have you ever wondered to yourself how do these people make millions of dollars online with their expertise and their knowledge I have with me Eileen Wilder who's a multiple eight figure entrepreneur coach and consultant for other people helping them start their online businesses and really is the queen of offer creation we have something right now we get 100% monetized there is money in what you know do I know something that would be very beneficial to the 5 years ago version of myself I probably made over a thousand offers probably at this point over the internet
I said words and someone pulled out their credit card put it in and then sent me money and my life changed Forever at the end of this conversation people are literally going to have million-dollar business ideas when were you exposed to like charging more money for stuff like you went from $27 and you just told me a dinner you you charge 100K for something when this happens for everyone listening this is like Eileen thank you so much for being back on the podcast so pumped to be here Omar I think let's see I want I
want to get the right number cuz like you know people do stuff you did a podcast with me one of the First episodes in the hallway in the hallway of a conference you're like you know what Omar you you don't have a real podcast yet but I'm going to do it anyway and uh do it now what what episode was that that was like it was like episode 6 or something like that so Crush you're back on the podcast and you um here we go right hereis five episode five yeah which 14,000 views which is
really good for a fifth than for having me Omar then and now yeah um and you know it number one it was always cool to just see it's always cool to see your journey and I by the way I steal a lot of what you're doing because I I hop into your funnels and I take your challenges and I'm just like in the room just seeing what you're doing so fun steal away oh yeah and so yeah thank you for being back so fun um over the course of uh coaching and Consulting entrepreneurs sometimes people
C categorize themselves as entrepreneurs and sometimes content creators yes right and that and content creators are sometimes entrepreneurs yes and sometimes entrepreneurs really aren't entrepreneurs um for whatever reason you know maybe they don't have something to sell maybe they don't profit or something I don't know right what I will say though is most of them know that there's money to be made online accurate and that's just where they're at that's it that's it that's all they know that's all they know they know other people are doing it you know uh sounds nice yeah but how
do you do it but how do you do it and and I know you I mean you're like the offer Queen you help people craft what is what offers are we can talk about what oh my what the heck is even an offer right right right what is that yeah that's such an interesting point because when I first came into this game I don't think guy even knew that you really could make money online that was still a new idea for me and I remember sitting in the back of a conference with my friend who
like I was so broke that she paid for my ticket to be there and hearing people like talk about the internet and like making money online and I was just like what is going on right now like I didn't even associate the internet with a place of like livelihood or you could have a job or work off your laptop like that was all new sauce to me not that long ago so I completely understand anyone who that's or even who's even aware of it but then how do you do it so yeah I'd love to
talk and what would you say is like a good qualifier to know that like well and I know maybe anyone can make money online that's probably true but like in the realm of making money with your expertise or your knowledge what would be the qualification that somebody could do I know something that would be very beneficial to the five years ago version of myself is there something sitting on is there a skill set I know uh an ability to encourage people a shortcut a framework tips something that I could pay forward to the person behind
me that's like five years ago version of yourself that's really good so I love to have people like U marinate in their magnificence and so often we're just unaware of how powerful the stuff that we know is that's what that's that's the biggest Gap is where a not aware of the opportunity but then B not very aware that we have something right now we could 100% monetized you know it's like there is money in what you know and but then it comes like how do I how can I quantify that how can I become more
aware of my magnificence than to me is the next question you know so then what's the answer to that question yes so start there um I remember being in this conference and they were like make money online and package up your expertise and they talked about these words called info products where you could make a course or like a I don't know like a digital video training I'm like this sounds amazing I remember walking around the hallway like not really thinking it wasn't connecting for me and it wasn't like not really thinking I had anything
that was super secret sauce and then I was talking to this person it was a girl and she was like yeah you know I was like what do you do she's like yeah I'm a life coach and I was like what yeah life coach and she's like yeah like I help people with their life you know like like their habits they're like where sometimes people are she's like telling me she's like some people are stuck and they just need someone and it was like in that conversation in the hallway that I was like oh my
gosh like for 20 years that is what I've been doing as a pastor is helping people get unstuck and I've been coaching them and the idea that that was called something out in the market called life coaching was the big aha for me wow that's so good so for like everyone listening there is a thing with a name that somebody out there is like monetizing exactly what it is that you're doing right now and and and the missing ingredient is could be just by you not giving it a name yeah you don't like you just
don't know like you don't know what you don't know I was like Hey so like how much do life coaches make like I was trying to be like real casual like what does that look like like how could I start charging people for my knowledge you know so you just don't know what it's called something but people are out there doing it every day you know so good yeah okay there is something that I see come up in the with a lot of the people I help yeah is that their five years ago me was
something they did but didn't maybe enjoy and so now they want to make money online okay and sell some level of coaching okay with something they they haven't been known for or maybe good at for a long time yes and and it's a lot of times because they're they're not as they're not as pumped about the thing that they've been doing all this time okay got it okay yeah sometimes when you're getting started like it really depends on your goals right like it's kind of like do I want to make money right now and then
sometimes if you want to make money right now you may need to teach or coach or package up something that could really help somebody let me give you an example there's people that I know have been like through um difficult childbirth and they make a course or somebody who like lost weight and they make a program or like one of my clients like helps people ride horses better and it's not like the thing that they want to be known for long term but it's just like it's it's your goals like what do you want to
do if you want to make money right now like what could you package up but then what but could I kind of earn while I learn that's really good to get to where I'm into the place where I'm teaching and I'm coaching and I'm speaking or I'm doing exactly what I really want to do long term that's exactly what I did that's really good it's just like deciding that this thing that's in me I can help people right now with it and what people can't see is like to be the authority you do need to
like kill it at that one thing 100% I think about our friend Neo yeah like he helped people with event spaces yes like that's not like a sexy thing to me you're like and this dude's speaking at crazy conferences he's looked at as like the community leader like and it all started with just helping people with something very specific absolutely I mean I when I first got started Omar I had a I went home from this conference and I created a $27 video series on how to be more confident it was the one thing that
I felt I knew I could teach and charging $27 scared me like out of my mind but it's like what do you know that you know that you know that you know that you could share with with somebody online yeah people will pay for them which is amazing how then how did you get people to buy that yeah I went out on Facebook and I created a which is so this is GNA make you laugh but I created a challenge I had never heard the word challenge wow I was like I want to do like
a challenge this is like before I yeah I knew anything about anyway and I did I did a challenge and so for 21 days I had people uh you probably find it on YouTube sub coming to my free challenge and after 21 videos then I did my invitation to my $29 video series I thought it was going to be a millionaire I'm happy to go into how I did not make a million dollars off 29 but but I started it was it was it was like I did though Omar when I still remember the day
the stripe like a notification came in that I had sold the I think it was $27 video course wow and my life changed forever yeah all it takes is one it I was like the fact that like over the internet I said words and someone pulled out their credit card put it in and then sent me money couldn't believe it so cool yeah no and I I feel I felt the same way I mean I made a preset that a preset pack apply this to your photos it was $25 Y come on and um I
the way I got it to people is I just made a tutorial on how to edit photos and make them look professional okay so that was kind of like the lead into and then I was like by the way I'm using my presets you there's presets all over the internet but I'll link mine down in the description below and in the first you know I mean I think it was awesome but yeah in the in the first like summer of that video it paid for six months worth of my mortgage you know what I'm saying
like I made I made like I mean my mortgage was like 500 bucks because it was 800 bucks and we always had somebody renting this is marketing by the way see that that phrase made you go wow yeah but it was $800 mortgage we had somebody renting a room for three so it only cost us $500 to you know pay our mortgage but it was like it was like 5800 bucks over a summer off of a digital product this is what we're calling the offer was a digital product meaning I didn't have to ship anything
right and people were getting an immediate you know uh like a tool that allowed them to make their stuff better when this happens for everyone listening this is like a it's like walking through the Wardrobe of The Chronicles of r yeah like you like go through the world it's like you can never not see it again because then it's like this evidence file gets created that another world exists where I can create for my imagination something that it did not exist and now it exists it was not there and now it's there and I can
earn money and make a living and even create massive wealth from your mind that you can't it's unreal like I I think another another thing is and that's why it's so important to just go and do the thing yeah cuz there's no other way for you like and I'm realizing there's a people waiting for somebody to see who just the thing wow so like I told you I used this space for a podcast and I didn't have this space before and I didn't have a podcast and so I get a space I start a podcast
and then the podcast does really well and then I'm like you know I have this space I should probably do workshops yeah and so I've been doing these like two-day workshops charging five grand for them people are coming and it's people see it and they're like I want to now I'm going to plan coming on the next one but like the workshop was just something that I just thought of would be a great idea like I mean why not have people come to Vegas we wine and dine and I'll give you game and I will
even shoot content so you can go home with some stuff it's like it was cool but but it just all came from here from your head but it until I like actually did it it's the weirdest sensation and it's I still can't get over it yeah no so good so and then when were you exposed to like charging more money for stuff like you went from $27 and you just told me at dinner oh yeah you charged 100K for something yeah yeah hey Department fan wanted to take a brief break from this conversation I hope
you're enjoying it as much as I am and the first thing I wanted to talk about is that did you know that 75% of the people that watch this podcast on YouTube actually aren't subscribed which is a high chance that you're not subscribed so number one I want to say thank you for listening or watching the podcast and number two if you can hit that subscribe button that would be amazing the second thing is if you are an entrepreneur content creator or somebody looking to make money online I want to encourage you to come to
this online event called the content to cash challenge this is a special 5-day event that's going to give you access to the system I use in my business to make multiple six figures with my content if you've been Desiring to either get your business and brand more exposure grow a YouTube channel whatever it is when it comes to video I would encourage you to jump into the content to cash challenge we'll be sure to post the link to the challenge down in the show notes or the description and I want to encourage you to jump
into the VIP experience this will give you access to a 1-hour Q&A call every day of the challenge this will guarantee myself to answer a personalized question you may have so I'll see you on the content to cast challenge now let's jump back into the conversation well it was at this same conference that the um host made an offer at the end for a coaching program that was um over $20,000 and it was a very first time that I had ever heard of a high a high ticket offer yeah sold from stage and I watched
Omar 600 people get up and go sign up for that program and it and I started just doing the math you know like like like just and you know you're just I don't even you don't have words like you're like okay these 600 people and then and excited to do it it wasn't even like they were unhappy about it or like had a lot of questions they were and I I was like I wanted to sign up to be a part of the offer that's the very first time I heard of a high ticket offer
saw it sold from stage and then saw the power of what would it be like to charge more what would it would be like to participate in the market that's charging more that was my first time that's really good I I could imagine people are thinking when you say that like dang $20,000 what were they even selling yeah what were they even selling yeah I mean if I when I try to explain it it's like college it's like basically like they were selling college for how to make money online like enroll in this college and
I had that same mentality because I I had already spent a lot of money on college but had never gotten an Roi from college so my mind I was like oh this is like an education type experience so that's kind of how I and I proceeded to renew inside that program like college like I was like I want to get schooled I would like to get schooled please and how to make multi-millions of dollars like I wish I had heard about this earlier can you talk about how important it is to to to do that
with somebody like I mean some people get coached or be some people want to do the thing maybe with not number one they've never seen it done it never paid for somebody else's program and by me doing it it gave me not only all the stuff that I I I was hoping I was going to get right but even more so it gave me the insight to oh okay well he charged this much for this and this is how he chose to create you know fulfill on it I guess you say so it g it
gave me like oh wow it's really just zoom calls and curriculum and a couple events yeah 100% um like once you once you buy something High ticket then you start to you go through the Wardrobe like really you go through the or you know can be low ticket can be high ticket but you start to go inside the world and then you start to see how the world's created so then your mind starts to go like what would I do if I could do if I charge that much like what would my would be the
world that I would create like I would create a studio like you start to build it in your mind after you kind of enter in and start to see it so yeah but tell people what like CU like a lot I would say it should it should it should be a stretch it was so painful I mean I remember so it was $220,000 my husband was Uber driving for those of you who haven't heard our story so he was Uber driving that night that's how we supported our family in 2018 we were transitioning from 20
years past um didn't know really what to do next we were like really just in this place of like we know we know we shouldn't we're not supposed to do this but we didn't know what we should be doing yeah which're is such a funny place to be and you're like looking for answers you know so when they said here's the investment $220,000 where we will show you how to make a million dollars I believed them mhm and and so but you know who did not yet have the opportunity to believe them was my husband
who was not there in the room so you know it's like faith comes by hearing it's like he didn't hear it you know so I'm on the phone with them walking to the back about to give them my credit card I'm like hey babe like I'm gonna sign up for this thing he's like this sounds amazing I was like it's a coaching program he's like is there athletes involved this is like an athletic program I'm like no it's not that kind of Coach so he said well how much is it and I was like it's
$20,000 and he was he was like I don't think this is a good idea but then he said this one line that I never forgot he said but I trust you wow so it was a brand new world going in um but then we jumped in and I made all the money back in the first two months went on to make a million dollars now multi-million dollars we do million dollar days you know it's like I what would have happened if I hadn't invested yeah yeah so that's what people are missing yeah and that's why
I was like the the the concept of like the cost of not doing something that's what changed for me yeah the cost of not doing it yeah so at this point how many offers from then have you like put out there I've fallen I've fallen in love with getting an idea that could help someone to create a program or product or experience that could get someone a result very quickly so I call it like offer creation so the art of off offer creation is wealth creation in my mind so I have made probably hundreds and
hundreds of offers for myself and for my clients I probably made over a thousand offers probably at this point but creating and what that would mean for anyone watching is like creating programs or products or masterminds or VIP days or certifications is a big offer I love to make um which are experiences that will help clients get results quickly that's really what an offer is yeah I love that like I just love that definition yeah um and that's why even personally it's changed how I my approach to helping people because I realize I sometimes I
I tried to help people in a certain way and it wasn't long enough time spent they got something out of it but I'm like I don't know if that was like I think they probably needed more time and so I I'm I'm playing with like you know journeying with people for a year in some aspects of things right but then I'm also seeing uh you like have you know a lot of times your offer will be something that's like no we're just going to go come in person and we're just going to implement the very
thing the very thing yes so my my offers now look a lot like workshops so I I sell a lot of intensives or workshops or what I'm doing is time compression so I I believe that I can get a result very quickly for somebody so if I believe I can get the result really quickly why not do it quickly instead of extending it over a period of time where most humans including myself will lose energy over a long amount of time so if it's six months or eight months or 12 months people can run out
of momentum but they can get massive momentum in an event can you talk about the various environments you can get people in so that they're more inclined to say yes to an offer that makes sense for them AB it's 100% so I mean for those of you like listening can you think back to an event that you went to that really was very memorable like transformative almost I mean I remember being at a YouTu concert years ago and just feeling like being in that atmosphere was Transcendent there was something about the the are you talking
about the sphere well I was I went to I definitely saw the sphere too this was a different tour back um in DC but like there was this moment where he had everybody kind of pull out you know their cell phones and the do the flashlight thing and he starts singing Amazing Grace and it was like what's happening right now it felt like we were like spiraling into this Vortex of like it was just so Transcendent and I say that because there are moments that can happen like that when you create your own room when
you create your own event some would say or even virtual room you know so having your own space in your own room is like you're now you to you're Bono you get to create the experience that you're clients customers are going to have so that different sales environment marketers would call it they call it the sales environment is where not only lives can be transformed but hearts are now open to hear about something that would be of a significant investment to them so I love to say immersion causes conversions so the immersion of the event
not only causes the conversion of the sale that's awesome but that's even not what it's about it's immersion causes conversion of the mind and of false beliefs and of limited mindsets so they leave they come in one way but leave a different way because of the room so good yeah I think becoming someone who is you become more intentional about that room yeah yeah yeah and it's so cool because you can build the room like however you want to do it you know you're in charge it's like your space to teach and transform and and
change lives yeah you know so um can you speak because like yeah you you were in Ministry yeah and a lot of the times Ministry you know church church is and it's not a bad thing and I'm not generalizing I'm literally a pastor so like it's just general observation from the idea that CH like charging a lot of money for something oh is robbing people or doing something to something yeah you're doing something to people like um I don't know like and I and I see the Revelation now and like no it's serving when you
when you you know writefully charge what you feel like is price but can you speak to that like because there a lot of a lot of believers do follow this podcast and they need to break I mean even friends that I'm helping like my friend wants to build like this preaching program and he did yeah and he he keeps it's a default to like trying to Pease as much people as he can as opposed to like dialing in on like bro if you can help like the lead pastors preaching become more sound that affects an
entire church community and you could charge a lot more for that yeah but yeah yeah there's a few tips that really helped me see because a lot of us especially if you come from a Ministry based background or like are a good human in the same like like you just want to help you actually care about people if you're somebody let us know in the comments if that's you you actually care about people like if you're like that you can associate charging people especially Char like a lot of money as doing something harmful or doing
something to to them so there's a couple quick reframes and they go in this order number one when you charge somebody any amount of money especially a high amount you are now serving them at the highest level because you've done you're you've just done the number one thing which is invite their attention so people who pay pay attention I learned that from Russell Brunson so people who pay pay attention so like have you ever bought something Omar like real cheap and then you like you bought it I didn't even open it up you don't and
you like kind of can't remember where it even might be right you're like is there was a stretching online course that was like 30 bucks like to stretch yeah cuz I like dude I need to be more flexible I this is like I need got me got you and then and then you got gotten and then now it's somewhere but you can't even really like you'd have to do some searching right like some like some Gmail like let's search it up let's try to think because and many people don't even ever even find it or
open it or ever log in and that is because the scripture says like where your treasure is there your heart will be also so we do not engage our hearts they do not become even alerted right unless we're paying money yes so it's actually working with the way God's made us because when you've bought something expensive yeah maybe even a I mean like when you purchase something of an significant amount do you know like where it is yeah I I go looking for it like I go looking for it yeah you're like is it here
is it everything that they said was going to be you're very very invested because you're right so understanding I'm working with God's principles when I charge money I think there's a in Proverbs it's say like blessings on the hym of who has corn and sells it right right so the idea of of and and it's so funny because I grew up in church but I never saw a lot of these scriptures until I became an entrepreneur and then you see like Elisha say to the shunamite woman like to go like borrow a bunch of vessels
and then he tells her go sell the oil like it's straight up in the scripture that we should be on our sales game like our sales game is like of interest to God our ability to get an Roi off money is interesting to him and he gives you like props and Street red if you do it yeah and then yells at you if you do not you're right Wicked and lazy yeah so these are all his principles and his ideas but we're just now like catching up you know I think the second thing that tipped
me over was understanding especially when I could offer a premium price and that would let's say like $22,000 or even up to 10 or 20 or higher something they would call High ticket the idea of God's thinking behind that it's like is if you could charge more you could actually help this client so much better correct you could actually get them the result that they're looking for mhm you can do that by hiring support coaches you could do that by taking you could do that by having for me I hire smarter people than me to
come in and teach material so I'm not even the one delivering a lot of my offers I'm just like hey oh good cure it's like curating The Experience so charging a lot of money helps you serve clients at the absolute highest level so so it is about service it is about service yeah and I'm doing a disservice to you if I charge too low yep because I will I will teach you I will train you do not open the thing do not pay attention do not do the homework do not work to get the result
I will train you I will enable you in your dysfunction if I charge too low that's good that's great I love and it is a reframe that people that we need to and it's a journey yes because even I thought this about charging yeah that the more of the price the more I have to give or include yes more in the offer more of me in the offer time yeah it's gonna be that much then dude you got to get everything here is my cell phone number call me at 2 am yeah absolutely which is
which I'm happy to dive into that no one needs to do any of that sauce to charge yeah can you prevent people just prevent yourself from doing these things because it might be an easy thing that we do in the mind to start thinking yeah so the so what's so cool to understand is that when you charge High ticket or when you charge for your knowledge at all people aren't paying to know everything that you know MH they're paying you to know only what they need to know like just tell me like Cliff not it
out for me like Cliff like like give me the simplest simple steps fastest way from A to Z to get me to that end result and often times that doesn't look like you have to spend you have people over your house or or this isn't you don't overwork in that way in fact you actually work less because you're just finding the simple things that they need to get the end result yeah that would you say that it's an insecure part of ourselves that we feel like we need to over deliver and just give give give
and yes that is very common Omar even from like what I call like my fancy pants entrepreneur clients like that that that is a game that needs to be continually rewired it's not more in the offer that makes it better it's Less in the offer and get the result faster so good yeah um I think there's two ways first thing I want to do is like help me take away from my offer yeah I I love taking away from the offer so the so let's pretend um let's pretend there was an offer well like my
offer okay yeah let's do your offer yeah like coach me coach me coach so let's say I was looking at your offer and we I I wouldn't I would just have you write it out no I wouldn't have you write it out I would say great there's your offer say Omar what is the one thing inside of your offer that some may say to you is your super sniper ninja Secret Sauce that gets the client the biggest result out of the inside out of the offer what's the the one thing that gets on the biggest
result I believe in my opinion because it could be it's different for everybody because that's why the offer hits a lot of different things I would say that the the workshop is included in my offer the two-day workshop okay and I feel like it's the best thing because it does get you an immediate result tell me about the result the result is um I structured the second day of that two-day workshop y to be uh there's three filming stations um one is direct to camera one's outside and then one you I'm actually interviewing you with
a camera facing you like right now cool and this angle that's facing you gets and then and then they leave with 25 Clips yeah that we we edit so it's like there's a little bit of done for you in it and they get to see themsel in a very high quality manner at their at their best and um and it gives them a quality a production quality that they probably never seen but also they got the access to the process like oh my gosh I got 25 pieces of content and all I did was film
for 40 minutes that's so cool so that's why I think like that part of the offer like really good but um I don't know that I would agree with you so if I was looking at your offer I'd be like yeah that's the super secret sniper ninja sauce that's inside your offer that would move the needle the furthest for the client right so that would offer the biggest result why because they leaving with all these assets plus the experience now being able to reproduce The Experience y over and over and over and over and over
again producing an infinite Roi on their business just by that one Workshop correct so then me pause do that make sense so you're just peeling out the one element stating that as the end result and then what else would be necessary to even but it would nothing else would be necessary in the mind of the buyer just sobody clear that alone would be the offer yeah so let me pause there and like check in right so what else what questions would you have from there like is there more in the offer I mean it's a
year yeah so it's a year Omar's like yeah there's more year more okay yeah I do I do a it's it's an in my inner circle offer right now which which I'm just trying I am trying to get it to a point where it'll it'll probably become like a weight list thing and then I'll start testing not testing I'll start doing more like inperson you know short delivered offers type thing but right now I'm just I I wanted to Journey with people because I feel like the skill of creating content is acquired over time repetition
frequency all that stuff so well there's nothing wrong but you're right about how people like follow off and like you know some girl got pregnant like 3 months in her time in and she's like I'm going to you know I'm just going to I'm going to chill for a little while which I'm like great that's kind of why I also like you have a year like we pick it up when you feel ready but well the beautiful thing about what you're describing and I don't want everybody to miss listening is as the offer Creator you
get to create the world you want correct you get to create the Mastermind the Inner Circle you get to create the world that you you want which is so cool um it's completely different question than like what will people because people will buy whatever it is you just have to State the end result so we can solve the sales problem but then it's like what would I love for everybody listening think about this like what would you absolutely love to be a part of what would you want to build would you want to build a
community would you want to build just a workshop type environment like it's it's so cool to that the canvas is wide open and there's no wrong answer yeah you know so I mean I delivered for 12 months on lots of programs I've been doing this I think now this will be my sixth year that I'm in the game and I found for me that journeying with people in that Workshop was how I I I loved to do it yep because I love to get a fire result and then I can upsell the if I want
into something else but this this intrinsic value of this Workshop is worth this investment hands down yeah that's really good okay no that's super helpful I think um because I do think I at some point I won't have a room because I want to care right now there's enough people in there that I can really like coach you know like uh in a group format and um and so yeah it's been it's cool I like it but you know what's so cool Omar and there may people listening to this that already have a business or
like I was in a in a room with a bunch of Fancy Pants entrepreneurs the other day and I was asking them if they had like a VIP day and almost none of them did wow and I was like just look at your offer you know and peel out what's the one thing that I could do with somebody if I only had a day with them that would move their life exponentially further right and some of them had health offers you know some of them were Fitness coaches some of them helped people with rewiring their
brains I mean some of them helped people become bookkeeper it just all sorts of different things and they thought what if I only had one day like what would I do with somebody that's a really good question and all of them came up with something that they could do like what they would do but they were like well first IID do this and then I would do that and then I would do this and then I might bring in this dude to do this thing because they definitely need that you know like and so they
just but I was like Wow would the client be like so happy at the end of the day and they were like Yeah because it would take them a really long time to assemble and do it and get all the steps like that yeah so that's a really fun kind of exercise too in your mind to go what could I do like in one day and then if I want to take out more time with people I can yeah good and then you do a really good job I mean I guess answer the question of
this like how important is it what you name your offer oh yes oh I love yeah so this goes for anything from video courses to coaching programs to just lead magnets I I love to name things an like got an identity okay so someone will like adopt this identity as a result of purchasing this thing so I think as humans what we really we really want the sexy super cool end result which I I'll talk about that in a second but I'll start first with the name of an identity because I think what we really
want is is the the you inside of you or the me inside of me to finally be expressed I think that's ultimately what we really want so I love to name things um like I I have a bunch of different products and names but I'm like for instance I just launched something called icons so I'm naming it some kind of identity or statement of this is who I am becoming by purchasing this thing yeah and an icons then so that I'll have like some the name of the identity and then or um like it I
have another one I'm just trying to give ideas for people like speaking School we're like so we they adopt the identity of becoming a public speaker that's a big thing for people who have had a lot of fear so when they start to call thems a speaker and I'll be like yo what's up speakers you know it's like becomes just like part of the language you know um that ultimately that's what they're buying is a new identity identity I I I think I subconsciously accidentally because I'm I'm getting kind of good with these names helping
you like I'm kind of but there was a police officer that joined my program who has a podcast and she wants to create like a community and her biggest thing is like like police officers you know it's not as exciting for when they first got in their uniform and it's like a drag and it becomes like very taxing stress you know all that stuff like a burden and and I was like why don't you call your community the refreshed officer ooh cuz like that's what people want they want to be restored you know I think
about like when David said restore the joy to my salvation yeah and like if you can hammer on those those feelings like when you first put on the uniform when you first decided to become a cop so great um but I think I accidentally did that yeah you did yeah ref the refreshed offic that's an identity yeah yeah so cool it is really cool and then and then if you just kind of add on to that identity is like inside the refreshed officer is where you and then we're going to State like the end result
you know if I was talking to her I'd kind of try to ask some questions to find out more be like where you're going to like SX your energy and be like bounce out of bed in the morning can't wait for can't wait to put on the uniform yeah you know we're going to State the end result of what you're going to get out of the refreshed officer so that's kind of the game that you so your your challenge is the Supernova is that what you're doing right now or is it it's called The Supernova
a supernova offer challenge okay yeah so it's where people can start charging 2x 5x or 10x more than they're currently charging ing right now but serving their client at the highest level what have you found with the people that you've attracted like cuz you told me other day that there was like a like a nationally known photographer or something yeah yeah so we had a tin man shout out to Tin Man Who U helps people become Wildlife photographers and he was Charing yeah he was charging like $297 okay um for his program where people would
learn how to take photos and even kind of get so good at taking photos that they could submit to photography contests and there are award shows for these I don't know if it's National Geographic or something like idea okay and so Tim man came in and he was like wait what he was like I could charge High ticket for this well and I said yeah Tim in like let's tell me how many students have gotten photography awards and he started saying like over 200 students have won awards with cash prizes and been featured in in
inside of the national G oh wow Geographic magazine is that what it's called and he told me that these are people's dreams their dream is to be in these and many of them will go and pay like to go to the serengetti in Africa and spend 10 20 30 40 some over $150,000 on these Expeditions in the hope that they will get a one great photo wow and they often will be unable to come back and have a winning photo so Tin Man changed the price of his program to $115,000 right at the end of
The Challenge hosted like a little Master Class sold it and did like 300 over 300,000 in the class and it was then that tin man was like I had no idea that what I had I could charge but now he can't it's like he went through the Wardrobe he can't see it he's like he's like now going to make my 30 he's ruined in the best way possible but it's so cool because now he he can deliver a very powerful result yeah so his clients are so they're thr so cool um yeah like I guess
some people would probably have the question like how do I like how do I find people to sell this to yes because like you told them like hey you know maybe you gave him the belief that he could charge 15K and he's like okay I need to take this to my audience maybe he already had it but like what if you didn't have like a he he didn't which was so cool so he the strategy that we've worked so say you have your offer and you're like oh yeah I think I could charge this and
now I'm going to call it this identity and I Le say to say something for the result okay I got it you know like um the best way to sell a high ticket offer is in what I call a money party or it's like a some hosting some kind of party online um some people call it like a master class or some people call it a challenge I like to do them just a few hours on a Friday so it's like having a bunch of people over your house wow where om's like all right guys
we're going to just we're going to hang out like at the studio we're just going to jam for a few hours people like okay cool be like we're going to dive into equipment YouTube setup how to you know get all the content for the whole month and everyone's like let's go like party at Omar's like you know like I'll bring the chips like it's like this type of feel and what happens um where it can blow the the room can get quite full is if you have one guest speaker come to the party say you're
like like oh my gosh y'all or I'm from Texas where I just found out like my friend Jeff who is like banana pants awesome sauce at this thing is like gonna come to the party for a half an hour and talk about this you like oh my gosh I was already come to the party but now like I'm level 9,000 Jeff's going to be there let's go so this guest speaker strategy works like this you go and invite the guest speaker and then you're like hey what would it look like if we invited your crew
so you want to have a guest speaker who has your audience your list all the party people that you want to come to your party so you invite the guest speaker and then you there's this requires a little bit of time so I don't know if I have how much time I have but you incentivize the guest speaker to like if I make sales with this thing I'll give you how would would you like to like me to give you some yeah sure and these guys like normally not doing anything on Friday super happy to
come and talk about his yeah area of expertise and like okay yeah like you could be like I don't know what's going to happen but like just come we'll see what happens so that's what tin man did and he invited a guest speaker who sent out I think two emails to his list about the party wow I don't know how many people showed up I I think it might have been like 50 to 100 something like that came to the Friday party and that's how Tim man walked in the room was full was from the
guest speaker wow promoting it to his list so that's the money party strategy yeah and I love it like I think some people are like well do I need to make a pretty website and this that and the other like no it was a couple emails that he sent a couple emails inside of a Facebook group you can get yeah you can do it in the group we do it on Zoom I think Tim did it on Zoom but lowkey like it's not none of this is you did this on your challenge or like right
after right after right after dang that's crazy yeah I have had people who will do it during the challenge yeah that's also really because it's so easy yeah no the thought that I wrote down was you know and I know we talked about well I didn't go too deep with the police officer friend client of mine but what if your offer doesn't make money or you can't you can't make your offer seem like this is about making money yeah yeah 100% sometimes we'll be like well Eileen how's it a money party if I don't have
like a a wealth offer and I'm not saying you go I mean I do but go out to the market so let me let me pause the party is just whatever your area of expertise is right so let's say it's Health let's say it's relationship so I have a lot of people that come to me in this as as well and it's actually this going to sound so funny but easier to sell those offers sometimes and make money offers because a lot with make money offers like a wealth offer like I'll help you people are
like prove it you know like but with relationships um and health you charge High ticket by getting them the result super fast like for instance I I have a client that helps people find the love of their life in a week and that sounds pretty crazy right so think about like somebody who's actually out there yeah that's in the game on the app I know I I think I know a friend that would probably buy that offer yeah it's like that to say that you'd be able to do that's a pretty sexy end result yeah
so all we have to do when we're selling that offer is talk about how much time money and energy mostly time that they're going to lose not figuring this out so I mean some people Omar like spend years trying to find the love of their life yeah and it's very emotionally draining exhausting frustrating I mean shout out especially for women who's like biological clock it's like a real thing so you have to say like hey would it be okay like we just saved you five years of your life trying to figure this out and just
got it done in one week so you just anchor It Against Time expenses Health often has a lots of expenses that they're going to doctor's fees potential surgery I mean yeah just just other expenses that they will have occurred trying to figure it out what would this client of yours do if it didn't happen like a week goes by and it's like the heck a week went by oh like okay so say the client like who's that's her offer and then she do somebody comes in they like oh I don't I would think the way
our We Roll is like they'll stick with the client until XYZ will happen but she has enough she has success stories over and over and over again typically the coaching or Consulting that I'm giving my clients is like you're going to create your program with the idea in mind that every person coming in is going to do the do the steps knowing that not everybody will actually do all but if a client comes in and follows step one step two step three step four they will get that end result that's how you create the program
really good yeah love it yeah so that's okay I'm just thinking about these people uh the photographer guy yeah didn't like he had a a day he just did a day or did he do a multiple day thing I think he did a two-day workshop where he taught them about the photography skill set and then I think he might have upsold them or done something like if they wanted to come to Alaska or go to Africa with him then that might have been another offer but okay so like the question it comes from like the
psychology of how much maybe it's a psychology or strategy question but like if I do an hour web class like what's probably the most that I can charge or if I do a full day in person like you know that from the sales event or the delivery event the sales the Sales Event Okay so like the Money Party The Master Class challeng like how much is like it like it wouldn't be wise to charge x amount of dollars with a one hour class or let me just caveat and correct what I previously said so Tin
Man did a money party which is like a half day Master Class okay and sold his delivery event that was a two-day workshop so let me just clar clarify that so um if you've only got an hour you can't really go to High ticket right if you only got an hour you wanted to sell something $2,000 or lower okay got more time I prescribe people to spend like a few hours with people I find a sweet spot around four hours you can go to High ticket that four hours is is a lot more like interactive
there's conversation time for Q&A you know it's it's not like you're talking for four hours like that wouldn't actually make the most sales so um yeah so anything four hours or longer you can go high take it yeah so good okay that's good I mean I I I actually it's funny last year I did a web class uh and I it was like 90 minutes long and it was like a 3K offer yeah and um I think I just showed too much like not a single person bought there was like a solid 350 on the
class like on the on Zoom um you over taught over teaching is the number one mistake or that was the number one killer of sales so that probably most likely will why is over teing the number one killer of sales you know it's so funny Omar because because we all if you know and if you're watching this and you love to teach and love to like an I am one as well like I'd love to see in the comments like you just like love to talk about your stuff like not your stuff but like the
thing you know what I mean like you could probably talk about what like what could you talk about for four hours literally like without even thinking yeah content YouTube video the whole thing yeah I me you could just go four hours one week one month like there's there's no limit there is no limit it's like come sit and we will just live here yeah exactly so and there are a lot of us that have something like that you know and the Temptation is thinking if I teach it they will buy and that is the F
that is the false belief that is the wrong answer if you break their false beliefs then they will buy they will there is only one reason someone will buy something it's because they feel like buying it but what's in the way of their feeler is false beliefs about the thing I mean I'm thinking especially about content and there's so many false beliefs that people have so they can't even feel excited or feel like buying because it's they're so overwhelmed and the more we're teaching the more we're actually overwhelming people and that's what causes them not
to buy so good yeah I mean that's like I structur my web class around like they're called mistakes but really they're like they're they're false beliefs yeah and I I actually because it's something I was obsessed about yeah that like just teaching false beliefs mhm and then ranting yeah and then teach false and then you people feel so encouraged awesome and they're they're pumped up you know you've shifted the content from where it was to where it is now 100% okay um that's just really good that's really good though because I I think uh amateur
hours is always it is just the what do I want to teach them what is what do I think they need to know you know versus what do they what do they want to know you know yeah um well so interesting I think and especially because we love people and we want to serve them we think I got to teach them a bunch of stuff but actually the greatest thing that you could do is overcome their false beliefs good so that they can actually purchase the thing and then move forward with their life yeah so
that's actually the thing that will serve them the most and you can see Jesus constantly doing this all throughout the gospels is he constantly was sharing stories and his only goal in sharing the story was overcoming false beliefs wow rearranging their thinking on the subject he wasn't teaching tactics or steps he was helping them reframe the what reality was you know that's fire so that's what we have to do and then people will buy which is exactly what like then everyone's Jesus is like his offer was like believe in me we were like I'm in
you know like sign me up so that's how he yeah he he won so good D what what does your husband think of all this oh my husband Harrison I just adore him shout out to my husband Harrison Wilder on the CH on the ches it's funny you cut over to Harrison yeah in the same house like another room his office yeah yeah um Harrison uh is like super smarty pants and like went to business school and like knows really smart things so he has been fire in our business he wasn't on board 100% in
the beginning he just didn't you know I think he was just waiting to see like what happened you know but that's crazy so you he went to business school yeah you go to an event I go to an event probably costing a fraction of what he paid for business school so true and then I'm G to remind him that yeah um yeah I mean he spent so much money on getting an MBA and that's such a Temptation right because in society we think more education equals more money but right takes a little bit to get
deprogrammed from the M you know I don't I don't talk about the Matrix but just to get deprogrammed to see that wealth is created first in the mind so yeah once we once once I started making money and I remember I did like $108,000 in a day and I ran home and I was like babe got to quit Uber driving is it you know and then he came in and now has been I mean people see me more out on social media but Harrison is really the one who's growing the business exponentially really is him
that's tight yeah he's incredible I love that M okay so this world that we're in yeah is very high profit very high profit thank teams yeah know for real it's the best uh small teams you know money like on a on a just this is just my curiosity like what do you what what is your tax strategy to kind of help help offset like the amount of profit profit yeah I we've tried a bunch of different things um like you know we would try real estate and I don't know but the biggest thing that's helped
us the most is just partnering with people who are like a lot smarter than us so there are tax strategists now on our team that like I always wanted rich people problems and then I didn't really know what they were more and then I'm like oh like there you actually yeah there's when you have a lot of money you're like what do I do with all what where do I park this how do I prevent the government from taking all of it you know like I was on the challenge they weren't you know so we
basically have a tech like a it's a family office that now takes care of everything so I don't know the answer they they know they oh they just like okay no yeah so they're making sure that they're bringing that down your best interest in yeah I'm very grateful yeah that I think the idea of like who not how has been very yeah um instrumental in my life in particular is I don't know I don't need to know how to do it all dang that's so helpful I don't I didn't even know that was a thing
I guess I would yeah I get tax CPAs tax strategist tax planners but people that are like like yeah you you trust them at at a certain level at a very high level to to go just do the thing you guys know this more than I do you're so much smarter than me yeah and I am so aware of how much smarter and this is like this Omar for me with people who run ads and do YouTube like there's so I won't have time to go get all the knowledge that you have in content in
YouTube so I might as well just pay you to help me yeah you know what I mean sure so like the it's who not how I don't need to know how please don't tell me how to run Facebook ads like I might die yeah and don't let me log in or open it up cuz I'm most I will Jack it up somehow like I don't need to know how I just need to know who knows how to do it it's great yeah okay and then as we wrap I you you said something at dinner a
couple nights ago and I was like man this is that's special and you said it's like every time I'm in the I'm I'm giving an offer it's like I feel the presence of God yeah I know this is so funny to me and some people would say is a very carnal thing potentially it's not a spiritual activity and I know we talked about prior too yeah you know that like go God's into selling he you know he talks about it you know I think another cool thing about God by all the by the way is
he there's a lot of business references all the time like yes like I'm I'm about my father's business Jesus said like you're yeah anyway but that I mean you said that and I I mean I literally haven't stopped thinking about that cuz I feel like when I'm like in the flow of giving an offer it actually is I'm still growing in that like it's a little still like the nervousness is there the nervousness is there and all that stuff but like yeah you've tap into a place where you're like no God's partnered with me yeah
I mean th this I have to just talk about what it feels like and then maybe it will feel like this for those listening I've also had times where I've been very nervous and I felt very awkward and like this is going terrible and then and I've had offers where no one buys you know I've been I've been through every but but where when I feel the closest to God let me preface this by saying this one thing Omar CU I used to be a worship Pastor so I used to feel the presence of God
the most when I was in worship and when I TR when I felt the Lord leading me into business I said well Lord like what does this look like now and he said to me your work is going to be your worship that's good and that has been experientially my story now I feel the closest to God when I am serving people in entrepreneurship and in in particular it's like the same like why I would get in worship as when I'm making an offer and what it feels like to me is I'm in the room
and I'm listening to the struggles of The Human Condition and heart of these people crying out for an answer for someone to take them and help them figure this out wow and then listening to the identity that they want to buy naming it which is so fascinating when you think about Adam in the garden and the naming it's like this unique ability God gave man to call those things that be not as though they are so this identity that they're going to achieve and then in that new identity I'm going to show them me other
other who's who are smarter than me are going to show them how to get the exact thing that they want and and now it's my moral obligation now it's like if I don't offer this to you you may not ever figure this out this I may leave you spending three years and $300,000 in the desert Wasteland unable to cross into the promised land and I was Moses and I could have taken you there like right now so it's like I feel this desire this invitation to say here's what this look like here is this offer
here is the investment amount wow I know you might be saying to yourself This sounds really high uh but how great is it going to be when the payoff is so much higher as 10x whatever it is that you're going to in and I'm doing this because I love you you paying and investing this amount isn't an investment in me this is an investment in you and in you becoming and achieving this new identity and so it's it's almost as if there's an alter call and I don't want one man or one woman to leave
without having the chance to respond because I'm like offering them yeah the ability to achieve their dreams so good yeah that's it feels like no that that that brings a lot of clarity even for me because people a lot of the times join and then they say like we've literally been praying about this thing and like here you show up on a video and then we take this CH and then you're literally speaking directly to our heart and it and all that is happening and you don't you're not you're unaware we're unaware of like all
that is happening which is why you have to put yourself out there yes because there are people praying for you to show up and this is why it's so important to show up you know you know anyway that's another conversation for another day that is a good word though and I think I would add to it to stop hiding because in the garden and throughout the scripture and even when God was calling you know the the man Wicked and easy for not investing it the Bible says that he hid it he hid the talent and
I think it's so important that you recognize God's given you those desires those dreams that passion that skill set and you've been through what you've been through not for you but for the people you're called to serve so yeah stop hiding that's that's a that's an anointed way to end the podcast I felt the church in in this place thank you so much for being on where can people find you and uh jump into what you're doing yes speaking school.com is a great dang you got that URL yeah man speaking school.com find me here on
YouTube or ig me I I love I'm a pastor in my gut I feel like it's a calling and I never it won't ever go away from me so I love connecting with people beautiful so please say Hello thank you for killing the game thank you for uh being an example for a guy like me like just watching you know how you've conducted yourself in our world and um I'm excited to be I'm just glad to be the guy that's being like dude I knew iile when she like in 2018 back at you I'm like
I know I knew Omar yeah so good thank you so much thank you thank you for having me