One in A Billion Moments in Nature

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One in A Billion Moments in Nature SUBSCRIBE: ► Music Licensed From SoundStr...
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from a Fluff fire in Spain that left behind large patches of fresh green grass and a lightning storm in Kazakhstan that caused the hair on everyone's head to stand up to a small village in odsa India that might be haunted by Angry underground spirits and rare footage from Canada showing a moose shedding its antlers here are some more one in a billion moments in nature these friends in akau Kazakhstan were in way more danger than they realized the small City sits on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea this group was likely on the city's
Eastern outskirts when a thunderstorm moved overhead that's when they began noticing a strange phenomenon they could hear static electricity and the hairs on their arms and heads were standing straight up one of them pulled out their phone to record not knowing how dangerous the situation was [Music] [Music] wowe that hurts wow little according to the National Weather Service everything you just saw indicates an imminent lightning strike this group didn't realize it but they rolled the dice by standing straight up if this ever happens to you you should get as low and small as possible without
laying flat on the ground their hair is standing up due to the positive charges Rising through their bodies and toward the negatively charged particles in the storm that also explains the tingling sensation on the skin and the strange sounds they were hearing this was literally Mother Nature telling them to run away they're lucky she decided to back off the biokovo region is Croatia's second largest mountain range it runs along the dalmatian coast of the Adriatic Sea between the satina and neretva rivers the gorgeous landscape attracts hikers and climbing enthusiasts from around the world on June
2nd of 2024 two men were hiking the biokovo range when they spotted a mountain goat hopping around on the rocks it must have caused one to slip because the next thing our hikers knew a rapid rock slide was heading right for them thankfully it was narrow enough for them to sidestep and enjoy [Music] now be honest if you were there would you have stuck your foot inside just to see what would happen it's unclear how long the rock slide went on for this clip in total is about a minute long it clearly started before our
cameraman began recording and continued long after from what they could tell the slide consisted of small rocks on the bottom and larger rocks on the top it's amazing to think that all those stones were sitting in one place only moments before all it took was a little push to trigger this wild domino effect now we've all seen cartoons where there's a single rain cloud over a sad character's head you've probably felt that way a few times in your own life but did you know it can actually happen it's called isolated or localized rain it's when
it only rains for a short amount of time in a hypers specific area in February of 2022 a local man in poo Italy was lucky enough to catch this rare phenomenon on camera according to our cameraman this is the second time in 6 years he's been there to record isolated rainfall in 2016 he posted a similar video that went viral in a heartbeat racking up Millions ions of views it might look like a pipe leaking from one of those buildings but you can tell it's coming from the sky when he points the camera straight up
something similar happened in sang tan China on February 1st of 2024 while on his way home from work a man noticed it raining in one specific spot [Applause] this phenomenon is also called fant's Cloud popularized by The 1975 Italian film fantozi the film is a satire about middle class life in 1970s Italy at one point the characters are followed by individual rain clouds so next time you feel like there's a rain cloud over your head look up there might be Maha calapa is a small village in the the kendrapara District of odsa India on June
5th of 2020 its small population experienced something odd and unexpected some might call it borderline Supernatural without warning the ground began rumbling beneath their feet then mud and boiling water started spewing all around them locals scrambled away as the situation grew more volatile [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] at first the only rational explanation was that the spirits were angry and the ground must be haunted then when they looked deeper into it they realized what actually triggered the event a local man had been digging a well in his backyard according to Witnesses the drilling team dug
about 1,000 ft into the ground they accidentally struck a pocket of hot muddy water causing it to spew 40 ft into the air the disruption caused the ground to shake leading to a small sinkhole opening in the area thankfully nobody got hurt or burned during the incident Derek beroy is a forestry operations supervisor in New Brunswick Canada he works specifically in plaster Rock a small village in Victoria County that's now part of the toek valley the local forests are full of wild animals including Bobcats black bears and white tailed deer but one animal Stands Tall
among them the Canadian moose while recording with his drone Derek stumbled upon on three of these majestic creatures one stood up and shook the snow off at which point Derek captured something extraordinary as the Moose shakes his body he suddenly sheds his antlers it must have freaked him out because it quickly bolted away and into the forest luckily Derek knew where the moose was and could retrieve his new trophy nice B beautiful yes let's pick him up here's one nice Bowl beautiful there's the other one look at that nice bowl that is about as fresh
you're not going to get any fresher than that right there that's cool one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 point nice oh yes yes yes according to Derek catching this on camera was so rare it was like winning the lottery the antlers measured about 45 in across which comes into perspective when Derek holds them both against his head so why do moose shed their antlers it typically happens every winter they'll ditch last year's heavyweight antlers and grow new ones in time for spring this process is
standard for hoofed mammals or cids such as moose deer and Elk fun fact Caribou are the only cervids where the females grow and shed antlers as well they shed the antlers because the mating season is over at that point they're more of a hassle if anything the Moose becomes more mobile thus making it easier to find food in the winter kalora Spain is a small municipality in the state of Roha Baja it's home home to about 24,000 people who all enjoy a relaxing day in par Del sidos unfortunately their day at the park was ruined
on May 14th of 2020 when a small fluff fire broke out watch as it burns across the top of the grass leaving behind an untouched green pasture how is this even possible speee ACC according to a tree expert at the Australian National University the white fluff you see on the ground is a mass of tiny fibers meant to carry pop seeds with the wind even a slight gust can carry them far from the mother plant as we see in this video those fibers can be highly flammable it's unclear if someone lit the fire to remove
the fluff or if it began accidentally according to the mayor of kahora nothing about this was intentional the fire department had to swoop in and prevent it from further damaging the park the Peak District is a Highland's area in darbishire England it's divided into two peak areas the dark Peak a mo land covered in gritstone and the white Peak a mix of valleys and Gorges rich with Limestone the highest point in the Peak District is a 2,000t Morland Plateau called Kinder Scout it's also where you'll find Kinder downfall the tallest waterfall in the Peak District
the near 100t waterfall attracts tourists from around the UK because of its strange behavior during wind storms some swear it's the only waterfall on Earth that flows backward contrary to popular belief Kinder downfall is not technically flowing backward what you just saw from January of 2016 happens whenever gale force winds crash into the mountain side they blow so fast that the water travels back up and over the top this event was caused by storm ger route which brought 100 plus mph winds to Scotland and Northern England what you see at Kinder downfall is wholly weather
dependent for example it'll freeze in the winter attracting Ice Climbers from across the UK however the waterfall tends to dry up in the summertime leaving nothing but a blank rock wall you'll have to Brave heavy rain and Powerful wind to catch the backward waterfall but as they say the best things in life Don't Come Easy serut Russia is a Siberian city on the OB River it's home to about 400,000 people who are used to the area's subarctic climate they experience long freezing Winters and short warm Summers it's not uncommon for layers of ice to form
on the o river leading to scenes like this from 2018 it was May when the average temperature in circuit sits around 58° F the top layer of ice on the OB began melting and crashing into the shore one ice wave eventually grew beyond control and broke through some metal fencing along the barrier wall [Music] look [Music] According to some sources the local government will occasionally use explosives to combat overflowing ice on the OB River we're guess guessing it's their way of controlling the ice melt to avoid situations like this but as we've learned when mother
nature wants her way she usually gets it in 1864 President Abraham Lincoln signed the yosd grant thus declaring yosd as federally protected land about 30 years later it became one of the first national parks in America alongside Yellowstone General Grant and Mount Rainer every year about 4 million people travel to yose with many coming to see its gorgeous waterfalls one in particular Horsetail Falls isn't typically at the top of anybody's list even though it stands over 2,100 ft tall the small stream at top L Capitan doesn't pack the same punch as yosity Falls or bridal
veil Falls but if you catch HSE tail Falls at the right time and under the right conditions it instantly becomes the the most incredible waterfall in yosee for starters horsetail only flows during the winter so it's easy to miss on ultra rare occasions in mid to late February it'll glow a fiery orange when the sun reflects off El Capitan visitors call it the yosity Firefall even though no fire is actually falling from this angle you can see where the name comes from if you didn't know any better you might think a volcano had erupted in
the distance and the magma was flowing over El Capitan but whether L Capitan takes on this glowing effect depends on your perspective here you can see it's just the light reflecting off the mountain on this particular day Horsetail Falls wasn't flowing very strongly only a slight Mist was rolling over El Capitan which is why the Firefall effect doesn't look as advertised still that didn't stop hundreds of visitors from braving the California cold to get a good shot of the mountain according to our resident Red Sox fan nothing compares to the real thing he'd seen plenty
of pictures of the yosity Firefall But like everyone else in the park wanted one of his own Chongqing China is one of four direct administered municipalities under the Chinese government the other three are Beijing Shanghai and tianin it's one of China's largest cities with about 30 million people living in a land area roughly the size of Austria many of those people live in the rural outskirts of Chongqing some of them may have been lucky enough to experience this natural phenomenon on May 5th of 2024 it's called a cloud waterfall according to experts Cloud waterfalls only
happen under certain conditions for starters they only develop during the clear weather immediately following a heavy rain or snowstorm that's because the rain and snow work to moisten the lower atmosphere then the there's the matter of terrain Cloud waterfalls only occur over Mountain slopes surrounding an elevated Plateau as seen in this video when these conditions are met clear skies help the air to cool and saturate thus allowing this sea of clouds phenomenon to occur eventually the cooler denser Air at top the plateau builds to the point where it spills over the mountain gravity does the
rest from there unfortunately it doesn't last very long as the clouds evaporate on their way down the mountain but if you're in the right spot at the right time you should be able to see this one in a billion moment in all its Glory if you enjoyed this video and want to see another just like it then be sure to click the link on screen now with that thanks for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
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