[Music] all right we welcome to the show in a special interview with Mr Elon Musk who of course is famed Trump advisor CEO of Tesla SpaceX chair of excorp Elon thank you for doing this we appreciate it thanks for having me uh among I want to begin with among other things everyone's attacking you for your position what are you doing in the government um there was a Cyber attack on X today which shut it down and may have been far and sourced it's a big story you want to give us a moment on that uh
well we don't we're not sure exactly what happened but there was a massive Cyber attack to try to bring down the E system uh with the IP addresses originating in the Ukraine area oh well so that's your suspicion is is the website is is the internet up is is it up yet it's up it's up yet okay good but I just was looking back let me see if I get this right they're setting fire to various uh Tesla charging stations near Boston uh shots were fired at a Tesla dealership uh in Oregon various nonviolent shots
fired not a metaphor shots fired yes um downtown New York um marching marching against the Tesla uh showroom your stock is way down you've been criticized left and right but look on the right side I mean why why are you doing this on the bright side of life yes I'm an optimist but besides besides that yes I mean how's how's your day what motivates you to do this was was the opera good it's tough sledding yeah it is tough sleding um but I think we're doing the right thing here uh the you know there's been
a tremendous amount of of waste and fr in the in the government um you know when you're part of the government you you you saw a lot of that and it's and there there's been uh you know if you look at the Inspector General reports and the government accountability office um th there have been many audits that have pointed out uh that there's tremendous amount of waste and frud in the government in fact there was a report issued by by the ga GAO the government accountability office um last year so dur during the Biden Administration
which estimated the the federal government fraud to be uh half a trillion dollars so just to be clear that's that's not a trump Administration thing that's a Biden Administration thing so what we're trying to do is uh get that number down to a much smaller uh figure um save money for the American taxpayer uh stop money being spent on things that are that I think very few taxpayers would agree makes sense uh you know transgender animal surgeries or why are we spending why are American tax dollars being spent on this um and uh the presidents
are gone through a long list of of of absurd things um why are the 20 million people who are definitely dead mocked as alive in the Social Security database um why were uh hundreds of hundreds of millions of dollars of small business administration loans were given out to people aged 11 and under according to according to the Social Security I mean like these must some very enterprising eight-year-olds you know and some pretty strong 150 year olds yes ex exactly as as president said uh you know we have an enormous number of people marked uh as
alive who 160 he didn't know the country was that healthy yes you know so demystify this how do you do it okay how big is your team yeah uh where did you recruit most of them from and what is it that makes you choose you know the treasury or so security or usaid how does it work let the public know please right well we just basically uh follow the money uh you know we look at the president's executive orders um and and we also just follow the money so the the we we started looking closely
at usci because they were completely violating the president's executive orders uh to suspend uh foreign foreign aid you know what what's called foreign aid but in our view is a lot of corruption um so what we saw there is just a tremendous amount of money being sent uh to uh non-governmental organizations but actually it's a this by the way is I think one of the biggest sources of fraud in the world is government funded non-governmental organizations this this is a gigantic fraud loophole uh where the government can give money to um an NGO uh and
then that that there are no controls over that NGO so they've given billions of dollars in fact we estimate tens of billions of dollars to NOS that are essentially scams M um and uh trying to put us stuff to that you know so I don't want to interrupt but uh Secretary of State Rubio just come out I think he tweeted today um he has accepted over 80% of your recommendations to shut down in usaid so your review and Analysis was spot on uh yes um so I think when people criticize say what doge is doing
we say well which part specifically because we put all of the actions of do of the Doge team on the doe.gov website um and on the Doge handle onx so we post the receipts so it's like this this action has been taken this action has been taken so when when we get criticism we say like of what of what which which line do you disagree with like which which C which cut which cost saving do you disagree with and then people usually can't think of any no uh you know so it's transparent line by line
it's transparent line by line which is quite remarkable right and so and and then with respect to um the treasury for example um we we the the two main recommendations we uh suggested which have not been implemented was that any payments going out of the treasury um especially the treasury's main payment computer which is called Pam um uh things like payments account manager or something like that but it's like almost 5 trillion a year so about a billion an hour um that the payments uh be coded with the Congressional appropriation and that there be an
explanation for the payment very basic stuff um and just doing that we estimate we'll save $100 billion a year you're not really let me see if I get this right particularly with so you're not really changing policy no we're you're auditing the fiscal mechanisms to make sure that you know from point A gets to point B and that's where it's supposed to get to in some cases it doesn't get there or some cases it may go over there but that's it it's not a policy exercise you're not changing laws you just doing what any business
would do in a in a in a profit and loss audit uh I think really um what what what we're adding here is caring and competence um and the there's a massive amount of fraud of of basically people submitting uh Social Security numbers for uh Social Security benefits unemployment small business administration loans um and uh and and medical where where those are those are those are fake Social Security numbers or or they've stolen somebody else's social security number and we're try we're trying to put a stop to all that um and that that's the number
which is estimated to be on the order of 10% of federal expenditures which is you know half a half a trillion dollars a huge number yeah um you're working with the agency heads you're working with the cabinet secretaries yes I saw Howard lutnick was on TV yesterday saying you were partnering with them is that fair uh yeah what we do is in consult consultation with the cabinet secretaries and with their departments so um we're really uh trying to be uh I sort of will refer to ourselves as as tech tech support you know we're really
U helping the uh Department uh get a handle on things because what actually happens here is you've got this this sort of vast Federal bureaucracy and then you've got a a very thin layer on top of the of the politically appointed officials um and what tends to happen is that the bureaucracy frankly is in control um and they largely ignore the the politically appointed people why should the bureaucracy I'm sure you must have seen that I've lived with this twice I worked for Reagan many years ago and I worked for Trump in the first term
yeah it's like a permanent bureaucracy I might add it's a permanently liberal Bureau bureaucracy yes very much so and it doesn't it's it's not a bureaucracy that necessarily enforces or implements presidential policy they don't in fact they try their best to uh thwart presidential policy so the but the president is the elected representative of the people and the if the president cannot get things implemented as a reflection of the will of the people then what we have is not a democracy we have a bureaucracy we have rule of the bureau not rule of the people
and that's what we're trying to defeat here is uh the bureaucracy and have rule of the people um you know the uh and as you mentioned the uh the bureaucracy is overwhelmingly uh Democrat so uh Washington DC was 92 and a half% I believe voted for Kamala so this overwhelmingly uh a de a deep blue situation how do you pick your next uh targeted agency or Department um well we're uh we're trying to act broadly across all departments so it's not just one department at a time um but uh are you in all of them
now all of them uh pretty much yeah yes oh um we're trying to make trying to make the government more efficient across the board so yeah how big's your team uh we're a little over 100 at this point get to 200 you're going to get to 200 yeah okay and you're recruiting from where uh more or less basically it's a software people you know information security software people uh and uh Finance you know it's basically yeah finance and and and Technology um and uh I mean frankly I can't believe I'm here doing this it's kind
of bizarre but I I kind of think that the you know we've got this enormous federal budget deficit and it's a it's a true trillion dollar deficit it keeps growing um our interest payments are higher than our defense department budget that's that's I think was the real wakeup call for me was looking at at seeing that the interest payments on national debt exceeded the defense department budget and that was only growing over time which meant if if we didn't do something about this uh then there won't be any money for anything we'll just be servicing
debt and you know how to read an income statement and you know how to read a balance sheet you've had some business experience I'm kidding but you know about this stuff yeah I mean really I just don't want America to go bankrupt so it's a call to action you're feel you're hearing a call to action yeah um you given up your other stuff I mean what do you how are you running your other businesses uh with great difficulty um yeah I mean but there's no turning back you're saying I'm just here trying to make uh
government more efficient uh eliminate waste and fraud and so far we're making good progress actually so our uh savings at this point exceeded $4 billion a day mhm so it's it's pretty significant you think you'll wind up getting to a trillion dollars yeah of savings I mean unless someone unless we're unless we're stopped we we will get to a trillion dollars of savings and that stuff can be translated I mean we've been talking we had Russell vote the OM director on earlier uh through very recision Authority empowerment Authority but I believe you said it earlier
um it's an audit that will not gather dust on shelves this is actually going to wind up with real savings bend the base spending base line down uh yeah uh there' have been many good audits like I said done by inspector generals and by government accountability office and and they just haven't been implemented nothing's been done um the uh you know the I think the GAO identified there was 17 million dead people in the Social Security database several years ago it's now 20 million uh but not nobody did anything about it um and I mean
I think you can sort of look at this as a complaint minimization optimization so so basically if the government sends money out to whether it's a waste flow or ful fraudulent nobody complains if they receive money but but they do they do complain if they don't receive money and the people that complain the loudest are the ones receiving the the fraudulent money and you're on it yeah um I mean just like I said the goal the goal here is let's not have America go bankrupt uh with waste and fraud um so that's what I'm here
for and uh we're making good progress yes you are um you're going to go another year yeah I think so I final report middle of next year well we're we're just getting things done as opposed to writing a report like say reports don't mean anything you just you got to actually take action yes um so the I mean the waste Import in in entitlement spending you know which is all of the which is most the federal spending is entitlements um so that that's that's like the big one to eliminate because that's the sort of half
trillion maybe six 700 billion a year um that is also a mechanism by which the uh Democrats attract and retain illegal immigrants by essentially paying them to to come here yes and then turning them into voters yes so this is why the Democrats are so upset about the situation because they're losing you know if we turn off this gigantic money magnet uh for illegal immigrants then they will leave and they'll lose voters you have President support he said so again yesterday he completely supps your operation yeah uh well thanks I but that's super without the
president's support we couldn't we couldn't make any progress here um but um yeah I mean where you'll see the biggest outcry is from the the Democrats who are um they don't want the waste and P to be turned off because it is uh a gigantic magnet to attract illegal immigrants and have them stay in the country um I mean you see some of the crazy stuff like where money from FEMA you know which is meant FEMA is an agency that's meant to take care of Americans in distress um and a bunch of their money was
being sent to pay for luxury hotels in New York for illegal immigrants and and that was happening even after the president was elected and even after he signed an executive order saying that needs to stop so we actually made sure that that money did stop going because it's obviously it's outrageous that American taxpayer money is spent on luxury hotels for legal you have to say like why was that being done it was because the Democrats are trying to import voters basically yes I agree yeah and that's also why there's no voter ID uh in needed
in in fact in California and and New York State uh you're not allowed to show voter ID mhm that's a doesn't that seem insane insane yeah I say that as a New Yorker it's insane insane and it violates the entire Constitution and the principles behind it yes producers are yelling at me to get out I don't want to end this interview because too much fun yeah can I just ask you one thing 20 seconds um nothing to do with uh nothing to do with um Doge can you rescue the astronauts uh yes we're bringing them
back in a few weeks there's not near enough attention being paid to this you'll going to get them back we're going to get them back God bless thank you thank you for all your service Elon Musk we appreciate it very much appreciate it take care thank you