The Perversion of P Diddy | A Career of Crime and Corruption

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R out continues for rap Mogul sha Diddy Colmes tonight as more companies announce they've cut ties with the bad boy CEO several law enforcement agencies are raiding the home of hip hop mogul P Diddy a new civil lawsuit against sha Diddy combms accuses him of sex trafficking which you know him as Diddy formerly Puff Daddy Big Time rapper Big Time Superstar and now the feds at his houses in both locations it's like a tapestry of criminal activity we are hearing from Homeland Security I wanted to clear that the career of of sha P Diddy cones
is [Music] over when you have multitudes of people lining up all making the same or nearly identical allegations it becomes much more [Music] powerful I'm trying to I'm trying to party dude oh you trying to party like Diddy like Diddy trying to party party what do you mean what does that mean I actually don't know rap mogul puffy comes pleaded not guilty today to charges stemming from a nightclub shooting comes was arraigned on charges of criminal possession of a handgun on December 27th 1999 the NYPD responded to an incident that occured on West 43rd Street
in Times Square at around 3:00 in the morning gunshots rang out in Manhattan's very own club New York leaving numerous innocent bystanders in dire need of medical attention authorities reached the scene of the crime in arrested 21-year-old Jamal Barrow a young upand cominging rapper known professionally as shine who had just signed to Bad Boy Records only a few months prior but the man who signed him was nowhere to be found despite arriving with shine that night Shawn Puff Daddy Combs was attempting to flee the club and a brand new Lincoln Navigator leaving shine alone to
be charged with three counts of attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon it was reported that Diddy's driver sped through 11 separate red lights that night flying down 8th Avenue pass two parked police cars before finally being pulled over officers were quick to find two at 9mm pistols inside the vehicle prompting them to arrain all four passengers which included Diddy's then girlfriend Jennifer Lopez one former detective recalling how JLo's mother was yelling at her in Spanish over the phone by the time they arrived at the Manhattan South police precin telling the New York Post
she was really mad at Jennifer I heard her say I told you not to get in involved with him an officer testified that everyone in the SUV was ordered to put their hands on the vehicle but Lopez walked away saying she was going home as she was being detained a gun was discovered in the vehicle the officer quotes Lopez as saying it's not my gun after 60 Witnesses 126 Court exhibits and 25 years of retrospect the actual events leading up to this Infamous shootout remained tragically unclear though most accounts say Diddy was arguing with a
man named scar who annoyed by Diddy's Relentless flexing threw a pile of money in the record executive's face as a sign of disrespect one clubgoer by the name of natania Ruben testified she heard scar threatened to kill shine shortly before she says she witnessed both shine and Diddy pull out weapons and begin firing natania then felt what she described as a flaming hot Sledgehammer shattering her face she had been shot as I turned back to look at them I watched them bow bow both of them fired and the muzzle flash was like shine's muzzle flash
was a little higher he was on the side closest to the bar Puffy's muzzle flash was a little lower and he was on the side closest to where I was straight ahead from me I watched them both fire their guns I watched them natano was just one of three victims that night and while there were thankfully no casualties there were still countless questions that needed to be answered to what extent was everyone involved well JLo was exonerated almost instantly in fact authorities cleared her of any wrongdoing after just 14 hours in the pin she was
never charged her boyfriend Diddy on the other hand was slapped with four weapons charges for the pistols found in his Navigator and was even charged for attempted bribery when the driver testified Diddy offered him $50,000 to say the guns were his Diddy even reportedly presented a $40,000 ring as collateral this afternoon jurors asked for a transcript of a phone message Colmes left Wardell Fenderson once his driver now the prosecution star witness and going to make you feel like comfortable you know what I'm saying make your family feel comfortable what exactly Colmes meant by that is
in dispute but the prosecution claimed the rapper offered Fenderson $50,000 after a very tense and extremely public six-month trial however Diddy was acquitted on all charges while his Protege shine received a 10year prison sentence despite natania the victim maintaining since day one it was Diddy who shot her in the face not shine who she says only fired his gun at the ceiling in a recent interview with news Nation natania reiterated I literally watched them all pull out the guns I had a clear point of view I mean for God's sake I got shot in my
nose I was facing them directly I watched everything occur and have described it vehemently to all parties involved who better to tell you what happened than the person who got shot smack dab in between my eyes natania is in fact so adamant that she since offered to have the bullet fragments removed from her skull for ballistic evidence should the case ever be reopened ever since that life altering verdict natania has insisted that shine was the Fall Guy a term literally used by shine himself after leaving jail as much as shine has made an effort to
grow and change as a person distancing himself from his troubled past by becoming the leader of the biz Democratic party in recent years his dad is the former prime minister of bise by the way no big deal shine has recently opened up about his role in that fateful club shooting during an interview with Channel five believes in reference to natania's claims shine stated it opens wounds when you hear the victim saying that it was Diddy who shot her everyone knew all along that I was the Fall Guy my political enemies and detractors try to make
me into this criminal but everyone knew that I was just a young kid that took the fall everyone knew that was the story I'm just saying that I've maintained my innocence all this time while he doesn't explicitly say he took the fall for Diddy he does make sure to emphasize what natania is telling us saying I didn't into who did what but the victim is telling you who did what fragments were never removed so there was never any forensic testing to say who it was but the victims are vindicating me clarifying once and for all
that he's moved on and that he doesn't want to relive those tragic experiences so why discuss any of this now well it all stems from a recent lawsuit filed this February by producer and didy collaborator Lil Rod who has come out with a laundry list of allegations against his former creative partner with we will be exploring extensively throughout this video but what I want to focus on first is what these court filings say about the 1999 incident on page 25 of the 73-page lawsuit it is stated that Diddy bragged to little Rod about getting away
with shooting people sharing that he was responsible for the shooting in the nightclub in New York City with rapper Shine and that JLo carried the gun into the club for him and passed him the gun after he got into an altercation with another individual L Rod's assertion that diddy bragged about bribing Witnesses and jurors in the criminal case concerning the 1999 shooting lines up perfectly with natania's own recollection of events that she has never once deviated from even the surgeon who did my surgery to take out part of the bullet fragments that was aspirating into
my lungs and try to remove as many bullet fragments as possible testified in the criminal trial that while they were putting me under I was screaming puffy p don't meet in the face but as mentioned this is far from the only concerning allegation against sha P Diddy Combs in fact there are entire Decades of those with the most recent wave of lawsuits being the most shocking and disgusting of all which is why today we'll be going through all of these stories presenting them as cohesively as possible here in this video it's going to be a
long one and I don't doubt it will get pretty dark while Diddy has yet to be charged for anything connected to the recent flurry of allegations against him I think it's important we know what exactly he's currently facing in order to get a better sense of who he is and where he may go from here but in order for that to happen we need to start a little further back Diddy P Diddy Puff Daddy puffy whatever you want to call him has existed in the cultural Zeitgeist for a minute now in fact he's remained a
prominent figure in American pop culture since the early '90s but I want to venture back to when he was nothing more than a young boy from Mount Vernon born in Harlem in 1967 Shawn comes was raised by a single mother in New York following the murder of his father in the early 70s he attended a Catholic boy School throughout his adolescence before eventually enrolling at Washington DC's Howard University during the late 80s initially seeking a business degree Diddy spent most of his time driving around in his convertible and throwing Rowdy parties the one former student
described as a once in a-lifetime type vibe to Rolling Stone not all of his former classmates look back on Diddy so fondly though with another former student telling the magazine she kept as far away as possible from the rapper after he allegedly caressed her back without consent and asked if she wanted to meet his friend alluding to Diddy's creepier volatile Side by recalling how he flew off the handle when she confronted him for cutting her off in the cafeteria line with yet another student describing how Diddy would persistently tap on the classroom window to get
his girlfriend to ditch class noticing how she would tin up whenever Diddy appeared the student told Rolling Stone he just had a weird control thing I felt like she was fearful though his stent at Howard wouldn't last long ultimately dropping out to pursue a career in music before starting his sophomore year never to return to the school again until 2014 when they gave him an honorary doctorate which it turns out was a pretty controversial move even back then several students at the time expressed frustration over the fact Diddy was getting special treatment when he only
spent about a year actually enrolled which is fair I don't really know what Diddy could have brought to a commencement speech for a school he never got close to graduating from but none of that that matters now because they've since revoked his honorary doctorate in the wake of well everything horrible that's come out against him the university also made the decision to return col's $1 million contribution and terminate a $1 million pledge agreement from the Sha Colmes Foundation but that was all way before he became established in the music scene the way Diddy first got
his foot in the door was by becoming an intern at Uptown records one of the oldest hip-hop labels whose roster once included the likes of Mary J blig Father MC Heavy D and the boys and of course the Notorious BIG needless to say this is where Diddy began forming some of his earliest friendships in the industry gradually working his way up to Talent director and eventually to vice president of the entire company that is until a falling out with the CEO Andre Herold modestly telling Oprah Winfrey years later that the reason Andre fired him was
because there can't be two kings in one Castle I don't presume that was the exact reason he got fired but that's what he tells people still the connections he made through Uptown would ultimately serve him well in 1993 when he launched his own label Bad Boy Entertainment just weeks after leaving his old job signing bigie immediately which ended up being a huge blow to Uptown after the massive success of Biggie's critically acclaimed debut album ready to die in 1994 throughout the early to mid 90s did he continue to build his reputation as a record executive
and producer by working with the steamed artists such as Mariah Carey mace TLC Method Man artha Franklin and so many others seeing his company generate over $100 million in record sales by 1997 but this was also the decade where Diddy's illustrious history of legal problems began to mount a year has passed since the ccny tragedy but people have not forgotten what happened including the events promoter 22-year-old Sean Puffy combes in fact we can go all the way back to 1991 before the bad boy days to find examples of Diddy's first controversies which it feels like
a disservice to even call them that because these are the actual crimes not so much controversies organizing and promoting a city college basketball event marked Diddy's first bad decision as stated by Jason Swain whose brother was unfortunately crushed to death during a tragic Stampede that occurred that night Dirk Swain was just one of nine people who lost their lives in that school not to mention the dozens of other patrons that were injured as a result of the event being massively overbooked a 67 page report carried out by New York city mayor David Lin concluded that
despite having a capacity of 2700 people the gym filled up to over 5,000 people as a result of non-ticket holders being allowed in sight the report criticized those in charge of the event for making a Litany of mistakes and neglecting their duties at every stage of planning according to a New York Times article from 1992 while we don't know what specifically led up to the crowd Crush that transpired we do know that once attendees were barred from entering the people who were left outside stormed the gates of the the gym and rushed into the lobby
according to the report the only open door at the bottom of the gym somehow became shut creating a deadly steel barrier to the surging crowd as outlined by the times a nightmare that I can't even begin to imagine one victim by the name of Sharice miles recalled to the New York Post how we were just chest to chest for hours at one point there was this Rush inside and that's when you saw bodies dropping people were getting trampled it was chaos but that was never much of a concern to Diddy you know the guy who
organized the event who Sharice says walked right past me after there was this big rush into the gym and didn't seem concerned about what was going on he just wanted to get his stuff and get out of there I never got the sense of remorse or accountability just like let me get my stuff and get out what's interesting to me is that the mayor's report which you can read for free on the way back machine describes Diddy's initial plans of arranging a celebrity basketball game featuring rap artists in order to raise concern over the AIDS
crisis he then promptly called up associate by the name of Tera Jeter to hammer out the details with the school a contract was drafted up and Diddy didn't even really bother to read it despite it pinning a lot of responsibility on him as the contractor of the event requiring him to buy insurance which of course he didn't do while a lot of the report spends time criticizing the school and police department two entire pages are dedicated to the failure of responsibility by Shan Combs citing that as a known promoter of rap concerts and other functions
he is fully aware of the need for proper preparation and coordination of such events particularly with regard to the need of adequate security and this instance Mr com spent little time making the actual preparation for the game and delegated most if not all of the arrangements to those who claim to have no prior experience with such events the report also acknowledges how Diddy promoted the hell out of this thing plugging it repeatedly over the radio on KISS FM and knowing that over 1,000 tickets had already been sold in advance they were already at half capacity
in Diddy was still trying to get as many people there as possible without even making adequate arrangements with security according to the report the security situation was an absolute mess with hired Personnel having little to no understanding of their designated roles it also fults Diddy for evidently not communicating with the AIDS education outreach program despite listing the organization on Flyers assuring ticket holders that donations would be made to that organization it was marketed as a charity basketball event after all only the leader of the charity says they were never approached regarding any monetary donations as
outlined by the report Diddy's assertion that the proceeds were being donated was an error meaning nobody quite knows what happened to that $24,000 the event raised for charity there were also a number of settlements that Diddy was required to pay throughout the 90s Diddy paid about $600,000 collectively to the victim's families or roughly $775,000 per death settling the last suit in the year 2000 according to Rolling Stone the New York Post emphasized the frustration of these families who blamed Diddy for resisting accountability and never officially apologizing to them Dirk Swain's mother Barbara telling the Daily
News in 1998 that she didn't think he'd ever taken true accountability though he did reference the tragedy in a song rapping it to the city college deceased may you rest in peace to the families I never meant to cause pain I know the truth but if you want then I'll shoulder the blame Mrs Swang called These lyrics stupid asking what is he saying is he saying he's not to blame adding we're not saying the blame is all his but not once did he step up to the plate and say yes I am responsible then comes
has maintained a low profile in the Press which he feels has wrongly portrayed him I famous for like the kid in their minds who threw the tragic City College man that's that's that's kind of hard for me sometime to live with I think you can see by now that the '90s were a pretty tumultuous period for Diddy he wasn't just making headlines for his mismanagement of charity basketball events he was also routinely getting into violent clashes with fellow industry Executives like the time he caught his first assault charge in 1999 following The Accidental release of
a NOS music video for the song Hate Me Now directed by Hype Williams the infamous video featured controversial depictions of Diddy and Nas carrying large wooden crosses on their backs being fogged by an angry mob before being pinned down and crucified on those crosses this thing remained lost media for over 20 years until 2022 when a user named hip hop VCR posted the entire music video in full on patreon and sure enough it literally shows Nails being driven through Diddy and NASA's hands Diddy being raised in the Catholic church had a long talk with his
priest shortly before the release of the video and decided he no longer wanted his crucifixion scene included only by the time he came to that decision it was pretty late in the process and Steve Stout Nas's manager was reluctant to make the change considering a he had already sunk 14 Grand into the scene and B the crucifixion was Diddy's idea in the first place either way the uncut music video aired on National Television April 15th 1999 and according to double XXL it was only a matter of minutes before Diddy and his bodyguards burst into Steve's
office to violently assault him clubbing him over the head with a champagne bottle in front of two clients as Stever Rec called to the LA Times all the way back in 1999 one minute I'm in the middle of a meeting and the next minute I'm down on the floor and puffy and his guys are kicking and pounding me one of them picks up a chair and throws it at me then puffy throws my desk and they just walk out like nothing happened my jaw and my head were all swollen it was a traumatic experience and
in the middle of it I didn't know exactly how to feel I was upset embarrassed scared angry as far as I'm concerned this was an attempt on my life also telling the New York Post at the time I'm scared of him despite Steve standing 6 ft tall and weighing over 300 lb as the post mentions but I have to defend the record industry it's the record industry versus sha pedy comes he added everybody is afraid of him he has a dark history almost instantly Diddy was arrested criminally charged and faced up to 7 years in
prison until Steve had a change of heart and asked the DA's office to drop the charges once Diddy apologize issuing an apology is an otherwise rare move for Diddy but I guess he would have done or said any in this instance to avoid seven years behind bars and I got to say the fact that people like Steve were speaking publicly about the dangerous side of sha Combs 25 years ago says a lot his abusive past has always been one of the industry's worst kept secrets in fact in 2001 a Detroit talk show host by the
name of Roger Mills filed a lawsuit that accused Diddy in his Entourage of assault false imprisonment destruction of property intentional infliction of emotional distress and a civil conspiracy a according to a 23-year-old article from billboard this lawsuit was reportedly filed around 2 years after Diddy and Roger filmed an interview in which the latter asked Diddy to comment on speculation that he had something to do with the death of his longtime associate Bigg e Smalls refusing to answer the question Diddy ended the interview right there and demanded it never be aired even offering to buy the
videotape of that interview through someone else but when Roger refused he was attacked in the parking lot on the way back to his car he claims that his bodyguards prev vented him from leaving before forcibly taking the videotape from him breaking his camera in the process and twisting his neck and shoulder in the assault while Diddy was forced to appear in court he testified that he didn't remember the incident despite Detroit police being able to confirm that an incident did in fact take place the jury quickly ruled in favor of Diddy which was not unlike
another instance in 2004 when a judge overturned a civil judgment calling on Diddy to pay almost half a million dollars to a limo driver who claimed he was assaulted by security detail didd he had hired to protect Mary J blig despite the driver Cedric Bobby lmon literally wearing the necessary credentials to allow him backstage he claims the two bodyguards punched him in the head kicked him in the back and broke his right ankle for absolutely zero reason I mean he was allowed to be there and by the way even if he wasn't supposed to be
there a reaction this brutal and violent wouldn't have been Justified anyway being unable to work as a limo driver as a result of his injuries lemon was stuck with a $114,000 medical bill that he hoped the lawsuit would take care of and although it may have taken a while it appears the two parties did eventually reach a settlement in 2006 the details of which have never been disclosed but I definitely hope this guy got a pretty big payout considering Diddy's net worth topped 200 million at the time according to Fortune Magazine the same article notes
he was paying 112k a month for his son Justin's child support clearly Diddy is not unfamiliar with controversy he was in the news for this kind of thing all the time in the 9s and 2000s take for example a bloody altercation at an Atlanta Club in 1995 where Diddy's longtime bodyguard Anthony wolf Jones was involved in an argument between by Coastal hip-hop group members from Bad Boy Entertainment and Death Row Records Suge Knight's Infamous record label that went on to sign Tupac Shakur according to a 2001 report from the Los Angeles Times an off-duty Fulton
County Sheriff by the name of Chris Howard who had been working security detail at the club that night witnessed both groups in a heated argument that included Diddy and Suge it got so bad that Howard had to step in and break it up things calm down for a second only for another flare up to occur this time between wolf and a man by the name of Big Jake Robel a close friend of Suge Howard then ordered the two groups to leave the club making sure to keep suge's party inside as Diddy's Entourage cleared out as
Howard recalled I told Suge okay the coast is clear and we walked outside and he got into the limo his partner was just about ready to get into the limo when all of a sudden Puffy's guys came around the corner and one of them had a gun I chased the guy with the gun around the corner he handed the gun off to another guy it was a 45 by the time I got back out front that's when the guy took a shot at suge's partner he shot him two or three times alleging he then saw
the shooter jump into a car with Diddy's Associates the police arrived 15 minutes later but at that point the shooter was nowhere to be found no weapon was ever recovered and the victim Jake Robel died died in the hospital a few weeks later according to the LA Times one witness recalled seeing Diddy's bodyguard wolf pull the trigger but that never really went anywhere as this article points out Diddy and wolf were both standing trial in Manhattan on gun and bribery charges pertaining to the 1999 Club New York incident at the time this whole thing was
being investigated again which kind of took precedence in the media to this day Su Knight still blames Diddy for what happened to his right-hand man it's also important to point out here just how popular Diddy was at the time of all these disputes following the tragic and mysterious murder of Biggie Diddy's Tribute Single I'll Be Missing You top charts around the world and debuted number one on the Billboard Hot 100 remaining in the number one slot for 11 weeks a record-breaking feat at the time Diddy's mainstream Celebrity Status only continued to grow as his debut
album No Way Out reached Platinum Status and sold 3.4 million physical copies in the United States alone he earned a spot on the Forbes list and even clinched two Grammy wins in 1997 including best rap album for no way out his lifestyle was nothing short of lavish kicking it with the likes of Martha Stewart and Donald Trump in the Hamptons his sprawling Empire of restaurants magazines and clothing combined with his impressive record sales reportedly generated an estimated $130 million in Revenue per year according to the LA Times it's safe to say things were looking up
for sha Diddy Homes at the turn of the century but unfortunately that Infamous track record we've talked about would prove pretty difficult for the Mogul to [Music] escape but before we go any further I would like to go ahead and pause to thank today's sponsor fume fume is an award-winning flavored air device that uses plants and Behavioral Science to transform your bad habits into positive ones instead of using harmful or addictive chemicals fumes cores are infused with all natural ingredients like peppermint and cinnamon making for a tasty and enjoyable experience with flavors like orange vanilla
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where he described some of his earliest years in the music industry at just 15 Usher was already collaborating with established record executive Sean P didy cones who was happy to co-produce the young artist self-titled album in 1994 but that's not where the relationship ended as Usher told Howard he lived with the Mogul for up to a year without his parents even knowing remember he was a teenager at the time and didd he was well into his 20s in fact Diddy himself would later go on to claim he had legal custody over Usher during this time
been given custody of him you know he signed to Usher I'm signed to Usher I I had legal guardianship of Usher when when you know he he did his first album I did Usher's first album what we know for certain is that Usher has said Diddy introduced him to an entirely new world one that was wildly inappropriate for someone as young as Usher was in fact in the 2004 interview with rolling stone Usher revealed that Diddy had shown him a totally different set of [ __ ] specifically when it came to sex girls were always
around Usher explained you'd open a door and see somebody doing it or several people in a room having an origy you never knew what was going to happen fast forward 12 years and Usher's testimony hasn't changed a bit with Howard asking about something called a puffy flavor Camp no joke that is actually a term coined by did we're sending you over to something called puffy flavor Camp there you go to learn flavor Camp that's what it was called I don't think I could come up with a more horrifying sequence of words if I tried puffy
flavor Camp it SS Shivers up my spine it's so Sinister it was during this interview that Usher confirmed once more he got a chance to see some things by living with Diddy and despite being a child was exposed to an explicit lifestyle he couldn't understand hey it was curious I got chance to see some things yeah but you at 13 what were you see I went there to see the lifestyle and I saw it and it was and it was but I don't know if I could indulge and understand what I was even looking at
when Howard's co-host Robin Quivers attempts to ask whether or not girls would approach him at Diddy's house Usher cuts her off before she can even get the question out keeping it vague but insisting there were some curious things taking place so nobody tried to you know some woman didn't come along okay what I did say is that there were very curious things taking place and I didn't necessarily understand it briefly touching on the wild parties before Howard finally asks if he'd ever send his own kids to puffy flavor camp and I think Usher's immediate response
here really says it all you're a dad now would you ever send your kid to puffy Camp hell no see these quotes from Usher only resurfaced recently around the same time as these videos featuring a 15-year-old Justin Bieber as of today you can actually still find this 14-year-old video up on Justin's YouTube channel originally posted in November 2009 right as Justin was becoming a global sensation the two-minute video has generated headlines again due to it being an extremely uncomfortable watch ominously titled Justin Bieber's 48 hours with Diddy the first 30 seconds featur Diddy gifting the
young pop star a brand new Lamborghini he promises Justus in in a year when he turns 16 this car is all his and when he turns 18 he gets the giant mansion behind him say I'm going to let you rock this every time you la yeah this going be yours tell La it's a little Dusty then when you get 18 you get the house you get the Mansion okay the Mansion Justin asks where they're going and when Diddy asks him where he wants to go that's when it gets a little more awkward so where where
are we off to now where would you like to go um I mean wherever you want to go where we go the way Justin stutters and stares into the camera with the sort of distant look on his face is already enough to raise eyebrows now in retrospect knowing the horrifying allegations that have been leveled against ddy but if you thought this video couldn't get any more uncomfortable just wait Diddy assures us that while Justin is having the time of his life spending 48 hours with the Mogul he can't disclose what exactly it is they're getting
up to but he does promise that whatever it is it's any 15-year-old's dream where we hanging out and what we doing um we we can't really disclose but um it's definitely a 15-year-old's dream and giv custody of him you know he signed to Usher I'm signed to Usher the way Justin quickly reiterates that he's signed to Usher right here really strikes me as odd he just comes across as afraid in this video like there's something off about the entire thing Justin looks like he's being held at gunpoint even having to stand next to Diddy Diddy
then says they're going to go buck full crazy for the next 48 hours and asking Justin what he wants to do this is how he answers 48 Hours let's go um are we going let's just go get some girls let's go have some girls man after my heart that's what I'm talking about with everything that since come to light it's hard to watch this and not feel creeped out the implication that a grown man like Diddy is about to go out and help a teenager find girls is pretty perturbing on its face and even if
we want to be overly generous and say oh it was a bad joke or something this isn't their only uncomfortable video together in a followup that was posted to Diddy's channel the next year we see diddy at borderline interrogating Justin who is now 16 wondering why he hasn't been keeping in touch he says he's been calling him and isn't sure why they don't hang out like they used to what's up man you good I'm good how are you young brother everything's good selling out Arenas and everything starting to act huh you you ain't been calling
me and hanging out the way we used to hang out not sure what a 40-year-old would want with a 16-year-old exactly I mean what do you even talk about with a person half your age and I will say I've never seen Justin Bieber act this visibly anxious on camera before and he's used to being on camera it's kind of his entire existence but here he's stuttering again and swaying back and forth in a way that feels eerily authentic there is of course a chance that they're doing some kind of weird bits but again it's just
very hard for me to buy into that when we consider the mountain of allegations against Diddy that are now currently out there if this were a kind of scripted promo for Diddy's album or something I can't imagine what our takeaway is supposed to be other than genuine concern for Justin his reaction doesn't feel like an act or a joke this feels and looks too real to me and of course there is a very good reason these clips came back under scru we're all well aware at this point of why Diddy's Legacy is being reconsidered but
I think it's time we finally delve into some of those details and I will go ahead and offer a Content warning here for graphic depictions of domestic abuse and essay I think it's only fair I let you know now that the rest of this video may be pretty tough for some to sit through while certain details may be censored viewer discretion is certainly advised did you party with didy a lot oh no not really I would go to the party and and leave early that's why I don't be going to them puffy parties they can
hug you from the front and the back at the same time I don't know what goes on after part after hours but he wasn't trying to find out I wasn't trying to find out look if you L to that you into that I'm fine with it get you on I'm just saying this ain't my [ __ ] kind a party cuz Pete did be wanting to party and you got to tell him no you got to tell him no one recurring element that keeps popping up in these lawsuits is a reference to Diddy's freak off
parties as he's termed them while the details may vary Case by case we know from a swath of testimonies that Diddy was not unfamiliar with hosting hedonistic drug induced parties complete with female and male sex workers wearing masquerade masks these would often take place at some of the most extravagant hotels in the country as reported by Miami heral journalist Julie K Brown back in March Brown described these freak offs as sex parties is so brutal that the young women and men lured into attending them would often vomit and pass out from being drugged beaten and
raped sometimes for hours on end did Cassie tell you about these sprink offs you know that he would hire these like sex workers and like they would have you know sex with her or whatever and he would watch and tell them what to do when Diddy's longtime girlfriend Cassie Ventura filed her law sued back in November she opened up about Diddy's constant need to have these freak offs or fos every week he would decide on having one at random moments according to the lawsuit expecting Cassie to find the location and hire the sex workers herself
the lawsuit even goes on to name the exact hotels where these fos would occur with the hotels occasionally charging Diddy thousands of dollars in Damages afterwards Cassie's lawsuit goes into excruciating detail on how these encounters were arranged alleging Diddy forced her to use websites and escort services to find male sex workers specifically instructing her to search for terms like large black penises on the website as the lawsuit asserts he would often involve his assistants as well asking they provide baby oil an Astroglide to the hotel suites in addition to copious amounts of drugs that included
ecstasy cocaine GHB ketamine marijuana and alcohol that allowed Cassie to disassociate during such events where Diddy would masturbate to Cassie having intercourse with other inebriated sex workers these fos would sometimes last for days according to Cassie who says she needed to ingest IV fluids for an excessive period of time after the Encounters in order to recover from all the substances her body was forced to endure that girl went through some traal sh that she never thought that she would ever have to go through being in a music business for did this was all about power
he wanted total and utter control over the people he subjected to these fos he dictated every detail from the lingerie Cassie wore down to the color of her nail polish which he demanded must be white so it would quote contrast with the skin of the black men he hired to have sex with her as the lawsuit alleges the suit also makes it clear Diddy would direct the sexual encounters specifically telling Cassie where he wanted her to touch the sex workers while he masturbated filmed it as the lawsuit put it Diddy treated the forced encounter as
a personal art project adjusting the candles he used for lighting to frame the videos he took it should also be emphasized that members of Diddy's staff were actively allowing these things to happen too according to Cassie as she recalls one alleged instance of being cornered by his security detail who forced her to leave her friends at her 29th birthday party to have a spontaneous fo with diddy at a nearby Hotel despite expressing clearly to him that she did not want to go when the pair then returned from the fo Diddy still being intoxicated allegedly grabbed
one of Cassie's friends quote like a child and dangled the friend over the balcony of the 17th Floor hotel suite it's beyond clear that Diddy was a terrifying individual both in status and temper he wielded an unfathomable level of power in the music industry which he constantly leveraged over anyone he could after all Cassie first signed to Bad Boy Entertainment when she was only 19 and Diddy was 37 just the age Gap alone is enough to cause concern never mind the fact that Diddy also insisted she refer to him as Pop Pop upon learning that
was the nickname she gave her grandfather the two reportedly met for the first time back in 2005 and began dating shortly after Diddy co-produced the young star's debuted album signing Cassie to an exorbitant 10 album deal as outlined in the lawsuit which is an insane number of albums by the way for perspective Taylor Swift released 10 albums over a 16-year time frame just to give you an idea of how long a term something like this could last and I can't help but imagine this was one of the very first control tactics Diddy employed against Cassie
roping her into such a predatory drawn out record deal seems to me like another way for Diddy to maintain Authority and demonstrate the sheer extent of his influence in the industry influence that he would also leverage in 2007 when he paid a promoter to create a fake flyer for an event that didn't exist it was meant to convince Cassie to fly out to Miami Florida without her then Boyfriend by using the guise of a legitimate event she had to attend as the lawsuit states she was stunned at how easily Mr comes was able to recruit
others to lie for him from there it was a constant Whirlwind of Diddy flaunting his celebrity status and asserting possession and control over her to the point where all aspects of Miss Ventura's life were controlled by either Mr combms or his management companies as the suit put it compounding this all-encompassing intrusion into her life it continues Mr Combs secured his control over the young and impressionable Miss Ventura by introducing her to a drug fueled lifestyle that kept her complacent and compliant reportedly giving out pills to Cassie as if they were candy starting in 2008 not
an uncommon tactic for abusers we've seen it with Jeffrey Epstein when he would drug the many girls he kept around to intentionally obfuscate their memories later on with Diddy the lawsuit alleges he had exhausted his own supply of pills and couldn't get any more for his prescription so he demanded Cassie procure prescriptions of her own in order to keep the drugs flowing under her name the suit States very plainly that the next decade of Cassie's life was spent trapped in a devastating cycle of abuse violence and sex trafficking at the hands of her former partner
and boss for over 10 years Diddy refus to let Cassie leave his side taking drastic measures to relentlessly terrorize the young artist throughout the course of their nightmarish relationship during an especially strenuous time of her relationship with Diddy in 2011 for example Cassie was actually in a brief relationship with Kid Cudi and would seek Refuge at his home to escape the wrath of her abuser though upon stealing her phone and finding an email exchange between cudy and Cassie Diddy flung into a fit of rage and tried to attack Cassie with a sharp cork screw lodged
between his fingers she escaped to cu's house that night only to return later when she felt as though she could never outrun Diddy and his many enforcers the suit then alleges he hit her and kicked her in the back as she tried to escape again her parents later took photos of her bruises from this incident and after a few months Diddy allegedly told Cassie that he was planning to blow up kid C's Car and wanted to be sure cudy would be home when it happened sure enough cu's car exploded in his own driveway shortly after
other than a single tweet in 2014 from a man claiming he had heard rumors of Diddy setting kid cu's car on fire for messing around with Cassie the event remained largely in the shadows until this recent lawsuit only for cui to turn around and confirmed to the New York Times that it did in fact take place a horrifying incident that further emphasized not only the immense power and connections didy m maintained but the depraved measures he would take to keep Cassie compliant one particularly concerning passage from the lawsuit happens on page 22 which notes that
in March 2016 Diddy became intoxicated during an fo at the now closed InterContinental Hotel in Century City LA where he punched Cassie in the face giving her a black eye Diddy later fell asleep and Cassi saw an opportunity to escape only unfortunately on her way out of the room Diddy woke up and immediately charged down the hallway after her grabbing her from behind as she attempted to get into the elevator Diddy violently threw Cassie to the floor and kicked her multiple times while she laid there in a fetal position before attempting to drag her back
to his room Cassie did manage to soon leave in a taxi but not before her partner threw a glass vase at her and I am using slightly more descriptive language here than the lawsuit because I have actually seen the incident by now and you probably have too when CCTV footage of the assault leaked to CNN in May about 6 months after Cassie made this initial allegation in court in case you're wondering why this tape wasn't made public any sooner the lawsuit explains that Diddy paid the hotel 50 grand for the hallway footage from that evening
who exactly received that money remains unclear but what we do know for certain is that this footage only solidified what we had already heard about Diddy's abusive Tendencies following its release Cassie's lawyer told the media the gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr Combs words cannot express the courage and fortitude the Miss Ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light the overwhelming media Spotlight even forced Diddy himself to come out of the shadows and make his own shitty one minute YouTuber apology video but before we watch
that I want you to hear Diddy's original statement regarding the allegations Cassie and others had made against him in late 2023 this past December did wrote enough is enough for the last couple of weeks I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character destroy my reputation and my legacy sickening allegations have been made Against Me by individuals looking for a quick payday let me be absolutely clear I did not do any of the awful things being alleged keep in mind he's also talking about the hotel incident here I will fight for my
name my family and for the truth unfortunately for Diddy that truth only exposed him as the abusive lying monster that he is on that note though here's his apology it's so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life sometimes you got to do that right off the bat I've got to say how much I hate Diddy doing this little oh I'm so sorry voice oh it's so difficult to reflect on those dark times were those times dark for you though or for Cassie though I don't doubt he's going through some dark times right
now on top of having the Department of Homeland Security raid both of his properties not long ago the entire world has now just witnessed irrefutable evidence of Diddy being the abusive pile of [ __ ] we already knew he was this is just visual confirmation the idea that Diddy even thought he could make a video like this speaks to the overwhelming egotistical Power Trip he's constantly on we are really witnessing right now the mind-numbing levels of narcissism described so vividly in the Myriad of lawsuits nothing he says in this video could ever possibly vindicate but
let's watch him try I was fed up I mean I hit rock bottom but I made no excuses yeah you haven't been making excuses you've been lying through your teeth when you tried to say the allegations were all false you knew this video existed and yet you still put out that garbage statement denying everything you've shown you're a deceitful [ __ ] and that's why No One Believes you when you say I take full responsibility for my actions in that video I'm disgusted I was disgusted then when I did it I'm disgusted now no you're
not and no you weren't you still continued to abuse Cassie and others for years after this incident and even if by chance you were disgusted with yourself you still beat a woman to a pope are we supposed to have any shred of sympathy you're supposed to be in jail I went and I sought out professional help had to go into therapy and go on rehab you absolutely didn't but even if you did it didn't work because again there are lawsuits from other people who have alleged extremely similar things in the Years following that hotel incident
does he think we just don't know about the other allegations are we supposed to take his word on this or something he already lied had to asked God for his mercy and Grace it's kind of impressive Diddy has managed to be in so many movies with acting skills this abhorent I'm so sorry but I'm committed to be a better man each and every day I'm not asking for forgiveness well good because no one on the planet was going to forgive you anyway and I have to point out that we aren't the ones that need apologize
ing to go apologize to Cassie along with the rest of your countless victims man I don't know why you're talking to us your reputation is gone obliterated never to be revived again and it's laughable to think a measly minute long apology video on Instagram is even maybe going to be enough to salvage it besides most people already figured he was guilty anyway he kind of tipped his hand a bit after he oh I don't know settled the lawsuit the day after it was filed not really the mark of an innocent man right there is it
he made it obvious right then that he wanted these allegations shoved back under the rug as quickly as possible hoping to bring as little media attention to it as he could but these efforts ultimately fell flat didd he couldn't keep the truth hidden forever and he absolutely wasn't prepared for the onslaught of lawsuits that came not even a week after Cassie was settled blindsided by two more bombshell suits by two separate victims on Thanksgiving Day making for what I imag imine was a pretty uncomfortable dinner in the Combs household that night the first suit was
filed by a woman named Joy Dickerson Neil who described the substantial and lifetime injuries she suffered as a result of being drugged essayed and abused and alleged she was the victim of revenge porn that sha Combs or P Diddy created and distributed Joy first came into contact with Diddy back when she was a student at Cruz University in 1991 sharing some mutual friends Joy had also appeared in one of Diddy's early music videos and reluctantly agreed to a dinner with the rapper in Harlem as the suit puts it getting into comes' car that day was
something Miss Dickerson would come to regret forever claiming Diddy drugged her took her to a nearby recording studio and Saed her while she was in a physical state where she could not independently stand or walk as described in the lawsuit Joy found out later the Diddy had recorded the entire assault against her will as it was his practice only finding out about the tape when a friend told her he had seen it along with other men in fact according to him everyone had seen the video the shoot goes on to describe the emotional and mental
Tail Spin she endured from there returning to college only to be admitted to the hospital for severe depression and suicidal ideation the essay and public exposure of it caused her to suffer overwhelming feelings of humili ation embarrassment violation and constant apprehension about who all viewed it the lawsuit States still today Miss Dickerson continues to work on her emotional health economic recovery and finishing her college degree seeking accountability from Combs under the law is one more step in that Journey Diddy has since referred to these claims as a money grab one of his favorite ways to
write off the mini accusations that have been made about him as we'll soon see and despite his best efforts to dismiss these claims this is not the only legal filing Diddy has to worry about because hours after this one was filed another woman named Liza Gardner went public with her claims that Diddy violently raped her alongside a man named Aaron Hall when she was just 16 years old Liza was just a high school student when she met the two men at the offices of MCA records in 1990 alleging that Diddy and Hall were very flirtatious
and handsy with Liza and her friend offering them alcohol and inviting them back to Hall's apartment for an Afterparty keep in mind these were kids they were in the presence of adults who they didn't think would hurt them the lawsuit claims that after Diddy coerced the young girl into sex she was still laying on the bed traumatized when Hall then barged into the room pinned her down and raped her as well afterwards Liza ran out and met up with her friend later that night where she learned that she too had been forced to have sex
with the two men in a different room it states the lawsuit also claims that when coms finished with Liza Gardner he and Hall switched and they commenced assaulting Liza Gardner's friend but that's not even where the nightmare Ended as a couple days later Liza claims an Irate Diddy showed up at the house where she and her friend were staying to assault and choke Liza to the point where she passed out apparently he was afraid they would tell the girl he was dating at the time again didd he refer to these claims through a representative as
a money grab by the way in case you've never heard of Aaron Hall and were wondering who he is here's an extremely sickening clip I found of him talking about women can't no out there say that she handled my you know a whole lot of girls out there with them bical CS them young 1970s 1980s you know what I mean they try to go up there with the you know with the fresh out the [ __ ] sh and and think they can get like a like Aaron Hall I'm historical dick I like when them
to see how I [ __ ] like you speak to jio puffy they've been at my house they all say me [ __ ] they all know I'm a big n but this wasn't even the last time Diddy was accused of assaulting a minor specifically as the next lawsuit filed anonymously on December 2nd alleged Diddy and several other recording Executives quote gang raped a 17-year-old girl after flying her out to his Studio on a private jet while we don't know the identity of the victim this lawsuit actually provides censored images of the girl supposedly touring
the studio and even sitting on Diddy's lap the lawsuit makes sure to emphasize how she was only in 11th grade when she first met Diddy who was twice her age along with then president of Bad Boy Entertainment Harvey Pierre and a third unnamed as salent in 2003 I stated in the lawsuit while at the studio Mr Combs and his associates including Mr Pierre plied Miss doe with drugs and alcohol as the night wore on the 17-year-old Miss doe became more and more inebriated eventually to the point where she could not possibly have consented to having
sex with anyone much less someone twice her age during the alleged gang rape the victim claims Diddy complained he could not quote get off unless the victim pinched his nipples as hard as she could the suit goes on to describe the three men taking turns assaulting the victim in excruciating detail until she finally collapsed in the restroom alone her genitalia in pain she couldn't even walk out of the building without assistance she then flew back home to Michigan where she would have to live with the traumatic memories for the next 20 years Hall and Diddy
have both denied these claims with Diddy's attorneys making him out to be a victim of quote cancel culture in front of a judge good luck arguing that one in front of a jury and even then it won't be the only jury he'll need to win [Applause] [Music] over the lawsuit also claims the misconduct happened during the creation of Diddy's latest album The Love album and is seeking as we've mentioned $30 million the suit not only names the Mogul but includes his son as of February 26 2024 producer Rodney L Rod Jones is suing not just
P Diddy but an entire gaggle of the Moguls friends and family who he asserts make up a much larger Rico criminal Enterprise he refers to these individuals by name citing their specific role within Diddy's illicit crime syndicate and claims he has secured plenty of evidence in regard to the drugs Diddy acquires uses and distributes along with the unregistered guns he possesses and distributes stating he can prove the Diddy has provided laced alcoholic beverages to Miners and sex workers at his various properties which side note did not know didd he like to rent yachts and take
trips to the Virgin Islands which sounds a bit familiar to me a billionaire being accused of sex trafficking who also hangs out on the Virgin Islands I mean come on man Jones even compares Diddy's Chief of Staff Christina Corum to galain Maxwell in this very lawsuit one more side note why does Diddy have a chief of staff is he the president I mean what does this lady even do well if you ask Lil Rod she procures drugs for Diddy and willingly abets and downplays the nature of the man's behavior allegedly telling him you know Shawn
will be Shawn when Lil Rod expressed to her his discomfort with Diddy's unwanted sexual advances towards him Christina was quick to write it off as just friendly horse play according to the lawsuit which also makes sure to clarify this was not just horse play we're talking about unauthorized groping and touching of Jones's anus and genitals as written in the suit Christina allegedly told Jones it was just Diddy's way of showing that he likes him as the suit puts it Mr Jones believes that KK aided and abetted Mr comb' essay of him and was working with
Mr Combs to groom him into to accepting a homosexual relationship the next few pages describe the various ways in which Joan says Diddy made sexual advances even going so far as to say he used one of Jones's favorite producers Stevie J to entice Mr Jones to engage in gay sex alleging Diddy shared a video of Stevie J anally penetrating a Caucasian male without a condom according to Mr combms this is a normal practice in the music industry look even Stevie J is doing it going on to include alleged screenshots from that very video and even
going further by alleging did he spoke about engaging in intercourse with a rapper and R&B singer whose names are both redacted however at the bottom of the page you'll notice are hints as to who these people are it has led readers to speculate that the Philadelphia rapper in question who it says dated Nicki Minaj is Meek Mill and the R&B singer who is performed at the Super Bowl and has a Vegas residency is Usher while Usher has yet to make a statement himself self Meek has certainly not shied away from a response by taking to
Twitter and writing this I don't think it's necessary for me to read this out loud you can pause and read for yourself but his point is very clear this wasn't even his only tweet on the matter he was going on like this for days and I'm sorry to say we really don't have time to get into it here I don't really think anyone should be focusing on the sexualties of Meek or Usher or anyone else involved here anyway I mean that should be the least preent part of all of this of course there wasn't consent
but we currently don't have much information on that front yet what we do know is that Mr Jones or little Rod is claiming that he was assaulted not just by Diddy but also young Miami's female cousin as well who as the lawsuit claims groped Mr Jones in the bathroom of Diddy's house in November 2022 Lil Rod believes she was sent in by Diddy to assault him and says she did not accept his rejection following him out of the bathroom where he says she attempted to straddle him and have sex with him in the presence of
Mr Combs and his staff the suit even includes photos from Diddy's house supposedly taken right before this assault the accusation that Diddy left Lil rod alone to get assaulted by one of his friends is one that comes back up later in the suit unfortunately where he says Diddy tried to pass him off to actor Cuba Gooding Jr on the mogul's yacht the suit states that Diddy suggested cubba get to know Mr Jones better after leaving the two alone in a makeshift Studio L Rod claims Cuba began touching groping and fondling his legs his upper inner
thighs near his groin the small of his back and his shoulders he rejected his advances and Mr Gooding Jr did not stop until Mr Jones forcibly pushed him away it states these claims were accompanied by photo evidence depicting Cuba Diddy and Lil Rod all hanging out together in a small dimly lit Studio reportedly taken shortly before the incident happened and even included this uncomfortable photo of Cuba's arm wrapped tightly around Lil Rod against his will as it clarifies Lil Rod also alleges he was transported by Diddy from state to state and forced to sleep with
sex workers against his will for Diddy's enjoyment in February 2023 he says he recalls being drugged by the Mogul before waking up in a bed with two sex workers and Diddy himself the suit outlines a number of times Lil Rod was ordered to recruit sex workers at one point being given an exclusive bad boy baseball cap and instructed to wear it to a Miami Club as a signal to any sex worker he approached that Mr coms was in town and had sent Mr Jones to recruit them apparently these workers were accustomed to servicing Mr Combs
and would know that he is in Talent by the sight of the bad boys baseball cap even including photos of the alleged sex workers he solicited that night but even more concerning is Lil Ron's assertion that there were underage girls around Diddy as well frequently describing one specific listening party where Diddy his son sex worker underage girls and a redacted R&B singer were all present just like the other redacted names the lawsuit leaves us some Clues at the bottom of the page clarifying that this artist is also a Grammy award winner and has gotten into
legal trouble when he assaulted a bean billionaire I don't know if I need to tell you but obviously people assume this person was Chris Brown it's not like it would be out of character for him to surround himself with sketchy people like Diddy and just so there is no confusion on what the suit alleges I think it's best if I read this next part out verbatim the event began at 700 p.m. Mr comes requested female sex workers and required Mr Jones to solicit them an hour later several sex workers appeared in addition to sex workers
there were at least five girls in the crowd that were under the age of 16 Mr Combs forced all the women to drink laced Delon liquor upon information and belief Mr Combs laced the liquor with ecstasy Mr Combs did not check the identification of any of these underaged girls the presence of these under AED girls made Mr Jones very uncomfortable he attempted to leave and Mr comes forced him to stay Mr comes went so far as to take Mr Jones's car keys to prevent him from leaving after being forced to drink lace to Delon shots
Mr Jones began feeling laded and recalls passing out and waking up at 4:00 a.m. the following morning naked with the sex workers sleeping next to him these allegations came with more screenshots from a video supposedly taken that evening depicting Diddy and his son partying with who little Rod described as underage girls similar to the Cassie case this suit paints a vivid picture of Diddy using his seemingly endless power to intimidate L Rod into doing his bidding out of fear of retaliation I think we're all aware at this point just how dangerous of an individual Diddy
has made himself out to be and I can't imagine how paralyzed Lil Rod must have felt during the year he spent with the men I mean just look at what happened at the very beginning of their time together September 2022 the very same month he began working with Diddy Lil Rod claims he heard a series of gunshots coming out from a studio bathroom when he went into check on the commotion Lil rod says he saw Diddy and his son Justin exiting the bathroom leaving Justin's friend G curled up on the floor holding his stomach bleeding
out of his leg and hip area according to the suit L Rod helped G get out of the front door where an ambulance was waiting and recalled Diddy telling him and the rest of the crew to lie to police that g was shot outside as a result of a driveby shooting which is in fact the narrative the media went with at the time because that's what they had been told despite these photos that seem to depict the aftermath of said shooting with blood smeared all over the floor and toilet seat of the restroom in fact
Lil Rod himself believes the clothing he wore that day still contains blood stains and DNA from G the lawsuit also states there are witnesses who have corroborated this series of events anonymously out of fear of Diddy but are still willing to go public if necessary claims made by Jones include hidden cameras in the rat mogul's home saying quote Mr comes allegedly threatened to eat Mr Jones's face in order to get what he wants the L Rod lawsuit is damning and probably the one Diddy is least excited to deal with if it ever goes to a
jury as Lil Rod has requested due to the overwhelming level of evidence presented in these documents it looks like Diddy might really be fing cooked this time I can only imagine what was found when the Department of Homeland Security raided two of his homes back in March although to be fair I have seen reports that say he was tipped off beforehand which is probably why he wasn't at either location his heavily armed agents broke his door down we do know the feds confiscated electronic devices and hard drives a few of his associates have been arrested
including his alleged drug mule being busted for trying to carry Contraband through TSA it doesn't look to me like Lil Rod was lying about this guy as of today didd he him self still has yet to be indicted and the feds have been pretty tight lipped about their ongoing investigation but I am glad to see them taking their time on this at least it makes me hope they're working to build a case that is so airtight it will be near impossible for Diddy to wiggle his way out only a Time Will Tell in the meantime
he still has plenty of other lawsuits to occupy himself with like the four additional ones that were filed after these raids one woman by the name of Grace om maraya is currently pressing charges against Diddy and his son Christian who she says assaulted her on his billionaire dad's yacht where she worked as a stewardess according to the suit Grace witnessed some very concerning things while working on that yacht that women would frequently pass out after just one shot of tequila leading her to believe the drinks were laced with drugs the suit outlines how Christian pressured
her to take a few of these shots before assaulting her one night grabbing her breasts and genitals without consent and even includes a transcript as the entire interaction had been thankfully recorded by Lil Rod you can read very plainly here that Grace repeatedly demanded Christian take his hands off of her yet he doesn't stop until she finally manages to escape later in the night however the suit States Grace was cornered by Christian in another more secluded area of the yacht where he allegedly began removing his clothes grabbed his arms and tried to force her to
perform oral copulation on him that Grace began fighting him off but before long her partner entered the room which startled Christian and allowed Grace the chance to finally leave even after this one though three additional lawsuits have now come out two in May and one in July literally as I was working on this video in fact it's pretty likely that even after this video goes up we'll see more lawsuits against Diddy I'm convinced he's wronged so many people and now they're all coming out of the woodwork at the same time it's really wild to witness
the first of this recent wave was filed by a model named Crystal mckenny who claims she was drugged and assaulted my diddy after meeting him at a fashion event in 2003 promising to help her make it big in the industry the lawsuit States Diddy invited Crystal back to his hotel room where he handed her a laced blunt making sure she was highly inebriated before following her into the bathroom where he allegedly began kissing her without consent shoving her head down to his crotch and commanding her to suck it as the suit claims she says she
recalls remembering waking up in a taxi after passing out she then realized what had happened and says she's kept her clothes from that event sealed in plastic wrap to this day the second lawsuit from May filed only 2 days after crystals came from a woman named April lampros who claims to have been assaulted by Diddy four separate times from the mid99s to early 2000s each event laid out in horrifying detail throughout the 22 page document the first alleged assault took place after the two went drinking in Houston April who didn't drink at the time felt
pressured to do so by Diddy and says she felt strangely uneasy after just a few sips and remembers being ushered back to Diddy's hotel room where she says he forced himself on top of her kissed her and began removing her clothes despite her repeatedly telling him that she wasn't feeling well ignoring her words Diddy is alleged to have raped April despite her telling him to stop over and over for the next few months she says Diddy showered her in gifts and hoping that he had maybe changed after enough time ended up meeting up with him
again to discuss how he could help her in the world of music and fashion after regaining her trust April says Diddy assaulted her again in a parking garage forcing his penis into her mouth while a parking attendant stood by and watched despite her best efforts to distance herself Diddy came back with more gifts and empty promises when she continued to refuse his advances however says Diddy's attitude became more irate than never before taking on a sort of mob boss Persona Diddy would call her all the time and threatened to beat her and anyone else who
was home with her she says he knew where she lived and worked and felt constantly trapped by Diddy he would constantly threaten to ruin her dreams of pursuing a career in the entertainment world if she did not comply with his demands the lawsuit States one night when she was over at his house she says he forced both her and his then partner Kim Porter to ingest ecstasy shoving the pills down their throats and even checking under their tongues to make sure they swallowed according to the suit despite April's objections he ordered the two women to
have sex in front of him masturbating to the encounter before allegedly pushing Kim off of April and raping her she didn't see Diddy again for years until they ran into each other at rockefeller's center around 2001 he told her he missed her and later called her to try and get her to come over though she continued to refuse he called again a few days later and she reluctantly and regrettably allowed him to visit as the suit put it his security came with him she says which made her feel a bit better he showered her with
compliments and apologized for his past Behavior but began dropping hints about the two having sex again the lawsuit States when she rejected these advancements she alleges he violently grabbed her forced himself onto her and kissed her without consent thankfully she fought him off but realized she had clearly not changed in the slightest the final lawsuit we'll be covering today comes from Adria English a former adult film star who was hired as a sex worker at one of Diddy's famous white parties in 2004 she says she was groomed into sex trafficking over time and alleges didy
demanded her to have sex with a celebrity jeweler by the name of Jacob arabov taking this photo which is also included in the4 page lawsuit she says she continued to be passed around by Diddy even after this encounter being a assaulted by a number of his high-profile clients Adria also believes didd he has hidden cameras in every room of his mini homes a claim we also see being made in the Lil Rod lawsuit Diddy's lawyer responded to Adria's claims by telling TMZ no matter how many lawsuits are filed it won't change the fact that Mr
Combs has never Ed or sex trafficked anyone we live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason and without any proof fortunately a fair and impartial judicial process exists to find the truth and Mr Combs is confident he will prevail against these and other baseless claims in [Music] court I've linked all nine current lawsuits against Diddy Down Below in the description for you to read for yourself every single one paints a very disturbing picture of Diddy's inner world and I would encourage you to continue educating yourself on the ongoing investigation from
here God knows we aren't anywhere close to the end yet and it wouldn't surprise me if this goes on for the next few years there are three and a half decades worth of Diddy's alleged criminal acts for prosecutors to pour over the most flooring part of it however is that not all of it is new information this kind of stuff has been circulating for a while now kamora Lee Simmons said in an interview with New York Magazine in 2004 that Diddy once threatened to hit her while she was pregnant before getting down on his knees
and begging for forgiveness Gina TN who dated Diddy for 5 years claimed on a podcast in 2019 that Diddy once stomped on her stomach so hard it took the wind out of her breath telling Tasha K I couldn't breathe he kept hitting me I was pleading to him can't you just stop she claims he grabbed her hair and continued to punch the back of her head then in 2022 Au o day alleged on the call her daddy podcast that Diddy dropped her from his label after she refused to do things for him in other areas
than just music Wendy Williams correctly suspected in 2018 that Diddy was treating Cassie like a possession these things have not always been hidden very well it's just now that we're getting to see it all blown open in a way that Diddy himself may have been too narcissistic to ever anticipate he's always had a tendency to weasel his way out of consequence whether it be allegedly letting other people take the blame for him forcing the people around him to lie to law enforcement or bribing hotel workers with tens of thousands of dollars to keep his abusive
nature away from the general public but when I look at what he's up against now I really truly believe those days are over at least that's what I want to believe for the sake of everyone he's hurt and traumatized over such an extensive period of time one silver lining that I would like to go ahead and acknowledge here at the end is that Cassie Ventura seems a lot happier now that she's safely away from her ex partner she now has a husband and two young daughters this past may she took to Instagram to right thank
you for all of the love and support from my family friends strangers and those I have yet to meet the outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now but this is only the beginning domestic violence is the issue it broke me down to someone I never thought I would become with a lot of hard work I am better today but I will always be recovering from my past thank you to everyone that has taken the time to take this matter seriously my only ask is that everyone
open your heart to believing victims the first time it takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of the situation that you were powerless in I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear reach out to your people don't cut them off no one should carry this weight alone this healing journey is never ending but this support means everything to me thank you well on the other hand Diddy is facing what many believe will end in a Federal indictment followed by inevitable jail time and even if he does manage to
somehow beat all of these cases his reputation as a mogul a producer an artist is all gone His Image will never recover now that the world can finally see him for the ruthless freak he's always been I hope at the end of the day his victims can find some sense of solace in knowing his reign of terror is coming to a close at long last [Music]
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RealLyfe Productions
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