Cancer Boy Reincarnated As A Lv 1 Farmer With God's Spear And Got A Harem | Anime Recap

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after five years of battling terminal cancer haraku's last flame of life was extinguished and his soul entered the Heavenly realm having lived 39 years filled with betrayal and suffering the god of the world apologized for accidentally giving him such a horrible life so to make up for his blunder the God will give him a second life with a healthy body and Promises to Grant him any wish the only thing harakus ever desired was to be reborn as a farmer in a secluded area wanting to Aid him in his journey God gave him the most overpowered
tool in this universe the almighty farming tool with a single tap his flame Burns brightly once more and haraku wakes up in the middle of a forest as he moves his body for the first time in years he realizes that this is everything he's ever wished for and with the almighty farming tool appearing in his hand he begins using his new body to mend the ground while cultivating the field he notices that he never feels tired using the tool still he needed to find a nice area for his farm so he searched the entire Forest
into until he found a giant tree to call home there were no rivers or ponds anywhere in the forest so to quench his thirst haraku decided to dig a well for some water his Almighty farming tool transformed into a shovel and allowed him to dig deep into the Earth until a puddle of water started forming with a source of water secured he began clearing the land until he found a tree that was blocking him from cultivating with the knowledge of his previous life he tried cutting it down strategically but with a single slash of his
Almighty ax the tree fell down instantly and he ran before it crushed him now that he's gotten his first Oak log he turned it into four Oak planks using his Mallet after converting all the logs into planks with his crafting table the sun began setting and he panicked to try and get some fire but without any firewood he spent the entire night carving a hole into the giant tree at first he thought he could have just built a dirt Shack but remembered that Newton invented gravity in this world so he didn't want to bury himself
alive the next morning he gathered firewood and started his first fire to avoid the same mistake it's been more than a day of clearing all the trees in the distance but haraku hasn't been tired or hungry once this was the power of His Almighty tool and just as he was about to continue clearing the forest a monster rabbit rushed towards him but with his mighty stick he ended it instantly while eating the skewers he feels guilty for ending the rabbit but wishes he had a hole to eat the food with sorry I meant he wishes
he had a hole to make food with after eating the food it had to come out some way so haraku created an Innovative toilet along with shelter for privacy with everything finally settled he began cultivating the land and spent the rest of the day wondering what vegetables he should plant first by the time he was finished it was already late so he decided to explore for seeds the next day but in the morning the land already had plants sprouting it made no sense how plants could grow from nothing and haraku thought that this was a
side effect from his farming tool regardless of how they appeared he began creating a fence to protect them from the zombies at night and dug out a mound to keep all the creepers out the process took a few days but after finally finishing the perimeter haraku noticed the plants have been growing at an incredible speed with all the spare wood he decided to create a small log house and used his carpenting skills to create a nice roof increasing his civilization level after a few more days of expanding his farm haraku saw a couple of wolves
who were very injured so he tried bringing them inside with the leftover meat from the giant boar he defeated haraku fed them but noticed one of them was pregnant as a child his sole wish was to have a dog so he wished for them to keep him company but the female started going into labor trying to give them protection he brought them into the log house and created a fire to keep them warm when the sun set after a long sleepless night haraku came to see four little puppies feeding to celebrate her healthy birth he
gave them the tastiest meat he'd gathered a while passed and the dog stuck around inside his Hut so haraku decided to build a new house right next to them by the time the puppies started running around his plants were ready for Harvest and he noticed that Tomatoes were the first ones to finally produce fruit he offered some of them to his dogs and named the male KIRO and the female Yuki after a few weeks haraku learned all the secrets behind his Almighty farming tool while thinking about potatoes the almighty tool planted potato seeds through magic
so he used this trick to create all the foods he's ever wanted and on top of that anything he grew with his Almighty tool would grow much faster than it normally would grateful for the fact that the gods gave him such an overpowered item heraku created two statues to commemorate them that afternoon he realized that his diet was getting very repetitive so he decided to begin planting some trees they may take years to start producing fruit but the weight will be worth it as weeks passed the Wolves started growing horns and they had found a
waterfall 30 minutes away although creating a canal would make obtaining fresh water much easier the distance he would have to dig was too long so he decided to focus on his base for the time being the farm was growing steadily and he had begun adding a variety of plants like wheat and sugarcane to sustain him but while months of progress passed haraku began losing track of days and the winter was fast approaching there's no chance he could continue farming in this state and the Pelt from the Giant rabbits smelled awful as it began rotting to
prepare for the winter he began Gathering food and firewood but one day KIRO brought him over to meet a giant spider with the silk from its tail it was able to produce a handkerchief with detailed embroidery it became the new citizen in his small farm and produced all the textiles in exchange for some potatoes whether he needed a coat for the winter a bed stuffed with leaves or curtains to block out the cold wind the spider zabutin produced everything he ever needed his small Hut was slowly starting to become more civilized and so winter finally
arrived with the fireplace he had built he was able to survive the harsh cold nights still regardless of whether he was driving he was starting to get awfully lonely worrying that he would forget how to talk to someone when The Long Winter passed and spring finally came the wolf children had grown and decided to leave the nest but a few days later they came back with Partners one of them even beat up a Lackey wolf and won the girl over like a giga chat but they weren't the only ones with surprises because the spider came
back with her own children all of their families were getting bigger so haraku began farming so he can feed them but as he farmed the spider began sounding the alarm hero ran towards the source along with haraku and in the middle of the forest they found a silver-haired girl crying all of the animals were apprehensive and she tried asking him for help so haraku approached her but as he tried to cover her he fell for her trap and the girl jumped towards him to take a bite of his neck transforming into a plot-filled vampire the
Wolves attacked her right away and began destroying her causing her to transform back into her little form he wondered if she was his enemy but the girl said the reason she had to suck his blood was to recover her energy before withering away feeling bad for how hard his dogs had beaten her up he offered her a bite of his neck and she began sucking his sorry I meant she began sucking his blood she transformed back into a bigger version of herself but haraku remembered her being taller and having more plot so he told her
to hurry the [ __ ] and suck more of his blood so he can see her giant plot again after sucking all of his bodily fluid haraku showed her around his farm it was her first time seeing these abnormal fruits and when she took a bite of them she thought they were delicious he was glad someone was enjoying his food because For the First Time he'd found a person he could enjoy spending time with in this lonely world back at his house he's realized that today has been full of surprises and wonders if something like
this would ever happen again her name was Lou lulacy and she asked him if she can come to visit him in the future but he had a different request and asked her if she would stay with him here forever he doesn't want it to be just a one-night stand because her [ __ ] hit different and Lou thinks that he's trying to propose to her he doesn't want to let this chance go away and doesn't care if she's a vampire he doesn't know how many more years he can handle being alone she tells him that
it's just so sudden because she wasn't expecting a marriage proposal but haraku realizes that she misunderstood what he actually meant after understanding that he was actually proposing he decided to Double Down begging her to marry him loose Smiles at him saying that she wants to stay with him forever he drags her to bed for another one night stand the next day he used the long stick on his hoe to cultivate babies with his new hope they sit next to each other and stare at the trees growing but the spider begins ringing the alarm again haraku
runs over and wonders why he's feeling Deja Vu he frees the angel girl and thinks that this story is about to get real interesting with all the plot development Lou tries sneaking away but the angel girl has finally found her and is ready to come drag her away so the dogs eat her out what do you mean by that she's surprised Lou has been hiding inside the forest and is angry that she climaxed after the dogs ate her out Lou is also angry that she climaxed when the dogs ate her out and haraku wonders why
getting injured would lead to them climaxing the angel girl wonders who this man is and Lou blushingly introduces him as her husband while her face Burns redder than a tomato giant plot cannons introduces herself as Tia and she's come to find Lou because there is a bounty on her head she was constantly researching different concoctions and kept blowing up the kingdom whenever something didn't go her way who reveals this was the reason she was in the middle of the forest on that day so she bent over the table and asked Tia if she would like
to start living here she promises to show her all of the crops like haraku's eggplant next to their round peaches out of pocket for that [ __ ] way out of pocket Lou goes on to show her around the farm and haraku tries to teach her how to cut cabbage out after cutting it he prepared it as a meal and sprinkled some salt on it before handing it to her she thought it was delicious and after a long day of farming they cleaned themselves up using their magical abilities inside his house she tried strawberries for
the first time and Lou told her that they'll be showing her how to make a strawberry cream pie next she grabbed onto her arms begging her to live here with them because her body can't handle everything if she's alone this was the beginning of their life together Tia thinks she's enjoyed the strawberry cream pie so she asks him for more strawberries but haraku thinks expanding even more right now would result in spoiled food while they continued walking haraku noticed kiro's new poppies and decided to build a stable for them in the open field next to
their Farm after he was done he noticed all of zabutin's children casting their silk to fly away at the same time Tia told him that she's also going to be leaving for a while and started flying away on her wings a few days later Tia came back and brought even more girls to add to the Harem their High Elves because they have giant plots and all of them introduce themselves they're also all related so wincest is going to Prevail in this plot haraku wonders why there aren't any guy elves but tear reveals the sad reality
they've had to endure during the last Great War their entire male population was destroyed and they've been roaming the woods until now their only wishes to repopulate now and beg hiraku to help them out with the village population increasing haraku began building them a house for all of them to live together their skills in construction and woodworking allowed them to build the house within just 10 days and they thought it's much nicer than haraku's dirt check however at the very least he wishes that in this spacious house they can feel safe and at peace as
the days pass the Elf leader wants to thank him for letting them stay here by Mining and blacksmithing for him so they begin building a furnace in the earth after processing the iron haraku sees the metal pots they've created and they tell him that they can do all kinds of things after living in the wild for 200 years still the only thing they've wished to be able to do was to settle down and reproduce thank you haraku thought it would be for the best to avoid having plot development with all the elves and state a
typical anime protagonist while farming one day the elf girls noticed that he has a giant wheat field and one of them asked him if she could make some bread telling him she has the rarest yeast in the lands haraku was excited so the girls began baking bread and turned it into breadsticks for haraku to try out at the same time they all wonder if hiraku's plot is this long and tasty now that he's finally able to make some bread he would like to expand the wheat Fields but he realizes that their expansion is starting to
get out of control he asks Lou Who owns this land and she tells him that while nobody owns it it's probably under the demon Lord's control however since he created all of this land without support this land belongs to haraku at night the girls gather and wonder how haraku has been able to tame The Inferno wolves in the demon spider even these crops shouldn't be able to grow in this soil and they begin wondering why he has no knowledge about their world at the same time hirakus realized that he hasn't been building the waterway in
a long time so he decides to make it tomorrow's mission in the morning haraku sees zabudin pointing towards a queen bee and haraku decides to build a bee house for them to create honey for him he spends the entire afternoon preparing a reservoir they began Mass producing the concrete Waterway the elf girls bent over to make sure that all of them were placed in the correct spot while they focused on doing the hard things haraku filled all of their holes with his hard hammer because of their efficiency the Waterway was finished within a single day
and the reservoir was already filled this should allow them to water the crops a lot easier but haraku noticed that the reservoir was also getting him fish without doing any work he thought that even though the rabbits were dangerous in this Forest at least the fish were peaceful but a giant fish nearly devoured him right then the girls saw him cooking the fish and knowing that it was from the forest of death they wondered if it was truly safe to eat haraku finished preparing it and tried giving them some but they told him that they
wanted a different kind of meaty dinner heraku had no idea what type of meat they were talking about so he began eating it and thought it was delicious both of the girls tried it and thought it was delicious and the rest of the elves wanted some of his meat Diggity to satisfy all of them haraku began capturing more fish and preserving them with salt wishing to expand their diet haraku tried tilling the ground while thinking about rice and while it managed to grow the texture of the rice was off since they have an entire Waterway
built he decided to begin building a rice paddy with the elves after mending the ground for hours haraku released all of the girls floodgates sorry I meant he released The Floodgate and asked the elf girls for their help all of the elf girls started getting wet and Leah didn't like the slimy liquid together they all bent over and planted all of the rice plants a few days later all of the plants were ready for Harvest and haraku put them up for drying Leah was impressed that he knew all of this but haraku's grateful that he
always watched a farming Idol before he died with cancer once all the plants were dried up haraku used his farming tool to create a thresher and showed them how to harvest the rice the girls saw all the work it took to prepare the rice and wondered if he was finally done but haraku revealed that there's one more step he prepared to cook the rice and asked Lou to use her magic to light up the fire so she prepared to release her ultimate blast to burn everything to Smithereens but he told her to calm down disappointing
her with a small flame haraku cooked the rice until it was finally ready and created it into rice balls for the girls to taste blue decided to take a bite [Music] the girls thought it was disgusting and regretted doing all that work this whole time but haraku knew they were lying when all of the rice was gone he decided to expand the rice farm and all the girls began cleaning up after they were done how the [ __ ] does that even happen haraku sees how they can all clean themselves with magic and wishes he
had a bath to clean up since he's finally built a Waterway he decided to build a bath and showed the girls his blueprints for how he was going to design the plumbing the girls wondered why they would do all this if they could just swim in the river but haraku reminded them that they would freeze in the winter plus he really wanted a bath for health and totally not to stare at them without any plot armor the girls began building a furnace to warm the water and created the biggest possible bathtub everything was going great
but haraku wondered what they would do with all the dirty water Tia thinks that slimes could take care of purifying the water but haraku wondered if they were the dangerous monsters that destroyed adventurers Tia has no idea what he's talking about so she flew away and brought some slime for him he placed a few of them in the water purification area and inside the bathroom just like that their Wastewater problem was solved so he began grabbing firewood to burn but one of them had mushrooms growing on it he'd been weary of mushrooms this entire time
since they might be poisonous but all of the girls thought it was safe and wanted to eat all of them so haraku began preparing some logs for mushroom growth by Sunset haraku had finally completed the bath and tried explaining it to the girls but they wanted to see a hands-on experience he removed his plot protection and began showing them how it's done but the girl started to feel a different kind of liquid dripping so they all room move their plot armor and decided to join him Lou told him it's perfectly fine for all of them
to do it together and haraku felt the bone of his sword growing sharp and hard in the following morning haraku saw all of the edible mushrooms that were grown but the dogs had brought over more elves of course they were females but who's complaining Leah reveals that they used to live together and he's glad to have them all join him Leah suggests they work on expanding his home so they can all have more space and cheers them on to begin children making haraku didn't know why they were so optimistic what a [ __ ] waste
Heroes noticed that his master's Harem has been expanding and tells us about his story before he had a master he never had a name to go by ever since he was born he'd been roaming alone and never lost a fight against any other male his only wish was to continue living freely but when he met that one female she destroyed him after his complete defeat they began traveling together but her belly started to grow one day he wanted to do everything to continue protecting her but but peace wouldn't last and a giant bear was about
to annihilate them however after they were Gravely injured the bear walked away still they could no longer hunt for food and accidentally reach the most dangerous place of the forest the center of it they saw a human walking around without a care in the world but KIRO noticed the tool in his hand and felt the Limitless power coming from it they had already made peace with their lives being over but he began taking care of them and KIRO noticed the food was made of a gate bore impressing him that he was able to defeat such
a strong monster after their children were born they decided that haraku would become their master and enjoyed all of the food he prepared for them before long their children grew up into a big family and they noticed how hiraku's harem was also growing but he still had a single concern their Master hasn't discovered that they are the legendary infernal wolves but KIRO thinks that it's fine anyway he's grateful that his life has led him to such a great life with him after a few weeks the new large house was completed and haraku remembered all that
digging and wood cutting it took to prepare this house even though he knew it would be this big he never imagined how nice it would look on the inside they showed him the nice room they've created for him and opposite his main room was the large dining room in the back was the kitchen and on the sides were even more stoves for big meals finally the seller was big enough to store a lot of food and firewood for the winter on the second floor the girls saw their rooms and were glad they each had individual
space for themselves but haraku noticed one of the rooms had a Giant Bolt locking it awesome [Music] no no no no in addition to his God statues haraku created some dog statues to decorate the entrance of his house and thought it was shaping really nicely inside his new house harakus gathered all the ingredients for a new recipe the girls wonder what he's going to be cooking and he reveals that it's a food called Curry the girls wish they didn't have to taste another one of his she meals and would rather be cooked in the pot
instead he went out to harvest some spice for his Curry and the girls realized they've never seen these plants before this was another power of haraku's Almighty farming tool with it he can grow plants that are really sensitive in any climate for the spices he's going to need to come in Tia sorry I meant he needed cumin and he sees that the flower has already bloomed as for the next Plant he needed turmeric and with the girl's magic they dried out all of the spices finally he needed coriander and cilantro the dogs wanted a taste
too but when they smelt the cilantro they ran away in fear after Gathering a little more black pepper in can haraku was finally ready to start cooking but notice that the girls had gotten bored with his ugly ass and left at the kitchen he wondered if Leah was going to be the only one helping him and Leah told him that her plot's better than the other girls anyway he ignored her attempts and started preparing the meal they cooked the meat and tried seasoning it but haraku realized he's been missing something this entire time it's not
and he's angry that he managed to forget all about it they began rolling out the bread together and after they cooked a mountain of it his meal was finally finished cooking all of the girls gathered to try out his Curry and thought it looked like [ __ ] but he encouraged them to try it out Lou and tia took a bite [Music] it didn't just look like [ __ ] it even tasted like they told him but they all ran to get seconds so haraku wondered why all of them made it until they were full
he wondered if they were just messing with him but what he didn't know is that they were all pretending to like it because they needed a different kind of meat the winter was finally drying near and since they will be spending most of their time indoors haraku spent weeks Gathering as much firewood as possible when it gets cold zabutin hibernates at the top of the tree so haraku handed him some potatoes and got extra blankets for the winter Leah was bent over as always he saw the other girls piercing a needle through the hole of
his meat don't search that up hero and the other dogs won't be able to hunt well so they're doing all they can to eat Tia's pink meaty flaps out with all other bases covered for the winter he wondered how to preserve the vegetables so he created a box that will be covered with a blanket and will allow for the snow to act as a freezer even with all his genius tactics he he wishes he could use magic if even just once at night blue tries teaching him how to use an ignition spell and explains that
it's natural he can't summon a difficult Golem on the first try hearing this he thinks she's amazing for being able to summon multiple Golems at once but Lou tells him that her plot is better than Tia's haraku thinks all of them are amazing for using magic while he can't do anything but gardening but Lou tells him that he's the most amazing one here without him this entire Village would fall apart and he's able to continue feeding them every single day because of how hard he works she tells him that he's the only one who could
do this and smiles at him the winters first Frost arrives and snow began piling up with all the time they were spending indoors haraku decided to build a few classic games reversi and chess he taught them how to play the game and Lou thought it was too simple to be enjoyable but Tia told her that those Simple Rules will allow for complicated challenges he told Tia that she was right so Lou grew angry and tried challenging Tia for a game after two hours Tia was about to be absolutely destroyed and haraku noticed her hands shivering
but she pretended to have her hands slip she apologized because they were going to have to start all over but tea uses her magic to make all of the pieces fall exactly to where they were she tells her it's embarrassing that she's playing like a child and haraku tries to see how the others are doing he sees the two other girls playing reversy peacefully and KIRO points out where the best position possible would be it shocks him how KIRO can understand the rules but sees the other Wolves playing chess correctly and even though it may
look cute at first glance he feels an intense Aura emanating from them Lou decides to play a game against them because she definitely won't lose but the game doesn't end well all four of them play mahjong and haraku thinks he has the upper hand because of how complicated the rules were so he tried to get revenge for Lou but all of the girls completely destroyed him poor haraku and Lou have both been clapped after a few weeks they were bored of board games so haraku designed bowling equipment from it even though it was just a
simple game all of the girls enjoyed it and so the winter days began slowly going by the creative refrigerator he created was working and they were able to enjoy their delicious food until snow finally melted and spring came but while he tried enjoying the nice warm temperature zabutin sounded the alarm to alert them of a giant monster approaching haraku looked at the sky and noticed a giant dragon flying towards them but Tia told him that this wasn't a dragon it's a wyvern the wyron roared in the sky and began preparing a fire blow to destroy
the tree but Tia barely managed to fend it off some of the fire still landed and Leah rushed with the others to put it out haraku wondered what he could do in this situation and wanted to do anything possible to protect everyone as he clenched his fist a spear appeared and he pointed it towards the sky throwing it with all of his power the spear clashed against the wyvern's defenses and pierced through them ripping the wyvern's wings apart it flew back for haraku to send another strike Landing a direct hit onto the Y everyone's chest
and sending it falling to the ground deep inside the forest haraku found the dragon's corpse and wondered if someone had sent it to attack them purposefully but with wyverns being such a rare and valuable creature Tia thinks it was just a wild monster acting alone he thinks it was an unfortunate incident but wonders if they could eat its meat at home Tia says that wyvern Mead is one of the rarest Delicacies in this world haraku finished preparing the wyvern steak and created a stew out of the tail meat all of the girls think this is
the first time hirakus cooked something good and he's glad that they're finally impressed Lou still thinks something is off and wonders if Tia would have been able to defend an attack from haraku's spear but she tells her that it would be impossible since it could defeat a wyvern's barrier haraku asks them what they're talking about wondering if it's because he didn't take all the bones out Tia says that it's nothing they weren't talking about eating his bone or anything meanwhile inside the Demonic Kingdom the higher-ups have received news of the wyvern being defeated they would
require an entire organized Force to somehow take one of them down but the count reveals it's the truth the General's panic and are struck in fear with how that occurred and one of them even wants to resign inside dreim's Lair to the South Gucci saw the attack with his own eyes and thinks hiraku's spear would Pierce even the king of dragons if they attacked it the next morning haraku thinks there's something they're still missing after all this time with their meals PG grape juice he gathered all the elf girls to harvest the grapes and in
order to crush the juices out he built a Contraption for them to step on the grapes Tia and Leah begin sinking their feet deep into the balls and crushed them until the sticky liquid comes out they managed to fall on top of each other and see that they've been covered with the creamy sticky liquid wondering how they could manage to keep their Rhythm while they do this one of the elves suggested singing a song like they used to ugly bear thank you the juices begin coming out and tia tells Lou to join in with them
along with haraku they spend the entire day juicing out the grapes and they've left yeast on top of the barrels so that it could begin fermenting he wonders if they've made enough and the god of the World shows the other God how much fun heraku's having and begs for forgiveness however the god of Agriculture tells him that he managed to end an innocent human's life and send him into the deepest parts of the forest of death not only that but he also gave him the holy Lance Grime and tried disguising it as a farming tool
it would normally suck all of a person's life force out and kill them instantly but the God thinks that he's given him such a healthy body that he'll be able to regenerate his life energy right away but even more than that she wonders why the statue of her is an old man so is punishment she will force her dad to sit like this for 300 years on a random day sabutin sounded the alarms and haraku felt like he was getting Deja Vu yet again Lou recognized the girl as her sister Flora after hearing that her
sister was chased by the Black hearted ugly disgusting Angel she followed her sister all this way Tia tells her to repeat that once more haraku invites her to stay here but she's having a hard time believing that this ugly bastard is her sister's husband Hiro warns her to be respectful and she tells her that he's the master of all these infernal wolves and even took down a wyvern this is the first time hirakus heard that they were infernal wolves and wonders what The Inferno part means firo goes on to show off his abilities letting him
know he's the best pet as an apology for having the wolves eat her out like the other girls harakus prepared her a nice meaty dinner but she loves the soft white liquidy stuff he tells her that it's just tofu made with some soy sauce that was made from fermentation but she has no idea what any of those words mean it's become clear to hiraku that they have no idea that there are microorganisms that cause fermentation in this world so Flora tries to research it and thinks this would solve a lot of problems after staying for
a few days Flora decided to leave and came back a month later along with her she's brought an entire Army of maids and they tell heraku to use them however they want that's not fair that's not there Tia notices that she's the only one who hasn't brought a lot of her own kind in order to stay competitive she went flying off and returned that night with three other angels and an entire fleet of lizardmen along with all of the new citizens she's brought chickens and haraku is glad to see this place getting more civilized the
maids belong to a race of ogres and they helped do all the chores however he noticed that none of them know how to cook any food so he began teaching them how to prepare many different kinds of meals seeing the nice food the maids began experimenting with the meat to prepare the best meals possible on the other hand Tia's Three Angels began patrolling the forest to keep them safe and the lizardmen began taking care of the hard labor to speed up construction their leader had a scarf so the villagers could tell them apart and haraku
noticed that this place is starting to grow exponentially speaking of the devil Ria comes in and tells him she's brought the rest of the elves that were roaming the forest the [ __ ] cook wonders where any of the men are but she tells him that they conveniently all died in the forest but it's a okay because they can start making more men now [Music] come on dying on you a few days later haraku asked all of the representatives to gather and apologize for calling them all of a sudden since this place has been growing
and a lot more people are moving it's starting to become like a village so he wanted some help coming up with a name one of the maids suggests naming it after the forest but with the name Forest of death haraku thinks it would sound like a ghost town zabutin pointed towards the door and haraku opened it seeing the giant tree at the center of it it was then that he named this Village the great Tree Village that night all of the citizens celebrated naming their Village and hosted a party and opened the first barrel of
all of the girls chanted the word Mayor and Lou told him that he's the only one for this job this night was the beginning of their new life as citizens of the great Tree Village and all of them enjoyed it by drinking the PG grape juice Tia was wasted and begged him to sit next to her she asked him why he was sitting alone but he told her he was so happy that it felt like a dream but it's not a dream Tia told him and they're going to live together like this their entire life
she tells him to raise a toast to their new Village and Lou wants a toast too haraku wonders how many years it's been since he's found happiness and thinks he's going to give it a shot as mayor by the time summer arrived the number of residents had increased once again eventually a representative from the Demonic Kingdom appeared and introduced himself as bezel offering haraku a bottle along with a message from the Demon Lord he wanted to discuss the status of the settlement here so haraku wondered if they were trying to get him to pay taxes
or kick him out he wondered if he should ask Lou or Tia for advice but Lou winked at him to handle it on his own haraku built up courage and informed the messenger that he will gladly pay taxes saying that he will be paying only 10 percent hearing those words shocks bezel and haraku wonders if he messed up but bezel accepts his conditions as he drafted their agreement on a piece of paper the business magnate purposefully made it so he only pay his taxes on crops but still he was worried he was too aggressive with
negotiations so he sent bezel home with a gift he wonders if he handled everything well and Lou thinks he did an incredible job because now they will have protection under the demon Lord's army Tio agrees but thinks that 10 10 percent is too low as settlements usually pay 50 to 60 percent in taxes and since they're only coming once a year to collect taxes they can lie about how much they produce so haraku just created a miracle of a deal inside the demon Lord's castle the generals are shocked that the great Tree Village submitted so
easily but are suspicious that they might be having an ulterior motive diesel acknowledges that possibility but he had no choice since the angel of annihilation along with the princess vampire we're standing right next to the mayor but that's not all there was an army of High Elves and a pack of Inferno wolves and even the trio of killer angels patrolling The Village beasel shakes and fear knowing that he could never refuse their hard negotiations he investigates their gift and sees the apples inside so one of them tries to check if they're poisoned but bezel notices
another Oddity in their gift the cloth is made from a great demon spider a monster so powerful that it drove the previous demon Lords to a standstill Brandon decides he's had enough and quits the next morning the ruler of all dragons dry introduces himself to haraku and has come with his count to present them with a gift haraku sees the expensive sword inside but thinks that it looks kind of violent regardless he thanks the man and asks him what brought them here today the man explains that dreim's Lair is directly south of their Village so
they consider them to be neighbors and have come here to offer a formal greeting haraku wishes to invite them for dinner so Drive changes into his human form and introduces himself once more at night he enjoys the PG grape juice they've created and begs for more of it what his assistant tells him to leave before they become a nuisance for haraku's Village after they left with the gifts haraku prepared for them he realized that they were going to have a lot of visitors coming through so the following day haraku began building a guest house for
potential visitors additionally he didn't want the Angels scaring off any visitors and whenever sabutin alerted them of a visitor all of the lizardmen were ready to head off into battle it was a long way off from a proper well welcome so he came up with a new signal for visitors using a bell and created a welcoming party consisting of Tia and Lou but the head maid wouldn't accept this his life could be in danger if the visitors were malicious so they added a bunch of High Elves and lizardmen to protect him and for the visitors
that stayed overnight haraku asked Flora to watch over them since she could go for several nights without sleep as soon as all the preparations were ready a new group of visitors had arrived from the howling Village they wanted to establish trade relations so Lou decided to take care of this and welcome them to their Village she asked them if this was their entire group and their leader claimed that it was all of them after hearing that Lou told him that she will be treating the others as enemies and the men straggling in the forest began
screaming their leader apologized that some of them were straggling and Lou told him that it's dangerous having people separated so they should behave themselves while staying here after the guests spent the day inside the guest house blue locked their door for the night and haraku wondered why they're treating them like prisoners Tia asks him if he hasn't noticed it yet every visitor has always brought a form of gift when coming except for them so that along with their troops lurking in the forest is the reason for lowering their Hospitality the following morning haraku wonders why
they're not serving them PG grape juice but the head maid tells him that this is the difference in treatment for the guests who brought the swords and those who didn't he wishes they could at least give them more food but the maid gives him a cold glare while they ate Tia and Lou tell him to cast off his sympathy because these people claim to have came here on important negotiations but they've yet to discuss anything even then everyone was against offering them any wine but haraku still forced them to put wine on the table while
trying to start a conversation with them haraku discovered that they were from a village that made its living from hunting or mining so naturally they needed to trade with their neighbors but with the recent conflict that's prevented them from Trading they've come to the great Tree Village to open trade negotiations one of them is is glad that they stopped hiding because they wouldn't have been able to enjoy this meal and tia slyly asks him why they were hiding the man tells her that if anything bad were to happen someone needed to run back and tell
the rest of their Village after seeing how she skillfully extracted information out of that man haraku wanted to extract milk out of her plot eventually the leader began negotiating their trade agreement with neither of them having any currency they want to be able to trade physical Goods however since their Village is quite a distance away and the great Tree Village happens to be in one of the most dangerous places they ask haraku if they would be the ones to come to the village with such a vast distance to cover haraku considers having KIRO and the
other wolves bring the goods on a carriage so he agrees and asks them what they've brought to trade for today the Man shows him the silverware and glasswork they produce from the oars and haraku thinks that their goods would greatly increase their quality of life in exchange they want to trade for food Goods so haraku gladly agrees this was the beginning of their trade relationship and before they were about to leave the leader apologized for not bringing a gift when visiting their Village never had a custom like that so he promises that he'll bring something
next time but it may not be luxurious since their Village is poor however haraku tells him that size doesn't matter it's the heart that does who knew the professor of quantum rysics had a small persuasion in his second life before long their first day of trade with the howling Village came and the girls told haraku to stay back since Tia will be acting as their representative dreim agreed to take everyone there in exchange for a barrel of grape juice over time had started coming to hang out regularly for the grape juice and always brought Treasures
with him so haraku was glad to always see him he thanked him for the grape juice and took off a few days later Tia returned and told haraku that they managed to trade everything at first the citizens were hesitant because they'd never seen that food before so she decided to offer them some free samples and before long everyone loved it they even sold the the wine that was supposed to be for dry so haraku promised he would give him even more grape juice tonight Tia revealed that the mayor asked if some villagers could come to
live in the Great Tree Village in total there are 20 residents and they're all young women how [ __ ] convenient haraku realizes that the village won't have any future because Dr Riz is actually in himself who won't develop plot with any of them he reluctantly agrees but on the condition that they get at least two young men the following week the Beast girls introduce themselves and say they are mentally prepared to be used however heraku sees fit as long as he doesn't abandon them haraku tells her that he's from Alabama so she has nothing
to worry about since they're not related and tells her that he'll take care of them he asks her if they've brought the young men and he sees the three young men this wasn't what he was hoping for but praise that they will save this Village in the future after a while of living with all the new residents haraku notices how everyone can use magic even the little slimes he tries not to worry about the impossible and focuses on farming but an earthquake shakes the ground and one of the Angels comes to inform him that a
bloody Viper and a Grappler bear are fighting she warns him that it might start affecting the village but as she flew him to the site of the battle he wondered how they would taste he sees their giant size and asks her to fly him towards them as fast as possible she rushes him forward and with a single slash he eliminates both of them all the killer angels are surprised he managed to eliminate these legendary beasts with a single strike at home he begins cooking the meat using the PG grape juice and the girls are crushed
that their grape juice was wasted as for the Viper he fried it and thought it tasted just like fried chicken he notices that he's missing something and went that night to ask Flora about her fermentation studies she told him that she hasn't made any progress and has had to rebuild the Hut three times haraku has no idea how that's even possible but she promises that she'll keep the explosives to a minimum the chicken have finally laid eggs so he begins beating the eggs adds salt and vinegar and with some oil he creates mayonnaise just then
a bunch of dwarves appeared led by a man called Donovan they've heard about the PG grape juice and apologize because they don't have money but have the technology necessary to create the best tasting Russian drinks using distillation he gives hiraku a new form of smoothie and haraku thinks this [ __ ] is stronger than how hard his dad used to beat him Donovan's party ended up staying in the village to create more PG smoothies and so haraku held a party to welcome the Beast women and the dwarves that joined their Village Grime is back at
it again drinking and Lou is glad that he's single-handedly making their Village Rich his assistant ties him up and drags him away and the dwarf thanks him for taking them in while heraku drank he realized that there's finally an old man besides him here so he tried asking him if any of those girls caught his eyes the dwarf man thought they were all pretty but he's more into women with full beards haraku realizes that these women might end up having to see his small persuasion after all the following morning a dragon flies directly towards the
village and haraku tries to take it out before it causes any problems but dreim comes to knock it down a third Dragon appears with a menacing Aura so haraku launches his spear to save Drive in the last second the dragon barely Dodges but dreim's assistant lets him know that they're not enemies surprising haraku he introduces the two new women they are dreim's daughter lastus Moon and mommy milkers grafaloon and I want to play with those balloons like a baboon haraku asks him why his wife and daughter were here and grime tries explaining the situation he's
been constantly sneaking out of his home at night so mommy milkers was worried he was getting some mistress milkers dram tries explaining that it's all high politics and Mommy milkers thinks all of her suspicions are finally confirmed Ryan begs them not to jump to conclusions after all he also has a small persuasion so he would never have the courage to have an affair like that haraku apologizes for making the situation worse but dreim says it's not his fault and tells them to apologize last this Moon apologizes for nearly burning this Village and Mommy milkers apologizes
for nearly burning him to a crisp after he pointed his spear at her daughter haraku is glad that everything worked out in the end and after he left dreim asked his wife if she understands what he's been doing this entire time despite their lack of numbers haraku's spear alone can overthrow their entire Kingdom mommy milkers wouldn't have been able to dodge the spear if it wasn't for zabutin an old friend of of hers she tells lastly that she will be giving her a very important job she will be living in this Village for a while
they can't ignore this kind of power so she hopes that she will at least make sure that his power will never be turned against them dry masks her if she's sure about this but mommy milkers thinks this is the best outcome for lasty haraku gladly welcomes her to the Village but quickly realizes that she's too powerful and even her sneezes blow away all her progress he wonders what dragons can be useful for so Tia reminds him that dragons like drim tend to be really wise and knowledgeable so haraku thinks she would be good for diplomatic
relationships the next time beasel visited them he saw lasti and instantly recognized her she was the infamous crazy Dragon of Destruction she asked him what brought him here today and he tried asking for oranges but she told him that they were out of stock so she tried interesting him in some strawberries bezel just shot himself staring at her horns and said he would take 10 boxes of whatever she's talking about she prepares her order and asks him if you would like her to count them but the only thing he's counting is the minutes until he
disappears like his father when he went to get milk back at the Demonic Castle the rest of the generals are shocked that lasti the almighty dragon is among them now they consider spying on them but realize that they're going to be screwed with no options left bezel plans on using his secret plan inside his house his daughter florum enters the room he tells her that she will be living amongst them and investigating their military strength she tells him that she will definitely succeed and teleports to their Village at the entrance Lassie introduces herself but Florham
already knows how powerful she is as she walked around the village Florham noticed that there were many different species lizardmen ogres beastmen and even dwarfs inside their headquarters she notices the vampire princess is living there and the angel of annihilation is leading the trio of execution Angels they even have High Elves the ones who kidnapped men and prey among them with them around there's already almost no chance of their military Terry winning however after seeing The Inferno wolves and Demon spiders packed together all of the confidence has left her body using the charts she's developed
the mayor is the only one left and he must be more powerful than all of them she wonders just how powerful this man could be but sees hiraku walking by and wonders why such a weak person lives in this Village he asks her if she's lost but she tells him that she doesn't need a weak human worrying about her back at the Village Lassie tells her that she just met the mayor he may be a human but he can defeat her mother florum is shocked because she was extremely rude to him as days passed with
her living amongst them haraku noticed that she was getting closer to lasty but wondered why she was so awkward around him one day the slimes began multiplying in number and eventually one of them began devouring all of their grape juice all the girls were ready to execute the Slime and they began the first trial and found it to be guilty haraku felt bad for the Slime so he tried letting it off and it began popping up during their feasts after all one cute slime she shouldn't be a problem Autumn came around and while haraku was
enjoying all the food he wished he could eat some seafood along with the meal Florham tells him that if he wants ocean access he has a hundred girls ready to open up their floodgates and offer their fish smelling [ __ ] sorry I meant if he wanted ocean access he can travel to the port south of the village to trade for ocean products last he offers to fly there and the rest of the girls accompany her they take off and haraku was glad there were people who were enjoying his food this much three days later
a merchant from the Ocean City came back with Lassie and showed them all the fish products he has to offer along with the fish he came here to accomplish three main goals the first was to properly greet the mayor of this Village the second was to begin trade negotiations and the third was to become the official trade Ambassador for this village with his years of experience he can help the great Tree Village multiply their profits by several times over so the girls decided to look at his proposition after a long day of negotiation the merchant
was ready to leave and was excited to discuss grape juice trade next time but last he wasn't about to let that happen haraku thinks it's great that there's going to be a professional handling their trades and Lou thinks it's great that they'll be getting more value now while traveling home the merchant took a look at the great Tree Village [Music] when the girls first arrived at Michael's office he nearly kicked them out because he didn't have any time to deal with them but his Merchant intuition gave him a strange feeling that he can't ignore this
he saw florim was among one of the girls and knew his head would have went rolling if he ignored her he wonders who the other girl was and she introduces herself as lastus Moon the crazy dragon with the two of them being as prominent and as dangerous as they are the risks might be outweighing the benefits of trading with them but he couldn't ignore them they bring him to the goods they've brought and he sees the lizardmen thinking he's about to enter some outrageous talks after uncovering the cloth he sees the rare fruit that have
been circling the kingdom and knows that each of them can fetch several silver coins the amount of profits he could make outweigh the risks and he begins discussing the ocean Goods he can supply to them this is his once in a lifetime chance so he asks them where they will be delivering the goods to their Village is in the forest of death and last he will give him a ride he contemplates whether his life is worth the money and along the way he meets the three great dragons and the angels of annihilation along with her
Army at least the mayor looked normal he thought but the vampire princess showed herself and when last he screamed at him for wanting the grape juice he lost every shred of confidence he had left while he managed to survive and make the greatest deal of his life his old body can no longer handle this at night haraku prepares the new Seafood that he's collected and gives it to all the girls the following morning another dragon appeared and he wondered what this Dragon was doing it launched a fireball deep into the forest signaling that it wanted
to fight haraku he prepared his Spear and missed his throw but it was all a trap to trick the dragon in order to defeat it inside the forest he sees another nut job and wonders why she was trying to burn the Forest Drive flies in and tells him to wait trying to explain the situation her name is harukan and she's dreim's older sister she tries telling him that it's his fault for trying to marry off lasty haraku wonders what they mean and harukin says that dreim wanted to marry her off to the mayor but dreim
thinks it was just the grape juice causing him to say those things after finding out that her niece was getting married she wanted to come and find out how strong the mayor truly was after all she finds it unfair that a girl that's 900 years younger than her is getting married first and wants haraku to squeeze her plot already so haraku squeezes her head and tells her to get on her knees sorry I meant he makes her play with his log sorry I meant he nearly penetrated her body body with his spear sorry I meant
you know what never mind just Spam the comments by saying rip the Slime I can't stop crying the fake fans will never expect it while they ate the good dinner he created harukin wanted to play the Mahjong game but wanted to bet something on the line without any physical Goods to bet haraku wondered if they would just play some plot removal Mahjong and all of them got excited to play his game after a few rounds of plot armor removal haraku found himself in a very awkward situation with his Supreme knowledge the legend thought this game
would have been easy all this time but he was already on his last piece of clothing the only explanation for this situation is that they were cheating by rewriting the pieces but he thinks that he's just being a sore loser at last his chance has arrived to defeat all of them but even though he drew the worst tile possible it doesn't matter he will not be paralyzed by his fear against dragons and will do anything to make sure no one sees his persuasion [Applause] thank you [Music] Sensational diesel informs the rest of the generals that
the ancient dragon hackurin has also gathered at the great Tree Village the demon Lord's size and asks bezel an important question he asks him what he should do about his daughter who's been in a bad mood all day the general thinks he needs to mobilize the Army immediately but randon's already put in his two weeks notice after attacking the great Tree Village hakuran became a teacher she was very skilled at everything she did but complained about doing every little thing because of her laziness haraku began forcing her to dig holes and filling them back in
and after boring her to death she decided that becoming a teacher was the only thing that she could do the next day three hot lamia girls begged haraku to save them their dungeon in the forest had been invaded by kiro's grandchildren which caused them to flee their homes since they traveled all this way to beg for his help Florham told haraku to try and help so in the end they traded lamia's precious gems in exchange for their crops and promised to protect their homes in the future future finally haraku wanted to request one more thing
being the beta simpias he asked them to put on plot armor if they were to ever visit with their great strength they began carrying trading Goods in exchange for haraku's seed sorry I meant crops because they grow from seeds back at the Demonic Castle three girls gathered underneath the demon Lord's daughter and begged her to save phloem from the great Tree Village at her office bezel teleported to meet with his daughter and asked her if she's been doing well she tells him to get to the point because she doesn't have any time and he reveals
that the princess has been Gathering troops to invade the great Tree Village they had begun distrusting her reports believing that no Village could be this powerful even the Demon Lord wouldn't dare stop his daughter and their day of invasion will be tomorrow they will be gathering 300 troops so he was hoping she could find a way to scare them off before they even attacked the village Florham considers who they could use to scare them because if they were going to just use lasti and hakuran they would end up just destroying the entire Kingdom but she
thinks she has an idea the next morning a giant explosion destroys trees in the forest and the soldiers beg the girls to have mercy on them they're surprised they're going to be getting 10 boxes of apples for barely doing anything at the Village Florham introduces the three girls from the demon Kingdom saying that they want to work to death but then corrects herself and says they're here to work like their lives depend on it he wonders why they seem like they've given up on all will to live but Florham reassures him that they're just emo
their leader introduces herself as Yuri and florum explains that there's no need to treat her with care and to just use her however he wants to but he's had enough of girls wanting to be used however they want so he lets Florham show them around after he leaves she tells the girls that she will forgive their transgressions if they begin working hard and keep their identities secret this means that Yuri will no longer be given special treatment and she thinks she'll be fine with this new life after showing them around the village the girls enjoy
dinner glad that they no longer have to worry about politics in this Village Iraq is glad to see that they've acclimated so quickly and Lou comes to see the new girls but he notices that Lou's size hasn't been changing she's noticed that her Transformation Magic hasn't been working all day but thinks it must be that she's sick after playing with the Beast kids for weeks Yuri had to leave the village before her father got concerned so she bid the other girls farewell before leaving inside the castle the Demon Lord confronts bezel and tells him that
his daughter has been different ever since she came from the village she hasn't been useless and has been constantly busy ever since she returned bezel tells him that she's likely taking interest in diplomacy and politics upon hearing those words the Demon Lord realizes she might have met a man and thinks that he will tear the entire nation apart until he finds him a short while after Yuri left they began winter preparations and haraku was shocked to see the amazing Harvest they had Lassie asked if she could get some of the extra food for her parents
and harukin wanted to share some with her appearance as well her father is the Emperor Dragon who lives in the North and her mother is the hurricane dragon that lives in the South haraku thought those names were extremely intimidating so he wanted to share some food with them first last he gave food to dry him on her way to shishodo city and dropped off some crops for trading apparently there was a giant monster causing problems for the fishermen so last he decided to take care of it she thought it was definitely the type of seafood
hiraku was looking for meanwhile hakurin headed north and on her way back she brought even more elves of course they're all [ __ ] females why am I surprised at this point they're mountain and elves but it's become harder for them to find food lately haraku wonders what to do and their leader understands if he can't help them since they are strangers but the RIS Master tells her that he was just trying to think of where they'll be sleeping for the night he promises he will never give up on them and the Elf leader thanks
him and says she will sleep in his bed if he wants them to but the beta says that won't be necessary this man unlocks species of women like their [ __ ] Pokemon in his Poke decks that night haraku decided to build a men's bath house so no girls see his persuasion however phloem caught the Three Musketeers sneaking around the new bath house and they said that they wanted to wash his back but Florham told them that their plot wasn't big enough however she realized it would make more sense since they were as flat as
a washboard eventually Autumn began fading and winter was approaching on one of those days haraku saw that Lou was bedridden and he wondered why she hasn't been feeling well she told him that it's nothing serious because it could just be the weather and that a little nausea and fever isn't a big deal Santa wonders if Lou's been craving sour Foods recently and after hearing that Lou realizes that she has been actually wanting tomatoes and sour fruit Senna told him that a person from The Howling Village experienced something similar so haraku asked her what ended up
happening to them she told him they ended up congratulating her on having a baby after the winter had come to an end haraku began waking up as soon as the sun rose to start stretching this had become his morning routine and he avoided waking up too early since the maids insisted on waking up earlier than him the Slime had managed to sneak into another barrel of wine and the women of the village were ready for a public execution once more he had discovered that people weren't accustomed to having a meal during the afternoon but he
wouldn't want them to work all day on a single meal so he began serving them lunch after finishing his meal haraku wanted to take on a new project and began planting all types of roses and flowers so their Village felt a little more civilized additionally he had begun creating furniture and toys for the children even though he's never had any construction experience as time went on he began creating swords so that the villagers can have a good form of cardio and wanted to keep practicing and breathe so heavily that the bone of my sword turned
into wood because of her two meaty Shields stop it get some help heraku's wooden sword is also feeling weird so he decides to go go and practice on his own he tries throwing some daggers but the dark elf comes to show him how it's done however he knows that those small little Persuasions can't compare to his large spear the dark elf says she wants to feel his other spear penetrating her but haraku knows that he's only using this spear to overcompensate for something after a long day of farming he bathed alone and tried relaxing at
night but always feels a presence looming over him all of the girls were spying on him like it's Mission Impossible but the only thing he finds impossible is losing his virginity he screams for help to uncover their locations and while he's glad that he has people watching over him he will make sure to seal up those hidden doors tomorrow the following morning Senna came to tell him there's a strange man in their Village next to the great tree he sees a man bent over and wonders how he was able to make it past all of
the angels and even zabudin Lucy's the man and recognizes him as the progenitor inside their guest house he congratulates her on having a natural baby as it's one of the rarest occurrence for vampires in this world haraku thinks this is all great but still doesn't understand why he was ready to be speared earlier so the progenitor claims he was drawn by the statues he's one of the only beings who has lived for over 4 000 years and remembers meeting God just before he was born but can't remember his exact appearance since he continues erasing his
memories to live long living next to such a masterpiece would fulfill him but haraku says he can't give him the statue crushing his Spirit instead he offers to sculpt him another one and the man is ready to be speared again before leaving he asks hiraku how much this statue would cost but haraku told him that God isn't something he can sell so the progenitor promised to find a way of compensating him inside the great Cathedral the priests welcomed him back after his 50 year old departure and the pro janitor places that statue inside the best
part of the temple since haraku refused to take a payment he sent the fanciest piano in his Nation as a gift the girls thought that learning how to play the piano would impress the there is God but after they opened it they realized that none of them can handle the pressure of breaking something so expensive They begged hiraku to get an old piano so they could practice on it a few negotiations with Michael later and he was able to secure a new piano for the girls everyone in the village began practicing together but haraku no
longer had any hope of sleeping at night the big yearly Harvest had arrived and after working the entire morning Lou invited haraku over for lunch she noticed how hard he's been working so she gave him an ice cube to make his drink better and tells him not to overwork himself he tells her that he'll be fine but wonders if it's okay for her to be walking around she reassures him saying that all the girls encouraged her to exercise so she has a strong body when going into labor even after all this time haraku can't believe
that she has a child inside her belly during dinner all the girls wonder how heavy the child is and all of them wish that they could help Lou in any way possible she tells them that everything is great but it bothers her that she can't drink any PG grape juice zabutin is ready for the baby shower inside the mayor's office the trio of angels inform him that the morale in the village is dwindling and all of them are about to cave in so to save them they beg him to sell all of their grape juice
smoothies their only wishes to make Lou feel more comfortable but while haraku finds that admirable he thinks selling all the juice would be a mistake so he encourages them to continue holding out because it will taste better once it ages a little more the fiends were excited to hear that it will taste better but the dwarves weren't they wondered why no one wanted their smoothies anymore and Donovan promised he will no longer release the white creamy substance into it haraku explains the situation and Donovan is glad that his special cream wasn't the reason people stopped
enjoying alcohol haraku reassures him that his juice tastes great but wonders what this secret white cream might be the dwarf tells him it's a secret but if he really wanted to find out they can play a game called salty biscuits baraku thought he was better off not knowing weeks of Peace continued passing throughout the village but haraku was only worried about his wife it's almost time for her to go in labor and he notices the flower sitting on the table it was a gift from Tia and the other Angels one of the rarest flowers that
was blooming on an Ice Mountain the leader of the Dark Elves came to offer her secret Mountain elf medicine it is the best medicine that's ever been produced and hopes Lou will be able to use it whenever she needs to last the offers Lou a precious pendant from her father's treasure room the Wolves offer some of the food they hunted and zabudin's children wanted to gift her some baby clothes and offers her pudding Leah offers her a flower crown and even lazy ass harukin offers to peel apples for her Flora comes in to give her
sister some tomato and tofu miso soup and haraku is glad she finally made miso after all this time believe leader of the lizards apologizes for not knowing how to help since they're born from eggs but offers his blood to help her child grow strong after receiving all the gifts haraku noticed a wooden Mallet and Lou told him that Donovan created it because it will come in handy soon after she was done talking Lou felt a weird sensation in her belly and realized that it must be time all the maids began rushing towels to prepare for
the delivery and haraku found himself feeling powerless as he waited in the other room knowing there's nothing he can do he looked at the great tree and went inside the little cave he had made the two moons shine bright that night reminding him of his first night here when he watched them alone he had wanted to live away from everyone in absolute isolation but now that everyone's here he was sure this was the life he wanted time passed by like a blur and he felt like he had no memories of what happened after that night
he walked in a haze towards Lou and laid eyes on her child she told him to come and hold him so haraku tried to carefully grab him to his chest as he held him and saw his smile it all became real to him he had truly become a father back in his original World he was suffering from an illness so his only hope is that his son will never experience that pain he tells his son to grow strong for him but Lou grabs his hand saying that they're going to raise him to be strong they
decided to name their son Alfred and while he was half vampire he looked just like a normal human this was the place where he started alone and was glad that everyone has joined him and continued supporting him throughout this time remembering all the gifts they brought for him he wanted to find a way to thank them for their kindness so he gathered all the leaders of the village together they wondered why they were here so haraku went on to show them a reward medal that he's created for them this was his way of thanking all
the people who have been here to build the village Ian notices that this is awfully similar to money and haraku explains that his hope is to eventually develop a currency for this Village right now all the harvested food is given to him and he has to be in charge of Distributing it to everyone this would also solve the problem of people's bias towards certain fruit by creating a value for them based on currency haraku wanted to start out by offering these vouchers as a gift that could be exchanged for anything to each villager heraku handed
them a medal and gave KIRO and zabutin's Family's 30 coins each on top of that he created all of the coins by hand to ensure none of them were counterfeited everyone reacted differently the dwarves wanted grape juice others wanted furniture and the angels traded them for drimes expensive weapons eventually people began requesting Furniture in exchange for their currency but their value was still obscure for the children they settled on renting out the mayor for a day instead a little while after everything had started calming down it was finally time for the big Festival to celebrate
his child's birth all the girls were finally drinking juice for the first time in months Donovan and the other dwarves brought a big barrel saying this was the special barrel of juice they created by combining all of their white stuff from all the salty biscuit games they played Lou realized that this must be what the Mallet was for so with both of them holding it they opened the barrel up haraku never thought he'd be cracking a barrel open to celebrate something so fun so he told everyone to drink up on the house tonight Grime is
back at it again but his count wants to turn this into Fifty Shades of Gray all the girl enjoy the juice and Donovan asks him if he likes this new secret recipe blue tells him she can't drink anything since she now has Mommy milkers and Donovan thinks his entire plan has been ruined he had planned on stealing the mayor's wife but he's got an idea he asks them to bottle it up so they can drink it soon but haraku thinks it would be great to bottle it up for 20 years so they can enjoy it
when his child has matured and Donovan's Dead all this time haraku had caught onto this dwarf's plan he knew Donovan's secret white substance would impregnate anyone who drinks it but because he's such a beta haraku wanted to let him impregnate all the elves in the village with this drink so they can leave him alone Donovan realizes he's screwed and runs to tell everyone to stop drinking haraku is glad that he's finally done with all this women both the Demonic Kingdom have heard of haraku's child being born and wished to congratulate them their Village has grown
much too strong so they believe their only plan moving forward will be to marry Yuri off to one of the people living in the village Michael has has received news of the birth and wishes to send them the greatest gifts to continue having a long and beneficial relationship Tia has discovered that there were a lot of people still roaming the forest looking for a place to live and Ryan's Kingdom along with the Demonic Kingdom have recently had a lot of refugees needing to take shelter after the recent war in total it's over 100 people and
haraku realizes that their current Village likely won't have enough space for all of them so Lou suggests the perfect solution they will create a second village for all of them and tia thinks the grape Tree Village too will be even better after all this Village had saved all of them so they want to do everything in their power to save others in the future the same way they were safe they all lived happily ever after until haraku executed poor old Donovan if you felt bad for Donovan blow this video up with likes to show your
condolences watch this next video till next time my fellow legendary plot Masters
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