becoming successful is a lot easier when you have your [ __ ] together and so what we're going to be doing in this video is I'm going to explain to you how I actually got my [ __ ] together when I was younger and how that led to me becoming a millionaire living my dream life and making a ton of money now the chances are right now if you're not where you want to be in life you don't have your [ __ ] together you've probably got bad habits you've probably got bad belief systems you
might not be in a healthy place you might not have any good relationships you you might be completely broke so what we're going to do in this video is address address this problem and I'm going to help you solve it and I'm going to help you solve it as someone who has solved it themselves so I've definitely got my [ __ ] together right I've got my dream life I've got my dream relationships in my life I've got more money than I know what to do with I'm healthy I'm happy I'm in a good spot
and so I'm going to explain what I did seven years ago to create this life so you can have the same thing so without further Ado let's hop into it so really happiness and and being happy with your life comes down to a couple of different variables you've got Health you've got wealth and then you've got love and typically generally speaking if you study The Human Condition if you're healthy wealthy and you have love in your life I.E with personal or intimate friendships or relationships you're probably going to be happy now if you just have
wealth and love but you're really unhealthy then you're probably not going to be happy and if you have loads of like if you're really healthy and you have lots of love but you're dead broke and you can't afford anything and you're in a terrible Financial spot you're probably not going to be happy and likewise if you have love um if you have love and health or so if you have health and wealth if you're really healthy and you're really wealthy but no one loves you and you don't love anyone and you have no friends and
nothing like that then you're probably not going to be happy now a lot of people would argue that all you need to be happy is love well why don't you go and look at the STA statistics for what ends most marriages it's finances it's people not having enough money to make the marriage work and to most marriages end over wealth and so what I've experienced throughout my short 25 26 years on this planet is that if you have these three things in toe you're probably going to be happy and having these three things in toe
constitutes having your [ __ ] together and so what we're going to be doing here over the next hour or two is I'm going to explain My Philosophy for acquiring these three things now I don't have a huge amount of life experience I'm only 25 years old but in my short 25 years on this planet I've been able to make more than $20 million online I've been able to sustain healthy relationships I've got tons of great friendships I've got a fantastic team of people that work with me and for me um I've got a great
relationship with my parents I live in my dream house I have my dream car so I have these things and I'm happy and if you're not then I'm going to explain how so let's dive into this so the first thing that I'm going to explain is what you don't need to do because there's a lot of misconceptions around how to get your ship together and how to have a good life and a lot of them in my opinion are wrong and so I'm going to break some belief systems hopefully so you do not need monk
mode uh-uh don't need it you don't need meditation you don't need it you don't need journaling you you don't need it you don't need to read um what other habits are there you don't even need to go to the gym right all of these things I'm I've got some notes on my phone here but all of these things like self-improvement you don't need it now are these things bad no absolutely not and these can be great habits that can massively benefit you and help you in life but getting your [ __ ] together when you're
near Rock Bottom or you're not in a good place in your life life is far less about adding things and adding good habits it's not about adding things when you're when you need to get your [ __ ] together it's about removing things when you when you're when you need to get your [ __ ] together it's way more that your leverage and your ability to get your [ __ ] together is way more about removing habits and bad things from your life than it is adding things because these habits here are fantastic to acquire
but you need to achieve what I'm going to call a solid ID base okay now a base this represents your character and what I mean by this is as you this is you right now if this is your [ __ ] together Omer you know this is your [ __ ] together ometer here is zero where you don't have your [ __ ] together but you don't not have your [ __ ] together you're just sort of like here is neutral point base right you're not in a bad place you're not really in a good
place you're not happy you're not unhappy you're just existing without any great habits or really bad habits down here is where we have hell and up here is where we have Heaven excuse the biblical analogies but I'm sure you can get the point and so down here is probably where you are right now you're probably in the depth of hell where you're broke or you're unhealthy or you don't have any relationships and that's probably because you're young and you're yet to figure out a lot of things to do with life but the thing is is
all of the habits that listed on the board earlier well they bring you up here to heaven but there's not much point in trying to seek heaven in your life when you're drudging through hell if you want to get to heaven the first thing you have to do is get out of hell and you don't get to Heaven by getting out of hell you start by getting out of hell first to your base where you're just at the surface of the Earth so if this is if this is the surface and this is hell and
this is heaven this is bad and this is good we don't escape Hell by looking looking for heaven we escape hell just by trying to get to the bloody surface and then once we're at the surface here then we can start looking for a good thing and so if your life sucks right now and if you're down here somewhere if you've got mental health problems or health problems or money issues or relationship issues or whatever you're not going to fix those and you're not going to improve your life by randomly starting to meditate The Leverage
is in removal not addition if you want to add you must first subtract and so I want you to imagine that let's just say that there's like you have 10 different things in your life that you do whether they're good or bad things there might only be 10 things that you can do this is an arbitrary number it's a mental model right it's not exactly true but my point is that before you try adding something good you need to remove something bad because there's only so much time energy and willpower you have and there's way
more leverage and there's way more power in removing things down here than there are in adding things up here because your job right now is not to try and live a good life and have a happy amazing life it's just not to have a bad one and so what we want to do is we want to borrow a mental model uh or an abstraction called inversion or obliquity where we try to achieve something through its opposite so how do we become successful well we just try to not be unsuccessful and so what we're going to
do in this video is I'm going to walk you through what you need to remove I'm not going to tell you to add anything I'm not going to tell you to enter a monk mode Pro protocol or like start drinking more water or journaling or meditating because none of those things are going to help you if you have fundamental Terrible Bad Habits going on down here like for example let's say that you smoke weed and you drink alcohol and you know you're addicted to video games you can't stop watching pornography um you're you're constantly scrolling
through social media and Instagram and your life is just you work a drob you hate and everything's bad you you doing meditation for 5 minutes a day is not going to change your life anywhere near enough in contrast to the removal of those habits or if You' have a terrible life but then you start journaling all you're going to do is you're just going to start depressing yourself even more because you're reflecting on how [ __ ] your life is so the good habits are good to adopt but only when you have a solid healthy
base and the way you get a solid healthy base is by the removal so what we're going to be doing here is walking through how to actually get to you know base zero and base zero basically represents being at a place where you can start to build and you can start to grow your life and so I want you to look at it like this this is where you are right now and this this represents you without your stuff together you do not have your [ __ ] together at this point in your life here
the problem is is if you haven't got your [ __ ] together and you've got all these bad habits and lots of terrible things happening and you're unhappy well what's going to happen is you don't really know yourself like this is the problem that I see time and time again where this down this person here you know down here in in this depth of of hell so to speak I'm just going to get a different pen here where's my black pen let's grab it the person in the depth of hell like they don't know themselves
and so what a lot of gurus are doing online right now is they're telling you in your current state in your hell-like state with your without any with all your bad habits to start figuring out what you want to do with your life and have you ever been asked this question before of what do you want to do with your life or what's your goal and you have absolutely no idea well the reason you have absolutely no idea is because you don't really know yourself and the reason you don't know yourself and your true self
is because you buried yourself away with all these bad habits like if you smoke weed or if you drink alcohol or you watch pornography or you know if you're on social media all the time your brain is fundamentally like your brain is just completely it's over stimulated it's reward mechanism and its goals St mechanism is completely out of whack and it's no wonder you can't figure out what you want to do let alone read a page of a book because how could you possibly if you're massively overstimulating your brain you're messing around with all your
chemicals and your your brain and body like doing all these behaviors cannot achieve like a natural state then you you don't know what you want because how could you possibly like how could you possibly figure out what you want or how could you possibly figure out what to do when your brain isn't working properly because you've overstimulated it or because you've just completely destroyed it with all these bad habits like it it it baffles me that people think like you know they ask an 18-year-old what they want to do with their life and that 18-year-old
is just out drinking and playing video games all the time without a job and they're just like some idiot it's like well that person can't possibly know what they want because they don't have their [ __ ] together so let me get a different pen what we're going to do is we're going to go through in order of what I believe to be some of the big ones and the important ones that will help you get your [ __ ] together because what we need to do is in order for you to get to this
base you know so you can actually start you know going net positive because think of it like this like right now if you don't if you're not in a natural healthy State I.E you've got bad habits and you've got weird anxieties and depressions which are not natural then you're in this you're in debt essentially and you know if this up here represents being a millionaire and this down here present being like in debt then before you can start to make money and save money you need to pay off this debt and that's like Finance 101
you know the the the the most common advice given in personal finance is before you try to start saving money and making money pay off any of your debts first and so that's what we need to do with your behaviors and your habits and with your brain is we need to pay off this damn debt and get out of it and then once you paid off the debt you can actually start to think about building things so don't you dare try try and start a business if you're if you haven't got your [ __ ]
together it just won't work because a business is a reflection of you business understand this people say that nine out of 10 businesses fail businesses don't fail people do seldom is the business model of the problem it's the person starting the business n out of 10 business people fail but not n out of 10 businesses because the business is an arbitrary thing it's just like a it just exists how could it possibly fail the person failed so let's actually start talking about some practical advice you can use to get out of this personal debt and
fix your brain so you can actually start to become somewhat successful and um and get your Shi together so the point I've just made is that truthfully if you've got lots of bad habits and you're doing things you know you shouldn't do that are bad for you then you're probably operating it maybe 10 to 20% of your potential and if you try to build a company or build a successful life or a successful career with your current brain and your current habits you're only ever going to achieve 10 to 20% of the success you usually
would because fundamentally your neuros circuitry is going to hold you back so let's get started here so what actually do we need to do because I'm going to give you a bit of a challenge because this is how I did it and I'm going to walk you through exactly how I got my [ __ ] together and when I did this I went from dead broke with no friends and no girlfriend and no like life basically I just I sat and played League of Legends all day and just did rubbish ate rubbish food and did
stupid things for like three years of my life and I was a teenager and when I was 18 I had enough of it so I started doing this get my [ __ ] together protocol and it worked and now I make like a million dollars a month and have a cool life so this is how it works so the first thing that you want to look to eliminate from your life is sugar now what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you these habits and I'm going to give you these variables that you
need to eliminate and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to explain why from a business perspective you want to eliminate them so we're going to talk about removing them remove telling you to remove something is the easy part but he who has a why can bear almost any help so I want to justify to you why you need to remove these individual things and that should help you understand the imperativeness of of my argument so you actually do take it on board otherwise you're just going to click off this YouTube video and
just carry on with your [ __ ] life which I don't want so sugar is the first thing to remove sugar is basically right now sug sugar is like the devil it is absolutely awful for you because what sugar does is a it stimulates your brain like heavily but it just completely ruins your body and your brain and I can tell you right now that if you are having weird anxieties and weird depressions and if you're having having weird mood swings and you have huge energy spikes and then in the afternoon you have like a
massive energy crash or if you're just randomly sat there checking your emails and you have a wave of anxiety come over you it's likely to be because of sugar now I'm not here I'm not a clinical psychologist I'm not going to tell you you're depressed because you're eating sugar but it usually is the case at least it was for me sugar is like a uh what it does is it it basically puts your brain in roller coaster mode and so it sends you from like a super high to a super low back to a high
and then back up and you know it it basically makes your emotional wavelength and state look like this and it also does this with your sleep and it does this with your mood and it does this with your energy and it's not a very like it's not a very good fuel to burn you know and I've gone as far now to the point where not only have I cut out sugar from my life completely but I've also completely removed carbohydrates now I'm not here telling you to remove carbs because you know you can do whatever
the hell you want but the first thing you need to look to eliminate is sugar completely you know I don't eat any carbohydrates at all I haven't for like two months now and my brain is so unbelievably steady and clean and my clarity of thought is absolutely unprecedented in my life at the moment and it's because I got rid of this and so if you have a brain that looks like this well your business is going to look like this and your career is going to look like this and your relationships are going to look
like this because really in life all we have is a body and a brain and how we treat that body in that brain and how that body and brain is manifesting into the world is near enough how all of our behaviors will manifest into the world and so you know if you have a if you have a business and like you're suddenly on like a sugar crash and you're all anxious and your brain's Jal haywire and weird because you're consuming a synthetic material that's not made for human digestion it's not you're not supposed to digest
it well you're going to start to hit low points and the enemy to business success and the enemy to Career growth is emotion and so if one minute you're up here talking to clients feeling amazing and the next minute a client calls you and you're in the gussa or if you're making content one minute and you feel amazing and then halfway through the content you feel terrible it's just unpredictable you're not you're never going to have predictability in your life in your business because sugar is basically like you're digesting it you're you're spiking your insulin
you have this massive burst of energy and then it just it just cuts off and then you just start then you have this contrast and you crave it again so you eat more next time like anything that contains sugar should be eliminated from your diet if this is the very first thing that you have to eliminate if you want to actually get your [ __ ] together because if you until you've eliminated this until you've got rid of sugar and I would almost argue like any sort of stimulant like I also have eliminated caffeine as
well because it does the same thing but Sugar's the main one this is the Catalyst this is the big boy if you get rid of this removing everything else in your life gets significantly easier because what sugar's going to do is it's going to put you at a low point in your moods and it's going to put you you know in these in these states of lack of energy and when you haven't got the energy and when you're in a bad mood and when you're feeling all anxious and depressed and emotional then that emotion and
that state is the Catalyst or the uh precedent that you will set for engaging in bad behaviors and so what will happen at these points this is when you know if you try to exercise willpower but you're on a sugar crash and you've got no energy and you're in a bad mood this is when you're going to start to do stupid stuff like watch porn or play video games or you know do all this other crap that you know you shouldn't do and so this is the cast this is the first thing we are what
we eat and if we eat a chaotic substance that is UN natural and isn't supposed to work then we will naturally be chaotic unnatural and we won't be supposed to work so that's the first thing to remove what you need to do is you need to if you're going to fix your life you can't do it in a 30-day sweep it isn't the monk mode protocol is a load of rubbish monk mode is a fantastic tool for people who have already paid off their personal crap debt and they're actually wanted to be successful and they
need to lock in for a month or two monk Mode's fine for people that have a good base but if you're the kind of person person that's going up and down like this and you're doing all these stupid behaviors and you apply monk mode all you're going to do is accuate the length over which these behaviors are going to manifest once you come out of Monk mode and so what we want to do is you want to use the 30-day principle I'm just going to write this up here I'm going to put this so the
30-day principle is basically you eliminate this for 30 days and so what I'm going to suggest you do here is not try and fix everything it wants a immediately we're going to try and fix your life over a 6 to 9 month period or a 3 to 9 month period where we're going to take your individual bad habits and the behaviors that are holding you back and we're going to eliminate them one by one in 30-day increments now what I can tell you right now is we're going to we're going to agree to quit whatever
it is for 30 days but I know that if you actually quit it after 30 days you you won't want to reintroduce it because you'll feel way better and if you tell everyone that you quit it then it's then you're done so we're not just saying we're quitting sugar forever because that's too difficult to justify to your sugar craving brain whilst we intend to quit it forever we start with 30 days because as Jordan Peterson said to Joe Rogan when they were talking about the carnival diet I could hang on to the window seals by
my fingernails for 30 days if I had to it's possible when you say I'm going to quit this for 30 days in your brain it's it's just like a oh okay it's only 30 days I can I can do that like it's more fathomable but when you say I'm going to quit it forever well you're not because your brain just it's too difficult for you to comprehend in your with your crappy Behavior okay once you've paid off your debts and you've got a good base then you can start to tell yourself I'm not going to
do this ever again and you just won't it becomes a decision but the first thing that I want you to look to do is eliminate all sugar from your diet and not only this but really you want to eliminate all processed foods okay and if you're wondering like well what the hell does that leave me well really it's just meat um complex carbs and vegetables and I'm saying get rid of fruit get rid of Honey those are just cats oh I'm going to do the keto I'm going to do Carnival but I'm still going to
eat honey and fruit idiot kettin stupid boy like that's just cope it's sugar in a different form so you know what what if you got left head just you want to eat a relatively straightforward Paleolithic diet where you're eating complex carbs like you can do rice potatoes sweet potatoes whatever like that's still sugary and those are still carbs but they're going to burn slowly and you're not going to have these huge spites we're also going to remove all of the synthetic stuff like you know any crap that you're eating like you know crisps and popcorn
and I don't even know what crap people eat this also accounts for all of your um drinking as well so no diet drinks no like Diet Coke or Diet Sprite just literally just drink water and eat like boring Foods that don't stimulate your dopaminergic system and that's literally it and if you do this for 30 days you're not going to you're no longer going to have this wild Spike and it's going to be way easier for you to self-regulate the other bad behaviors that you're going to eliminate 30 days later and so this is the
first thing I removed it changed my life and that's set new M so once you've eliminated sugar this will do a lot of the um a lot of the heavy lifting for you because if you remember we're trying to optimize for three variables here we're trying to optimize for health wealth and love and if we get these three things and we put them all together then we should in theory be happy and that's what we're looking for and so I can tell you now that Building Wealth and feeling worthy of love and being able to
form genuine real connections it usually comes from your health because if you try and build a company when you're really really unhealthy and if you try and start becoming successful and making money and stuff when you can't get out of bed in the morning because you're in such a sugar crash or you're sleeping 3 hours a night and your emotions of Haywire it's incredibly difficult to build wealth with terrible Health it's possible and lot people have done it before but you put yourself at a massive disadvantage into your competition when you don't eat and sleep
properly and so the first things we're focusing on here are your health and really the the easiest way to become healthier real quick is not to go to the gym or you know start like running and stuff like that but literally just to stop eating sugar if you can nail that then you'll be absolutely fine so the next thing that we're going to eliminate or look to eliminate and you might not have this in your life you probably have a sugar one but you probably you may or may not have this one the next thing
we're looking to eliminate is alcohol okay now alcohol I spell I don't know if how to spell it right but you get the point right we once again we're doing this on a 30-day window so your first decision should be to eliminate sugar for 30 days we're not trying to eliminate any more than one Behavior at once because it's simply going to be too difficult for you I can tell you right now that you will not be able to do it if you've never actually done an audit on your life and properly quit behaviors before
it's a really hard thing to do and you're going to have to learn to manage your cravings and manage your impulses so you don't give into your emotional situations but the next thing to eliminate is alcohol so alcohol I mean a lot of alcohol will actually be covered in the um in the sugar thing just going to drink some water here real quick a lot of alcohol will actually be covered in the sugar thing because you know you're not going to be able to drink beer and you're not going to be able to drink like
any like mixes or anything so really the only alcohol you're going to be able to drink is like you know vodka or whatever which you won't want to do straight but alcohol is the second thing you need to eliminate from your life now I've never really struggled with alcohol before so I can't really tell you too much about what it does to you because I've never been a drunk I've never I've I've drank before and had like heavy nights out and stuff before but the reason alcohol is so bad for you is because it just
completely ruins your body you're you're literally ingesting a toxin it's ethanol and your body has to then deal with that and that's why hangovers feel so bad but what alcohol does is it just completely screws you up for like two one or two days and usually like if you have a heavy night out and you like that's going to you're going to be out of whack for like maybe like 4 days until you actually get back to like normal first day is horrible second day you feel tired the third day you're having these crazy emotional
spikes because of all your hormones all over the place and so what we want to learn to do is eliminate something like alcohol so that our chemicals and our brain is just able to actually function without having these crazy weird spikes ingesting a poison is probably not going to be a good thing if you want to be happy you can have a drink every now and then and I still do that as well but just don't go out and go absolutely crazy once a week because well you're sedating yourself you're disabling your yourself and you
know let's say that you drink once a week really heavily you have seven days in the week if you drink once a week really heavily for the first day after you drink you're going to operate it maybe 3% of your potential if you have a heavy night and then the second day after you drink you might be operating it 22% of your potential the third day after you've had a drink maybe you're operating it 50% of your potential and then by the fourth day maybe you're like 80% but that's like half the week where you're
not operating it 100% purely because you were just being an idiot and most people drink because they don't like their lives um that's the generalize sweeping statement but a lot of people drink to escape their life and the feeling of being alive because they have all these bad habits so once again once you've got rid of sugar alcohol this is the next big one to remove because like I'd rather I'd rather have a few drinks every now and then than eat sugar to be honest um they're both as bad as each other but once again
it's the health thing it's what you're ingesting into your body this has to be moved I can tell you right now there is absolutely no like journaling gym meditating becoming like if you want to become a millionaire and be really successful like there's lots of habits and things you can do to do that but if every if twice a week you're going out and drinking your body weight and alcohol and you you're hung over for like the whole week it doesn't matter if you journal or meditate or you know cold cool you you're not going
to do anything if you're just you're being silly so the next one that we're going to remove is slightly different to um it's slight different to something you're ingesting and this is a really big one video games so by by this point you know you should be on day 60 so Day Day 0 to 30 is sugar you can see that and then day 60 is obviously alcohol we eliminated so you might not need to eliminate alcohol because you might not drink much like I didn't when I was younger so therefore you could just jump
straight to video games but my God is this a big one so if you are a man which you probably are watching this my YouTube analytics tells me that you are inside of your brain if you are conscientious and you want to be successful you have something called a goal striving mechanism so what this means is that somewhere buried into your brain is a part of your brain dedicated to achieving goals and dedicated towards feeling what is achieving a goal it's feeling a sense of progress along a trajectory towards an outcome that you've set for
yourself and as a man and I can't speak for women here because I'm not a woman but as a man how I get my meaning and I derive my meaning in life and a lot of my happiness and fulfillment comes from setting a goal and then seeing myself progress towards that goal seldom is it the achievement of the goal that makes me feel good but actually the progressing in the journey towards it and so I'm going to make a bet here that most men especially the ones watching this video you probably have a goal striving
mechanism in your brain because you probably want things now I know lots of girls that have goals as well and I'm not saying this is just men but from my experience with um with girls and women sometimes they don't have a goal they're just way easier they they're way easier going they just want to chill out and some guys are like that as well but if we take the average um it's probably safe to say that most dudes have goals I don't know about girls cuz I'm not a girl God knows if I can figure
out how they work right but what this means is that you want something you want things in your life and the problem is is when you're playing video games what they what video games do is they Channel and they they they basically um they use this goal striving mechanism and so this goal striving mechanism is basically a finite resource and it means that like you have to use it because as a man if you're not striving at least in my experience based on what I've seen most guys if they're not striving towards a goal they
become quite unhappy and I know myself personally I become very neurotic and depressed and anxious when I'm not making progress towards a goal because I have to I have to be doing this and so what video games do is they basically sedate your goal your goal striving mechanism they strip you of this thing because what is a video game well it's really a goal if you're playing a game then usually there's levels and there's outcomes and you're playing every day to work towards that outcome like for example if you're playing Call of Duty then you're
leveling up or you know if you're playing Call of Duty you're you're trying to get your KD up or your skill up there some sort of measurable metric with every single video game whether it's a ranking system or a certain weapon or a certain level or something where you work your way towards something okay and that's goal striving and so what video games do is they use this goal dri mechanism that is latent and built into us men and or women and what they do is your goal dri mechanism will now latch onto the video
game and your life now becomes about video game and so if you are playing video games whilst also trying to start a business then you're significantly hindering your ability to succeed in the business because if you remove the video games right so let's just say that um let's just look at at this so here we have this goal striving mechanism in our brain right goal mechanism the mechanism the part of our brain dedicated to setting goals and finding meaning and fulfillment towards the accomplishment of them and then let's say over here we have a business
which is your goal might be 10K per month okay but then over here we have a video game where your goal might be you know level 99 or whatever well now what's happening is this goal striving mechanism is now split between the video game and the business and you might think oh that's not how it works because 10K a month matters way more to my life on level 99 but your brain isn't smart your and I'm not insulting you with that what my point is is that that your brain as a um as a force
of nature as an unconscious like manifestation of biology cannot tell the difference between level 99 and 10K a month to you 10K a month matters more consciously but your brain doesn't work consciously it's a biological force and it would be like trying to ask a deer to tell the difference between 10K Mon and 99 levels like the deer or the horse is isn't going to be able to tell the difference and so what you do and especially if you're playing multiple video games but you know what you're doing is you're your brain is now dedicated
towards this video game just as much as it is the business and the thing is is there's way more dopamine and there's way more gratification in these games and so what that means is that your goal will actually become way more about the video game than it will about the business because you're being rewarded more often because you know the in business as a is a this is a game in that sense that you know there levels and experience and achievement but it takes a lot longer to become successful and to start leveling up in
business it can take a year to get your first client but if you play a video game and you play a video game for a year then you're going to make tons of progress and receive tons of reward so you need this goal striving mechanism it exists in your brain and here's why removing video games is so bloody powerful because if you remove this and you get rid of the video games well this goal driving mechanism has to latch on to something because otherwise you go insane and so what will happen is the goost driving
mechanism will now start to attached to the business and so you know when you're going for a walk or when you're driving instead of thinking about what tactic you're going to use to beat a dragon or you know what gun you're going to acquire next on a game you'll you'll naturally start thinking about your company and so if you want your life to be more about your business than about your video game experience just remove the video games it will suck for 14 days but after 14 days what will start to happen is you'll start
to naturally think about the business and the game that you play in life will be business and when that's all you think about and when your entire goal driving mechanism is centered towards this you'll become more successful now you can make the argument Charlie well what about like the gym because I have a goal in the gym of getting to like 90 kilog and being 10% body fat yes of course you know your goal stri mechanism is going to be in somewhat shape or form taken up by that goal but nowhere near as much as
a video game would be because the video game is like a it's it's engineered to use this thing as much as possible and so what you really want to do in life is have as few goals as humanly possible and so in my life for example I can list out my goals because you don't want to spread yourself too thin so you know really the the the framework is simple you know we talk about this where we've got Health we've got wealth and we've got love and then these things all create happiness okay now there's
more to life and these three things you can say like hobbies and stuff like that but my goals are very straightforward and very simple my first goal is to be a billionaire because I'm playing a game and as far as I'm concerned like I used to be addicted to video games and as far as I'm concerned a billion dollars in your bank account in cash is the completion of the game at this point you're done right that's it my second goal is to read the biography of every great person throughout history this is just another
goal that I'm working towards and it might take me I might die before that happens I don't know how many biographies I'm going to have to read but every day I spend some time on that goal because funly enough doing that also contributes to this and then my third goal is obviously to do with my health and I won't get into that it's personal then I've also got some other goals around relationships and I know what I want familywise and stuff like that but I haven't got the goal of getting to challenge your own League
of Legends or getting a three kill death ratio on Call of Duty or completing the quest cape on RuneScape because quite frankly that's just a little bit pathetic okay so that's the third thing you have to remove and you want to do it for 30 days and I promise I have a 30 days you won't want to do it anymore because you'll be making progress in your business and you'll become significantly and you know way more successful so the next thing that you need to look at removing is a little bit more more um touchy
and this is pornography um I don't know if you can see this I'm going to let's see my pens are running out than okay okay yeah here we go the fourth thing that you need to remove is porn because I am of the opinion I'm just going to move this you can't see it it's there I've written porn three times on this W board the fourth thing to remove is pornography because I'm sorry but you you can't really like I don't know how you can expect to be able to feel or accept true genuine love
in your life when you're watching pornography all the time and if you're wondering why well it's exactly the same mechanism that your brain uses it's it's like like you know how the goal striving mechanism thing works where you you can't really pull it in two directions well the same thing is true in your brain so naturally inside of your brain and I'm pretty sure every single human being has this is a relationship driving mechanism okay and you know this is you can argue that this comes from either a spiritual place but really it's probably more
from a biological place now I know I don't want to reduce the entire you know experience of Love down to biology because there might be more to it than this probably is but inside of your brain you have a relationship driving mechanism an intimacy driving mechanism where you naturally want and and and desire a partner to reproduce with because that's literally the meaning of life is reproduction if you don't believe in you can go and read the selfish June by Richard Dawkins but in order for you to be happy and in order for you to
feel fulfilled and and like you got a good life typically having a partner is a pretty good way to do that because if you haven't got a partner your lyic system goes kind of insane your lyic system is like your nervous system right and you know the human body's entire purpose on this planet is to reproduce like every near enough every single like more morsel of your fiber of your being is wanting to reproduce that's kind of like why our bodies exist if you first principle it out like what is the meaning of life is
reproduction and if you don't believe me you can just look anywhere else in nature like why does any animal exist it's not because they look cool or because you know they want to be there it's because they want to reproduce it's like a it's the selfish Gene Theory right you might disagree but this is how I see it and this is my experience and this is my YouTube channel so you can just I don't care right so I can tell you now that if you if you're not engaged in some sort of intimate relationship it's
it's like there's there's a part of your brain this part of your brain is always going to be seeking it and so when when I was younger with before I had a partner or you know someone to to love or someone to love me I would if I if I went out in public I would be on like my it would almost be like my entire brain was just engineered towards looking for a partner have you had this before where like you go to the mall or you go out somewhere and if you're not in
a relationship or you're not talking to someone you know if you're not like dating someone it's like your brain's just looking at all these options like okay that girl over there just walk past she was trying to that girl over there maybe I should talk to her maybe this person and then you're on Instagram and then you you see like one of those only fan ads and you're like oh I'm going to click on that because you know you start doing crazy stupid [ __ ] when you don't have a partner because this thing in
your brain this relationship driving mechanism is extremely visceral and it sits at the very core of your brain stem um which is where most of our um tribal primitive behaviors come from you know and if not not having like a steady or stable relationship or at least an understanding that you have the status to achieve a relationship cuz some people don't want a relationship because it's not what they want right now but they know that at least they could have one and so if you're a dude and you're broke unsuccessful out of shape and you
just feel like no woman's going to want you then this thing goes insane but if you're successful in shape you've got your [ __ ] together and you know that you could attract a make if you wanted to then it's within your control and you don't go insane so I'm not saying you need to be in a relationship I'm not prescribing a relationship sh but if you're if you're not in a a good way and your life is just oh it's going to kill a mosquito there got I got it this mosquito has been flying
around the camera so I had to just quickly murder it before it got me um but my point is this like if you don't have your [ __ ] together enough to get a partner or if you don't have a partner then your brain is going to dedicate an awful lot of resources towards trying to find one and you're going to start to do stupid [ __ ] like spending money on expensive cars and then putting them on Instagram and I used to do this as well like I used to flex on Instagram like dude
I can tell you this and we're going to talk about social media in a second um but like if you're if you really um if you really break down a lot of your behaviors and why you do them and you really get to the bottom of of why you perform act in a certain way if you haven't got a partner or you haven't got the status to get a partner if you wanted you're going to find that most of your behavior is this relationship driving mechanism just pushing things out why are you on Instagram talking
about rubbish why you on watching porn and stuff like that like porn is the ultimate manifestation of this and so what happens if you if you're lazy and if you're stupid and if you're weak then what starts to happen is you start to watch um pornography because when you watch porn you temporarily temporarily sedate this relationship striving mechanism and so when you masturbate to this crap and this toxic awful disgusting manifest ation of the 21st century you start to subdue and uh what would you what would you call it temporarily satisfy the relationship driver mechanism
the problem is is that every time you do this and you watch porn and you satisfy this you have to come back to the porn you know a day or two later because this is no longer satisfied so when you watch porn and you masturbate to it well for a day or two like this has got a short half life for maybe you know 24 to 72 hours this thing is now calm but the problem is is that after a couple of days it's going to Crave You know this relationship driving mechanism will once again
create this stimulation and this meaning and temporarily shameful fulfillment and you're going to go back and you're going to do it again and so until you get this thing straight you're going to constantly go through this Loop and so how do we get this thing through how do we satisfy this relationship driving mechanism because this is a huge component of getting your [ __ ] together well what you do is you eliminate porn if you remove the shortterm uh ex uh if you if you pursue the short-term expedient thing that is pornography and you remove
this Loop then what's going to start to happen is your relationship driving mechanism is going to start to look elsewhere in into more natural places for for fulfillment because if it knows it can't go to porn it's the same thing as a goal striving mechanism it has to manifest it's what makes you human and if it doesn't manifest you go insane so it has to manifest in some way shape or form and so what this will do is it will force you to start actually doing [ __ ] and so before you know it you're
going to want to go to the gym because there's going to be girls in the gym that you can talk to or you're going to want to go and start randomly working on your business in a coffee shop somewhere because there might be a girls for you to talk to or you know when you're you might want to start going on runs because you might see people like if you remove this thing if you get rid of porn and I promise you and I know this is true because I've done it if you get rid
of porn intimacy connection and like meaningful relationships actually become possible like you you can completely like it sucks for like 30 days because you're going to constantly think about it and it's going to freak you out and this that and the other but you'll start to masturbate less which means that your at your life force or your quite literally pun not intended your actual life force it will be it's like you you retain more energy and I'm not talking about um like noof fap um and Mast and not masturbating and stuff like that because sometimes
it's healthy to do that like if you're wondering what I do I'm not going to tell you because it's weird but I don't like I don't watch porn and it's very seldom that I masturbate because I don't need to right I don't feel like I'm not owned I'm not controlled by my impulses or emotions and like you know if you have a a partner and you're constantly masturbating and you're watching porn all the time your relationship is going to be completely destroyed because this relationship driving mechanism will feed all of its time and energy into
pornography and not your partner and so if you want to destroy your relationship just watch porn but if you don't want to then don't but if you want to get into a relationship stop watching porn because you won't give yourself a choice okay and so you'll start to look for more natural ways to find connection and find intimacy and you'll start to feel you'll stop objectifying with women you'll stop overly sexualizing women and I'm I'm not this you know red pill like you know have sex with as many girls as you want I've I've been
through the whole like dating app thing and the expedient constant one night stands like that's something that I've done and I'm not shameful of it because it was a different version of myself but it's not something to be proud of like a high body count isn't something to like be oh yeah this is amazing like it's not what is what you should be proud of is a long-term satisfying deep meaningful connection with one person because that's the natural way to do it if you want to be happy and you want to have a meaningful fulfilled
life then you want to do what the stoic is called lining yourselves up with nature where all of your behaviors and all of the ways in which you Orient and manifest yourself in the world are in alignment with the way that nature intended and so when we look at nature what do we see well most you know you know you could make the red pill Andrew Tate argument of like some animals have multiple partners and stuff but like typically speaking when you look at when you look at um how civilization is developed most people naturally
just want one person it's a natural urge now I'm not going to get into the red pill argument of having multiple wives or sleeping around um I've done both of these things I've done the sleeping around thing and I've done the single partner thing and I can tell you almost every time without fail that the partner thing makes me way happier way more fulfilled that's my experience I'm not I'm not here to tell you what you should shouldn't do with your personal relationships I'm just telling you will work for me and this was a massive
component of getting my [ __ ] together because remember it's health wealth love and happiness it's difficult to build wealth without good health and if you're trying to build wealth whilst you've got this constant like striving for like you know sex and and intimacy like it takes up so much of your brain and your lyic system goes so Haywire that it's it's very difficult for you to focus on work because all you're thinking about is you know where your next orgasm is going to come from so that's just a um crude way of putting it
but I want to sometimes this stuff is uncomfortable to talk about on a wide audience but a lot of people need to hear this you need to have this thing in check man and if you remove the pornography like you'll start to find that when you're talking to women and this is what's happened to me when you're talking to girls and women it's less about I just want to have sex I just want to have sex with this person it's less about their body and having sex with them and reproducing and it's more about Act
getting to know them and understanding what they value and connecting with them there's way more to a woman than her vagina and for some reason a lot of people think that's a controversial thing to say but I don't think it is because when you have removed the bad crap and when you've I did the same thing I removed porn then I removed dating apps I gave myself no choice but to go and do it the right way the natural way and you'll start to see women in a different way you'll start to see them in
a way more positive healthy natural meaningful way and that's a huge component of getting your [ __ ] together okay so removal of porn once again this is a 30-day Affair I'm not telling you to give it up forever I'm just telling you for the first 30 days just stop it and you'll find that you know by by week three and four you're going to start to be doing more natural behaviors you're going to start to be going out and like going out with friends to try and find mutual friends and if you give yourself
no choice you'll find a partner and at this point already you've given up sugar so you're not all haywire and you're starting to lose weight and you're starting to feel better in your body and you're not eating processed foods you're not drinking alcohol so you're not like useless and in bed all the time feeling sorry for yourself you've also stopped playing video games so you're actually starting to do more useful things and you're actually started to work on your business and now you've removed porn if you if you eat healthily if you don't drink and
if you actually start working on something meaningful that's going to give you way more confidence to go and find a girlfriend and you'll start to become successful a lot of the selfimprovement game is fueled by women and it's fueled by trying to get a girlfriend and I've seen um some of the stuff that I've seen guys do to try and get girls is ridiculous all you have to do and I can tell you this because I've done it all you have to do is take good care of your health focus on your money and you
know becoming successful I'm not saying the girls want money but it's going to make you significantly more likely to find a attractive and beautiful girl if she knows that you can take care of her and provide for her and you know take care of potential future children if you know that and you're healthy and you're a half decent person and you're not being all weird and psychotic with all these bad behaviors then you're going to find a girl it's not hard to beat the average man it really isn't trust me it doesn't require as much
suffering as as you quite frankly might think okay so that's the fourth thing to remove I'm just going to write this here now the final thing that we're going to talk about here is short form SLO media so um a lot of people uh spend time on social media and watching short form content you you kind of if dude if you want to get your [ __ ] together you got to stop doing that because one of the you know what I said a minute ago about how it's not hard to compete with the average
person these days like it's not hard to compete with the average man because most them are just well quite frankly just stupid but the how the easiest way to compete with someone in this day and age is just to beat them on attention span and every time you watch a piece of short form content is is another time that you slightly reduce your attention span if you ask any billionaire what the number one key to their success is they will tell you its focus and the reason I know that to be true is because two
of the most prominent richest billionaires in the world being Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both asked in a separate room what's the one thing that you think released a success and they both said focus and so if we know from billionaires I.E people that not even billionaires but people that are worth like a hundred billion doar each that have built the most successful Empires and capitalistic um like companies in the world like they've mon they've monopolized markets and added hundreds if not trillions of dollars to the value of the market if they say that focus
is the most important thing then it probably is and focus is about being able to concentrate your energy and time onto one thing for an elongated period of um time in a laps of time and I can tell you right now that if you're watching short form content this is destroying your attention span and focus is is basically about putting your attention span onto one thing and the elaps of time that can happen before you get distracted is how long you can focus for and so if you're watching short form content and you're so used
to like a new stimulus or a novel stimulus every 15 to 10 seconds or 30 seconds then that's the only content you're ever going to be able to consume and so when it comes to consuming other content like important business videos or reading books that help you become successful or important conversations with people that can make you a lot of money you're going to find it extremely difficult to concentrate and uh gather and interpret the information that you can later synthesize to become success uccessful and so this is the real consequence of short form content
is it fries your brain and not only that but it's the actual content itself it's the stuff inside of the short form content that you're seeing that is going to ruin you so the problem with the short form content and the reason it's part of this um the reason I think it's like part of like the devil and hell so to speak is because well what's most of the short form content that you're going to see oh well hang on a minute you're going to see food and you're going to see like you know those
those videos of people making shitty food that contains sugar that you shouldn't eat so it's going to encourage you to eat the bad food you shouldn't eat then you're going to see videos of people having fun and drinking and partying and clubbing and stuff like that then you're going to see videos of video games that you play and the algorithm is going to start to show you and encourage you to play video games again you're also going to see softcore pornography as well you're going to start to see only fans models and girls in bikinis
and basically thir trps and so the reason you want to eliminate short form content as the last thing here I me there's lots of other things you can eliminate but it's because it's going to act as an encouragement for all of the behaviors that you don't want to relapse into because if if you're exposing yourself to porn softcore porn bad like people eating crap food and mukbangs and stuff people having like a crazy time drinking and having like a full s night out and you know if you're if you're seeing short form content of video
games you love then you're still stimulating the parts of your brain associated with the behaviors that you work so hard to remove and so it's imperative to not only your attention span but the relaps into the bad behaviors that I listed earlier that you remove this now if you want to do this completely you just remove social media completely and so I've done this myself I'm not Theory crafting telling you it's a good thing to do I've actually done it so I have um I obviously have YouTube and then for business for my work I
have an Instagram and I have the Tik Tok and the Twitter I don't actually use those things managed by my team I think I've logged into them maybe two or three times so I don't like you know on my phone here um well actually you can't see it unfortunately cuz I'm recording on my other phone this is my um notes phone I don't have personally for my personal life I do not have Facebook I do not have Twitter I do not have Snapchat I do not have Reddit I do not have Discord I do not
have Instagram I do not have um LinkedIn I do not have like I think I've said Facebook I do not have Tik Tok I don't have YouTube shorts I don't have anything I the only thing that people can communicate with me on that I can consume content from other people on is WhatsApp and for work I don't have slack so I've intentionally eliminated those things because they don't serve me they don't do me any good social media is like brother if you want to grow into a man what the hell are you doing on Instagram
or Tik Tok like if you're a grown man if you're over the age of like 18 and you're like an adult now or if you're like 17 or 16 you want to be a man brother what on Earth are you doing on Tik Tok or Instagram posting little pictures of yourself like little poses like what you're a man you're not supposed to sit there and be like and and that's that's fine if if a girl wants to do that and she wants to share pictures with his friend her friends and stuff but if you want
to be a real man and you want to get your [ __ ] together you don't tell people about it you don't you don't go in the gym and post like a all like little cute like you know leg day off what are you doing same thing bro if you're scrolling through Tik Tok what's wrong with you like is are you ill is there something wrong with your brain are you not functioning properly do you have any idea how bad that is for your brain constantly stimulating yourself and constantly entertaining yourself and constantly making yourself
feel temporarily good at the sacrifice of one of the most important skills you can develop to become successful and not only that but you're seeing stuff that you shouldn't see dude I don't get it man like people literally sabotage themselves same thing if you're on Twitter what you doing just polarizing yourself and reading you know stuff about like politics and gender and all this crap and being offended and upset and getting emotional by words from strangers you've got work to do man you've got a life to fix you've got more important stuff to do than
scrolling through first traps watching video games and then you know just seeing random videos like name one Tik Tok you watched recently like you can you can't remember any of them it's just numbing you're sedating yourself so stop it so in summary if you remove these things if we remove sugar and I'm going to give you one last secret here if we remove alcohol if we remove video games if we remove porn and if we remove social media I'm just going to put a short form here as well what what we've done if we do
this in 30 days another 30 days another 30 days now the chances are is maybe you've got in addition to these ones you might have other bad habits as well maybe you smoke weed for example or I don't really know what what else do people do these days that's bad for them you know what I'm talking about you know what you should be doing but every 30 days eliminate one don't try and do it all in one go with one massive monk mode blast where you do everything you should in more for 5 days you
feel great and then you relapse because you've been an idiot because like if you remove all these at once then what's going to happen is your brain has to fight five impulses you can fight one impulse that's pretty bloody easy you shouldn't you will struggle and it will hurt but you should be able to fight one craving at a time like smoking is another example as well if you might want to remove that and so once you've cleared out and I'm not saying like you can't try to build a business whil you've got these things
on but think of these like actual disabilities these things here are literal disabilities and so if you're trying to start a business you want to see that a business is like a 100 m race okay it's like a 100 m race and you're going to start this race here but you're up going to say 10 other people now if you have these five things you're starting the race in a wheelchair you are disabled and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing or that I'm judging people who are in wheelchairs you got to be really
to think that I've got anything against someone who has a disability I mean I like that's not the point of making but the the the visualization the metaphor that I'm giving you here is if you have these things fundamentally people will easily beat you because you're going to be all weing chaotic because you're on sugar you're going to be hung over all the time and your hormones are going to be out back so you can't do any proper focused work um you're you're not really going to take the business seriously because you're your your goal
striving mechanism is being satisfied elsewhere you're not going to be able to focus on work properly because because all you're worried about is and then on top of that your attention span is being completely destroyed and you're stupidly polarizing yourself emotionally into stupid people's content and so you're disabled you like before you can learn to run the race you need to learn how to get out of the wheelchair and that's the point I'm making here by you know trying to find a good base if you are drinking gaming constantly wanking constantly spending har on social
media and constantly eating sugar and smoking weed and doing stupid [ __ ] and going out to Raves or whatever the hell you're doing you don't know yourself once you've cleared these out and once you've stepped out of the wheelchair now you can actually set a goal and now you can actually start to work on things that are meaningful and fulfilling you have to learn to pay the debt off you cannot save money until you've paid off debt because the APR will eat you alive likewise if you try to start journaling and meditating and going
on self-improvement and going to the gym and doing cold approaches and looks Max or whatever the hell people suggest you do you're going to fail because that's like learning how to stretch your hand like meditating for someone who has all these things is like learning how to stretch your hamstrings when you're still sat in a wheelchair it ain't going to be much use all right so get rid of these things first do it every 30 days be patient with it it's going to take six months to eliminate all your bad habits but you've got probably
hopefully on this planet 85 years and so if you can spend half of one of those years paying off all of this debt so you can eventually start to introduce good habits and become successful it's probably pretty worthwhile I know this to be true because this is how I've done it now I'm not saying that you can try to work on a business and try to become successful whilst you have these things that's fine I dude I got the 10K a month and I was eating sugar I was playing video games actually to fa I
wasn't all I really did was the sugar thing and some Social Media stuff I cut all the other ones out real quick that's how I did it bye-bye