He just got destroyed

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Ray William Johnson
This is the story of Nasubi, the man who was part of a strange Japanese game show. #truestory #tr...
Video Transcript:
so this guy let's call him eggplant cuz that's what everyone calls him an eggplant is just a dude living in Tokyo and he really wants to be a famous comedian and one day he tries out for a TV show sort of a game show but they're a little vague about what this show is going to be regardless this is a big opportunity for eggplant this could launch his career so he shows up to the casting office and they select him and the producer let's call him Tosh Tosh blindfolds him and takes him to little studio
apartment in Tokyo and once they're there Tosh finally explains to him the TV show they're about to be filming they want eggplant to strip down naked and live in a studio apartment with no food no clothes no contact with the outside world he's not allowed to leave the only thing he's allowed to survive off of are the items he wins from mailing in magazine sweep stakes and he has to do this challenge until he's won over a million yen worth of prizes from all the mailin sweep staks which is around $88,000 and once he does
that the game will be over so eggplant agrees to do it and Bam he starts his Challenge and suddenly he's just there butt naked alone filling out as many mailin sweep Stakes as he can up to 2 to 300 a day and like first he's hoping he can win some food because they gave him nothing only water now here's where the whole thing starts to get a little shady eggplant knows he's being filmed he knows this is for a TV show but Tosh tells him that little to none of this footage will ever make it
to air and that the show itself probably won't make it to air but that is a lie that footage immediately goes to air it's part of a variety show once a week producers take the footage and they cut it up and every Sunday night they air a compilation of eggplants weirdest and craziest and funniest moments and eggplant in that apartment has no idea any of this is going on millions of people watch this show every week and they watch eggplant just living in this apartment alone butt necked and people freaking love it they think eggplant
is so funny and quirky meanwhile in reality eggplants actually having a really hard time he's completely isolated from anyone he doesn't have any clothes and to make it worse he's starving because magazine winnings take a while to come in because they have to come in through the mail so producers they end up giving him a small amount of crackers so that he doesn't literally die and then about 2 weeks weeks go by and Bam he wins something that feels lifechanging to him a bunch of packs of fiber jelly which is like a sugary drink and
so he lives off that for a while then a week after that thank goodness he wins an 11lb bag of rice which Hallelujah is his first real food but sadly he has no way to cook it he would have to win pots and pans for that so he has to eat the rice raw for a while then about 2 months in he wins his first article of clo clothing used women's panties because I guess in Japan you can just win used women's panties through magazine sweep staks regardless that all fails because he tries them on
and the panties ultimately don't fit him then around the same time he wins a stuffed animal a seal and he hasn't held a conversation with a single human being in months so this stuffed seal becomes his best friend and he straight up hangs out with it and has conversations with it like it's Wilson the volleyball then 3 months in he wins a toothbrush so this poor guy finally gets to brush his teeth for the first time since he started this challenge he's gone 3 months without brushing his teeth but then his freaking rice runs out
and so he's got nothing to eat until he wins a bunch of dog food so not only does he have to start eating dog food but that becomes his primary food source for months so now we're 6 months into this and at this point eggplant has submitted over 38,000 magazine sweep staks and he's won a bunch of random stuff a b bicycle a chair a VHS player a PlayStation game that he can't play because he doesn't have a PlayStation but on the outside world his segment in that variety show it's still airing every week and
it has become massively popular over the last few months and it's now getting around 15 million views an episode every week in fact the show has become so popular in Japan fans have figured out where eggplant studio apartment is and the fans and the media and the paparazzi they're all constantly showing up up outside the apartment CU they're looking for him an eggplant has no idea any of this is going on because he can't see out he doesn't have a window he still doesn't even know the show is on the air that's how in the
dark he is and Tosh and the other producers they start to get worried they're worried that eggplant will see all this attention outside the apartment and that he'll figure out that he's being broadcast on TV every week so they give him some excuse and they blindfold him and they relocate him to a new studio apartment about 5 hours away and while they're at this new studio apartment The Producers decide that this show is so popular they're going to start live streaming the footage 24/7 so that anyone can tune in at any time of the day
and see what eggplant is doing and so more months go by and the show becomes even more popular and millions more people are tuning in every Sunday to watch the weekly episode and eggplant still has no idea any of this is going on he's just constantly filling out sweep staks all day every day and then one day finally after 300 35 days in captivity Kaboom he wins a small bag of rice and that bag of rice puts him over the 1 million yen Mark and eggplant has officially won the challenge until after winning eggplant is
suddenly woken up surrounded by a camera crew and they're congratulating him and producers give him back his clothes and they blindfold him and they take him to a new surprise location they actually take him out of Japan where he's super famous and they take him to South Korea where no one would re recognize him and they let him visit an amusement park for the day and they take him out for Korean barbecue his favorite food and eggplant has a great time and he still has no idea that he's now a celebrity in Japan then TSH
and the producers they blindfold him and they take him to a new studio apartment and there they coers him to take off his clothes and do yet another challenge cuz this show is straight up a hit andosh and the other producers they want to keep it going and poor eggplant he really wants to launch his career so he reluctantly agrees and this time he has to mail in magazine sweep Stakes until he wins the value of a flight back to Japan so eggplants like fine if this is my ticket into show business but this time
it's different by now he's so good at mailin sweep Stakes that he just Aces this challenge after a few months he wins enough prizes to meet his goal easily so then finally after all this time they clothe him they blindfold him and they take him back to Japan but instead of taking him home they take him to yet another studio apartment and poor eggplant he's like damn it another challenge and he instinctively takes all his clothes off and gets naked but then suddenly out of nowhere Boom the walls of the apartment start to fall away
and strangely he's standing in a TV studio in front of a full live studio audience and they're all applauding for him the producers had tricked him yet again and poor EG plant he's like what the because again he didn't even know this show had aired he still thought that they weren't even going to use much of his footage and on top of that not only is he super famous in Japan now his show broke numerous broadcast records there were over 17 million people tuned in to watch his show every Sunday night now as interesting as
that is all of this definitely traumatized him and there were plenty of negative psychological side effects but this bit of Fame does eventually help him break into the entertainment industry a little bit he goes on to do some variety shows he becomes a dramatic stage actor and performs all across Japan he gets a role in a liveaction anime type drama so after all that torture he ended up with a pretty good career so shout out to him
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