God Will Bring Your Spouse To You When…

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Journey To God
Have you been praying to God for the longest time about settling down in marriage, yet no one is for...
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have you been praying to God for the longest time about settling down in marriage yet no one is forthcoming right now you might even feel like he doesn't want to answer you or he doesn't want you married well that is not true don't let the devil's lies consume you that delay is because God knows you aren't ready for marriage yet this Readiness isn't in terms of finances or emotions alone it goes beyond that there are certain things he expects you to do that you to look into and until you do them you might as well
continue waiting are you ready to know what these things are before we go on please subscribe to this Channel and turn on the notification Bell marriage is an institution ordained by God himself for many reasons Genesis 218 says the Lord God said it is not good for a man to be alone I will make him a helper suitable for him this means that your desire to get married is in line with God's will for man but can you look at yourself and see what exactly you're doing wrong that God has withheld your spouse you know
marriage on its own is very easy especially when it's according to the world's standards but when it has to be according to God's standards it becomes a problem for many people the rate of divorce in today's world is quite alarming this is because many people rush into marriage without waiting on God and in the real sense you won't if anyone else to blame but yourself when the marriage crashes God wants you to enjoy your marriage to its fullest but for this to be possible here's what you must do number one work on your relationship with
God Isaiah 556 says seek the Lord while he may be found call on him while he is near as you wait on the Lord to bring your spouse one essential aspect to focus on is your relationship with God instead of jumping from one relationship to another try to see who you are more compatible with focus on building a relationship with God that is the ultimate thing the journey to marriage isn't just about finding a life partner it's also about getting someone after God's heart but to do this you must first know God and what he
wants for you as you work on this beautiful relationship God begins to work on your mind and change your outlook on life you'll become more aware of your thoughts emotions and actions you need to be well rooted in God's wisdom and look forward to attaining spiritual growth of course many people don't see the importance of this because they feel it is a waste of time you will hear people say why can't I get married and then my spouse and I will work on our relationship with God together this is one of the mistakes that cause
many marriages to crash after a few months most of the time this is because everyone wants to get married without thinking about whether that lady or man is the will of God for them the sad truth is that even Godly marriages experience problems but because God is fully involved the effect is minimal but imagine a marriage that doesn't have its foundation in God Satan will continue to toss it around to his satisfaction is that the kind of marriage you want to sign up for know this today there are many men and women in the world
but not everyone genuinely loves you or matches your destiny nonetheless how can you know who is right and who is not can you now see where God comes in you don't have to go sampling different relationships to find the right one God doesn't even want you to go through that stress in the same way he bought leave to Madam he will bring your spouse to you but you must first build and nurture your relation ship with him you must first yield to God for your partner to yield to you that's how it works imagine if
Mary didn't have a relationship with God before she got betroll to Joseph God wouldn't have chosen her to conceive Jesus what's worse she probably wouldn't have married a God-fearing man like Joseph but because she knew God he brought Joseph to her and it was easier for this man to accept that divine conception you can't live outside of God's precepts and expect him to give you his precious Jewel as a spouse that's impossible it's like taking your most cherished dress and throwing it to a dog it will tear it into pieces so instead of complaining that
you can't find a suitable life partner why not focus on your relationship with God and allow him to handle the rest number two work on becoming the best version of yourself this is a journey of self-improvement that you must embark on and it is another important thing that you need God to help you with it's a journey that requires effort and the willingness to grow and improve yourself the same way you don't wish to marry someone who isn't ready is the same way your future spouse doesn't want to but to do this you must be
willing to submit to God's mentorship think of yourself as a type of soil for planting to get get a good yield you must nurture the soil water it and ensure it receives enough sunlight to improve yourself you must be intentional about being the way God wants you to be that is his image and likeness start by acknowledging your weaknesses the areas you need to improve and the things you need to disperse this is an important step that you can't Overlook Psalm 139 2324 says search me God and know my heart test me and know my
anxious thoughts see if there is any offensive way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting be honest with yourself just like David was ask God to show you the areas in your life that he wants you to change maybe there's a bad habit you've been holding on to that your spouse will not be able to cope with is it anger laziness procrastination or what have you it could even be that you find it difficult to keep yourself clean people might find it difficult to stay around you but no one has the courage to
tell you about it remember that your body is the temple of God and God cannot dwell in a filthy place in that case God will Point such habits out for you and help you work on them to become better also put your emotional well-being in check how well can you manage your emotions when a problem arises all these things contribute to making you a good spouse don't wait until you're married before you work on your behaviors start now and ask God to help you of course marriage is about tolerance as well but there are certain
things that you shouldn't keep holding on to with the excuse of Tolerance in marriage also learn to be selfless this is another important attribute that will help you in marriage don't always think of yourself let your partner's needs and emotions be your priorities in marriage there is no Li it is us and we remember the Bible says and the two will become one flesh so you're no longer two separate persons but one in Christ this will help to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings then learn how to communicate and relay a message in marriage miscommunication can destroy your
union faster than you think that is why people often say communication is very important learn to become and speak nicely with the right words if you must raise your voice at your spouse before passing a message then don't this will save you a lot of stress when you've worked on these habits look for ways to develop a skill if you haven't already let these be skills that will help you to improve your life financially and mentally at all costs don't be idle because an idle mind is the devil's workshop don't allow him to seow discouragement
in your heart use your time well and develop yourself to be a person of substance when you do all these and God sees your Readiness he will bring your spouse to you number three be persistent in the place of prayer prayer is a mighty weapon that can pull down mountains break chains and stir up miracles as you wait for God to bring your spouse persistence in prayer is very important it is a demonstration of your faith in and dedication to God's plan for your life you know in as much as marriage is a union put
in place by God some forces rise against it yet it is quite alarming how young adults searching for partners play around with prayer the truth is a spouse you prayerfully receive from God is better than the one you got with your human wisdom sometimes God withholds your future spouse from you to allow you to set a standard for your marriage what does this mean he wants you to build your marriage on prayer you must be intentional about this if not the devil will deceive you with beauty or wealth and you'll fall into the wrong hands
Samson's Lust For Women never allowed him to seek God's face for a spouse he disobeyed even when his parents warned him not to marry any Philistine woman in the end his lust led to his downfall if only he acknowledged God and prayed to him for guidance to choose a wife his life would not have ended that way beloved just as God has a spouse for you the devil also does he has many lined up waiting to destroy you but the question is will you let him if he has been destroying your relationships now you know
the weapon to use against him fast and pray against the stronghold of the devil yes it requires that much attention but if you are not ready to go through that stress to get a good partner prepare to go through more stress to keep your marriage remember marriage is a forever journey and you can't afford to be in it with the wrong person you'll always hear people say it is better to remain single than to be unhappy in marriage if you've missed out on the spouse God wanted for you because of your mistakes don't think it's
the end because God knows that you're human and can erir he provides a replacement in case you miss out on his choice for you that is what Mercy does so at all costs always pray to God in advance for your marriage tell him what you want in your future spouse yes it isn't a crime to do this even the Bible says that the expectations of the righteous will not be cut short but let these expectations not be outside God's principles let your ultimate focus be on marrying God's will for you number four keep the bed
undefiled the beauty of a pure marriage is a treasure God wants to give you it is a symbol of love commitment and faithfulness Hebrews 134 says marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure for God will judge the adult and all the sexually immoral this scripture is mostly understood in one aspect alone keeping the marriage bed undefiled goes beyond just adultery fornication is also included people who become Unfaithful in marriage mostly start practicing sexual immorality while are married that is why keeping the bed undefiled is very important as you prepare for
your spouse this means honoring God's standard for marriage saving the intimacy for the one he has chosen for you Apostle Paul makes it clear that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you received from God God bought you at a price so you must honor him with your body just as you wouldn't want anything impure in God's Temple you shouldn't allow anything impure in your body including sexual immorality you aren't doing this for yourself alone but for your future spouse and marriage Joseph was intentional about remaining pure and
didn't care about the consequences in today's world youths are willing to pollute themselves for a few minutes of pleasure this ought not to be so offer your body as a Living Sacrifice holy and acceptable to God Joseph didn't even know when or how he would find a spouse with the hardship he faced yet he chose to honor God's design for Purity keeping the bed undefiled also means avoiding emotional intimacy with the opposite sex this can lead to emotional entanglement this makes it difficult to move on and it hinders your future relationship just as the Bible
says guard your heart with all diligence remember your body is a vessel for the Holy Spirit and your marriage bed should reflect God's Purity keeping the bed undefiled shows that you value and respect God's design for marriage this obedience will bring blessings and a deeper connection with your future spouse as you wait for God to bring your spouse embark on the Purity Journey yes it requires discipline self-control and a willingness to honor God's word but the reward is worth it in the end you'll have a beautiful god-honoring marriage that reflects the love of Christ and
the church beloved have you been doing any of these while waiting for your future spouse if you haven't then start today but that's not all keep watching number five seek Godly Counsel on marriage this is another vital step in preparing for a blessed and fulfilling Union as you wait for God to bring your spouse seeking Godly counsel will help you go through the Journey with wisdom imagine having an adviser who knows God's heart and can guide your situation that's what Godly Council provides these are people who have experienced marriage they know what it means to
prepare for a Godly marriage and can help you prepare for yours even when your situation differs from theirs they will seek God's face on your behalf that is why most of the time your spiritual leaders will ask you how well you prayed about this this is the reason why many people shy away from Godly marriage counseling they don't want to be truthful to themselves or their spiritual leaders you need as much Insight wisdom and encouragement as you prepare for marriage that is why it's important to surround yourself with godly people nonetheless seeking Godly counsel is
not about human approval or validation it aims at aligning your heart with God's will when you do this you're demonstrating your willingness to trust God's plan for your life you're showing that you value his wisdom and guidance and that you're willing to listen listen and learn God has beautiful marriage plans for you that are better than you can imagine but for him to fulfill this you must be willing to submit to him and learn God's plans for your marriage are bigger than your dreams and his timing is perfect in the end you'll grow in wisdom
faith and character and glorify God in your marriage number six let go of past hurts and focus on what's ahead another important thing you need to do before God brings your spouse is to let go of the past and focus on the future holding on to past hurts or relationships can hinder your ability to embrace the future it's like trying to drive a car while constantly looking in the rearview mirror you'll end up missing out on the beauty of the road ahead after Ru lost her husband she could have succumbed to bitterness and despair but
she chose to trust in God's plan for her life and remained faithful to him as a result God brought BS into her life and helped her build a beautiful home you must learn to let go of any bitterness stopping you from experiencing God's blessings it's like clearing out the clutter in your house to make room for something new and beautiful to come in you need to make space for God to work in your life and bring the right person to your path Philippians 3 13:14 says brothers and sisters I do not consider myself yet to
have taken hold of it but one thing I do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus this is a reminder that your focus should be on moving forward and pressing on toward the goal that God has set for you this doesn't mean erasing memories or ignoring Lessons Learned you're releasing the hold they have on you making room for God's new plans and purposes so before God brings your spouse into your life take some
time to reflect on your past access the lingering emotions that may be holding you back and pray for the strength to let go of those things Channel your energy on what lies ahead that is the blessings opportunities and love that God has in store for you it won't be such an easy experience especially if you have a bitter past but it's necessary this will prepare you to receive the gift of a loving and fulfilling relationship according to God's plan number seven wait patiently for God's time when you desire to find a spouse it can be
easy to become impatient and want things to happen fast but God's timing is perfect and he knows the best time for you to meet your future spouse waiting patiently means knowing that he will bring the right person ENT your life at the right time imagine you are in a garden waiting for a beautiful flower to bloom you water the soil and care for the plant but you must wait for the flower to grow and Blossom in the same way when you're waiting for God to bring you a spouse you must be patient marriage is too
delicate to rush into if you look around people who rush into marriage because of impatience end up divorced for those who remain in it they struggle to sustain it as a lady you might be 30 Years yet unmarried but this doesn't mean there's no hope for you haven't you heard of ladies who married at age 40 or those who conceived even at age 60 God works in mysterious ways yes your friend got married at 25 doesn't mean you must as well Psalm 3714 says do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious
of those who do wrong for like the grass they will soon wither like green plants they will soon die away trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and enjoy safe pastures take Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart as long as you're sure that your ways are right with God and you're consistent with prayer keep waiting don't rush to marry who is ready marry who is God's will for you maybe the reason you've been experiencing many failed relationships is that none of them is God's
will for you the psalmist said you should wait on the Lord be strong take heart and wait on God Ruth never had any intentions of getting married again even when Naomi insisted she must have felt no one would want to marry a widow like herself but she didn't know that God's plans for her were different she remained diligent and committed in all she did and in duee time God brought her spouse how long have you waited for your spouse are you getting tired and feeling frustrated because people are mocking you don't let them get to
you people mocked Hannah but she continued to trust and wait for God in due time she nursed her child you can also trust that when the time is right God will bring the perfect person into your life dear young believer if only you knew what God wants to do in your marriage you would trust him God will bring your future spouse to you when you've done all these things it's not as difficult as people make it look God's ways are different yet better than yours and that is why you must look to him and trust
him to bring your spouse one that will help you fulfill your destiny so what's next when God brings your future spouse to you what are you supposed to do number one grow together in faith this is a beautiful aspect of building a strong foundation with your spouse as you journey together you'll discover the joy of deepening your relationship with God and with each other it's like two trees planted side by side their Roots intertwining as they grow toward the Sun as you grow together in faith your trust love and commitment will strengthen your bond in
the Bible Aquila and prec not only shared a marriage but also a Ministry they supported each other in their service to God their Unity faithfulness and love for God and each other grew stronger when you grow in faith with your spouse you'll experience the joy of discovering God's love and grace you'll encourage each other in spiritual growth building a strong foundation for your family remember growing together in faith is a lifelong journey filled with ups and downs but with God at the center you'll find peace and enjoy an unbreakable Bond number two honor God in
your union when God brings your spouse into your life you must recognize that your union is a sacred Bond ordained by God as you honor him you're strengthening your relationship you're recognizing his importance in your union and trusting his guidance in the Bible Abraham and Sarah's Union was built on trust obedience and faith in God's promises they honor God and sought to please him you need to see your Union as a tool for God's glory as you honor God you'll experience a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your marriage your marriage is a Divine
expression of God's love for you and your spouse through this you'll discover that your love is not just a human emotion it is a powerful force that can bring joy peace and blessings to your life dear child of God Mark 10 6:9 says but at the beginning of creation God made them male and female for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be United to his wife and the two will become one flesh so they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what God has joined together let no one separate
this scripture will become a reality in your life if you're willing to trust God's choice for you God knows who and where your partner is at the moment and he's preparing both of you for a glorious future submit yourself to him and allow him to prepare you before bringing your future spouse to you let us pray dear Lord I Thank you for preserving my life to see today thank you for not allowing my enemies to have their way in my life I am grateful for your love Grace and daily provision I worship your holy name
because you're a loving father please forgive my transgressions and Grant me the grace to serve you always in humility Lord I seek your guidance and wisdom in my life I know you have a plan to prosper me and I trust in your sovereignty as I wait for the spouse you've ordained for me I pray that you'll help me to develop my relationship with you if I've ever neglected my bond with you please forgive me as I Seek You may I find you and live according to your precepts gracious Lord I pray that you will bring
my spouse to me in your perfect timing I know you are a god of love and you desire for me to have a companion with whom I can share my life please prepare my heart and mind for this Union so that I will be ready to receive the gift of a spouse please help me to become the person you want me to be help me to grow in faith and wisdom and to be a reflection of your love and grace Lord please help me to work on being a better version of myself rid me of
every bad habit that might destroy my marriage in the future please show me every area of my life that I need to work on please help me to improve and develop myself to be a person of value Lord I pray that you will help me to live Accord according to your counsel even when the process seems difficult please help me to surrender please guide me to be patient and Trust in your timing to wait on your promise and not to take matters into my own hands please help me to keep my eyes fixed on you
to seek your face and to listen to your voice help me to let go of my past no matter how difficult you know all that I've been through and I trust you for complete healing and renewal please give me the grace to focus on what lies ahead and let go of my mistakes righteous God when you bring my spouse to me I pray that it will be a union that honors you may our love for each other be a reflection of your love for us please let our marriage be a testimony to your sovereignty thank
you Lord for your faithfulness and love I trust in your promise to bring my spouse to me in your perfect timing may I continue to seek trust and honor you in all I do in Jesus name I pray amen if this video blessed you please like drop a comment share and subscribe to this channel
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