Full Facebook Ads Course For Shopify Dropshipping 2025
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Henrik Wold
Today I'm giving you a full Facebook Ads Course / tutorial for Shopify Dropshipping in 2025 & I will...
Video Transcript:
okay so every single day you guys are asking me Henrik when are you going to make an updated Drp Shipping course and I don't blame you because the results that I've been getting for my own store with Facebook ads the past couple of months have been absolutely insane in the last 30 days alone I've managed to make over $800,000 with Drp Shipping and last time I did this video it got over 150,000 views or something like that so today I'm going to represent to you my 7 years experience with Drp Shipping and Facebook ads into a complete course on how to advertise on the platform and I'm going to give you one promise today this video will be the only guide you'll ever need on Facebook ads and missing it it's going to be a huge mistake I'm going to lay out literally every single thing I know about the ad platform so I know for a fact that it's going to rank number one when you search for Facebook ads in e-commerce and I promise to you that watching this is going to be worth it I've prepared for you a full PowerPoint I'm not going to waste your time let's get straight into it but in short this video will cover how to start Facebook ads how to test your products how to scale them as well as the strategies I personally use to make over $30,000 daily with dropshipping what the gurus are selling you in a $5,000 course will be revealed for free today it's only going to be up to you to actually apply it okay how to run Facebook ads in 2025 like I mentioned in the intro this is going to be a full course it's going to teach you everything you need to know about the platform and I can guarantee you that if you listen to this it's going to going to make a lot of money now before you run your ads on Facebook there's a couple of things you must know and by not having all of this in place you will either be running campaigns that gets zero results or Facebook is going to end up Banning you the things you want to have prepared is first of all the pixel installed now this can easily be done by going to Shopify online store preferences and setup Facebook I'm not going to show you the pixel setup in this video because it's super easy and this guide is on how to run ads the second thing you want to have ready is a way to pay for ads now this can be any top card I recommend a credit card as you can pay ahead of time but you could even run it with your PayPal the only thing that's very important when advertising on Facebook is that you have the funding do not run with a car that might potentially run out of money because if the bills aren't paid could technically be banned the third thing you want a verify business manager you want to make sure you have your domain verified which once again is very very easy and ideally you've uploaded some of your documents or ID to Facebook that's not necessarily needed but it can be a bonus okay so when you first get into the ads manager on Facebook it's going to look something like this and I can understand it's your first time in there it's going to be a big mess you're not going to understand everything but I got you covered in this video so first of all I have prepared for you the most realistic ad account ever as you can see this account is sitting at 19 sales and you're going to see later on in this video why I chose this exact account because it's going to just demonstrate everything perfect but on Facebook there's many things right we have here for example the amount spent how much you're spending on ads we can set different budgets to our campaigns now what you're looking at here is all of my campaigns um I'm going to show you exactly how to set up everything too but you can see that we are running some adset budget campaigns we're running some campaign budget campaigns I'm going to explain all of that to you later now when running ads on Facebook the most important metric of all them is actually Ras okay this metric right here tells you how profitable you are there is something called roas which basically shows you how profitable you are and you can also calculate your own Break Even row to know how much you need to make in order to be profitable usually we say that a row is above 2. 5 to3 is considered profitable in most cases and as you can see on some of the adsets here we have a fi but the first thing you want to do when you come on Facebook is you want to come up here to columns and as you can see I've already customized it I have one that's called Ecom but what you want to do is you want to come down here to customize columns and we want to include the most important ones okay number one is going to be CTR I've already included that you go ahead and do this same then you want to have CPC very important as well that's your cost per click how much you're spending to get the visitor then you want to also include Ras on your ads manager and ideally cost per result how much you're spending to acquire a purchase next thing you can do you can go down here save the column and have everything set up without setting up the right columns you're not going to be able to analyze your ads but the only things I really pay attention to is my click toate my row if I'm profitable or not and also if I'm making sales on my campaigns now here is what I like to call a test campaign so you can see it says CBO test first of all if you look at the results here you can see that they are pretty good inside of here I put five active adsets and as you can see they're all generating results so if you're Advanced to Facebook and understand the concept you go with this now let's talk about what makes a successful campaign because you could be running advertisements and getting serero sales and you ask yourself why does that happen the first thing that goes into a successful campaign is the product you need to understand that a good advertisement will never sell a bad product at the end of the day the world of e-commerce has to do with product and by the way if you're running a brand you're running something different than Drp Shipping this video will still be perfectly relevant for you the second thing is your creative and this is the most important part on Facebook your videos or pictures the type of content you choose to advertise have a good video and you'll make a lot of money but if you have a bad one you're going to get absolutely no interest and lose your money number three marketing angle who are you selling to who is your audience and I want you to think deep down before you launch your first campaign who are we trying to reach here so that you can optimize your advertisements towards them the fourth thing that goes into a successful campaign is the audiences that you Target and we just talked about that who should you target you need a clear idea of this from the start never go on Facebook and run a product broad hoping that you're going to get results you need to have an audience Avatar in mind and make your advertisements to wors them from the beginning going too broad on Facebook without an actual strategy behind it to reach a specific audience is going to make it very competitive for you and almost impossible to make sales so whenever I have a product I like to find a way to make it unique can I for example sell it to older people can I sell it to to couples it all depends on the product now why is the creative really so important well that's because that's the one thing that's going to help your customer decide whether or not it clicks advertising is all about decisions and the first decision your customer will make is am I even going to check out this person ad second one is am I going to click in on their website so having the perfect creative is very important but in this video we're going to keep it Broad and simple so I'm just quickly going to show you a couple of examples of what I consider to be good video ads and I'm going to teach you how to set up your ads now we're moving into a world of Instagram reals and Tik Tok style content and you need to adapt to that here you can for example see a product that basically shows if your plant is Happy it says things like POV you're never letting your plants die again and it shows the product in Act instantly these ads are what we like to call native content stuff that blends into the algorithm and isn't too salesy and that's actually what works the best now here we have a massage product for cats as you can see too there's no sale here but you instantly get the idea in your mind that wow I have to try this out as you can see their video has 19 million views so running that as a pay that is probably going to get you sales now let's talk about a bit more advanced video ACC creation running products that solve a problem is what works the best on Facebook okay and many people can relate to this we show the product first checking on your baby at night every single person with a child is going to relate to this exact problem I'm always leaning down to check on my kid okay so let's give this add a chance oh they seem to have some genius solution here what is that oh this can finally help me sleep at night and also keep track of my baby without having to leave the bed and they also have a Halloween deal right now I should click in that's what goes through the customers mine here we're basically addressing a pain point in their life and showing how we can make it better when it comes to video accuration I want you to number one show the product in action instantly number two people using it real people in your ads three how it works all the technical things around it so they get to learn about the product four how it's changed someone's life and five the actual offer that you're giving and this offer must be unique on Facebook 50% off sale ending at midnight doesn't work anymore you need something like click to claim your free gift buy one get one free now let me show you a weird but genius ad as you can see this guy has a clogged toilet and nothing more embarrassing than being in a family dinner you know you just you end up clogging the toilet it's just not a good situation but look how the video instantly shows the problem solved within the first 3 seconds no caption needed the hook is everything you need to go ahead and uh and purchase the product here shows the manual way of doing it everyone can relate to this struggle honestly if you can relate to this you need to go to the doctor but some of you maybe can relate to this so then he shows the problem being solved and how easily it works and he makes people clicking on the website another style of videos that works well now is unboxing videos showing you receiving the product opening it and how happy you are with the reaction now this video is not about video ads so I'm just going to keep that brief let's talk about how to actually run your ads but before that the audience you target it has to relate to the video ad okay do not run broad stuff without intention find the audience and make ads around their problem so here's how my Facebook ad setup looks like of course in a second and in a second I'm going to set it up live for you but I tend to go with $60 a day starting budget now if you think that's too much for you you can also go with $40 and you can cut your ads early if they're not performing for the guys who understand you can probably live with a screenshot here but we go with three adsets purchase as the event we schedule it to start at midnight for the targeting we go completely broad we don't go for any interest the placements we keep Advantage Plus and we have three different videos now these three adsets can have three different videos towards different demographics the whole point about this strategy is to test our videos first before we find the audience cuz trust me it's a lot easier to find a winning audience once you already have a video so I want you to create nine unique videos I know it's a lot of work could technically do two videos in each adset 2 and run six it's going to be up to you the last thing I got to tell you before running ads is that Facebook in 2025 is Broad so keep it that way don't go against that once we start scaling we will narrow things down and like I said today I'll show my entire scaling strategy too uh this video is everything you're going to need to actually become a millionaire with Facebook ads so we're on Facebook and we're looking to make our first campaign where you want to go over here where it says campaigns you want to come to this button that says create then you want to select sales campaign in every single case your goal here is to get sales right next thing you want to do is you want to go for manual sales campaign and by the way this is how you always test the products you can keep this in the future too next thing you want to do is continue once you get in on this side I want you to just name it your product name just to keep it simple and if I don't mention something don't care about it like I'm not going to mention categories cuz you don't need to care about it if it says Advantage Plus catalog on turn this button off this will ruin everything do not have it on next thing you want to do so you want to go for the campaign budget here we're going to go for $60 a day and that's how simple the campaign level is we're going to continue to the next part in the adet you obviously want to go for website you want to go maximize number of verions and then you want to go ahead and put in your pixel which you have installed in Shopify now for the conversion event it's pretty obvious that we want to go for purchase so with that out of the way we can scroll down personally I like to schedule my ads to start at 6:00 in the morning because the people I sell to they're probably going to be asleep uh at night so I like to start my ad 6 in the morning and let him run a full day advertising Facebook is going to show you all this stuff on the right side don't trust them they're just going to spend your money bad places okay so whatever they say don't believe in it now for the countries you sell to that's going to be your decision but a few that's very good when you first start Drp Shipping is Australia New Zealand Canada United States and Germany now why Germany it's not an english- speaking country I don't know I'm just making way too much money from that country right now to not put it in so Germany is a gem that I'm going to give you guys in this video now if you have a local business you can actually zoom in on the Facebook map then you can drop a pin right where you want to advertise then you can go ahead and decrease um the the mile radius and let's say someone is living in Braun which is the name of this place right here we can actually Target the entire area only now this is a very Niche though now for the audience you also want to go with Advantage Plus back in the days we would usually go with interest targeting here but today I don't really recommend you do it I keep every single thing super broad so we can keep going down to the placements where we once again we're going to keep it super broad that's how easy the add setup is now next page we're going to get to is the add creation part here you want to come down you want to click manual upload single image or video and like I said no catalog link is going to be to your product page okay for the media You're simply just going to go ahead and upload your video and you're going to go with primary text when going for primary text for a product I usually tend to ask chat GPT and just rewrite it a little bit but be careful that your ads aren't too over promising don't say things like say goodbye to acne Facebook is going to shut that down it's important that you describe your product briefly but don't give too much of a promise cuz the customer they're going to justify the purchase in their their head anyways so for the media simply just go ahead and upload one of your videos then Facebook is going to let you see it on the side how it looks you simply want to go with primary text only as your text so if I type for example free shipping right here you're going to see that on the ad it's going to be displayed as free shipping on top so here you ideally want to craft your offer then you're good to go and you can publish your ads now with all of this done you're going to be in this situation you're going to have one campaign inside of that campaign you're going to have one ad set then you're going to have uh one ad the next thing you want to do is you want to duplicate the ad so that the ad set has two or three different videos under it so if it's two for you we simply just going to go ahead and make two copies right here then we're just going to come down to the left menu here simply just going to scroll down and we're going to go ahead and replace our videos so then we can just click on the trash can right here we can go back to add media we can go ahead and add a video and then we're just going to upload our next video for a product sometimes it's going to give you some errors but it's actually not very relevant then we're going to do that on all our tree until we have two to three different videos in the ads the next thing you want to do is you want to go ahead and duplicate your ad sets so we're going to have three in total original campaign everything is set up you can go ahead and publish now just make sure you scroll through this really quickly and make sure everything is set up properly but that is how your test campaign is going to look $60 a day in the spend we're going to have three adsets inside of it it's going to equal around $20 per and inside of each adset we're going to have three completely different videos now with the testing strategy out of the way I'm sure that this setup that I just showed you make a lot more sense now now so that is how you test a product with Facebook ads in 2025 but now that you're testing it how do you know if it's worth running what do you look for in a test because let's face it this is simple everyone can test the product but do you know how to analyze it do you know when to kill or scale your adet do you know what's even good well that's what I'm going to teach you right now because I have a unique way of analyzing it now after a test all kinds of scenarios can happen the first one is going to be zero sales if that's you I recommend you to cut the campaign and relaunch it might be that your campaign was suffering from a low click rate or you simply didn't get that many clicks on your website people didn't seem interested what you can do in that case is you can relaunch it with a couple of new videos or you can do what I usually do and just cut the product and move on number two you have one sale if that's the case leave it running another 12 hours as it might optimize better or get you more sales the third scenario is that you made two plus sales that's a very good spot to be in and if that's you I want you to add new adsets and delete the bad ones I will explain what I mean about that in a second the fourth scenario is three plus sale in one adet in the same one if that is you congratulations because you're about to scale to the Moon okay so let's say that you're running your campaigns and you're getting good results like this for example in one of our adsets we have two sales we have a couple other adsets sitting at tree sales the first move that I want to make is first of all to cut off the one that's wasting our money this one spent $49 it's not made us a single sale I like to think that if an adset spends $15 $20 it doesn't get your sale I think that it's time to just cut that one you can also see that it has the lowest clicker rate and that's the metric that I'm going to teach you about in a second which is very important the things that I really look at when judging my ads is first of all the row are we profitable with a five Ras we're making a lot that basically means that for every dollar that I spend I make $5 back with the two Ras for every dollar I spend I make $2 back meaning that I double my money there's obviously product cost as well though the next thing I will look at is my clate rate and if this one is low the product isn't running to its potential and you might have to try more videos next thing I'm looking at is my CPC ideally this one should be less than a dollar and as you can see here we're even targeting the USA and we're getting one click on some of our best adsets for $0. 47 0.
57 0. 60 we're getting 48 clicks for $300 spent we have 10 purchases that's a 4% conversion rate pretty good now over to the main metric I'm obviously looking at when running something is the sales that I'm getting as you can see one of our adsets has spent only $29 and made three sales this is clearly a dominating adset so what I want then is something very obvious I want to make copies of it so to make it work even better I'm going to go ahead and simply just make a copy of that adset so I'm going to click duplicate then I'm going to click the duplicate button again and then I'm simply just going to go ahead and publish it as a straightup copy so for every adet I have that's doing good I like to duplicate them especially if they have tree sales here we have another one at tree sale so we're going to do the same with that duplicate at it and see if it can perform better now the next thing you want to do when you have a campaign that's performing well so you want to come down to the budget here and obviously increase it if you're making money spending $60 a day on your campaign why not increase it to 80 or in my case as it's already an 80 why don't we just increase it to $120 as it's clearly making me a lot of sales anyways cuz we're just going to make more money so what we're doing is we're looking for dominating adets we're cutting the ones that don't work we didn't give them another chance and then we increase the campaign budget now let me show you one trade that is the one way that I can scale with predictability okay the one way that gets me from $1,000 a day all the way up to $10,000 a day and that is to scale my winning adsets in an AO now most gurus out there who don't know what they're talking about they're going to say no that's outd there it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my best adsets so all of these adsets are pretty good they're making sales I'm going to take them all duplicate then I'm going to select new campaign okay then for the number of copies we're going to go with only one go ahead and duplicate the campaign but here is where the twist comes in where it says Advantage campaign budget this time we're going to shut it off we're going to give each individual adset its own budget to see how well it can optimize so I'm manually just going to come in here I'm going to edit every single one of them to $10 a day because what we had previously was a budget towards the entire campaign but now that we found our winning adets I want to allocate $10 a day to each one of them to see how good they can perform now with that out of the way we're going to have different adssets here that's going to be spending around $10 a day each and the reason this way is better to scale is that when we increase the budget we can do it for only one adset specifically so this one for example is sitting at three sales what I like to do with adset as three sales so I like to go ahead and duplicate them then I like to go and increase the budget to 25 the next thing that I'm going to do as well is I'm also going to make in the AO campaign another duplicate like we just did this is called horizontal scaling where you literally just duplicate the adset and you published you're creating more soldiers the same adset that's working you're just creating more and more copies of it and you're also making versions of it at a double the budget to see if it can perform better now in a second I'm going to show you the one reason behind my big success with Facebook ads but before that I think it's important that we talk about click toate because this metric right over here CTR is one of the most important things to look at when advertising your click trade basically what percentage of people who sees your videos Clicks in on your ad if this metric is less than % your lack of sales is no longer really valid okay there's nothing wrong you simply can't judge the campaign based on low CTR so what this means is that you might have selected the wrong videos or people might not even be interested in your product so let's talk about the most common reason for low C like I said in the beginning your video suck and I get it you first starting Drp Shipping making video ads is not going to be easy but for every time you hit a good one you're going to see what works and what doesn't secondly maybe you are reaching the wrong audience now this has to do with your marketing angle and for that reason I recommend you to make multiple different videos towards multiple different people now the third option can be your product it simply just doesn't have any demand and if you're trying everything but you're not getting sales then you should honestly uh just quit the product and give up Drp Shipping is all about products there is this thing called winning products right and that's for a reason some things aren't going to sell and your first products I hate to tell it to you they probably suck mine did too now if you follow my quick ad creation guide I gave you earlier uh the CTR problem is unlikely due to any of these reasons you probably just W sale so you should move on because at the end of the day Drp Shipping is about testing products but of course if you're running a campaign you're getting bad click through you might as well test a couple more videos now here's two proven ways to boost clicks your CTR testing more video ads relaunch a new campaign with five more creatives and find a winning video then what you can do is you can bring the winning video into your old campaign we're essentially going back to the start over again and retesting creatives and even at the point of making 10K a day I'm always making new $50 cbos where I'm testing out videos every single week in the scaling process I will try to find new videos that can perform even better than my old one that I will bring back in my campaign because creatives will get fatigued after a couple of weeks and you're going to have to replace them now the second proven way to boost clicks is obviously to select the Right audience and you can do so with a Facebook interest targeting to boost your CTR a lot now this is a little bit Advanced but if you get it I'm going to really try to help you here you are going to be making more money than anyone you know more money than doctors and if you're serious maybe one day you'll have a million dollar brand now the feature I'm talking about is at the Advantage Plus audience go down here switch to original audience and Facebook is going to tell you all sorts of stuff don't listen to them come down here to advanc detail targeting and you remember this product right here for babies let's say that we're selling that what we can do is we can search for parents and then we can go as specific as parents with kids up to 12 months now isn't this interest perfect for this type of product yes it is and for the size as you can see it has 4. 7 million I recommend you to not run anything lower than 2 million as it's just unnecessarily difficult good size of Interest like 4 million all the way up to a billion really parents with toddlers could also be super relevant now say you launch a new campaign from scratch you put like 10 adset in it each adet I want you to give a different interest okay so we're going to be testing 10 interest 10 different audiences until we find one that sticks so for a first adet we can for example go parents with kids up to 12 years old then for a second adset we can search up uh the same one we can go parents then we have the same one and then what we can do is we can come down to suggestions right here and Facebook is going to give us the perfect suggestion for products married could for example be a good interest because Facebook is going to figure out who inside of the audience a you target is most likely interested so they will kind of find the married people who has a kid they it's crazy what they can do really but the suggestion field here is your best friend and you could even be testing with interest from day one there's so many opening moves that you should go with the one you want now when testing interest I like to go with though but marriage could be a super good interest ha I also like to do some broad interest like online shopping targeting Netflix for example but another thing we can do is we can stack interest because as you can see Facebook only show you around 15 relevant interest and they are all going to be a little bit basic so if we go ahead and we mix it up ourself let's say we add in as well child care and then we add in Cartoon Network which is the channel for kids then we hit the suggestions and what you're going to see is that your suggestions now is so much more mixed and is giving you the kind of interest that you would have never thought about beforehand we didn't see Kindergarten now we do we see Peppa Pig we see infant Child Development Disney princess preschool baby shop these are all perfect interest for this kind of product so don't sleep on interest targeting as soon as you find a couple of winning video ads you're starting to make some sales make a separate campaign where you take the video ads that's working where you take the video ads that's working and you put them into an and start testing as many interest as possible Facebook ads and making money is about how well you can combine a winning video with an audience so as soon as things start working I want you to start testing interest like crazy I want you to be testing two to three interest every single day if they spend the $10 budget we give them they're not making any sales cut them instantly on Facebook you can see super early if things aren't working if you're spending $40 on a campaign $50 on campaign and you're not getting any results shut that thing off and make some changes okay because it's not going to get better overnight so interest Target is how we make a lot of money as you'll be scaling a specific audience the kind of belongs to you your competitor is most likely not reaching them and you can find people exactly for your product so we make new adsets with the interest once it gets three sales we duplicate it we increase the budget to $25 a day we make copies of it we keep the cycle going and we always find new interest interest targeting is the key if you want to get super high rows like for example this one at four and by the way I also have a mentorship program where I teach this so if you want to learn Drp Shipping and advertising from me personally you can go ahead and send me a message on Instagram right here now at this stage you're starting to get a lot of adsets that's making sales as you can see here I have a lot of good ones I have a couple at three sales I have a couple at two sales some of them even have a pretty good row ass others not so good what I can then do and this is how we scale to Big days I take my four to five favorite adsets so let's go with four in this so let's go with four in this case then I click the big duplicate button up here I go for new campaign okay I'm call it CBO crazy or something like that I basically take my most successful adets into a new campaign I'm going to give it $50 per ad set that's going to give us a campaign budget of $200 as we're working with four adsets now Facebook not necessarily going to spend you know $50 on each but that's how I kind of allocate it so at this point we're having ads that's pumping we're going to take a big risk we're going to duplicate them into an advantage campaign budget campaign going to give you $200 and watch your sales just take off tomorrow this is the one risk you got to take every time you have something that performs duplicate it into a high-risk campaign with big budget publishing and watch your store take off in nine out of 10 cases this will work if it doesn't just try it again then watch your campaign take off and do the same thing next day when you are scaling cbos and cbos is campaign budget optimization you are scaling campaigns where you give the whole campaign a budget You're simply going to scale vertically and aggressively so if you're making a lot of sales on it and it's profitable simply go ahead and add it to $200 budget up to $400 $400 performing good you increase it to $800 and you keep the cycle going now here's the most important part of scaling you're going to do all of this we're going to get an adset up to threee sales duplicate and make a copy duplicate and increase the budget put our winning ABS into a CBO but we're always going to keep the whole process going so while doing this you're at the same time going to find new interest in your AO you're going to make a $50 CBO from scratch to test new videos every week to get new creatives you're going to be doing the entire process over and over again so at some point you're going to have like 10 different campaigns working for you but you're never too good to take a step back run some $10 adsets find new audiences so in short what I'm looking for when I'm testing a product on Facebook is three sales in the same adset if I get that I'm going to start scaling that adset and ideally get multiple of them to work for me because you never want to rely on only one adet on Facebook and for that reason I highly recommend you to test interest so you can rely on multiple audiences now let's talk about some common reasons uh for no sales iner ads first of all targeting the USA or top five even though I told you to do that sometimes it's going to be a little bit expensive if that's your case if that's your case try to Target an untapped country run your ads to for example Australia only or even translate your store and run it to like Germany or something if you do that you're going to get super low CPC secondly High CPC and this comes from saturated products and countries if you want the lower CPC Target something other people aren't doing think outside the box or go for an unta market now truly though everything has to do with your CPC if it's too high you're just not going to have a profitable campaign at all next thing is bad video ACC creation or boring products that don't help people's life learn how to find good products because some just can't be sold when selling things on Facebook specifically we need to improve the customer's day-to-day life somehow don't just sell stupid products it doesn't help anyone unless they really are cool ideally we solve a problem we help someone with their insecurities because people who get rich they get rich by solving big problems and the last part never be emotionally attached to your ads because if it doesn't work just move on that's what you got to do there's better products out there it's going to make you more money now here you can see a couple of my students who have been following the exact same strategy the store to the right is actually mine at this point is doing 800k a month we have someone did 6K yesterday the store doing around $600 a day here we have Mike who made $76,000 his first month after partnering up with one of my other students Jack who made $110,000 in just one weekend we also have another one of my students who's making 2.