I Am Your Eternal Fortress | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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I Am Your Eternal Fortress | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say...
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my beloved child pause for a moment and listen for I the Lord have something to say to you my child know that my love for you is boundless and it fills me with immense joy to witness the Good Deeds you accomplish the love and effort you invest in your family and your Devotion to our relationship you have proven trustworthy using wisely the gifts I have bestowed upon you you are a Deacon of positivity embracing the corrections I make to your path without resistance while many Drift Away seeking happiness and success apart from me they Overlook
the critical need for their families and children to know me to walk the path I've laid out but you stand apart my teachings resonate within your home you honor me splendidly ensuring that I hold the place of honor I deserve rest assured your home is under the watchful protection of heavenly angels as you navigate through your career and daily responsibilities do so with integrity and diligence guard your words carefully letting no harmful speech Escape your lips that might wound Souls mercilessly in you forgiveness is abundant and my presence stirs within you each morning organizing your
emotions and aligning them rightly just as the sun ascends each morning at its designated time so too will your emotions settle into their proper places your days shall be adorned with encouragement peace and joy this is no mere Miracle but a Divine reward flowing directly from my Throne to those who earnestly seek me I am not concealed or distant though many claim to seek me and find nothing they Vision clouded once the veils fall from their eyes they see that I have always been right here here I am smiling upon you your life brings me
great delight and I am well pleased with you do not linger on past mistakes or imperfections and do not lose heart if Envy drives others against you remember my love and peace are with you always stand tall and confident imbued with vitality and strength you are poised to receive Abundant Blessings and opportunities to serve and uplift others your family will radiate joy and be a source of inspiration to many nations keep your trust in me steadfast Proclaim with confidence I accept my blessing I come to bring you peace and healing I am here to cradle
your heart and emotions in my Caring Hands offering protection and enveloping you in love the words you hear now will dissolve all your pain know that you are deeply loved my child regardless of age or the imperfections that time has etched upon you my love and protection are Everlasting trust in me and find shelter In My Embrace there is nothing to fear in my presence you will find safety the Holy Spirit infuses you with love and compassion transforming your character renewing your emotions and reshaping your thoughts words and beliefs my word has taken root in
your soul fortifying your faith I've heard your cries and seen the anguish of your heart when you felt near to fainting I hasten to your side despite unexpected challenges and the unkindness of those who vented their frustrations upon you remember I am Vigilant I Marvel at how some in profound ignorance dare to harm you with the very tongue and hands I created they have wandered so far from my light they do not recognize who they contend with or perceive the protection over you even as they wage war against you they will not see you fall
I will thwart those who seek your downfall and strip power from those who wish to demean you the dark Forces that underestimate your strength will soon realize their error be assured you are secure no harm can reach you in this world you will face trials and malevolence pandemics Wars and strife yet those who disregard me dwell in Shadow but Souls like yours humble and faithful will Triumph in all things not through wealth or Earthly power but through the Holy Spirit your Wellspring of Life purifying your soul and bolstering your faith go forth with peace today
for my mighty hand will guide and shield you from unseen perils no malevolent force will afflict you affirm boldly and believe in your heart the power of the blood of Jesus covers me I am beyond harm my dear child I cherish you deeply open your eyes and embrace the Tranquility enveloping you feel the peace saturating Your Heart Right Where You are my presence is all around you tenderly embracing your spirit I grant you the privilege to live a life of Serenity though the people around you may be ens snared in tension trying to draw you
into their turmoil and the repercussions of their errors stand firm do not let the chaos of others instill anxiety or disrupt your peace in this sacred moment between us you can set aside the world and Savor the Bliss stirring within you this experience is joyous for me and I hope it is equally delightful for you imagine us meeting like this daily whether at dawn or as you first awaken I am always here eager for our time of communion a few precious minutes of connection as you grasp my hand you kneel before my very Throne marking
a day you'll never forget today I seal your heart and Proclaim to the cosmos that you are unequivocally mine this revelation will transform your thinking you'll comprehend the depth of my love and the Magnificent blessings you possess uring you that you are capable of achieving great things who could possibly challenge you you are my child Invincible in my love the most potent force in the universe like Earthly fathers who may falter or forsake I am steadfast if you've suffered disappointment from your Earthly father remember I am incomparable today you realize our distinct Bond as you
absorb this profound understanding of my love linger in my presence a while longer there's no need for Words simply relish each moment and lay down your burdens as you venture out later my peace will radiate from your countenance your essence infused with Tranquility immune to the negativity of others I'm always here ready to enshroud you in love as each new day Dawns I love you and eagerly await our mornings together open your heart to my voice Let My Words deeply penetrate your spirit for now set aside your troubles and listen let my voice inra these
truths upon your heart I intend to dissolve all your fears banishing loneliness and agitation from your life I govern your existence and will perpetually fill you with my peace like a pristine river flowing with the gentle breeze but allow me the honor of guiding you each morning seek me in prayer entrust your journey to my care and witness how I support you your Destiny rests securely in my hands follow my lead to the place where true happiness and strength await you a destiny not marred by pain but marked by blessings and joy I have loved
you since before you were born devised extraordinary plans for you and will accompany you until the end of time allow me to shower you with my glory to illuminate you with my Splendid light soon your eyes will be open to the Supernatural and you will witness the transformation all around you I am Everlasting the one who loves you unconditionally believes in your potential and desires to guide your steps to keep you near I have planted dreams and plans within you visions that are ours alone there's no need to disclose every beautiful aspiration to the world
as doing so might stir Envy and jealousy among those who might seek to derail or distract you ignore those who try to discourage you they may claim I am distant that your desires are mere illusions that your dreams are unattainable that you are unprepared that I am deaf to your prayers or even that I do not love you but heed my Assurance and let this truth embed deeply in your heart I am closer than you or they can imag imagine my spirit resides within you you are blessed I love you and I speak only truth
your prayers are heard and answers are forthcoming but I wish for your soul to be ready to receive them I will shift the mountain blocking your path and heal you of every Affliction sadness will be lifted from your soul replaced by a profound and divine Joy prepare your heart heart Embrace gratitude and remain humble in the Splendor of my presence learn to walk by faith trusting in my words over the evidence of your eyes should problems Loom or obstacles Mount visualize by faith Legions of angels defending you dismantling every barrier intent on your destruction if
disheartening news reaches you let my spirit and your faith assure you that the best years of your life are yet to come you will not be crushed or subdued defeat is not your destiny you are meant to live to celebrate with songs of joy to exalt in life's blessings and proclaim the strength and opportunity my love has endowed you with if adversaries attempt to intimidate you claiming your time is short that you are Unworthy of my blessings or love stand firm raise your voice and declare to all that your heavenly father the creator of all
has bestowed upon you promises that will be fulfilled the enemy a purveyor of falsehoods lacks the courage to confront you directly and will never possess the power to harm your spirit My Sacrifice has cleansed and safeguards you inscribed at your doorstep a vibrant declaration reads here reside Ides a family dearly loved and protected by the almighty stand against these deceptions with unwavering faith and the adversary will Retreat dismiss his lies and reaffirm your love and belief in me rise now step forward to receive the blessings I have prepared for you this day await the good
news with anticipation I am resolving every concern that weighs upon your spirit this is a season of restoration for you your family your health and your finances Embrace this time of renewal with open arms listen closely for I am about to provide you with the guidance necessary to ensure that nothing is lost and all may proceed favorably in your life I ask for your time and dedication kneel in prayer and immerse yourself once again in my word make a Resolute decision to surrender rer your fears and burdens to me to fortify your soul with my
presence and to heed my loving voice my desire is to lead you along a prosperous path to help you reclaim what has been lost and to guide you towards peace and Tranquility reinstating the joy within your heart that you've yearned for resolving issues that once seemed insurmountable I aim to liberate you from the anxieties that beset you to disp spel the fears that cloud your mind let go of these fears do not conceal them I no longer want fear to compel you to make poor decisions you have paid dearly for your mistakes but this ends
today I forgive your sins and am purifying your soul the chains that have weighed you down are breaking and the burdens of guilt and uncertainty are being cast aside my aspiration beloved child is to enrich your life my intentions and purposes are directed towards your benefit and well-being the path may not always be easy at times you must engage in battle but I will be there to fortify your spirit until the very end if you believe respond with I believe if you welcome me into your soul affirm I open my heart to you if you
wish for me to Reign Over Your Life life Proclaim my God you are my king and my Lord today I address you in clear and simple terms yet my words are imbued with profound sincere and unconditional love Eternal salvation is among the greatest blessings I offer but I also extend to you an unchanging unfailing love that persists through the toughest and sweetest moments through Joys and Sorrows through the warmth of sunny days and the chill of lonely nights through mornings filled with hope and evenings tinged with despair I am there to extend my hand to
remind you of my love and to offer you comfort and support always remember I crafted you with my own hands in my image and likeness you are special unique and richly blessed I have endowed you with gifts talents and abilities that Define your essence a marvelous creation meant to bring light to a world embroiled in Conflict you are not an accident nor are you without Destiny each day of your life is purposefully designed imbued with a mission that provides meaning and Direction on this journey you will discover the true happiness and fulfillment you so deeply
seek though the road may not always be smooth your adversaries will set traps and place obstacles in your way I am constantly with you providing protection as a father does for his children in me you will find security and peace amidst life storms I will steal the Raging seas and quell the winds that threaten to overwhelm you my love is your Haven a sanctuary where you can always find Solace and a tender word whenever you find yourself stumbling along your path feeling the weight of your weaknesses as you falter know that I am ready to
lift you up my power is perfected in your moments of Frailty when you feel fragile remember that my strength is Limitless and always available to you in me you will discover the fortitude to press onward to confront your challenges and to surmount any obstacles you encounter I also provide you with my wisdom and guidance in a world rif with confusion and uncertainty my word illuminates your path serving as a steadfast guide to lead you in making righteous decisions I will be there to offer the wisdom you need to make prudent choices and I will bless
you with Divine abundance as a reward for your Fidelity I promise to shower you with provision strength and joy among the greatest gifts I offer you are my forgiveness and the chance for a new life no matter your past errors or the missteps you've taken my grace is readily accessible to you through my love I grant you a fresh start a life rejuvenated with hope and brimming with new possibilities yet this renewal requires your genuine repentance you must lay down your faults at my feet and resolve not to revisit them for this is not a
trivial matter beyond the Journey of challenge es and triumphs sleepless nights and Serene mornings I have promised you something even more extraordinary eternal life this blessing surpasses all Earthly concerns offering a hope that extends beyond the tangible in me you will find the Assurance of an eternity filled with joy and peace a splendid future awaiting you but let there be no misunderstanding while we will one day meet face to face your actions here on Earth carry Eternal significance remain steadfast to the end do not disregard my teachings or take my Commandments lightly prioritize me in
your life in your family in your home show compassion to those in need and extend forgiveness to those who have wounded you yet be cautious of harmful influences rest assured that you are never s solitary not even for a fleeting moment my presence is a constant blessing in your life accompanying you at every turn in moments of happiness and during trials through days of sunshine and nights of darkness my love envelops and upholds you which is why you should never fear when difficulties arise you are cherished more than you can conceive my love for you
is eternal and unwavering in every phase of your life through every trial every delight and each tear shed I am there Loving You guiding you and blessing you and you you love me I urge you now to affirm this love to write it think it and Proclaim it with all your heart declare it aloud inscribe it my God I love you I am preparing ing you to receive all the requests for which you have prayed I desire your well-being your freedom your prosperity and for you to experience profound happiness I wish for your spiritual Vitality
to be enhanced for peace and Harmony to be restored in your family during your childhood and as you grew those who should have nurtured and shielded you might have faltered I remember the night you wept a moment so poignant it moved my angels and Drew tears from me as well throughout your journey I have been your steadfast protector shielding you from Peril and even from Death itself I have always recognized your value a bright forward-thinking individual endowed with courage like a tree you have developed Deep Roots and sturdy branches a testament to your strength and
resilience it is I who placed you where you stand today preparing you for the wonderful blessings soon to come I have imbued you with a spirit of love and power ensuring that your emotions are Guided by your faith at this moment what matters most is your Eternal salvation your emotional healing and your overall well-being never forget the depth of my love for you immense and unwavering you will find Solace and calmness in your soul a comforting presence in times of Sorrow whenever you think of me on days when you feel overwhelmed or burdened know that
I am here to listen without judgment I aim to relieve your burdens offering you rest and rejuvenation for both spirit and body empowering you to rise and proceed our relationship is unique and precious you are always welcome to approach me even after missteps approach with confidence I remain unfazed by your errors the wisest course after a mistake is to reflect pray and with a repentant heart Lay Your Troubles before me I here to assist in setting your life on a righteous path to encourage reactions not of frustration but of understanding ensuring that your home remains
a Haven of Peace let your household Echo with words of gratitude and healing embodying patience and empathy follow my example of Love service and support just as I have loved and served so too should love and a spirit of mutual support flourish within your home bring every issue every family concern to me leave it here tell me everything as you speak you'll find relief from your anxieties tensions in insecurities frustrations and anger do not worry about anything instead Embrace these healing words come and rest in the Embrace of your father who loves you deeply I
am fully aware of your circumstances and it is my desire to envelop you in appreciation affection hugs and love I love you endlessly and am committed to sending you daily reassurances these calming words will persist offering you the peace and healing you seek allow the Divine Whisper of your Eternal Father to permeate your being healing you completely as you listen to this voice from Heaven I am with you always on your right on your left at every side simply close your eyes and breathe in my presence today I invite you to come forth with faith
believe in me kneel and pray pour out your heart and you will witness how actively my love works seek and you shall find as my light illuminates every aspect of your life never Harbor any doubts speak to me with Assurance for every word you utter plants a seed of abundance as your heavenly father I hear every plea and with love and wisdom I will relieve your distress and provide Solutions rest here in my presence I am committed to giving you the very best in times of need illness or difficulty my word will be your Beacon
of Hope I want you to understand that your thoughts and concerns matter greatly to me I do not overlook your tears or ignore your cries whenever you feel confused or fearful speak to me I am here to offer wisdom and direct your path when doubt fills you with t torment remember my unwavering and eternal love each day presents a chance to grow to learn and to evolve into the person I am molding you to be trust in me and the path I have laid out together we will overcome any challenge I will hold your hand
firmly Never Letting Go as my tender protective Love Remains with you even on your toughest days I will not be distant when sadness surrounds you when loneliness seems overwhelming my Holy Spirit Will Embrace and comfort you with my Tender Love do not fear your life is about to transform when Shadows seek to dim your joy you will hear my voice again reminding you of the courage and strength I have already instilled in you strength beyond your imagination every step you take is shared with me every dream you dream I dream alongside you my promise is
steadfast to be with you always in every joy and every sorrow through good times and bad you are my cherished treasure and I have bestowed upon you a happiness that transcends all circumstances in moments when you feel the mountains are insurmountable remember I have equipped you with Wings of Faith and perseverance you are meant to soar like eagles reaching Heights where your zest for life is renewed even when the Winds of Life are Fierce know that I am your steadfast grip and nothing can sever my eternal love for you during the bewildering times when the
Horizon stretches endlessly and your path seems unclear recall the truths I've placed like stars in the night sky to guide you you are never alone for I am with you in every breath With Every Beat of your heart be strong and courageous for I am your Fortress your Shield your unwavering protector there is no need for fear no space for doubt my presence in your life is Perpetual Let My Words illuminate your path and be the beacon that never dims in your heart understand that your strength is derived from my spirit empowering you to overcome
challenges uplift others Express love and reflect the goodness I've instilled within you remember courage isn't the absence of fear but the resolve to press forward even when the odds seem against you and your spirit waines in your darkest moments when the world doubts your strength my voice will echo in your heart reaffirming that you can do all things in my holy name for I am the Wellspring of your power no force can conquer you stand firm be bold in heart and Valiant in spirit know that I am your rock your unshakeable support in me you
will find the inspiration to tackle any barrier the courage to greet each day with Hope and Faith and the love that lights every step of your path when life's challenges reemerge shift your perspective I love you infinitely and will not let anyone snatch you you from my grasp I will fortify you and provide a way forward to surmount every trial my words gently caress your heart enriching our precious moments of prayer each morning these moments soar to the highest clouds beautiful and fleeting I listen to all your requests intending to fulfill them and much more
I will grant you peace security emotional strength and divine wisdom you have honored Me by trusting in my promises and I will abundantly bless you I will safeguard your entire family ensuring no harm befalls them freeing them from fear and instilling in them a sense of marvelous purpose if you continue to pray know that your faith is active and effective Miracles unfold the Gates of Heaven open my Holy Spirit ever eager to assist will guide and comfort you do not let the burdens of Life dampen your pursuit of me I wish for you not to
miss out on the blessings that are on their way keep praying I cherish hearing your voice your words reveal much but in your heart I see your pure intentions sometimes it may seem my responses are delayed but I answer in the precise moment necessary not a moment sooner or later do not despair if your desires aren't immediately fulfilled nor grow impatient if the solutions you seek aren't readily at hand walk with patience everything I do is purposeful in the Supernatural realm countless events unfold beyond your awareness all designed to Shield you from unseen dangers Advance
confidently step forward when you hear my voice guiding you for I I will clear your path and ease your journey to your destination today right where you are pause and reflect raise your arms in gratitude and recall those moments when you sought my help and I responded remember my presence in your times of trial I have never left your side let these memories fortify your faith for just as I have supported you before I will do so again it's time to resurrect those dreams and desires you've shelved away dust them off for what seemed impossible
before is now Within Reach with my blessing and assistance you will succeed and it will be for the honor and Glory of my Holy Name you possess the strength to overcome bad habits do not be misled for no one has power over you and no force in the universe surpasses mine as as you continue to walk with me you'll discover that this Joy this peace this confidence are not just for moments of Victory but also for the times of waiting there is a season for everything and the results are not always immediate sometimes it is
necessary to wait to trust to believe that what I have planted in you will Bloom at the right time I am the Lord of time and I am always working even when it seems like nothing is happening keep trusting in me keep rejoicing in me and you will see that in due time the Harvest will come as you delve deeper into the joy that comes from me you begin to understand that this Joy is just a part of the Abundant Life I have for you true Abundant Life is not measured only by moments of happiness
but by a fullness that permeates every aspect of your being mind body and spirit I'm calling you to live this life in its entirety to experience the abundance that comes from a life aligned with me have you ever stopped to observe a lush green field where each plant grows healthy and strong nourished by water and sunlight in Perfect Harmony this is the kind of life I have for you when you are rooted in me when you draw from my my presence and walk according to my purposes your life flourishes grows and bears fruit this is
the kind of abundance I am offering a life rich in meaning in purpose in joy that transcends circumstances but this abundance is not just for you it is meant to be shared with others just as a fruit tree does not consume its own fruit but offers it to those who come near I want you to share this abundance with the world around you I want you to be a Channel of my blessings someone who generously distributes what they have received knowing that the more you give the more I will Empower you to give think of
Life as a river that flows continuously always renewed always full of life this is the Abundant Life In Me Not stagnant not limited but always flowing always renewing always expanding in when you open yourself to this life when you allow me to guide every aspect of your existence you become like this River full of life purpose and joy and just as the river nourishes everything it touches you will be a blessing to all who cross your path this Abundant Life that I am offering you also means living in freedom freedom from the worries that imprison
you from the doubts that paralyze you from the expectations the world places upon you I am calling you to live freely knowing that your identity your worth your purpose are firmly established in me there is nothing you need to prove to the world because I have already accepted you already loved you already chosen you for an eternal purpose and as you Embrace this Freedom you will find that many of the things that once worried you begin to lose their importance you will realize that true freedom is not about doing what you want but living in
alignment with what I want for you and what I want for you is the best a full life rich in meaning filled with purpose when you surrender to this purpose you experience true Freedom a freedom that empowers you to live fully to love deeply to rejoice in all things this Freedom also empowers you to face life's challenges with A New Perspective you are no longer a slave to fear doubt or insecurity you are free to trust in me to believe that I am in control to live each day with the certainty that I am working
for your good and this freedom is contagious when others see the freedom with which you live they will be drawn to the source of that freedom me I am calling you to be an example of Abundant Life to show the world that in me there is a life worth living a life full of joy purpose and freedom I want your life to be a testimony of what is possible when someone surrenders completely to me when someone chooses to live according to my purposes and as you live this life you will see that there are no
limits to what I can do through you the Abundant Life I offer you is infinite always growing always expanding always full of new possibilities as you continue to walk in this Abundant Life there is something crucial I want you to understand the importance of gratitude gratitude is a powerful force that transforms the way you see the world how you relate to me and how you face life's challenges when you cultivate a grateful heart you begin to notice the blessings that are already around you and this in turn opens the doors to even more blessings have
you ever noticed how as the sun rises it illuminates every dark corner of the earth revealing the beauty that was hidden by the night gratitude is like the sunrise in your life Illuminating all that you have all that you are and all that I am doing for you it helps you see my hand in every detail my goodness in every moment and fills you with joy for all that has already been given when you are Greatful you recognize that each day is a gift that every breath is a miracle and that my presence is a
constant source of blessings gratitude also has the power to transform the challenges you face when you choose to be grateful even in difficulties you are declaring that you believe I am in control control that I am working for your good and that nothing absolutely nothing can separate you from my love gratitude strengthens you gives you a new perspective and allows you to see the opportunities hidden in Trials it is a key that opens the doors of Peace even in the midst of storms but gratitude is not just a response to Blessings it is a daily
Choice an attitud ude of the heart that you decide to adopt I am calling you to live with a grateful heart to find reasons to give thanks in every circumstance when you do this you not only honor what I have done but also prepare your heart for what I am yet to do gratitude creates a space in your life where I can operate in even more powerful ways where blessings can flow more freely and as you cultivate this gratitude you will find that it spreads to all areas of your life your words become Kinder your
actions more compassionate and your relationship with me deepens gratitude is a bridge that connects your heart to mine that draws you closer to my presence and that allows you to live in constant communion with me when you are grateful you align yourself with my heart and this changes everything around you gratitude also prepares you to receive more just as fertile soil is ready to receive the seed a grateful heart is prepared to receive more of my abundance when you acknowledge and give thanks for what you already have you're saying that you trust in me that
you are ready for more and that you value what has already been given I am a generous God and when I see a grateful heart I am eager to pour out even more of my goodness upon it and as you live this life of gratitude you will find that it not only benefits you but also influences those around you your gratitude will be a testimony to those who are in despair a light to those in darkness a hope for those who feel lost I am calling you to be a source of gratitude to spread this
attitude wherever you go to be an example of what it means to live a life full of gratitude joy and abundance gratitude then is not just a reaction it is a practice a discipline that shapes your character and transforms your life it is a force that strengthens you in times of difficulty that brings you Joy in times of blessing and that connects you to me at all times keep cultivating this grateful heart and you will see how it opens doors that were once closed how it brings peace where there was once anxiety and how it
transforms your life into a continuous expression of my love and grace reach for my hand in the early morning throughout your day and as you return home weary speak to me I'm always listening share your needs with me and just by voicing them you will experience a profound and sweet peace expressing your gratitude activates the Divine an ointment upon your spirit enveloping your entire being with comfort and encouragement when you call upon me with sincerity and Faith you are liberated from anguish if you find yourself burdened weary or disheartened seek Refuge In My Embrace I
offer you rest and joy in place of Sorrow remember I am your closest Confidant you are never alone come and engage with my word even when loneliness looms and challenges arise you will be secure successful and enveloped in my love you are destined to succeed affirm your love for me and your commitment to our relationship rest easy your blessings are imminent persist in prayer your answers are nearly Within Reach Let My Words deeply implant themselves in your heart feeling the celestial peace they bring avoid departing from your home with a heavy heart and refrain from
making decisions driven by sadness or anger this is why I continually urge you to trust in me I will provide the healing peace wisdom and intelligence necessary to navigate your challenges immerse yourself in my teachings it's simple and requires little more than some time and dedication read listen and learn with each lesson your faith will grow stronger imbuing you with Divine assurance and wisdom faith is not just a passive belief it is a living Force an active trust that moves mountains transforms situations and brings the invisible into the visible I am calling you to live
by faith to trust in me in ways that go beyond what your eyes can see and your understanding can comprehend have you ever noticed how a seemingly small and insignificant seed contains within it the potential to grow into a massive tree that is what faith is like when you plant the seed of faith in your heart and nurture it with trust and perseverance it grows and transforms into something powerful capable of producing fruit that changes not only your life but also the lives of those around you however faith is not without its challenges there will
be moments when everything around you seems contrary to what you believe when circumstances will test your trust in me but it is precisely in those moments that Faith becomes most precious I am calling you to look beyond the immediate circumstances and see what I am doing behind the scenes I am working in your life in ways you cannot yet see preparing the ground for a great harvest faith is not just believing that I can do something but trusting that I'm doing it even when you don't see immediate evidence it is this trust that moves the
Father's Heart that brings Heaven to Earth that opens the doors to The Impossible when you live by faith you are living in the rhythm of my kingdom where all things are possible for those who believe I am am calling you to trust in me to lean on my promises and to believe that in all things I'm working for your good faith frees you from the limitations of fear doubt and anxiety when you trust in me you can rest knowing that I am in control and that every detail of your life is in my hands this
rest in faith is not passive but active it is a dynamic trust that empowers you to live with with courage boldness and unshakable joy moreover Faith enables you to see opportunities in adversity what others see as obstacles you will begin to see as stepping stones to something greater when you look at Life Through The Eyes of Faith you realize that every challenge is an opportunity to see my power in action to experience my provision and to witness my faithfulness I am calling you to be someone who sees with the eyes of Faith who is not
shaken by circumstances but instead uses them as springboards to the next phase of your journey Faith also connects you more deeply with my will when you live by faith you begin to discern what I am doing in the world and align yourself with it your prayer life shifts from Simply making requests to declaring Faith trusting in what I am already accomplishing you become an active participant in what I am doing co-creating with me the purposes I have for your life and for those around you think of Faith as a magnetic field that attracts what is
in alignment with my will into your life the more you trust in me the more you attract the blessings opportunities and miracles I have prepared for you I am calling you to live in this field of Faith where the impossible becomes possible where dream Dre come true and where my glory is powerfully manifested in your life and as you continue to walk in faith you will see that there are no limits to what I can do through you your life will become a living testimony of my power a demonstration that with faith all things are
possible I'm calling you to live at this level of trust where you become an agent of my kingdom bringing light hope and transformation to the world around you keep walking in faith keep trusting in me and you will see how your life will be transformed and how through you many others will be blessed and transformed as well when you live by faith you open the doors for me to operate in ways that go beyond human logic beyond the limitations of the natural world I am calling you to live a life where the supernatural becomes part
of your everyday EXP experience where you encounter my power in tangible and transformative ways my beloved child have you ever noticed how a powerful storm can transform the landscape in an instant bringing new life and renewal to what was dry and Barren that is how my power works when released through faith it has the ability to transform seemingly hopeless situations to renew areas of your life that were dry and Barren and to bring new vitality and purpose when you trust in me and walk in faith you become a channel through which this power can flow
touching not only your life but also the lives of those around you however I want you to understand that my power does not only manifest in great visible Miracles but also in the small things of everyday life I am present in every detail of your life and my power is active even in the situations you might consider insignificant when you open yourself to me in every moment you begin to see how I am working in every aspect of your life bringing healing provision and transformation even in the simplest areas this manifestation of my power in
your life is not just for your benefit but also to be a testimony to others when those around you see what I am doing in you and through you they will be drawn to the source of that power to me your life becomes a Beacon of Hope a living demonstration that I am able to do infinitely more than you could ask or imagine I am calling you to surrender every area of your life to me to trust in me not just with your words but with your actions your decisions your your future when you surrender
completely you make room for me to operate without limitations for my power to manifest in ways you have never experienced before think of surrender as a river that flows without obstructions when you remove the blockages of Doubt fear and self-reliance my spirit can flow freely through you bringing life renewal and Power I am calling you to live with this total surrender trusting that as you give me control I will lead you on Paths of blessings purpose and accomplishments that glorify my name total surrender also leads you to a life of continuous dependence on me I'm
not calling you to trust in me only in the big moments but in every step of your journey I want you to see that each day is an opportunity to trust in me to depend on my spirit to live in the certainty that I Am with You guiding every decision opening every door and protecting you from all harm this dependence is not a sign of weakness but of true strength when you live in dependence on me you become strong not by your own abilities but by my power working in you it is in your weakness
that my strength is perfected and it is in your dependence that my power is most fully manifested I am calling you to embrace this dependence to live knowing that with me you can do all things as you live in this place of surrender and dependence you will find that your life becomes a fertile ground for the supernatural Miracles unexpected Provisions open doors these all become part of your everyday walk not because you seek the supernatural for its own sake but because you seek me and where I am the supernatural happens I am calling you to
live in this reality to experience my power in a deep and continuous way as you dive deeper into surrender and dependence on me you will begin to realize something fundamental true freedom is found in this place of total surrender the world often sees Freedom as the ability to do whatever one wants but the freedom I offer is much deeper it is the freedom to be who you were created to be to live without the chains of fear doubt and self-reliance it is the freedom that comes from knowing that I am enough for you in all
things have you seen how a bird even in the face of a storm Finds Its strength to soar High unafraid trusting in the wind that sustains it that is the freedom I am offering you when you trust in me and surrender every part of your life you find that you can soar above the storms sustained by my strength and guided by my spirit this Freedom empowers you to live boldly to make decisions with confidence to face challenges knowing that I am with you this freedom however does not mean an absence of challenges but a change
in how you face them when you live in the freedom that comes from me you are no longer a slave to circumstances or outcomes you learn to rest in me knowing that no matter what happens around you your security your identity and your purpose are firmly rooted in who I am this gives you a peace that the world cannot understand a confidence that transcends any situation and this peace this freedom is not just for you I am calling you to be an example of freedom to others to show with your life what it means to
live truly free in me the people around you often caught in their own struggles and anxieties will be drawn to the freedom you live in they will see in you a strength that does not come from favorable circumstances but from an unshakable trust in me and they will desire to know this source of Freedom as you live in this Freedom you will find that it enables you to love more deeply to serve more generously and to live more fully when you are free from the weight of human expectations and the pressures of the world you
can focus on what truly matters loving me and loving others I am calling you to live this freedom in love so that through your love others may also experience the freedom I offer true love is only possible when you are free in me true love does not seek its own interests it is not selfish but it gives itself completely without fear of being hurt or rejected when you live in my freedom you can love without reservation because you know that no matter how others respond you are deeply loved by me this love when lived out
in Freedom has the power to transform lives to heal hearts and to build Bridges where there were once divides every act of kindness every word of encouragement every gesture of Love is a demonstration of the freedom you have found in me your life becomes a song of Praise a living testimony of what it means to be free in me and this song will resonate in the hearts of others calling them to also live in this freedom this Freedom also prepares you for the greater plans I have for you when you live without the chains of
fear and doubt you are ready to say yes to my callings even when they seem too great or too challenging I'm calling you to great things to live a life that makes a difference that leaves a Legacy of Love service and transformation and this journey begins with the freedom you find in me the freedom to be fully who you were created to be continue to embrace this Freedom continue to live in this place of trust and dependence on me I Am with You guiding every step opening doors and empowering you to live a life of
impact purpose and freedom together we will do great things and you will see that in me there are no limits to what we can accomplish the freedom you have found in me is powerful but but for it to be fully lived and used in a way that glorifies my name it is essential that you seek my wisdom in every decision in every step you take have you noticed how a tree over many years grows in strength and stature extending its roots deep into the soil in search of nourishment so too is wisdom it is not
something you acquire all at once but something that grows over time with experience and with a constant Pursuit Of Me Divine wisdom is what enables you to live with discernment to make choices that are aligned with my purpose and to walk with confidence knowing that you are following the path I have laid out for you this wisdom is not the same as what the world offers it is not based on intellectual knowledge or human strategies but on a deep understanding of my heart and my ways I'm calling you to seek this wisdom above all things
to make it the foundation upon which you build your life when you live according to my wisdom you are building your life on an unshakable rock that will withstand any storm that comes but how do you acquire this wisdom it begins with the fear of the Lord not a fear that paralyzes but a deep respect a reverence for who I am and what I am doing in your life the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom because it positions you correctly before me recognizing my sovereignty my goodness and my love when you live
with this reverence you're always seeking to please me to honor me and to follow me and it is from this posture that true wisdom flows moreover Divine wisdom requires that you be intentional in seeking my guidance in everything I want you to develop the habit of coming to me with all your decisions both big and small asking for my direction and waiting for my response when you do this you are aligning yourself with my plan and I can guide you on Paths of peace prosperity and purpose remember I give wisdom generously to all who ask
and I never withhold my guidance from those who truly seek it this pursuit of wisdom must also be continued even when you have experience in an area or feel confident in your ability never stop seeking my guidance human wisdom is limited but my wisdom is infinite and perfect when you trust in me I will guide you in ways you never imagined opening doors and creating paths that are Beyond human understanding I am calling you to live in this Divine wisdom to make it your constant guide and as you walk in this wisdom you will see
how it impacts not only your life but also the lives of those around you divine wisdom brings Clarity in the midst of confusion peace in the midst of chaos and direction in the midst of uncertainty the people around you will notice the difference in your life the way you handle challenges and opportunities and will be drawn to the source of that wisdom your life will become a testimony of my wisdom a living example of what it means to be guided by me this wisdom also enables you to make decisions that have eternal impact every choice
you make every step you take is significant in the context of my kingdom I am calling you to live with an eternal perspective to understand that your decisions today have repercussions that go beyond this moment Divine wisdom helps you see things from this perspective to live in a way that glorifies me and advances my kingdom here on Earth you will never be lost or confused because my wisdom will always be available to guide you to direct you and to show you the way you should go continue to seek this wisdom to surrender to my guidance
and you will see how how your life will be marked by peace prosperity and purpose as you continue to immerse yourself in this journey of divine wisdom let it seep deeper into every facet of your life this wisdom is not just for navigating the grand Crossroads or for those moments of overt spiritual warfare it is also for the quiet decisions of daily life the words you choose the thoughts you n nurture the patience you extend to others these seemingly small choices accumulate forming the foundation of a life lived in true alignment with my will let
this wisdom mold your responses to others guiding you to act not out of immediate emotion but from a place of deep spiritual understanding by doing so you contribute to a gentler more compassionate World reflecting my love in all your actions furthermore this pursuit of divine wisdom Fosters a profound resilience within you in a world that often feels transient and unstable my wisdom offers an anchor a steadfastness that does not waver regardless of the shifting tides of society's norms and values as you Embrace this eternal wisdom you find the strength to stand firm against the pressures
to conform to fleeting desires or or the latest trends that stray from my path your steadfastness becomes a beacon to others who seek stability and Truth drawing them closer to the Eternal hope that I offer and remember this wisdom is not just for your own benefit as you are filled let it overflow into the lives of others teach what you learn share the insights you gain and speak the truths that I reveal to to you in doing so you become a conduit of my grace a vessel through which my wisdom can reach into the hearts
of others and transform them as it has transformed you through your words and actions you can guide others to the profound peace and understanding that comes from living a life centered in Divine wisdom this is how my kingdom expands on Earth through lives transformed by my word and through Hearts ignited by by my love continue in this way and you will not only experience a life of peace and purpose but will also play a pivotal role in bringing about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth reflect deeply on these words soon you will face crucial decisions
distance yourself from situations that cause discomfort and decline invitations that tempt you toward sin do not trade our relationship for fleeting moments of of false Joy remember those who once shared laughter may now shun and criticize you for following me labeling you outdated or recalling your past sins do not be disheartened you have experienced true forgiveness though you still face repercussions from past mistakes these two shall pass and one day they will serve only as a testament to the miraculous transformation I have wrought in your life I have not forgotten your family you have grown
in faith and I also offer peace joy and salvation to your loved ones who rely on you help ensure that your home is imbued with faith daily begin each day with spiritual songs let your children hear praises and worship notes let your gratitude resonate so powerfully it stirs every heart lead by example speak kindly of others and forgive as I have forgiven you I understand your struggles and I am here to support you I will heal the wounds that still ache and ensure they heal swiftly soon to vanish forever past grievances will no longer haunt
you or cause you pain allow my Holy Spirit to fill your heart each day to soothe your spirit when painful memories arise and to seal your lips when tempted to speak in anguish embrace your new life with joy and belief accept it wholeheartedly remember day and night I envelop you and your family with my love now with affection tell me I receive your love beloved God Amen
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