Become a paid UGC creator in 30 DAYS OR LESS | Beginners guide to user generated content

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Jade Beason
In the video I am sharing the EXACT STEPS to becoming a PAID UGC creator in 30 days or less! So if y...
Video Transcript:
so you have probably heard a few people talk about ugc recently and you've probably heard it and thought what on Earth is that maybe you Googled it maybe you've done a bit of research maybe you thought oh that sounds interesting and then you just stopped because you were like I don't know how to do that and I don't know what else to do with that information well if that's you then you're gonna like today's video because I'm going to be breaking down ugc user generated content what it is but more importantly I'm gonna be telling you exactly how you could become a user generated content creator that's what ugc stands for by the way within 30 days or less so let's just get straight to it oh guys you knew I was gonna forget to do this but before we jump in if you like this type of content I upload content just like this every week so hit the Subscribe button also I have some freebies in my description that you would love specifically my brand new guide to doubling your income as a content creator okay let's get to it so what is ugc who is it for why does it exist Etc let me give you a brief overview so ugc as mentioned stands for user generated content it's actually not on new phrase at all even though you might have only suddenly started hearing about it it's a phrase that used to be used a lot in marketing during like the birth of social media and it was traditionally used when a customer shared a post or social media which featured a Brand's products or services that was user generated content it literally means when a user a customer someone else creates content for a brand that's just what it means right nowadays it's taken on like a whole new life form and now when you hear the acronym ugc what people are normally referring to is when a Creator produces a lot of content for a brand as part of a partnership and the reason why this has become a big thing is because nowadays brands have to produce and share so much content like I know this from my own experience when I was a brand owner the amount of content that you have to produce for your social channels is ridiculous your audience are like insatiable they want new content like every few hours so because of that a lot of Brands specifically small to medium-sized brands have turned and to these ugc Partnerships where they recruit a crater and their sole job is to produce a lot of content for them now you might be wondering okay what is the difference between like a ugc partnership and like your more traditional influencer partnership well for a ugc partnership the Creator or the influencer does not need a following they have one job and that is to produce content for the brand they don't need to share that content on their own channel so they don't need a following they don't need an Engaged audience they don't need any of that whereas your more traditional influencer Partnerships you do either need a following or you need an Engaged audience Etc so because of that small But Mighty difference it actually means that there are a lot of creators out there who are now turning to ugc Partnerships because they don't necessarily want to build an audience or they don't want to have a huge following and they now realize that they don't need it they can actually work with brands on a ugc basis and make a good living that way so who is this best suited for what well if you're a content creator who is good at creating content then you can do this literally it's one of the most accessible forms of creative income in all honesty right if you can capture a good photo or do a good video then like you can do this right who it's not for though and this is important because no one really talks about this if you are a Creator or an influencer who does have a following who does have a good engagement Etc then I do not recommend that you explore ugc here is why you are going to earn more money from traditional influencer Partnerships when you work with a brand to create content and you share it on your channels because your value comes from your audience if you get rid of that and you say I'm not going to share it on my channels I just want to create content for you you're still going to make money but you're not going to make as much as if you shared it to your audience because you're ignoring like where a lot of your value comes from I hope that makes sense without me going too deep into the industry but it's all that to say that it's super accessible anyone can truly do it but it's best suited for people who don't care about building a following and instead just want to create good quality content okay here comes your 30 day plan are you ready grab your notebooks you can literally be a ugc content creator in 30 days or less how exciting so day number one this day it needs to be spent with you picking a niche you don't have to spend the whole day doing this by the way like if you pick a niche in 10 minutes then job done you're done for the day but your sole task for day one is to pick a niche a lot of people don't do this step because they think well I can create videos and photos of any product and for any Niche right so they don't pick a niche and you're going to be shooting yourself in the foot a little bit if you don't do this step so let me give you an example to help demonstrate why picking a niche is important as a ugc Creator so let's say that you want to work with this beauty brand right this beauty brand is significantly more likely to work with a Creator who already specializes in working with Beauty Brands because they're going to look at that ugc Creator and they're gonna say okay well this person already knows everything about the beauty industry that this person already has experience working with beauty brands or this person knows how to take photos or videos of beauty products already this person cares about beauty products right they're going to assume all of those things if you predominantly work with Beauty Brands however if you are someone who works with anything and anyone and you don't have a specific Niche or category then it's not to say that you won't land that deal it's just to say that you're going to be at a lesser footing than the ugc Creator who specializes in that specific type of content okay so picking a niche is important when you're trying to decide what your Niche is going to be just think about like what are you like you can have a couple of niches if you want to it's always easier if you have fewer or one but it's up to you I'm not going to dictate but just think about what you like do you like Beauty Brands do you like technology like what do you like okay okay days two to nine so because I've given you seven days hair you can probably guess that there's quite a lot to get through so this is when you need to start building your portfolio we're just gonna Dive Right In and start building your portfolio now this bit usually scares people because they're like oh my god when you hear the word portfolio I don't know about you but I imagine like this really Chic thing I imagine like model portfolios for some reason I'm not sure why but I just imagine something that takes a lot of time and that's really difficult to do and don't worry because it's not now you can build a portfolio two ways you can either host it publicly and create like an Instagram page or a tick tock page that is dedicated to you sharing the type of content that you can create and therefore it's open to everyone you're private it but it's open to most people to see or you can create one privately on something like camber and I'll put a link to Canberra Below in case you've never signed up but it's a a really great tool it has loads of different templates that you can use to build your portfolio so the purpose here is that you need to set out to create some example content that will allow Brands to really see what you're capable of and give them a good idea of what you can produce for them now a lot of people think like I can only have a portfolio if I've worked with Brands already and that's not true you can capture content for the purpose of your portfolio without actually working with these Brands all you've got to do is make sure that you're clearly saying like this is for example reasons only right so you're clearly saying this wasn't a paid partnership with this brand this is just a shot that I captured to be used as an example so that's what you want to try and do you want to set out to create some content so that your Brands can look at your content and think okay yeah this is pretty decent I would like to work with them if you're stuck when it comes to figuring out what type of content to actually capture for your portfolio don't worry I'm going to give you some ideas so the first is product demonstrations or like how-to videos videos or photos but that usually works best in a video for format so creating a video where you are demoing a product and explaining the features and stuff like that because that is a common type of content that a brand would want from you as part of a ugc partnership another type which is kind of similar is product reviews so creating some content where you are talking about specific products and explaining why you like it and another type that you can think about is unboxing so when you get a parcel in the post it looks all pretty and you're unwrapping it and you're taking a video or taking a few photos or you're taking like a flat lay you know when you're up above and you've got products and you know it's a very good way of describing flat lay you know what I mean I'll put an example up here that's the type of content that you want to look into creating because that's really strong content for you to have as part of your portfolio biggest tip here though before we move on to the rest of the plan is that I don't want you to buy any kit yet so please don't go out and buy this really fancy camera with this 2000 pounds lens and do all this stuff and you know I don't want you to do that yet for this time being you can really work with what you've got so your phone will be enough some natural light will be enough if you're really keen on buying anything then what I would recommend you do is you invest in a ring light but that would be it like I don't think you need more than that at the moment remember with ugc content a brand isn't looking for Content that is highly highly polished it's supposed to look like it's come from a customer or from a general person of the public which it has it's come from you right so it doesn't need to be super polished and highly produced it just needs to feel a bit more real okay so moving on to day 10 through to day 12. this is the time where I want you to do some research I want you to start collating a list of brands for you to work with potentially on a UDC basis and there's a few different ways that you can do this some good old simple snooping is going to get you far so if you know of any other ugc creators or you know you just sit out try and find some search them on Instagram search them on Tick Tock have a little look at the kind of brands that they've worked with some of them will show it on their page some of them won't but it's always worth having a little bit of a nose because it might give you a bit of an insight into which brands actually work with creators in this type of partnership it's also really worth you just going on Brands Instagram Pages or Tick Tock pages that you like and having a look at the style of content that they share because that will give you an insight as to whether or not they hire ugc creators if you see a lot of content what looks like it's been produced from a Creator and they've not necessarily tagged anyone or it doesn't like it's part of a paid partnership then that is a clear sign that they work with creators on a UDC basis it's a bit it's not a tricky thing to do but it requires a bit of practice but the best way to do that is just to start snooping you'll get in the habit where you'll be able to just notice like every now and then now you'll be like oh that was a ugc post right now when you find Brands who you want to pitch to you want to make sure you are organizing yourself and you're keeping track of who these brands are so you're writing down their Instagram handle their Tick Tock handle you're writing down their email address if you can find it because you're going to need this information when it comes to pitching to them right I also want you to have a look at the type of content that they share because you need to make sure that you can produce content that aligns with the content that they already use that is the easiest way to figure out if you're going to be the right creator for them if they share a start of content that you don't like or you don't create then that's a big kind of red flag but it's a flag to let you know that that partnership might not be the best one for you okay day 13. now I want you to spend this day thinking about some money some moolah I want you to calculate your rate on day 13 okay and I'm gonna give you some things to think about when you're trying to come up with your rate so the first thing you want to think about is well how much you want to get paid per hour for your work you need a base rate right how much do you want to get paid per hour for your work you then need to think about how long is it going to take to produce the type of content that you are going to produce so this might vary depending on the brand you're working with and depending on what they've asked from you so when they brief you they will ask for a specific type of content so it might vary for example if a brand wants a three minute Tick Tock from you right and it needs to have all these transitions in it then that's probably going to take long after you to produce than if a brand just wants a static photo it will depend on what the photo is it depends on the brand you're working with Etc but that's just an example of how the amount of hours you spend on a piece of content can differ greatly so keep that in mind as well and you just want to make a list of your rates for different content types so how much do you think roughly you're going to charge for one Tick Tock that's 60 seconds versus a tick tock that's three minutes versus a photo for Instagram versus a rule for Instagram Etc just make a list so that you've got basically a rate card I don't want you to share this with people do not get me wrong you just need it for your own reference so that when you're negotiating with Brands you know what your price is right okay so now we're moving on to days 14 to 20.
so we are past the halfway mark it's now time for you to start pitching it's exciting got there quickly didn't we we want to start pitching to those brands that we've just identified as potential Partners there's a few things you want to keep in mind when you are pitching the first thing is you've got to really work on your mindset here and the reason why is because you're going to get ghosted you're going to get ghosted people are going to say no that's okay they're well within their right to do so by the way like sometimes when a brand says no they have several reasons for saying no it's not they're not saying no because they hate you as a person they're saying no because they've got their other reasons internally as to why they can't work with you or any ugc Creator at that time so we've got to make sure that we're not taking rejection personally and we're just seeing it as a stepping stone to finding the right brand partners for us okay that's the best thing the second thing is to pay attention to what you're including in your pitch message so a few things you want to make sure you include the first is examples of work either screenshots or clickable links so they can very easily see examples of some of the content that you would create if you decided to build your portfolio on canva for example then export it as a PDF and attach it if you decided to build your portfolio on Instagram or Tick Tock then make sure you have linked to that channel so they can check out some of your work I also want you to make sure you talk about why you create content within that specific Niche or product category so if you've decided that you're focusing on beauty you need a sentence in there to explain why because you love beauty because you work to Beauty except Etc right show that you actually care about the products that they create next I want you to include some testimonials so this is only for people who have worked with brands on a ugc basis before if you have worked with Brands ask for a testimonial doesn't have to be long just a sentence of a brand saying yeah you're great to work with include it reference which brand said that because that is a great proof point it's going to help you seal the deal but most importantly then all of that stuff you need to make it crystal clear that you are trying to work with this brand on a ugc basis put it in the subject of your email if you're emailing them pull it in the first or second line of your pitch if you're dming them this needs to be clear because they're going to get a lot of pictures from influencers and ugc creators and they might only be looking for ugc creators at this time which is great for you but they need to know that that is what you're offering that needs to be clear okay in regards to whether or not you should DM or email both whatever you've got if you've only got an Instagram handle then DM them if you've got an email and an Instagram handle then do both right let's cover all basis okay let's cover all angles so today is 21 to 24. hopefully we've got a response maybe two responses from some Brands which is really exciting so now what you want to make sure you're doing is negotiating and Contracting these Brands so it's one thing to get a response it's another thing to actually secure the deal and get a contract signed most brands will have a contract already and they will share this with them this is usually the case because they like to dictate the terms so most of the time they're going to send you a contract if they don't have a contract then you still need to make sure a contract has been signed and you will probably need to not create your own don't panic but have your own and you can get your own contacts either through using various templates online a lot of them are paid but they're worth it or you can get a template from a lawyer on Fiverr I've actually done that before it's pretty easy it took a couple days and it costs like 30 pounds but as I mentioned most of the time the brand is going to have a contract for you to sign you want to make sure that you are reviewing the contract properly you're looking through all the times if you're not sure on what some of it means Google it or again get a lawyer on Fiverr for a couple days to help you through it okay it's really important that you pay attention to the contract because you are finding it so once it's signed you're kind of obliged to stick to everything in there so don't Breeze through it pay attention to what's included when it comes to negotiating stand firm on your right okay if you followed the formula I mentioned before how much you want to get paid per hour how long it's going to take you should have a good idea of what is going to be worth it for you in order to take this deal on your time is valuable okay so just make sure you try to stand your ground with your rate and if you're ever in a situation where a brand refuses to meet you but you really want to work with them discount your rate and make it clear that it's discounted don't just reduce it because if they want to work with you again they're going to want to work with you at the reduced rate whereas if you've discounted it that they know that if they work with you again they need to pay you the full rate so I mean hope that makes sense okay day is 24 to 30.
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