You are in a Simulation: Here's how to EXIT (Neville Goddard)

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#nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardtechniques #lawofassumption Discover how to exit the simulation yo...
Video Transcript:
From This Moment onwards there are two ways for you to go about your life one is the path of mediocrity and suffering while the other is that of expansion and achieving greatness in your life which one would you choose this video is going to transform your mindset and hence your life by letting you in on the secret knowledge that only a handful of people know about but you must ask yourself first am I truly ready for a radical transformation if you are then let's start with exploring the two paths the two choices that you have
in front of you the first choice is accepting this world as any other ordinary man sees it and remaining a victim to your circumstances all your life this is the life of the average man trying to survive on this planet it sure seems like the logical way to live since everyone around you is part of the same Rat Race since you were a kid you have been such conditioned to accept that this is how the world works that it really is about the survival of the fittest on a land of scarce resources but there exists
another choice for you the not so obvious path the way of the mystics the red pill this path might not be smooth sailing from the get-go but once you start treading it you will unlock secrets to The Treasure troves of the universe what is your biggest desire right now having more money creating better Rel relationships becoming incredibly successful at what you do all of them can come true if you dare take a chance on yourself and leave the conventional path this choice is about breaking out of the Matrix you have been put in and reclaiming
your divine power as the creator of your reality the world you are currently living in lures you into the illusion that you are one tiny part of the gigantic system and the system is so powerful that you cannot do much but abide by the rules laid out in front of you sure you are in a simulation but there is a way to break free from it and that is by waking up to your own power the simulation around you is a creation of your own mind as you are the god of your reality Neville godod
said man's Chief delusion is his own conviction that there are causes other than his own State of Consciousness all that befalls a man all that is done by him all that comes from him happens as a result of his State of Consciousness a man's Consciousness is all that he thinks and desires and loves all that he believes is true and consents to that is why a change of Consciousness is necessary before you can change your outer World it might not be easy to accept but the absolute truth is that what you experience on the outside
as circumstances are a creation of your mind and because you are not aware of your own magnificence you keep on being being the victim of the simulation Neville explained that the Universe and everything within it is akin to a play in God's mind and God is not an entity sitting behind the seven Skies it is your very own human imagination you are the Creator God or whatever you call it you just don't realize it yet but if you somehow wake up to this innate power of yours you can change the course of your life in
the most spectacular ways just think for a second and reflect on your past everything that has happened to you up till this very moment was created by you unknowingly this includes the smallest daily nuisances to the biggest life events that have shaped your journey now if you take this power into your own hands you can essentially create a future of your choice you can write a different story for yourself you can be as happy healthy and abundant as you have wished to be you can achieve all the success and riches that you previously thought were
reserved for a lucky few it all sounds so good and almost too good to be true but you must be wondering how can I take practical steps to break out of the simulation and finally use my own power to my advantage well here is the three-step formula for doing so but before I reveal to you the formula know that it involves complete reprogramming and rewiring of your mind as you try to make make the changes and apply the techniques laid out in this video each neuron in your brain will try to fight against the change
that initial discomfort is the sign that you indeed are making a mental shift the body doesn't like or welcome change but if you want to seriously upgrade your life change is the need of the hour so no matter how hard it feels in the beginning do not stop until you have followed through all three steps for a minimum of 21 days that's the minimum time needed for your brain to adjust to a new habit or routine so give yourself that time and stick with it and by the end of these 21 days you will see
some exceptional shifts not only in your thought process but also in your physical reality the very first step in this formula is to create a mental environment that is conducive to Creation so that you can fully Unleash Your Powers as a Creator and design a life that fits your dreams and desires ask yourself why do you want to break out of the simulation you are stuck in right now I will answer that for you it is because you finally want to take charge of your life you want to have agency over your decisions and circumstances
you want to stop being a mere spectator of your life events and be an active participant in the shaping of your own destiny these are the signs of a Creator a manifestor an individual who has harnessed the power to create his own reality you were gifted with the incredible art of creation as soon as you opened your eyes as a newborn at that time because of your proximity to Source or God you knew well within your soul that there is nothing more powerful than your own imagination and that you can create anything by projecting your
energy to it this is why we see kids indulging in pretend play and putting their imagination skills to the best use their imagination is so vivid that they cannot help but live in their own fantasy world but then the child grows up and is forced by Society to live in the so-called reality and leave behind the world of imagination so the magical spark you were given by God dulls down and you begin to lose your ability to create also years of conditioning by Society totally overwhelms your brain with emotions of fear and survival to purify
your mind from those nasty and disempowering emotions you need to go into silence often silence is incredibly therapeutic and allows your mind to unwind and rejuvenate also if you access deeper states of relaxation you can rewire your limiting beliefs almost instantly one great and - tested tool for getting into these deeper states of relaxation is meditation there are so many different types and methods of meditation but you just need one simple practice through which you can connect with your higher self every day so here it goes an easy to follow meditation practice that can be
done every day first find a quiet and comfortable place for your meditation practice make sure you won't be disturbed for the next 20 to 30 minutes so that you have ample time to dive deep into a trans-like relaxation State sit down with your back straight and your shoulders erect gently rest your hands on your knees and close your eyes as you will shut your eyes you will disconnect yourself from the sensory stimulus from the outside world then you will feel a barrage of thoughts coming to your mind and trying to get your attention don't get
agitated by the monkey mind and instead take a deep breath in hold it for 3 seconds and let it out slowly start observing every inhale the momentary pause and the exhale when you start observing your breath the incessant mind chatter will begin dying down on its own and within 5 minutes you will start feeling more tranquil and at ease once you notice a sensation of thoughts try to make your exhales longer than your inhale inhale for 4 seconds hold for five and exhale for six this method of breathing gears your body into homeostasis which is
the naturally relaxing state of the body and mind accessing this state also boosts your creativity and heightens your ingenuity after 20 minutes you can slowly begin to open your eyes and end the meditation session these 20 minutes might seem trivial to someone else but for you they will become the foundation upon which all your creative Endeavors will take place make it a habit to meditate for 20 minutes every morning for the next 21 days to give your mind the best chance to regain its imaginative prowess the Second Step you need to take in order to
break free from your current reality or the simulation as we are calling it is cutting the energetic cords with your past if you truly want to taste freedom and the liberty of being a creator of your own destiny you have to rejoice in the present moment we live in a holographic Universe where everything is happening all at once simultaneously in the Eternal now the present moment is the womb of creation it's where ideas originate and manifestations take place but if you are stuck in memory and behaviors of your past you are not giving your mind
a fair chance to create something marvelous for yourself who you are right now and what you think and believe are all programs installed in your subconscious mind through your past experiences these programs are so powerful that they control our lives without us ever taking notice Dr Bruce Lipton says that 95% of the time we are running on some kind of program it may feel like we are conscious ly making decisions but no it's our subconscious in charge which has been wired over decades to run a program this is the simulation you want to break free
from because the program was created using the data in the past but now you are a different person andure you want your future to be different so the programs of the past are not serving you in any way your past might be painful it might be full of regrets or you may feel like you want to settle scores with someone who did you wrong but if you go down that route it will bring you nothing but misery in Neville's words do not waste One Moment In regret for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the
past is to reinfect yourself Let the dead bury the dead turn from appearances and assume the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you wish to be in his lectures Neville also taught a great technique that can be used to overcome the difficult memories of of the past it's called revision so all you have to do is sit in a meditative position and access the trans-like brainwave State once in a trance reconstruct the nagging memory in a way that instead of causing you mental anguish it doesn't emotionally affect you at all like
if you received a serious diagnosis from a doctor and that diagnosis is affecting every aspect of your life you can redesign the same memory where the doctor hands you over a clean bill of health revise the memory at least once every day until you disolve all the painful emotions associated with it and completely rewire that specific neural pathway finally we are at the last step and to say that this ingredient will transform your life in the quickest amount of time won't be an understatement so listen closely you are trying to exit the simulation aka the
k you built for yourself for one and one reason only you don't want to accept the status quo anymore and you want to be a better person and enjoy a more fulfilling life from this moment onwards isn't it but to create a different life you must know and decide what that life looks and feels like what kind of wonderful changes do you want to see in your finances what positive shifts do you want to witness in your relationships and most importantly how do you want to feel about yourself and your life Neville godod said the
feeling is the secret to manifestation do you want to create a wonderful future for yourself pinpoint the feelings underlying all those changes and then simply Embrace those emotions until they become second nature to you you see most people who are energetically chained to their past or living in The Matrix have internalized feelings of Sorrow pessimism and unworthiness so to break out of the Matrix you have to flip the switch and embrace emotions of worthiness hope and optimism this is called the law of assumption a core Concept in Neville's teachings all you have to do is
try living in the feelings of your desired future rather than your past a trick for staying in the emotions of your future is to memorize a handful of positive statements like I'm worthy of a brilliant future and a wonderful life everything I want is coming to me all my desires come true with Incredible ease I am the chosen one and the creator of my own life repeat the positive statements whenever you are sitting idle or whenever you find your mind tricking you into the old familiar thought patterns next every night before going to sleep visualize
your future in your mind until you feel vibrationally aligned with it and then go to sleep in that state of consciousness remember you are the one who created the simulation so only you hold the keys to your freedom follow the three-step protocol outlined in this video for a few weeks and you will see the magic happening in an otherwise mundane life
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