in the mud in the middle of the bridge he said it is a barrel an elf Stone whether it was set there or let fall by chance I cannot say but it brings hope to me I will take it as a sign that we may pass the bridge but beyond that I dare not keep to the road without some clearer token at once they went on again they crossed the bridge in safety hearing no sound but the water swirling against its three great arches a mile
further on they came to a narrow Ravine that led away northwards through the Steep lands on the left of the road here Strider turned aside and soon they were lost in a somber country of dark trees winding among the feet of sullen Hills the Hobbits were glad to leave the cheerless lands and the perilous road behind them but this new country seemed threatening and unfriendly as they went forward the hills about them steadily Rose here and there upon Heights and ridges they caught glimpses of ancient walls of stone and the ruins of towers they had
an ominous look fro Odo who was not walking had time to gaze ahead and to think he recalled Bilbo's account of his journey and the threatening Towers on the Hills North of the road in the country near the trolls wood where his first serious Adventure had happened Frodo guessed that they were now in the same region and wondered if by chance they would pass near the spot who lives in this land he asked and who built these towers is this troll country no said Strider trolls do not build no one lives in this land men
once dwelt here ages ago but none remain now they became an evil people as Legends tell for they fell under the shadow of Angar but all were destroyed in the war that brought the north Kingdom to its end but that is now so long ago that the hills have forgotten them though a shadow still lies on the land where did you learn such Tales if all the land is empty and forget F asked perigrine the birds and beasts do not tell Tales of that sort The Heirs of elendel do not forget all things past said
Strider and many more things than I can tell are remembered in rivendale have you often been to Rivendell said Frodo I have said strier I dwelt there once and still I return When I may there my heart is but it is not my fate to sit in peace even in the fair House of Elon the hills now began to shut them in the road behind held on its way to the river bruinen but both were Now hidden from View The Travelers came into a Long Valley narrow deeply clo dark and Silent trees with old and
twisted Roots hung over Cliffs and piled up behind into mounting slopes of pinewood the hobbits grew very weary they Advanced slowly for they had to pick their way through a pathless country encumbered by Fallen trees and tumbled rocks as long as they could they avoided climbing for Frodo's sake and because it was in fact difficult to find any way up out of the narrow Dales they had been two days in this country when the weather turned wet the wind began to blow steadily out of the West and pour the water of the dist Seas on
the dark heads of the hills in fine drenching Rain by Nightfall they were all soaked and their Camp was cheerless for they could not get any fire to burn the next day the hills Rose still higher and steeper before them and they were forced to turn away northwards out of their course Strider seemed to be getting anxious they were nearly 10 days out from weathertop and their stock of Provisions was beginning to run low it went on raining that night they camped on a Stony Shelf with a rock wall behind them in which there was
a shallow cave a mere scoop in the cliff Frodo was Restless the cold and wet had made made his wound more painful than ever and the ache and sense of deadly chill took away all sleep he lay tossing and turning and listening fearfully to the stealthy night noises wind in chinks of rock water dripping a crack the sudden rattling fall of a loosened Stone he felt that black shapes were advancing to smother him but when he sat up he saw nothing but the back of Strider sitting hunched up smoking his pipe and watching he lay
down again and passed into an uneasy dream in which he walked on the grass in his garden in the Shire but it seemed faint and dim less clear than the tall black Shadows that stood Looking Over the Hedge in the morning he woke to find that the rain had stopped the clouds were still thick but they were breaking and pale strips of blue appeared between them the wind was shifting again they did not start early immediately after their cold and comfortless breakfast Strider went off alone telling the others to remain under the shelter of the
cliff until he came back he was going to climb up if he could and get a look at the LIE of the land when he returned he was not reassuring we have come too far to the North he said and we must find some way to turn back southwards again if we keep on as we are going we shall get up into the endal far north of Rivendell that his troll country and little known to me we could perhaps find our way through and come round to Rivendell from the north but it would take too
long for I do not know the way and our food would not last so somehow or other we must find the Ford of bruinen the rest of that day they spent scrambling over Rocky ground they found a passage between two Hills that led them into a valley running Southeast the direction that they wished to take but towards the end of the day they found their road again barred by a ridge of high land its dark Edge against the sky was broken into many bare points like Teeth of of a blunted saw they had a choice
between going back or climbing over it they decided to attempt The Climb but it proved very difficult before long Frodo was obliged to Dismount and struggle Along on foot even so they often despaired of getting their Pony up or indeed of finding a path for themselves burdened as they were the light was nearly gone and they were all exhausted when at last they reached the top they had climbed onto a narrow saddle between two higher points and the land fell steeply away again only a short distance ahead Frodo threw himself down and lay on the
ground shivering his left arm was lifeless and his side and shoulder felt as if icy claws were laid upon them the trees and rocks about him seemed shadowy and dim we cannot go any further said Mary to Strider I am afraid this has been too much for Frodo I am dreadfully anxious about him what are we to do do you think they will be able to cure him in Rivendell if we ever get there we shall see answered Strider there is nothing more that I can do in the wilderness and it is chiefly because of
his wound that I am so anxious to press on but I agree that we can go no further tonight what is the matter with my master asked Sam in a low voice looking appealingly at Strider his wound was small and it is already closed there's nothing to be seen but a cold white mark on his shoulder Frodo has been touched by the weapons of the enemy said Strider and there is some poison or evil at work that is beyond my skill to drive out but do not give up hope Sam night was cold up on
the High Ridge they lit a small Fire Down Under the gnarled roots of an Old Pine that hung over a shallow pit it looked as if Stone had once been quarried there they sat huddled together the wind blew chill through the pass and they heard the Treetops lower down moaning and sighing Frodo lay half in a dream imagining that endless Dark Wings were sweeping by above him and that on the wings rode pursuers that sought him in all the hollows of the hills the morning dawned bright and fair the air was clean and the light
pale and clear in a rainwashed sky their hearts were encouraged but they longed for the sun to warm their cold stiff limbs as soon as it was light Strider took Mary with him and went to survey the country from the height to the east of the pass the sun had risen and was shining brightly when he returned with more comforting news they were now going more or less in the right direction if they went on down the further side of the ridge they would have the mountains on their left some way ahead Strider had caught
a glimpse of the loud water again and he knew that though it was hidden from view the road to the Ford was not far from the river and lay on the side nearest to them we must make for the road again he said we cannot hope to find a path through these Hills whatever danger May beset it the road is our only way to the Ford as soon as they had eaten they set out again they climbed slowly down the southern side of the ridge but the way was much EAS easier than they had expected
for the slope was far less steep on this side and before long Frodo was able to ride again Bill fernie's poor old Pony was developing an unexpected talent for picking out a path and for sparing its Rider as many jolts as possible the spirits of the party rose again even even Frodo felt better in the morning light but every now and again a Mist seemed to obscure his sight and he passed his hands over his eyes Pippen was a little ahead of the others suddenly he turned round and called to them there is a path
here he cried when they came up with him they saw that he had made no mistake L there were clearly the beginnings of a path that climbed with many windings Out of the Woods below and faded away on the hilltop behind in places it was now faint and overgrown or choked with Fallen stones and trees but at one time it seemed to have been much used it was a path made by strong arms and heavy feet here and there old trees had been cut or broken down and large rocks clo or heaved aside to make
a way they followed the track for some while for it offered much the easiest way down but they went cautiously and their anxiety increased as they came into the dark woods and the path grew pler and broader suddenly coming out of a belt of fur trees it ran steeply down a slope and turned sharply to the left Round the corner of a rocky shoulder of the Hill when they came to the corner they looked round and saw that the path ran on over a level strip under the face of a low Cliff overhung with trees
in the Stony wall there was a door hanging crookedly a jar upon one great hinge outside the door they all halted there was a cave or Rock chamber behind but in the Gloom inside nothing could be seen Strider Sam and Mary pushing with all their strength managed to open the door a little wider and then Strider and Mary went in they did not go far for on the floor lay many old bones and nothing else was to be seen near the entrance except some great empty jars and broken pots surely this is a troll hole
if ever there was one said Pippen come out you two and let us get away now we know who made the path and we had better get off it quick there is no need I think said Strider coming out it is certainly a troll hole but it seems to have been long forsaken I don't think we need be afraid but let us go on down wearily and we shall see the path went on again from the door and turning to the right again across the level space plunged down a thick wooded slope Pippen not liking
to show Strider that he was still afraid went on ahead with Mary Sam and Strider came behind one on each side of Frodo's Pony for the path was now broad enough for four or five Hobbits to walk AB breast but they had not gone very far before Pippen came running back followed by Mary they both looked terrified there are trolls Pippen panted down in a clearing in the woods not far below we got a sight of them through the tree trunks they are very large we will come and look at them said Strider picking up
a stick Frodo said nothing but Sam looked scared the sun was now high and it Shone down through the half stripped branches of the trees and lit the clearing with bright patches of light they halted suddenly on the edge and peered through the tree trunks holding their breath there stood the trolls three large trolls one was stooping and the other two stood staring at him Strider walked forward unconcernedly get up Old Stone he said and broke his stick upon the stooping troll nothing happened there was a gasp of astonishment from the hobbits and then even
Frodo laughed well he said we are forgetting our family history these must be the very three that were caught by gandal quarreling over the right way to cook 13 dwarves and one Hobbit I had no idea we were anywhere near the place said Pippen he knew the story well Bilbo and Frodo had told it often but as a matter of fact he had never more than half believed it even now he looked at the stone trolls with suspicion wondering if some magic might not suddenly bring them to life again you are forgetting not only your
family history but all you ever knew about trolls said Strider it is broad daylight with a bright Sun and yet you come back trying to scare me with a tale of live trolls waiting for us in this Glade in any case you might have noticed that one of them has an old bird's nest behind his ear that would be a most unusual ornament for a live troll they all laughed Frodo felt his spirits Reviving the reminder of Bilbo's first successful Adventure was heartening the sun too was warm and comforting and the Mist before his eyes
seemed to be lifting a little they rested for some time in the Glade and took their midday meal right under the shadow of the Troll's large legs won't somebody give us a bit of a song while the sun is high said Mary when they had finished we haven't had a song or a tale for days not since weather top said Frodo the others looked at him don't worry about me he added I feel much better but I don't think I could sing perhaps Sam could dig something out of his memory come on Sam said Mary
there's more stored in your head than you let on about I don't know about that said Sam but how would this suit it ain't what I call proper poetry if you understand me just a bit of nonsense but these old images here brought it to my mind standing up with his hands behind his back as if he was at school he began to sing to an old tune where did you come by that Sam asked Pippen I've never heard those words before Sam muttered something inaudible it's out of his own head of course said Frodo
I'm learning a lot about Sam gamji on this journey first he was a conspirator now he's a Jester he'll end up by becoming a wizard or a warrior I hope not said Sam I don't want to be neither in the afternoon they went on down the woods they were probably following the very track that Gandalf Bilbo and the dwarves had used many years before after a few miles they came out on the top of a High Bank above the road at this point the road had left the horwell far behind in its narrow Valley and
now clung close to the feet of the hills rolling and winding Eastward among woods and Heather covered slopes towards the Ford and the mountains not far down the bank Strider pointed out a stone in the grass on it roughly cut and now much weathered could still be seen dwarf runes and secret marks there said Mary that must be the stone that marked the place where the trolls gold was hidden how much is left of Bilbo's share I wonder Frodo Frodo looked at the stone and wished that Bilbo had brought home no treasure more paress nor
less easy to part with none at all he said Bilbo gave it all away he told me he did not feel it was really his as it came from robbers the road lay quiet under the Long Shadows of early evening there was no sign of any other travelers to be seen as there was now no other possible course for them to take they climbed down the bank and turning left went off as fast as they could soon a shoulder of the hills cut off the light of the fast westering Sun a cold wind flowed down
to meet them from the mountains ahead they were beginning to look out for a place off the road where they could camp for the night when they heard a sound that brought sudden fear back into their hearts the noise of hoofs behind them they looked back but they could not see far because of the many windings and Rollings of the road as quickly as they could they scrambled off the beaten flight to the fordway and up into the deep Heather and bilbury Brushwood on the slopes above until they came to a small patch of thick
growing Hazel as they peered out from among the bushes they could see the road faint and Gray in the failing light some 30 ft below them the sound of Hoops Drew nearer they were going fast with a light clippety clippety clip then faintly as if it was blown away from them by the breeze they seem to catch a dim ringing as of small bells tinkling that does not sound like a black Rider's horse said Frodo listening intently the other Hobbits agreed hopefully that it did not but they all remained full of suspicion they had been
in fear of pursuit for so long that any sound from behind seemed ominous and unfriendly but Strider was now leaning forward stooped to the ground with a hand to his ear and a look of Joy on his face the light faded and the leaves on the bushes rustled Softly clearer and nearer now the bells jingled and clippity clip came the quick trotting feet suddenly into view below came a white horse gleaming in the shadows running swiftly its head stall flickered and flashed as if it were studded with gems like living Stars the rider's cloak streamed
behind him and his hood was thrown back back his Golden Hair flowed shimmering in the Wind of his speed to Frodo it appeared that a white light was shining through the form and rment of the rider as if through a thin veil Strider sprang from hiding and dashed down towards the road leaping with a cry through the Heather but even before he had moved or called the r had reigned in his horse and halted looking up towards the thicket where they stood when he saw Strider he dismounted and ran to meet him calling out AA
vwi dunadan May Goan his speech and clear ringing voice left no doubt in their hearts the rider was of the Elven Folk no others that dwelt in the wide world had voices so fair to hear but there seemed to be a note of haste or fear in his call and they saw that he was now speaking quickly and urgently to Strider soon Strider beckoned to them and the hobbits left the bushes and hurried down to the road this is glor findel who dwells in the house of Elon said Strider hail and well met at last
said the elf Lord to Frodo I was sent from Rivendell to look for you we feared that you were in danger upon the road then Gandalf has reached rivendel cried Frodo joyfully no he had not when I departed but that was N9 days ago answered glorfindel elrond received news that troubled him some of my Kindred journeying in your land beyond the baron duin learned that things were a miss and sent messages as swiftly as they could they said that the nine were abroad and that you were astray bearing a great burden without guidance for Gandalf
had not returned there are few even in Rivendell that can ride openly against the nine but such as there were Elon sent out north west and south it was thought that you might turn far aside to avoid Pursuit and become lost in the wilderness it was my lot to take the road and I came to the bridge of myl and left a token there NY on 7 days ago three of the Servants of Sauron were upon the bridge but they withdrew and I pursued them Westward I came also upon two others but they turned away
Southward since then I have searched for your Trail two days ago I found it and followed it over the bridge and today I marked where you descended from the hills again but come there is no time for further news since you are here we must risk the Peril of the road and go there are five behind us and when they find your Trail upon the road they they will ride after us like the wind and they are not all where the other four may be I do not know I fear that we may find the
Ford is already held against us while glorfindel was speaking the shades of evening deepened Frodo felt a great weariness come over him ever since the Sun began to sink the Mist before his eyes had darkened and he felt that a shadow was coming between him and the faces of his friends now pain assailed him and he felt cold he swayed clutching at Sam's arm my master is sick and wounded said Sam angrily he can't go on riding after Nightfall he needs rest glorfindel caught Frodo as he sank to the ground and taking him gently in
his arms he looked in his face with grave anxiety briefly Strider told of the attack on their Camp under weathertop and of the deadly knife he drew out the hilt which he had kept and handed it to the elf glorfindel shuddered as he took it but he looked intently at it there are evil things written on this Hilt he said though maybe your eyes cannot see them keep it Aragorn till we reach the house of Eland but be wary and handle it as little as you may alas the wounds of this weapon are Beyond beond
my skill to heal I will do what I can but all the more do I urge you now to go on without rest he searched the wound on Frodo's shoulder with his fingers and his face grew Graver as if what he learned disqui him but Frodo felt the chill lessen in his side and arm a little warmth crept down from his shoulder to his hand and the pain grew easier The Dusk of evening seemed to grow lighter about him as if a cloud had been withdrawn he saw his friends faces more clearly again and a
measure of New Hope and strength returned you shall ride my horse said glorfindel I will shorten the stirrups up to the saddle skirts and you must sit as tight as you can but you need not fear my horse will not let any Rider fall that I command him to bear his pace is light and smooth and if danger presses too near he will bear you away with a speed that even the black steeds of the enemy cannot rival no no he will not said Frodo I shall not ride him if I am to be carried
off to Rivendell or anywhere else leaving my friends behind in danger glorfindel smiled I doubt very much he said if your friends would be in danger if you were not with them the pursuit would follow you and leave us in peace I think it is you Frodo and that which you bear that brings us all in Peril to that Frodo had no answer and he was persuaded to mount glorfindel's White Horse the pony was Laden instead with a great part of the other's burdens so that they now marched lighter and for a Time made good
speed but the hobbits began to find it hard to keep up with the Swift tireless feet of The Elf on he led them into the mouth of darkness and still on under the Deep clouded night there was neither star nor Moon not until the gray of dawn did he allow them to Halt Pippen Mar and Sam were by that time nearly asleep on their stumbling legs and even Strider seemed by the SAG of his shoulders to be weary Frodo sat upon the horse in a dark dream they cast themselves down in the Heather a few
yards from the roadside and fell asleep immediately they seemed hardly to have closed their eyes when glorfindel who had set himself to watch while they slept awoke them again the sun had now climbed far into the morning and the clouds and Mists of the night were gone drink this said glorfindel to them pouring for each in turn a little liquor from his silver studded flask of leather it was clear as spring water and had no taste and it did not feel either cool or warm in the mouth but strength and vigor seemed to flow into
all their limbs as they drank it eaten after that draft the stale bread and dried fruit which was now all that they had left seemed to satisfy their hunger better than many a good breakfast in the Shire had done they they had rested rather less than 5 hours when they took to the road again glorfindel still urged them on and only allowed two brief halts during the day's March in this way they covered almost 20 miles before nightfall and came to a point where the roadbend right and ran down towards the bottom of the Valley
now making straight for the Brun so far there had been no sign or sound of pursuit that the hobbits could see or hear but often glorfindel would Halt and listen for a moment if they lagged behind and a look of anxiety clouded his face once or twice he spoke to Strider in the El tongue but however anxious their guides might be it was plain that the Hobbits could go no further that night they were stumbling along dizzy with weariness and unable to think of anything but their feet and legs Frodo's pain had redoubled and during
the day things about him faded to Shadows of ghostly gray he almost welcomed the coming of night for then the world seemed less pale and empty the hobbits were still weary when they set out again early next morning there were many miles yet to go between them and the Ford and they hobbled forward at the best Pace they could manage our Peril will be greatest just a we reach the river said glorfindel for my heart warns me that the pursuit is now Swift behind us another danger may be waiting by the [Music] Ford the road
was still running steadily downhill and there was now in places much grass at either side in which the hobbits walked when they could to ease their tired feet in the late afternoon they came to a place where the road went suddenly under the dark shadow of tall pine trees and then plunged into a deep cutting with steep moist walls of red stone Echoes ran along as they hurried forward and there seemed to be a sound of many footfalls following their own all at once as if through a gate of light the road ran out again
from the end of the tunnel into the open there at the bottom of a Sharp incline they saw before them a long flat Mile and beyond that the Ford of rivendel on the further side was a steep Brown Bank threaded by a winding path and behind that the tall mountains climbed shoulder above shoulder and Peak Beyond Peak into the fading Sky there was still an an echo as of following feet in The Cutting behind them a rushing noise as if a wind were rising and pouring through the branches of the Pines one moment glorfindel turned
and listened then he sprang forward with a loud cry fly he called fly the enemy is upon us the White Horse leaped forward the hobbits ran down the slope glorfindel and Strider followed as rear guard they were only halfway across the flat when suddenly there was a noise of horses galloping out of the gate in the trees that they had just left rode a Black Rider he rained his horse in and halted swaying in his saddle another followed him and then another then again two more ride forward cried glorfindel to Frodo he did not obey
at once for a strange reluctance seized him checking the horse to a walk he turned and looked back the Riders seemed to sit upon their Gra great steeds like threatening statues upon a hill dark and solid while all the woods and land about them receded as if into a Mist suddenly he knew in his heart that they were silently commanding him to wait then at once fear and hatred awoken him his hand left the Bridle and gripped the hilt of his sword and with a red flash he drew it ride on cried glorfindel and then
loud and clear he called to the horse in the elf tongue noro limb noro limb asalo at once the White Horse sprang away and sped like the wind along the last lap of the road at the same moment the black horses leaped down the hill in Pursuit and from the riders came a terrible cry such as Frodo had heard filling the woods with horror in the East Farthing far away it was answered and to the dismay of Frodo and his friends out from the trees and rocks away on the left four other riders came flying
two rode towards Frodo two galloped madly towards the Ford to cut off his Escape they seemed to him to run like the wind and to grow swiftly larger and darker as their courses converged with his froo looked back for a moment over his shoulder he could no longer see his friends the Riders behind were falling back even their great steeds were no match in speed for the white elf horse of glorfindel he looked forward again and hope faded there seemed no chance of reaching the Ford before he was cut off by the others that had
Lin in Ambush he could see them clearly now they appeared to have cast aside their hoods and black cloaks and they were robed in white and gray swords were naked in their pale hands Helms were on their heads their cold eyes glittered and they called to him with fell voices fear now filled all Frodo's mind he thought no longer of his sword No Cry came from him he shut his eyes and clung to the horse's man the wind whistled in his ears and the bells upon the harness rang wild and shrill a breath of deadly
cold pierced him like a spear as with a last spurt like a flash of white fire the elf horse speeding as if on wings passed right before the face of the foremost Rider Frodo heard the splash of water it foamed about his feet he felt the quick heave and surge as the horse left the river and struggled up the Stony path he was climbing the Steep Bank he was across the Ford but the pursuers were close behind at the top of the bank the horse halted and turned about nighing fiercely there were nine Riders at
the water's edge below and Frodo's spirit quailed before the threat of their uplifted faces he knew of nothing that would prevent them from Crossing as easily as he had done and he felt that it was useless to try to escape over the long uncertain path from the Ford to the edge of Rivendell if once the Riders crossed in any case he felt that he was commanded urgently to hold hatred again stirred in him but he had no longer the strength to refuse suddenly the foremost Rider spurred his horse forward it checked at the water and
reared up with a great effort Frodo sat ight and brandished his sword go back he cried go back to the land of Mordor and follow me no more his voice sounded thin and shrill in his own ears the Riders halted but Frodo had not the power of Bombadil his enemies laughed at him with a harsh and chilling laughter come back come back they called to Mordor door we will take you go back he whispered the ring they cried with deadly voices and immediately their leader urged his horse forward into the water followed closely by two
others by elberth and luthan the fair said Frodo with a last effort lifting up his sword you shall have neither the ring nor me then the leader who was now half across the Ford stood up menacing in his stups and raised up his hand Frodo was stricken dumb he felt his tongue cleave to his mouth and his heart laboring his sword broke and fell out of his shaking hand the elf horse reared and snorted the foremost of the black horses had almost set foot upon the shore at that moment there came a roaring and a
rushing a noise of loud Waters Rolling many stones dimly Frodo saw the river below him rise and down along its course there came a plumed Cavalry of waves white Flames seemed to Frodo to flicker on their crests and he half fancied that he saw amid the water white Riders upon white horses with frothing mans the three riders that were still in the midst of the Ford were overwhelmed they disappeared buried suddenly under angry foam those that were behind Drew back in dismay with his last failing senses Frodo heard cries and it seemed to him that
he saw beyond the riders that hesitated on the shore a shining figure of white light and behind it ran small shadowy forms waving Flames that flared red in the gray Mist that was falling over the world the black horses were filled with Madness and leaping forward in Terror they bore their Riders into the rushing flood their piercing cries were drowned in the Roaring of the river as it carried them away then Frodo felt himself falling and the Roaring and confusion seemed to rise and engulf him together with his enemies he heard and saw no more
now let's close the book on the fellowship and instead revisit the iconic meeting of Gandalf and the witch King at Gondor and after that the final battle I must find Gandalf at once then you must go down to the battle I know the Lord has given me leave but Baragon if you can do something to stop any Dreadful thing happening the Lord does not permit those who wear the black and silver to leave their post for any cause save at his own command well you must choose between orders and the life of faramir said Pippin
and as for orders I think you have a Madman to deal with not a lord I must run I will return if I can he ran on down down towards the outer city men flying back from the burning passed him and some seeing his Livery turned and shouted but he paid no heed at last he was through the second gate Beyond which great fires leaped up between the walls yet it seemed strangely silent no noise or shouts of battle or din of arms could be heard then suddenly there was a dreadful cry and a great
shock and a deep echoing boom forcing himself on against a gust of fear and horror That Shook him almost to his knees Pippen turned a corner opening on the wide place behind The City Gate he stopped dead he had found Gandalf but he shrank back cow ing into a shadow ever since the middle night the great assault had gone on the drums rolled to the north and to the South company upon company of the enemy pressed to the walls there came great beasts like moving houses in the red and fitful light the mumakil of the
herad dragging through the lanes amid the fires huge towers and engines yet their Captain cared not greatly what they did or how many might be slain their purpose was only to test the strength of the defense and to keep the men of Gondor busy in many places it was against the gate that he would throw his heaviest weight very strong it might be rought of steel and iron and guarded with towers and bastions of indomitable Stone yet it was the key the weakest point in all that high and impenetrable wall the drums rolled louder fires
leapt up great engines crawled across the field and in the midst was a huge RAM great as a forest tree 100 ft in length swinging on Mighty chains long had it been forging in the dark smithies of Mordor and its hideous head founded of black steel was shaped in the likeness of a ravening wolf on it spells of Ruin lay gron they named it in memory of the Hammer of the underworld of old great beasts drew it Orcs surrounded it and behind walked Mountain trolls to wield it but about the gate resistance still was Stout
and there the Knights of DOL amroth and the hardiest of the Garrison stood at Bay shot and dart fell thick Siege Towers crashed or blazed suddenly like torches all before the walls on either side of the gate the ground was choked with wreck and with bodies of the slain yet still driven as by a Madness more more and more came up gron crawled on upon its housing no fire would catch and though now and again some great Beast that hauled it would go mad and spread stamping ruin among the Orcs innumerable that guarded it their
bodies were cast aside from its path and others took their place gron crawled on the drums rolled wildly over the hills of slain a hideous shape appeared a Horseman tall hooded cloaked in Black slowly trampling the Fallen he rode forth heeding no longer any Dart he halted and held up a long pale sword and as he did so a great fear fell on all Defender and foe alike and the hands of men drooped to their sides and no bow sang For a Moment all was still the drums rolled and rattled with a vast Rush gron
was hurled forward by huge hands it reached the gate it swung a deep boom rumbled through the city like thunder running in the clouds but the doors of iron and posts of Steel with stod the stroke then the black Captain Rose in his stirups and cried aloud in a dreadful voice speaking in some forgotten tongue Words of Power and Terror to Rend both heart and stone Thrice he cried Thrice the great RAM boomed and suddenly upon the last stroke the Gate of Gondor broke as if stricken by some blasting spell it burst aunder there was
a flash of searing lightning and the doors tumbled in Riven fragments to the ground in rode the lord of the Nazgul a great black shape against the fires Beyond he loomed up grown to a vast Menace of Despair in rode the lord of the Nazgul under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed and all fled before his face all save one there waiting silent and still in the space before the gate sat Gandalf upon shadowax shadowax who alone among the free horses of the earth endured the terror unmoving steadfast as a Graven image
in Wrath denan you cannot enter here said Gandalf and the huge Shadow halted go back to the abyss prepared for you go back fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master go the Black Rider flung back his hood and behold he had a kingly crown and yet upon no head visible was it set the red fires Shawn between it and the mantled shoulders vast and dark from a mouth unseen there came a deadly laughter old fool he said old fool this is my hour do you not know death when you see it die
now and curse in vain and with that he lifted High his sword and flamed ran down the blade Gandalf did not move and in that very moment away away behind in some Courtyard of the city a crowed shrill and clear he crowed wrecking nothing of Wizardry or War welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn and as if in answer there came from far away another note horns horns horns in dark molan sides they dimly echoed great horns of the north wildly blowing Rohan had
come at last and now let's jump a chapter ahead to the battle of the pela fields when the witch King descends upon the battlefield and meets his end but it was no orc Chieftain or brigand that led the assault upon Gondor the darkness was breaking too soon before the date that his master had set for it Fortune had betrayed him for the moment and the world had turned against him victory was slipping from his GR grasp even as he stretched out his hand to seize it but his arm was long he was still in command
wielding great Powers king ring WTH lord of the nasgul he had many weapons he left the gate and vanished Theoden King of the Mark had reached the road from the gate to the river and he turned towards the city that was now less than a mile distant he slackened his speed a little seeking new foes and his Knights came about him and dernhelm was with them ahead nearer the walls elfh Helm's men were Among The Siege engines heing slaying driving their foes into the fire pits well nigh all the northern half of the pelena was
overrun and there camps were blazing Orcs were flying towards the river like herds before the hunters and the rohim went hither and thither at their will but they had not yet overthrown The Siege nor won the gate many foes stood before it and on the further half of the plain were other hosts still unfought Southward beyond the road lay the main force of the haradrim and there their Horsemen were gathered about the standard of their Chieftain and he looked out and in the growing light he saw the banner of the king and that it was
far ahead of the battle with few men about it then he was filled with a red wrath and shouted aloud and displaying his standard black serpent upon Scarlet he came against the White Horse and the green with great press of men and the drawing of the simmers of the suan was like a glitter of stars then Theoden was aware of him and would not wait for his onset but crying to snowman he charged Ed headlong to greet him great was The Clash of their meeting but the white Fury of the northmen burned the hotter and
more skilled was their Knighthood with long Spears and bitter fewer were they but they clo through the suan like a Firebolt in a forest right through the Press drove Theoden thel's son and his spear was shivered as he threw down their Chieftain out swept his sword and he spurred to the standard hued staff and Bearer and the black serpent founded then all that was left unsain of their Cavalry turned and fled far away but Lo suddenly in the midst of the glory of the king his Golden Shield was dimmed the new morning was blotted from
the sky dark fell about him horses reared and screamed Men cast from the saddle lay groving on the ground to me to me cried Theoden up Ying us fear no Darkness but snowman wild with Terror stood up on High fighting with the air and then with a great scream he crashed upon his side a black Dart had pierced him the king fell beneath him the great Shadow descended like a falling cloud and behold it was a winged Creature if bird then greater than all other birds and it was naked and neither quill nor feather did
it bear and its vast pinions were as webs of hide between horned fingers and it stank a creature of an older World maybe it was whose kind lingering in forgotten Mountains Cold beneath the moon outstayed their day and in hideous Eerie bred this last untimely brood apt to evil and the dark lord took it and nursed it with fell Meats until it grew beyond the measure of all other things that fly and he gave it to his servant to be his [Music] Steed down down it came and then folding its fingered webs it gave a
croaking cry and settled upon the body of snowman digging in its claws stooping its long naked neck upon it sat a shape blackmold huge and threatening a crown of Steel he bore but between rim and robe not was there to see save only a deadly gleam of eyes the lord of the Nazgul to the air he had returned summoning his Steed a the darkness failed and now he was come again bringing ruin turning hope to Despair and victory to death a great black mace he wielded but Theoden was not utterly forsaken the Knights of his
house lay slain about him or else Mastered by The Madness of their steeds were borne far away yet one stood there still dernhelm the young faithful Beyond fear and he wept for he had loved his Lord as a father right through the charge Mary had been born unharmed behind him until the shadow came and then win fola had thrown them in his Terror and now ran wild upon the plain Mary crawled on all fours like a dazed beast and such a horror was on him that he was blind and sick King's man King's man his
heart cried within him you must stay by him as a father you shall be to me you said but his will made no answer and his body shook he dared not open his eyes or look up then out of the blackness in his mind he thought that he heard dernhelm speaking yet now the voice seemed strange recalling some other voice that he had known begone foul dmer Lake Lord of karion leave the dead in peace a cold voice answered come not between the nasgul and his prey or he will not slay thee in thy turn
he will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation beyond all Darkness where thy flesh shall be devoured and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the lidless eye a sword rang as it was drawn do what you will but I will hinder it if I may hinder me thou fool no living man May hinder me then Mary heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest it seemed that dernhelm laughed and the clear voice was like The Ring Of Steel but no living man am I you look upon a woman aoin I am aom's
daughter her you stand between me and my Lord and kin be gone if you be not deathless for living or dark Undead I will Smite you if you touch him the winged creature screamed at her but the ring wraith made no answer and was silent as if in sudden doubt very amazement for a moment conquered Mary's fear he opened his eyes and the Blackness was lifted from them there some Paces from him Sat the great beast and all seemed dark about it and above it loomed the Nazgul Lord like a shadow of Despair a little
to the left facing them stood she whom he had called dernhelm but the Helm of her secrecy had fallen from her and her bright hair released from from its bonds gleamed with pale gold upon her shoulders her eyes gray as the sea were hard and fell and yet tears were on her cheek a sword was in her hand and she raised her Shield against the horror of her enemy's eyes aoin it was and dernhelm also for into Mary's mind flashed the memory of the face that he saw at the riding from dun Harrow the face
of one that goes seeking death having no hope pity filled his heart and great wonder and suddenly the slow kindled courage of his race awoke he clenched his hand she should not die so fair so desperate at least she should not die alone unaided the face of their enemy was not turned towards him but still he hardly dared to move dreading lest the deadly eyes should fall on him slowly slowly he began to crawl aside but the black Captain in doubt and Malice intent upon the woman before him heeded him no more than a worm
in the mud suddenly the great Beast beat its hideous wings and the wind of them was foul again it leapt into the air air and then swiftly fell down upon aowin shrieking striking with beak and Claw still she did not blench maiden of the rohim child of Kings slender but as a steel blade Fair yet terrible a swift stroke she dealt skilled and deadly the outstretched neck she clo aunder and the Hune head fell like a stone backward she sprang as the huge shape crashed to ruin vast Wings outspread crumpled on the earth and with
its fall the shadow passed away a light fell about her and her hair Shone in the sunrise out of the wreck Rose the Black Rider tall and threatening towering above her with a cry of hatred that stung the very ears like Venom he let fall his mace her Shield was shivered in many pieces and her arm was broken she stumbled to her knees he bent over her like a cloud and his eyes glittered he raised his mace to kill but suddenly he too stumbled forward with a cry of bitter pain and his stroke went wide
driving into the to the ground Mary's sword had stabbed him from behind shearing through the black mantle and passing up beneath the horberg had pierced the senu behind his mighty knee aowin cried Mary then tottering struggling up with her last strength she drove her sword between crown and mantle as the great shoulders bowed before her the sword broke sparkling into many shards the crown rolled away with a clang aoin fell forward upon her Fallen foe but loow the mantle and hobber were empty shapeless they lay now on the ground torn and tumbled and a cry
went up into the shuddering air and Faded to a shrill wailing passing with the wind a voice bodiless and thin that died and was swallowed up and was never heard again in that age of this world and there stood maradok The Hobbit in the midst of the slain blinking like an owl in the daylight for Tears blinded him and through a Mist he looked on awin's Fair head as she lay and did not move and he looked on the face of the king fallen in the midst of his glory for Snowman in his Agony had
rolled away from him again yet he was the bane of his master then Mary stooped and lifted his hand to kiss it and lo Theoden opened his eyes and they were clear and he spoke in a quiet voice though labored farewell Master Hitler he said my body is broken I go to my fathers and even in the their Mighty company I shall not now be ashamed I faed the black serpent a grim mourn and a glad day and a golden Sunset Mary could not speak but wept and knew forgive me Lord he said at last
if I broke your command and yet have done no more in your service than to weep at our parting the Old King smiled grieve not it is Forgiven great heart will not be denied live now in blessedness and when you sit in peace with your pipe think of me for never now shall I sit with you in medel as I promised or listen to your herbl law he closed his eyes and Mary bowed beside him and that my dear friends is where we'll end tonight's lore and tales I hope you enjoyed this one and got
to learn a little more about the witch king of Angar and had fun revisiting some of the best moments from the books until next time stay vigilant sweet dreams and farewell