Neville Goddard - If You Knew This Secret, You Will Never Stop Winning

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Neville Goddard
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Video Transcript:
The secret I am about to share with you is this: your imagination is the creative power of the universe, and what you assume to be true will invariably manifest in your reality. This is not metaphor or allegory, but the very foundation of existence itself. You are not merely experiencing reality; you are creating it in every moment through the power of your assumptions and beliefs. Now, you might be wondering, "Neville, if this is true, why am I not already living my ideal life?" And therein lies the crux of our discussion today. Most people are unaware
of this creative power within them. They live their lives reacting to external circumstances, not realizing that these very circumstances are the out-picturing of their inner states. You see, the world you experience is not happening to you; it is happening from you. Every circumstance, every event, every interaction in your life is a reflection of your inner assumptions. These assumptions are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind. Just as a seed grows into a plant, your assumptions grow into your experienced reality. This is why many people find themselves stuck in patterns of lack,
struggle, and not-enoughness. They have unknowingly been planting these seeds in their subconscious mind through years of repetitive thoughts and feelings of limitation. But here's the liberating truth: you have the power to choose what seeds you plant. You have the ability to consciously assume the state of your wish fulfilled, regardless of your current circumstances. So how do we begin this process of conscious creation? The first step is to clearly define what you wish to experience. Be specific; don't simply say, "I want to be successful." Instead, imagine in vivid detail what your life looks like when you
are living your ideal reality. How do you feel? What are you doing? How do you spend your time? The more specific and detailed your vision, the more clearly you communicate with your subconscious mind. Once you have this clear vision, the next step is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. This is crucial. You must feel the reality of your desire now, not in some distant future. Remember, your subconscious mind doesn't understand time; it only understands the present moment. So, if you constantly feel that your desire is something in the future, it will always remain
in the future. Instead, assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled now. How would you feel if your desire were already realized? Would you feel joyful, confident, free, grateful? Embody these feelings; live from this state of being. This is not pretending or lying to yourself; this is assuming a new state of consciousness, which is the very essence of creation. Now, some of you may be thinking, “But Neville, how can I feel something that isn’t yet true?” This is where the power of your imagination comes into play. Your imagination is the bridge between your current reality and
your desired state. It is through your imagination that you can step into the feeling of your wish fulfilled even before it manifests in the physical world. Your imagination is not a flight of fancy or a frivolous faculty; it is the very workshop wherein you fashion your future. When you imagine, you are experiencing reality at its most fundamental level; you are engaging with the pure potential of consciousness, shaping it with your attention and your assumption. To use your imagination effectively, you must first quiet your conscious mind—the chattering of your daily thoughts, your worries, your doubts. These
must be silenced. Enter a state of relaxation, a state akin to sleep but in which you remain consciously aware. In this state, your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to impression. Once in this relaxed state, construct your scene. This scene should be one that implies the fulfillment of your desire. If your desire is for a successful career, you might imagine yourself in your ideal office or receiving congratulations from colleagues. If it's financial abundance you seek, imagine yourself looking at your bank statement with joy and gratitude. The scene itself should be short and simple. It’s not about
creating an elaborate story, but about capturing a moment that implies your desire is now a fact. This scene is your platform, the stage upon which you will enact the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Now, step into this scene. Don't watch it as a spectator; experience it from the first-person perspective. Be there in that moment, and as you experience it, let the feeling of fulfillment wash over you. Feel the gratitude, the joy, the satisfaction of having your desire realized. This is where many falter in their attempts at manifestation. They can see the scene clearly, but they
fail to evoke the feeling. Remember, it is the feeling that gives life to your imaginal act. Without feeling, visualization is merely a mental exercise; with feeling, it becomes an act of creation. As you practice this, you may find that the feeling comes more easily with repetition. Each time you return to your scene, the feeling becomes more vivid, more real. This is good; you are strengthening the impression upon your subconscious mind. But here's a crucial point: once you have evoked the feeling, once you have impressed it upon your subconscious, you must carry it with you into
your waking life. This is where many stumble. They do their visualization exercises; they feel it intensely in the moment, but then they return to their daily life and fall back into old patterns of thought and feeling. To manifest your desire, to keep winning, you must maintain the feeling of your wish fulfilled, even in the face of contradictory evidence. This is where faith comes in—not blind faith, but faith born of understanding; understanding that your outer world is a reflection of your inner state. When you truly... Grasp this: you will no longer be swayed by appearances. You
will know that what you see around you is the effect, not the cause. The cause lies in your consciousness, in your feeling; and as you persist in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, your outer world must reshape itself to match this inner conviction. Now let us address a common challenge in this practice: the apparent contradictions of your senses. As you begin to live in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you may find that your current circumstances seem to contradict your assumption. How do you maintain your feeling in the face of these seeming contradictions? This is
where the art of ignoring comes into play. To ignore is not to deny the existence of something but to refrain from giving it your attention and energy. When contradictory evidence appears, acknowledge it briefly, then immediately return your attention to the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Remember, what you see in your outer world is the result of past assumptions, past feelings. It is like an echo of what you once believed. Your task now is to give more attention, more importance, and more reality to your new assumption than to these outdated circumstances. This practice requires mental discipline.
It requires you to stand firm in your new assumption even when your senses argue against it. But remember, your senses only show you what has been, not what can be. Your imagination, informed by your feelings, shows you what will be. As you persist in maintaining the feeling of your wish fulfilled, even in the face of contradictory evidence, you will begin to see changes in your outer world. These changes may start small: a fortunate coincidence, an unexpected opportunity, a shift in someone's behavior towards you. Do not dismiss these as mere chance; they are the first fruits
of your new assumption taking root. Now let us delve deeper into the nature of feeling in manifestation. When I speak of feeling, I am not referring merely to impatience, though emotions play a part. I am speaking of a deeper sense—a knowing and unshakable conviction. It is the difference between saying, "I want to be successful" and knowing, with the very core of your being, "I am successful." This feeling of conviction is not something you can fake or force; it arises naturally when you have successfully impressed your desire upon your subconscious mind. This is why the repeated
use of your imagination is so crucial. Each time you return to your imaginal scene, each time you step into the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you are deepening this impression. You can think of it like wearing a groove in a record. The first time you play the record, the needle may skip and jump, but with repeated plays, the groove deepens, and the music plays smoothly. Similarly, as you repeat your imaginal act, the feeling becomes more natural, more habitual; it becomes your dominant state. This is the state from which creation occurs. When you can maintain this
feeling of conviction throughout your day, when it becomes as natural as breathing, you have mastered the art of conscious creation. Your outer world has no choice but to conform to this inner state. This is the secret to never-ending winning. But what about those moments when doubt creeps in, when fear arises, when the old patterns of thought and feeling try to reassert themselves? These moments are inevitable, especially in the beginning of your practice. Do not be discouraged by them; instead, see them as opportunities to strengthen your new assumption. When doubt arises, do not fight it. Fighting
against the thought only gives it more power. Instead, gently but firmly return to your feeling of wish fulfilled. Remind yourself that what you see around you is the past. Your new assumption, your new feeling, is creating your future. This brings us to another crucial aspect of winning: the concept of living in the end. Living in the end means assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled in your day-to-day life. It's not enough to visualize for a few minutes each day and then return to your old patterns of thought and feeling. You must carry the feeling of
your wish fulfilled with you throughout your day. This doesn't mean you deny your current circumstances; rather, you acknowledge them briefly, then immediately return to the feeling of your wish fulfilled. You live from the assumption that what you desire is already yours. For example, if your desire is for financial abundance, you would feel the security, freedom, and joy of wealth as you go about your day. When you make purchases, you would feel the ease and confidence of someone who has more than enough. When you interact with others, you would carry yourself with the assurance of a
wealthy person. Living in the end requires a shift in your entire way of being. It's not about pretending or play-acting; it's about genuinely assuming a new state of consciousness. When you do this effectively, you'll find that your actions naturally align with your assumed state, accelerating the manifestation process. Now let us address the role of action in this process of continuous winning. Some people mistakenly believe that manifesting means they can simply imagine their desires and then sit back and wait for them to magically appear. This is not the case. The secret to never-ending winning does not
negate action; it informs action. When you successfully impress your desire upon your subconscious mind, when you truly feel your wish fulfilled, you will be inspired to take actions that align with this state. These actions will feel natural, even inevitable. They will not be driven by fear or lack but will flow from your assumed state of fulfillment. This is a crucial distinction. When you take action from a place of lack, trying to get what you desire, you are actually affirming the assumption of not having it. But when you take action from the assumption of already having
your desire fulfilled, you open yourself to infinite possibilities for its expression and expansion. So, do not neglect action, but ensure that your actions are aligned with and flowing from your assumed state. Let your feeling guide your actions rather than hoping your actions will create the feeling. This alignment of inner state and outer action is key to continuous winning. Now, let us explore the concept of detachment in relation to winning. Detachment doesn't mean you don't care about your desire; rather, it means you're not anxiously attached to seeing immediate results or figuring out how your desire will
manifest. When you're detached, you can imagine and feel your desire fulfilled without constantly looking for signs of its manifestation. You trust in the process, knowing that as you maintain the feeling of your wish fulfilled, it must inevitably express itself in your outer world. Detachment allows you to live in the present moment while holding your assumed state. It frees you from the anxiety and doubt that can slow down the manifestation process. It allows you to enjoy the journey of manifestation rather than being solely focused on the destination. Practice detachment by reminding yourself that your imaginal act,
imbued with feeling, is the reality. What you see in the outer world is just a shadow, a reflection of past assumptions. As you persist in your new assumption, this shadow must change to match the new reality you're imagining and feeling. Let us now address the importance of gratitude in continuous winning. Gratitude is not just a pleasant emotion; it is a powerful creative force. When you feel genuinely grateful, you are affirming that you already have what you desire. This aligns perfectly with the principle of living in the end. Begin to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for
your desire even before you see it manifested in your physical reality. Be thankful for it as if it were already yours. Feel appreciation for the abundance that surrounds you in all forms: the air you breathe, the sun that shines, the food you eat. As you practice gratitude, you are assuming the state of someone who has their desire fulfilled. This assumption, persistently held, must manifest in your outer world as the realization of your desire. This is another key to never-ending winning. Now, let us explore the power of revision in manifesting continuous wins. Revision is not merely
about changing your memories or rewriting your past; it is about recognizing that the past only exists in your mind, and therefore, it can be changed in your mind. At the end of each day, take a few moments to review the events of your day. If there were any events that were not to your liking, revise them in your imagination. See them unfolding in a way that aligns with your desired state. Feel the satisfaction, the joy, and the fulfillment of this revised version of events. By doing this, you are not denying what physically happened; you are
changing the impact of that event on your subconscious mind. You are impressing upon your subconscious a reality that aligns with your desires rather than one that contradicts them. As you make this practice of revision a habit, you will find that your reactions to current events begin to change. You'll become less reactive, more peaceful, and more aligned with your desired states of being. This alignment accelerates the manifestation process, ensuring that you continue to win in all areas of life. Let us now discuss the importance of persistence in continuous winning. While we speak of manifesting desires, it's
important to understand that the speed of manifestation can vary. Some desires may manifest almost instantly, while others may take more time. The key is to persist in your assumption regardless of how long it seems to be taking. Remember, the outer world is a reflection of your inner state. If you waver in an assumption, if you lose faith in the process, you send mixed signals to your subconscious mind, which can slow down the manifestation process. Persistence doesn't mean forcing or struggling; it means consistently returning to the feeling of your wish fulfilled, even when the outer world
seems to contradict it. It means choosing again and again to live from the end, to embody the state of having your desire realized. This persistence requires faith—not blind faith, but faith born of understanding. Understanding that your outer world is a reflection of your inner state, and that as you persist in your new assumption, your world must reshape itself to match it. Now, let us address the role of self-concept in continuous winning. Your self-concept—the beliefs you hold about who you are—is perhaps the most powerful factor in determining what you can manifest in your life. Many people
struggle to manifest their desires because their self-concept contradicts what they're trying to achieve. They may visualize wealth, but deep down, they don't believe they're the kind of person who can be wealthy. They may imagine a loving relationship but fundamentally believe they're unworthy of love. To win continuously, you must be willing to revise your self-concept. This involves imagining and feeling yourself as the person who already has what you desire. It's not about creating a false image of yourself, but about recognizing and embracing your true limitless nature. Remember, at your core, you are pure consciousness. You are
not defined by your past experiences, your current circumstances, or the opinions of others. You are the awareness in which all these things appear, and this awareness—your true self—is infinite in its potential. As you use your imagination to assume your desired states, you are essentially recreating yourself. You are stepping into a new concept of self, a new understanding of who you are and what's possible for you. This revision of self-concept is crucial for continuous winning as you align your self-concept with... Your desires—you remove the inner contradictions that can slow down the manifestation process. Now, let us
explore the role of emotion in never-ending winning. Emotion is the fuel that powers your imaginal acts. It's not enough to merely visualize or think about your desires; you must feel them. When you combine vivid imagination with genuine emotion, you create a powerful impression on your subconscious mind. This is because your subconscious responds more strongly to feeling than to intellectual thought. The emotions you want to cultivate are those you would feel if your desire were already realized. If your desire is for wealth, feel the security, the freedom, the joy that comes with financial abundance. If it's
a loving relationship you seek, feel the love, the connection, the companionship. These emotions should be so real, so intense that when you open your eyes and return to your present circumstances, you carry with you a sense of fulfillment, as if your desire has already been realized. This emotional component is what distinguishes effective manifestation from mere daydreaming or wishful thinking. When you can genuinely feel your desire as an accomplished fact, you are impressing it upon your subconscious mind as a reality. Your subconscious then works tirelessly to bring this feeling into physical manifestation, ensuring your continuous winning.
As we near the conclusion of our exploration, remember this: the power to win continuously lies within you. It resides in your ability to imagine vividly, to feel deeply, and to persist faithfully in the assumption of your wish fulfilled. The secret to never-ending winning is not determined by external factors but by the intensity of your belief and the consistency of your imaginal acts. Go forth from here with this knowledge. Apply these principles in your daily life. Use your imagination consciously and deliberately to create scenes that imply the fulfillment of your desires. Feel the reality of your
wish fulfilled with every fiber of your being. Persist in this feeling even when your senses deny it, for as you do, you are reshaping your entire world, manifesting your desires with the consistency that ensures you never stop winning. Remember, you are the operant power in your world. You are limited only by your ability to imagine and to feel the reality of your wishes fulfilled. Embrace this truth, live from this understanding, and watch as your world transforms around you, reflecting the newfound mastery of your creative consciousness. The secret to never-ending winning is not something external to
you; it is not a technique or a trick. It is the fundamental truth of your being that you are the creator of your reality. As you align your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions with this truth, you step into a state of continuous creation, of perpetual winning in your daily life. Be vigilant. Be conscious of your thoughts, your feelings, your assumptions. Choose them wisely, for they are the seeds of your future experiences. Let every thought be a thought of victory, every feeling a feeling of accomplishment, every assumption an assumption of success. For in doing so, you are
creating a life of never-ending winning. As you embark on this journey of conscious creation of continuous winning, know that you are lighting yourself with the very power that creates worlds. You are stepping into your divine birthright as a co-creator of reality. Embrace this power, use it wisely, and let it guide you to a life of unending success and fulfillment. Thank you, and may your journey of conscious creation be filled with joy, wonder, and the thrill of never-ending winning. My dear friends, our topic "To grow, you must suffer," may at first seem paradoxical, even disheartening, but
I assure you, within this statement lies the key to unlocking your greatest potential, to manifesting your deepest desires, and to truly realizing the divine nature that resides within you. Now, when I speak of suffering, I do not mean the needless pain that we often inflict upon ourselves through our misguided thoughts and beliefs. No, the suffering I speak of is the deliberate, conscious choice to step out of our comfort zones, to challenge our long-held assumptions, and to embrace the discomfort that inevitably comes with transformation. You see, my beloved, we are all God in disguise. We are
the infinite consciousness that has taken on human form, and within us lies the power to create and shape our reality. But to fully realize this power, to truly embody our divine nature, we must be willing to shed our old selves, our limited beliefs, and our comfortable illusions. This shedding, this transformation, inevitably involves a degree of suffering. Think for a moment of the caterpillar. In order to become the beautiful butterfly it is destined to be, it must first enter the chrysalis. Within this dark, confined space, it undergoes a complete transformation. Its form literally dissolves, and from
this dissolution, a new form emerges. Can you imagine the discomfort, the uncertainty, the sheer intensity of this process? Yet without this period of suffering, of dissolution and reformation, the caterpillar could never become the butterfly. We too must be willing to enter our own chrysalis. We must be willing to dissolve our old selves, our limiting beliefs, our comfortable but constraining identities. Only through this process can we emerge as the magnificent beings we truly are. But here's the crucial point, my dear friends: this suffering is not something that happens to us; it is something we choose. It
is an act of will, a deliberate decision to grow, to evolve, to become more than we currently are. In this choice lies our power, our divinity, our ability to shape our own reality. Now, you might be wondering, "How can I choose to suffer? Isn't suffering something we naturally avoid?" To this, I say it all begins with your imagination. For, as I have always taught, your imagination is... The God within you is the creative power through which you shape your reality. So, I invite you now to close your eyes, imagine yourself as you wish to be;
see yourself embodying the qualities you desire, living the life you dream of. Feel the joy, the fulfillment, the sense of purpose that comes with this vision. What must I let go of to become this person? What comfortable illusions, what limiting beliefs, what aspects of my current self must I be willing to sacrifice? As you contemplate these questions, you may feel a sense of resistance, of fear, of discomfort. This, my beloved, is the suffering I speak of. It is the natural response of your current self to the prospect of change, of transformation. But remember, this suffering
is not your enemy; it is the signpost pointing the way to your growth, to your evolution, to the realization of your true divine nature. Now, you might be thinking, "But Neville, isn't this at odds with your teachings about the law of assumption? Haven't you always said that we should assume the feeling of our wish fulfilled?" And to this, I say there is no contradiction. For in choosing to suffer for your growth, in willingly embracing the discomfort of transformation, you are, in fact, assuming the state of one who is committed to their evolution, who is willing
to do whatever it takes to manifest their desired reality. You see, the law of assumption is not about avoiding all discomfort or difficulty; it's about aligning your thoughts, your feelings, your very being with the reality you wish to create. And sometimes that alignment requires us to move through discomfort, to face our fears, to challenge our limitations. In doing so, we are assuming the state of one who is capable of growth, of transformation, of manifesting their desires against all odds. Consider for a moment the great figures of history: the spiritual masters, the innovators, the revolutionaries. Did
they achieve their greatness by remaining comfortable, by avoiding all suffering? No, they willingly embraced the challenges, the difficulties, the suffering that came with pursuing their vision. They understood that this suffering was not an obstacle to their growth, but the very means by which they would achieve it. So too must we be willing to embrace our own suffering, our own challenges, our own transformative experiences. For in doing so, we are not victims of circumstance but conscious creators of our own evolution. We are God in action, shaping our reality through our willingness to grow, to change, to
become more than we currently are. Now, let us delve deeper into the nature of this suffering. It is not physical pain or external hardship that I speak of, though these may sometimes be part of our journey. No, the suffering I refer to is primarily internal; it is the discomfort of challenging our own beliefs, of questioning our assumptions. This suffering might manifest as the anxiety you feel when you step out of your comfort zone. It might be the sense of loss you experience as you let go of old identities or relationships that no longer serve your
growth. It might be the confusion and uncertainty that comes with questioning long-held beliefs or ways of being. But here’s the beautiful truth, my dear friends: this suffering is temporary. It is a bridge, a passage, a transformative process. On the other side of this suffering lies growth, expansion, and a deeper realization of your true nature. Think of it like this: when you exercise your physical body, you experience discomfort; your muscles strain, your breath becomes labored, you may even feel pain. But it is through this very discomfort that your body grows stronger, more resilient, more capable. The
suffering is temporary, but the growth, the transformation, is lasting. So too is it with our spiritual and personal growth. The discomfort we feel as we challenge our limitations, as we step into new ways of being, as we align ourselves with our highest vision—this discomfort is the very means by which we grow. It is the resistance against which we push to become stronger, more aligned. But remember, my beloved, you are not alone in this process. For the God within you—your own wonderful human imagination—is always with you, always supporting you, always guiding you towards your highest good.
This God power within you knows the end from the beginning; it sees the magnificent butterfly even as you struggle within the chrysalis. So, as you embrace the suffering that comes with growth, I urge you to lean on this inner power. Use your imagination to see beyond the current discomfort, to hold fast to the vision of what you’re becoming. For as you hold this vision, as you assume the feeling of already being that which you desire to be, you set in motion the forces that would bring this vision into reality. Now, let us address a common
misconception. Some may hear this teaching and think that it advocates for a life of constant struggle, of unending hardship. But this is not so. The suffering I speak of is purposeful, intentional. It is not about seeking out pain or difficulty for its own sake, but about being willing to move through discomfort for the sake of your growth, your evolution, your self-realization. Moreover, as you embrace this approach to growth, as you become more comfortable with the discomfort of transformation, you will find that your capacity for joy, for peace, for fulfillment actually expands. For you are no
longer at the mercy of external circumstances, no longer limited by your fears or doubts. You become free to fully express your divine nature, to live from a place of power and purpose. Consider then: Have you ever achieved something significant, something that required great effort and perseverance? Perhaps you completed a challenging project, overcame a fear, or mastered a new skill. Remember... The sense of accomplishment, the joy, the expanded sense of self that came with this achievement—this is the fruit of growth through suffering. The discomfort you experienced in the process was temporary, but the growth, the expansion,
the realization of your capabilities—these are lasting. My dear friends, I invite you to embrace this truth: to grow, you must suffer, but know that this suffering is not a punishment, not a burden, but a gift. It is the means by which you shed your limitations, realize your potential, and step into the fullness of your divine nature. As you go forth from here, I encourage you to look at the challenges in your life with new eyes. See them not as obstacles to be avoided, but as opportunities for growth, for transformation, for the expression of your divine
nature. Mark yourselves: what am I being called to let go of? What comfort zone am I being invited to step out of? What aspect of my divine nature is seeking expression through this challenge? As you contemplate these questions, remember that you have within you the power to choose your response. You can choose to shrink back, to avoid the discomfort, to remain as you are, or you can choose to lean in, to embrace the challenge, to willingly step into the chrysalis of transformation. My beloved, I urge you: choose the latter, for in doing so, you are
choosing to align yourself with the creative power of the universe. You are choosing to be an active participant in your own evolution, in the unfolding of your divine nature. Now, let us delve deeper into the practical application of this principle: how do we actually embrace suffering for the sake of growth? How do we navigate the discomfort of transformation while maintaining our faith in the process? First and foremost, we must cultivate awareness. We must become conscious observers of our own thoughts, feelings, and reactions. When you encounter a challenge or a difficulty, pause. Take a breath. Observe
your initial reaction. Do you feel fear, resistance, a desire to retreat to what’s familiar and comfortable? Acknowledge these feelings without judgment. They are natural responses of your current self, your current state of consciousness. But remember, you are not bound by these reactions. You have the power to choose your response. In that moment of awareness, you have the opportunity to make a conscious choice. Will you allow your fear or discomfort to dictate your actions, or will you choose to move forward and embrace the challenge as an opportunity for growth? This choice, my dear friend, is where
your power lies. It is in this moment that you can align yourself with your highest vision, with the divine nature within you. It is here that you can choose to suffer, to move through discomfort for the sake of your growth. But how do we find the strength to make this choice, especially when the discomfort feels overwhelming? This is where the power of your imagination comes into play, for, as I have always taught, the imagination is your direct link to the Divine, to the creative power of the universe. So, in that moment of choice, I invite
you to use your imagination. Close your eyes and see yourself as you wish to be. Feel the strength, the courage, the divine power flowing through you. Imagine yourself moving through the challenge with grace and ease, growing stronger and more aligned with each step. As you hold this image in your mind, as you feel the reality of it in your body, you are tapping into the God power within you. You are aligning yourself with a version of you that has already overcome this challenge, that has already grown through this suffering. From this aligned state, you will
find the strength to embrace the discomfort, to move forward despite your fears or doubts, for you are no longer acting from your limited current self, but from the expanded divine self that you are in the process of becoming. Now, as you begin to consciously choose growth through suffering, you may find that your perception of suffering itself begins to shift. What once seemed like insurmountable obstacles may begin to appear as stepping stones on your path of evolution. The discomfort you feel may begin to be tinged with excitement, with the anticipation of the growth and expansion that
lies on the other side. This shift in perception is a sign of your growing alignment with your divine nature, for from the perspective of your highest self, all experiences—even those we might label as suffering—are opportunities for growth, for the expression of your true nature. But, my dear friends, I must caution you: this path of conscious growth, of willingly embracing suffering for the sake of your evolution, is not always easy. There will be times when you falter, when the discomfort seems too great, when you long to retreat to the familiar and comfortable. In these moments, be
gentle with yourself. Remember that you are in the process of profound transformation. Just as the caterpillar might struggle within the chrysalis, so too will you have moments of doubt and fear. But here's the beautiful truth: even in these moments of struggle, you are growing. Even when you feel lost or overwhelmed, the process of transformation is still unfolding within you. For the very act of choosing this path—of willingly stepping into the chrysalis of transformation—has set in motion forces beyond your current understanding. So, in those difficult moments, I urge you to return to your imagination. See yourself
as the butterfly you are becoming. Feel the strength, the beauty, the freedom that awaits you on the other side of this transformation. Let this vision sustain you, guide you, pull you forward, even when the path seems dark or uncertain. And remember, my beloved, you are never alone in this process; the God within you—your own "Wonderful human imagination is always with you, always supporting you, always guiding you towards your highest good. Lean on this inner power; trust in the process; have faith in your own divine nature and its ability to carry you through any challenge, any
suffering, towards your ultimate growth and realization. Now let's address another aspect of this principle: the role of resistance in our growth process. You see, when we decide to grow, when we choose to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the suffering that comes with transformation, we often encounter resistance. This resistance can come from within ourselves in the form of fears or old habits. It can also come from the world around us, from people or circumstances that seem to oppose our growth. There is a profound truth: this resistance is not an obstacle to our growth;
in fact, it is an essential part of the growth process. Just as a seed must push against the soil to sprout and grow, so too must we push against resistance to realize our full potential. Think of it this way: if there were no resistance, no challenge, no suffering to move through, how would we grow? How would we discover the depths of our strength, the extent of our capabilities, the true nature of our divine selves? So when you encounter resistance on your path of growth, do not be discouraged. Instead, see it as a sign that you
are on the right track; see it as an opportunity to flex your spiritual muscles, to deepen your commitment to your growth, to more fully embody your divine nature. And remember, my dear friends, that your response to this resistance is a choice. You can choose to see it as an insurmountable obstacle, as a reason to give up or turn back, or you can choose to see it as a teacher, as a catalyst for your growth, as the very means by which you become more than you currently are. Again, this is where the power of your imagination
comes into play. When you encounter resistance, use your God-given power of imagination to see beyond it. Imagine yourself moving through the resistance with ease and grace. Feel the strength and determination flowing through you; see yourself emerging on the other side stronger, wiser, more fully aligned with your true nature. As you hold this image in your mind, as you assume the feeling of having already overcome the resistance, you set in motion the forces that will make this vision a reality. For remember, your imagination is not mere fantasy; it is the creative power of the universe expressing
itself through you. Now let us delve into another crucial aspect of this principle: the importance of faith in the growth process. When we choose to grow through suffering, when we willingly step into the chrysalis of transformation, we are often stepping into the unknown. We cannot always see the end from the beginning. We cannot always know exactly how we will emerge on the other. This is where faith comes in: not blind faith, not passive acceptance, but an active, living faith in the divine process of growth and transformation; a faith in your own divine nature and its
ability to guide you through any challenge, any suffering, towards your ultimate good. This faith, my beloved, is not something outside of you; it is not something you need to acquire or earn. It is an inherent part of your divine nature, a natural expression of the God within you. To access this faith, you need only to turn within to connect with the deepest part of yourself—the part that knows the truth of who you are and what you are capable of becoming. So as you embrace the suffering that comes with growth, I urge you to cultivate this
faith. Nurture it through your imagination, through your conscious choice to trust in the process even when you cannot see the outcome. Let this faith be your anchor in moments of doubt, your light in times of darkness. And remember, this faith is not about believing that everything will always be easy or comfortable; it’s about trusting that everything you experience, including the suffering, the challenges, the resistance, is ultimately serving your growth, your evolution, your self-realization. Now let us address a question that may be arising in your mind: 'Neville, how do we discern between the suffering that leads
to growth and needless suffering that only holds us back?' This, my dear friends, is a crucial distinction, for not all suffering leads to growth. There is suffering that comes from resistance to what is, from holding on to what no longer serves us, from refusing to align with our true nature. This kind of suffering does not lead to growth but to stagnation and frustration. The suffering that leads to growth, on the other hand, is always aligned with your highest vision for yourself. It is the discomfort that comes from stepping out of your comfort zone, from challenging
your limitations, from aligning yourself more fully with your divine nature. This suffering has a purpose, a direction, a transformative power. To discern between these two types of suffering, you must cultivate deep self-awareness. You must be willing to honestly examine your motivations, your desires, your fears. Ask yourself: Is this suffering moving me towards my highest vision for myself? Is it challenging me to grow, to expand, to more fully embody my divine nature? Or is it keeping me stuck, repeating old patterns, resisting my own evolution? In conclusion, my beloved, remember this: to grow, you must suffer. But
this suffering is not a punishment, not a burden, but a gift. It is the means by which you shed your limitations, realize your potential, and step into the fullness of your divine nature. Embrace it with courage, with faith, with the knowledge that on the other side of this suffering lies a version of you that is fully alive." You, that is more aligned, more powerful, more fully expressive of your true divine self! Go forth and grow, my dear friends; the universe awaits your blossoming. Consider for a moment the way you typically approach your desires. You see
something you want, be it wealth, love, success, or health, and you begin to strive for it. You work, you plan, you hope, always with the underlying belief that once you have it, then you'll feel the way you want to feel. But I say unto you, this approach is backward, and it is the very reason why so many find themselves stuck in cycles of wanting and lacking. The secret, my dear listeners, is to feel it before you have it. This is not pretend or make-believe; it is the very essence of creation, the fundamental principle upon which
all manifestation is based. For you see, your feelings are not the result of your reality; your feelings are the cause of your reality. Let us delve deeper into this profound truth: your outer world—everything you experience in your physical reality—is nothing more than a reflection of your inner world. It is a mirror, faithfully reflecting back to you the sum total of your beliefs, assumptions, and, most importantly, your feelings. When you understand this—truly understand it—you realize that waiting to feel a certain way until you have what you desire is akin to waiting for your reflection in the
mirror to smile before you do. It is backward, it is impossible, and it keeps you trapped in a state of perpetual wanting. But how, you may ask, can one feel something before it is physically present? The answer lies in the power of your wonderful human imagination. For your imagination is not a mere fantasy maker; it is the very workshop in which reality is forged. When you imagine yourself in the state of your wish fulfilled, when you assume the feeling of your desire, realize you are not engaging in idle daydreaming; you are engaging in the most
powerful creative act known to man. You are impressing upon your subconscious mind a new concept of self, a new assumption about your reality. Let us take a moment to truly understand this: your subconscious mind does not distinguish between what you vividly imagine and what you actually experience in the outer world. It accepts as true whatever you feel to be true, and once it accepts an idea as true, it proceeds to bring it into manifestation in your physical reality. So when you feel the reality of your desire before it is physically present, you are not being
delusional or engaging in wishful thinking; you are actively creating your reality from within. You are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe, allowing it to work through you and for you. This, my dear listeners, is the essence of feeling it before you have it. It is about recognizing that what you seek is already within you, waiting to be expressed. It is about understanding that the outer world is nothing more than a reflection of your inner assumptions and feelings. Consider the biblical phrase: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen." This is not about blind belief in something external; it is about the faith that comes from feeling the reality of your desire in the realm of imagination, knowing that this feeling is the very substance and evidence of its physical manifestation. But let me be clear: this is not about sitting idly and waiting for things to magically appear in your life; it is about a fundamental shift in consciousness. When you truly feel the reality of your desire, your actions naturally align with that feeling. You begin to think, speak, and act from the perspective of
already being or having what you desire. Let us explore this further with an example: imagine a man who desires financial abundance. In the old paradigm, he might work tirelessly, constantly worried about money, always feeling the lack of it. But in doing so, he is affirming his current state of lack; he is living from the assumption that he does not have abundance. And so, the universe faithfully reflects this assumption back to him. Now imagine this same man shifting his approach. Instead of focusing on the absence of money, he assumes the feeling of financial abundance. He feels
the security, the freedom, the joy that comes with having more than enough. He lives each day from this feeling, carrying himself with the confidence and ease of someone who is truly abundant. In this state, he no longer desperately chases after money; he may still work, but he does so from a place of inspired action rather than desperate need. And in doing so, he becomes magnetic to financial opportunities. He allows abundance to flow into his life, drawn by the power of his assumption and the clarity of his vibration. This principle applies to every area of your
life, my friends. Whether you seek love, health, success, or any other desire, the key is to feel it before you have it, for what you are seeking is also seeking you. But it can only find you when you align yourself with its frequency. Now, I can hear some of you thinking, "But Neville, isn't this just positive thinking? Isn't this denial of my current reality?" And to this, I say emphatically, no! This is not about denying your current circumstances; it is about understanding the true nature of reality. Your current circumstances are nothing more than the fruit
of your past assumptions and feelings. They have no power to determine your future unless you give them that power by continuing to focus on them and feel their reality. When you shift your focus, when you assume a new feeling state, you are not denying reality; you... Are you exercising your divine right to choose which reality you wish to experience? Remember, the outer world is dead; it has no life of its own. It is your consciousness that gives life to your experiences. When you wait to feel good until your circumstances change, you are putting your power
in the hands of shadows, reflections of past states of consciousness. But when you change your feeling state, when you assume a new inner reality, you cause the outer world to rearrange itself to match your new inner state. This, my dear friends, is the true secret to feeling it before you have it. It is about aligning yourself with the law of assumption, recognizing that what you seek is seeking you, and allowing it to flow into your experience through the power of your imagination and feeling. But let me warn you, this is not always an easy path.
The old habits of reacting to external circumstances, of letting your feelings be dictated by what you see, are deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness. As you embark on this new way of being, you may find resistance arising within you; doubts may creep in, and old patterns may try to reassert themselves. When this happens, do not fight against these thoughts and feelings. Simply observe them, acknowledge them, and then gently return to your new assumed feeling state. For the war is not won by battling against what you don't want, but by persistently embodying the feeling of what
you do want. Think of it like tuning a radio. When you're trying to listen to a particular station, you don't focus on eliminating all the other stations; you simply tune into the frequency you desire. In the same way, you don't need to fight against your current reality or forcefully push away unwanted circumstances; you simply need to tune yourself to the frequency of your desire to align yourself with the feeling of your wish fulfilled. This tuning is done through your imagination and your ability to generate feeling states. Your imagination is the dial that allows you to
tune into different frequencies of experience. As you use your imagination to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you are tuning yourself to that frequency, allowing the corresponding experiences to flow into your life. But remember, my friends, this is not a one-time event; it is a way of life. Just as you wouldn't expect to stay in shape by exercising once, you cannot expect to manifest your desires by feeling them once. This is about persistently assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, about living from that feeling state day in and day out until it becomes your
new normal. As you do this, you will find that the very concept of waiting to feel begins to fade from your consciousness. For how can you wait to feel what you already feel? How can you anticipate what you are already experiencing in your imagination? This shift in perception is the key to feeling it before you have it, to experiencing your desires with immediacy and power. Now, some of you may be wondering, "But Neville, how can I feel something I've never experienced? How can I generate a feeling for a reality I've never known?" To this, I
say, your imagination is more powerful than any physical experience. Consider for a moment: have you ever read a book that moved you to tears or watched a film that filled you with joy or excitement? In those moments, were you responding to anything in your physical reality? No, you were responding to the images and scenarios created in your imagination. Your feelings were real, even though the events were imaginary. This is the power you must harness to feel it before you have it. You must use your imagination to create scenarios that evoke the feelings associated with your
desire. If you want wealth, imagine paying bills with ease; imagine the feeling of financial security; imagine the joy of generosity that comes with abundance. Feel these feelings as vividly and as consistently as you can. If you seek love, imagine the warmth of a loving embrace, the joy of shared laughter, the deep sense of connection and understanding. Feel these feelings as if they are your present reality. The key is to make these imaginal acts as vivid and as real to you as possible. Engage all your senses. If you're imagining wealth, feel the bills in your hands,
smell the leather of your new car, hear the sound of waves lapping at the shore of your beach house. Make it real in your mind, and feelings will naturally follow. But here's a crucial point, my friends: the goal is not to imagine specific events or outcomes. The goal is to capture the essence of the feeling state associated with your desire, for it is this feeling state that is the true attractor of your desire. Let me illustrate this with an example: suppose you desire a promotion at work. You might be tempted to imagine a specific scenario—your
boss calling you into the office, offering you a particular position with a specific salary. While this can be a useful starting point, it is limiting. Instead, capture the feeling essence of the promotion. What does it feel like to be recognized for your skills? How does it feel to have increased responsibility and respect? What is the feeling of financial increase and career advancement? These feeling states are far more powerful and flexible than any specific scenario. By focusing on the feeling essence rather than specific outcomes, you allow the universe to bring your desire to you in ways
that might far exceed your specific imaginings. You open yourself to possibilities beyond what your current mindset can conceive. This is the true art of feeling it before you have it. It's not about forcing yourself to believe something that your senses deny; it's about tapping into. The reality of your desire is in the only place it truly exists: in your consciousness. As you practice this, you may find that your outer world begins to shift in subtle ways. Perhaps people respond to you differently, or opportunities you never noticed before suddenly seem to appear. All solutions to problems
come to you effortlessly. These are all signs that your inner shift is creating ripples in your outer reality. Don't discount these small changes; celebrate them. See them as confirmation that the law is working and that your assumption is taking root. But don't become attached to them or anxiously look for them; simply acknowledge them with gratitude and continue to live from your assumed feeling state. As you persist in this practice, larger changes will begin to manifest. The full realization of your desire will unfold in ways that might surprise and delight you. But remember, the outer manifestation
is not the goal; the goal is the feeling state from which your desire naturally flows. This is a crucial point, my friends. When you're truly feeling it before you have it, when you're fully embodying the feeling state of your wish fulfilled, you no longer need the outer manifestation to feel complete. You're already whole, already fulfilled in your imagination. Paradoxically, it's in this state of completeness that your desires flow most easily into your experience. Now some of you might be thinking, “But what about action? Don’t we need to do something to bring our desires into manifestation?”
To this, I say yes; action is part of the process, but it's inspired action—not frantic doing. When you're living from the feeling of your wish fulfilled, ideas and opportunities will naturally present themselves to you. You'll feel inspired to take certain actions and to move in certain directions. These actions won't feel like effort or struggle; they'll feel natural, joyful—almost effortless. This is the difference between forcing and allowing. When you're trying to make something happen, actions feel forced and stressful—born out of fear and lack. When you're feeling it before you have it, actions flow naturally from your
assumed state, guided by an inner wisdom that knows exactly how to bring your desires into manifestation. Consider the example of a flower. A flower doesn't strain to grow; it doesn't force itself to bloom. It simply grows and blooms naturally in accordance with its inner nature. You, my dear listeners, are no different. When you align yourself with the feeling of your desire fulfilled, you allow your own blossoming to occur naturally and effortlessly. But let me be clear: this feeling it before you have it is not passive. It requires an active use of your imagination, a deliberate
assumption of the feeling state of your wish fulfilled. It requires faith—not blind faith in an external power, but faith in the creative power of your own consciousness. This faith is not about believing that your desire will manifest someday in the future; it's about believing that your desire is already yours in the realm of imagination and that the outer world must inevitably conform to this inner reality. As you cultivate this faith and persist in your assumed feeling state, you'll begin to see evidence of your desire manifesting in your outer world. These signs may start small: an
overheard conversation that confirms your assumption, an unexpected opportunity, a shift in how others respond to you. Do not discount these signs, no matter how small they may seem, for they are confirmation that your inner world is indeed shaping your outer reality. There are breadcrumbs leading you to the full manifestation of your desire. As we near the conclusion of our discussion, I want to address a common concern that arises when people first encounter this teaching. Many worry that if they feel their desire fulfilled before it manifests, they'll become complacent or lose their motivation to take action
in the world. But I assure you, my friends, the opposite is true. When you're feeling the reality of your desire, when you're aligned with the feeling state of your wish fulfilled, you become more motivated, more inspired than ever before. But it's a different kind of motivation. It's not the frantic, anxious energy of someone desperately chasing a goal; it's the calm, confident energy of someone who knows their desire is already theirs. In this state, you take inspired action—not because you feel you have to, but because you want to. You move through life with a sense of
joy and anticipation, eager to see how your inner state will manifest in your outer world. This is the true gift of feeling it before you have it. It's not just about manifesting specific desires—although that will happen—it's about aligning yourself with the flow of life, with the creative power of the universe. It's about recognizing your own divine nature and allowing it to express itself fully through you. In this state of alignment, of feeling your desires as present realities, you become a channel for the infinite possibilities of the universe. It flows to you effortlessly; opportunities present themselves
naturally. The right people and circumstances appear in your life at the perfect time. This is the magic of living from the state of your wish fulfilled. But remember, this magic is not something external to you. It's not some cosmic force that you need to appease or manipulate. It is the natural expression of your own consciousness when it's aligned with truth. You are the magic. You are the miracle. You are the creative power you've been seeking. As we draw our time together to a close, I want to leave you with a final thought. The principle we've
explored tonight, the secret to feeling it before you have it, is not just a manifestation technique; it's a way of life. It's about recognizing your true nature as a divine creative being. It's about aligning… Yourself with the fundamental laws of the universe when you live from this understanding. Everything changes; the world becomes a friendly place filled with infinite possibilities. You no longer see yourself as a small, separate being struggling against external forces; instead, you recognize yourself as the creator of your reality, the author of your life story. In this state, there's no need to wait
for anything, for you understand that everything you desire is already within you, waiting to be expressed. Your job is simply to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, to live from that feeling state, and to allow the universe to take care of the details. So, my dear friends, as you leave here tonight, I urge you to start feeling it now. Don't wait for your circumstances to change to feel the way you want to feel. Choose your feeling state now. Use your mighty imagination to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Feel the naturalness of being
or having what you desire. Live from this feeling state; persist in this assumption, and watch as the universe rearranges itself to match your inner state. Remember, you are not a helpless being pushed around by external circumstances; you are the operant power in your world. Your consciousness, your feeling states, are the one and only reality. All things are possible to him who believes, or belief fueled by feeling shapes reality. Go forth from here with this knowledge. Apply it in your life; test it, prove it to yourself. For in doing so, you'll discover the truth of who
you really are. You'll tap into the limitless power that has always been within you, and you'll experience the joy, the freedom, the fulfillment that comes from living in alignment with the laws of creation. The world is waiting for you, my friends, not as something to strive towards, but as something to be experienced now, in the realm of feeling and imagination. It's waiting for you to recognize your true power, to step into your divine nature, to become the person you're meant to be. So feel it now; feel the reality of your desires as vividly as you
can. Let these feelings permeate every aspect of your being, for in truth, everything you desire is already yours. In the realm of imagination, all you need to do is open your heart, embrace these feelings, and allow them to flow into your experience. Remember, the kingdom of heaven is within you. The power to shape your reality is within you. You are the miracle you've been waiting for. Embrace this truth, live from it, and watch as your world transforms before your eyes. As you practice feeling it before you have it, you may encounter moments of doubt or
disbelief. This is natural. Your old patterns of thought and feeling will try to reassert themselves. When this happens, do not fight against these doubts; simply observe them, acknowledge them, and then gently return to your assumed feeling state. Persistence is key. The more you practice, the more natural it will become in your daily life. Look for opportunities to reinforce your new feeling state. Find evidence, no matter how small, that supports your assumption. Celebrate these signs, for they are proof that your inner world is indeed shaping your outer reality. But do not become attached to these signs
or anxiously seek them out; simply acknowledge them with gratitude and continue to live from your assumed feeling state. As you continue on this journey, remember that you are not alone. The entire universe is conspiring to bring your desires into manifestation. Trust in this process. Have faith in the creative power of your own consciousness, for when you align your feelings with your desires, when you live from the state of your wish fulfilled, you set in motion forces beyond your comprehension. Go forth now, my dear friends, and apply this principle in your lives. Feel the reality of
your desires now, before any external evidence appears. Live from that feeling state; persist in that assumption, and watch as the world rearranges itself to match your inner vision. For this is the true secret to feeling it before you have it, and it is the key to creating the life of your dreams.
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