did you ever think about this like why are we always tired even when we haven't done anything much in a day I spent over the past 100 hours going through multiple articles multiple videos and multiple communities trying to find the real reason why most of us started feeling more and more tired in the recent years and the results are just shocking a lot of people actually made videos on this topic but most of them are just Bush some of them were good but even they missed a lot of crucial information and most importantly none of
these videos are made by keeping students in mind which is actually very concerning because students build the future of a country and a whole generation of weak and tired students will be a disaster for any country you see this this is the real reason why we are tired the star with the center there are five problems at each of these corners and one major problem in the center and there are so many companies in the world which Target these five aspects of your life to make crores and crores of money see the problem is that
human brain is very easy to manipulate and every single decision that you make is directly or indirectly influenced by someone else for their profit they make you feel more and more tired so that they can sell you more and more products for example most of us spend more than 4 hours on our phone every day and we don't have any control over it and I can bet that 90% of you can never get rid of your phone addiction because behind each of these apps there are algorithms designed by some of the smartest people on the
planet to make you feel more and more addicted to that app because the more time that you spend on that app the more money that they can make out of it so it's now you versus hundreds of hundreds of people who work for that app so it's not easy to win same goes with chips chocolates pizzas and even the colding that you Dr drink the modern world wants you to be weak both physically and mentally and if you don't fight back it'll slowly turn you into a zombie looking at its life fading [Music] away first
things first do you feel that your mind is constantly working all the time like even when you're just trying to sit and relax you're constantly thinking about something else never being in the present you have your homework assignments deadlines mid Sims enms weekend exams and the top of this you also want to learn some skills go to gym you have expectations from your parents relatives and also from yourself I mean why does it feel that the pressure never stops see the problem with living under constant stress is that it's a never-ending cycle first you have
a problem so you feel stressed about it now the stress hormone gets released which spikes the blood sugar levels now that drains your energy even without doing any work and that results in more stress and the cycle never stops and you finally end up getting depressed so basically take care of your emotions I mean remember this everything will be all right if you keep waking up and work hard towards your goals every single day and me definitely there will be ups and downs yes but you have to trust the process and if there is someone
in your life who keeps giving you bad vibes who keep destroying the way that you feel every single day just cut them off because it doesn't matter whoever it is like it is much better to walk alone rather than just carrying a snake in your hands now once you start managing your emotions you have won 10% of the battle so now let's move to the next one which is fortune favors the bold and God favors the one who's active so the second one active so this was before a year when I was sleeping for almost
8 to 9 hours every single day but I was still feeling tired throughout the day and I was like bro I'm sleeping more than enough why am I even feeling tired now see there are three reasons for it but one of the major reasons was lack of physical activity a lot of you guys would be making the same mistakes which I made last year which is thinking that instead of spending 30 hours in the gym and working out I'll just use that time to study I'll just use the time to work right that was one
of the biggest mistakes that I made like this 20 or 30 minutes C worker that I'm doing it made me much more productive while I'm actually sitting and work and to make this much more easier for you I'll also pin some of the best 20-minute workout routines in the description below now one of the major reasons that the modern generation is much more tired than the previous one is because of the number of decisions that we actually take in a day let me actually explain this with an example think of your brain like a city
and neurons are basically the street lights in the night so whenever you take a decision neurotransmitter called as glutamate gets released which actually helps in sending signals between neurons so in our case let's consider glutamate as electricity so glutamate is actually a good thing right you're right but the more and more decisions that you make more and more glutamate actually gets produced and the fuse wire finally breaks this results in brain fog and eventually starts making you tired so basically limit the number of decisions that you make in a day for example in my life
I have a very bad habit of opening my phone and just scrolling through Amazon or menra and just randomly going going through multiple things day and night and this is actually a very bad habit and I have to stop it and you know this is one of the major reasons why a lot of successful people wear the same thing every single day or that's why they say that you should plan your wardrobe the previous night itself something like that but once you limit the number of decisions that you make you won 20 more per of
the battle and now it's finally the time to discuss the biggest thing which is actually making you tired I mean the sleep and this is a very complex topic that people write books after books on this and this is not as simple as just leave for 8 to 9 hours every single day because it's much more complicated than that after experimenting with my own sleep patterns for over 3 years what I understood was I perform the best with just 6 hours of sleep and the days when I actually sleep 8 to 9 hours I feel
sluggish and tired I mean the first thing most of us follow a monop physic sleep pattern which is we just sleep once a night some of us including myself we follow a b physic sleep pattern which is we sleep a bit less during the night but then we compensate with a small nap in the afternoon but there are some crazy people in the world who end up sleeping like just 3 hours every single day by following some of the other kind of poly physics sleep patterns you should never do it because everyone is different you
need to find your own optimal time but there's a basic sleep triangle that everyone needs to follow which has three basic things the first one and the second one are quality and the quantity of sleep now the third thing in the Sleep triangle is consistency which means people say that if you sleep and wake up around the same time every single day then your sleep gets much better or something like that but but it because it's not feasible for me I'm if it is feasible for you then you should definitely follow but I know it's
not for me so now the next one is Diet but you remember that I was telling you the most important thing being at the center I mean we'll talk about it but here's how you plan how when and what to it in like 30 seconds let's say you sleep at 10:00 a.m. at that point of time I'll place my dinner at 7:30 and now I'll add 14 hours to the dinner time I'll keep my breakfast over there and now somewhere in the middle will be my lunch time and once you do this just make sure
that you always eat less than your full capacity the second thing no process foods and the final thing is eat less dinner that's all that's all you need to know about food [Music] simple so now let's talk about the most important thing out of all these things the center of human energy did you ever think about soldiers fighting Wars before 500 600 700 years with little to know forood little to know sleep still perform at their Peak condition like if everything that I spoke in this video was right then these soldiers must be the most
tired ones who should be losing all the battles right I mean if that makes any sense but this is where the magic lies it's called the purpose purpose creates Life Energy it's actually written in a lot of ancient Indian literature which the modern world has just forgotten for example the days when I have something which I love doing I'm usually filled with a lot of energy I don't feel tired at all I'm all excited but but on the days when you don't have have anything exciting to do I'm usually sluggish more tired and all that
stuff and this is one of the reasons why I personally add one or two activities which actually makes me feel alive every day and these activities can be as simple as going and playing chess or going and playing some sports or maybe drawing something for like 20 30 minutes every single day something that ignites the creativity inside you put my Brave face I mean don't keep asking what the world needs ask what makes you come alive because what the world needs is people who come alive the [ __ ] we love you like I did
know your hard wanted need you like night when you money [Music]