60 Republicans & Democrats Vote on President | Middle Ground Part 2

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would you vote for someone held civil liable a woman's against her will raise your hand if yes Trump is a nationalist he's a horrible man he's selfish he's racist and he wants to make money and that is why he's a good man for the country welcome back to our biggest Middle Ground [Applause] ever this is part two in part one we heard these two sides discussed the issues and we even heard some Middle Ground Solutions offered there are women who are forced to have babies that they did not want to make that's what we're talking
about we're talking about lives that are not here yet hundreds of thousands of Jews used to live there and now there's less than 50 and in a lot of States one Jew left so don't talk to me about a parthe Arabs are allowed in Israel not no Jews are allowed in Gaza tax cuts on the middle class I'd agree on that but in this episode we're going to hear the two sides discuss who they think should be president Donald Trump or Kam the focus of this discussion it's going to be a group discussion the focus
is who do you think would be a better president Donald Trump or KLA Harris I think at the end of the day we have to really look on Race issues I think when it comes to record that Donald Trump has had a far better record when it comes to race race issues when it comes to HBCU when it comes to the first step act when it comes to opportunity zones I think also when it comes on the school choice as well because school Choice creates a competition within the school district so then you can send
this uh your kid out of your District if their school is not good and it's not teaching your kid so I think at the end of the day it's pretty Stark when it comes to record and I think KLA Harris uh doesn't really have a good uh track record when it comes to uh when she was a DA in California and all the minorities she put in she put in prison for minor drug offenses so I really would like to ask you guys on this side why do you think with that track record that um
KLA Harris is a better option than Donald Trump school choice takes uh money out of Public School Systems which I know you guys don't like that it's too woke for you that's fine but that's what's actually happening with school choice ask ask Betsy DeVos I mean she was or Betsy DeVos it was it was horrible Donald Trump I mean we can go down the whole you know twice impeach convicted felon blah blah blah blah blah coherent sentences KL Harris does that and she's not a narcissist she doesn't think of just herself she thinks of us
I I want to respond to him really quick cuz he listed a whole bunch of reasons that had nothing to do with race like I'm talking about race right now and what Kamala kamla Harris has done to help minorities in this in this country I don't want to hear stuff about convicted felon I don't want to hear stuff about twice and Peach I want to hear about convicted felons you brought up drug felons cuz do you actually know my friend how many people went to prison under Camala Harris as a DA for drug offenses yeah
but how many people were convicted that's the problem when you have AAL record you're convicted it changes your life significantly I do know I do know it was 19 it was 19 1,940 people that were convicted and a minute amount of that went to prison but it still doesn't matter there're still on Pro they still have a record her Administration convicted 45 men black men they went to prison that's not no that's not the that's not my say can I ask you something as a black conservative your candidate says I want to make America great
again you tell me when America was great and then you tell me would you go back to wherever it was great as a black American and it's got to be before 2016 my friend because that's when he was saying that I think America was great when everyone was benefiting from economic no not General I'm asking for a specific time when was America great if you want to know when America was great ask any immigrant who risked their lives to come here I want hear am is great I really want to hear from the black man
on this because the second part of my question is would you go back to that time when was America Great America was great when everyone had equality and everyone was moving towards equality that's when America was great that's when America was great after the Civil Rights Movement that's when America was great making progress in change so let's say the late 1960s you're saying as a black man you would transport yourself back to the 1960s I think America was great when economically everyone was doing better when we're making we're making progress towards equality that's when America
was great and so the sum of the condition of America was when people had economic equality and you think that was the 1960s no I never said that in 1960s I said everything past that I said everything past that we've made so much progress from that in the8 years that Donald Trump has been involved in politics I've seen all the make America great hats and all the great t-shirts and all that great stuff but I'm trying to figure out as a I think intelligent black man well when would I go back so I do have
an answer for you on this equation those years will be 2017 to 2021 Alice Johnson is free right now and I know you want you want to Pigeon hold me into a period all right prior to 201 let's look at the Reconstruction Era when we had black Americans as a whole that were finally free from the scourge of slavery because of what happened in the Civil War they banded together to create something called the Republican party and the Democrats created something called the K Klux Clan to find and exterminate as many of those recently freed
black men as possible we can fast forward then to the 1960s if you want to we had Lyon B Johnson Democrat president of the United States who said I will have those NWS voting for the next years emph Margaret s to exterminate as many of us as possible jand it's not working let's move on I want to collectively let's all bring it down for a second and just speak socially about what's happened since 2015 I grew up Republican my mother is literally on that side right there and I do not remember it ever being like
this and the reason that it became like this in my opinion was because of Donald Trump right so we saw this insane racial divide we saw the increase in Asian hate crimes we saw the racist xenophobia when we talk about illegal immigration from the last episode we never talk about the white ones we're only talking about the brown ones right so like there's all of these social issues that have changed like honestly I am less attached to kamla Harrison Donald Trump than I am to you I'm going to interact with you far more often and
so why do we feel that like we can't just like I went to on the break like I went and got a coffee and it was like chill right like that's how it should be it used to be like that I remember when it was like that and the reason that it is so polarized and it's so toxic and the reason that we're like cutting off family members and like blocking people on Instagram is because of Donald Trump you guys it really wasn't like this and I just need you to acknowledge just acknowledge the change
respond to this what happened with Donald Trump Donald Trump actually became an expression of what Republicans feeling for years we've been taking the brunt of a whole kind a whole bunch of stuff we've had Hillary CL Clinton call us a basket of deplorables racist deplorables do you identify with who she called deplorable wait she called us basket of deplorables I remember Julia Roberts got on the television she said that Republicans are somewhere between reptiles and repugnant we've been taking it and taking the name calling you had Obama uh talk about those people with guns and
whatever we've been hearing all these things and getting peeps of these things behind the curtains the difference between um um Donald Trump and those people is that Donald Trump says out loud what you guys or not you guys but what people what the Democrats have been saying in private and what's happened is the Democrats have now been recorded and it's come out all of their stuff but both sides have been saying everything and so finally Republicans said enough with the Tea Party tea party came out taxed enough already we said no more we got to
stop this man and it we just got h i I get so frustrated about we heard your son say he remembers time when it just wasn't like this do you agree no and the reason that I don't agree is be come on wait no well in our home everything was peaceful and copesthetic but what Happ it was emphasis on was was copesthetic and then it changed we never fought like this our family was never this separate until Donald Trump and that's my point is that it wasn't always like this your party has Chang and you
guys keep letting it change this is not the Republican party that I grew up in y'all just like move with this like Hive mindset where he says something and you're like yes sir and I'm like that is just that's weird it's weird of y'all you don't you don't push back on your politicians in us let him change your mind I have to do the mommy thing and go like that and the reason is is because we never came to you and we never trashed the Democratic party we said look these people are saying these kind
of things we kept our mouth shs but once Donald Trump came out he came out and he said that the things that we all were thinking when he came out and he said this is a [ __ ] hole country this is is happening here everybody people were thinking these things and Donald Trump was just Donald Trump was just borish enough borish enough to say what people were thinking and Donald Trump is not ah Donald Trump is not a politician he's a regular Joe average problem that is the problem let's stop there let's hear a
let's hear a new voice on this side yeah I think um what also um perfectly highlights how disruptive the Republican party has gone is the debates um we see Trump debating people it always devolves into chaos uh we saw the JD Vance and the Tim Walls debate even though I don't agree with JD Vance on a lot of things they were able to have a productive comment and the underlying factor is Trump because if Trump had been in the debate it would have devolved into madness and I feel like he's ruined debates made them more
contentious he's made discussions between people more contentious because he sees is as a more personal uh standpoint rather than a political standpoint okay so this is the way I see things years ago we didn't have this division what we saw as Republicans starting in 2016 was Hillary Clinton pay for a foreign dosier to set president Trump up for Russia collusion we went for through $40 million of a special counil we have had eight years of lawfare including the current 700 years they're trying to get them to serve in prison we've seen assassination attempts now the
biggest problem that I see is we've got an invisible fourth branch of Bureau bureaucracy that is unelected that has more power than our elected officials we've got a media that's lying to the American people on both sides dividing us and until we do our own research and we see what's going on for real we're in big trouble Donald Trump cannot be bought Elon Musk can he's a billionaire he's a billionaire how are you going to buy a billionaire he's already got the money think about the to this unelected bureaucracy when you've got people like Elon
Musk RFK both Democrats and Donald Trump who was also a Democrat coming together to say you know what we're going to take on big Pharma we're going to take on the military war complex and we're going to put the American people first I just want to respond to the America First claim because Donald Trump has never once put every single American first it's only the Americans that he thinks deserve it such as the upper class and and and white people honestly because he's time and time again the first statement he made whenever he ran for
presidency in 2016 was Mexico they're not sending our best and you're telling me that what he said was what you've all been thinking that's already racist that's already inherently racist Mexico I'm not saying you're all racist but that is that is what that statement is it's it's a it's a racist generalization of Mexicans so he's never stood for every people he's not stood for Trans people people all of you have constantly said that trans people are mental illnesses that trans people um that it's it's just in their mind that they don't actually feel this way
like like at the end of the day uh I don't necess I I can be somebody who says that my party isn't completely right on all things right but I can confidently say that KLA Harris over Donald Trump stands for more Americans than Donald Trump ever has if transgenderism is not a mental illness then why is suicide rate in the transgender Community 40% Which is higher than Jews in Nazi Germany concentration camps mental illness and mental disorders are two separate things so uh my name is Ryan Leon um so uh just like Ren said I
don't agree with everything that Democrats do but I think kamla Harris at least uh she's putting forth policies that are more populist that I think everybody can get behind so I got married six months ago I'm looking forward to creating a family and she has a a proposal for $6,000 for the first year uh more money first SW businesses like $50,000 I think it was and as well as um help for helping Americans get their first home so it's policies like that that are actually solutions that people need in their communities and in their lives
to help move the country forward whereas I see Donald Trump once again he's kind of having us talk about him right he's the center of attention and I don't want to talk about him I want to talk about the solutions as far as what's what his side is offering I've heard Deport all the illegals I've heard you know build a wall and those things I don't think that helps us as a people in our everyday lives and we need to move forward with that life wasn't bad under Trump like you still have a job right
you have a job everyone had a job in this room I'm assuming I would hope but America's always been great but it's even been greater with Trump being in presidency cuz we had money we had like we went to war there was war that was um over in the Afghanistan Camila Harris doesn't even know what's going on over there I have military friends that are over in the Middle East she's like oh there's no one over there she doesn't know that because she doesn't know foreign policies a criticism I frequently have and this is a
chance for you guys to prove me wrong of conservatives specifically magga conservatives is it seems like Trump can't drop a [ __ ] without you guys running to like you know that's the new thing so I just I just want to get a hand count really quick this is not a flame or backhanded I'm serious I'm genuinely interested can you raise your hand for me if there's anything major legislation or otherwise that Trump has done over the last few years that you disagree with I I understand what you're saying you're saying it's a cult-like mentality
correct that he does anything we follow along with it 100% there's people in this movement that do that we call them grifters I will critici if he wins if he loses either way I'm criticizing these people no matter what obviously I'm a pro-choice Republican that ain't very popular I'll tell you that the only thing is on the other side I've made fun of this for a long time I think it goes both ways I think we can agree on that but like it was literally a meme where it was like okay Ukraine flag in BIO
Palestine flag in BIO vaccines Mass all these things like you cannot admit that you guys are not equally if not more insanely cold like they literally were like Biden's done Kamala is our president it's like it's a [ __ ] meme for a [ __ ] reason give me aing break okay yeah nobody voted for her we voted for Trump he took a bullet for this country okay time out time out time out time out suppor time out time out time out just want to point out we did not hear a specific thing that somebody
on this side disagrees with about Trump so let's let's close that Loop and then we'll go back to you guys um yeah I totally disagree with how Trump handled covid because I wish he didn't spend all that money giving out these stimulus checks and things like that and I wish he W didn't promote the vaccine as much as he did because to be honest that is a big reason why there are problems in our economy right now that being said I do think that wild Trump is not perfect he's the best option we have right
now with the biggest problems our world is facing such as war that has erupted everywhere during the Biden Administration which there was not a single War under Trump and also the Invasion on our Southern border which I know the Democrats are trying to pretend they're so Pro securing the border now like you guys haven't been calling us racist for the past 10 years for caring about illegal immigration Sarah to respond to you about illegal immigration just very quickly if I were to give you the test that my parents had to take to be allowed in
this country legally would you pass it if I studied did they have time to study but you were born here and you got citizenship just by being born here you should know all this cuz you learned it in school no I was actually born in Canada oh okay and I and guess what I was born a d dual citizen but okay well there's that you're a dual citizen yes I'm here legally that's what that means and if I was given a test I would study and take it did your parents have time to study my
parents their first languages are not English oh you get to take it in English my parents are from the Philippines they had to learn English to come here and take the same test quiet quiet quiet this whole country is based off of immigration your parents immigrated from here from Canada sure but you were okay I don't know your history but you said you're dual citizenship so I'm assuming that you have family from Canada you probably grow up group up speaking English not having to translate for your parents you probably were not called racial SES even
though they are immigrants your your immigration is very different from mine okay so I I'm going to respond to this because I came from a very poor country third world country and I speak four languages and you you you guys can still hear my accent when I first moved here from from Haiti to college I had to take a a um TOEFL test to be able to get into college and I did it every single exam in my first year of college I had to translate everything into French in my head first to understand what
the question is asking and it's answer the question guess what everybody had one hour whatever the time is to do a test it took me also an hour to do all that I never once thought that I was a victim but let me tell you something though this country is built on immigrants I like that but at the same time Democrats is at a point right now where where they are shipping a bunch of illegal immigrants they don't even know who they are even people from my own country we have actual criminals don't don't don't
shake your heads because I'm Haitian I speak C very clearly and I see her families in in Haiti we have criminals from my own country traveling here to the border and where they are placing them they are placing them in in in the black communities like for example in Chicago they are closing indoor playgrounds where where black kids and and Hispanic kids are using during the winter time to you know not not just that but also to keep them off the street what they are doing they are in the these these people inside those places
and they were taking funds away from from the people who were there so as an immigrant I think is the worst thing for this country for black people Hispanic people to vote Democrats because you guys have been leading this country for 16 years even when Obama was President Black America was the worst it's ever been Trump has done the most he's ever done in just four years so cut the cut the bull crap I'm going to be really I'm going really I'm going to be really really quick I just want to respond to two earlier
points we mentioned like Elon Musk and like RFK being former Democrats where's Trump's entire previous cabinet where's Mike Pence they can't even endorse him every single person that worked with Trump doesn't even support him this time around and then to your earlier point oh there was no Wars what did Trump actually do Trump signed Trump signed the Abraham Accords which Sid the Palestinian issue and created the exact same kind of conditions that led to things like October 7th if you knew had a single clue about the way the Middle East politics worked or even in
the in the case of Russia Ukraine he did nothing to end Russia's occupation of the of the dbass and Crimea you would you would know that Trump's foreign policy is not based in reality and just the fact that two Wars may have happened to have started in under Biden Biden's Administration does not is is not a causational argument okay so he addressed me so I want to address you back okay so first of all we've got people that want to take on big farmer that want to take on the military industrial complex and as far
as you saying about the Border they have the Biden Administration has lost 325,000 missing migrant children and that should be a big deal to everybody in this room 325,000 there are according to D DHS right now there are over 400,000 criminal aliens in our country right now all we're asking for is a legal process and I don't think that that is too much to ask for my husband's a legal immigrant and he came here legally everybody that comes into this country it should be a privilege there's not another country in this world that you can
just walk across the border and say give me a $55,000 debit card not only that as far as the Ukraine war it wouldn't we're not going in Ukraine right now you've had the mic well he did he just he hit three things and as far as Hamas give the hostages back yeah give the damn hostages back maybe we'll end the war okay Sam I see Sam's ready with the mic okay so my main concern I I wouldn't say that I am strictly going to vote for any candidate just because of my political affiliation if there
is a corrupt Democrat as on the ticket I'm not going to vote for them just because I'm registered Democrat and I don't think I can say the same for most and I want to say most because I know there are some Republicans who would vote for KLA Harris and there are some Democrats that would vote for Donald Trump for the most part I don't see that same sentiment with the Republican party I cannot stand by and vote for a man who is held civil liable in the state of New York uh for sexual assault against
Eugene Carroll um by a juror of nine people six men three women with jurors that are selected by the attorneys in both parties I can't vote for a man who is held liable with 34 felonies if there was some sort of thing that would happen in any candidate for the Democratic ticket I would be able to step aside and vote for a different candidate and I just don't see the same sentiment with the Republican party it's my opinion that the sad reality is that there's things that we should be able to argue and disagree on
taxes border and all that but there's stuff that I think we should all reach to a consensus and find it deep within ourselves to understand gender affirming serger on minor should just be inherently wrong a minor cannot consent um so I think we should all agree on these things when it comes to the Border Democrats like to pret and Republicans like to pretend like she's open border as well she's really much closed border she she's just an ineffective politician at rein at enforcing that closed border policy people are still crossing over that she does not
want she said don't come 2021 and 2022 had the highest deaths number of deaths crossing the border in history I think we should all be concerned about that if we want to have open border policy let's have an open border policy there's merits to that Camel Harris doesn't have that so it's just it's just farce to pretend like she is inclusive she's just a bad politician that's making people cross illegally and kill themselves in the process okay I have two questions that I'm going to ask the opposing side would you vote for someone held Civ
liable of forcefully penetrating a woman's vagina against her will raise your hand if yes so all of you guys that didn't raise your hand you guys are voting for a guy held Civ liable of forcefully penetrating EEG Carol's vagina against her will prove it okay I I mean I just want to say like one the nature of this conversation we should be assuming good intentions on both sides of the issue Parker your question is aimed to make us look like bad guys that does not do good things for our country that is why we are
so divisive that's why there are families that are dividing because we're calling each other bad people as opposed to just oh they have a different outlook on things they have a different view on things maybe they have a different voting philosophy maybe for you you don't want to vote for a convicted felon but in our opinion he's not actually a convicted felon and so we're going to vote for him or he's not actually guilty of that crime but the but the point is but the point is we can go back and forth accusing each other
of you're a bad person or you're a bad person that doesn't do anything for the conversation it doesn't do anything for our viewers let's actually go back to the issues let's go back to policies instead of silly questions trying to make us seem like bad guys okay i'mah I haven't spoken yet and in part that's because you guys are so smart like on both sides you know so much detail about so many things and I'm almost glad that I don't because I would be just as like angry I think as you guys if I knew
as much information as you did um so my angle where I come from is I'm really against polarization like that's my main thing I really can't stand it I adore people people on both sides of the political Spectrum like I have family members and you know just people that I adore and they're all amazing and they all make good points and I listen to all of them um one thing that I've tried to look into is a little bit on the more historical side of things without getting too deep into all the nitty-gritty details more
like an overview and one thing I learned and correct me if I'm wrong but I understand that there's like been a rise of conservativism that actually started in like the 1960s that was happening alongside the kind of civil rights you know rallies that were going on didn't get any coverage civil rights people got coverage and there were kind of two branches and one was like a Libertarian um conservative who was really pro- free market and then the others were more traditional conservatives that were really Pro tradition and family values I'm hearing a lot more of
that from you guys and I'm not I'm saying that's great you know it's fine one thing I kind of want my own sign to understand maybe is that the right has been trying to be heard for a really long time and the Liberals definitely won the culture war and in my opinion it is a lot easier to say how you feel as a liberal it's not as easy to say how you feel as a Republican and I think that's a really big issue they have been silenced we don't listen to them as much in part
because their views are something that we've decided are not okay but but we decided that and history could have gone a different way and we could have decided that they were right and then we'd all be the ones that were saying no no no we're the ones that should be listened to so I'm just anti-polar and I want to say we all need to like look into it a bit more maybe to understand each other better thank you hey before we go any further we want to take a moment to say thanks so much to
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win this year I'm going to go first I'm just going to speak up I think KLA Harris is going to win just purely on the sake of the fact that every day our democracy is eroding and I think we've been able to see it just in the past six hours that we've been here we've divulged into chaos at just every single point of contention and if we can't agree as a group of 60 people here we're not going to be able to agree as a group of 300 million and if our president won't agree that
he lost the election in 2020 and gets another 70 million people around him that is not a very good thing that is going to end well at all and I think we all need to take a beat realize that it's kind of batshit crazy that four years later he's saying that I won the election and there are millions of people on the right that are saying he's the president it's a shadow government the military's in control all of that we need to like realize that that's not okay and we need to come back to the
middle and say in November we're going to vote we're going to have a civil free Fair election and KLA Harris is going to get elected I'm not one of those Republicans that just thinks Trump's going to win cuz it's he's a republican I think he's going to win because he's the only person that stands on Merit and he's authentic the left has pushed so much rhetoric harmful rhetoric that I think people are starting to wake up to this it is excuse me but it's [ __ ] you guys push rhetoric that Trump's a Nazi that
everybody that supports him is a Nazi and funny coincidence he gets shot at you guys are pushing this hateful rhetoric we have celebrities and influencers that are saying they want to blow up the White House when he was in presidency they have uh we have what is it Maxine Waters said that we need to take him out and shoot him that is ridiculous we have we don't have that language towards you guys we are we I'm not and I this is a personal experience for me I have family that's liberal I have family that believes
separate than I do they're the ones that separated from me me I want to be with them I want to see them they don't want anything to do with me because of my beliefs and I think people are starting to wake up to this crap that's going on because people can see through fake people kamla does so many things that if Trump did we would be attacking him for it she talked in a fake Mexican accent to Hispanics if Trump did that he would be a racist you guys need to basically have some balls and
admit where your party is at fault you know we all have anecdotal things we've heard about each other's party that we think is representative how awful they are we all um resonate with uh feeling like we can't talk to people who don't believe the way we do we all feel like we've been silenced we all feel victimized we all feel attacked the election isn't going to be won or lost on those things elections are complicated Civics it's about who actually shows up to vote it's about who actually successfully gets their supporters out to vote Donald
Trump's campaign doesn't actually really have a ground game by which I mean people getting people knocking door door getting them out to the polls he's outsourced that to a pack that is funded by Elon Musk which I'm not saying I'm not commenting on that except to say it's not as effective of a strategy meanwhile the Democrats have thousands of field offices across the swing states in the United States so just structurally speaking while there is this is a fact there is an there is a an inherent electoral Advantage for Republicans because of the way the
Electoral College works there is a structural Advantage for Democrats in so far as we actually have a robust campaign that is meant to actually find people and get them out to vote whereas to be honest the Republican party is preparing to just challenge whatever happens I think Kamala is honestly just a [ __ ] candidate and she's going to [ __ ] the country up she's already had four years no one's elected her and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Democratic party wins only because of the way they have strategically undermined democracy because Trump
was almost assassinated when you're comp when you're constantly calling somebody a Nazi and threat to democracy that's what [ __ ] happens real political violence and they are the ones who enable that identity politics too she has radicalized millions of Democrats by telling them your entire identity revolves around your race your gender your sexuality to the blond dude over there when I was speaking earlier you talking about you can't believe my standpoint on transgenderism because I'm a black gay man you know nothing about me actually you assumed my sexuality you assumed my race I'm a
mixed individual I'm Hispanic half black Viva larasa all that and I'm actually bisexual I can pull bad [ __ ] when I want to so you know nothing about me it's projection because you're a black gay man and you can't pull [ __ ] projection just time out time out time out Blossom Blossom had the mic for a minute we're going to Blossom quiet on this side I am a firm believer KLA Harris is going to win for many different reasons let's let's be very clear the conservative party has a rift in it because there
are conservatives over here traditional conservatives and then there there's trumpers over here because over 200 Republicans are actually voting for KLA Harris including dick and Liz Cheney so let's just be very clear on that number two can we please can we please respectfully stop the trans eraser here because it's very important if you are not a trans person you're talking about trans issues that might need to be passed to trans people first of all and respectfully the Republican side past genitalia has no um valuable talking points around trans people because again it is so much
more about biology trans people when we talk about that conversation it is around gender identity which Republicans do not have the intellectual capacity to hold that conversation so I just want to make it very clear Donald Trump radicalized an Insurrection on January 6th that killed wait a minute that killed one of y'all side of the aisle let's be very clear a young lady was killed there and she was a republican because Trump radicalized trump did not make the message or make the call to stop instead he told him to storm the capital and so one
of y'all lost their lives because of what he's done so how do y'all explain that so again I do want to say Blossom I I will say thank you for at least saying that I'd say my biggest talking point right now is no one can deny Trump did make a video where he did say he would ban transgender healthcare this is the problem that I have with that and it's that I don't think realistically he could ever do that and do I think realistically he believes that no I think a lot of politician say things
to just kind of earn some points being trans is a hot button topic right now so what's going to catch voters eyes saying I'm going to ban it do I really believe so no And even if he wanted to try I don't think he would even have the power to do so because it would just get shot down so let's bring up January 6 the mass Meandering through the capital I mean really what was the damage on there I think if we really wanted to bring it up how many cuz I'm pretty sure the Republicans
well okay how about we bring up the r and I'm not going to say this is what I will say real quick I'm not going to say whether or not I agree with the Riots of 2020 because I just I don't think that's the point and I'm not going to talk about it but at the end or not talk about whether I agree with it or not but at the end of the day there was a lot more people who died and a lot more damage that was done during those riots most of the people
who actually died during the capital 6 was just trumpers they were the injured people they were the ones who getting shot in the throat and I'm not going to say and sit here and be like oh whatever they're just such bad victims even though I do think a lot of them were victims I mean we still have a lot in federal prison right now who are being held on terrorist charges years and years and years basically internal imprisonment for life for a mass Meandering through the capital I think if they really wanted to do damage
that many people in the capital could have destroyed if they really wanted to but I don't think they tried the revisionist history on January 6th needs to stop I know people on the right always bring up well Trump said March peacefully and patriotically but actions speak louder than words he sat in the white house for 3 hours after he was told the capital had been breached what's the first thing he does he tweets Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what he had to do what does he do after that he calls Kevin McCarthy
and says well Kevin I think these people are a lot more mad about the election than you are as both of these people are in hiding from Trump's radical supporters that are trying to break into the capital someone mentioned earlier law fair and politicizing the justice system that is so ironic and I I would encourage people to Google this because I know these people aren't going to believe me Trump tried to appoint someone named Jeffrey Clark as the attorney general the doj threatened to all resign like all the top leadership threatened to resign because Jeffrey
Clark was going to send a letter to swing States saying that your results are fraudulent you need to send electors for Trump Trump's also been indicted for fraud in multiple different swing states where he tried to organize not alternative electors fake electors by the admission of his own team verbatim fake electors right so if you want to talk about politicizing the justice system or democracy this is a very clear choice and this transcends any other policy Trump has said verbatim that we need to terminate the Constitution and JD van has said this and you guys
aren't going to know this either JD Vance has said that Donald Trump should fire every single civil servant Google this fire every single civil servant replace them with his people and then when the Supreme Court tells him to stop he should ignore the Supreme Court so where's the party of the Constitution now [Applause] [Music] that look look at the end of the day the party that's actually going to win is the party that actually puts Families First the nuclear family is the micro you know the the cell of the whole world like we don't have
families anymore everybody's talking about individual [ __ ] you're talking about this right this right what about the family's right what about the right to have a family and protect the family instead of divide the family that's the party that will win when you put Families First instead of everybody else okay so about January 6th I can speak quite a bit on this issue because I was actually in DC on January 6th I was scheduled to speak at the capital building it was an event that was going to be taking place coinciding with the other
event that happened at the ellipse president Trump exited the stage and attendees were instructed to walk towards the capital building for these speeches it was then Capital police insurrectionists that got involved and basically agitated the crowd we had people that were within the crowd that were actually involved in this agitation and before any of this happened president Trump actually knew and he had an idea hey we need to increase his security he reached out to DC mayor Mariel browser and Speaker of the House Nancy pelian said hey let's get the security up for this event
let's make sure we have enough Capital police officers there they both declined because they didn't see it as important enough they didn't see it as risky enough so each and every time we hear this rhetoric about saying oh Trump insurrecto March there and attack the capital building no I was there at that speech front row 10 feet away from that man when he said March peacefully I saw on Twitter before they nuked him off the platform he said protest peacefully hurt nobody and at the very end when he got word that people were going in
there and hurting people and there was people like Ashley B being shot and killed he posted a video on Twitter once again before he was nuked off the platform saying please leave do not break any laws go home and stop that is what president Trump did on that day um I think the reason that Camala Harris is going to win this election is because I think we live in a new generation where there is empathy where people try to understand each other people try to understand others experiences people try to accept each other and love
each other and let people live the lives that they need to live as long as it's not affecting other people and here's the thing at the end of the day I heard a lot of you guys say oh when I lived under Trump's America it was great when I lived under Trump's America it was fine let's be honest our relatives on Standing Rock reservation are fighting for their land right now our relatives are fighting for their fishing rights right now our relatives are fighting to keep their children on their reservations we just had IA an
entire case trying to dismantle our right as indigenous people to keep our own people on our land so maybe you had an amazing time but Trump literally called up representatives and tried to get the mash pwog people to get their rights revoked their tribal rights revoked so maybe you had an amazing time under Trump's America but maybe ask a mash P [ __ ] person what their life was like under Trump's America maybe ask a trans person what their life was like under Trump's America it's not just about you we need to have empathy listen
I don't say this to create any kind of cacophony or or or any any sound bite this is just truly how I how I think I think Donald Trump is a dangerous uh Maniac on okay let me finish guys guys I'm not trying to rile anybody up this is just how I feel okay I think KLA Harris is I have a wealth of criticisms for her in her time as uh the the you know the da thank you in in San Francisco I have I have a wealth with Palestine I have a wealth of criticism
for KLA Harris but the fact is Donald Trump represents a threat to democracy brother he does and you can Gran about it all you want the truth and that's why Harris will win need one fulled I support KLA Harris and she will win this election because I cannot get behind any candidate that does not support the three branches of government and that is not going to abide by them and the Supreme Court has given Donald Trump or anybody that holds the highest office in the world full authority to be a dictator to not listen and
have proper checks and balances and that is why his former cabinet members do not support him because they know what he tried to do not what he did which was already polarizing and horrific but what he wanted to do and now he will have no Reigns if you don't like KLA Harris guess what you have checks and balances you don't have to like the candidate that we like but if you are for the party that is of the Constitution why would you want to support someone that is inherently against it okay we've heard both sides
debate the candidates now they're going to submit their votes every participant in the room is going to submit a vote here we will tally them and then reveal who theoretically would be president if it was up to this [Music] room I voted for KLA Harris because I think her policies are better for the American people um like the economy and that sentiment is shared by the majority of um top Economist and I also believe that her social policies are better such as an issue that's important to me like abortion also the main reason is because
I think Trump should be nowhere near the Oval Office after he tried to circumvent the will of the American people so I very much share the sentiment of lifelong Republicans like Dick Cheney who says it's no longer about party it's about country I voted for Donald J Trump because I want America to get back to normal I want a lower economy I want a closed border I want to find the 329,000 missing migrant children I would like to see laware stopped in our country and I want to also take on big Pharma and just the
big bureaucracy and the military war complex that's supporting Kamala Harris I wrote undecided because I feel like the politics that we are dealing with is very unethical um in our nation for me as a Democrat as a progressive and as a leftist I am against exploitation in every form and in every way I think that every human being should be treated with Justice and equality and for that reason I am pro-life I think that The Unborn are individual human organisms with a body plan they resist atrophy I think that they deserve the right to life
I think that us as communities we need to do a better job coming around families protecting them giv giving them the resources they need to live sustainable and happy lives inside and outside the womb I live in Ohio so the chances that my vote is going to affect anything is very small I think I would like to stick by my principles and my principles tell me that since what I vote isn't going to matter that much I'm not going to give that little piece that I have to people that I know are going to abuse
other people with that power we talk a lot about politics in our home um the kids will raised talking about what's going on in the world and current events and so forth and so I always taught the kids to be their own people to have their own minds and because while I'm their mom and while they were raised under the Christian construct I wanted them to be free to be who they are and so here we are and I'm not really affected by my mother's Insanity anymore um get no I think um I think I
do not respect Donald Trump enough to let it ruin my family any longer and so I would rather find the true middle ground with my mom and be able to accept her as she is because I'm not going to change her she's not going to change me so how do we find a relationship in spite of that right when I walked in today I was undecided because a few things that Trump has said in the past such as suspending the Constitutions and as a conservative and Republican uh our life blood is the Constitution part of
what made me change my mind is that he has he he he says a lot of things I mean even the biggest conservative and biggest Trump supporter can admit that he likes to talk a lot and say a bunch of random things uh and he's walked back those statements and said that that's not exactly what he meant in in in that respect that's why I can change my vote I am currently undecided because I think KLA Harris needs to run on more Progressive policies I honestly don't understand why she continues pandering to the right when
there is a very large voter base that is there and ready to support her as long as she runs on more Progressive policies I also think I'm UND decided because I'm kind of Lucky to live in California where it's a historically Blue State so I think that I could also use my vote to potentially uplift a third party like PSL which I believe aligns with my values a bit more but I do also think that if I lived in a swing state I would definitely be voting for KLA because I do also understand the Viewpoint
of like voting is at this point also harm reductive but kind of hate that we have to choose between the lesser of two evils today I came in as an undecided voter because I don't feel represented by kamla or Trump I'm really passionate about the conflict happening in between Israel and Palestine both of them are all about sending a lot of our taxpayer money over there that taxpayer money should be going back to American citizens because the country is in Decline and I feel like both of them want to fund Wars and not fund the
American people too big to rig make America hot again I voted for PSL which is the party for socialism and Liberation Palestinians like myself have felt disenfranchised by the Democratic party this genocide was only possible because of Biden Harris they were the ones who perpetuate this genocide and they have the power to end it kamla Harris has decided not to so she cannot and will never earn my vote I came in thinking that I would vote for Trump because of his uh patriotism and just the way that he carries himself but after today um with
the discussion just being around everybody everyone's at each other's throat and I just don't believe that is uh that I support either group just because I'm just like to have fun I like to you know care for others and a lot of people just are now getting emotionally involved uh in the situation I believe I actually came in here as undecided as an undecided Republican but I ended up voting for Donald Trump throughout our almost I think it's 10 hours here everyone was at each other's throats and everyone was trying to convince the other that
their cause was just what I realized about Trump is that Trump is a nationalist he's a horrible man he's selfish he's racist and he wants to make money and that is why he's a good man for the country because in his quest to make income and in his quest to expand himself he will inevitably also make the country a better place after 4 years he'll be gone and a new president will take his place who is hopefully not as much as a fool as these two what happens in today's discussion that changed my mind from
leaning towards haris to going to undecided is is the focus um on Donald Trump and figuring out who's better on specific like character traits um that weren't related to actual solutions for the American people that would move us forward and help out middle- class families hor for Harris lady boys for Trump I am voting for Donald J Trump in the 2024 election despite anti-tr policies that have been presented I don't believe that in any legal manner they would pass and on top of that I believe in the freedom of the American people when we have
a great economy everyone including trans people benefits the most compared to what we currently have where trans people's acceptance rates have plummeted I think kamla Harris is both the way we rescue our democracy from the brink and she's actually got great policies as a as a Californian I've been her constituent for over a decade and I've seen her be really effective in office so my experience of her has been that she's been good at the offices she's held so far and she's going to be good at this one too [Music] the reason I am undecided
likely rid in is because I reject the idea that we have to pick between two evils uh I think there's certain values that we all share and if we just stick with those values I think we would have a lot more in common than we actually think but because of this idea idea that we have to pick one or the other both sides have gone all in and to all the philosophies and I think if we stuck to our values the election would look very [Music] different I voted for Harris because she passed fundamental legislation
that's beneficial to the middle class including the inflation reduction act the chips and science act The Pact Act and the bipartisan infrastructure Bill she was the most influential vice president ever she had the most high breaking votes of any vice president ever so I support her because of her effective policy all right the votes have been counted and it's time to read our results but first I just want to thank everybody in this room for participating in this special election episode of [Applause] middleground if it was up to this room to choose the next president
of the United States this is how the votes would break down Trump would receive 25 votes Harris would receive 20 3 which means Trump would be the next president of the United [Applause] [Applause] States if you are a viewer we would encourage you to vote if you are an American citizen if you are unhappy with the results of the election in this room the only way to change it is to participate um knowing today's result with Trump winning um yeah I still I still wouldn't vote because the people have spoken and if Trump wins then
he wins and hopefully he'll lead the country in a great Direction and I do think that no matter who wins there's going to be a lot of upset people and a lot of happy people this mock elections result has shown to me at least a few things one of the biggest things is that the left seems to be a little undecided in a lot of ways and I think the right has come together a little more and represents the general public more and is able to agree on topics more what I would say to folks
who aren't prepared to vote for haris is that we get to live in the world as it actually exists not the one that we wish exists and the reality is you have two choices and not voting is a choice and it probably going to get you the outcome you want the mock election result was I love the mock election result annoying you know I think that this is like a really important example of the value of a vote time s this system feels very impressed upon us and that we don't really have much of a
choice and that we're like sort of not autonomous over this political system but we are everyone's vote matters and I understand why people might not want to vote for Comm Harris get over it and I think that this should be a message to K haris specifically she will lose the election if she continues down this path of plating to the right and paning to Republicans and will I still vote for her or not vote for her in November if she does not move on Israel and if she does not Institute an arms embargo to stop
the genocide of Palestinians I will have no choice but to go forward with my decision
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