all right it's time to talk about seab based Empires and how they started taking over everybody's crap from 1450 to 1750 so if you're ready to get them Brin cow's milks let's get to it now the states that developed these giant honking seab based Empires were located in Europe and I know that since our course began Europe has been about as important as the G in lasagna which is to say it's not like why is it even there but not in this period my friends in this period European States got their power pants on and
got busy taking over the world and that marks a significant change during this period if you've been with me since unit 3 you'll remember all the those landbased Empires we made friends with and even though they will continue to exist and in some cases grow the global balance of power is going to shift in this period to the seab based Empire so the question is how did they do it how do we go from lasagna to lasagna well here we need to focus on the various Maritime technologies that Europeans adopted that gave them the edge
on the stage of world power and I've got four you need to know but hey before I tell you what they are if you two want to put on your power pans to get an A in your class and a five on your exam in May then check the link below and have a look at my AP World heimler review guide It's got exclusive unit review videos no guys to follow along practice questions practice exams and answer keys for every dang bit of it so if that's something you're into check the link and now back
to Maritime technology so the first Maritime technology Europeans adopted was the magnetic compass first developed in China which helped Sailors reckon Direction accurately on the Seas I mean you can't rule the world if you don't know which direction you're sailing second Europeans adopted the astrola which enabled ships to determine their latitude and longitude by measuring stars and this tool was first developed by either Arabs or Greeks and you know it's not certain which one and historians debate anyway the third Maritime technology Europeans adop Ed was the latine sale which was a triangular sale first developed
by Arab Merchants which could take wind on either side which allowed for much more precise sailing and finally the fourth technology Europeans adopted was improved astronomical charts which were detailed diagrams of stars and constellation which again helped Sailors know exactly where they were now Muslims were mainly responsible for these charts although they built on the work of classical Greek astronomy and that brings me to an exceedingly important point about these technologies that you have to remember if you've been listening the word adopted keeps flying out of my mouth hole and that's not just for poops
and Giggles it's very important for you to understand that Europeans didn't invent these Technologies they adopted them from other cultures and so how did they get those Technologies well in large part Europeans were exposed to the tools and Innovations I mentioned through Merchant activity along the major trade routes that we talked about in unit 2 and that context could occur thanks in no small part to the Pax mongola okay so now that we've settled that we can go ahead and talk about some major innovations that Europeans accomplished that made those power pants fit nice and
snug and we'll focus on Innovations and ship building first was the development of the Portuguese Caravel now back in the last period the motto of ship building was always bigger is better that's why you had massive ships like the Chinese junk that get all metric buttloads of cargo through the Indian Ocean but the Portuguese intentionally went smaller with the caravel and why would they do that well because of their smaller size Caravel were much more Nimble on the water and they were able to more easily enter shallow coastal areas and navigate through Inland Rivers but
the Portuguese also went ahead and equipped these ships with cannons and because of their Speed and Agility they made really good fighting ships as well and that's a great story but we'll get to it in the next video second was the Portuguese car now as we'll see further into this unit European powers the Portuguese first among them realized quickly that their dreams of Empire would need to be built on trade and so those we little caravels were not going to be suitable for world domination so they developed the Carrick which was much larger and could
carry way more cargo and then bonus because these ships were bigger they could carry more guns and all those guns are going to be key to Portugal's reign in the Indian Ocean trade during this period and then third you need to know about the Dutch flute which I admit gives me great pleasure to say now as we'll see the Dutch would eventually Dethrone the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean trade and one significant reason they were able to do it was the flute it was a ship designed exclusively for trade that had massive cargo holds and
required much smaller crew additionally these ships were cheap to build on account of the Dutch created Innovative tools to build them that cut the cost of production basically in half and So eventually by the mid 17th century Dutch flutes were responsible for about half of all Europe's shipping tonnage all right click here to keep reviewing for unit four and click here to grab my AP World hler review guide which has everything you need to get an A in your class and a five on your exam in May well thanks for hanging out with me and
I'll catch on the flipflop himler out