[Music] welcome to building your network marketing business with Jim Rohn mr. own has been hailed over the years as one of the most influential thinkers of our time as well as a major influence to an entire generation of personal development trainers and speakers jim has been described as a master motivator by Mark Victor Hansen a national treasure by Vick Conant one of the most profound thinkers and mind-expanding individuals of our time by Les Brown and an extraordinary human being and mentor by Anthony Robbins Jim Rohn has been sharing as successful Asif ease-in principles for over
thirty seven years with more than 5,000 audiences and three million people worldwide he is the recipient of the coveted CPA e award from the National Speakers Association for excellence in speaking and is the author of over 18 books audio and video programs so now let the man who has influenced so many helped you to invent your future here's mr. Jim Rohn [Music] it is so much fun to travel the world especially for me farm boy from Idaho I didn't have many skills when I first awakened to the opportunity that you know you could work for
pay I knew how to milk cows but you know that was about it and it didn't pay very well but when I was introduced to network marketing health and nutrition a marketing system where I could start at the bottom go to the top and start part-time it literally revolutionized and changed my life forever I've never been the same and a big share of my story now is sharing with people around the world this extraordinary opportunity and then along with it the philosophy that makes it work because you can have every technique in the world and
the best product in the world and you can have the finest support system in the world but unless you have the philosophy that drives you to do the necessary things to make it work then nothing works so I like to talk about all the things that made it work for me and see if that might not be valuable for someone else so I want you to take some good notes if you're ready to take notes say I'm ready I like this crowd already treat me well I might take you with me as my traveling audience
now here's the next key on being prepared for the next century and that is your personal philosophy at age 25 the things that so dramatically changed my life was number one the discovery of a unique product that I could believe in my my mother taught nutrition and she taught good health so I was the beneficiary of that it came from my grandmother my grandfather passed it on to my mother she taught it passed it on to me my father never had a major illness lived to be 93 my mother extended her life according to the
doctor at least 20 years she should have died at least 20 years earlier than she did simply because she stretched out those years by the study of good nutrition I was an only child and mama studied and you know mixed up all that stuff back then you know she'd say hey me and papa and her she said drink this stuff if it don't kill us I think it'll help you know and weird taking down this stop and mama taught all of that but the payoff was so incredible I passed it on to my two daughters
they've never been elected they passed it on to their children my grandchildren there having been ill I mean the study of good nutrition paying attention and being involved in the industry you're in it's one of the best so that's so important your personal philosophy what you believe in that's gonna carry you into the next century let me give you now some of the early philosophies that changed my life forever I heard one of them in my introduction some of these philosophies have lived with me now all of these years I've passed them on and people
have come back around sayings drone you know ten years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago 35 years ago I sat in your class and sat in your seminar and those early things that you taught I've practiced it and I'm doing it a man not long ago showed me notes he took 23 years ago and then he had me sign those notes he said I've used these notes to develop my life my personal life and my business life and when he took those notes he said I was 18 years old so it's incredible I'm so
thankful for all these years but now I want to pass it along to you some of the philosophies that changed my life forever okay if you're ready say I'm ready here's the first one prophets are better than wages once I understood that I got rich prophets are better than wages nobody taught me that in high school I went to college for a year and a half I never heard it I'm 25 and broke I'm not destitute I'm broke too much month at the end of the money is broke and I finally hear this philosophy prophets
are better than wages now here's the phrase that goes with it wages make you a living which is fine prophets make you a fortune which is super fine and you can live both fine and super fine you've now got the mechanism and the ways and means to do that profits are better than wages guess what I taught this in Moscow when I was teaching capitalism you know the Communists had a all wrong they thought that capitalism was you know a big company that oppresses its workers I mean it was absolutely ridiculous they had mentally lost
it when they came up with this ridiculous philosophy communism taught capital belongs to the state not the people and we taught all these years what capital belongs in the hands of the people not the state that's why of course kids should pay taxes because they can be capitalists and all capitalists should pay taxes and it doesn't take much to start an enterprise it makes a profit I teach kids how to have two bicycles one to ride and one to rent I mean you know how long does it take how long does it take to make
a profit I mean a little ingenuity and you're on your way so profits are better than wages capitalism better than communism communism said people are too dumb and stupid to know what to do with capital so you must take capital away from all the dumb stupid people and give it to the all-wise all-knowing state and let the state run everything I mean that was communism and they devastated every country they touched I've been DS Germany it's taking a trillion dollars just to clean up East Germany they've already spent five hundred billion they got five hundred
billion more to go I mean every country they touched and I've been in all of them they devastated them all with their devastating philosophy we teach capital belongs in the hands of the people that's where the ingenuity is to bring goods and services to the marketplace and I'm going to show you later the miracle of capitalism grassroots in America which you're involved in but once I understood this now it was so incredible profits are better than wages now when I first was recruited I'm a distributor for this little product called a bundle vitae and here's
what my mentor said mr. show he said mr. Owen you can start this miracle working business part-time you don't have to go full-time you can start part-time and he said if you'll devote to start with let's say ten twelve fifteen hours a week where you'll start making a profit here's what you can now say I'm working full-time on my job and part-time on my fortune because profits lead to fortune I got so excited about that philosophy I'm working full-time on my job but now I'm working part-time on my fortune I found a way not only
to make a living you won't believe this I've found a way to make a fortune can you imagine what that's like then to get up in the morning to go to work on your fortune not to go to work to pay the rent which is okay but a chance to go to work to make a fortune and I said right now I'm working part time on my fortune and full time on my job but it won't be long until I'll be working full time on my fortune can you imagine what life is gonna be like
now here was my first goal when I started and that was part time I wanted to equal on my profits part time what I was earning on my full time job this is called the magic of part time it is so thrilling for people to start working the business part time because now you can work on profits and it doesn't take very long if you'll really concentrate on those 10 12 15 hours a week it won't be long if you really do it right and learn some of the skills I'm gonna talk about it won't
be long until you can be earning as much part time working on your fortune as you are full-time working on your job I did that in less than six months now I've got an incredible invitation I found a way part time to work on my fortune and I'm making as much money at that as I am on my full-time job would you like to hear my story it was incredible now here was my second goal to make twice as much money part-time working on my fortune as I was working full-time on my job and I
reached that in less than a year making twice as much money part-time working on my fortune as I was full time working on my job now I've got an incredible invitation that won't quit I found a way through a unique opportunity to work part time on my fortune and I'm now earning twice as much money as I am working full-time one my job would you like to hear my story do you imagine anybody would say no I don't care to hear your story know everybody I said that too said Wow yes what are you doing
I said I'm glad you asked let me tell you now when I started making twice as much money part time was full time here's here's my dilemma I didn't want to go full-time and why not go full-time and the reason was because I didn't want to give up my electrifying right it was subtle powerful nobody could resist the invitation to at least take a look I didn't want to give it up and I hung on for I don't know how long until it was you know almost insane and then finally finally reluctantly I gave up
my full-time job but now but now you can imagine the thrill and excitement of going to work full-time on my fortune it was incredible but I want you to jot down the magic of part time what does it take to really change a person's lifestyle not very much an extra thousand a month I'm telling you will drastically change most American families lifestyle and that's why part time is so valuable because it very quickly changes a person's lifestyle and here's what the change in lifestyle does it's a great recruiting tool one of the greatest recruiting attractions
is the money you make part-time somebody said you've been on three vacations this year suggest I got this little part-time thing going says what's that you bought two new cars one for you and one for her how did you do that said I got this little part-time thing going your kids have got all these new clothes yes all this stuff is happening what is it an extra thousand a month see a thousand a month full-time nobody wants to hear your story a thousand a month part times it starts to change your lifestyle everybody wants to
hear your story so the key is part time the magic and the attraction of part time gives you a classic invitation for somebody to listen to what you're doing that's changing your life and it's not just necessarily the money that changes your life it's what you do with the money it's the change of lifestyle so part time helps to change lifestyle which gives you a classic invitation to look at what you're doing that's how I started in network marketing age 25 Wow these philosophies change my life I wish I would have learned him in high
school in high school if they would have offered wealth one wealth two I'd have taken both classes I wouldn't have waited until I was 25 and broke here's the next one philosophy that helped change my life it's not what happens that determines your life future it's not what happens that determines your life future it's what you do about what happens all of us are in like a little sailboat and it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination it's the set of the sail so Chuck this phrase down it's one of the best
to understand kids need to understand it the same wind blows on us all the same wind blows on us all the wind of disaster the wind of opportunity the wind of change the wind when it's upside down the wind when it's favorable and unfavorable the same wind blows on us all the economic wind the social wind the political wind the same wind blows on everybody the difference in where you arrive in one year three years five years the difference in arrival is not the blowing of the wind but the set of the same and that's
what learning is all about to set a better sale this year than last year to set a better sale the first six years of my economic life I wanted up bro second six years I wanted up rich you say well the Democrats must have finally gotten power no no no it was not a political change here's what changed the second six years of my economic life it was my philosophy that changed the set of the sale of better thinking correcting the errors of the past and picking up new disciplines with the future that's all I
had to do at the end of the first six correct the errors of the past and then pick up some new disciplines for the future and my total life changed the second six years was totally different than the first six of my working life and guess who can do that any body now you can keep on the same path for the next couple of years as you have the past too but if you wish to if you wish to and maybe everything's okay for you and you don't need to but if you need to make
some changes I'm telling you can start doing it today so that the next two years will be drastically different than the last two and anybody who wishes to do that can and you can do it between ages 40 and 43 you can between ages 13 and 50 you can do it between ages 60 and 62 any two years any five years that you wish to drastically change from the previous five you can do it if you wish to now this is not the this is this isn't written this is not a law here's what it's
called opportunity but if you don't know you can change if you don't know you can drastically change your income change your future change your health change your marriage change everything if you don't know that some people then go year after year after year after year not making much change simply because they didn't get to the class they never read the book they never went to the seminar they never made the discovery they didn't seek for the knowledge of how could I make my life better and if you just rock along I'm telling you it's okay
anybody can live any way they choose but I'm here to tell all of you that if you wish to it's possible to make the next three years totally different than the last three and all you have to do is just a few things so we got that one now it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your income it's not the blowing of the wind that determines your fortune it's the set of the same and that's why we gathered here today maybe I've got some ideas it'll help you with a couple of little things
about setting the sale of your thinking that might drastically give you multiplied more benefit the next three years than you've gotten in the last three so it's not what happens what happens happens to everybody Chevron years ago brought me in to talk to management they said mr. owned you travel around the world and you're fairly knowledgeable what do you think the next 10 years are going to be like I said gentlemen I can tell you I do know the right people though they all lean forward and listen carefully and it's the gentleman the next 10
years are going to be about like the last 10 the next season after fall is what I promise you that's not gonna change after day comes and I promise you that's not gonna change here's how the last 6,000 years reads if you want to make a note of Jim Rowan's vision of history the last six thousand years here's how it reads opportunity mixed with difficulty and if we're around another six thousand years it's going to read like that looks like for the next six thousand years opportunity mixed with difficulty now sometimes there seems to be
more opportunity than difficulty and then sometimes there seems to be more difficulty than opportunity but the mix isn't going to change after expansion comes recession but after recession comes expansion not to think so see is naive and once you've got just a little of this stuff settled then you know exactly what to do you know exactly what to anticipate so you can be ready now here's the next one and I heard it in my invitation here's what it says for things to change you have to change I was hoping the government would change and taxes
would change and economics would change and my boss would change and be more generous I wish for everything to change and my teacher said no mr. Owen for things to change for you you have to change don't wish it was easier wish you were better once I understood this this altered the course of my life don't wish it was easier wish you were better and here's the big one don't wish for less problems wish for more skills you don't need less problems you simply need more skills don't wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom
accept the challenge because you can't grow without a challenge you can't get rich without a challenge you can't fly without gravity you have to understand the challenge but that's the key is to now develop wisdom to overcome the challenge don't wish for less challenge but more wisdom and then here's one more philosophy to help change my life forever you can do the most remarkable things no matter what happens humans can do the most remarkable things no matter what happens philosophies that change my life here's one of the big philosophies I learned in network marketing it's
called the law of averages if you do something often enough a ratio will appear key phrase if you do something often enough a ratio will appear it's amazing it's uncanny in baseball we call it batting average if you talk to ten people one says yes now the ratio has begun one out of ten talk to ten get one here's something interesting about the law of averages once it starts it tends to continue this is colossal information once a ratio starts it tends to continue if you talk to ten and get one sure enough chances are
excellent if you talk to ten more you'll get another one talk to ten more you'll get another now you can compete if you could only get one out of ten you can compete even with somebody that can get nine out of ten if you've been here a long time you can get nine out of ten I just joined I can only get one out of ten if we have a 30 day contest I will beat you say oh how could you beat me here's why during that 30 days you talk to ten and get nine
I talked to one hundred and get ten I beat you isn't that clever this is ever stuff and I'd do it for two reasons I sincerely wish to win but I'd do it for another very sincere reason I wish for you to lose and that's Noble on my part here's why it's Noble you learn more by losing than you do by winning so I wish to give you that experience now here's how I do it once I understand the law of averages when I'm new I make up in numbers what I lack in skill I
make up in numbers what I lack in skill now who can do that anybody that's ambitious anybody with a little ingenuity anybody doesn't matter now here's one more the law of averages can be increased you get 1 out of 10 top to 10 get another talk to 10 get another the fourth time you talk to 10 you get 2 why would the 4th time you talk to 10 you get 2 instead of 1 you're getting better you're getting better and who can get better anybody talk to 10 get to talk to 10 get to finally
talk to 10 get 3 I finally got up to about 3 now it takes more than a genius to go past like three or four but three will do if you bat 300 and baseball they pay you four million dollars a year which means you're out seven times out of ten seven times out of ten out make four million dollars a year are you ready for that so this works so well now in your business just drop the phrase down you don't have to bat a thousand you don't have to about a thousand to make
big money one out of ten is fine two out of tens terrific three out of ten fabulous some particular incredible genius might get four out of ten but three out of ten is sufficient to make you rich beyond your wildest imagination this is how I went after my friends neighbors and relatives when I first started recruiting I said look I've got a new business and I'm getting about three out of ten to join and I don't mind you just come to the meeting and be one of the seven you're my friend you'll do me a
favor and so it's not important to me that you like it's not important to me that you join it's certainly not important to me that you buy it's just important to me that you listen one of the reasons though I want you to hear the story is because a year from now if I'm doing well I don't want you to say how come you never picked up the phone a year ago I never got a letter never got a call you called me a friend you're making all this money you never picked up the phone
so I don't want that to happen so for two reasons I want you to see what I'm doing so the year from now if I'm doing well I can say you know I gave you the opportunity but also just as a favor come and be one of the seventy it doesn't matter to me if you buy your job but I need ten to get three and if you're one of the three wonderful if you're not wonderful it doesn't it might matter to you it might matter to you but it doesn't matter to me now it
matters to me because we're friends but it doesn't matter in terms of my averages so if you decide to get rich just learn the law of averages you're off and running now here's the second law that changed my life forever in network marketing I learned the law of sowing and reaping and in the law of sowing and reaping is also the story of the law of averages jot this down the story of the sower comes from the Bible I'm an amateur in the Bible but this is such a useful story here's what the story says
and take the notes because the dramas in the details the sower was ambitious evidently he was ambitious when you read the whole story you'll conclude yes this was an ambitious sower here was number two he had excellent seed the sower who sowed the seed had excellent seed and the excellent seed could be an excellent opportunity in excellent product an excellent story so we've got an ambitious or with excellent seed but now here's the rest of the details of the story for your information for the drama of your life so you can understand things better learning
some of this is how I got rich by age 31 okay number one it says the store goes out to sow the seed but the first part of the seed falls by the wayside the birds get it so jot this down the birds are going to get some of the seed the birds are going to get some of the seed now you say well mister what does that mean well I invite John to come to a meeting he said he'd be there Tuesday night Tuesday night I show up John isn't there I say John I
wonder why John didn't make it now I know the answer the birds the birds John had this great idea of coming to the meeting to look at an opportunity and somebody stole it and said you're not gonna go see network marketing and he says well maybe not so have you jot that down now the birds are gonna get some now when the birds get some you've got two options number one is to chase birds and say well let me get a hold of the person that talked him out to come to the meeting I'll tear
him a new page but I wouldn't do this here's what happens if you go chasing birds you leave the field if you go chasing birds now you leave the field which is gonna distract from your future not ad so you can't chase birds and try to straighten this stuff out here's what it is it's just one of those things and here's the best comment when things are a little disappointing isn't that interesting he just you just have to say I thought sure he would be there he promised me he promised me but I know it
was the birds and you just have to say isn't that interesting now here's the rest of the story it says the sore kept on sewing see that was the secret to his success he kept on sole and if you keep sewing you can sew more than the birds can get because there aren't enough birds if you keep sewing there are some birds but there's not enough because the law of averages will work for you my mentor taught me said you know mr. on there's only nine or ten real nasty miserable people in the whole world
now he says they move around a lot you know and you're liable but you'll bump into one once in a while but when you bump into one you say there's only nine more like you I can handle that in the whole world okay now here's what else it says the so are now keeps sowing the seed now the seed falls the story says on rocky ground where the soil is shallow and the rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making because you had excellent seed and you were an ambitious seller so
the rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making but here's what it says what happened this time the little seed that falls in the ground starts to grow and the little plant starts to grow but the first hot day it withers and dies it does not an easy thing to watch I finally get John started sure enough three or four days later somebody says boom and he go [Music] he's gone doesn't show up at the second meeting and I say I thought sure John at last a week what happened shut this
down the hot weather is gonna get some and this is not of your making here's what you must say when that happens isn't that what can you do the answer is nothing you say well I'm gonna try to change this I wouldn't take that class you know the Sun comes up in these somebody says why is that I wouldn't spend much time on that dude just let that happen don't go for this why why why stuff I'm giving you the answers here the answer citizens is in the structure and the consequences and in the deal
the answer is in the deal anything beyond that is not worth study how come some just last a little while I wouldn't sign up for that class here's the answer some don't stay you just you just have to jot that down and when some leaves you say that's one of those that don't stay just now you know what category to put them in and you can't solve this now you can't it's like rearranging the seasons you can't fool with that all you can do is cooperate with the way things are set up I didn't set
it up you say well it shouldn't be this way well when you get your own planet you can rearrange this all deal but on this planet you're a guest you got to take it as it comes now here was the secret to the ambitious sower with good seed it said he kept on sowing now here's what he had to do to keep on sewing he had to discipline his disappointment this is a key phrase now to use the rest of your life you must learn to discipline your disappointment because you didn't set up the setup
and some are not gonna stay and that is not of your making now if you make gross errors and you ran them off see that be different now you're responsible for that but if it's in the normal course of things this is the way things are now here's what it says the sower keeps on sowing now it says the seed falls on thorny ground and somebody says well how much of this do you have to go through we'll hang on it's it's not the end of the story now now the little seed falls on thorny
ground and now the little plant starts to grow again but as the little plant starts to grow the thorns choke it to death and it dies so jot this down the thorns are gonna get some and that's not of your making and what are these thorns the story even called these little thorns little cares little distractions little something's who knows what all they are I see John we had a meeting last night you weren't here John says well I can't make every meeting I say why not you're part time he said well the screen door
came off the hinges and you just can't let your house fall apart you got to take some time and fix things up and I can hear the third clip he says some extra trash had piled up in the garage you can't let mountains a trash take over you've got to keep your trash hauled out people who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities people who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities and you feel almost helpless what could I do about that and that's nothing and you say well why is this
I'm asking you not to sign up for that class don't sign up for these why is this class it's just the way it is like winter following fall and spring following it so if you got that the thorns are gonna get some but now here's the good news let's read the rest of the story now quickly the sore now what keeps on so in the sea keeps on sharing the story keeps on giving an invitation yes the invitation can be more powerful for me as it was one year later than it was the first the
first month because now I'm saying I'm making twice as much money part time as I'm making them an old up game yes the story can be more powerful but the law of average is still going to work but now here's what the story said finally the seed falls on good ground finally the seed falls on good ground now put this in parentheses it always will if you keep sowing if you share a good idea long enough it will fall on good people but now here's the rest of that story some of the good ground did
30% and some of the good ground did 60% and some of the good ground did 100% you say why the difference in numbers I wouldn't sign up for that class go on have I said that often enough now don't register for that class it's just the way it is now I tried to get the 30s to do 60 found out it was more than I could handle I used to say I'll make them successful if it kills me I almost died no you can't do that here's what you do let the 30s do 30 to
the best of their ability and keep doing 30 because that's how they build their lifestyle and get what they want out of life and let the 60s do 60 and let the 100's do 100 now how can you get some to do a hundred percent you've got to go through all these experiences and you got to talk to all these people let me quickly give you now a list of the skills that changed my life forever developing a new philosophy that I could do it in my network marketing experience now led me to developing new
skills right a new how to milk cows but didn't pay well here's the first skill I learned to change my life getting a customer making a sale and course sales for you is easy alright because it's not technical right the technicals all taken care of you simply represent your product if you share a unique product talk about its merits persuade someone that it's the best they agree to buy that's the simple art of sales but in your business here's what it's more like sharing because using the product yourself gathering some testimonials you simply share that
so we're not talking like high-powered spacecraft technical skills here it's simply sharing something you've discovered with someone else and doing it well enough to where they agreed they would like to participate now here's what happened when I learned sales it multiplied my income by five now it didn't take that much because I wasn't doing that well in farm country but it did multiply my income by five sales getting customers laying that incredible foundation for an entrepreneurial career so now I've got two skills milking cows and making sales here's the next one I learned to change
me forever and it's recruiting introducing the business opportunity to new people learning how to give a good invitation learning how to give two kinds of presentation formal and informal and the third part of recruiting of course is following up once you start a new life now you got to take care of it like a new mother would take care of her baby you don't start a new life and abandon it you start a new life and nourish it like a mother protected like a father you've got to be both mother and father to a new
person nourishment ideas like a mother protection help defend your new life against the encroachment of outside voices that would try to talk them out of it so you got to be mother and father in this art of recruiting we call it being a sponsor and being a sponsors like being a bridge helping somebody from darkness to light from skeptic to faith from not knowing to knowing from no confidence in themselves to starting to gain confidence you're the bridge that helps people from the shadows to the sunlight it's one of the most exciting positions to occupy
in all of network marketing industry is the bridge helping people crossing the bridge out from discouragement into recognition being this bridge that's what the recruiting magic is all about you've got the answers they've been looking for the answers you've got the answers and you help them cross this bridge you see something in them before they can see it in themselves you assure them that it's possible to be more than they are therefore they can earn more than they've got have more than they possess this is one of the great arts in the world and here's
what's exciting about this art it pays big money because now you operate a unique philosophy taught first in the Bible John Kennedy taught it in his inaugural speech Zig Ziglar got one of the best ways to put it and that's the secret to wealth the secret to wealth and fortune first taught in the Bible because the question was asked how can we achieve greatness great wealth great power great influence great recognition great self-esteem how can we achieve greatness the master teacher was asked and here was his formula for achieving personal greatness he said find a
way to serve the many for service to many leads to greatness for those that are interested some people aren't interested but for those that are service to many leads to greatness someone says well best I can do is just take care of myself which is okay but it doesn't lead to greatness somebody says I got enough bills my own I can't worry about someone else's bills that's okay but it doesn't lead to greatness greatness is helping people pay their bills you forget about yours because if you help enough people pay there's yours disappear help people
with problems your problems disappear the key to greatness the master teacher talk is finding a way now a lot of people would like to serve many people but they don't have a way and what's exciting about you and your business is you've now got the way whether you use it or not sup to you whether you cash it in or not is up to you whether you make a fortune or just a little that's all up to you each person's ambition it's called the same marketing the same product this products are the same for everybody
here the marketing system is the same the difference is each person's philosophy and each person's individual ambition but whatever your ambitions are now you've got the ways and means and here's what you've got the ways and means to do serve as many people as you would like now here's what's exciting about recruiting with what you're involved in here you can directly and indirectly affect the lives of dozens of people some of you are going to directly and indirectly affect the lives of hundreds of people and some of you if you wish can directly and indirectly
affect the of thousands of people and the pay is accordingly if you affect a few you earn that pay if you affect the many you earn that pay but the secret is found in the Bible service to many leads to greatness now John Kennedy said it in his inaugural speech here's what he said don't ask don't we wish that was the current political philosophy where is John Kennedy and his philosophy John Kennedy said don't ask that's important if you understand philosophy he said don't ask what the people can do for you don't ask what the
country can do for you don't ask what the government can do for you that's not how you get rich that's not how you have high self-esteem that's not how you get trophies to put on the mantle above the fireplace asking what the people can do for you don't ask he said what the people can do for you but ask what could I do for my country and the country means the people what could I do for the people I want trophies I want recognition I want high self-esteem I would even like like a chance to
make a fortune John Kennedy says it's easy don't ask what the people can do for you but ask what could I do for the people could I directly and indirectly serve many in my country and now that you are participating in this program the answer is yes now Zig probably said it best SIG's got some great Zig and I have been good friends for a lot of years Zig says money isn't everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen Zig you're right Zig says my dentist told me Zig only floss the teeth you want
to keep you know forget the rest but here Zig is famous for this now this is one of zigs philosophies and it goes right along with the other two the Bible and John Kennedy here's what Zig says if you help enough people get what they want you can have everything you want if you help enough people get what they want you can have everything you want now wanting everything you want we call that self-interest but it's it's okay to have self-interest if you do it in a positive way by helping enough people get what they
want you can have everything you want now you can accomplish all that by learning this next skill called recruiting and I learned it and it made me fortunes so now I've got three skills Milkin cows making sales and recruiting here's the next skill I learned that paid big money organizing once you got a few get him to work together see and that's magic getting people to work together is magic now yes it's challenging like having some you know several members of your family getting them to work together is challenging but it's magic getting husband or
wife to work together it's challenging but it's magic when it happens but everything magic is challenging just got it out and jot that down everything magic is challenging but once you figure out the challenge and go for it then the magic occurs let me tell you how magic how magical people working together is let me quote the Bible again it says if two or three agree on a common purpose nothing is impossible just try that on for your mental size if two or three agree on a common purpose nothing is impossible everybody's looking for a
challenge here's what I teach you especially the kids here's the best challenge in the world let's go do it not you go do it let's go do it if two or three of us decide on a common purpose to do it nothing's impossible incredible working together organizing now when everybody is an independent now it's a little more challenging like having kids they've each got their own opinions they've each got their own ambitions and desires it's challenging you've got a variety but that's what makes life the variety and it is in your business it is challenging
getting people to work together it's like herding cats you know sheep are easy sheep are easy but you gotta try caps herding cats but if you can possibly get it done the power is so immense when you get people to work together here's one of the powers of working together shared testimonials if I've got somebody new and you're there and I'm there I give them my testimonial you give your testimonial maybe what tips the scales and getting me a new person is not my testimonial but my partner's testimonial somebody I'm working with their testimonial got
him shared testimonials are so powerful that's why getting working together is okay it is powerful now working by yourself is okay all this stuff is okay everybody needs to know though where are the advantages and these are some of the advantages I learn to organize paid big money here's what I next learn to do promote promotion now pays staggering money now the company comes up with what we call major promotions here's what you've got to come up with the smaller promotions the company comes up with major recognition you've got to come up with small recognition
for your people around you the top five the company's got top five you've got your own top five in maybe two or three categories top five top five top five and those little recognitions to reach certain levels in the company you have to take major steps but for you recognition let them take small steps here's one of the secrets of your kind of business rewarding people for small steps of progress rewarding people sometimes it's just recognition handshake pat on the back Mary you're doing a fabulous job and you figure out what those recognitions are small
steps of progress guess what promotion paste if you learn it well big money getting people to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do by themselves people will do some unique things about themselves but if you can figure out a way to say marry if you do this and this she says well I'll go for it now she wouldn't have thought of that on her own here's what works magic gets better than money money is a bit unimportant here's what's important ingenuity the best place to wake up your ingenuity is what you're doing right now representing a
unique product and getting customers recruiting distributors and promoting and all the stuff ingenuity figuring out a way if it doesn't work this way will work another way I use my ingenuity made a fortune my ingenuity worked on doing all these campaigns the spring campaign and the summer campaign in the winter campaign this week we're gonna recruit schoolteachers how many of you got how many of you got school this is school teacher week it's Google teacher month I pick out a little category and say let's go for it and it doesn't matter what it is just
dream up something so that somebody's got a little more objective to go for than just their own key phrase we all need to belong to something bigger than ourselves because we furnish inspiration for what's bigger and the bigger produces inspiration for us I learned promotion and it paid big money here's next I learned communication how to conduct a meeting I learned identification logic and reason attack and confess solution simple deals on communication wasn't easy for me at first I stood up to give my first presentation my mind sat back down right y'all been through that
open my mouth nothing came out for a while but here's what I did I did it again just jot that phrase down I did it again that's the secret to how I got here thirty-five forty years later it's how I got here I did it once it was uncomfortable that first presentation was so lousy if I hadn't have been doing it I'd have gone home it was not that good but here's the secret to how I got here I did it again and then I did it again and then I did it again and I
did it again I remember when I first decided to be a little more animated right and walk out away from the podium right get out from just behind the podium so I got out there and then I thought how do you get back well I'm stranded out here remember those times doing something for the first time but you learn quickly in your business right in your business a guy stands up to give his first testimonial and he's so nervous he forgets his own name right in 30 days later he wants to give a 3-hour testimonial
right we hardly get him off the stage so learn communication how to affect other people with words that's the greatest arts in the world to learn how to affect other people with words key phrase don't be lazy in language if you learn to use the gift of your own language wisely it can make you a fortune and build an incredible life here's three other things I learned one is to Train training people how the business works and then I've used another word called teach train and teach and only to say this training people how the
business works teaching is how life works because here's what all of us need for the 21st century business skills and life skills the life skills are leadership skills the life skills are learning how to set goals now here's the ultimate skill to learn that can transform your life and the life of whoever will listen the ability to inspire inspire means help people to look up a little higher than where they are and wish they could get there and inspire them that it's possible here's how we inspire by our own testimonial if I can do it
you can do it here's how as we inspire by others testimonial if they can do it Mary you can do getting people to see themselves better than they are getting people to see themselves richer than they are getting people to see themselves more capable next year than they are this year getting to see themselves in the future to help both your kids and your people here's what you must learn to do number one help people to see themselves as they are if people have made mistakes they got to know it you can't go on making
mistakes and hope to achieve mistakes have to be corrected and you've got to do it with your children help them to see themselves as they are if they've messed up here's what you've got to say you've messed up but here's what's important as a parent don't leave them in the mess some parents you know tell their kids they've messed up and then they leave them in the mess they don't paint a better picture here's what you could become with just a couple of more changes rather than this here's what you could be so we must
help our children see themselves as they are but here's the greatest gift to help our children see themselves better than they are to transport them not only past to see their mistakes but transport them to the future to see their opportunity to see the person they can become my mentor had that greatest gift to help me to see myself better than I was at first it was difficult to see then I started to believe and that's how I got here today he said one of these days mr. Owen you'll walk into a room full of
people and you will hear some of them say that's him that's the famous man I said well that could never happen to me he said trust me if you keep working hard on the disciplines that you're doing right now that'll happen you'll walk into a room full of people and you'll hear one say that's him that's the famous man he saw it and he tried to get me to see it and now finally it's happened I think when I walked in here today I think I heard someone say that's him that's the famous man for
that but 4v and if it can happen for me it can happen for you just master these skills to inspire here's what else I learned the skills of building an organization learn to work with the people who deserve it not the people who need it you must be like life itself respond to deserve not to need it doesn't say if you need you will have a harvest it doesn't say if you need a harvest you'll have a harvest it's not what it says it says if you plant chances are good you'll have a harvest if
you plant you will reap not if you need you will reap so we must be like life itself respond to the people who deserve it by planting by taking the first step even God himself says if you move toward me I'll move toward you that's the condition you move toward me I'll move toward you says the Almighty now he could also say you don't move I don't move you say well that's arbitrary well when you're God's you can set it up that way now learn to work with the people who deserve it not the people
who need it now here's what's the next step teach people how to deserve your time teach people how to deserve your attention tease people how to deserve a phone call say Mary you just take this one step and I take two steps you take two steps I take five steps you don't step I don't step but this isn't hard now you step I step you respond I respond you try I try you make a call I back you up right learn to teach people how to deserve your time and your attention next I learn to
work by group more than individual here's why 80% of the people do 20% of the business so 20% of the people you can work with individual 80 percent you have to work with my group but group is very powerful less confrontational then here's what's important for all of you to learn as a sponsor helping other people you can help a thousand but you can't carry three on your back you can help a thousand but you can't carry three on your back and I'm sure all of you have already gotten that experience even though you've been
here a short time some people will try to get on your back that's where we got that expression get off what that's where we got that a guy discovered somebody on his back and said what I can't carry you get now if you're like some I see here you know six foot four and you weigh 300 pounds you might carry one and if if you were really big enough Kareem abdul-jabbar or something you might carry two but you can't carry three when babies are born they were not designed just to be carried babies were not
born to be carried all their life someday you've got to try your legs someday you got to try your wings someday you've got to try even if you fall down you got to try cuz you can't just crawl around all your life you can't be carried all your life so as quickly as possible you can help a thousand but you can't carry three next don't expect the para tree to bear apples I used to try to change everything you can hang apples on a pear tree I'm telling it won't help you can put up a
sign this is an apple tree sure enough come to season pears here's what I learned you cannot change people but they can change themselves you cannot change people but they can change themselves incredible capital in your business isn't what matters okay it's not the money that buys you a future it's your skills that buy you a future money and no skills and I'm telling you're still poor money and no ambition where are you money and no courage you're broke a little bit of money and a whole lot of courage that's all we need I'm looking
for people and I'm recruiting back in those days the money didn't matter what mattered to me was somebody's willingness somebody's ingenuity somebody's willingness to try right if they had a dollar to invest that was plenty for me a dollar and some ambition and I can show you how to get rich and it'll be one of the classic stories of the company I go to recruit somebody they say I don't have any money see I've been looking for you for six months let me show you how to do it without any money because here's the rules
of capitalism got this down you can either buy and sell or if you're in certain circumstances you can sell and buy if you've got ambition now if you haven't got ambition we can't cure that and money won't cure lack of ambition but if you've got a dollar in some ambition I'll show you how to get rich and even if you don't have a dollar I'll show you how to get rich because you can sell and buy somebody says as soon as the product arrives I'll sell it then you don't understand you don't understand the magic
of fortune if you say I have to wait till it gets here to sell it and you probably don't understand the value of your own story once I understood that I knew I was gonna be wealthy that's why I write in the beginning I started giving big tips I knew I was gonna be wealthy say wow this guy tips like a rich man that's right the tips like a rich man even in the beginning I tipped like a rich man because I knew I was going to be isn't this fun so jot these phrases down
as I close number one the greatest value in life is not a bank account the greatest value in life is not a car a home to live in the greatest value in life is this make a note living a good life in the midst of all of our achieving and recruiting and building and growing helping other people being a part of society in the country in the world being all of the stuff here's what you must figure out all of your life how to continually live a good life so let me give you my short
list I'll cover the long list the next time I see you here's the short list on a good life number one productivity if you don't produce you won't be happy here's number two good friends the greatest support system in the world is good friends you got to work on that don't be careless here friends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you here's next spirituality I'm not asking you to be a believer I am a believer that humans are more than an advanced form in the animal kingdom I'm a believer
that we're a special creation I don't ask you to be a believer but here's what I do ask if you are a believer here's what you must do study practice and teach whatever is valuable to you study practice and teach repeat it after me now again study practice and teach here's why it builds the foundation that builds the country that builds the nation that helps us to compete among the nations of the world in the 21st century and this is one of those subjects to study practice next my parents taught don't miss anything don't miss
the game don't miss the performance don't miss the show the movie don't miss the words we're all inspired by the words Elton John says she lived her life like a candle in the wind never knowing who to cling to when the rings said here you can't miss those lyrics you can't miss the music you can't miss the song that nourish the soul you can't describe how brief and fragile life is much better than that George Harrison one of the Beatles sings if not for you the winter would hold no spring couldn't hear a Robin saying
I just wouldn't have a clue if not for you you got to remember the word the words that reflect the experience Barbra Streisand sings it used to be so natural to talk about forever but used to bees don't count anymore they just lay on the floor till we sweep them away you don't sing me love songs you don't say you need me and you don't bring me flowers any movie illustrative of all of our experiences Winston Churchill said the truth is incontrovertible malice may attack it and ignorance made to ride it but in the end
there it is you got to use that feast on someone else's Commons because see you could stay up all night not think of that I'm asking you to do your research I'm asking you don't miss anything don't miss the play when my father was 93 just before he died if you would have called him at 10:30 11 o'clock at night he wouldn't be home he's at the rodeo and he's watching the kids play softball he's at church he's watching the concert somewhere every night my parents taught me that don't miss anything even little small things
don't miss the big things don't miss don't miss don't miss it's part of living a good life here's why jot this phrase down it'll serve you well forever if you live well you will earn well if you live well it'll show up in the texture of your voice if you live well it'll show up in your face if you live well it'll show up in the magnetism of your personality if you live well so don't miss the nourishment of all the things around you that could help you live a good life next is the inner
circle take care of them they'll take care of you inspire them they will inspire you nothing more valuable than the inner circle that's where the power to conquer the where the world comes from the inner circle if a father walks out of the house and he can steal all day long feel his daughters kiss on his face he's a powerful man nourishment of the inner circle is so incredible if a husband walks out of the house and all day long he feels the imprint of his wife's arms around his body he's invincible who can touch
it one person caring for another the older the old prophet said is the greatest rate if there's many virtues and values but the greatest is love one person caring for another better to live a live in a tent aunt with someone you love than to live in a mansion do sell people caring for people and especially that inner circle where the power is so magnificent that if you draw from it if you nourish it and then it nourishes you now here's my last comment ask for God's help we could all use a little help but
my whole seminar was what you can do a man took a rock pile turned it into fabulous garden somebody came and saw it and said you know you and the good Lord have this fabulous garden here the gardener said I understand your point but you should have seen it a few years ago when God had it all by himself so we do play a part so make this the last note now we have a chance as human beings to participate in the miracle process we have a chance as human beings to participate in the miracle
process and you can go do that every day as often as you wish changing somebody's life rescuing somebody from oblivion building an organization second to none so that your name will appear in many people's testimonial and that's why I came today so that by chance I don't need the money that's not why I'm here I take the money but I don't I don't need the money but here's why I'm here by chance perhaps if I've come along at the right time I don't know what time this is for you but if I've come along at
the right time just maybe a week from now a month from now a year from now five years from now you might say Jim Rohn came by and gave us a little piece of information that started me down the road here's what's happened to me and my name might appear in your testimonial now here's the drama as we finish how many of you have my name in your notes here's the part of the drama then I go with you when we all leave here and the lights are out and the place is dark I go
with you because you've taken my notes and hopefully some of the spirit some of the stuff I had besides just the notes so I go with all of you but here's the big drama all of you go with me see that's so unbelievable so as I leave here I promise not to leave you behind I will take you with me and my thoughts and in my heart god bless [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for listening to building your network marketing business with Jim Rohn to receive more information on Jim Rohn
speaking schedule and products please visit his website at WWE and make it your best year ever here's to your success you