before I reveal this transformative process stop whatever you're doing and listen carefully imagine if I told you that everything you've ever desired wealth Peace Love success has always been within your reach but here's the catch 99% of people will never unlock it why because they're stuck in a state of mind that blocks them from accessing the hidden power that lies dormant inside them today I'm going to share a process so simple yet so powerful it can begin reshaping your reality in no time this isn't about wishful thinking it's about rewiring your mind to align with
the life you've always dreamed of and the best part it takes less than a minute but here's where it gets interesting there's a reason why this works and it's rooted in the discoveries of a man who transformed how we understand understand the Mind Jose Silva Stay With Me Because by the end of this video you'll not only know what to do but why it works and for those who follow through don't be surprised when everything you've been chasing starts chasing you let me take you back to the 1940s Jose Silva wasn't a psychologist or a
Mystic he was an ordinary man who stumbled upon something extraordinary through years of research he discovered how to tap into a hidden state of the Mind a state so powerful it could bypass limitations dissolve fears and magnetize desires into reality he called it the alpha State the bridge between your conscious mind and your subconscious power but what he uncovered next was even more profound a deeper state known as Theta Theta is where your subconscious becomes wide open like fertile soil ready for planting Sila found that in this state your thoughts are no longer just ideas
they become instructions for your reality but here's the challenge most people will live their entire lives locked in beta the surface level chaotic state of overthinking and stress and as long as you're in beta no amount of affirmations or positive thinking will stick you'll stay stuck that's why what I'm about to share with you is so important it's a method Jose Silva perfected to help you drop into this deeper state where real transformation happens and once you're there you'll repeat a specific action exactly six times to activate the shift now let me explain why the
number six is significant it's not random think of it like this your subconscious mind learns through repetition but silver believed there's a sweet spot a a point where the repetition is enough to make the message stick without overloading your mind six repetitions hit that Mark perfectly it's just enough to imprint the intention onto your subconscious without resistance so what are you repeating I'll tell you in a moment but first let me guide you into the state where this process will actually work step one relax the body to slow the mind before anything else you need
to prepare your mind by calming your body find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed sit down close your eyes and take a deep breath in hold it for a moment then exhale letting the tension Melt Away repeat this a few times until you feel the weight of the Day begin to lift now focus on your eyelids let them grow heavy as if they're gently sinking with each breath feel that relaxation travel down your face your neck and your shoulders let it flow down your arms your chest and finally your legs until your whole
body feels weightless this is how you enter the gateway to Theta step two the visualization countdown all right close your eyes and let's take this step together picture a staircase in front of you not just any staircase but one that leads to a place of total calm and clarity as you take your first step down I want you to count silently 10 feel yourself leaving behind the noise of the day nine let the tension in your shoulders start to fade eight with each step you feel lighter like the weight of your thoughts is melting away
this isn't just relaxation you're heading somewhere deeper now now you're nearing the bottom at the last step you see a door in front of you this isn't just a door it feels different alive almost calling to you imagine placing your hand on it feeling its warmth like it's been waiting just for you behind this door is the state we've been talking about the Theta State this is where your mind is most open where possibilities that seemed far away suddenly become clear and attain able take a deep breath and when you're ready open the door as
you step through imagine entering a space so calm so vast it feels like time doesn't exist there's no noise no distraction just Stillness this is where everything changes this is the Theta State the place where your subconscious is ready to receive to reshape to create stay here for a moment let the Stillness settle over you and feel feel the shift happening in your mind this is where your transformation begins step three repeat the intention six times now that you've entered this receptive State it's time to Anchor your intention but listen closely this isn't just about
saying words it's about feeling them embodying them and letting them transform your reality we're going to repeat a powerful phrase six times each repetition will solidify your intention aligning your subconscious with the life you desire but before we begin I need you to visualize picture the thing you want most your desires taking shape coming toward you like a wave of abundance feel the emotions of having it the joy the relief the Gratitude hold that feeling here's the phrase repeat it with me everything I desire is is finding its way to me now I am open
to receive with gratitude and Trust now let's do this together and repeat it six times say it once and as you do see your desires moving toward you everything I desire is finding its way to me now I am open to receive with gratitude and Trust speak it again feeling opportunities appearing and doors opening everything I desire is finding its way to me now I am open to receive with gratitude and Trust by the third time let it sink deeper as if the words are shaping your reality everything I desire is finding its way to
me now I am open to receive with gratitude and Trust on the fourth let gratitude and Trust wash over you dissolving doubt everything I desire is finding its way to me now I am open to receive with gratitude and Trust the fifth time feel your energy fully aligned with your desires everything I desire is finding its way to me now I am open to receive with gratitude and Trust And by the sixth know without a shadow of a doubt that it is done everything I desire is finding its way to me now I am open
to receive with gratitude and Trust each repetition isn't just a declaration it's a transformation the more you feel these words the more you embody them the closer you bring your desires to you this is where the magic happens by the end of the sixth repetition you're no longer asking you're living the truth that everything you desire is already finding its way to you trust this process believe it and feel the shift within you now step four seal it with gratitude before you open your eyes pause take a deep breath and let everything settle this moment
is critical it's where everything comes together gratitude isn't just a nice thought it's the bridge that connects what you desire to your Reality by expressing gratitude you're telling the universe or God that it's already done you're not asking you're affirming now quietly say this with me thank you for the abundance that is already mine say it slowly and as you do I want you to feel it don't just speak the words experience them picture your desire already fulfilled see the doors opening the opportunities flowing in and the peace washing over you feel the joy and
confidence that come with knowing it's already happening let that gratitude fill every part of your being here's why this matters gratitude is powerful because it shifts your mindset it takes you out of a place of waiting and puts you in a state of receiving when you thank God or the universe in advance you're aligning yourself with the outcome you want it's like planting a seed and watering it with faith you're saying I trust the process I know it's already mine and when you live in that certainty you create an energy that attracts exactly what you
desire now as you open your eyes take that gratitude with you don't leave it behind let it guide your thoughts and actions throughout your day whenever doubts creep in and they will pause and remind yourself it's already done gratitude isn't just something you feel in the moment it's something you carry with you live it breathe it and you'll stay in alignment with the abundance you're calling into your life that's where the transformation begins