hi ma'am you have your driver's license registration with you yes sir I do and the reason I'm pulling you over is cuz of that red light and you almost caused an accident okay okay where youall headed to home I'm so sorry we were literally heading home where you coming from uh we were up at uh Apple be apple be you have the registration of the insurance as well yes how much did you have to drink today we just started no we just got off work and okay that's not it that's your dental insurance and something
else oh I'm sorry so you're saying you had nothing to drink today registration thank you ma'am you said you had nothing to drink today no my okay and you're saying you guys had nothing to drink today at all I didn't say that just we literally just left Apple okay you're saying you guys just got started just left Apple Beast she's saying she had nothing to drink today no I didn't I'm driving her I'm driving her okay and then but you keep grabbing some of the same paperwork over and over you see where like my suspicions
are otherwise right now you see why I'm thinking otherwise that's your title I already told you that I get it but okay all right if it led to it would you be willing to do some field sobriety exercises ma'am no no no okay that's fine if you don't want to but just understand I have to base my determination on my initial contact with you understand that of course that's job I understand give me one second I'll be right back with you okay all right another officer arrives and checks to see if the suspects have found
the insurance yet hey were you able to find your insurance what's up were you able to find the insurance it's probably online online though okay let's can we say that yeah give me a second yeah You observe You observe that she's intoxicated correct yes she's already ref refusing to do FC's okay the red light's been red forever and then she blows it almost causes an accident stop her she stops in the middle of the roadway then turns here while I'm talking to her she's very slow and looking for her stuff hands me her dental insurance
card uh then hands me her title even though I told her already that title is not the registration hey can I help you hey can you hiop back in the car please I can did you find something you wanted to show well she's trying to do it but like it's so stupid right now s I'm just going to talk to her over here okay ma'am can you step out with me and just talk up here with me yeah sorry you don't have to hey hey hey real quick you don't have to do that come over
here I know why would you guys do that it's not fair what's not fair you guys know that he's walking up there to talk to her real quick you can't find is that your is this your car no it's her car oh okay but you have insurance on your phone she has her insurance on her phone oh okay so is this her phone yeah it's her phone okay so the reason I got pulled over I told you when I first pulled up you ran the red light almost causing an accident and then you had multiple
Vehicles honking the horn at you you don't remember that no I do okay you said you guys are coming from Applebee's yeah okay do you take any medication or anything today you don't take any medication okay I work my ass I believe you I believe you I don't doubt that but you know I have some concerns that's why I want to make sure you're not on any medications or anything like that you see what I'm saying okay and you said you had nothing to drink today or did did you have anything I Dr a little
bit okay what's a little bit you want to just have a seat back in the car then I guess but let me tell you hey if you holler out to her you're interfering with an investigation and you're going to go to jail she sat in the [ __ ] car he's got the right to ask her to get out of the car so go ahead and have a seat in the car go ahead and have a seat watch your leg watch your leg I'm good we're going to close the door watch your leg for my
safety and your safety we're going to close I'm I feel safer like this I understand I'm closing the door you're interfering with my investigation I'm closing the door all right watch your foot watch your foot like one be or two be I know my rights yeah I'm not violating any of your rights you're invoking your rights and out what you're saying that you don't want to talk to me about anything no I will I'll be real with you I just I can't you're confusing me on what you want to do here okay well right now
I still got to do my citations and all that stuff so that's not that's not going to happen right now I understand if I leave my car here can I home no no we can't do all that stuff so what's going to happen is turn around do not pull away please based on my observations I do believe you're operating a motor vehicle Under the Influence stay in the car stay in the car stay in the car stay stay in the car stay in the car I told you to stay car you she didn't even do
anything the thing is you don't start charging up there towards them put your right hand behind your back put your hand behind your back I'm going to ask you again put your hand behind behind your back ma' Walk This Way please Walk This Way let's go can I get my phone we'll get that here we'll get that here in a minute can I get a female I'll get I need a female cop I need a that's what I'm calling that's what I'm calling I need a supervisor he's right there and I'm calling a female right
now we're not doing this arguing thing okay I have done nothing to you and I'm not violating any of that don't fuing touch me I need female I need a female I need a fale officer don't touch her don't touch her we'll wait for a female yeah get absolutely that's common sense okay all right let's go over here please don't touch me like that you want to touch me like that then you move when I tell you to move all I'm doing is put my arm around your shoulder cuz you're not moving have a seat
please don't touch her then just like that all over this way come on I'm going help why is she running from him I have no idea I'm dealing with you right here you're not going where you want to go I'm not going anywhere okay you're going to walk over here wow this is f I'm going to need another cage car have a seat you let me hold a second please ma'am it's better for you to have a seat right now no I can't right now okay and I can't right now and why is that hold
on for a second that did nothing wrong okay well I've already explained this is stupid I know my rights and that has nothing to do about violating he's right there where's your supervisor then dealing with your friend then where's your supervisor do not touch me kid your supervisor so stupid it really is it really is this type of behavior is very stupid do not touch me dude get your super you stay right there my supervisor's right there watching supervis do not touch me like that no one's touching you like anything yes you are you're being
me into a woman stop pushing and resisting you're stop you're pushing me babe relax relax relax relax babe oh my God like this is so stupid stop I don't respect no one's doing anything don't respect people [ __ ] touching people how are you going to touch somebody like that what are we waiting for well you wanted a female the paty now so we got a female coming I have nothing on me so it doesn't matter we're going to make sure okay but you cannot touch a woman like that by your arms this is [
__ ] up okay but you need to let me go I don't need to let you go ma'am you're under arrest you're under arrest no I don't hey do you have your ID I do I tell you what I'm going to let you go right here are you going to pull it out it's right here grab it excellent all I'm going to do is run your information that's F all right thank you letting you go please all right let's cooperate let's let's not do let's please but but let's not do what we just I love
her so much he doesn't even know it but that's you know love is crazy I know I want to but you can't come out acting like no okay I know you know you messed up I didn't messed up when we told you don't go up there and you still charged up there you can't do that I know all right so you know all right up I wanted you to stay here we would have C you home you know we would have taken care of you but no right right 100% can I least like get my
phone and car we will get that before you leave yes I don't care like this is [ __ ] up and you know it is absolutely not how I'm we don't need to sit here in debate you can take that all to court I'll go I'll go to jail for her well you you going to jail for you she's going to jail for her what am I going to jail for for obstructing an arrest because when you charge an arrest like that after I told you to stay in your car that's a also you're intoxicated
being intox intoxicated I I'll play I'll I'll do whatever I have to do to proove that you got a phone case yep with my phone no you got this phone yeah that's not my phone okay that's her phonec I think your phone might be in your pocket who cares right no I mean we're going to make sure you got every but buddy we're not going to act like this okay I'm trying to get her in your Fu car well now now we're going to wait for a female so all right let's get a [ __
] female and she's on the way stop let me go stop walking away let me go then dog there's nothing to let go let me go then let you been resisting I'm not resisting nothing dog my my are in things baby your baby she's intoxicated you're intoxicated that's that's the problem I'm not intoxicated I don't know why you guys keep saying that I'm emotional I'm a Scorpio I'm [ __ ] emotional that's like the love of my life please let me the [ __ ] go he's like hurting me will you stop resisting stop resisting
him man I'm not fck moves and you hurt me ma'am no dude you and ma'am yes sir calm down I'm calm all right so let me just do circles like this just I want you to you're going to stand buddy stop I just want circles no we're not doing circles I'm about to do circles for the you're not you're not going to do circles you're going to stay right here I mean if you're going to act like this you feel better better about youself no do you I feel like I feel like you do no
absolutely I feel like you do ridiculous you can just stay like that yeah stop will you stop will you stop turn around would you stop hey give me some help over here quit trying to kick me hold on KN KN play that game she's resisted again she battered a cop keep playing games you're G end up getting put her in that car right now you need to knock it off right now I'm not doing [ __ ] if you knock it off you need to knock it off right now it doesn't matter is she in
that car what's that put her in that car all right come on take a seat take a seat give me a h videos all the time all right one I got her you got her yeah I got the legs down hey let's do a quick pad on her real quick while she's on the ground we having trouble with her that's crazy I would never we got another one in the car there do you have anything on he's going to poke me what I don't I'm helping you how about that I appreciate it yeah of course
put that in your rep roll towards me oh my God am I [ __ ] P she's just patting you down that's all I have nothing okay well I have to verify that for their safety and mine so but this guy does not need to be touching me well unfortunately he has to so pickt and you're going to follow their orders and I'm going to stay right here all right I follow your orders at the I don't want him touching me like he asked okay what you're going to do is you're going to use my
hands to start standing up all right so push your weight against my hand and we'll stand up one two 3 stand up come on all right now let's get those handcuffs back you're going to put your right hand above your head my right hand on my head yes okay oh thank you pull him back go ahead and pull those back we'll take that one off momentarily bring it around thank you yo I didn't do anything to any of yall qu tried to kick meob yeah I got a hobble on her cuz she was kicking who's
kicking yo you guys are [ __ ] liar oh absolutely put her over in your car DUI and resisting and then resisting and Battery ELO yeah public and talks also so crazy you don't know it no I just got here you don't want to cooperate we're going to walk this way I'm not going without my Sho we're going to we're going to put the shoe on when we get over there come on you guys are so stupid I had her cuff behind her back she kept trying to get off the car had to put her
down I don't know how she did it she maneuvered pushed me back we went to the ground she kicked me and then she got her Cuffs in the front and then when you get when we done with her I need you to pat down the other one can you see the seat I don't know could you see my shoe we're going to grab your shoe could you so why you haven't you done it because we're going to grab it now go and sit down all right I'm not going in until I get my shoe you
[ __ ] dog your your foot in quit kicking me giveing shoes you got it y all right back up now we got that uh thing yeah H's on her where's the [ __ ] lady cop she's right here relax hey you don't cop move is the lady cop hey you're the lady cop put your leg in the car put your leg in the car okay I will where's the lady cop y out of your man where's the lady cop where the [ __ ] is the lady cop you're not a lady cop where's the
lady cop where the [ __ ] is the lady cop right behind him can you stop yelling all right I'm here you good yes all right I need phone sh okay well get it in a minute hop out for me watch your step yep there you go careful come this way here I'm here face the car face car there you go spread your feet as wi as can without falling you have anything on you it's going to poke me stick me hurt me blow me up anything silly resistance if she continues I might have to
stop in your jurisdiction to hobble this officer correctly predicted this suspect's Behavior as she was able to escape from her handcuffs during her transport to the jail she got him in front of her she took him out and she's just like I'm not Han yeah she's she's got one we do what we'll do is we'll go for a uh we'll go for an arm bar pull her out use the door as a guide put her against the car and then bring her sounds good headl to work why are you escaping out of handcuffs step out
step out step out St step out get out why you being meaning hand why you being mean God have a handcuff yeah come to you we try to let you step out the cord give me some light you going to act like a normal human being you have a daughter well my daughter would know how to act let's check this other one make sure your wrists aren't going to get hurt here hold still we're going to move them so they don't pinch you we're not trying to hurt you we're just trying to keep you from
pulling out again go ahead and have a seat all right can you bring your feet towards me please no I don't need that it's really yes ma'am all right go ahead and put your feet back inside please nice and easy so you don't hurt yourself not met for Comfort just to let you know good job good job all right thanks guys approximately 3 hours later an officer questions one of the the suspects about something they found in her possession hey I got to ask you something but before we go into that um I do have
to advise you of your rights before I can ask you any of question so you have the rights to remain silent all right are you willing to speak with me with that knowing your rights okay in your little makeup thing in the purse they found a pill okay it's a little blue one or whatnot when we check it it's uh Xanax pill what up with the pill being in the purse do what the Xanax pill that we found in your purse you have a prescription k no I don't so you're saying she put that in
here no it's it's it's in my possession but it's not mine so I got you I just wanted to clear it up because it was found in your purse that's all I just wanted to make sure I didn't misunderstand anything especially if you had a prescription for it I wanted to make sure no I don't okay all right I appreciate it do you have any questions for me no all right thank you so imagine this you're out with your friends after a long Work Week everybody's laughing having a good time and possibly not noticing that
no one has been paying attention to how many drinks you've had now you and your friend stumble to your car and somewhere deep inside you you know that you're in no condition to drive and either you don't care or you figure all I got to do is make it home and the sad thing is you have other people in the car with you and nobody takes the responsible initiative to say those four words let's get in Uber so today police stop a woman and the officer makes her aware immediately that she ran a red light
and she almost caused an accident and one thing that I always notice is that people who drink and drive they always appeared inconvenience when they got stopped and as this woman is being investigated she actually gives the officer her dental insurance paperwork maybe I've been retired tooo long but that even left me speechless and at this point upon request the driver actually refuses to do a f sobriety test and for the life of me I don't understand why the passenger also refuses when she wasn't even driving which further lets me know in my opinion that
these women don't even know where they are or what's going on and now the officer has probable calls to arrest because of all of his observations and it's not going to help the driver that she refused to have a sobriety test done and now the driver is requested by the officer to exit the car which she does but the passenger got out of her own valtion and if you watch the driver her face show no reaction when told what she did on the road but this is normal with the leged DUIs and this is what's
so scary to me about these situations and now we see the passenger becoming a little passive aggressive but nothing too bad yet but then as the driver's plac in handcuffs here comes the passenger and I really don't know what she thought she was going to do but she literally falls to the ground and I'm 100% saying it's because of her drinking cuz the officers did nothing and then we noticed the driver just totally du a 180 cuz she was really calm and this is the danger of overindulging with alcohol because she begins to resist and
has to be physically walked to the cruiser and placed in the car by the officer and while all this is going on the passenger who first tries to blame her behavior on her zodiac sign started resisting for no apparent reason and when the officer is restraining her she flips her arms to the front in an unnatural way which probably means that she's double jointed and this is why I always kept an eye on my prisoners because this happens a lot while transporting suspects and she then kicked the officers while being placed in the car but
at this point both of them are a long way from just a DUI charge but lastly if you're stupid enough to drink and drive and you get stopped by the police I would advise you to go quietly because if you think that you can control the situation you're going to to lose one night of fund could turn into a jail State and possibly expensive lawyer fees the suspect who was the driver blew two breath samples that resulted in a blood alcohol concentration of 279 and 281 way above the legal limit she was given citations for
running a red light no proof of insurance and DUI she was also charged with disorderly intoxication two counts of resisting without violence two counts of resisting with violence and two counts of battery on a peace officer totaling a bomb of $2,263 her girlfriend was charged with two counts of battery on a peace officer two counts of resisting with violence one count of resisting without violence and one count of disorderly intoxication she later was found to have moved her hands from behind her back to the front of her body and removed her hobble at the jail
she then received a second charge of resisting without violence they are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law