How to Get Thick and Shiny Hair

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Dr. Eric Berg DC
If you want thick, shiny hair, this video’s for you. Find out how to get thicker hair with the best ...
Video Transcript:
today we're going to show you how to make thick and shiny hair and as you know with my videos I like to tell you what's behind things what's the root cause of certain things and when we talk about hair realize that anything going on with your hair is the tip of the iceberg and I'm not interested in having you take more supplements we're going to relate a lot of this to your diet and food because ultimately that's the best source but let's start with biotin this is a B vitamin A lot of people take biotin
and it does help the thickness of your hair it helps your nails it helps your skin but why do you need to take biotin are we deficient in biotin biotin can come from the diet but it can also come from your own gut microbiome your good bacteria make Biotin and one side effect of antibiotics is a problem with your hair and that's because certain microbes are no longer there or they're in smaller amounts and they're just not making enough biotin there's a huge connection between some alteration in your gut and problems with your hair because
of a biotin def efficiency this is why people that start taking biotin might see a change but then when they stop taking biotin the hair problem comes right back a couple other reasons why people might be deficient in biotin is that they're they eat raw eggs there's a certain chemical in the egg that if you don't cook it can combined with biotin lock it up and prevent the absorption if you cook the whites of the egg okay not the yolk you don't have to worry about it you're not going to become deficient in biotin alcohol
is another reason why people are deficient in biotin alcohol messes with your liver it all also messes with the absorption of biotin what are the best sources of biotin liver egg yolks here you have this great biotin that's in the yolk that won't be absorbed because of some other chemical in the white of the egg so this is why you need to cook your eggs but just make sure the yolk is a bit runny nutritional yeast has Biotin and salmon has biotin another little side note is that if you're magnesium deficient which a lot of
people are that could be the reason why you're not absorbing biotin I've done a ton of videos on magnesium very very important also zinc is a helper to biotin as well and so is copper let's move over to vitamin A I'm talking about the active form of vitamin A called retinol which is only in animal products of course the best source of vitamin A is in liver and egg yolks but you can also get it in shellfish and civer oil what's so important about vitamin A in relationship to your hair vitamin A helps control sebum
and makes your hair very very sh let's go to omega-3 fatty acids you have omega-3 fatty acids and then you have omega-6 fatty acids so when people are consuming a lot of seed oils corn oil vegetable oil those oils are very very bad for a lot of problems in your body including your hair so both the omega-3 and omega-6 kind of compete so what we want to do is we want to eliminate the omega-6 fats and increase omega3 fatty acids because omega-3 is so important in making the hair thick in making your hair shiny and
you can can get omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils but if you get it from cod liver oil you also get some additional benefits vitamin A also vitamin D let's move on to this right here what is this L ruteri thing well stands for lactobacillus ruide this is a microb and there's a lot of research on this microb this microb is missing in 96% of the population because we've all had antibiotics in our past and El ride does a lot for our B but one of the things that it does very specifically is it increases
sebum that oil that helps the hair become very very shiny and it also stimulates hair growth there's a lot to talk about this microb I'm going to put a video down below if you haven't seen a video on this you should watch it it's something that's fascinating now I want to get to this really important topic of copper copper does a lot it's involved in a lot of different enzymes this is an enzyme that's using copper to help regulate iron preventing the accumulation of iron in your tissues iron is really important in hair growth because
it helps oxygen feed the roots of the hair it helps the growth of the hair it helps your hair become thicker and it helps with the collagen formation what I didn't know back then that I now know is that iron is controlled by copper if you fix your copper situation you can actually fix your iron situation but it's not necessarily to take another copper supplement because you need to understand how you became deficient in Copper in the first place and one of the ways that we're deficient in Copper is that a lot of farmers use
NPK nitrogen phosphorus and pottassium fertilizers when you use a lot of nitrogen you get a lot of growth of grass and other vegetation but at the same time you're creating micronutrient deficiencies especially copper if the grass and vegetation are deficient in Copper the animals will become deficient in Copper there's a fascinating book right here called soil grass and cancer very thick book it's actually a very expensive book it was like $250 but I want to just give you a very quick summary copper deficiency caused by nitrogen fertilizers they're talking about the details of how many
farmers use this fertilizer for the grass of grazing animals but also to make the hay that they feed the animals in the winter and they're showing statistics on trace minerals and coppers tank down to zero but what's really interesting in the book it talks about how that shows up in sheep in cattle as far as their hair the hair on cows becomes very very dull it loses its luster it loses its shine if this is happening with sheep and cows you know is it possible going to happen to our bodies the answer is yes so
NPK is one of the causes of a deficiency of copper also when we consume too much iron all the wheat products and grain products are fortified with iron and taking too much iron locks up your copper as well we lose like .5 Mill M to 1 milligram a day yet the rdas or the recommended iron per day is like 8 to 18 milligram so there's a big problem with iron vitamin A and copper work together they need each other to work you go on a lowfat diet you end up with a low retinol or vitamin
A situation and that's going to affect copper as well I fructose corn syrup depletes copper if you're consuming a lot of junk food this could be why you have a problem if you're taking a lot of zinc for a long period of time that can deplete copper so I always recommend taking your zinc in a blend of other trace minerals and also if you're taking magnesium I'd recommend taking it in a form as magnesium glycinate I know I gave you a lot of information I'm going to summarize it right now you want to start taking
Probiotic foods hefer sauerkraut kimchi because you want to start building up your gut microbiome number two if you like liver start consuming liver in your diet liver has copper egg yolks good source of Biotin and vitamin A and of course cod liver oil for your omega-3 fatty acids I personally like cod liver in cans that will give you the omega-3 fatty acids the vitamin D the vitamin A and there's some copper in there as well because it's a liver and that's where a lot of nutrition is concentrated number five organic foods why because glyphosate in
the Roundup Ready is very very damaging and it creates deficiency in the soil and also in your body if you are consuming it now you might say well I only eat non-GMO food well did you know that wheat is sprayed with this glyphosate as something to dry it out if you eat organic you're not going to get this glyphosate and then trace minerals are really important to get copper to get zinc to get everything in the right ratios and if you haven't seen my video on this one right here I put it up here check
it out
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