Here. Sales. All of It. Enjoy

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Alex Hormozi
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over the last 13 years I've personally closed 4,000 sales and these are the six elements of The Ultimate Sales blueprint so let's begin with sales multipliers these things right off the bat will make you more money first sales multiplier sell 7even days per week now the reason this is so important is that a lot of business owners want to make more money in their business a lot of sales people want to close more sales but they only choose to close days a week but the interesting thing is that and depending on the industry sometimes the
off hours from like 5:00 p.m. onwards is when the most of your prospects are available so like in Fitness where I came from I closed all my sales from 4: until 8:00 p.m. and so if you're like well I only want to work between 9 to 5: it's like well guess what no one's going to buy during that time and so you can probably close more sales in the back at the day uh and on Saturdays and Sundays than you would during the normal 9 to5 so is especially true in like retail and businesses where
you sell to Consumers who work normal jobs and you have to sell basically on the times that they're available so sell during the weekends the other piece of selling seven days a week is like there's actual math behind this and so there's 52 weeks a year and so if you have 52 weeks per year times two days right is 104 days of sales extra per year which is 29% increase over just selling 5 days a week and so if you want to immediately increase your sales by 29% sell on weekends and I know I've tried
to sell you on this but I'm going to give you one more really good reason to sell over the weekend if you've ever tried to book sales and skip the weekends so you've got Friday here and then you've got Saturday and then Sunday and then Monday right and so you skip these days and so then this Monday gets stacked right you have all these people who are saying like oh man um I'm going to show up so your sales guys get they're like oh dude Monday looks big but as soon as Monday happens it's no
show no show no show no show reschedule and you're like what the hell well you didn't make it available at the time when they wanted to actually come which is Saturday and Sunday that's when they clicked on the ad that's when they actually made the booking and believe it or not from a lot of our portfolio companies we get more people who actually schedule on Saturdays and Sundays for Monday which means that they are available right then to buy cuz they've got time and so when you do it this way not only do you sell
two more days per week which is 104 days more per year which is 29% increase in Revenue that assumes just a flat increase but if you pull up the appointments from Monday to Saturday when they scheduled and Sunday when they scheduled you then get same day next day showup rates which your showup rates also go up on those days so not only do you schedule more people because it only works for sat them on Saturday and Sunday and they didn't want to do Monday you also get higher show up rates on Saturday and Sunday for
the people who wanted to schedule then because that was when it was convenient for them and so you get a multiplier effect across the entire business of sales by simply adding two more days in a year so it's minimum 29% sometimes more next up respond to leads in less than one minute now you may not know the stats on this some of the more experienced salespeople do if you can contact a lead within 60 seconds of them showing interest or opting in or giving you their contact information you have a 391 per increase in the
likelihood that you can close the Prospect and so that means that if you did nothing else but simply put the processes in place so that you can contact leads within 60 seconds you could 4X your business tomorrow and so then you have to ask the question what are all these other things that I'm spending my time on and do those things have an immediate 4X increase in my business if the answer no then you should probably stop doing those things and do this one obvious thing that can increase your business to such a large degree
also 50% of prospects will go with the business that response to them first not the one who's best that they did the most research for simply the one that responds them first and I remember when Lila was we were out of town we were scheduling some or she was scheduling something for her hair or whatever and she went to a salon and she called them and she said hey are you available right now to take me and they're like no we're only appointment only and she said cool hung up called the next one she's like
are you available to take me now they said no hung up next one they answered and she and they said yes we can take you in right now they're the ones who got the business and here's the crazy part is the first two owners maybe they're like I don't know why customers aren't com you didn't make it convenient for them right and so the thing is is that people have huge motivation for a tiny period of time and when they knock on the door in that tiny period of time you want to open it and
welcome them in and like okay Alex but you know one minute's a lot well totally and if you do greater than five minutes the likelihood that you close them drops by 80% which means four out of five times you would have closed now goes to 20% close rate on those leads and so the whole idea that people think that the lead quality is go down is not really true it's completely dependent on how well you work the leads now a lot of people like to talk about follow-up and follow- Up's important right you got to
make it personal you got to make it fast you want to do it multiple times over multiple days for sure but one of the most important follow-ups is the first followup which is how quickly you can show them that you have received their interest and are ready to help them and customers will make a judgment on how good your business is how buttoned up you are by how quickly you respond so if you reach out to a company just imagine for a second you opt into something and then within 5 Seconds your phone rings and
someone's like hey saw that you asked for more information about this how can I help you right and right there you're like man these guys are on top of it it makes it judgment that you cast over the entire business that first impression it's the tip of the spear and most people are missing out so all the data that I will cite in this video will come from two sources so one is there was a Harvard Business Review uh that did a huge case study on different sales metrics across massive Industries and then me personally
won Allen and so a lot of the lead nurture stats are related to Allen which is a software company that we own uh which is like 4,000 plus appointments per day and so we could see how changing scheduling and changing hours per day and things like that affected overall throughput because we could see from click to close and so we could see house opening up calendars was the single strongest correlate to overall throughput more than increasing closing percentages by you know 10% 20% because you couldn't get 400% increases in closing like you can by putting
these sales multipliers in that I'm talking about right now these are all the things that happen outside of the sale that affect your sales more than anything that happens inside the sale now the next one in the spirit of all this speed of response is it's good to have someone have the option to schedule but you know what else you can give them call now and so when someone clicks down your funnel and they click over to your schedule or something if you can add a dropdown that says call now because now they're calling you
and now the intent could not be stronger now if you're in a business where you're like oh man we have to qualify leads more fine put the call out thing after you've qualified the lead duh right and so just think through how we need to do this and if you're like man I don't have the sales team to support it think about it like this if you can 3x your business or double your business by simply hiring one more sales rep if the relative increase in revenue is significantly greater than the cost of onboarding one
more sales rep then you should make that investment so that you can have the coverage for your prospects to call you to give you money all right so let's talk about the next one which is time slots so if you are going to have them Book on a scheduler then how do you set up that schedule a lot of people don't put any time or thought into this now we already covered the seven days a week but what about the actual day layout itself now most people say okay I'm going to have these one hour
time slots 1 hour uh you know 1 hour whatever now what we found out with Allan is that we could increase the overall schedule rate and show up rate by simply changing how the times appeared on the calendar and so we set this up so that we would have 15 minute slots so you might be thinking how am I going to sell in 15 minutes you're not you allow them to start in 15-minute increments and then we know that the next three blocks are used up and then somebody else books here now some of you
might say wait a second that means that some of my sales guys are going to have awkward times in between well there's two solutions one is hire more sales reps number two is you need to have something called an off-the call sop and so you have an onthe call sop which is standard operating procedure which is what do you do when you're on the call of the prospect but if you have a no-show or there's off the call or you don't have somebody on your calendar then you need to have step- by-step of what they
need to do when they're not actually on a call and most people only address the on the call and don't address the off the call which is why their sales people aren't nearly as productive and so by doing 15-minute time slots people pick a time that is more convenient for them and so I think on one level because it's more convenient for them it's more precisely convenient they show up at a higher percentage I think the other reason and there's this big misconception about the idea of like no I want to make it look like
I'm busy and not have full availability completely dumb it doesn't do anything to literally take up slots that are not true to show that you have traffic it's dumb it just it's dumb I just stop it we've already looked at it it doesn't do anything it just makes it less convenient for your customer to book with you now in the offthe call sop all right what should they be doing then I'll give you the next hack which is you start pulling up appointments so you remember I said we had the Monday Sunday Saturday whatever and
people are booking on Saturday for Monday right they're booking here because you didn't put any availability well if you do have your salesperson working and they have an off-the call block where they don't have anything on their calendar what they should be doing is they should be let me see if I can draw a phone here there you go calling these leads and then pulling them up and so when you have that conversation with the prospect the first thing you're doing is qualifying them which you should do anyways with any leads that are on the
calendar that are going to take a full sale slot but secondarily when you call them to qualify them say hey I had an opening later today that just opened up do you want the slot and so it takes a three-day out appointment and makes it a same day appointment and anyone who's been in sales knows that same day appointments have way higher SHP rates than future appointments next is is the actual uh person if they can't move it up for whatever reason you still have contacted them within just a few minutes of them opting in
so they know that you're legit you've already qualified them and by pulling them off and moving them up if you do have that situation you increase the salesperson's utilization because now their whole calendar has more sales appointments that are stacked fewer Open Spaces which is good and we now have opened up this slot right here so that somebody else can find it convenient and then book in in the future and so by simply changing what people do off the call you increase the sales utilization you increase booking rates and you increase show rates by adding
this one thing to what your sales people do when they currently weren't doing anything waiting between calls so the next one is very controversial and a lot of bad sales people are going to be against it but the killers are going to be nodding their head so what you want to do is you want to feed the killers now what does that mean is that the best leads should go to the best closers and the worst leads should go to the worst closers and so you're like wait a second what do you mean my my
worst leads go to my work yeah because that means that you have the lowest amount of net waste within the business the people who are the most closable who are the most qualified who have the most money go to the people who have the highest likelihood of closing them for the most money and so I'll tell you a story when I learned this so there was a guy who lives in my building he does like 3 million a year in personal income and he was the number one sales rep or still is the number one
sales rep for a time share company that's a multi-billion dollar company he the number one time share company he was the number one sales rep and he's won the best sales rep of the year out of 3,000 sales reps five out of the last six years and so I had dinner with him and I was like so give me give me your give me your strategy he's like you know I won the first year when just with the existing system but then I got to have one hour with the CEO as kind of like the
prize for winning best salesman plus you know a check or whatever and I was like okay he said so when I sat down with the CEO I closed him on basically changing the way they allocated leads and he said so they used to just round robin all the leads to all the salespeople and he said when I went to the CEO I said listen you're just throwing money down the toilet you're giving me people that no one has a chance of closing and they're completely unqualified and you're wasting my time and then I see some
really qualified person go to a dud closer's office and then he misses it and it's like shoot you should give him my terrible Le is not going to close them anyways and give me the good one and I'll close him and so the CEO decided to test it just with the location that this salesman was at he took his income from $250,000 a year to $3 million a year for him as a Salesman personal income but what was more important is that it 5x the company when they rolled it out Nationwide he increased the total
output for that one location by so much that they then rolled it out and so this goes to show that if you're like wait I feel bad about this this is a business decision but if you are worried about your worst Sal people turning out why are you worried about your worst sales to people turning out now the other side of this which is really nice a lot of people don't think about is if your top sales rep can make a million dollar a year or $500,000 a year or $3 million a year do you
know the amount of people who will work for nothing for the opportunity to make that kind of money and so what happens is salespeople will come in and work for way below the the normal wage for their skill because they want the shot the opportunity to be top dog and the other piece that this trains for or helps the business out with is that if someone survives this churn Factory of down here where it's really hard for guys to get started because they're getting the worst leads they learn on the hardest people to close and
then when they survive and they can still make enough to move up then they get better and better leads but now they have qualified themselves as closers who are worthy of those leads so the next hack actually has again something to do with things around sales but is not sales itself which is most times it's harder to get an entire team to go up by 30% in close rates unless you just absolutely suck at sales but there's usually massive opportunities on show up rates and so one of the things that we do is we give
kudos or shoutouts to the closers who have the highest show up rates and so by calling those people out we draw attention to how show up rates are very important to the business because if I had to give you an option hey would you rather increase your close rates by 20% or increase your show rates by 20% Which would you choose well if you're a smart business owner you'd say Well they're the same thing yes so then the followup question is which one's more likely given the stats you're at if your guys are closing at
35% for you to get a 20% boost might be very very difficult but for you to just simply remind them to work their leads and follow up with their appointments might be very easy and so you shout out the closers who have the highest Strow rates every week not just highest close rates and then you ask them what they did and they're probably going to say I just followed the process and then you're going to say that's awesome great job and if you want you can give an extra kudos for the guy who has the
highest show up rate you can give him like you know a $500 flat thing per week whatever something that makes it material enough that it's worth showing off for but I'm telling you this can increase your overall sales in your business more than sales training can sometimes and so if you're listening to that you might be like okay well what is the best reminder sequence for people to show up now the first thing is is you want to have your automated reminders set up right those have to be done and the thing is is and
I think a lot of people make this mistake is you want to to look automated don't try and pretend that automation is a real person everyone knows and it looks like so don't do it all right but on top of automation you layer manual now manual you don't have to nearly as much to make it effective and hopefully I'm spelling manual right all right and so there's three times that we have S this is from Allen that we know that gets the highest show upates all right very simple 24 hours before all right then am
and then 1 hour all right and so think about it like this it's like you have your automated ones until the night before and someone says hey just making sure that we're on for tomorrow very excited I did this personalized thing for you and so you want to show that you did some sort of prep for the prospect so they know you've put some effort in and so they would feel worse about not showing because you show that you've got a whole bunch of work that you want to show them on that call and so
whether you're a weight loss you know business it's like hey I set aside this t-shirt for you what size do you want or what color do you want for when you come in would be something that you could do for a weight loss customer if you're a B2B customer it's like hey I already I looked over your site we already uh I talked to my team about it it looks like we've got three things we can immediately help you with very excited to share what we found like it takes 5 minutes to do that but
if you can increase your show up rate by 30% because you do that makes a lot of sense right in 60 minutes you can increase your closure your total sales througha by 30% once a day feels like it's worth it now that's night before morning of you think you're a prospect right you're like okay yeah sounds good morning of you start and your whole day is blank because you forgot everything from the day before and so the morning it's like hey just reminder again I'm seeing you later this afternoon and they're like yep I'm in
cool and then one hour before they're busy during the day and you're like yo a meeting with you in 60 minutes just making sure now for these I prefer to have uh blue messages is what we call them but basically the IM messages whenever possible rather than the green ones because people still don't entirely believe uh that it's a real person and so this is where having uh voice voice memos uh and video work really well for those reminders in addition to the things that you're doing at the 24-hour Mark that show personalization so it
would be something like this hey John really excited to meet with you tomorrow we outlined six things for your business that I think would really help you out I'm very excited to share them with you these were things that I pulled from my team and just from looking at the site uh before we get on the call so stoked we're at 4:00 tomorrow hit me up if there's any issues or you have any problems getting on otherwise I'll see you then next one is Logistics in terms of how you schedule Andor your policies which is
we like to do same day next day period in terms of our availability now the reason for that is because show up rates are higher same day next day and so if we constrain people to those days we increase the show up rates now the key and this is where most people mess up is that they're like well if I did same day next day I'm not going to be able to book all my appointments that means you need to hire more sales people and when you do that you'll get more shows which then means
you close more sales so those are some immediate things that you can do to multiply your sales without even having to learn anything more about what you have to say on the phone or even getting good at sales itself these are all the things you do around sales that still close way more sales than anything you can actually do on the call but once you do get on the call you should make sure that your guy or you yourself don't suck so let's talk about sales training so now that we've covered sales multipliers now let's
talk about sales training making it happen so I'm going to cover daily huddles one-on ones gam tape review role playing and CS gam tape weekly reviews all right you're feel like I don't know what any of those are that's why I made this video and I'll break them down so number one is most people have no idea what they're doing when they're training sales so the vast majority of sales organizations don't even know how to train them at all and simply just run shurn factories so they say you know we'll bring 100 people in we'll
see who survives which fine but if you know how to train sales as a business owner you can compensate below Market because you can take someone who's not good and make them good rather than relying on people to come in with existing skills and so that is the Arbitrage opportunity that you get to have as a business owner and so if someone comes in with no skills and then you give them a lot of skills they come in at that Baseline right now I'm not saying that uh sales people shouldn't make make a lot of
money they should uh but it's all based on the marketplace if you have 10 times bigger audience that you can take sales people from then that's an advantage that you have compared to your other businesses on the marketplace of sales skills so the first thing that we do is we like to have daily huddles and so daily huddles are where we do role playing now role playing is probably the single greatest skill that you need to learn in sales and the big thing I'll give you as a caveat is every entrepreneur or sales managers always
afraid of looking bad or not being able to close something uh in front of their team and so they they shy away from doing role playing but you need to set the frame up front which is no one's perfect that's why we practice and so I'm going to mess up you're going to catch me and it's fine right because if you have any ego around this you will not do it as much because you'll be afraid of looking stupid in front of your team so just get over that as fast as humanly possible now when
you're doing these daily huddles you want to do the role playing so the role playing the important part of role playing is you actually have to get into it with them and give Fast feedback now here's how not to do it so and this is how most people do it which is someone goes through the script and they give not real answers anyways and then they say okay at the end of the 30 minutes or 20 minutes they say do this different do that different do this different do that different so two massive problems number
one is that you have to give one piece of feedback at a time people can't handle multiple piece feedback so it's not going to work second is that the trainability of a person or really an organism because this actually happens across species is inversely correlated with how fast you get feedback and so basically the number of times that you have to uh give feedback to an organism is inverted with how quickly so one second 2 second 3 second whatever now this is an exaggeration but this would be number of times so that means that if
I say Hey try it like this and then they can't do it again and then I have to say try it like this and then they still can't do it and then I say try it like this the faster I do it the fewer times I have to repeat myself before they get it and so this is why speed is so important for training this actually happens across human you know across the entire organization but specifically for sales so when someone does the role play the sales manager or the other person's only working on one
thing and when they begin the sale they say this is what we're working on and then they start the role play and then as soon as they mess up or do a good job which both those are happening in real time all the time you say great keep going great keep going and so they keep talking and they can see you nodding your head they can see you giving thumbs up and you can hear you saying great and so you have three or four different ways that you can give positive reinforcement in real time so
that you can train them on the right thing to say now when they do mess up you also set the frame beforehand saying listen I'm going to probably stop you 30 or 40 times times during you just trying to say this one script that's okay that's to be expected that means we're doing it right and so if you set that expectation people aren't thrown off guard if you don't they're going to think that they're just doing a horrible job which is not what you want to do and so they go through and you're like awesome
great job M keep it going pause say it like this try it again great try it again great try it again and so once someone properly does the right way of saying it you don't just say great they did it once you have them do it two three four five six times in quick succession so that it drills it in so that when they actually are on a sales call it's like this little mini recorder plays and they remember when they to drill it so many times in a row and from a sales training perspective
you want to be working with them on one thing sometimes for a week or two weeks all right so it's not a big deal now daily huddles you're usually working with the team on something like as a team we're struggling with this and so as a team we're going to be drilling this on 101's it's one thing and it's going to be specific to that person now the reason that most sales managers do a bad job sales training is because it's a full-time job like you have to listen to sales recordings you have to see
what they're messing up you have to take notes and then when you meet with them one-on-one you have to see all 28 things you think they did wrong and say which of these 28 things is going to create the highest Improvement in their close closing rate and then say we're only going to prioritize this one thing so it may be like they just don't know how to ask for the card smoothly it may be that they don't know how to set the agenda well on the call it may be that they lose the frame somewhere
during the sale it may be that they're getting lost in the weeds when someone asks detail based questions that they don't know how to zoom out like these are all different skills that a good salesman should know how to do in a sale and you can only focus on one of them so I'll give you another one which is your best closer usually isn't your sales manager all right and so this is a mistake that I've made multiple times in my life and it's because typically the best closers are very like Hunter type person um
and there's nothing wrong with that I mean hey that's what makes the world go around um but often times they're not like super like leadership oriented patient willing to uh continue to invest in teammates like they just want to close deals and so most times most closers that I've had in our businesses before I explain this to them they're like I want to be sales manager somay and I'm like do you know what the day-to-day of a sales manager is because it's not just like oh this makes me more money it's your entire activities that
you do all the things you love about this job are now going to stop and be a whole new set of things and so sometimes the best closers it's kind of like coaches it's like it's not the best players who sometimes make the best coaches sometimes it's like mediocre or bad players who just learned how to be decent or good not the best best who actually make the best coaches and so I set this stage what I said earlier which is like the sales manager has to have no egoo and can set the stage which
is like hey some of you guys are better than me at sales like and so for example Phil Jackson is not better than Michael Jordan or kobby Bryant at basketball but they respected when he gave them feedback on their work and so I would even use that as a sales manager to set the stage was like I hope that you guys are better than me at sales because that's what you have to do every day you just make not be better than me at helping other people get better at sales and so these are different
skills and it's totally okay and so when I roleplay with you if you smash me that's awesome that's fine if Phil Jackson went one-onone with MJ he's gon to get destroyed every time that's fine my goal is that this team crushes as a team the next one that a lot of people don't understand is about competition all right now I think competition is very good but not in the way that you think it is so I used to be really hardcore and Cutthroat about I wanted all my teams you know the guys to compete like
you know let the let the winners win losers lose Etc and I do but in a different way so I don't want it to be us versus ourselves I want the competition to be us versus them so you need to pick a big enemy and it doesn't even have to mean that you actually are enemies with this person it could be a rival or friend ofy whatever you want and say listen every customer that we're not selling they're selling and so we want to beat them right the reason that you know the us could get
to the moon first because we were trying to beat the Russians right like having uh a common enemy is a great thing to align the troops towards achieving a big goal and it kind of quells the inner conflict of the team but if everyone's trying to Edge each other out it creates a culture that in my opinion doesn't actually make the most total sales you'll definitely have people who thrive in those ultra competitive environments but you will lose people who otherwise would have been good closers in a team environment another amazing sales training piece that
we like to do in our companies is gam tape review so first off you absolutely need to be recording every single call that happens to the customer across the company across the life cycle of the customer if you're not doing that you should do it please do it now stop the video go do this now all right now assuming you are recording all calls this is something that completely changed my business forever was getting sales and Cs on the same call every week to review the game tape and so you're like why would you review
sales game tape with customer success on the call well because then you can say hey guys when you say it this way they expect this and it's really bad for the business and so what it does is actually elevates both teams to a larger perspective so they understand that like when if you ever have conflict where CS is like sales is over promising and sales is like CS stop being such babies and just do stuff right like we're the ones who make the money like everyone gets it we've all been there and so the idea
is when you get the them both on the same call one of the other nice things is that you then review an onboarding call most salesp people have never seen an onboarding call they've been selling for you for three years five years and they literally have no idea what happens after they click submit or they run the card or they send the invoice over to finance and then they get the car you know the approval for their commission they're like all right next Prospect and that's fine but they have to understand kind of the larger
life cycle of the customer and so this is what ends up happening the first time sales seeson onboarding they're like oh dude this is awesome this is so good oh I'm going to use this in my right they actually get way more data that arms them to be more knowledgeable in the sale and increases their conviction as a closer for the business because they believe in it and CS is can look at the sales and be like hey now I understand why they're coming in with these expectations and they can give sales the feedback of
like hey do you think if you sit it like this it would change the sale a lot of guys like oh no I don't know I just said it that way I didn't know that they were coming in that way and so what happens is you create this really seamless process between sales and Cs and you stop having those drop offs and cold feet where you're losing 5% of your sales or 10% of your sales for people who close and then back out and so that in a very real way will increase your sales by
decreasing a negative I learned this from my software days so when I started with Allen which is the first software company I ever owned um I learned from the software world that they started doing these CS to sales gam tape reviews and so we said okay well if all these really big companies that make more money than us do this we'll give it a shot and as soon as we did it and that first call happened where we had the whole sales team and the whole customer success team on I was like oh I get
it now like everyone got a holistic view of the customer Journey sales expectations were better and cleaner uh they were more knowledgeable about what the customer Journey was going to be uh CS stopped getting upset at sales for making promises and it also helped because then the Cs side was like Hey would it help you if we did this one extra thing and the sales guys are like dude everyone asked for that they're like oh wouldn't even be that hard for us to do and then boom both sides get better they're setting better expectations and
they're giving customers what they want more and the Cs team didn't know because the sales team said they couldn't do it because they weren't communicating now on recording sales which of course you should do and you promise you'll do no matter what after this video is done for sure that's Pinky Promise that's what you're going to start doing all right now the next thing is what sales should I watch all right and so this is my big tip is there is no mysticism in sales there's a lot of like you know it's kind of like
baseball they're like these are my lucky socks or like I always touch the phone here and here because uh I close when I do that thing right there's a lot of superstition that starts to happen in sales because there's such fat feed fast feedback loops so people learn because they change their behavior uh because it worked before and so they try and do it again but they end up adding all these rituals to their sales processes that end up longterm actually eroding uh their ability to sell all right so they start adding all these appendages
to their sales process and actually gets really cluttered and it starts sucking all right now the biggest hack that I can give you as an individual salesperson is is that there are times when you're hot all right where you're like dude I feel like I could close everyone today right you you know it you're on fire when you're hot record the living hell out of that and rewatch those game tapes because you aren't on fire you're doing things slightly differently it means that your Tone's a little different how you open's a little bit different how
you transition to the Clos is a little bit different and all you want to do is you want to look for the details because the big difference between good closes and great closers is that good closers try and get hot great closers never get cold and it's because they've systematized every single thing on their monster checklist that creates the hotness of their closing and so if you ever do get hot know that you now have the potential to close at that closing rate and then say cool I'm going to analyze the living hell out of
what it looks like when I'm hot how I say it where I pause where my tone shifts where I ask my questions how like when I transition to the sale how I frame my overcomes how I'm punching back and pushing back earlier in the sale to overcome objections earlier before I asked for money that is probably one of the biggest RI tactics I can give you either as a sales manager for your teams or you as a sales professional just record everything and when you're hot analyze the living hell out of it next one is
also big team management stuff which if you're ever in a slump so this is for sales managers specifically or entrepreneurs is that if you're in a slump one of the easiest things to do is start drilling everything and sure you can do all that stuff but in my experience reading testimonials can be one of the biggest things that you can do to increase the conviction of the team and so you can get someone's tone to be correct by lots of drilling and lots of training but if they are convicted they will always have the correct
tonality because they genuinely believe in the product and they genuinely believe it will help the customer and so I like to train competence in tone emphasis pacing I like someone to understand all of those things so they know what it looks like when it's right but there's nothing that replaces A salesperson who's actually convicted because either you have a team of sociopaths who don't care at all but know how to say everything the exact right way or you just have a team of people who really believe in the product and by believing the product they
say things the right way and I will tell you personally it's way easier to find these people than these people and so read testimonials and then give kudos to the salesperson who Clos the prospect who got the great result and so imagine this you closed Sandy you know four weeks ago and you had to arm wrestler into closing she was super you know worried or concerned but you overcame that and then four weeks later you read a testimonial from your manager who's like hey here's Sandy saying like I'm so grateful that I signed up for
this thing it's completely changed my life it's changed my business I've lost weight whatever it is and and you then as the salesman say Tom I know I saw this call and I saw you arm wrestle Sandy to get to get this deal like awesome job because if you hadn't done that if you hadn't stayed in the pocket she wouldn't have this outcome and so I learned this because I figured out that my sales team had the highest absurd closing percentage like 100% like absurd closing percentages on one specific day of the month when I
had my gyms and I was like what is it about this day do you want to know what day it was it was we out day and so when we'd run our challenges every week we would have people who'd be weighing out from six weeks earlier and so on Friday or Saturday we'd have way outs and so it'd be people coming in for 15-minute appointments and weighing out taking their after pictures weighing out taking their after pictures and after someone saw 20 people lose 20 pounds 30 pounds whatever it was in that time period when
someone would come in between those weigh-ins or after those weigh-ins and they're like I'm thinking about signing up they had absolute conviction in the fact that it was going to help them because they had just recently that day hours or minutes before seen 5 10 20 people literally demonstrate results in front of them and so that conviction they passed the Prospect and so I just like to remind you of this if you are a salesperson is that sales is passing conviction from one person to another it's an education process over a bridge of trust and
so fundamentally if a prospect knew everything that you know about the product they should buy now if they knew everything that you know and then they wouldn't Buy and you get them to buy it means that you deceive them which means that you are an unethical salesperson so don't do that and so the idea is that you want to just basically fill in the fewest gaps you need to in order to get them over the bridge they say yes I know enough to make this decision and now I want to buy now that we've covered
sales training let's talk about what happens before the sale which yes is absolutely part of the sale so the first thing that a lot of people Miss up is that the sale Begins the moment the customer engages with your business not the moment they get on the phone and so how the interaction and communication happens between click and call Will massively change your close rates on the team independent of what you say so for example if you're a local business and when you call to book the lead you say hey uh before you get going
did you hear about us on uh you know local City's best boot camp list or that we won this thing three years in a row is that how you heard about us now if they're like no I heard about you from a Facebook ad you still asking that question will influence what the customer uh perceives about your business and then we'll be like oh wow I I didn't know that they won that stuff and so the questions you ask can still be educational and frame how you exist in the marketplace to a prospect before you
even beun selling them because you have begun selling them and so the thing is is that the sale starts at the click all right so the setting script the ad they see all influence whether they're going to buy and so this is where having continuity and having a seamless experience between this whole thing is what will overall increase your closing percentage as a team again prior to even talking to them for the main sale so the next thing is like okay what else can I do before the sale that increases the likelihood that someone closes
and so the big obvious one and ke de talks about this in his influence book is edifying the closer so if I am setting a call and I've already edified the business by saying something like hey we were on you know so and so's list now a lot of people want to get on those lists because they think the list is going to somehow get them business no the list isn't going to get you business but telling people that you were on the list will get you business and so that's where and let's be real
you usually just pay five grand to the magazine so that they put you on the list of best boot camps in local area or best accounting firm in local area or state whatever then that edified the business now when I'm qualifying the prospect I say oh I'm going to put you on with Shawn Shawn's unbelievable he help 400 people just like you get to thing that you just said you wanted in your specific circumstances recently for example he helped someone just like you achieve this and this someone else like you achieve this and this and
so you're going to love talking to him he's a great guy and he's going to help you out oh you know what I think he has an opening this afternoon let me see if I can get you in hold on two seconds making noise in the background yep he confirmed we're good to go four o00 Works awesome and so if you have that versus yeah uh I got you down for four one of our team will be reaching out imagine the difference in terms of how that Prospect has been pre-framed to talk to that closer
now the closer when they start the call have to maintain that frame that the set are set but again this is all creating one seamless experience of we are on top of it we are a legitimate business and we are someone you want to do business with the next thing is the qualification process so a lot of people have said a lot of things about qualification but the nice thing is that IBM did this massive study and then came up with bant and bant is an acronym that stands for Budget Authority need timing and so
they said that for a lead to be qualified for an account rep or close closer the setter had to make sure that they had ban they had to make sure that the person had the budget they had the authority to make the decision they had the need they had the problem to solve and they had the timing meaning they wanted to get started soon and so those fundamentally are the things that are required to close a sale and so you can do this on the call you can also do this on the application that you
have prior to the call and even if you did that on both you'll still probably have to say yet again on the closing call but you want to say it before you ask for money and so fundamentally you're making sure the problem the person has the problem to solve the money to spend the time to do the implementation and the authority to make the decision and people will say yes to it and then change their mind when you ask for money but we'll get to that later now this section isn't about outbound per se but
I couldn't help but give you one of my favorite outbound scripts I've ever heard which is hey business I'm calling about competitor period give me a call back so think about this imagine you have a dry cleaning business and it's Tom's dry cleaners that's you and you've got Jones uh because you're keeping up with the Joneses Jones dry cleaning across the street and you get a call being like hey um this is Alex I'm calling in regards to Janes dry cleaning uh give me a call back when it's convenient you're like so incredibly curious that
somebody has left a message and they want to talk about your competition and so imagine that versus hey I'm calling from 123 Financial wanted to see if you wanted to work like no one gives a right but because you have this personalized uh message that you're sending which works via email it also works via uh voicemail uh the likelihood that the respond is way way higher now when the person comes on and they're like hey what about whatever it's like oh it looks like they're kicking your ass and so or hey I see that they're
in the same industry as you and we've reached out to them as well and then so like it's it's a very easy Bridge into whatever you want to say when you get into your when you actually get into the conversation but the response rates from hey x uh calling regarding competitor slays and while we're on the topic of how to work leads let me give you my favorite scripting for calling up leads for local business when someone opts in and so the way that I do this so this is local leads so when I call
a lead or called a lead and I called many of them uh I wouldn't say hey John this is Alex I want to see when you want to come in for like no that's not going to work all right so even though they already showed interest they usually don't even know who you are when you're calling all right so the way I would do it is this so I would call and I would say John not is this John I would say John question no my tone goes up pause and then he's John is gonna
be like yeah uh who's this like this is Alex pause he's thinking who is Alex who like how like and I'm acting with the way that I'm I'm toning toning uh that he should know who I am all right that's the tone that I'm that I'm bringing this it's Alex pause and during the pause I can hear them it's like I'm calling you because you opted in on Facebook for our promotion and so I just wanted to make sure that one you weren't a crazy person on the internet ha and if there was a time
that worked well for you to come in and obviously to make sure that you knew that we weren't crazy people either right and so just in that little opener we have we pull them in we pull them in again then we quickly like you steamroll this you go as fast as you can and say Hey you opted in for that thing on Facebook this specific promotion it's like I'm giving them three different kind of mental cues around what they opted in for because people don't remember the things they opt in for and especially if you
don't call your leads within one minute then you call them two days later they're in a different Universe at this point they have no idea what they opted in for and they might have opted in for 10 things so they have no clue what you're talking about and so then you can then bring them in and schedule time I wanted to figure out a time that would work well for you to come in I've got 2:00 and 4:00 today which works better all right and so by doing that I'm also giving two options and saying
which do you prefer rather than saying asking them to pick a time I look at my schedule I see my openings I present two openings that both work for me and then they pick and if you want to hear a little little little little early Alex story um when I started my gym I used to pretend that I there were multiple employees that worked at my gym and I would be like this is John and then when they come in be like oh you're G to love Alex Alex is the amazing he's totally going to
help you out he's helped out so many people just like you at same same edification script they come in and they'd be like you sound a lot like John be like we get it all the time and we go into it um but alternatively uh you cannot do that if you don't want to I was young and uh I thought it was fun and uh to me and you know what I was deceiving people and so that is wrong uh but to me that's a little bit of a white FIB of a 23-year-old gym owner
trying to trying to make it happen and the last one and this one is so unsexy and because it's so unsexy no one does it which is why you make so much money doing this which is you prep for five minutes before the call looking up stuff about the person or the business and so if you're a Setter you can do this for the closer or closer you can do this for yourself prior to the call but you would be amazed at how much of a genius you look like with five minutes of prep people
are like wow this guy really did his homework and it's not because you really did that much homework it's just because everyone else is so lazy that any level of effort looks amazing all right and so the five minutes of prep in addition to and this is clear all the notes that the setter sets should be in the CRM so that when you go up with the prospect you want to say Hey so uh you know Jimmy earlier was telling me that you're X Y and Z and that you've done this and you've done this
got it so it's this is it fair to say that this is where you're currently at right now this what you're trying to achieve great well this sounds like this would be a good call for you and I think we're we're going to we're going to figure something out together whatever right and so the thing is is that you never want a customer to repeat themselves right that's not a good experience experience overall and the flip side is it's kind of like binary like repeating is really negative but you repeating to them what they told
you is exceptionally positive and so it's this really binary swing in terms of like this can hurt the sale this will help the sale and so it takes five minutes and most of the time you should be taking notes on your sales calls anyway so that you can look like you're actively listening which you should be and that way guess what happens to those notes after the closer closes they get passed on to customer success and then they say so I you talked to Steve you talk to Jim and these are the things that you
decided on I think we're going to be able to help you out with insert goal and the way that we're going to help you insert goal is by following step one two three so let's get started right and so by setting this seamless experience from click to close from Setter to closer to to onboarding you create an amazing process for prospects to go through and again you can solve so much of this and blow prospects Away by just preparing for 5 minutes and either you do the research or you at least read the notes before
the call the next one's a small one but we have one in our sales room which is uh a mini trampoline and so I used to take 20 25 in-person sales sales consults per day and so that could be very tiring and on my really Hercules days I would see 4850 people oneon-one or one on two uh every 30 minutes right and so I would get exhaust so one on1 102 for 12 hours is 48 um is what I would do is I would do little mini J trampoline jumps between sessions to kind of keep
my energy up and mostly to keep my mood up because I would start to get beat down when you have your 25th or 30th conversation that the exact same conversation of the day it starts to drain you and so what I figured out was you cannot be in a bad mood and jumping on a trampoline at the same time so try it like seriously you can jump on a TR like you can't even do it and frown it's ridiculous but it really works and so I did it and I highly recommend it if you're somebody
who struggles to keep your energy up or keep your tone positive uh when you have like a long sales day now that we covered what happened before the sale now let's talk about the actual sale as it begins opening up the sales conversation you need to as quickly as possible set the agenda of what's going to happen so I actually think a lot about proof promise plan just like we do for YouTube videos just like we do for short content because humans are still humans their attention still works the same way and just like the
opener to a piece of content can dictate how well the entire video goes or How likely someone is to pay attention the same thing is true about how you open a sales call and so think of every single thing that I'm going to talk about for this whole portion about as things that increase the likelihood that someone purchases and so fundamentally it's my belief that the way sales work is that we have 100 golden BBS we have a 100 tiny things that each of them increases the likelihood that someone purchases and so I will share
this one perspective with you on sales then we'll get into it which is BF Skinner who's a behavioral psychologist said this quote he said people say you can lead a horse to water you can't make a drink he said I wholeheartedly disagree he said if I dehydrated the horse bled it out and salted its mouth and I put water right in front of it when it's on the ground on a hot day he said I can veritably guarantee that it will drink and I kind of see sales the same way which is that if you
control every single variable you could in theory close every single Prospect and so I like to think about it that way as though all of these things are under my control so I start sales the same way that I start content which is proof promise plan and fundamentally I do this because I believe that humans are humans and if you want to gain someone's attention and have authority and have them want to wait until the end then if you can do it that way when you're not there to reinforce them or force them to stay
on the call and you still get people to stay to the end then this absolutely works when you're also there to reinforce them on the call and keep them going to the end and so I actually think this is one of the easiest ways and proof promise plan only takes 15 seconds maybe 20 so you can absolutely get to the point and so when you start on a sales call it works more or less the same way which is John decided to get get going with you on this thing this big promise that we're working
on uh we've done this with lots of other people who are just like you and so this is the process that we're going to do and at the end of the call we're to see if it makes sense to move forward if not no sweat I'm going to still send you on your way with stuff that could help you with the problem overall right and so by doing that we still set out our proof promise plan right at the beginning and what I have found in my opinion one man's opinion is that you actually gain
more report I actually got on a sales call uh yesterday with uh a banker for one of the portfolio companies and they were trying to bring our business over and uh he said hey if you don't mind can we just skip the foreplay and I was like I I just immediately was like I love you for saying that and he's like let's just get right to it and then he set the agenda and it was awesome and so I could tell obviously he was a super you know very very hot multi-million dollar preyear salesperson because
we have big counts uh and so the same thing is True For You especially if you sell B2B like get to the point and when you set theend that way you actually control the frame because you told them how this call is going to go and if you don't know how the call is going to go you don't know what you're doing and then it looks like an increased likelihood that you waste that person's time and so you having an agenda also shows that you have done this before that you're a professional that you know
what you're doing so the next one is follow the script so I actually asked my sales team uh to tell me I said what are the things that I shout at you guys that uh that have helped you a lot so some of these isms are directly from the horse's mouth via other horses horsing it back to the horse uh but I I say follow the I'll put a little asteris here follow the script now the reason I I want to highlight this is that if your team does not follow the script there is no
point in having a script and so script adherence in my opinion is the first thing that you drill I would rather have 100% of my team saying the script word for word and Us close no one because then I could then close change the script and then get everyone to close because if everyone follows the script and doesn't close you have a script problem if people aren't following the script you can't change anything because then you have to do it all onesie TWY all over the place now to be clear a the script is basically
up to the ask after the ask you have the loops that you're going to do the overcomes that you're going to drill with them and sometimes that leads you down a different Christmas tree but the first part of the sale the first two-thirds of the sale should be pretty much word for word the same their answers will change but the actual scripting Remains the Same so there's different levels of following the script the very surface of that would be actually just saying the words but there are a lot of other things in communication like if
I slow down what I'm saying right now it sounds really important and if I speed up what I'm saying what it sounds is going to be really like interesting and I'm very excited about I'm transferring that to you and you might increase the speedo as you're approaching the close but then when you go for the ask you might slow down you might lower your voice again and the thing is is that you can also change the meaning of a sentence by changing how you say it so I got this from Jason F FL was a
good um and he said and I love this one I didn't say he hit his wife which implies that I wasn't the one who said it I didn't say he hit his wife I didn't say he hit his wife I didn't say he hit his wife I didn't say he hit his wife I didn't say he hit his wife I didn't say it his wife each of those sentences are all the same exact words but mean very different things and so one is you can change the meaning of a sentence by where you emphasize the
next is your ality so me going low or me going high both of those things can change what a sentence means so if I say a statement like you're doing 3 million a year versus you're doing three million a year those are two very different things one is a question asking somebody to respond back and the other is me just making a statement and then moving on and so you can increase or increase the tone of your voice at the end of a sentence which then implies that you're asking for a response from the Prospect
and so one is you have emphasis which is where am I going to pause the second is that you have tone which is am I going to go low am I going to go high and how is it going to change throughout the sentence and then finally you have pacing where do I slow down when I really want to make sure that you hear every word that I'm saying because it's very important and this is a matter OFA tone to increase trust with the prospect because what I'm sharing is something that I haven't told other
people or whatever right and so pacing can go slow and fast toning can go up and down emphasis is where you pause and so when you're following the script or making the script you want the script to have a tone guide with it and so you could have XY z w as the words and you can use the things on a word processor AKA Google Docs or whatever you type stuff on and you can say if I underline it means slow down if I put this in all caps then it means emphasize this if I
put this in italics then it means create space whatever so so the nice thing is that on word processors you have underline italics bold and caps and so those things give you four different kind of cues for the closer so that when they're reading the script they know how they're supposed to read the script and so when you're drilling the first thing you're going for is actually saying the right words once you have a team that can breathe the script which they should do very quickly because it's not that many words you should only be
looking at you know 12 questions that you might be asking maybe one follow-up or two for the questions not something that's like the Gettysburg address here right which you still memorized when you were in sixth grade anyways and so and you did it for free rather than getting paid for it all right here the 2011 version of following the script is saying the words the way they need to be said in order to increase the likelihood that the person buys all right so now that we have okay you have to follow the words we emphasize
tone and pacing we can write the script in a way that helps the closers uh have the right tone at each portion of the sale then we can move on to the actual scripting itself now I have used something called The Closer framework for a long time I don't think that this is magical it just is an acronym that people remember more than anything um and if people remember it then it means it's been effective at teaching them because if they remember it then it changes their behavior they have learned and so there are probably
more complex ways we have a different scripting process that I call the diagnostic script I've made a big video about that but for the vast majority of sales calls that are specifically transactional so it's one call two call closes I usually follow this structure and so the C stands for clarify why they are here all right and so if you get on the phone and someone says I just want to have more information people don't get on the phone to get more information no one wants to learn stuff people get on the phone because they
want to solve a problem and so we need to get really clear we clarify the problem that they're like why are you here this is that the question that we're answering now it's like why'd you take the time to hop on the call today what made you reach out to us what made you op on the site and what you want to ask in these types of questions that are clarifying the problem are reminding them of actions they took to show up on your call and so the thing is is even if you're outbow no
matter what every lead that you talk to is engaged meaning they've taken one action towards you so hey what made you what made you comment on my post what made you respond to my email what made you set a call on my calendar no matter what it is what made you pick up the phone and and keep listening to me like they've always done something to uh now obviously if you're in a close you're probably not closing on on a cold first Outreach right um they've done something at this point to indicate interest and we
will remind them of the interest and then tie that to a problem they're trying to solve all right then we label them now I this is like the shortest part of the script but it's incredibly important all right which is you label them with that problem so you've clarified it but you said okay so just to make sure I'm clear you are here you want to get here and this has been the issue that's been holding you back what you're essentially doing is establishing the gap between present and desired and sometimes the obstacle that they
believe is standing in their way once you have that you have now set the table for making a sale because now you have this is where you want this is where you are this is where you want and we've got this big dragon I think I can give you the sword to slay it or I can slay it for you whatever the next part of the sale is overviewing past pain now the reason the overview of the pain is so important I call the pain cycle is something that I've actually only learned about I I
learned this while I was selling I just knew that talking about people's pain and what they done before got more people to buy I didn't know why I just knew that that ended up always being the case now later I know a little bit more about sales uh and more just human behavior and deprivation creates motivation and so if I am hungry I am motivated to eat if I'm tired I'm deprived of sleep means I'm motivated to sleep if I am if I haven't seen my wife in a few days I might be motivated to
do other things you get the idea if you're deprived You Are by definition motivated to end the deprivation and so what we want to do in the sales call is basically expand the deprivation we want to bring their state of deprivation to top of mind so that in the moment we can increase their deprivation which then rubber bands back to increasing motivation to solve it and so if you've probably seen you know political polls where they're like what's the topic of this election what they do is they specifically choose topics to deprive the population of
so that we say this is now more important for us it's not that education isn't important but for apparently this election it's not no one's talked about education right but in different elections they've been like this is a big problem and so then that becomes the thing that everyone talks about and then that's the main reason people choose the people that they're going to elect and so this deprivation motivates a change in behavior and within the context of sales that means taking the action to move forward in the sales process or taking the action to
buy this is why the pain cycle is so important and so I have a little ISM that I have in my sales team which is the pain is the pitch like the pain is the thing that often it's the Gap we have to make sure that they have it's like well I tried this thing and I tried this thing and I tried this thing and so we want to quantify how much they've spent so far in time and effort and what the impact that's been on their status within their community and how much it's costing
them to not do this every day so this is the cost of inaction or the cost of failure every single day that they don't achieve this thing whatever it is that they want and the reason we highlight those pains is because it creates urgency it creates an increased likelihood that they act so the pain cycle that I ran with like weight loss for examples what have you done so far to try and lose weight and then when someone would say I did Weight Watchers or I did you know whatever it didn't matter I knew what
my pitch was going to be because I had a three three-pillar pitch which we'll get to in the S we which I would always try and highlight the good things of the things they did and the things that it was missing when they brought it up and so if someone said hey I did you know Weight Watchers I would say great so they gave you nutrition I was like but I'm guessing you kind of bounc back now remember everything they've done is an advantage for you because they are here in the sale which means it
did not solve the problem and so I remember even having somebody came in who's like I already have a personal trainer and I'm like yeah he's obviously not doing a good job but she just looked at me sideways I was like you're here and so she was like fair right and so then I closed the sale but the thing is is that so you know Weight Watchers was they had nutrition and they had accountability but they didn't have Fitness right and so you lost the weight then you gained it back because you lost muscle when
you did it oh that's why it didn't work six from gold all we have to do is fix this one thing and then we can get you success uh oh I did the gyms before but it didn't work for me well did they give you a personalized food plant well you know what they did okay did they hold you accountable to doing it no they didn't okay so you had Fitness and Nutrition you didn't have accountability because if you have Fitness Nutrition and accountability you can't fail fundamentally if you eat the food you work the
work the working out and this actually makes sure you do the first two you're going to lose the weight right and so every business has I call a three-pillar pitch that's buried inside of it so I was making I always tell the story because it's a fun one but I was making a sales script for a marketing company that was selling leads to mortgage brokers and Realtors I spent the whole morning being like what are the three things like what are the three things that makes an amazing lead and so it's like okay well you
want and I came up with you want leads to be timely you want leads to be uh qualified and you want them to be exclusive right and so basically it's like it's basically going through b it's like you want them to have the budget you want them to have the timing and you want them to have uh the authority and or need right and so obviously the need was established because they were leads in already indicated interest right and so was really just controlling for the other three in the three-pillar pitch and so when we
were talking and so when we scripted it out it's like oh have you ever done have you ever bought leads in the past and if they had and obviously they weren't having a good experience because they were on the phone with us be like oh what was it and all we had to do was pick out oh you you were getting leads from Zillow but they weren't exclusive to you right and so you had to compete with 20 other guys so you had good quality leads they had the budget and they had the interest and
presumably the authority to make a decision right but but they weren't exclusive to you and so that was the problem and if You' had leads that were exclusive do you think you'd be able to make money they're like oh my God if I had an exclusive it would been great you're like awesome boom established the Gap figured out the poll in between boom we can pull him over we can help you out right and so every pitch usually now to be very clear I'm not saying that it's always three things that triangulate a sale I'm
saying that humans tend to think in threes and so when I make a sales pitch I try and chunk up to the three big things so you might be like well we have a seven-step process it's like fine Chunk Up Until It's three so nutrition I could break down into like okay well we've got calories we've got macronutrients we got micronutrients we've got meal timing we've got meal composition like I could get it I could get as fancy as we wanted to to create more components but you just want to chunk up to three because
people tend to remember it now when you get to the S which is the sell the vacation which I've already kind of gotten into we want to talk about the vacation we want to talk about Maui we don't want to talk about the plane flight we don't want to talk about TSA we don't to talk about taking shoes off going through security you know getting padded down uh how how bumpy and you know it's going to be on the on the plane the food you're going to have to eat the person sitting next to you
is going to smell bad like we don't want to talk about any of that we want to talk about Maui we want to talk about the experience of what it will be like when they've accomplished the thing the the transformation that we're selling whatever it is now when we have the three-pillar pitch I like to make the statement of what you need like exclusive right or it needs to be nutrition you need to have whatever the pillar is you make the statement and then you give the metaphor all right and so this is how I
do my three-pillar pitches and normally a three-pillar pitch shouldn't be longer than 2 minutes and so if you're like wait a second so this whole sale I'm only going to be talking about my product for like two minutes yep because you want to be talking about the prospect not the product and so if I want to get into a new organization and I want to figure out how to sell I'm going to spend 90% of my time trying to understand the pains remember for motivation the Pains of the Prospect and once you know the Pains
of a prospect and this is me just you know taking my ethical disclaimer hat on you can sell them anything because fundamentally if you know where someone is and you know where they want to go and you know the things things they've struggled with if I wanted to sell supplements you just sell that as the bridge between where they're at and where they want to go or you sell nutrition coaching or you sell Fitness or you sell all three it doesn't really matter you could sell your piece of equipment either way you're going to have
where they're at where they want to go difficulties they've had and then you just Bridge it with the product but most sales teams spend all their time trying to train people on the product and not the Prospect and so then they sound really ill-informed and ask stupid questions that anybody who knew more about the prospect would already know the answer to it so I'll give you three of my my favorite kind of metaphors um that I used to use around uh accountability uh and so I had the three-pillar pitch one is I would just the
fact that I would call it the three-pillar pitch I call the three legs the stool and so I was like you can have if you have two then the stool Falls over right you can maybe balance it for a little bit maybe you did do nutrition and accountability for a little bit with Weight Watchers you lost 50 but you G back 60 and they like yeah like right so you had it it balanced but then it fell over right but if you have all three and I could use my hands and I would show them
that then they'd be like oh I get it it's like yeah this is what you need in order to be successful this so I make an analogy or metaphor of what the three pillars that we have and how it relates to something that's a strong structure now does the Dynamics of how a stool stands have anything to do with SEO or how we get leads from mortgage brokers no but it helps people understand and so fundamentally what a metaphor is is it Compares something they don't understand your thing that you sell with something they do
understand and you make parallels fundamentally by the way this is what teaching is and so if we want to have a metaphor so I use I use these two for accountability which absolutely slay one I got from Alison Prince the other one I got from Tom Miller so I'll give you the toothbrush one so you say hey uh when you were a kid did you hate brushing your teeth right all of a said or if they have kids it's like do your kids hate brushing their teeth yeah of course but you know and so every
night you're like hey brush your teeth they like brush the teeth and they go to bed and now you're an adult do you brush your teeth now and the answer is yes most people do if you have a weirdo then maybe you shouldn't sell them anyways so you brush your teeth now of course okay so what happened was in the beginning you had external accountability your parent was your coach saying hey kept reminding you kept reminding you kept reminding you and then over time the positive reinforcement of doing the behavior became the internal motivation to
stick with it and so what we're doing is we're going to artificially become that external motivation that you need in the beginning to create the Habit so that you can do this long term right now that's I would sell accountability and so me saying that notice I'm not saying hey we're going to reach out to you this many days and we're going to be on this channel of communication these are the the response times I just say big picture you didn't brush your teeth and you hated it and now you brush your teeth and you
don't miss a day and the big thing that was the difference was this thing and that's what we're going to provide to you done then a different version of this was uh The Amazing Race in The Amazing Race uh they actually had to change the rules because there was a couple that won too many times that they had had to say they had to dismantle their advantage you know what the advantage was well what they would do is whenever they get dropped off this new area they would find a local person put him in the
back seat pay him for the day and say hey help us get to this place and because they had a local they beat everyone else who tried to do it on their own and so what I want to do right now is I've been to where you're going and I've been in the backseat with a hundred other people just like you and I can be your backseat driver because it'll give you an unfair advantage that makes sense done you've already moved on from the pillar right and so that's how you explain that's those are two
metaphors to explain something right and if I sold supplements I would give metaphors around uh you know protein or whatever right and so the whole idea is that you want to know what your three pillar are and then you want to know uh an analogy that makes it more relevant if I was selling SEO I'd be like hey well think about your ads as your paycheck that you get every month you have to put you have to put work in make new ads put money in but you get money out immediately think about SEO like
an investment account you're going to put money in but it's not really going to be much for a while but eventually it starts compounding and then within one year or two years it's going to be bigger than anything you could do actively right but it just takes time so it's just like an investment account right and so that's my analogy so you've got SEO and paid traffic it's the same as income and investment right and so whatever the three things that you're selling are you just want to have a clear analogy that someone can just
say got it because if you start getting into details you get into the weeds and that's where you die and by the way if you're working leads because you didn't work them fast you didn't work them enough and then you get ghosted at any part in the sales cycle just send them a meme just send them a meme like there's the Kevin Hart meme where he's like where you at um and it actually has the highest response rate out of any messages that we've sent just sending the meme and so uh that that Meme has
made a lot of salespeople a lot of money and so you can just send that to your cold pipeline send it to 200 guys uh and you'll probably get five to 10 that just re-engage off of that and they'll probably laugh and then you're back in the saddle and I'll explain why closes die in the details when we get into the closing section all right now the last two pieces are actually around closing which is is if you've sold them at this point you've said hey does that sound good you're ready to move forward ready
to get started ready to get some traffic to your site ready to start losing the weight ready to start getting back to that High School weight whatever it is ready to ready to insert goal that's how you know you can ask for the sale great let me get your ID or whatever let me get your information start moving forward then if they don't say yes you explain away concerns all right this is fundamentally closing this is objection handling which is the perfect thing to get into right now now that we've covered the open now we
have to get our money we got to close before I dive into to the tactics one I'm going to be bringing in audience objections so we pulled my uh YouTube audience and said hey what are some of the objections that you guys are struggling with so I'm going to be uh overcoming some of those now live and on top of that I want to preface with the fact that you should train sales back to front so what do I mean by that you want to make sure that someone knows how to collect payment and process
as the first thing that you you teach a closer why because if they don't know how to do that they have a 0% chance of closing and so the next thing that you would teach someone is how to ask for payment and how to ask for someone to get started because if they don't know how to do that the likel that they close a sale is zero and so a lot of people start at the top of the script when they start teaching a closer but it's my preference to start at the bottom of the
script because that is what's required to close that being said where does closing begin closing begins once someone says no and to be very clear just be because they said no once doesn't mean they're saying no forever or they're going to say no over and over again and we have to train and expect no that is the job of sales if every person immediately says yes honestly you're not really required we could just record the video put it in front and then just put a buy button and to be fair Tesla does this and they
they do a pretty good job of it right and so depending on how good you are at marketing you might not need sales at all but under the assumption that you're not the perfect marketer and people come in with more questions or more concerns when they say no is when closers Step Up So before I get into all the things that we can go for I want to break down the one time where you shut up all right which is if someone says yes and says yes I'm in shut up and close the sale do
not sell yourself out of a sale and this is something that a lot of beginners do they get excited when the person says yes and then they start bringing up more details and then those new details increase the likelihood greater than zero that they take a yes and turn it back into a maybe or take a yes and turn into a no the moment you have agreement you shut your mouth you ask for payment information and you close yeah it's like you're you're at the bar and you're like hey you want to go back and
she's like sure and then you're like oh yeah I'll show you my Star Wars collection she's like actually just kidding it's like no you wait and then you show her the Star Wars collection because it's sick but you don't say it until you're back right that's the idea save your Lego Star Wars lightsaber for after she gets back the next one is that if someone says anything that you aren't prepared for it's because you are underprepared and so prep equals smooth meaning you should in one breath know exactly what you're going to say back to
the person when they have any kind of objection if someone says I got to think about it or hey you know like give me a day or two or hey I got to talk to my spouse or um you know I don't really like this particular thing about the product you should already be like take inhaling to begin the next part of your clothes now to be fair or to be clear you don't want to make what you're about to say sound like an obsolute overcome or sound like a pre-recording and so I made a
whole video about the AAA method which is you acknowledge then you associate and then you move on in the sale and you ask your next question that is what gives the appearance of a more natural sale meanwhile the whole time there's nothing they can say that you should not already know the answer to because it is your literal job to have this one conversation 10 times a day for your entire life and so the fact that a prospect can say anything that surprises you just says that you are underprepared that being said once we are
prepped we expect and plan for no and no is not a failure it's to be expected so what happens as soon as someone says I'm not sure I need to think about it whatever so what I want to do is give you my rapid Fire series of questions that I ask prior to get into anything that's real closing all right and so the questions that I ask are in order first off what's your main concern all right so if I'm early on in the sale and this is the first no I get I'm like hey
what's your main concern because they say I need to think about it you say cool what's your main concern and then you're right back in the sale it's not like oh I need to think about it the sale's over it's what's your main concern let's talk about it together let's figured it out now if you're further on in the sale then I like to ask a little bit harder questions so would be like hey what are you afraid of having happen right like dude I just need to think about it's like dude what are you
afraid of right what do you what do you think's going to happen what what's the big thing that you're trying to avoid right I ask that question because it gets to the heart of the issue and what you hear after that is usually the real obstacle and that you cannot overcome rather than I need to think about it which you can't right and so all of the things that uh get around stall overcomes all basically try and tease out why they're stalling and how to make a decision and so from there what's the concern what
are the variables you're using to make the decision and my my final two that I love very close to my heart is what makes this a yes what makes this a yes and if they can't answer that question then you can say well can I share with you some of the the decision-making variables that I often hear when I when I ask that question sure now what makes this and this is a really good one if they're like I'm just not sure then you're like totally understand what makes it a and so people are so
afraid to ask what it would get someone to not buy the thing is is that you've had this conversation more times than them and so sometimes they're like I you know I don't really know you're like that's amazing acknowledge and then we associate it's like well it sounds like you know believe it or not you're a totally normal person because anybody who'd be making a decision like this really fast would be crazy we wouldn't want to work with them um but it also sounds to me like this is just that you're nerous about making the
decision which makes you just like all the people who end up buying and getting amazing results and so now I Associated their what was once I need to think about it to I don't know what makes this a no which then you circumvent by saying oh it just sounds like you're afraid of making the decision which makes you just like other people who get amazing results because it shows that you care if you care you're going to follow through and you're going to do amazing if you don't care this is going to be awful and
so it's actually better that you had this fear and so now we've Associated and then we ask the next question which is ready to rock and roll and no like there it's like you can even feel feel my tone change in how I'm saying like you ready to go ready to rock let's do this right and so that's how I like overcoming lots of stall uh stalls which is what you're being concerned what are the variables you're make using to make the decision what would it take for this to be a yes and what makes
this a no right all great ways of segmenting around it without even having to get into more of the uh standard closes around uh I have to think about it to give me some more time so one of the big things that I like to train with our team is something that I call allpurpose closes and so allpurpose closes are the are the 8020 um of closes so these are closes that uh pretty much work in all situations so you have to know price overcomes you have to know stall overcomes you have to know decision
maker overcomes you have to know preference overcomes so that's when somebody's like I don't like this particular feature or I don't like it that you do it this way um you to have overcomes for all those things but the allpurpose closes uh work in pretty much all scenarios because all of them basically chunk up and get yourself out of the weed so you can just make the big decision overall so an allp purpose close might sound like do you think the reason that you're on the phone today is because you've struggled to make this decision
in the past and so that works no matter what thing that they're they're bringing up whether it's their spouse it's money and you just call it the reason so it's like oh do you think like I think it's a lot of money say do you think that uh the fact that you hav't invested in the past is the reason that you're not successful right uh I need to talk to my spouse do you think the reason that you haven't been successful so far is because you've needed to talk to your spouse for all these things
you've always needed to get permission do you feel like the fact that you struggled to make decisions in the past is why you're on the phone with me today so like it doesn't matter what it is is whatever they say you say you think the reason like you just take their objection and add do you think that's the reason that you haven't succeeded because they haven't succeeded yet that's the thing that you have to your advantage they're on the phone they have the pain and so you just say whatever their thing is that's the reason
right now there's another one which is just the the 1 to 10 Close which is hey on a scale from 1 to 10 uh 10 being you know Fair let's do this one being like let's let's never talk to Alex again your breath stinks I hate you uh you know where we at now it doesn't really matter what they say you just say after that well what would make it a 10 which is another version of like what would it take right but just framed differently so what would it take now if they say a
six then you can also say why not a one and they're like well because you're great and you're awesome and all these things then you have them say it not you and you're like awesome so what would make this aent and sometimes they just give you the one or two things like oh I must have done a poor job of commun that we'll totally take care of that for you so sometimes they bring up features that they specifically wanted or some element that you can reframe your existing stack and just saying oh we satisfy that
problem for you I just didn't communicate that well are we feeling tennish is how I like to say it we feeling tennish awesome let's get go let's get going right so allpurpose closes you should know like the back of your hand there's a bunch of other ones I'll just leave it there otherwise the whole rest of the video would be over overcomes with allpurpose causes the next one is a big big big one which is details are death traps all right and the reason that deals are lost in the details is because not for what
you think the reason that details lose deals and that they are death traps and let's see if I can use more deal iteration is because you don't get to pick whether your answers are correct or not so if someone says hey how many days a week are you open if you answer I call that a blind answer so it's basically you rolling the dice that whatever you say is the right answer which you never want to do as a Salesman and so whenever someone's asking a question about a detail what I train our team to
do is ask a question about their question and so we say oh well how many days were you looking for or what days a week were you do you need it to be open right because now based on their answer I can then hedge or frame my answer in a way that increases the likelihood that we close and so kind of like lawyers when they're cross cross-examining uh you know uh somebody on the stand they never ask questions they already don't know the answers to and so you as a Salesman should never answer questions you
don't already know the answers to and if someone really presses hard on something this is where you appeal to the authority of the business rather than yourself and so you say hey totally fair question I would say it's kind of like asking the secretary at the heart surgeon's place like what's wrong with your heart without having seen the heart surgeon yet or the alternative this is the mechanic close which is like hey I totally get this is super important um I can't ethically answer your question right now because we haven't brought your car into the
shop yet right so be like you asking you know a mechanic hey what's wrong with my car before you brought it in like we got to look under the hood before we can tell you what's going on with it and I used to use this whether it was hey I can't I can't tell you what's wrong with your diet they' be like hey well what kind of diet are you going to be giving me I'd be like honestly it's going to depend and so it's going to depend on these things and this is where you
close it you say and if anyone ever gives you an answer before looking at that stuff run the other way because they're just trying to sell you stuff they're not trying to help and so as soon as you say that you have the moral High Ground done you're out of the details you're out of the weeds and you zoom out right and again a lot of these a lot of these allpurpose closes zoom out because people get lost in the details they try and find something to nitpick and every salesman's experience knows that like you
die in the details one because it's not your expertise two they get to tell you what's right and so you want both of those are terrible things that you want to avoid and so this is where hey sometimes you have to to say I'm be like hey before we get deep you know deeper in this fundamentally you want this outcome we sell this outcome what's get in the way here all right and where we get into details and this is the theory behind this that you should understand is that a detail obstacle is actually a
preference obstacle meaning I want to have my cake and eat it too I want your results but I want them my way you can't have that and so one of the ways you can overcome this is this is specific to a a detail CL close you say Hey you change the variables you change the outcome I can tell you that if you do things our way we'll get this outcome and I also know from what you told me earlier pain cycle that you've tried a lot of other ways and what you have been doing hasn't
been working for you see I'm lowering my tone I'm seeing really reasonable right um it hasn't been working for you and so like if you're willing to give this a shot I know that these are the numbers that we can do if you follow this process does that sound fair right and when you say it like that you sound very reasonable and then you can close and so a lot of times when you get caught in the details it's because they want things their way and they want your outcome and you can't have both I'd
have people say hey uh I I see this meal plan can I just eat what I'm eating uh on the challenge I'm like no because I was like because eating what your eating's got in the body that you got I was like and you want this body which doesn't come from that food and if you're talking to a business owner now obviously like I have to have poor to make that joke um but if it's a business owner it's like no you can't keep doing what you're doing right you can hear my tone change no
you can't do it keep doing what you're doing because doing what you're doing is gotten you where you gotten right you got to change to change right and so that's like it always usually levels up so you got to change to change you got to change the got to change the variables to change the outcome right so don't get lost in the details and the first response to any detail question is asking why they care about the detail and so you want to ask specifics about the detail so if someone would say hey uh you
know what what certifications do your trainers have i' be like which certifications you looking for and they'd be like uh I don't know it's like right and i' be like it sounds like you just want to make sure that you're making inform decision what I can tell you is right and so I was always what I can tell you is and I I it's like it's muscle mus memory uh what I can tell you is is that each of my trainers are certified in three different ways and they're master trainers because they've done over a
thousand sessions because I'm guessing the reason that you're trying to ask that question is because you want to make sure that you're safe does that sound fair yes well let me tell you this we haven't had a single injury in the last two years does that make you feel better great boom right and so you want to Chunk Up the reason behind the detail and so if they say hey how many you know how many emails can I send to your support team let's say you had you had no emails for your support team you'd
say well one how many questions were you looking for right and then they're never going to be able answer that question but even if they did you'd say well it sounds like the main reason that you want to again reason the reason behind the reason that you want that is because you just want to make sure that you fully understand things if you fully understood things hypothetical if you fully understood exactly what to do would you have questions well no great well then if we just make sure that you understand exactly what you like you
don't leave the sessions with our team without knowing exactly what you're going to do you understand every single one of those points that you'd feel okay great well that's what we're going to do ready rock and roll right and so you can you never want to get in the details you either question the detail or circumvent it by trying to guess the reason behind the detail and then chunking up and closing that way but details are where you die and finally of course you can mechanic close or secretary close your way out of it and
say hey I can't ethically answer that question because we got to bring your car in and look under the hood before we can actually give you an honest answer and it's going to depend so the next one is the AAA system now I made an entire training on this because it's so important but I'm just G to give you the high level on it which is whenever someone asks you uh a question or they give you some sort of objection you want to follow the Tria framework and I realized this only years into teaching sales
that this is what separated my top salespeople from my mediocre sales people and they did it naturally and I never caught it which is that they first acknowledge what the person said so the reason you do this is twofold one is because it buys you time to think about what you're going to say next because uh they say something you repeat it back to them it's like oh so it sounds like right it's you basically say the last phrase back to them so it buys you time and when someone hears you rephrase what they just
said it builds Rapport because it looks like you're actively listening which you should be and so one you keep Rapport and you give yourself a little bit of time a little bit of breathing room then you associate what they said with either something positive which is like hey that's a smart question or that's amazing or uh totally understandable like those are just I would say generic neutral associations or you make an association with someone that you just talked to earlier that day somebody who used the product and loved it and got amazing success or some
Authority in the business who gave you Insight that they don't know so it's like that's an amazing question I actually just talked to our senior engineer earlier today and he actually told me this can I share it with you right that allows you to sell a harsh truth to somebody without actually attacking their character and so if someone says something uh that's way off I'd be like totally understand where you're coming from uh I think it's a super fair question do you mind if I uh share something that I talked to someone earlier this morning
had the same issue as you and it helped them get over it now again I'm not now saying this to you I'm telling you what I told them and I just happen to be telling you so I'm not insulting you I'm telling you my harsher truth that I told this person and then you can connect the dots and so by having those associations it creates foils for people's egos so you can have more direct conversation indirectly and then the last part is obviously just ask so you acknowledge you associate then you ask the next question
and that's how you move forward in the sale because this is a law that you must understand about closing key who asks the most times gets the most sales this is a law he who asks the most times gets the most sales and the reason that this is so important is because asking when you ask wrong usually loses you sales and because they don't want to talk to you anymore and so if they get into a bad mood they don't buy and so how do you reconcile asking a lot of times closing the most sales
with when you ask wrong people stop wanting to talk to you therefore you can't ask more times what Bridges this Rapport and so the reason this is so important is because it gives you unlimited shots on goal you stay in the saddle you stay in the sale rather than getting knocked off and you can tell when someone's complete demeanor changes they close off you've already lost the sale right you lost them you lost Rapport and so by ackn ning what they say associating with something positive or someone positive someone like them who got this big
result it allows you to say harsher overcomes that allow you to move the sale forward two three steps rather than just kind of like for lack of a better term footing around it and so this is what allows the best sales people to ask hard truths because closers ask hard questions so In The Same Spirit as this in order to keep this whole tone I like to remind my team childlike curiosity and the point of this is that you want to understand not win and so if someone doesn't immediately buy it should be your first
instinct to not be like screw this person I'm going to hard close them because it probably won't work instead being like huh that's interesting I wouldn't have expected that can you tell me more about that or hey so all of these things are different ways of acknowledging and so I even taught this to uh our team and I you can even see it with my head when I say huh I always tilt my head up because that's how I naturally am curious and so when someone does this you're not like oh this guy's going to
try and be combative with me it's like huh that's interesting and so that one buys you more time it also isn't competitive it's not you attacking them it's you not trying to prove them wrong because if you prove them wrong you make no money so you want to be right not rich the classic ISM you become rich by making them right because they believe nothing about what you say they believe everything about what they say and so the reason that sales people ask questions because we need them to say it not us so within that
context because closers ask hard questions and because we are curious that means that we ask more questions and so what a lot of people don't know is the person asking is the person closing so there's a reason that when you're in an interrogation they're like I'm asking the questions here it's because the person asking the questions is the one who's in control you're the one who's leading the sale because the questions guide the conversation the answers do not and so you want to be the the spirit guide who's letting your questions guide the person to
the Natural conclusion and so fundamentally sales is an education process and so our goal is to Simply figure out what pieces of information they need in order to make a decision and act on it and so if we think about sales as teaching because teaching is same conditions new Behavior then we want them to now have a new Behavior which is buying which we've motivated them to do by pointing out the deprivation they've had in their lives and presenting our solution as the thing that will Bridge that Gap and so if someone asks you questions
it's like hot potato that's why we ask a question back because we Take Back Control the reason the details are death is because they are asking you questions they are in control not you the other reason that questions are so powerful is that no one can disagree with a question all right so it doesn't matter what what they say if you just ask a question about it there's they can't disagree with the question question which makes you like smoke and so this is my little ISM that I like telling my team is that you want
to be like smoke like they can't catch you like any any statement that you give is an opportunity for them to disagree and we want to never disagree with prospects now some people might disagree with that and I don't care uh and so the thing is is you don't disagree with prospects because the likely that you lose Report with the prospect super high you can agree with the reason behind the question you can agree or say that it's understandable for them to have a question but you don't want to disagree so there's very different saying
don't disagree with agreeing with everything they say very different you just don't want to create a competitive environment and so questions allow you to have that Gap and so statements are bombs that they can then blow up in your face and so if we are ever going to answer things we check to see what answer they want and then say it and so they say hey what kind of food's on the plan I say what kind of food you looking for hey what are your workouts like well what workouts you looking for right like and
then they say well I was hoping you do some sort of cardan Weights well that's exactly what you do you're in luck right because they just told me the answer and so it's amazing at the end of this they're like dude this sounds exactly like what I want I'm like yes because you told me what you wanted and I told you that's what it was now again you want to be ethical and making sure that you're not deceiving people but I think it's way more about how you frame the solution right if I say hey
what kind of workouts you looking for and they say uh I want to do a lot of cardio and if I know that there's no cardio in our thing for example I might be like why and they'd be like uh well I heard that that's what I need to lose weight and I'm like what if we could help you lose weight and you wouldn't have to do card you would still want to do it and then they probably like well yeah and be like awesome well let's focus on that because this is what I can
help you do do you care a lot about how we get there and a lot of times most people are like no as long as you get me there and so this again Loops us out it gets you into you want cake you also want to eat it let me just get you cake and then we can I don't know what you do with cake if you're not eating it but that's where that and then we can throw it there we go all right so even though we're point being is that you either question questions
or you ask the right answer from the person before answering it and so if you think about this as the decision trait someone ask a detail question you then ask a question what's the right answer to this question they then tell you the right answer if you have the right answer you say great that's what we have if they if you don't have that as the right answer you ask why they have that and then you chunk up to the reason behind it and then say if we got to that same solution either way would
you care about how we got there both of those note got you out of the details and you never answered a question you didn't already know the answer to as we're going through these closing things right rather than make this an entire thing of just obstacle overcomes um I I really want to tease up to the the the strategy behind this rather than just heav you know shout lines at you all right and so we talk about killing zombies early another way of thinking about is like you want to diffuse the bomb before you get
into the cloth um and the reason that we do zombies is because if zombies get close to you they eat you and they bite you right so you want to kill them from a distance before they get close all right and so you handle zombies earlier on in the sale and so if you recall from bant these are typically going to be your zombies right budget Authority need timing hey is there anyone else that needs to uh be on the call or involved in this decision hey uh just to be clear the reason that we
do the labeling up front that gives us the need right timing like are you good to start now when would you like to start if we were to move forward right budget some of these things you can ask in the application you can ask them the qualifier but when you ask them in the pain cycle for example and this is where you can actually collect all your gold for this is when you ask what they've done in the past you can get an idea of what their need was what the timing was what the budget
was hey was your husband involved in that decision right and so you can collect all the data you need around B before getting to the close and so if you consistently have a few things that come up in the close and blow up in you then you want to just load those earlier in the sale before you ask for money because anything that you ask for after making money is when you're in the very very uh tight RPP area if if you're asking to overcome those things before money there's no Stakes on the table yet
I like to tell my team literally in person you always want to be on the same side of the table if you're via Zoom or phone you want to figuratively be on the same side of the table they want to feel like you're an ally you you going to be shoulder Tosh shoulder you be across the corner of the table not across the table overall and so when you're in the beginning of the sale you want to be a FactFinder you want to be a guide right if you're positioned as a helpful guide throughout this
whole process then you'd asking these questions are things that are going to help you help them if you're asking them after you've asked for money it's a way for you to extract money from them and so it shifts the frame when you ask these questions and these are all answerable prior to asking for money another one is just a little ISM which is a when in doubt repeat it back or one in doubt say it back uh and that's because if you're like Oh shoot what am I going to say you can just always just
pause be like so you want to know which certifications our trainers have and they're just going to look at you like yes okay I was just thinking about the stuff that we have which ones are you looking for specifically right and so that gives you that time to to come up with whatever your answer so if you get into into ghost mode you can always just slowly say back what they just asked you and you'll still stay in the sale and keep report rather than having a long awkward silence so when in doubt say it
back all right so the next one is before getting real get permission so I would say that this depends on your frame within the sale and so if you're seen as an authority then you can say hey can I be a coach instead of a friend here hey can I put my uh can I put my real hat on hey do you mind if I get real with you for a second before before we move on so these are all ways to uh gain permission before giving someone a harsh truth now if you're in a
sale let's say you're a 20-year- old guy and you're closing you know 40-year-old business owners that are doing $20 million a year that's probably not going to work right and so that's where the other three foils that I brought up in the associate part of that sounds like somebody else just like you because now it's using the authority of somebody else like them which is their own authority uh using again Someone Like You Who Saw success it's just a different version or if there's an authority in the business or the product that you can lean
on so hey our senior engineer oh our founder those are things that as long as your founder which presumably if they're coming to the business you Le they have some Authority if they're thinking about working with you um then that gives you some Authority that the salesman can then transfer in giving a hard truth um and so but this that's the common language before you're going to say something harsh if you ever heard a close or read a close and be like dude I don't think I could say that it's usually because you didn't triaa
beforehand right you didn't acknowledge what they said associate with what they said reframe it uh and then ask the question with some sort of like can I be a coach and said of a friend here uh or would it be totally overstepping for me to uh share this harsh truth with you and I say not harsh truth so be like that thing hey would it be totally overstepping um if I shared something with you that might be uncomfortable uh right um can I tell you what I told somebody in your exact same position right now
that's that's an example of the foil Association rather than the first two if I'm selling consumer weight loss you can get away with the first two if someone's coming to you for weight loss coaching you can say can I be a coach inside of a friend it makes sense you're starting that relationship if you're just a Salesman stick with the foils that I was mentioned earlier next one is uh learn to stack closes all right so something that you'll notice or at least me in my my career um selling is that some it's like it's
sometimes they're like on the fence they're on the edge and they're like teetering that's where you want to like right hook jab jab ja like you want to just like ah and then and push them over um so I don't I don't know if I subscribe to the uh whoever talks first after you uh mention money like money maybe but um I can tell you I've closed plenty of sales where like I could like hey seems like you're hesitating right let me like let's let's let's close this up more um but in the vast majority
now obviously with a price drop uh sometimes you do want to wait but the vast majority of other times when I have a big pause I'll just insert more closes from different angles around the same uh obstacle so if someone's saying hey for example I don't have a lot of time right now then I'm going to know one I'll Attack on the fact that hey the first thing we're going to do is cut out 90% of the stuff that you that's not working because that's why you're here so that you will be spending your time
doing the stuff that matters I also know be like hey at the end of the day this is a question of priori it's not time right because everybody has it and there's other people in your industry who are growing faster than you and they have the same resources so we just need to allocate them differently right um and then I could go from a a macro busy perspective which is well I understand that you're totally busy I think it's really reasonable that that you say that um so let me ask you a question do you
think that you ever going to be not busy again in the future this is a trap they're going to say yes and say cool do you ever think you'll be busy again in the the future and now they're like well yeah it's like okay well if you can't succeed when you're busy then it means that you'll fall off when you're busy again and so if you want this to be permanent then we have to figure out how to make it work during all seasons does that sound fair does that make sense got it and so
now it's like I just had three different ways and so whichever one I said first if they're like still thinking about it I like if I just said the seasons one I'd be like hey and no matter what we're going to cut out 90% of the stuff that you're doing right now so we're going to save you that time so you can start doing the stuff that matters right because it's going to be ities not how much time you got right everybody's got the same amount of time right okay cool right and so I just
went three closes in a row after as the after making the first one and so learning how to stack closes and weave them together will make all your closing more effective and this is why knowing the theory behind the close is more important than trying to memorize what close it is which kind of brings me to this um the next one is I think there's a lot of guys who say to memorize closes I couldn't even tell you uh I don't think I've really hard poor memorized any clo I know the gist of almost all
of them word for word not really uh so don't don't memorize understand and so let me walk you through the big understandings that you have to have all right so if someone comes with a Time objection they're too busy then it's really understanding that's a prioritization thing that's all it is so we have to allocate the resources differently that's all the closes that are going to be around time are going to be around that a decision maker close is going to be around you want support not permission right so they're going to ask for permission
you're going to try and empower the person saying hey we're going to rely on past behaviors this person has said we're going to fact find to say oh you know what it turns out they've done all these other things that would indicate that they're already okay with you making this decision and so I think you want to go for support not permission it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission ha right and so you can make those make those little isms but all of those are going to circle around that that main thing if someone's
saying details it's going to be preferences it's going to say want your thing my way and so we need to overcome the fact that if they change the variables they change the outcome uh and all the closes around details are more or less going to be around basically that fundamental line of reasoning um if someone says money then you're going to basically zero in on value because nothing is ever too expensive it's just not worth it right if I was giving you a Ferrari for five grand you would find a way to come up with
five grand of course which then leads to the second underlying one which is about resourcefulness not resource ources because if you really thought that this was going to be the thing that was going to change your life you'd find a way to make it work right if I were giving you the keys to my Ferrari for five grand you would call 10 friends and get the money together which means fundamentally you don't see the value and so every one of the obstacles that people will throw at you you just need to understand the fundamental fallacy
of belief that they're presenting with so that you can help overcome it and stall overcomes the last kind of category are stalls link back to decision avoidance so it's typically either fear uh of making the wrong decision which we reassure them that is the right decision and not knowing how to make a decision so then we walk them through how to make a logical decision what questions they should ask and we just lead them through it that's it and when I go through the uh objections that my audience came up with um whatever I respond
with I'm not saying say word for word I think understanding the argument behind it is what will help you close more deals in that same vein you really only need to have two to three closes per obstacle that you really like all right and so that's why I'm saying like you don't have to memorize them but you would you would want to know the two or three that you're usually going to bring up when it comes to uh a Time overcome or a money overcome or a decisionmaker overcome or a stall close uh or an
avoidance thing right all of those are you just want to have two to three that you know like I could give you a hundred but which one you're going to use on a regular basis it's going to depend on the ones that you feel most comfortable saying in your own language in the spirit of the allpurpose closes uh earlier I said when in doubt say it back another thing is that if you ever get lost in the details or you're just like you're like where am I right now lost question zoom out all right so
this is where you say whoa whoa tot okay I feel like we've got we've got all the way to Pluto uh and back together so big picture right this is how it you always phrase it like big picture or let's zoom out for a second this is where we say hey best case worst case right this is an allpurpose close so it's zoom out out best case worst case best case we get you this thing worst case you get six weeks of free service from us and you get your money back if you hate us
all right and so again getting best case worst case closes um especially strong if you have any kind of guarantee um that's associated with whatever it is that you sell hugely valuable mostly just because best Cas worth Cas clothes just murders because you can say listen at the end of the day you have two options both are risk-free you canot do this go home and that's guarant aned to get you in the exact same position you're currently at or you can take a shot here also risk-free but you've got a chance of getting what you
want so one is guaranteed to not the other one's got a chance both are risk-free which one you want right best case worst case and so guarantees help you boil the decision down so low that it's just simple yes no and so uh whenever you're lost zoom out so finally you have reinforced the decision so you're like wait a second where is that coming from so the closer frame has c l o s e r so everything I've talked about has been e which is explain away their concerns the last step of all of these
is that you want to reinforce the decision all right and so when you reinforce the decision it's actually what happens after you've gotten the money so you've explained explained away their concerns they now buy and then post swipe post purchase that's when you do the handshake all right now I'm not saying a physical handshake I'm saying that you pass them off instead of a hand off you do a handshake with customer success so if you've ever seen you know from this whole you know video so far there's the through line that all information should get
passed like a baton from the person to the next person in line and so I like using this concept of bamfam which is book a meeting from a meeting and every interaction with a customer they should know exactly when the next time they're going to be meeting and with whom and the with whom person should know all of the conversation they've had up to that point so they know a lot about the Prospect and what the salespeople have said up to that point so that they know the goals the aspirations the fears the pains so
that when they talk to them they can talk in those terms and it will be unbelievably more compelling now we've we implemented this one of our portfol companies I made a case study about it just switching from a handoff to a handshake handoff is like good luck right and they pass him to the Cs team and the Cs team is like oh I'm trying to catch it right rather than John this is Sarah Sarah's going to help you with your XYZ problem so that you can accomplish goal and she's going to walk you through with
the next steps look like you know it's been a pleasure talking to you she's going to take care of you she's cured cancer six times and someone said she walked on water once I can't confirm it but she's amazing Sarah gets on and says John we're gon she's we're going to help you take care of this thing and the way we're going to do that is then lays out the proof promise plan but specific and personalized to the pains and the and the and the aspirations of the Prospect and so we want to reinforce the
decision because this video is about making more sales and just about that is about keeping more sales and so if you reinforce the decision you'll get a lot fewer drop offs back outs cold feet first 30-day refunds things like that all right so now let's get into FAQs from the audience and so these are going to be real examples of real objections that you guys are getting that I'm going to do my very best uh to help overcome so the first one we got is a cheap competitor so the good news for you is that
we have one that we literally just call the cheap competitor close so uh this one you can smash so you just say hey um if ours was the same as theirs which one would you do then they're going to say well I would do yours and you're like why and then they'll say well you have this thing that seems a little better you got this thing my friend referred to you you're like right that's why we're more so you let them tell you all the things that make you better rather than you telling them what
makes you better and then you say yeah and the thing is is usually when you say it like that most people laugh like you're like right and that's why we're like and that's why we're we're more right because we're better and you know it that's why you're here also by the way that's usually a uh it's usually a buying question so that's good it means you're pretty close to the sale so that's called the cheap comparison close all right so the next one you guys had was uh the ID close because I do this in
person so if you don't know what the ID close is is that I prefer to close sales rather than asking for form of payment when I'm in person for asking for their ID first the reason I do that is because someone takes their wallet out usually they put it on the table or they take their purse out and they pull out their wallet that has all their cards in it and so when they do that a lot of little things can't happen after that point they can't say forgot their uh wallet they can't say they
forgot their credit card at home because now it's right in front of me right and because I didn't ask for their payment yet I asked for their ID and so we asked for the ID and I also like to do this because when I get it there's always a little bit of chitchat that happens there so I'm like oh you should see my picture it's terrible oh so you're from you know blah blah blah oh that's amazing you know I got a friend who's out there and you're filling out and also make sure that you
fill out all the information correctly which one of the one of the ways that you can lose a sale is that you put the wrong payment information in or you tie to the wrong uh uh ZIP code and you're like oh by the way this how you can lean into like the ZIP code that you have for this is this the same zip that you have for the form payment you want to use right and at that point then you say awesome you put it between your fingers and you gesture towards the wallet wherever it
is on the table say I'll trade you for whatever one you want to use right and so it's cute it's easy you trade like this but it's clear your line of sight it's like they can't say now this just eliminates a lot of BS so that you don't have to oh I forgot my it's like well I didn't ask for that yet and so if you're on Zoom so that's what this is about how do I do that same close you just say awesome can you put your ID next to the camera is to make
sure that we associate the right account profile with the right payment and this to make sure that you're you listen nowadays we just try to be careful we try to be PCI Compliant I just made that up it doesn't matter the point is like I asked you and like if you're really not true you just say that's how we've always done it they'll be fine with it don't worry about it all right the next one uh is just generic uh decision maker which is I have to talk to my spouse my dog my grandmother my
business partner my emotional partner partner whatever right fundamentally they're saying that they don't have the authority to make the decision and so first off if you know that whatever you sell is something that will materially affect a business or household then you want to give the opportunity for them to talk to their spouse in the setting process right and so either it's uh you either bring both of them on the call uh if you're like selling B2B or you're selling B Toc uh so especially like I have a friend of mine who sells really high
ticket weight loss stuff they ask the partner uh to get on the phone this is specifically women and then they end up just closing both Partners they're like ah you know you should join to and then they sell they make two sales out of it they sell the husband and the wife because you get better results when you do together cool it turns the negative into another sale opportunity if you're in a business situation having the business partners on the phone beforehand helps now I also understand that there are times when it's like you've got
one shot and this is your this is your opportunity so I follow process which is number one I say what would happen if they said no and if I'm talking to a more egotistical guy I would say what happens if they don't give you permission because it makes them sound like a uh and so by doing that they're like oh I don't need permission then you're like awesome let's get you taken care of then right done over it now this is very crazy but one out of three times when you say what would happen if
they said no they're like I'd do it anyways you're like so what are we waiting for let's get started now the two out of three times they'll say something like well then I wouldn't do it now some people say oh now that's where that sale ends no we got tons of questions left so you say oh well what do you think would be their main concern so now all I'm doing is just shifting from okay okay you're not the decision maker now let's talk to this hypothetical person they've used their partner as a foil the
same way we use this hypothetical person we talked to earlier today as a foil for what they want it works the same way it's just in reverse and so you say so what's their main concern even though they have no idea and haven't been in the conversation then what they're going to do is they're going to tell you what their main concern is through the mouth of this hypothetical person they've made as their business partner and then you can actually follow through the same well what would you think would make them say no what do
you think would make an absolute yes for them what would it take for us to move forward right and so those are trying to isolate variables and if you can offshoot there into whatever that person says would be the issue then you're out of the decision maker frame and now you're closing the obstacle now if they still say you know they would be concerned with this or that or whatever then I rotate into um past agreements all right so past agreements is like huh well do you think uh like what would you think would be
a good indication that they would be okay with it like from the stuff that you've done already like do they know that you're here do they know that like have you bought things like this in the past do they know that you're in pain with the situation right now yes well if they don't approve of your current situation why would they not approve of you solving something they already don't approve of right so it's taking a reversing a negative and so here it's like sometimes you'll get they'll be like you know you're right I think
that's fine if you still can't close then you resort to support not permission right and that's kind of like the final kind of final straw but I try and offshoot I really focus a lot on that trying to break the foil and say what do you think their main concern is make it a no for them because now we're isolating issues and we can tackle them rather than getting around decision maker but if they insist on decision maker and you insist on having to close the sale right now then you go to hey I think
that you're asking for permission when you really should be looking for support right because at the end of the day if we play this out let's say your business doesn't grow uh like who are you going to blame is it fair to the partnership that you don't get this outcome because you rely on this person person no right because all this is going to do is that if you to not get this person's permission 5 years down the road where you going to be right and who you going to blame because fundamentally if they're the
one who are in charge then they're the ones who also get all the blame which means that you're not in any way control of your own life and I don't think that's fair to you I don't think it's fair to them I don't think it's for the relationship and so that's the support not permission angle and so that gives you a lot of offshoots to uh close prior to getting to that the decision maker is the hardest one to overcome of all cloes is because it's the only one that the person says I can't make
a decision so doesn't matter what you say I have no Authority and so the whole point like the reasoning behind this is you see if they actually do have authority and they're just using it as a smoke screen that's like the one out of three right off the bat they say why I would do it anyways that's a smoke screen done you already closed the deal if they're using it because they don't want to say what their actually what their real objection is then they're using this person to tell you a hard truth because they're
afraid of insulting you because you know it goes both ways and so then you say oh well what would the you know what do you think they would be afraid of having happen What like um what would make them say no and then you can overcome that because it actually wasn't really that they don't have decision-making Authority they just didn't want to say this thing but if they truly don't have decision-making Authority trying to then relate the fact that it's like oh you might not have authority but they have already agreed with you based on
their past agreements and so if you think about each of these as arguments number one is you do you actually have authority and don't care uh two is you were afraid to tell me and have authority the third is you don't have authority but they already have agreed based on what they've already done and then the fourth is basically trying to get them to take authority of their own lives by asking for support not permission so that's the reasoning behind kind of that four-step close with that has offshoots all the way through but if someone's
like I absolutely need must that's why we try to no matter what if we know that this is a common thing or it's an expensive you know if you're trying to sell houses you're not going to close the close the spouse and buying the house without the other spouse it's not going to happen right and so if you know that both people are going to be required for whatever it is that you sell just involve them in the process earlier so let's say someone says hey everything sounds amazing uh give me some time so it's
actually there's like there's a false truth in there that's embedded which is it's actually not good enough here's why so if someone says hey you know this sounds amazing let me Circle back in a couple quarters you say awesome so what are you going to be doing instead and so then they're going to say X Y and Z and then you're like okay um zooming out and hey if you don't this is just a question I asked somebody earlier today and they it they said it was enlightening so you mind if I share it with
you right because I'm already getting into hard territory here right so U at that point I'd say do you think that doing what this is is going to get you better returns than what we're talking about right because again time is priorities so all like fundamentally like I said earlier like you have to understand the theory behind this they're saying I have other things that are more important and so we have to say no this is more important which means we have to elevate the value of what we're currently doing or devalue what they're currently
doing so fundamentally that's the that's how we're attacking this so it's like what are you going to do instead got it do you think it'll make you more than this and if they say yes then you'd say why if they say no then it's like oh then you should prioritize this let's get rolling right and so with each of these you'll not there's like there's offshoots like if if they say yes then it's done you've already closed it right if they say uh no I think this other thing would make me more money and the
thing is is if there right then they should do that and so a big part of being an ethical salesman is that the moment that you feel like a prospect is better served not doing something you should stop but this is why you want to sell stuff that works better right uh but if you do have something that you know will make the more money then all you have to do is break down how it's going to make them more money and then cover cost of in action so that would be okay so uh let's
put math to it and that's how I'd say like let's put some math let's let's put some numbers down so if we improve your conversion rate you know by 30% that would increase Revenue by 30% but you have uh you know gross margins of 90 and so and your and your current net margins are 30 and so if we do that we'll actually double the profit of the business so the things that you're working on right now um are those doubling the profit of the business and over what time period over two quarters well if
we could double the profit of the business would that allow you to make those things happen even faster okay just asking so I can understand right and so again when you're getting into those situations it's always the seek to understand frame right that's the that's where we're coming from and so if you have elevated yourself to a helpful guide then it shouldn't feel combative it's like totally get it just so I'm clear you're saying that because the stuff that you're going to do is make you more money than what we're talking about and if they're
like no then it's like oh then why are you prioritizing it right and the thing is a lot of times whenever someone gives you an answer you can always ask why because then you can go chunk up to reason and then basically say oh my thing actually solves that reason even better so uh I'm really busy right now is different from the give me some time and it sounds similar but they're actually different uh different objections right which is I don't have time I'm busy right now whatever all right so this one is give me
some time to make the decision like let me decide in a week that's when you go that's avoidance that's decision avoidance if someone says I don't have time and I could do this later that's the I'm busy which means that we're we're talking about priorities what else are you doing that's more important than this so let's say that you don't have a guarantee which is fine I don't have a guarantee around most of the things that I sawell all right um the anti-g guarantee is how I like to sell around guarantee which is oh if
you're the type of person who needs a guarantee then this is definitely not for you because at the end of the day we can control we can control we can't control what you do so do you think it'd be fair for us to guarantee work I have no input in doing and so it really just comes down to basically the more control you have the more you can offer a guarantee the less control you have the less you can offer a guarantee if you choose not to offer them and so you want to basically do
a takeaway sale on the guarantee being like oh this is really for people who are serious about doing it are you serious about doing it okay cool I can't control I can't eat the food for you I can't work out for you I can give you the guide and I can tell you that hundreds of other people have S succeeded but I can't do it for you myself it's one of the few things that I can't do right does that sound reasonable right and that's and that's where like reasonable is what we're going with is
that sound fair so that makes sense uh around an anti-g guarantee for uh for not having a guarantee if they off if they say you don't have one all right so the next one that came from the audience was uh hey let me watch some of your free stuff or let me go through your lead magnet right so like if you've got some sort of resources that you put out there and then they get on the sales call and say oh well you know or this sales call was super helpful I think I'm just going
to you know do the stuff that you said on the sales call what you do is you agree with them and say oh absolutely you should do that uh and do that before you come out or before you start our program or before you whatever before we start and kick you off so you just say you should totally do that because if you do that successfully then one of two things is going to happen either you're going to succeed in which case you're going to run into another problem that I can help you solve or
you're not going to succeed in which case I can help you solve it to begin with but either way you should you should get started so let's get you moving and so again we have to take it from I want to do this thing we agree with them we're not disagreeing you should totally do that stuff because it will make you money and one of two things are going to happen you're going to succeed in which case you're going to run into another issue which we can help you solve or you're not going to succeed
in which case we can help you solve that either way results in you doing it so let's get started if you sell to the government or you have very large Enterprises that require 6 12 month sales cycles and you need multiple stakeholders uh to buy in much of the stuff that I covered here is not going to apply and that's because these are these are transactional these are basically these fundamentally all of these force a prospect to make a decision now in a big Fortune 100 or a government sale things like that oftentimes no one
has the ability to make a decision and it's a decision by committee and so you basically need to continue to stay in the pocket and in most Enterprise sales the amount of people that the customer talks to in your organization increases the likelihood of closing and a smooth uh transition and so if they talk to two or three people on your team and you talk to two or three people on their team it's like uh I'll give you a visual so if it's you and one person this Bond easily broken but if it's you and
three people on their team and two people on yours then you have uh uh whatever I could draw all these connections but you get the you get the you get the point there you go so there's way more ties and this is much harder to break and so with Enterprise sales it looks more like this than it does like this so hopefully feel like I helped you guys overcome some of the obstacles that you brought up otherwise we could be here all day now that we forget out closing we just got to make sure that
our heads space is right and we continue to do the right things over and over again so wrap up with mindset now I hate the term mindset overall because I'm like what does that even mean and so what I'm going to try and do is reframe some set things that I have into behaviors that they apply to all right so sales mindset number one the person who cares the most about the prospect wins the sale and so if they care more about themselves than you care about them they will win and so in terms of
what does this change about your behavior the idea is that if you truly care about them you will usually not lose Rapport in the sale because you will always seek to understand and so then you will always your tone will change your conviction will change because because fundamentally it says keep the human first if this is no longer a good idea for them you should not sell them you should tell them I think it's a good idea for you not to do this and I promise you there's nothing more powerful than learning to turn away
prospects which will increase your overall closing percentage because you will know that you are in this to help people make decisions to help themselves and so if you try to close everybody you will it will start to wear on you over time because you'll know that you're a piece of all right and so either you're you become a sociopath or you your sales will go down so instead make sure you qualify prospects Never Lie um and if you keep the person at the center of the sale then when someone says I got to think about
it you're like Sarah I'm trying to figure out how to make this work for you because I know this is going to help you and I I want to help you make this decision because I I just genuinely believe that so what are the what's what are you most afraid of right now like what are you what are you afraid of having happen right and then you get to the heart of it and the thing is is if you keep that Rapport you will close more sales because they will feel that you do care so
the next one comes from uh my team so this is one that I repeat over and over and over again so this is banged into their skulls uh volume negates luck all right and so the big thing uh with sales is that it is a num game it's like dating you just have to know what the pipeline is and the guys who become the best salespeople are the ones who do the most volume volume and so there's this relationship between volume and skill the more you do the better you get the better you get the
more you do and so the idea is that you want to in the beginning force feed yourself through tons and tons of volumes so that you can get through the terrible period as fast as possible because a master in any domain has more ways to reward themselves if you're a master editor then when you look at a video there's a hundred things that you can do that you know how to do that you enjoy doing that you've been rewarded in the past for doing if you're a Salesman who's a master salesman you can you like
pulling a sale out of the depths you love overcoming the details you enjoy being in the red zone and kind of navigating those conversations because it's a fun challenge for you when you're a beginner you're freaked out and you're paranoid you don't know what you're doing and so the idea is to you to follow what Kobe Bryant did so if everybody else is working out once a day if I work out three times a day I'm going to get better that much faster and so my recommendation is find the person on your team who's the
best closer and do double the effort that they're doing and if you're like dude that's barely even possible great welcome to getting better right and the thing is is that I'll I'll draw this this visual that uh that we we introduce a lot of our our sales team with which is this is what your skill is going to look like over time so this is this might take you know two to three months and this might take you know a year and this might take you know two to three years for your skill so this
is my skill here we go but what people don't understand is that this is your income and so in the beginning you just learn not to suck which is fantastic and very important to suck less but eventually you'll suck so little that you'll actually be very good and all of the best returns in life come at the very end of Mastery and so people give up in this period of time but they miss out this much where all of the gains are going to happen because they quit early and so you have to approach sales
as a skill and if you hate it just understand it's not that you hate it because you somehow have some natural distaste for sales you just aren't skilled enough because I promise the best salespeople love selling the best editors love editing the best writers love writing and when the best editor started editing they sucked at editing and the best sales people started sales they sucked at sales I didn't close my first sale all right I'm just saying like but I had enough reward cycles and I forced enough volume down my throat that I started liking
it and then once you like it that reward Cycle takes over all right the next one is sales resumés don't matter and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm GNA explain what I mean by this so I have had two times in my career where our sales teams were not growing at the rate that they needed to to support the amount of demand that was coming in and that was very frustrating for me and once I dove in I wrote a chapter about this in uh my leads book on the uh employees chapter um once I dove
in I found out that in both situations they were screening heavily the salespeople's resumee to qualify them to get interviewed and that is typically in my opinion a mistake because especially in a transactional selling environment so if you're thinking setting or one to two call closing so very short sales Cycles you're going to immediately look for other skills outside of what their past experience is that you can tell very quickly on a call and so I am more Pro Group interviews and so you can just invite everyone onto the call and quickly do one to
two minute interviews with everyone who hops on because the star salespeople will in that environment where they need to speak up be more assertive be more social uh one they'll speak up two they'll be clear communicators three the really good ones uh will also encourage other people who are nervous so that's just something that we've noticed there they're going to be more team players at least the type of salesp people that we want to attract and so group interviews instead of resume screening as one of the easiest ways to scale a sales team that we've
found now one of the things that people don't understand about this is the understanding between attitude and aptitude all right so you've probably heard the like hi for attitude uh not for aptitude all right so that is true sort of and so let me explain so so fundamentally the real truth is you should always hire for the lowest skill deficiency so it's just what are the deficient skills what is the cost of training these skills I want to hire people who have the lowest efficiency which means that I have the fastest ramp up or the
highest return on investment for them becoming proficient in the business that's fundamentally what all hiring is in general not just sales and so the thing is is that we have these bundled terms like kind hardworking right uh uh uh charismatic whatever right but the thing is is that these are bundled terms that actually have many skills underneath of them and so when we say hire for attitude it really means you know there's probably 20 different examples of what kindness looks like within the setting of a workplace and if someone has zero of them that's 20
skills I have to teach them whereas if they only need to learn how to call leads and work leads and say a script that might only be two to three weeks of training but training someone to be kind certainly takes longer than two to three weeks now where this flips is that there is some point in the future where if you have a very Niche expertise that's very very hard to find it might be easier to teach you to be kind than to teach you how to code like a level 10 expert or to be
a transactional CFO that's done you know 50 transactions before for your type of Industry there might not be that many people who've done that and so it might be easier to teach them how to behave within your culture than it is to teach them that skill set and so this is more true the lower level the role that you're hiring for and less true as you get higher but the fundamental universal truth is that you always hire for the small skill deficiency so the next is that compensation attracts great salespeople but it does not retain
them or get them to behave the way you want to so compensation equals recruiting compensation in my experience does not equal uh performance and I'm now you might be like of course it does I'm just telling you uh in my experience I have never had a compensation change really change the behavior of the team except for one thing uh which I will share with you if you compensate them off of cash collected you will in general get more cash collected but everything else in terms of like we're going to pay this for that and this
for that most of the times the reward cycle is so delayed they're just going to still just try as hard as they can to sell and so the things that change Behavior are typically much faster uh and lower intensity meaning you were addicted to your phone not because it pays you but because it has a very fast feedback loop and so the reason that in general sales in Slack are overrepresented from sales that actually get processed is because people get rewarded for saying I closed the deal in slack and so they say they close deals
more times than they do and so you by the way Pro tip on that is just create a zap between your uh CRM and a process sale that's been submitted and make that the thing that goes into slack that they get kudos on just a side little little tip ski there for you um but it's been my experience that you absolutely get better closers with higher comp but and when I say better closers I mean people who have smaller skill deficiencies that you need to train but then after that trying to like redo compensation over
and over again it's very rare in my experience that it has has changed the behavior of the team that in a way that training and fast feedback loops can't do better the next is that sales and marketing are one Continuum all right so people see them as different departments and for me I've actually profited a lot um by putting them Under One Roof so I always have our meetings as basically Revenue generation uh and you can have a chief Revenue officer who really oversees acquisition overall and since I've done this and I've done this for
years um there's basically been no conflict between sales and marketing they're working together to close as many deals as possible so if you ever have conflict where like sales is like marketing they G they're not giving us enough leads or the leads are and then s uh and then marketing's telling sales like why don't you close anything like you should be closing right like it's because they're sitting on opposite side of the table but when they're collaborating under the same roof especially if there's one leader ahead of it all of that disappears like I can't
remember the last time that like Marketing sales had any kind of like weird weirdness in companies that I own uh and so you have you do that by unifying them and I explain it like this which is that they sit on one Continuum and so fundamentally you just have a certain amount of information that's required to get someone to buy and so in a hypothetical world if someone was perfectly knowledgeable they could make the buying decision on their own and companies have proven that like carvana that doesn't have salespeople or Tesla which you can buy
a car on the website like if you have enough marketing people can get and search for enough information that they just make a buying decision on their own but whenever you have sufficient marketing to get people to start buying on their own there's typically an even larger pool of people who do need more selling to occur to close this Gap to get them to buy and so sales think about sales as personalized marketing which is okay you uh let's say that there's uh one two three four uh five six things that someone needs to know
in order to buy if marketing covers 1 two and three then you the salesperson cover four five and six now let's say the next Prospect comes in and they have one three and five then you would cover two four and six and so basically it allows you to personalize the information required to get this person to make a decision I don't believe in any kind of mysticism around like oh over this price you have to sell over the phone I do think that there are behaviors in general that more people do but I don't think
it's in any way a necessity but a lot of times there are opportunities because there's just more people who don't know as much as people who buy so having a sales team will almost always improve the overall Roi or roaz uh asend for any kind of acquisition process another good thing to understand from a mindset perspective is the difference between uh like belief and Trust not really the difference but belief and Trust actually exist because people talk about like oh you need to have trust from the prospect it's not they have to trust you because
they are actually continuums it's how much do they trust you how much do they believe you and so when you think about it this way then it's not this binary of like oh they didn't trust you it's they didn't trust you enough which then allows us to have these little check marks along the way that we can say these things increase the belief of the prospect these things increase the trust of the prospect these things decrease the trust of the Prospect and the more things you do that get them to believe you and trust you
the more likely it is that they will buy and so fundamentally seeing sales in these two frames allows you to think of sales as an education process which you then teach them in order to change their behavior and so one of my one of my little isms that I like to think of is that in general the trust and belief that is required to make a big purchase is smaller than the trust and belief that is required to make a little purchase and so basically the bigger the plane so if I have a little plane
right that's a bad plane there we go if I have a little plane then I don't need a very long Runway to get this plane to take off if I have a big plane then I'm going to need a very long takeoff to get this to go up and so if you're selling a more expensive thing think about it like it's a bigger plane which means you're going to have more selling more information that's going to have to happen before they make a purchasing decision and so if you're getting a lot of two three four
call closes it's usually because you're not doing enough education prior to the first call so the thing that change is you need to create more education materials basically you need to pre-market them more you need to warm them up which is just move them along this Continuum here you need to move them along the Continuum more so your sales don't have to take three four five calls but instead they get them to the 6 inch Putt and they can putt them in they get them to the 5 yard line and they can knock it forward
the next one is what I'll call say less and so this is uh something that one of one of uh our sales guys said that I said to them apparently um and and really help them out a lot in terms of changing their behavior and so if you tend to be more talkative in terms of talk time you want to have roughly two-thirds of the talk time from the prospect not you now gong uh and some of these other sales tools have released different like ideal closing amounts but in general most closers talk less than
the Prospect and so that's because they're asking they're answering your questions you're not answering theirs ideally and so one of the things that I noticed with the most compelling conversations uh that I've had and the podcast that I've been on is the m Master interviewers uh so uh Steven Bartlett when I was on Dio and Williamson the few times have been on on his pod they're very good at letting silence sit and people like to talk about themselves and people will expound on themselves if you do not respond so I would encourage you to try
this so remember I'm changing this in terms of what does it change about Behavior if someone says something instead of immediately jabbing back sometimes just let them talk more just give them more time to talk because the more they talk the more Rapport you have because people like talking about themselves so they'll think that you're amazing without you ever saying anything all right the next one is a story that I got told to me by a Serial CEO seial private Equity CEO so when I was uh when I was interviewing CEOs of the companies that
um had been sold or been acquired by the private Equity firms that we were we were recording at the time they introduced me some CEOs and actually was one of the most valuable things I got uh from the whole process outside of the the transaction so one of these guys he's from Long Island and I'll do my very best to butcher his accent um but I was like so what's the secret you know for you and he said don't be cute and I was like what do you mean by that he's like he's like a
lot of CEOs try and get cute he's like they uh you know it's like backyard football you've got you know you got this super secret double reverse fake you know thing and then you try and do it and what happens he's like you fumble the ball you lose 50 yards it's a complete waste of time he's like but what what plays always work he's like two fat guys in the middle run to the right right he's like don't be cute and so I I actually took that to heart a lot which is basically like growing
a business is a lot like backyard football and getting good at sales is a lot like backyard football the best salespeople say the script they follow up quickly they keep Rapport they ask good questions they listen and they allow the prospect to close themselves so the thing that separates the good sales people from the great people the great salesp people is that the great salespeople never don't do the basics they always do the fundamentals and when you always do the fundamentals you will sustain exceptionally High close rates they always prepare for each sales call they
always do the warm handoffs they always refer to the notes rather than asking the customer to recap they always set the agenda with proof promise plan they always do those things and that's what allows them and then when they get asked what do you do they're like I just do the fundamentals man it's just that doing the fundamentals is doing a lot of things over and over and over again and never forgetting any of the steps and so that's what creates Mastery that's an exhibition of skill so the next one is that no isn't no
forever no for Now does not equal no forever and so the big thing is think about it this way let's say uh you were in the dating pool and you've got this girl or this guy that you've got your eye on if they say hey I can't hang out with you I'm predisposed I have whatever and then let's say 6 months later there they're single that no for now doesn't mean you should never reach out to them again it just might mean that right now is not the perfect time because some of the obstacles they
gave you might be legitimate they might have another opportunity that is higher return than whatever you're offering they might be going through a merger and their team is too spread thin and it's not worth the resources to bring on more people to do your implementation it's very possible that now might not be a good time but it doesn't mean that it's a no forever and so I say this as like okay what's the behavior that you're going to change as a result of this is that you should not be ashamed of reaching out every 3
to six months just for a pulse check this is where sending those fun memes or those on line emails can make you so much money because so many sales people are afraid to follow up one because it's work and two because they're afraid of rejection but if you're not afraid of work and you're not afraid of rejection because you believe genuinely which you should that you're going to help this Prospect because they are qualified for whatever the solution is then just circle up when they have a better time all right the next one is be
a trash man all right and so this is especially for the younger closers uh that are you know just getting into this um and so I'll give you another one underneath of that which is yellow equals gold so in companies that we have we like to do something called lead scoring which is basically putting an approximation on How likely it is that this lead closes so earlier I told you the story of the salesman who was uh you know selling time shares became the number one guy and the way that he was able to become
that super super duper closer was because they began scoring leads so we could say this guy who's got an 800 credit score and makes $500,000 a year is more likely to buy a time share than this person who's got you know six jobs and 19 Kids and is on welfare and whatever right like the likelihood is it's higher that this person's going to close so that person will get a higher lead score and so what happens is oftentimes you have a score Andor a color that's associated with that so you've got like greens yellows and
reds and so a red would be a just unqualified yellows are like slightly qualified but like probably a lower quality lead and so if you're new salesperson you want to be a trashman you want to be willing to take as many calls as the company will let you take and so think about this way you are going to get free training from the hardest leads which are the best training grounds for you to learn how to sell and so you need to think of those yellows as Golds it's a reframe and so I remember thinking
about this when I was selling in person that I had like some homeless people who'd respond to my ads and so they'd come in and i' you know I had people just getting out of jail you know after a 10e stint you know 30 days earlier coming in like no job whatever like I dealt with everything that came in through the door and I thought about it and I was like this is such a waste of my time but I was like what if this were amazing how could this be an amazing thing for me
and I was like well man if I can close a homeless person if I can close somebody who has no money no job that would mean that I've gotten really good at the skill and so I just saw this is advanced level bosses that I got to go against rather than this is a waste of my time and so if you're younger in the sales or and you're not getting as many reps with the green leads then ask for all the trash leads because there's usually more than a company can possibly handle in unqualified now
again if someone literally cannot benefit from the product don't sell it but if it's they are less qualified as in like they have less Financial Resources things like that then you can still practice closing and so think about it and we say this term sharpen the sword is that you want to just keep sharpening your skill sharpening the axe taking more wax at the tree and repetition is the mother of skill and repeating yourself when it's a hard Prospect to close just makes the easier ones that much easier so this next one sounds similar to
things I've said in the past but it's different so objections do not mean no all right so let me explain what I mean by that so on one level obviously you can overcome an objection with whatever you're going to handle but a lot of times they just are voicing out loud their reaction this is especially true when it comes to prices so if someone says wow that's expensive it doesn't mean automatically that you need to start overcoming price objections you could say yeah totally it doesn't like there have probably many times in your life when
you've been like oh that's expensive and then you still bought it you just it was expensive it was more than you expected but it doesn't mean that you're not going to buy and so a lot of times people just say things as they come out but it doesn't mean you're not buying and so an experienced salesperson is going to trying to start overcoming things and you're basically like Wasting Bullets on on on zombies that aren't there they were going to close either way that's not a real objection they haven't said no they just made an
observation so unless someone says they don't want to buy don't assume that they don't want to buy next one is we don't negotiate with terrorists which is never change price to close a sale now the reason this is so important is obviously one because people talk and then customers won't like if you're changing a sale price between different customers now testing price absolutely you should test your prices but that should be done ahead of time premeditated saying these next time we're going to try this out and see what happens not oh I got to close
this guy so I'm going to lower the price to do it all right and so my favorite overcome for hey can I do it can you guys do it for Less is we could do it for more and as silly as that sounds that has never not worked for me and I'm still like I have like a perfect batting average on that one and so the thing is is that it's such a high indication of purchasing intention when someone says can you do it for $500 less can you do it for 30 grand instead of
50 Grand whatever that just saying we could do it for more what it does is it actually re anchors so if you're familiar with anchoring so let's say you say price is this they say well I want to pay 20% off that you then say cool well I'm going to say plus 20% and so basically it re anchors above it counter anchors and then they have a fear of missing out because all of a sudden the one price now becomes even more and they're like no no no no and a lot of times they just
say no no I'm good I'll buy I'm I'm fine I'm fine and so uh never change price to close a deal now you can change terms so if you want to change how much they pay today then you have a payment plan if you want to change the uh components of the offer then you have a feature downsell those are very very different than discounts that you give for no reason and so you never negotiate with terrorists because if they see you change your price for them once they'll believe that every price you have is
negotiable and then they'll tell everyone it is too so the next one that we'll cover is the idea that people want to buy so think about this when you are perusing on a site you want the thing people usually want the stuff people like buying the only reason that they don't buy is because they have a history of being punished for buying in the past but they want to buy and so our job as sales professionals or entrepreneurs is to help them justify making the decision and so people want an excuse to buy you need
to give it to them and so earlier I said closers ask hard questions but my team hit this hit this pretty hard for me uh in terms of it being a big one so I'm GNA I'm going to highlight it with a little bit more detail so the reason closers ask hard questions uh is because they genuinely care and the reason that's so important is that you want to be kind not nice because nice guys don't want to offend someone kind people want to genuinely help and if you want to genuinely help then you want
them to change their behavior just like these things hopefully change your behavior in terms of selling and so that means that you sometimes have to call them on their BS and the tactful way to doing that is that you want to confront those hard questions one before you've asked for money and two through foils of other people like them this is what allows you to stay in the pocket in the sale and continue to ask the questions that genuinely can change this person's life and if you always come from the perspective of human first you
will usually maintain Rapport if you don't then what you will get is something we call commission breath which is it sounds like you're not listening to them and you are prioritizing the closeth over the person and that's where you lose them completely because now they feel like your incentives are no longer aligned if you come at it from I want the best thing for you then you will always be on their side of the table your incentives as far as they're concerned will always always be aligned with theirs and you will be able to ask
the questions that are actually going to change their lives all right so those are the behaviors that you can change as a salesperson to make more sales
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