CS Lewis: 7 Things You Must Quit to Hear God Clearly!

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CS Lewis Aura
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Video Transcript:
chosen ones listen up if you truly want to hear God clearly grow in your relationship with him and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit you need to make some bold changes today I'm sharing the seven things I quit that radically shifted my connection with God and let me tell you if you're ready to experience breakthrough these are the steps that will unlock it now did I quit these things overnight absolutely not the Holy Spirit took me on a journey little by little showing me what needed to go because when you let him lead you
he always guides you into godliness into Holiness he convicts you refines you and removes anything that blocks your connection to the father that's how you begin to truly hear his voice this process wasn't about sudden Perfection it was about subtraction sometimes to tune into the voice of God we need to strip away the distraction we live in a world that's constantly pulling us in every direction busyness noise chaos but the Holy Spirit wants to lead you into Stillness so you can hear God he's calling you to slow down to replace old habits that keep you
stuck in the grind of this world's culture when you let go of what's holding you back breakthrough is right around the corner the anxiety the stress the depression they have to go why because you're making space for God's peace to flow and that's when you'll hear him like never before so let's talk about the things I quit number one I quit pouring my time into things that added zero value to my life this was one of the first areas the Holy Spirit corrected he led me to scripture and showed me that I needed to cut
back on entertainment TV news fiction books anything that wasn't feeding my spirit I was young when he first showed me this and I didn't get it perfect right away but as I sought God more he made it clear be careful what you're allowing in I didn't have to give it up completely but I had to scale it way back I still watched the news just less I don't read fiction anymore now if I'm reading it's books that build me up I swapped out the noise for things that edify my soul podcasts YouTube teachings anything that
feeds my spirit chosen ones you need to understand this truth not everything that's placed in front of you deserves your attention just because it's there doesn't mean it's for you be selective cut down the external noise that's drowning out God's voice you don't need to cut out all entertainment but you do need to take control don't let distractions block the voice of God be intentional be focused and watch how clearly you start hearing from him the holy spirit is ready to lead you are you ready to follow number two quit hanging with the wrong kind
of people it's time to stop surrounding yourself with toxic negative influences I know you might have friends who aren't Believers and yes we're called to share the gospel with them but let me be real with you you cannot afford to invest your time in relationships that pull you away from God some relationships are so toxic they plant seeds of doubt and unbelief in your life you don't need to be in environments where gossip criticism and negativity Thrive those friendships that constantly tear others down cut them off why because these Rel relationships aren't just wasting your
time they're actively blocking your growth with God you have to decide right now what's more important to you your relationship with God or your relationship with people who are dragging you down you can't have it both ways you need to protect your spirit and create space for God to move in your life the holy spirit is calling you higher chosen one it's time to let go of what holding you back now that leads me to number three stop criticizing and judging other people hear me on this the Holy Spirit convicted me of this when I
was younger I used to criticize a lot I gossiped and then one day the holy spirit said to me I'm calling you to bring Salvation healing and deliverance yet you're spending your time tearing people down that hit me like a ton of bricks why because it's not your job to point out everyone's flaws whether it's in your church your community or even among your friends constant criticism will only bring Darkness into your life you weren't called to magnify what's wrong with people you were called to love them to pray for them and to help them
become who God wants them to be and let me go deeper quit criticizing yourself some of you need to be set free from the way you speak over your own life you're constantly putting yourself down saying I'm never good enough I always mess up I don't belong in leadership that's a lie from the enemy you need to get a clear revelation of who you are in Christ stop tearing yourself down and start building yourself up in the word of God when you quit criticizing yourself you'll be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit God doesn't want
you stuck in a cycle of negativity he wants you to walk in love Grace and compassion just like Jesus chosen one it's time to step into who God has called you to be quit the criticism quit the Judgment quit the self-doubt pray for others build them up and let the Holy Spirit do his work this is how we remove the barriers that block us from hearing God's voice clearly let go of the negativity and watch how God moves in your life number four quit magnifying what's going wrong quit always talking about your problems too many
people live in a constant state of focusing on what's going wrong I've got friends who every time I call it's all about the latest issue in their life they're consumed by it talking about their problems morning noon and night they don't even realize that they're allowing those problems to take over their thoughts emotions and even their faith now I'm not saying you're never going to face issues we all go through things that are out of our control there are situations you simply can't change on your own and those are the things you need to bring
to God In Prayer but here's the key what are you doing with what you can control how are you reacting to those problems what what are you choosing to magnify see you have a choice in every situation you can either magnify the problem and let it stress you out or you can make a bold shift and magnify God you can keep dwelling on what's going wrong or you can turn your attention to the one who has the answer Jesus said he would never leave us nor forsake us you've got the Holy Spirit living inside of
you and let me tell you he will give you the answer if you're listening he's your comforter your guide and your helper you have the solution within you because the Great I Am lives in you when you start magnifying God instead of your problems everything begins to shift your thinking gets clearer your heart is at peace and suddenly you can hear God's voice more easily the Holy Spirit starts showing you the way forward because now your attention is on him and not the issue that's the power of Shifting your focus I'm not saying to pretend
your problems don't exist bring them to God but don't let them dominate your life if you spend all your time thinking about what's going wrong whether it's a health issue a financial need or a relationship struggle you're giving the enemy room to steal your peace instead of magnifying the negative start magnifying the the good think about what God has already done for you remember the times he delivered you provided for you and gave you breakthrough after breakthrough look at the blessings in your life the health victories the revelations he shown you and most importantly the
Eternal promises we have in Christ stop spending all your energy magnifying what you don't have the money the promotion the healing that hasn't manif ested yet instead start celebrating what you do have the eternal life the blessings of Salvation and the peace that surpasses all understanding when you shift your focus like that you open the door to the supernatural peace of God instead of being anxious overwhelmed or depressed you stand firm in the knowledge that God is for you he's working on your behalf and he's going going to bring you through to the other side
now let's talk about another thing you need to quit quit overdoing it we live in a world that glorifies being busy but here's the truth busyness can be the enemy of spiritual growth the more you pack your schedule the more distracted you become even with things that seem good a few years ago I was so involved in church I couldn't say no to anything I was volunteering Hearing in every area trying to do everything but guess what I was running on empty I was so busy doing things for God that I wasn't spending enough time
with God chosen ones don't fall into that trap serving is important but if you're constantly saying yes to everything you're going to burn out when you overdo it whether in church work or in your personal life you rob yourself of the time you need with God you might be busy doing good things but if you're too tired to pray too exhausted to read the Bible or too overwhelmed to spend quiet time with Jesus you're missing the most important thing balance is key say yes to what God has called you to but also know when to
say no you need to protect your time with him because your relationship with God is not a checklist item it's not something you should rush through just to get it done it's the most valuable relationship you have and it deserves your time your energy and your focus your time with God is lifegiving it's not a chore it's a privilege when you slow down and make space for those moments with him your entire life will begin to change if your schedule is so packed that you can't even think straight it's time to re-evaluate what do you
need to quit what's filling your days so much that you're too tired to spend time with Jesus it's time to make some adjustments you need to slow down ground yourself in the word and create space for God to speak to you when you start cutting out the excess and finding balance you'll hear God more clearly feel his presence more strongly and experience a deeper relationship with him don't let busyness rob you of your time with God it's not just about doing more it's about doing what matters most serving is important but so is spending time
in prayer meditating on his word and just being in his presence if you want to grow in your relationship with God if you want to hear his voice more clearly you have to make time for him slow down find balance and prioritize your relationship with the father he's waiting to speak to you comfort you and guide you but you have to make room for him in your life chosen ones it's time to quit magnifying the wrong things and quit overloading your life with distractions focus on what matters magnify God spend time in his presence and
watch how he moves in your life number six quit pleasing people you don't live for people you live for God and His word is crystal clear on this I get it this isn't always easy but when you've made the decision to pursue godliness to live a holy life and to seek God's wisdom over people's opinions you're going to face resistance actually let me be real with you you will always go against the culture when you follow God people are going to criticize you some will the way you live the way you speak and especially the
boldness with which you share the gospel if you're called to lead if you're called to minister if you're called to disciple others understand this criticism is part of the journey the more impact you have for God's kingdom the more opposition you'll face people will hate on you they'll try to tear you down but here's what you need to remember you don't live for them they didn't create you they didn't die for you they didn't save you you live for God and God alone you do what he tells you to do you follow the plan he
laid out for your life you step into the calling he placed on you because he has called you to Greatness he's given you a purpose and if you spend your life trying to please people you're going to limit what God can do in and through you when you stop caring caring about what people think you start making room for the Holy Spirit to move in your life people's opinions will only hold you back they aren't looking out for your good only God is God has the answer to your problems God is leading you in ways
that may make people uncomfortable and yes you might lose friends along the way but when you live to please others you're putting their opinions above God's plan for you quit pleasing people so that you can step fully into what God has for you now let's talk about another thing that needs to go quit overthinking this one's personal for me there was a time when the Holy Spirit convicted me because I was constantly reasoning and overthinking everything and because of that I was stuck I wasn't moving forward on the things God wanted me to do because
I couldn't stop analyzing every little detail and that's a problem because when you're overthinking it becomes harder to hear God's voice see when the Holy Spirit speaks sometimes his direction is subtle he might lead you to do something small but if you start overthinking you're going to talk yourself out of it you'll start doubting what if God tells you to pray for someone and instead of obeying you start thinking is this really God what if they think I'm weird and suddenly you've convinced yourself not to do it that's how you grieve the Holy Spirit you're
not moving when he's leading you're letting doubt and overthinking keep you from obedience I've been there when God first called me to teach I overthought everything I said but I don't know how to speak well I've never taught before sure I needed to learn and devel but I was letting my doubts drown out God's call the same thing happened when I started flowing in the gift of discernment My Flesh would fight me and I'd overthink second guessing what God was showing me and because of that I didn't move when he wanted me to chosen ones
stop overthinking quit letting doubt creep in when the Holy Spirit prompts you to act move obey the more you overthink the more room you give for doubt and the less likely you are to follow his leading and when you don't follow you grieve the Holy Spirit God has plans for you but you've got to step out in faith trust that he will equip you for whatever he's calling you to do so quit pleasing people and quit overthinking obey the Holy Spirit follow his leading step into your calling with boldness and confidence knowing that God is
is the one who empowers you when you stop worrying about what others think and stop overanalyzing every step you'll find Freedom peace and Clarity in God's will for your life the holy spirit is speaking are you ready to listen and act chosen ones I hope this is making sense to you I'm sharing these things because they worked in my life and helped me grow closer to God as I said from the start I didn't quit all seven things at once it was a journey and it may look different for you maybe God is leading you
to quit something specific in your life if you're battling addiction for example he wants you free God doesn't want you to be a slave to anything he doesn't want your flesh to rule over you he wants you to walk in the spirit and to grow in your relationship with him there are things standing between you and God that he's calling you to quit Jesus died for us so we could have access to the throne of grace and let me tell you God's grace is amazing he gives us the grace to overcome anything maybe you need
to quit listening to your feelings all the time let's call that a bonus God has led me to stop paying more attention to my feelings than I was to him he said focus on me more than your emotions yes it's important to acknowledge how you feel so you can deal with it but what's more important is to listen to what the holy spirit is showing you in that season of Life you've got to take control over your feelings and not let them dominate your life you have the Holy Spirit living in you and because of
that you have the power to overcome yes God gave us feelings and sometimes they're hard to have handle but with the holy spirit's help you can Reign Over your emotions I know a lot of people struggle with anxiety depression or negative emotions and I teach on this because I believe in the freedom you can find through the Holy Spirit you don't have to live under your feelings you live above them reigning over them because of who you are in Christ Jesus your identity in Christ is greater than any emotion magnify who you are in him
and let that be the foundation of your life not how you feel you've been called to freedom and in Christ you can walk in it thank you for watching chosen ones if this video has touched your heart don't forget to like the video and share the message with others who need to hear it let's spread the word and help more people experience the Breakthrough that comes from walking walking in the spirit also if you're feeling moved by this message type Amen in the comments your engagement helps this message reach more souls in need of God's
truth and encouragement God bless you and keep pressing into his presence
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