In today's episode, we will share a few true disturbing Neighbor horror stories.
A guy who used to ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] [Music] I used to live in a three-story house with my parents younger sibling and our dog we move into this house a few months before my younger sibling was born that was when we first met the neighbors across the street Lucas the oldest child in their family was always a bit strange but some parts of his personality were more than just strange they were very disturbing it would take hours to explain everything so I will get straight to the point I'm almost sure that Lucas has been inside our house in the middle of the night our house was built on a hill so it looked like it had only two stories from the front and the basement was connected to the backyard the yards in this neighborhood were much larger than in newer housing developments so it would have been easy for someone to enter our backyard without being seen even so my family was terrible at making sure all the basement doors were locked my younger sibling and I would go in and out while playing in the backyard or someone would go down to let the dog out and we would forget to lock one of the doors before bed we live in a safe area where people often left their doors unlocked however my family always locked the door to the basement every night along with all the other doors on the main level I had a messed up sleep schedule back then so I was usually still awake at 3:00 or 4: in the morning there are two specific times late at night that make me think Lucas has been inside our house without us knowing one night I was in my bedroom on the upper level of the house it was probably around 2:30 in the morning when I suddenly heard an angry growl coming from downstairs thinking that my dog had seen a cat in the front yard I quickly rushed downstairs to stop him from barking and waking up my whole family this happened every now and then so I didn't think much of it but instead of finding my dog by the front window I found him by the locked door that leads to the basement the fur on the back of his neck was standing up and his nose was pressed to the bottom of the door there was something or someone on the other side of the basement door I was barely a teenager at the time so I started to panic and quietly made my way upstairs I woke up both of my parents but neither of them took me seriously my dad thought my dog was hearing noises from outside but he eventually went downstairs to check he said everything downstairs looked fine but he noticed we forgot to lock one of the basement doors that night then another night I was up late in my room this time instead of hearing my dog growling I heard a loud bark that echoed throughout the whole house the sound was sudden and loud and it almost made me jump out of my chair I thought my dog had seen a cat outside so I quickly looked out my bedroom window to see what he was barking at but my heart sank when instead of a cat I saw Lucas running out of our front yard in the dark I watched him run across the street and back to his own house before I heard hurried to close the curtains and hide I sat there trying to understand what I had just seen wondering why Lucas would be in our yard late at night the following morning I told my mom about it and she said she would talk to Lucas's mom about it later I found out that when my mom talked to them they said their son would never do that but I'm certain that Lucas has been inside our house at night doing who knows what I want to say that this happened a long time ago and my family doesn't live in that house anymore but thinking back on everything now I realize how creepy the situation really [Music] was a few years ago I rented a house in Northern California the neighborhood was just outside the suburbs it felt perfect because I had enough space but also nice neighbors nearby so I didn't feel lonely there were no street lights so it got very dark at night especially if clouds covered the moon I didn't mind the darkness though it made my little house feel even Cozier at night then one winter day I got home from work it was a cloudy night so I could only see what my car's headlights and the front porch light showed when I got out of my car I noticed someone might have been smoking nearby this was strange because I had never smelled it around my house before I didn't see anyone so I ignored it and went inside I had just finished a long shift with extra hours so I was very tired even though it wasn't even 7:00 I decided to take a shower and and go to bed I woke up later sure I heard a noise inside my house I wasn't worried at first because my friend sometimes stopped by to use my shower after work I even gave him a spare key so he could come in even if I wasn't home but he always texted me to let me know first but this time I hadn't heard my phone ring so I reached for my phone on the bedside table to check if my friend had texted me the bright light from the screen and number pad blinded me this was before phones could dim the screen in the dark and my phone was so bright it could be used as a flashlight through squinted eyes I saw it was nine or something but I couldn't tell if I had a new text I put my phone down and called out my friend's name after a few seconds of Silence I heard loud footsteps as someone started running on the the bottom floor of my house I jumped out of bed and ran to the closet they were already up the stairs by the time I opened the door and stepped inside the house had three rooms upstairs two bedrooms on either side of the hallway and a bathroom at the end both bedroom doors were closed but the bathroom door was slightly open I heard the person in my house run down the hallway past my my door and into the bathroom thank goodness they did this gave me enough time to open the attic access in my closet and pull myself up I had just started lifting myself when the person ran out of the bathroom my feet were barely inside the attic when my bedroom door burst open then I heard footsteps enter my room and stop when they didn't see me they ran back to the hallway and into the other room which just had boxes some weights and a table where I painted models they must have thought someone would hide in the bedroom because they ran back into my room and turned on the light a moment later the closet door swung open I was crouched in the Attic just a foot away from the entrance ready to stop them if they tried to climb up from where I was I could only see from their knee down they wore dirty blue jeans with frayed cuffs and worn work boots after a few seconds of searching the closet they stepped back and I heard a loud crash from my room followed by a scream of frustration and [Music] anger I stayed crouched in the attic I had left my phone when I ran to the closet and I wasn't sure if I could climb down without him hearing me after after a while the noises stopped I began counting slowly when I got to 1,000 I thought it was safe to climb down and call the police the first thing I saw when I left the closet was that the Intruder had flipped my bed over probably looking for me that was the loud noise I heard after he left the closet since I couldn't find my cell phone I went to the land line by the bed and called the police I stayed in my room until I heard them shout from downstairs the first floor was a mess but I knew to expect that chairs were knocked over the sofa was flipped all the books pictures and little things I had on shelves were scattered on the floor in the kitchen cupboards were open and box and canned foods were thrown on the ground from what I could see the only thing missing was one knife from the wooden block the police searched the whole house and they discovered that the side door had been forced open with something like a crowbar they believed he had been watching my house for some time then I realized he must have been out there smoking when I arrived home they gathered the evidence and advised me to stay with family or friends that night and fix the door but I didn't go anywhere and decided to stay awake I moved a shelf to block the broken door door and spent the next few hours cleaning up sometimes I would go to the window with a flashlight and shine it along the fence but I didn't see anything the next day I called to get the door fixed and installed motion lights at the back and sides of my house I also ran a phone cable up into the attic and got a landline installed I didn't want to be stuck up there without a phone again another precaution I took was practicing how quickly and quietly I could get out of bed go to my closet and climb into the attic I try not to think about what might have happened if I had been slower getting to the attic or if he hadn't gone into the bathroom first at the end of the [Music] hall I'm a junior in high school and I don't have a car so I mostly walk or sometimes ride a bike to get around because of this I see a lot of people on the street which isn't usually a problem by the way I live in a nice town and attend a good school it's not a private school but it's a nicer Public School the part of town where I live is considered the lower income area not bad but not as nice as where many of my friends live now the guy in this story is someone my close friends and I call the crackhead the first time I saw him was when I was walking to the park to play basketball One Summer he walked past me and said something I couldn't understand so I just ignored him and continue my walking nothing strange happened yet the second time I saw this guy was when I was eating at a pizza place near my house with some friends suddenly my dad called me yelling we're leaving for church in 5 minutes come back now so there I was running like an Olympic sprinter back home when the same guy stopped me hey why are you running I was wondering why he was stopping someone clearly in a hurry up until now nothing too wild had happened but there's more one night my girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch in my living room watching a movie then suddenly I got a strange feeling and turned around the way my house is arranged there are windows right behind the couch when I turned around I saw someone who seemed to be looking in through the open blinds I'm not completely sure it was him but he had the same build and was wearing similar clothes I got my girlfriend's attention and she looked too but when she did he walked away casually I just Shrugged and we went back to watching the movie now here's where things get strange one of my best friends let's call him P for privacy comes over to hang out at my place quite often we were walking to the store to get snacks when we saw the crackhead coming towards us he came up to us and started saying hello so we said hello back and kept going as we walked and talked I noticed P was unusually quiet so I asked him if he was okay and he turned to me and said you know he said your name right did you tell that guy your name that's when it hit me I never told him my name so here's the last time before the most recent one p was at my house again along with another close friend will call Kay we were walking to the park at night to play basketball when we saw the crackhead instead of saying anything he stayed quiet and just watched us as we walked past keeping his eyes on us the whole time we all looked at each other and noticed he was starting to follow us we sped up and eventually he stopped chasing us the rest of the night went by quietly then in the morning around 5:00 a. m. I went out for a run you might wonder why a high schooler is running at 5:00 a.
m. well there are two reasons firstly I wrestle for my high school so I run every day to stay fit the reason I'm running at 5:00 a. m.
is because I couldn't sleep and thought I might as well go for a run as I'm finishing up and about to turn onto my street I noticed the guy standing and staring at me next to a car across from the entrance to my street I turn onto my street and look back but the weird guy is gone already by the time I was getting back it was about 6:00 so it was now light out but I was constantly getting a feeling like he was watching me or maybe I was just being paranoid at this point I don't really know how to feel about this guy now that it seems like he's hiding from me I don't know what he's up to I don't feel too unsafe because I'm a big guy about 6'5 but being too confident about your safety can sometimes lead to trouble so I think it's important for me to be cautious [Music] a few years ago in my small apartment where I lived alone things started feeling strange I noticed little things were off like there being less food in the fridge than I remembered putting in or finding pillows from my couch on the floor I was sure no one else had access to my apartment so it was puzzling then one night I woke up at around 1:00 a. m.