If it doesn’t bring you peace or purpose, don’t give it your time or energy.

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Don’t beg, don’t force, don’t chase. #real #motivation #positivity
Video Transcript:
don't beg Don't force and don't chase just flow just go with the flow you you can only control so much of what you do you can only control so much of your reality but then it all just it if you think about it it all turns into what am I reacting to you know what I'm saying are you living or are you reacting to other things you know what I'm saying and it's it could be a hard concept to think about but like I said we really only control about four things what we do what
we say what we think and how we feel but you know what I'm saying we give power to other things you know in forcing us to act a certain way you know what I'm saying but that's totally fine because you know we're human we're supposed to go through different feelings we're supposed to go through different emotions and you know what I'm saying we're supposed to go through different phases of healing we're we're always chaining but you know some sometimes there's places that we we that we stay in that we don't belong and this is relationships
this is you know the household a job some shoes that we're wearing a dog in a household whatever the case may be you can't you can't force anything I'm saying you have to learn how to accept things for what they are and go with the flow I'm not saying just you know don't go after your goals I'm not saying you know just sit back and let everything happen like no you still got to work hard you still got to go for what you want but at the end of the day if you worked hard you
know what I'm saying if you if you studied really hard you know what I'm saying if you if you already put the work in all right bro you did what you had to do for the day go enjoy the rest of your day you know what I'm saying man you could you you if you have to enjoy yourself bro relax you already put in that work for the day you feel me and wake up the next day and repeat that you know what I'm saying it's a journey bro for real and sometimes we we beg
people to stay you feel me we try to force people to stay feel me you just got to let things go and I feel like you you kind of set yourself free once you learn how to let things go you're no longer looking for people to satisfy your needs you kind of you kind of let go of expectation you no longer look for other people to satisfy you you are satisfied you know you are everything that you need to be once you learn how to let go and I can't I'm not a teacher you feel
me I can't I mean maybe I can teach you how to let go but in reality like we're all going through different things in our life you feel me there we're all going through different things in in a different way shape or form but in a way it's still it's still the same because we have to heal from it feel me but let go you know what I'm saying there's so much power in letting go bro there's so much power because it's like you're you're just letting things be what they are you know what I'm
saying you're not chasing after nothing you know what I'm saying you're not chasing after this girl you're not chasing after what you want you attract that thing you know what I'm saying you don't force you don't force the relationship bro you know if it is out of your hands if it's out of your hands it deserves to be freed from your mind that's just the best way I could be I could put it if it's out of your hands it deserves to be freed from your mind you don't you're putting yourself through things that you
don't really deserve you know what I'm saying you deserve to be happy you deserve to be to be loved and you deserve to be whatever you want to feel feel that give that to yourself and get and you know what I'm saying don't don't force situations don't beg nobody to stay don't do none of that bro don't chase bro forget them I'm saying you if they don't accept you for you are cool all right Deuces bye you don't accept me but I accept myself that's self Love Game you know what I'm saying you got to
practice that they ask you to hang out you don't feel like hanging out cool I don't feel like hanging out bro but when you go outside as soon as you step out that crib as soon as you put them sweatpants on as soon as you leave a crib bro damn I should have stayed in the crib boom you ain't listen to yourself bro know what I'm saying don't force nothing accept you know what I'm saying accept how you feel and if other people can accept it then you know it's giving you more clarification about what
you need to be doing feel me you know just let go of a lot of things bro let go of what doesn't serve you anymore you know what I'm saying so you can so you can blossom you know sometimes it can be hard to let go because we're so used to feeling like that's our home you know we we stay in this relationship because we feel like that's really that's really love you know what I'm saying but at the end of the day you know you're forcing something that's that's not working at the end of
the day you're I'm just giving you examples about what what could be going on you know what I'm saying you're trying really hard for to work out for this basketball team whole time there's another basketball team that could be using you in a better way than this team that you're really trying hard for you feel feel me it's just situational bro you know but I feel like the best way that we learn to grow and the best way that we learn to heal from different things and to get out of you know little Funk is
Letting Go you don't chase you know what I'm saying you don't force you don't beg you just FL you realize that you can only do X YZ you can only do what you can do me you can only control what you think how you feel what you do and how you feel and what you think what you do how you feel and what you say I'm bro there the only four things that you really can't control and by any means if I'm wrong let me know feel me just let me know buto man we're all
on a we're all healing every single day you know what I'm saying we're all going through something in a different way shape form font feel me so just keep going bro you know if you made it to the end of the video I really do appreciate you man you know we really are healing together you know what I'm saying we're healing as a collective ho you know what I'm saying if you're new to the channel hey man I'm glad to have you on board you know we're trying to be more consistent chase our dreams chase
our goals but we're not worried about the numbers you know what I'm saying we just really doing it from the bottom of our heart because you know everybody deserves to feel loved you know and I do love y'all for real so I appreciate all of y'all and y'all have a blessed one bro
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