what would it cost you if you quit now what would it cost you if you stop [Music] fighting we all have those moments when we want to quit when we want to throw in a towel where we don't see the end game and the target is not clear I know you think it's over but you got to go again leave every excuse behind you can't quit you got more left in you you are not a quitter you are not a one hit wonder you are called to do something great try harder reach higher run faster
stand taller it is the man that refuses to quit it is the man that refuses to put down his gloves that separates winners from one ofes it doesn't matter how broken how weary and devastated you are right now that pain will not last forever I don't want to win one time I don't want to be noticed one time I Don't Want To Make History one time I want to do it over and over and over again do it again no matter how hard it was no matter how much you cried and you sweat and you
bled do it again cuz in the end it would be worth it someday at some point in your life you're going to be able to look back and say man I'm so glad I didn't quit I need you to wake up in this new day in this moment and seize the opportunity you are alive for a reason don't let let anybody tell you you don't have what it takes there is more left in your tank it's your time it's your term you've doubted yourself long enough people have left you overlooked you undervalued you underpaid you
it's your time to connect it's your time to get paid it's your time to sign the deal it's your time if you're going to be fully persuaded about anything persuade yourself to keep going and the more that you influence you you will influence the world so keep going because it's all worth it in the end do it again it is the man that comes back round after round that may have taken a beating physically but he is not broken mentally that comes back round after round after round after round and he goes back into the
dark room and he puts the work and he comes back out into the light and he puts on a show put on a [Music] show will you put in the work will you stay the course will you try it again you were either going back or you were going forward the reason reason why you didn't win is because you gave up too soon everybody wants a comeback but nobody wants a setback you can't have a comeback without a setback there is a Warrior inside of you that will emerge there is a person that refuses to
lose that will be birthed out of a setback you are going to experience loss you are going to have seasons in your life you're not going to understand why and how you got where you are so you got this there's more left in that tank keep striving there's always another way another approach a different perspective another angle that you can try not just harder but you can try differently whatever the goal is it's time to shatter the ceiling above your head to to break records to shatter the status quo to punch through targets it's your
time I don't know what your dream is but if you write it down and you put the work in and you beat on your crab and you give it everything you have and you give yourself to your work at some point everything's going to begin to shift and change because you refuse to quit no matter how many times I face this giant I surrounded by walls 100 times taller than me they got to fall down because I have made winning a habit continue on marching forward do not give up I don't care how many times
you have lost I don't care how many people have counted you out I don't care how many times you talked yourself out of it you are breathing to win you are breathing to live a life of abundance brother on the field again step into the arena again try it one more time and after you do that you're going to come back for more go back and win let me tell you something you already know there are enough people who have not believed in you there are enough people who have walked away from you there are
enough people who told you you don't have what it takes you don't measure up you will not finish there are enough people that are counting you out there are enough people that are saying you can't finish do not join them a warrior only needs one more opportunity to reveal to the world that he is more than just a dreamer I don't care what the scoreboard says you have an opportunity to shock the world it is in our nature to be very disempowering pessimistic negative people sometimes we just don't feel like moving forward but I need
you to know that there are people who are depending on you there are people that believe in you there are people that are rooting for you and they are expecting you to win with each day that is presented to you you have an opportunity to change everything that all you have is all you need win again punch through again you got to get out of this trying mentality I'm going to try I'm going give it a try I will I will break out of the I'm a try I'll try to smile I'll try to be
happy I'll try to make it a good day I will smile I will make it a good day I will win again I will bring my aame again I will give it everything I have again this mentality this approach to living is what builds the bridges to the Future this is how we see our Legacy by being a person that gives again believes again does it again picks up the pieces and tries to put the puzzle together again try it again and eventually winning will become a [Music] habit so keep going until you have won
some small victory for Humanity sometimes I got to look myself in the mirror ask myself is that all you [Music] got come on you're prepared you're conditioned you've been beaten you've been battered you've been broken you've been left for dead but there's more cuz you're breathing and you feel it so if you can feel it you can push it so push past the truth of the matter is that's not all you have there's more left in you I know you're tired I know you're weary I know you've been brought to tears all the blood all
the sweat all the sacrifice all of the suffering I know you want to quit right now but this is not the time to let go this is not the time to doubt this is not the time to quit keep going use it to your advantage see the pain as a stage see the pain as a plane see the pain as an opportunity you gave me an opportunity to reinvent myself you gave me an opportunity to come out of my grave that you put me in you left me for dead I'm coming out alive I'm coming
out k I'm coming out swing it you left me and thought I wouldn't overcome you forgot about me you let go and thought I couldn't survive it but I'm here it's not always about people sometimes life often times most of the times life will blood in your nose life will leave you in a cardiac arrest life will leave you in an accident life will knock you upside your head and dare you to get back up again use the paint cuz it's more left I'm talking to that person in the hospital bed I'm talking to that
person that lost their mother I'm talking to that person that lost their father I'm talking to that person who didn't get picked on the team I'm talking to that stay-at-home mom I'm talking to that future engineer I'm talking to that future entrepreneur that Hustler I'm talking to that person who's been called to do something nobody's done in their family I know you're going through an unprecedented amount of pain but you can press through it if you can feel it you can lift it the time is now to do what has never been done use the
pain use the pain use the pain so I hear the crowd's [Applause] calling and even if they're silent I will call [Music] myself why is it that we go through life and we feel like we can live without pain that we can avoid pain that we can go under it or go around it pain is like pressure and without pressure there is no diamond and I'm just wondering if there's anybody out there that's listening to me that is sick and tired of complaining about the pain I don't make enough they didn't believe in me they
weren't there they didn't see it they didn't pick me I didn't get the raise I didn't get the promotion she walked out on me he abused me my kids are ignoring me my teenagers are driving me crazy I'm just wondering if there's anybody that want to stop complaining about it and it's going to use it to your advantage imagine if you could use pain as a fuel imagine if you could use the pain as a passport imagine if you could use the pain to push you to condition you to prepare you for the stages and
the rooms you got to walk into and the tables you've got to sit at and the stages you have to stand on what if the pain can make you better what if the pain could build muscle what if the pain could cause you to reach higher to LEAP farther to run faster what if the pain could help you what if all pain isn't hurt but it's help because you wouldn't have prayed like you pray had you not been hurt you wouldn't love like you love had you not been hurt because you know what it's like
to hate somebody so you refuse to go down that path use the pain a musician plays his instrument play pain play it when pain sews up at your door when people try to rejected inflicted use it to your advantage often times it feels like it is impossible in insurmountable feat to get past the beating but as long as I can feel it I'm not in a state of paralysis if you can feel it you can move it I can feel this I can move this I'm not paralyzed I can feel this it's heavy but it's
got to get out of my way when life throws you a weight lift it ah ah I'm not complaining because life got heavier I'm celebrating because I'm getting stronger let's go use the pain your perspective is everything you got to see this thing differently you got to find a mirror and see this thing differently and I got to speak these affirmations and I have to believe I have to believe even if I'm bleeding even if I'm broken I have to believe that this came to help me not hurt me it made me better I'm not
bitter I'm Wiser I'm conditioned now I see this thing differently now I'm able to move and navigate and breathe different and talk different and walk different and build differently I'm not building out of anger and revenge I'm building from a place of [Music] abundance pain is inevitable and it is unavoidable you cannot live without pain but how you navigate that pain will determine how you Propel into your purpose use the pain use the pain to push you into a place of abundance use the pain to push you into a place where your very existence is
lifegiving use the pain not for Revenge but for fulfillment I I don't want you to die because you wanted me to die I don't hate you because you hate me I don't want you I don't want you to lose everything even though you took everything from me I want everybody to win if you can hear my voice I want you to win I'm talking to people that have lied on me I'm talking to the people that have given up on me I'm talking to the people that have walked out on me after I gave you
everything I'm talking to you I want you to win I want everybody to win that's how you know you've used the pain not to inflict pain but you've converted that pain in the Fiel and so there needs to be a conversation on the inside of you about conversing convert the pain into fuel not payback payback is for punks I don't need you to hurt like you hurt me I want you to win cuz I want to be better I got to be bigger I got to be the better human being I got to be the
one who is existing that's lifegiving I got to be the one that can do better I got to be the one that after you knock me off of the mountain after you push me off of the Hill after you drag me off the staircase I was climbing after I wiped the blood out of my eyes and spit up what whatever I need to split up and cough up whatever I need to cough up I'm coming back to help you I need everybody to [Music] win pain is inevitable and it is unavoidable the question is can
you leave where you've been can you close the gap between pain and promise so it's time to come face to face with pain look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how much more can you take ask yourself the question is this all you got the more you run and the more you lift and the more you train and the more you dance and the more you sing and the more you advance into the beauty the Brilliance of your future the more that you move forward and you advance and you do it for your mother
you do it for your father you do it for the one that believed in you you do it for God himself who put you on this planet to make an impact and leave a legacy ask the pain one question is this all you have is just all you got while I'm lifting these weights I know it hurts but ask that dumbbell is that all you got ask that troubl is that all you got when you're in rehearsal when you're practicing again when you're beating on your crab ask yourself is this all you got self I
got more in me you thought you were empty but you had a quar tank some of you were at half a tank some of you have 3/4 of a tank there's more in you my content creators my entrepreneurs my musicians come on my keynote speakers my captains of Industries my CEOs from the captain to the cashier there is more in you it hurts when we in when we hit in the gym it hurts but we lifting these weights and we're trying to accomplish a goal it hurts it's painful it's daunting it's cumbersome I don't want
to do it I'm sweating I'm I'm bleeding I'm crying I'm suffering but after I've suffered there is a reward stay-at-home father stay-at-home mother lawyer doctor hygienist author I don't know who you are where you're from but there's more in you you may be hurting maybe dying on the inside but you still got life left you gave them everything you had and they left you for dead I know what that feels like to be left for dead after you gave everything you had I know what it feels like you give and you pour and you sow
and you believe and you give them everything you have and they leave you for dead and you are either going to lie in a state of paralysis or feel the pain the truth of the latter is if you can feel it you still got life left in you close the gap between pain and promise the Gap is closing the Gap is closing the Gap is closing the Gap is closing today use the pain use the pain use the pain [Music] we all have two people we all have two people and I'm not saying you're crazy
we have the easy voice that's that voice that we all love that's that very comfortable voice that that's that mommy holding you saying it's going to be okay doesn't care how good you are just loves you just loves you no matter how messed up you are in life so that's that one voice this other voice that we walk very far away from is a voice saying hey man you ain't doing so we try to get this voice out of our head completely and we live over here in this land so what you have to do
first is turn up this voice over here the voice saying things to you that aren't nice that it's in our head saying you know what man dude you're not you're not doing [ __ ] I'm not saying to put yourself down I'm saying listen to the truth and the truth isn't in the 20% the truth is in this other part of your brain saying look man you're wasting a bunch of percentage here we have 80 more per that we're not tapping into because in this other 80% is suffering pain failure failure failure self-doubt Darkness and
then a whole bunch of light but to get to this light you got to go through all of this so a lot of us know that I can get over here but over here man this is much better cuz I got to go through this journey that is not fun this this from 20 to 100% this [ __ ] in in between is not fun so we decide to live over here so everybody goes how do you do that you know exactly how to do that you know exactly it's it's not a magic trick there's
nothing I talk about that's a magic trick it's all back down to a very primitive mindset of we just have to do it's like breathing breathing becomes normal like we don't know that that that we're doing it that's how you have to live your life when that alarm clock goes off at 4:00 or 5 in the morning your mind says no you just say it's just what we do it's what we do now because to get to where you want to go the amount of pain involved I'm not saying physical I'm not saying you got
to break yourself off the amount of mental pain of how many times you're going to have to do something that you don't want to do to get to where you want to go when I was 297 lbs and I was fat as hell trying to be a Navy SEAL the scariest thing in the world to me even to this day was that that could have been the rest of my life I thought then I was trying hard that's the scariest thing in the world I thought then 297 lb working for Eco laabs spraying for cockroaches
making $1,000 a month I thought that was me at my 100% potential come to find out a few years years later I wasn't anywhere near that 106 lbs less graduate Navy still training went on to do all these other things looking back on that that was me trying hard that's why people got to understand what is in us we have no idea until we start trying hard and I mean really trying hard where you're obsessed with hey this is my new Norm my new Norm is that wow this isn't always fun it's not always meant
to be fun and that's when you know you're trying hard is that and so people listening to us that maybe you're at 20% or 30% you know about yeah I'm I'm going hard I'm going Max and yet they're not seeing the results like how do they actually shap themselves out of that we're all in a battle with our own brains that's life that's all life is it's the most powerful thing in the world is your own brain it can work for you or against you and as as opposed to focusing on all those bad things
that happened you all the things you didn't have the people that called you names all this stuff in Brazil Indiana and you started think wait a second I just visualized this and now I can take it to the next level Next Level because the visualization got you through SE it did and I was able to visualize the end so so before so when I was 297 and I was all fat and out of shape and I couldn't run a quarter mile and I was drinking milkshakes and eating boxes of donuts I visualized man how would
it feel for a brief moment I was so there was 22 guys that graduated I watched this segment on TV about these guys going to Navy Sil train and I couldn't even I I wasn't a great swimmer I was afraid of the water all this crap man but at the very end it says 22 guys this command officers up there and he gives this great speech I was like man I wonder so I started visualizing me being the 23rd guy in these dress whites sitting there with these guys getting that Navy SEAL you know graduating
this Navy SEAL training I was like God so I put myself there I was like man that's that's a amazing feeling I put myself there at 297 not even able to do anything that these great men were doing I said man if I can feel that that would change my life I can just feel that one it's it last for one second you get that certificate you walk across the stage and what's next but I didn't know that then my mind wasn't I thought I'd live in that moment forever so I said wow man if
I could just feel like that I can feel like that and what was that feeling you wanted so bad respect accomplishment Victory I wanted to win not like beat somebody else it wasn't about that I I I just wanted to go the distance everything in my life when something got hard I quit if it was reading that's why you know I wasn't great at reading I wasn't great at writing so I just quit I couldn't catch on as fast as you I had to work harder than you so I quit you know I wasn't great
at things so I quit you know I'm I'm not good at this like man if I could just go that distance that extra mile to just go just just to finish I want to finish I want to feel Victory and victory for me wasn't winning it was just finishing so I said you know what if I could feel like these guys feel it would change my life but what I realized the best feeling I had was when I was by myself trying to lose this weight I I had to lose it in literally Less Than
3 months 106 lbs in less than 3 months and literally I started feeling Victory just by putting myself in the battle it wasn't about going to Navy s trainer it wasn't about being the 23rd guy in that chair I I started realizing man just by going to war with myself every day and putting these challenges and these goals and these obstacles these insurmountable obstacles so it wasn't about losing 106 lbs me losing 5 lbs was an accomplishment me losing 10 lbs and then 50 lbs and then the more I do this the more I gain
confidence and then the more I gain confidence the more I realized the these guys can't do what I'm doing right now I have no coach had no trainer had no money I didn't know how to lose weight I had no knowledge of what I was doing I was just working I was just sacrificing and then through that all these different tools started coming up but I would have never found these tools if I didn't put myself in a very uncomfortable place we all look for toughness we all want it but we look for it in
a comfortable environment you will not f find toughness in a comfortable environment those of you who are listening to this who ever hear this you will not find it some of you don't even realize you have unfinished business you need to go back where you left off with A New Perspective go back to the gym go back to the drawing board go back to the business go back to the relationship go back to the burning building you have have unfinished business all you got to do and show up with a new game plan and A
New Perspective you got to finished business you have unfinished business you got work to do perspective is everything let's go I need you to hear me loud and clear how you see this thing is everything you cannot change the past but you can't change your perspective about it you got to see this thing differently stop complaining about the divorce stop complaining about the job loss stop complaining about the relocation your Viewpoint is your advantage thank you for breaking up with me here's what you did you opened up another opportunity for somebody else to come into
my life thank you for firing me you gave me an opportunity to explore entrepreneurship I'm not bitter I'm better perspective is what changes the game everybody wants increase and in abundance and lifestyle change and new zip codes and new area codes but you only read once a week and you only work out once or twice a month and see the the reason why you don't have what it is that you see the reason why what's in your head is not in your hands it's not your reality is because your perspective opposes your potential you don't
have it because you don't see the value in it if you believe you've been called to be the Difference Maker the game changer the disruptor the person that comes into a room and commands the atmosphere if you believe you've been called to be necessary and not grossly irrelevant then everything you do every everything you see everything Rises and falls on your perspective your perception your Viewpoint how do you see this thing what happens when your perspective your perception diametrically opposes your reality if you are going to give and grow and evolve and attain and become
everything Rises and falls on your viewpoint show me somebody that hates to work out and I'll show you a man that almost lost his life and the doctor said if you don't work out you'll die one sees it as cumbersome one sees it as a problem another one sees it as a privilege he sees it as his second chance his new lease on life that I have to work out I get to work out I get a chance to live a little longer so one person sees the gym as a prison and another person sees
the gym as a passport one man came within inches of losing his life and another man has never come within a 100 miles of losing his life and he only works out twice a month and somebody else works out four or five times a week the reason why you only do it once or twice a month is because you don't see the value your Viewpoint is either your advantage or your assassin your Viewpoint will either get you going or get you killed we see a storm we see rain and we think depression we think I
can't do anything instead of thinking grass can't grow without rain Roses Don't Bloom Without Rain number one there's one thing I need you to stop saying and that is I should do something that perspective that Viewpoint that ideology that philosophy that mindset is going to get you bankrupt I should start this I should stop that I should forgive I should you don't get what you should you get what you must have I must work out x amount of times a week I must forgive I must evolve I must become I must retain I must grow
I must live I must evolve I must go to the next level I must live in this type of house I must drive thise type of car I don't care how bad you think the shoes are that you are wearing there was another man in this world who would kill to walk a mile in the pair that you wear Marcus what does this mean this means that what you are complaining about what you hate what you can't stand what you want to walk out of what you want to give up on there was somebody out
there that would die to be in your position and so here's what I need you to ask yourself is this problem an issue or is it an opportunity some of you all you've been waiting for your whole life was an opportunity what if losing your job was the opportunity what if the divorce is an opportunity what if the bankruptcy is an opportunity what if the one you loved was an opportunity for you to reconnect with somebody and forgive them I need you to see the bigger picture I need you to have a little gratitude you
need to learn how to smile you need to work out I know you hate the gym I know you hate to lift weights I know you hate cardio I know you don't like drinking water I know you don't like taking care of your temple you think it's the hardest thing to do in the world to commit but there is somebody who's in the grave today and if they had another opportunity to live they would enthusiastically with great confidence and courage and consistency do what you hate just to live a little longer find the positive see
the bigger picture guard your gratitude the trial the tribulation the adversity the giant is not your assassin the giant is your opportunity are you going to complain in the face of conflict or you going to seize the opportunity I don't care what it is that you're trying to achieve what you're trying to accomplish what you're trying to give how you're trying to evolve what you are looking to become everything Rises and falls on your perspective stop complaining about the jealousy and the envy and the backbiting and the person that gave up on you and the
person that wasn't present and the person that lied to you and the person that attempted to manipulate and control I'm not weary I'm Wiser I'm not toxic I'm triumphant I see this thing differently this season that you've entered into did not come to break you it came to build you until the man or woman God has destined you to be change your perspective there's a reason why they say see the light at the end of the tunnel if you don't see that light you going to lose your mind you will lose yourself you will snap
in half if you don't see past this the challenge for many of us is that we got to see past our present pain in end to the fruitfulness of the future the right perspective makes the impossible possible you cannot change the past but you can always change your perspective no problem can be solved from the same level of Consciousness that created the severity of your problems is a matter of perspective change your perspective and most of them become insignificant some of them will no longer exist as problems but opportunities the right perspective is the instrument
you need the tool you need it's a discipline it's an advantage if you change the way you look at things then the things that you see will change knowledge a speech a motivational moment will not sustain you unless you put it into perspective how will you see the rest of your day because how you see the rest of your day will often times determine the way you see the rest of your life shift your perspective if you can change your perspective you can change the future many of you listening to me right now you have
unfinished business and you need to go back to that dream back to that idea you have a date with Destiny you have unfinished business it's time for you to go back to the drawing board with A New Perspective it's your Viewpoint and watch this your perspective actually shapes your language and your language shapes your world and so if you don't start thinking right you're not going to talk right and if you're not talking right you're not going to experience the world that you see in your head I don't know who God has called you to
become but what I can tell you is if you keep seeing it the way you have seen it you will never become it everybody wants next level everybody wants wealth and influence and everybody wants to be this esoteric novelty but listen to me you will never experience any of this showing up in your next season with the same Viewpoint the right perspective makes the impossible possible pain is inevitable pain is unavoidable We Can't Live Without Pain how much pain can you endure are you willing to use your pain sometimes pain can be your friend and
sometimes pain can be your [Music] enemy there will always be pain there will always be betrayal there will always be somebody that doubts you somebody that overlooks you somebody that underpays you somebody that undervalues you somebody that talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk somebody that's with you but not for you we're always going to experience pain you just got to understand how to use pain to your advantage you've been through too much to retreat don't run from the discomfort lean into to it feel it and remind yourself that it is only temporary pain
can lift you up even when you're feeling down pain will remind you that you are still alive pain will push you beyond your threshold pain is just doing its job so use it because it's always going to be there there will always be a measure of pain in your life in order for things to change you've got to be willing to get up and do something you don't have to be perfect but you've got to make a move pain is an indicator like that lets you know that you need to take action on something see
we're talking about the game we're talking about growing we're talking about suffering so that you can go further the choice is yours use the pain to your advantage pain doesn't mean you're finished your pain is trying to get you to get up see there's the physical pain there's the mental pain in fact there's even the spiritual pain it could be a painful day emotionally it could be a painful day relationally it could be a painful day financially are you going to complain or are you going to use it to your advantage your pain is calling
you to a higher level of thinking and a higher level of Performing we have to come to a conclusion and know you got to hurt so you can grow it hurts when we hit in the gym it hurts when we lifting these weights and we're trying to accomplish a goal it hurts it's painful it's daunting it's cumbersome I don't want to do it I'm sweating I'm I'm bleeding I'm crying I'm suffering but after I've suffered there is a reward for those that are fighting and battling with mental stress let me remind you if it did
not make you it can never break you you got to know how to rise above it you got to know how to endure and you got to know how to fight for and that pain there's never a day off maybe this pain wasn't my enemy maybe this pain was building me up even through the [Music] hardship so instead of a temporary fix I'm challenging you to use your pain as fuel so that you can begin to design the life you want you see you can't build muscle without discomfort you can't build a business without experiencing
challenges rejection you can't get a strong and Fit Body by just laying around and eating whatever you want to eat no in order to get there you have to experience the pain of discipline imagine if you could use pain as a fuel imagine if you could use the pain as a passport imagine if you could use the pain to push you to condition you to prepare you for the stages and the rooms you got to walk into and the tables you've got to sit at and the stages you have to stand on what if the
pain can make you better what if the pain could build muscle what if the pain could cause you to reach higher to LEAP farther to run faster what if the pain could help you what if all pain isn't hurt but it's help I'm going to use the lessons I've learned to my advantage let pain serve its purpose youed [Music] pain you're not supposed to go through life without a struggle you're not supposed to go through life without some kind of a setback throughout the course of your life you will build on it and you will
grow from [Music] it if you really want to grow you've got to be willing to admit when you are the issue there were times when I was ready to give up but I pushed through the pain and I made it and that means that you can make it too just like you made it through your last storm you're going to make it through this one dry those tears and get back to work dry those tears and get back to your mission when pain shows up at your door when people try to injected inflicted use it
to your [Music] advantage I'm not complaining because life got heavier I'm celebrating because I'm getting stronger let's go no use the pain your time is not up yet your time is right now your time is at this moment and through the pain you must rise up again but as long as I can feel it I'm not in a state of paralysis if you can feel it you can move it I know you're tired I know you're weary all the blood all the sweat all of the suffering I know you want to quit right now but
this is not the time to let go what are you going to do with your pain keep going use it to your advantage [Music]