ever feel like you have big dreams but no energy to make them happen you think I'll do it tomorrow but tomorrow never comes you want to do great things but it feels so hard to even start you think about writing a book getting fit or learning something new but instead you scroll on your phone or watch TV why does this happen it's not because you're lazy forever it's because the tasks feel too big when something feels too hard your brain says let's do something easier but the good news you can fix this laziness isn't who
you are it's just a habit and habits can change think about how often you've been stuck because the goal felt impossible you want to save money but the thought of cutting back on Everything feels like too much or you want to get healthier but the idea of running every day seems exhausting it's not that you don't care it's that your brain is wired to avoid pain and seek Comfort but you can outsmart your brain here are three simple steps to help you stop being lazy and start doing what matters step one make it small big
tasks feel scary so make them small for example if you want to write a book don't think about writing 200 Pages just write one sentence today small steps are easier and make you feel good think of it like climbing a mountain you don't jump to the top you take one step then another do the same with your goals small wins add up here's another example if you want to learn a new skill like playing guitar don't try to learn an entire song in one day just practice one chord over time those small efforts turn into
big results the key is to focus on progress not Perfection step two create easy routines don't rely on Willpower set up routines willpower runs out but routines make things automatic for example if you want to exercise put your shoes by your bed that way when you wake up it's easy to get started think of routines like training wheels they make things easier until you can do them naturally what's one small routine you can start today maybe it's writing a to-do list every morning or drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up these
small habits create structure and help you build momentum step three use the 2-minute rule the hardest part is starting so promise yourself you'll work on something for Just 2 minutes that's it want to read a book read one page want to clean your room start with one corner once you start it's easier to keep going it's like pushing a ball down a hill the first push is hard but after that it rolls on its own here's a bonus tip reward yourself for starting after you've done your 2 minutes celebrate in a small way maybe it's
listening to your favorite song or taking a short break rewards make starting feel good and motivate you to keep going here's the truth everyone starts small the people you admire they struggle too they kept going you don't have to be perfect you just have to start think of your dreams like a fire right now it's a tiny spark every small action you take is like adding fuel keep adding fuel and soon you'll have a roaring fire so what will you do today to light that fire remember it's okay to fail everyone fails what matters is
that you get back up and try again failure isn't the opposite of success it's part of the journey so be kind to yourself and keep moving forward let's keep it simple if you're ambitious but lazy here's what to do one make tasks small and easy two create routines to help you three start with just 2 minutes of effort that's it don't wait for the perfect moment start now pick one thing and take a small step today your dreams are waiting for you go make them happen and remember this you don't need to be perfect you
just need to be consistent even small efforts done regularly can create massive change but you can't stay consistent without taking action so watch this to start taking action today