the first law of the universe the concept that I'm going to be breaking down today the law in particular that I'm going to be breaking down is 13 billion years old it is literally the first law of the universe and unfortunately until you understand how the universe works then you won't understand how you work and if you don't understand how you or the universe works you won't be able to enter your desired reality for the mere fact that you are directly interconnected one with the universe you are actually a microcosm a small fractal of the
entirety of the universe and this ain't Law of Attraction and this ain't law of assumption either just for the extra extra smart spiritual [ __ ] that think they already know what this is going to be but you may have an inclination on what this is going to be but it's important that we actually go through the first law of the universe and this is going to be a seven I was going to say seven weeks but I'd be lying to you [ __ ] how many months it's going to be a seven part series
I'm not going to tell you when they're going to come out but they're going to come out and this has been highly requested by you guys I always tell you I'm in the comments so you're going to get some now it's important that I want to make well it's important that I preface what I'm about to go through today with this within this particular industry and you can extrapolate this to the entirety of life there's what's called principles and there's what's called techniques now principle principles are foundational they're boring and because they're boring they're not
sexy so they're not going to catch your eye but the thing about principles is that they're Timeless and they're return and so long as you master the principles at a foundational level you won't be as reliant on the techniques as you are chances are if you're like me when I was trying to figure all of this stuff out we jumped from technique to technique trying to see what's the latest and only technique that works but one thing that I want to tell you that the manifestation industry won't is that there are no secret techniques there
are no techniques that work the only technique that will ever work is you it is the emotional conviction that you pour into a particular technique that actually activates it and that emotional conviction is a princip that I'm going to be touching upon in this video today now how familiar are you guys with the Hermetic principles because what we're going to be covering today is the first law of the universe known as the law of mentalism now if you've ever read the cabalan I feel sorry for you cuz that book a you ever read the cabalan
just like reading Shakespeare [ __ ] like it's terrible like it's so like it's it's written by three initiates one of them is actually called William Walker Atkinson and I know that because I've done research into them and he's got a bunch of other books about success and magnetism so on and so forth really cool and a book on esoteric Christianity he's different levels but and this is one of the recommendations that I'm going to be giving you guys I know you've been asking me Nero you've read over 400 books on the topic of spirituality
when are you going to do book recommendation relax you're going to get some but for now this is foundational this if you don't have this in your library then you're not working with the principles in what I just said because you won't need Law of Attraction law of assumption here's the thing people always try to say oh it's nuro Law of Attraction law of assumption you [ __ ] need to stop trying to put me into a box cuz I'm neither of those things I'm law of whatever [ __ ] works and you should be
too don't end up getting yourselves into these little groups and Cults with the ideas that this is the right way and this is the right way ironically due to the fact that there's no truth other than what the subconscious mind receives as a truth if you believe that this is the right way then it will be the right way not because everybody else is wrong but merely due to the fact that you believe it now I'd like to start this particular video off with this first let's actually understand the difference between laws because as humans
we have a particular conceptualization of laws which when we magnify that and as we transcend on a universal level it doesn't actually apply to the same way so on the human laws on a human level we have human laws and they're just rules that's what they are essentially they're rules and this exists on a societal level and typically we think about the law so on and so forth and we carry this idea that because most of us understand that these rules can be bent PA or broken we carry this inherent idea when we begin to
move into the realm of universal laws we come with this idea that you can avoid the laws or you can change them and this remember this is human laws and you need to understand that there's no compartmentalization in your mind I know people believe in compartmentalization but there's none what you have adjusted or attributed to be law in one aspect when we take that over to universal laws your mind is going to attempt to put it or paint over with the same brush but it is not the same universal laws on the other hand are
rules yes they're rules the same way but the difference is these rules cannot be broken cannot so you can get into trouble as a human maybe get a good lawyer pay a couple money here settle like certain individuals so on and so forth but on the you can't settle with the universe there's no negotiations there's no settling you can hire Harvey Spectre [ __ ] it's not going to make a difference the universe is what's considered immutable universe laws are considered immutable and because they're immutable they're impersonal so for example as a human let's say
you have a court case and it goes wrong you can be like oh the jury D me dirty the you know the court D me dirty my lawyer D me dirty the other lawyer D me dirty so on and so forth there is no doing people dirty in the universe the universe treats everybody the exact same way hence why biblically esoterically it is written in Acts 10:34 that God is no respector of persons or if you look at other translation it says God shows no favoritism God being no respector of persons is nothing more than
a reference to the impersonal nature of the universe now let's take the concept of gravity take the most evil niggaer that you know if he falls off a building he's going to hit the ground and die the same way as the most innocent Angelic baby would also hit the ground and the same way for the mere fact that gravity isn't going to stop and be like no no no no no no hold on hold on hold on let's let let's let him fall but let's save let's save her because it doesn't work that electricity isn't
going to stop and think how many Heaven points does this person have before I shock them fire isn't going to think the same way and this is what you need to come to the true esoteric understanding of what God really is on a deep level and an esoteric level God is a impersonal energy that is considered to be the most high frequency hence why the most high and another way of saying in personal energy Consciousness and Consciousness is the substance of reality which we're going to get into with this law in particular of mentalism but
I just like to preface it with the fact that when we're talking about universal laws don't think that you get special treatment from the universe you're not getting special treatment you're not the universe is immutable and it's impersonable and its laws cannot be broken all of our suffering and this is a b right this down cuz I've already said it in my head all of our suffering as humans comes from our inner ability to align oursel with universal laws because when you try to attempt to go against universal laws you attempt to go against God
and when you attempt to go against God you go against yourself because God is within which results in internal conflict which is then manifested and projected and externalized as outer conflict you must be in direct alignment with the universal laws so it's important that you get to them now you guys are probably thinking yeah but law of attraction near but law of assumption those are nothing more than humanistic conceptualizations of the seven hermetic principles as you're going to be seeing over this series it's not like the universe says I'm going to create this law called
law of assumption and then it ticks it off when somebody acts within it and acts in accordance to it it doesn't work like that they're nothing more than our societal conceptualizations of the Hermetic principles now a little history lesson on the Hermetic principles they actually come from an entity yes an entity known as jouti or tahuti or th to the Egyptians Mercury to the Romans Hermes to the Greeks k Khan to the Mayans Enoch in the Bible the prophet Idris in the Quran this is an entity that reincarnated over multiple particular lifetimes and supposedly comes
from a different Civilization now I I don't want to get into you spiritual [ __ ] that believe that you know you're this and that I was talking to somebody the other day and they were like yeah you know I just had to get in contact with my planet of origin like what what what's that see that's the thing when you go down a spirit hole AJ different planets Galactic this all of this all of that believe it or not some of these spiritual [ __ ] will sit there and channel alien messages and they'll
be like on my mom's life on my mom's life on my mom's life by the way that's our British version of what you Amer saying oh my mama bro oh my M speaking of which to my Americans I think it was maybe a week since I've eaten Chick-fil-A I'm back in the UK it's all I can think about apparently they put addictive chemicals um in the burgers and Chick-fil-A I think I'm addicted because it's all I've been thinking about all I want is that spicy Delux with the sauce and just take a by pause n
it's crazy it's all of it it's really bad like someone comment is coming to UK next year apparently it's not going to B the same because the UK care too much about our health going to limit I want them to be like the Americans and not care about our health pull them toxic chemicals [ __ ] are talking about Chick-fil-A's lower vibrational [ __ ] let me eat let me eat let me eat all right cool guys so lck now so first point about mentalism I'm going to write it here it's it's called The Law
of mentalism the first thing that you have to know about the law of mentalism is what is considered the Axiom which is the all is mind the mind is all one thing that I'd also like to mention is that the foundation of a lot of these particular so societies um is hermetic philosophy which is the cabalian and I know this as friends who are in certain societies and they tell me that this is what they study this is foundational so don't get caught up in the gimmicks of the 369 method write down your journal in
blue Inc um this is the best way to do your vision board on Pinterest this is the perfect affirmations that you need to make yourself don't get caught up in order that [ __ ] cuz all of that stuff is shiny object syndrome and so long as you chase these shiny objects you'll be you'll be negating the shiniest object in the universe which is you so let's go to the foundational principles because what you don't realize about the htic principles is that they're not something that's outside of you they're something that is within you just
as Jesus said esoterically in the Gospel of Thomas the Kingdom of Heaven is inside and outside of you the universe is inside and outside of you and these particular Concepts you're bound by them so you need to stop thinking like a human start thinking like a universe now that was Bor that down now the a is mind the mind is a now what does this particular axum mean well the first thing that you have to come to an understanding of is that the hermetics believe that the best way to C oriz God is as the
all because God encompasses everything in our reality all the entire world all the people all the bad things or the good things God is above the law of polarity which is another law I'll be covering um in the next couple of I want to say weeks but I'll be lying to you [ __ ] eventually you're going to get some just relax it's the conceptualization or more so an encompassing of everything and what they're saying is that God is mental but more specifically we exist in the mind of God now this is very very tricky
we exist in the mind of God now that may be a tricky concept for you to come to an understanding of but think about it like this Peter Parker first existed in the mind of Stan Lee Peter Parker had Uncle Ben right he had a girl so on and so forth he had a life he had a personality he went to a school he existed as a creation in the mind of Stan Lee we all of us exist in the mind of God which means that inherently because we exist in the mind of God our
universe is somewhat a mental World hence why the other aspect of this particular axom which is the universe is mental but I'll I'll get back to that but right now you just need to come to the understanding that the all so God is mind and mind is all now bear in mind when I'm saying all and when they're talking about all they're talking about everything in reality they're talking about this whiteboard they're talking about doors they're talking about door handles they're talking about cars they're talking about people they're talking about Shades everything within this third
dimension realm that exists is mind mind mental same thing another way of saying mind essentially is consciousness another way of saying Consciousness is mental world the entirety of this world is mine the all is mind and the mind is all and I'll give you let me let me give it to you hold on pause let me give it to you he so let's take this concept right so inherently we live in a material world this physical plane that we live in is a world of materiality it's physical it's tangible trying to decide trying to decide
if I really want to go out tonight someone said I'm new and oh my God that b is clean and why the baby oil bro got an extra towel to do an extra RS on the board why the baby oil it's because for the longest time the members of this channel have been accusing me of being oiled up so I just decided to just end the allegations if you can't beat them join them INE like and I was not oiling up prior to that and I'm not oiling up AJ I'm still oiling up but I'm
not you probably look the most oil people there right now yeah you think so yeah anyways so back to the point that I was saying we live in a world that is inherently material we live in a material Universe Material World another way of saying that is a word of matter because the universe the world around us is made out of matter hence why we can touch things and it's tangible matter is a combination of particles now here's the thing about matter anything in this world whether it's a book whether it's a spray bottle whether
it's a pen whether it's Shades whether it's a microphone a vest a whiteboard a whiteboard wiper um handles on a rail pavement concrete lamposts buildings skyscrapers Bungalows hotels strip clubs I didn't even go to a strip club in Miami can you believe it any everything in this entire third dimensional realm first existed in the mind of an individual think about it like this if we exist in the mind of God in the same way that Spider-Man existed in the mind of Stan Lee then that means we existing in the mind of God means that our
world is inherently mental so before anything can be created it is first a mental creation before anything can be created it first must be mental creation this includes matter now and I want you to think about it like this Consciousness and the world are one so when it says the universe is mental it is talking about the physical plane but it's also talk about the spiritual plane and I spoke about this from the creation of what's considered egregor which are thought forms which then create are created from mental and emotional energy which then pick up
a particular vibratory rate which then exists on the spiritual plane which then eventually compounds and becomes an actual entity which is a being without a physical body but that's something else entirely but on this physical plane level what we consider Consciousness or mind and matter is one and I want you to think about it like this let's think about it like Ice and steam so let's say that matter is like ice you can touch matter you can touch ice you can't really touch them you can't in the same way that you probably can't touch Consciousness
you can't touch the mind the thing about Steam and Ice just like matter and Consciousness is that they are the same energy same energy there's only one difference between both of them do you know what that is AJ oh I don't go on the rate of vibration Bingo the rate of vibration that is the only difference between Steam and ice it is the exact same energies both H2 the only difference is the rate of vibration once you alter the vibration of of water to a certain degree can become ice and then it can also become
Steam and this is the same thing when it comes to matter and Consciousness and quantum mechanical experiments show this such as the observer effect it shows our ability to alter the behavior of particles based upon our own Consciousness and it's for the mere fact that our Consciousness and matter in the universe and particles are directly interconnected because they're made from the exact same energy the only difference is their rate of vibration now this energy is what the hermetics consider the allil same thing here ice to steam same energy only difference rate of vibration which would
mean and write this down the world you live in is a world of essentially Frozen imagination that's a bar right that down make sure you're taking notes and leaving them in the comments per usual the world you live in is a world of Frozen imagination in the same way that you can touch ice but you can't touch steam but when you alter the vibration of steam it then becomes ice when you alter the vibration of Consciousness it eventually becomes matter and it becomes something that you can touch the world that we live in is frozen
imagination it's frozen consciousness so when the Hermetic say the universe is mental they literally mean it eventually when I go out this room I'll be putting my hand on a door handle that door handle is frozen imagination as I'm holding this pen this pen is frozen imagination as I touch this white board this this whiteboard is frozen imagination as you walk and you see cars it's frozen imagination and this is how you need to begin to alter things internally because once you begin to see everything as a particular Frozen State of Consciousness cuz that's what
it is even a book you know even you know my PC right here everything is frozen imagination and once you begin to reinforce that in your mind you begin without realizing it to unconsciously see your world as inherently moldable because everything that you've been taught about the world to see as something that is real isn't real at all even down to a physical level if you was to take a powerful microscope and zoom in on even this whiteboard you'd see that the particles are in constant movement constant motion so it can't be real if our
definition of real is something that's associated with permanent because these particles are moving and this goes into the law of Rhythm but this is for another time but the world is frozen imagination and here's the thing people often say you know mind over matter but the truth of the matter is that mind and matter are one you can't be over matter because you are matter and you are mind mind and matter are one and this sets emotion a powerful line of thinking because once you begin to see that your world is matter you want to
alter your world what most people try to do is to alter the World by altering the world to alter matter by altering matter that doesn't make sense if you want to alter the particular matter or world that you live in you first need to see what is it dependent on and that matter is nothing more than the altered vibratory rate of Consciousness so if you're able to alter your State of Consciousness you're then inherently able to affect what is produced in the realm of matter does that make sense good now as I mentioned earlier the
way that you need to be looking at the world is inherently a mental World which is the complete opposite of what you've been taught conceptualized as based upon the way that you were raised based upon the way that we are raised in society we're taught to see the world as nothing more than a physical world and because it's been so conditioned into our mind as a physical world we associate all changes to be physical without coming to the true understanding that if the universe is mental if we want to alter our universe then what we
need to do is to alter our mental which is the process of everything that we do on this channel as I always say to you [ __ ] spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity and it is your ability to control your reality that is the and that is the epitome of spiritual Mastery because the process of altering your reality is a spiritual one because the process of you altering your Consciousness to alter matter I'm just going to let that marinate for you guys now here's the thing by the way guys you
guys know every once in a while you know somebody will come to me with a certain level of anxiety and I'll cure it and everybody will be like Nero how did you cure their anxiety and somebody would be like oh my God Nero you've just got rid of all the anxiety that I've had like so on and so forth and you always know like so I'm going to do it right now and I've done this in every other video well some can't be curing anxiety all the time guys so if you want your anxiety to
be cured go listen to a song called C Biz the game is mine that it might even it might even be a two-minute job pause and just life will be changed forever don't say I didn't tell you now perfect so as I was saying the thing about the hermetics is that they say that the universe is mental and they're completely true and this goes down to very deep deep levels because here's the thing if we take the axum the universe is mental that would mean that based upon and ac across 8 billion different people because
there's 8 billion different people on this planet there's 8 billion different universes because if the universe is mental then the that you live in we don't all have the same same particular mental state we don't all have the same state of consciousness all our Consciousness and all our mental states are completely different we're all on different frequencies so that would mean that because not everybody has the same mental that would mean that not everybody is in the same universe which would mean that what you experience as your world and your universe is just that yours
because it is directly interconnected to your mental your state of Consciousness 8 billion people on the planet and there's 8 billion universes 8 billion worlds which is why we don't live in the same world as people hence why we can experience the exact same thing and walk away with completely different opinions on what happened or versions of what happened because we are experiencing different versions of reality based upon being different versions of frequencies because here's the thing what you don't realize is that your consciousness or your frequency puts you into a different world so when
we're talking about the universe's mental across many different people many different people having different particular frequencies different states of consciousnesses multiple people are in different worlds but your universe is nothing more than the creation of your mental which would mean that based upon some of the mental beliefs that people hold in their head they will be put into different universes which actually brings me to an important suw of the universe is mental mentalism which is you make the law you make the laws of your reality now this is very important to understand because if the
world that you live in or your universe is solely dependent upon your particular State of Consciousness on a deeper level your beliefs and your beliefs are just emotionally charged ideas emotionally charged accepted ideas and if you want to discover your beliefs then simple way simple way to discover your beliefs and always remember this cuz this is going to be something that you're continuously iterating as you go through life because unfortunately you can't be belief we go from one box to another one box to another if you want to know what your beliefs are then just
tell me and tell yourself what you believe to be true about the world whatever you believe to be true about the world isn't actually true CU as they also say in the hermetic philosophy all truths are half truths all truths are half truths for the mere fact that there is no truth in reality other than what other than what the Sub Conscious mind accepts as truth and what the subconscious mind accepts as truth isn't necessarily what's been repeated I know that's a belief that one of the languages of the subconscious mind is repetition and it
is but the highest and most powerful language of the subconscious mind that will make belief useless is emotion the most emotionally charged and accepted ideas are accepted as beliefs which then go into the subconscious mind which are then manifested into your universe's truths without coming to the understanding that you make the laws of your reality and I'll give you some examples of this very very shortly let me wipe my board listen to the song Here in My Heart A M Has Come Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard they will not
be pushed aside into your room CU you won't listen I don't have those notes by the way guys AJ thought that that was hang by Alicia Keys have you have you decided we talking Alicia Keys or Beyonce who do you think who do I think who you think Alicia Keys is personally my favorite but I have to put Beyonce there yeah Beyonce is the best cuz she's just got too she's just got too much in the catalog she's got too much in the catalog I don't really listen to her you don't listen to Beyonce like
that it's cuz you forgot all the bangers that she's dropped I Am Sasha Fierce yeah I'm yeah and then she's got Halo she's got I'm a Diva I'm a diva is a female version of a hustler stop the track let me state facts only thing might right now is 71 7 showy sideway smack it smack it in the air po but at least sh ke got Banger she got bangers bro yeah she does but beon is just she's just that Beyonce or Rihanna so probably R show is more personality nowaday you know I'm trying to
say seems more human still going to pck the you can't say she seems more human when I'm being accused of being a reptile clone Caucasian as well that's crazy unzip unzip all right or they put batteries out my back now guys for the m fact that as I stated earlier let's see that you exist in your own Universe based upon the beliefs that you have which are nothing more than the truth that you accept the truth that you accept are nothing more than beliefs because there are no beliefs in reality there only there are there
are no truth in reality other than what the subconscious mind accept as true but on a deeper level there are no truths in reality what they really are are ideas were in The Mask of a truth which are nothing more than beliefs which beliefs are nothing more than the emotionally charged except ideas of the mind if you want a new belief into your mind then you must emotionally charge it to such a powerful degree that it displaces a resonant or belief that is pre-existing and it overwrites it and those beliefs are nothing more than ideas
now here's the thing because your Universe directly puts you into your own world then you have to come to the understanding that your world is nothing more than the built on Truth built on beliefs built on ideas and let's start over here with beliefs and ideas let's take the concept of that I mentioned earlier which is you make you make your own laws and this is how this is this this is multi-dimensional chess this is metaphysical chess cuz I need you guys to understand something very very important why would anybody need to stand there and
oppress you and enslave you when they can just give you self- oppressing and selfs slavish ideas that you then materialize into your reality and then you internalize that to be a truth and then once you've accepted it as a truth you reinforce it with emotional charge and it goes deep into the subconscious mind and then at that point it is something that is being continuously created because your subconscious mind is the unfolding point from your reality it is the unfoldment it is the womb of your reality understand this very very clearly if the laws that
you hold for your life don't serve you then they're just there to control you translation if what you believe to be true about the world doesn't serve you then it's just there to control you translation if what you believe if the beliefs that you have don't serve you then they're there to control you if the ideas that you have don't serve you they're just there to exactly understanding this on a deeper level how many laws have we made for ourselves and here's something that we've deviated from we've deviated from what I call God privilege God
privilege is what's esoterically spoken about in Matthew and I know guys it looks mad but trust me I spelled it right God privilege is what I call well what I reference to what Jesus speaks about in Matthew esoterically when he says with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible you are the physical expression of God because you exist in the mind of God go back to what I said right at the start of the video we exist in the mind of the Creator which means that we are the Creator's manifestations we
are the physical expert we are the physical expressions of the creation's mental Creations now because of that we have what I call God privilege God privilege is the idea that so long as we are acting from our true Cosmic identity we are more powerful than anything we are more powerful than any condition any circumstance any failure any event any struggle any Misfortune anything but we give up our God privilege for World privilege and the privilege of the world and if you want a bigger video on this let me know say I want a video on
God privilege and I'll get that done we accept the privilege of the world and the world gives us laws that destroy us I'll give you an example growing up of course in a type of area that I did my mom used to say to me stay out of trouble careful you're black the police are looking out to get you inherently the world wants to see you fail because you're black you have to work twice as hard as everyone because you're black things aren't going to be given to you because you're black no one's going to
recognize you in what you do because you're black the world is waiting on your downfall because you're black and of course on one level on a social level on a humanistic level this is pretty Sound Advice if I'm being honest myself I do say but if we're looking at it from a point of metaphysics in relation to reality Creation in the subconscious mind I was being given these particular beliefs where I was making laws for myself that said I have to work twice as hard as everybody else because I'm black and it wouldn't be until
I work twice as hard as everybody else that I'd get a result I make a law for myself that the world wants to see me for so now I go out into the world I've made a law for myself that law is put into my world my universe and now I live in a world that is inherently trying to [ __ ] me for some reason pause and it wants to see me go down and you can extrapolate this to any any aspect you can extrapolate this to being a woman even you know that things
are going to be hard for you let's say in the business because you're a woman I have a lot of clients who come with those particular beliefs and if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue new ceiling you're want to break out in the next s weeks and two to five extra Revenue then Link in Link in the description and I always think about one client of mine Laura she was stuck at 326k a month Farm owner and we took her to 486k in a month and one of the foundational beliefs as you can
imagine being a woman in the realm of business you come with this inherent idea that men are going to look at you a particular way and they're not going to take you serious on and so forth and that was a law that she made for herself and you can extrapolate this to anything I know a bunch of short [ __ ] who think they can't get girls because they're too short meanwhile I know a niggaer who's 5 foot who's knocking down girls who are like 6 foot real tall real life but he hasn't made a
law for himself so how how often do we make laws for ourselves that actually work in direct opposition to our desired reality and this is going to have to be something you come to an understanding of because the dangerous thing about this is that because the universe is mental we don't take into consideration our mental architecture because our mental architecture is created event into our reality as physical architect you can think about your mind being the blueprint through which the universe is going to build and structure and organize your reality that's a b write that
down without understanding that you can only cook what's in the fridge that's a bar write that down and if you got a bunch of bad [ __ ] in the fridge then you're going to be cooking a bunch of bad stuff in reality that's it so when we come to the understanding that the universe is inherently mental the all is mind and the mind is all the first place that we need to send our attention back to which Jesus spoke about in Matthew 6:33 is seek ye first the kingdom of God and then righteousness and
all these things shall be added onto you we first must seek to our minds and seek to alter our minds you're only going to get mangoes [ __ ] if you're planting mango seeds if you're getting cucumbers it's because you're planting cucumber seeds you will never get a cucumber from a mango seed and that's a very simplistic observation that we see in the world of nature but nature is nothing more than a lower reflection of the higher laws of the universe it's the exact same thing so when it comes to understanding and wanting to reorganize
and restructure your Universe what you have to be aware of is the beliefs or the truths that you've accepted because their foundation and they're going to be what's created and I always think about this take the concept of a recession when a recession comes around and once again this is the game played on not in fact I want to you're going to get some you're going to I'm going to get some I'm going to get some cuz my hands are jumping to rid this wiping that board you get me I'm I'm wiping the board like
Sonic by the way you want you know one thing I realized when I actually met a lot of Americans when I was out there they're shocked that we talk about my wife and kids and you know Fresh Prince and you know Jay-Z and and all of this it's like they're like they think we're like they they think we're like yeah yeah yeah exactly that good day they think we're riding on horses eating crumpets and yeah guys the black experience is a collective Consciousness we're all pretty much tapped into the same thing believe it or not
now of course some people are less tapped in than other others such as AJ not knowing who you know Nas was like that you know what I'm saying don't don't do this just don't do this cool so this is the game this is this is very very dangerous guys this is very very dangerous and don't say Protect n at all cost you [ __ ] need to stop saying protect me at all costs I'm fine they're making me think something's going to happen to me but anyways let's understand the game from a multi-dimensional level so
let's take the concept of control and this this this this correlates so relax you're going to get some let's take the concept of control so back in the days centuries ago control was something that was done physically if I want to control AJ make him do whatever I want pause I would physically control him pause again and because of this it's very very apparent it's very very in your face and it's very very observable it's right in your face but see once you begin to understand the first law of the universe the universe is mental
if I want to [ __ ] up your world and make sure that you live in a particular state of reality if I want to make sure you live in a certain world or a certain Universe all I need to do is to Target your mental cuz if I can Target your mental what you're going to do by natural law of mentalism is Manifest that into your world and when you manifest that into your world you're going to see it and be like damn didn't work and you're going to register it as it's true it's
right why would I need to physically control you and attempt to make you do whatever I want when all I have to do is give you the particular mental beliefs for you to then internalize into your mind for you to then manifest and then you see them and you're like [ __ ] [ __ ] this is real and I want you to think about this on a global level so let's take the concept of Statistics there are plenty of statistics about let's say black mortality rates um black women in hospitals mortality rates um black
en cment rates other other statistics just extrapolated to whatever you are women you know pay gaps whatever EXT this to everywhere all of these particular statistics in one hand they do serve a function of reporting if they are accurate but at the same time on a deeper level coming to the understanding of the authority that these particular statistics have in terms of your mind and your perception towards them once you read a particular statistic damn nine out of 10 [ __ ] go to jail damn and you internalize that particular belief into your head that
enters your subconscious mind that enters your subconscious mind it is now something that's set in motion as a particular chain of events that could lead to that materialization of that initial belief or for the mere fact that nobody has to grab you and throw you into prison anymore all they need to do is make sure that you're locked down internally and you'll lock yourself down externally that's a bar write that down and extrapolate that to whatever field you're in obviously I'm a black guy so I don't want to talk about [ __ ] that you
know is inherent to me but if you're a woman talk about stuff that's woman if you're Asian do that if you're white do the same thing extrapolate this to all aspects of reality because this is how the game's played at a top down level nobody needs to come down and get you to do anything they just need you to put they just need to put those beliefs into your head you'll do it yourself when it's in your face you'll be like damn it's the truth and then you'll continuously put yourself in a cycle with it's
something that you're continuously experiencing again and again and again I'm thinking about doing monthly Workshop by the way guys just like monthly workshops cuz you guys always like you only work with entrepreneurs I want questions and stuff like that so I'm thinking about doing something maybe once a month so I don't know if there's going to be anything out but just check the description you might see something you might see something somebody said that um will'll trade you you know all of Diddy's baby oil for a book recommendation video I se I se I'm never
going to forgive you for that we up some once again guys I need you to understand this the mind is in the highest order when it comes to the universe and let's take this concept for example you know there are spiritual [ __ ] who would be like oh you know you only got to eat grass and you know I'm joking My Vegan [ __ ] don't cry but of course let's take that spiritual archetype of that individual that solely believes that this is the only right way and this is the right way and you
have to do this and if you don't do this you're not this and if you do this this is is going to lead to this the mind is of the highest order in the universe why because God is the highest order in the universe and as it says esoterically in Corinthian you are the dwelling place of God in inherent reference to your mind hence why for example when we're talking about God's throne and sat down Jesus is sat on the right hand of the father so on and so forth because the right is a reference
the right hemisphere of the brain which is where God sleeps I've made a video about this already but on a simplistic level God is the highest order in the universe the mind is the highest order in the universe the mind takes precedent over anything of the in the universe so let's say this mind the world so for example if you believe that when you eat this food you're going to develop this and you're going to die because this is this and this is that more so more often than not it is actually the belief in
of itself that activates that particular frequency to set in motion those particular chain of events to manifest in your reality as opposed to the thing themselves and this is the game the game is about taking all the power that the world has taken from you and directing all of that back to your mind because until you master your mind you won't Master the universe and until you master your mind you won't know God because as Psalm 46:10 says be still and know that I am God until you can come to the recognition of the true
power within the mind in order in reference to the universe then you'll be trapped by these things like I said take the concept of a recession when a recession comes around you know the media is pulling on people's emotional strings emotionally charging people remember what I said subconscious and emotion emotionally charging people with negative beliefs on what's to happen when certain things unfold in the economy and all of this and all of that and then you subconsciously accept that now you've entered a universe a universe a world where now you experience the effects of that
particular recession there's people that don't experience the effects and there's people that do and it's simply for the mere fact that these people live in two different worlds based upon their universe but the universe is mental and the mental that we have and you have and they have and this person has and this person has it's all different so it's about the State of Consciousness that you're in your state of consciousness does this that was me entering a door I don't think it looked like I was entering a door it didn't look like that I
should have just just done this in yeah why were you Bing I don't know but your State of Consciousness quite literally enters you into the door of another world that is the mental equivalent of that world the mental equivalent of that world would be based upon what's in your subconscious mind what's based upon your subconscious mind would directly be what's emotionally charged into you what's emotionally charged into you is nothing more than what you've accepted as a truth but there are no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts a truth which means
that truth really and truly is an idea pretending to be a truth and the idea is something that you can choose to accept whether you want to or not now that's mentalism