Four Things That Will Happen To Those Who Refuse To Take The Mark Of The Beast?

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what will happen to those that refuse to take the mark of the beast four things that will occur number one it will lead to financial ruin what happens to those who refuse to take the mark of the beast picture the future where everyone is following the Antichrist Fred a normal guy with a simple life struggles to buy or sell anything because he hasn't accepted the mark he doesn't want to be like the outcast who refuse the mark and of the Antichrist they have to hide away and have a really hard time after thinking it over
Fred decides to get the Mark it's a quick and easy process the Antichrist Prophet has made it simple once Fred gets the mark he knows he's turned his back on the god of the OAS the Jesus they believe in now he is ready to enjoy the perks of his choice this Mark is a sign for the followers of the Antichrist and the false prophet who speaks for the Antichrist the false prophet also called the second beast is the one who makes people take this Mark the Mark is put directly on the hand or forehead it's
not just something like a card that someone carries yes it may seem very difficult to comprehend but all that refuse the Mark will be abandoned by Society Revelation 13: 16- 17 also he compels all the small and the Great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and then no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the Mark either the name of the Beast or the number of
his name under the rule of the Beast and his helper everyone will be given a mark without this Mark no one will be able to be part of the economy people won't be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark of the beast's name for the people that do not receive the mark all the money in the world would not be worth a potato it will be like the life of a fugitive there have been a lot of movies about people running from the authorities and they usually make it look pretty exciting but
is it really like that in real life it's exhausting stressful and dangerous you have to keep watching your back all the time and if you get caught people might think you're dangerous or carrying a weapon which could get you hurt these people won't be able to rent an apartment or let someone rent from them most of us don't realize how much we rely on others today can you imagine not being able to pay for electricity the only protection you have is your own smarts you're completely on your own whatever you need you have to provide
it for yourself no one is there to comfort or protect you and you are totally alone being an outcast is like being a runaway it's really sad not like how TV shows make it look all fancy when someone is on the Run they usually have to hide in dirty rundown places it's very lonely you can hardly talk to or trust anyone if you have family or friends you can't see them because the police are probably watching them you can't get a normal job from 9: to 5:00 you can't go home because your family and friends
are being watched you're always on the Move starting over in a far away place you're constantly scared of getting caught or being turned in by someone who wants the reward that's the worst part it would be terrible mental torture who would want to be like Jason Bourne but in real life people on the Run live sad hard lives always knowing than one day they will get caught and arrested in one word this life can be summed up as facing hardship there was no one better than Paul to give advice about standing strong through suffering Paul
had been put in jail beaten hit with stones Shipwrecked hungry cold and left with nothing even with all of this and more Paul was able to handle the suffering finish the race and stay faithful 2 Timothy 4:7 Jesus is the perfect example of someone who went through hard times Hebrews 12:2 the writer of Hebrews tells us to remember how Jesus stayed strong even when Sinners treated him badly Jesus even with all the pain he faced never gave up not even when he was on the cross however there is a spiritual side to receiving the mark
Angels themselves step in and the world is about to change for the outcasts and those that receive the mark of the beast number two they will be spared from God's judgment something strange starts to happen the world is hit with all sorts of disasters like floods and earthquakes then something even stranger happens the mark on Fred's hand starts to hurt and smell awful it turns into a terrible SAR no one can help and everyone with a mark is suffering a lot some people are confused but others know the truth they understand what's really going on
the people on the outside see these events too they know this isn't because because of a global attack or a war these people who are left out understand the real truth and have picked their side even though they faced a lot of pain they see what's happening they know that the Antichrist is a leader who wants to take jesus' place he was almost killed but somehow healed and everyone was tricked by him so many people followed him without thinking they also understand that the sores Fred and others are dealing with aren't from this world but
come from a distant place these troubles come from the temple of God way up in heaven the temple of God in heaven is a mysterious Place many people don't even know there is a temple in heaven this Temple is mentioned in the Book of Revelation 11 when the temple is closed it means a huge warning and judgment for the whole world the worst ever seen or that will ever be seen it would be the final judgment for the world when the temple is first opened many strange things happen first the Ark of the Covenant is
found again but everything is about to change after these things I looked and the temple sanctuary of the Tabernacle of the test Tony in heaven was open and the Seven Angels who had the seven plagues afflictions calamities came out of the temple arrayed in linen pure and gleaming and wrapped around their chests were golden sashes then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the Wrath and indignation of God who lives forever and ever and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory and Radiance and Splendor
of God and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the Seven Angels were finished Revelation 15: 5-8 this judgment is very serious for heaven in the last chapter we saw how important it was to prepare for the pouring of the Bulls these angels are bringing God's judgment they came straight from the heavenly Temple right from God's presence and Throne they're not doing this by themselves they wear special clothes pure bright linen with golden sashes around their chests this shows us that even though judgments might seem
harsh they come from a fair and good place it's easy to think that bad judgments Come From Evil sources but this shows us something different a big judgment is coming to the Earth and no one can stop it because it comes from a just and righteous God yes the Bible talks about evil angels who cause chaos and destruction but that's not what's Happening Here the Bible clearly says these angels are righteous and not Fallen the angels are given blls and God's glory fills the temple with a cloud it's important to understand that people who don't
believe might not see the judgement this means that things happen in the spiritual world before they show up in our physical world people can predict the weather like when it will rain or which way the wind will blow but God's ways are different we can't figure out how God's Temple Works using science we only know these secrets because God has told us and this knowledge can give us Comfort many Christians need to realize they already have answers to the world's big questions including how everything will end Heaven's order is perfect one of the four living
creatures near God's Throne gives these bowls to the seven angels John sees these four living creatures with many eyes in different shapes a lion an ox a human and an eagle this shows that these judgments come directly from God's Throne when this judgment starts no one is even allowed to enter the temple of God this shows that heaven does not take this judgment lightly once this judgment starts nothing can stop it Heaven is all set the temple doors are shut the seven angels are ready and people are all set to take these Bulls then I
heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the Wrath and indignation of God so the first Angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and loathsome and malignant sores came on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image Revelation 16: 1-2 a voice comes from the temple could this be Jesus speaking in Revelation Voices From Heaven and often represent Christ but not always because people have wronged the Earthly Temple now the Judgment comes
from the Heavenly Temple these Bulls deal more with human rebellion and cover more areas than other judgments did most of the Bulls like the trumpets remind us of the plagues from The Exodus painful sores turning water into blood and darkness by reminding us of these plagues these judgments show that just as God protected his people in Goan during the plagues he will also protect them from his judgments the last two bowls show the final battle and the completion of God's promises the first Bowl brings really painful and nasty sores to people who worship the image
of the Beast and have its Mark those who follow God are not affected by this bull it's just for those who follow the Antichrist this shows God's anger being poured out on people who were made on the sixth day Genesis 1 Revelation 13:18 says this is like the sixth Egyptian plague of boils that hits people with the 666 mark of the beast those who worship the creature instead of the Creator number three they will be ordered to be executed by the abomination of desolation it seems that worshiping the Antichrist is linked to getting the mark
and anyone who refuses to worship the image of the Beast will be put to death then another Angel the third one followed them saying with a loud voice whoever worships the beast in His image and receives the mark of the beast on his forehead or on his hand Revelation 14:9 and he is given power to give breath to the image of the Beast Beast so that the image of the Beast will even appear to speak and cause those who do not Bow Down and Worship the image of the Beast to be put to death Revelation
13:1 15 Jesus reference to Future event in Daniel 9: 27 when speaking about the abomination of desolation in the olette discourse in Matthew 24: 15-16 Jesus says so when you see the abomination of desolation the appalling sacrilege that astonishes and makes desolate spoken of by the Prophet Daniel standing in the Holy place let the reader understand then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains for Refuge the Bible is a history book but it is unique in comparison to any other history book found in public libraries it it covers the entire history of
the earth starting from its creation to its end no other history book has been published which cover such a wide range of events on our planet this is partly because nobody was present at the beginning to witness and documented and thus nobody can write about the beginning of our world authoritatively we are the only ones in the world who know how it will all end which is truly unique the Lord didn't reveal the future just to satisfy our curiosity but rather to prepare us for what's to come so that we won't be caught off guard
or misunderstand it it's important to be grateful that Jesus shared this knowledge with us so openly and honestly people ask are we in the end times the Bible speaks of the last days a period that has lasted for 2,000 years since the prophecy was fulfilled at Pentecost Christians must always be prepared for the Lord's return the Bible is full of predictions with 735 prophecies about the future in one quarter of its chapters it is a prophetic text from start to finish although some books focus more on predictions than others according to scripture prediction 596 out
of 735 prophecies have already come true equivalent to 81% some of these prophecies were made centuries ago and it is highly likely that the remaining 19% will also come true the Bible has proven to be correct for every prediction that could have been fulfilled by now the remaining prophecies are mostly concerned with the return of Jesus and the following events how many of these predictions need to come true before the return of Jesus the answer is approximately 20 and we must observe these events happening before we can anticipate the Lord's return Jesus instructed us to
remain watchful and prayerful but what should we watch out for we cannot just stand idle and gaze at the clouds waiting for him to appear That's not what he meant instead he meant that we should keep track of the happenings in the world and recognize the signs that he provided to help us prepare signals are the signs in Matthew chapter 24 the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of his return they wanted to know what to do if they didn't know when it would happen Jesus gave a direct and clear answer which we can be
grateful for in the Book of Revelation he provides a more detailed response but in this chapter he gave a brief summary of the signs that would precede his arrival the disciples came to Jesus secretly while he was sitting on the Mount of Olives and Jesus spoke about the abomination of desolation what is this Abomination and when can we expect this Jesus warned that an event would occur in the temple that would cause people to detest and feel disgust or hatred this event would lead to complete emptiness or destruction also known as desolation when this happens
the residents of Judea should seek cover without delay different translations refer to this event as the Abomination that causes desolation the sacriligious object that causes desecration or that horrible thing the Amplified Bible explains that the abomination of desolation is the appalling sacrilege that astonishes and makes desolate Jesus referenced Daniel in his words in the olet discourse during a particular moment Daniel had a realization that the 70 years of captivity were about to end while he was praying Gabriel who was caused to fly swiftly arrived at that moment around the time of the evening sacrifice Gabriel
informed Daniel that he was greatly beloved he then gave Daniel an outline line of the future history of the Jewish Nation using the figure of 70 weeks each week represented 7 years the Prophet Daniel mentioned the abomination of desolation in three places regardless of whether the abomination of desolation is a person or a thing Daniel predicted the following first in the future the leader will make a treaty with the people of Israel second the duration of this treaty will be one week which we take to be a period of 7 years third halfway through this
period the king will gather his army and put an end to the sacrifices and offerings in the temple fourth during that time the ruler will profane the temple by placing an abomination in it Fifth the desecration of the temple will continue until God's judgment falls upon the ruler and his followers 1,290 days 3 and 1/2 years and 1 month later those who do not worship the image of the Beast will face the antichrist's Wrath those who refuse to Bow the knee to the Antichrist in the beast's image May face persecution on Earth but they will
be rewarded In Heaven There are different beliefs about what the image of the Beast could be some people think it might be a statue or a picture that appears to come to life and speak others believe it could be a supercomputer Holograms human clones a cyborg or superhuman artificial intelligence it may surprise you to know that this concept has been around for over a thousand years and is still present in our world today number four those that do not take the Mark will reign during the Millennium with Jesus after Jesus comes back down from heaven
he will actually set up this whole new kingdom Jesus will reign for 1,000 years and he will bound the devil for only 1,000 years Revelation 20 speaks in detail concerning the final state of Satan and unbelievers verse 7 remarks that at the end of the Thousand-Year Millennial Kingdom the Saints live and Reign for 1,000 years and then I saw Thrones and sitting on them were those to whom judgment that is the authority to act as judges was given and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and
because of the word of God and those who had refused to worship the Beast or his image and had not accepted his mark on their forehead or on their hand and they came to life and reigned with Christ 4,000 years Revelation 20:4 who sits on these Thrones perhaps the 24 Elders representing the church or the apostles or the company of saints as a whole this could be the judging of angels talked about in 1 Corinthians 6: 2-3 however it's more likely that these Saints are in charge here on Earth these Saints will rule with Jesus
for the same time that Satan is locked up 1,000 years they help run the kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth overseeing those who move from the Troubles of the Great Tribulation to the Peace of the Millennium everyone who wins with Jesus Will Rule and reign with him 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 2 through3 do you not know that the Saints God's people will one day judge the world if the world is to be judged by you are you not competent to try trivial insignificant Petty cases do you not know that we Believers will judge Angels
how much more than as to matters of this life these people are mentioned to encourage them and show show that others won't be forgotten this is a special recognition for those who suffered during the tribulation they faced great pain from the Antichrist who claimed I will rule the earth now these faithful Believers hold power while the Antichrist is defeated these Martyrs are real people but they also stand for everyone who gives their lives for Jesus the term beheaded means more more than we might realize the ancient Greek word actually means executed it looks like worshiping
the Antichrist is connected to receiving the mark and anyone who refuses to worship the image of the Beast will be killed many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake resurrect these to everlasting life but some to disgrace and everlasting contempt AB horns everyone will be brought back to life from the dead but not everyone will have the same future the New Testament shows that there are different resurrections for the good people and the bad people Revelation 20 talks about a first resurrection and says the people who are part of it
are blessed and holy the rest of the Dead the non-believers did not come to life again until the thousand years were completed this is is the first resurrection blessed happy prosperous to be admired and holy is the person who takes part in the first resurrection over these the second death which is eternal separation from God the Lake of Fire has no power or authority but they will be Priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with him a thousand years Revelation 20: 5-6 the second death which is the Lake of Fire has no
power over these people then death and Hades the realm of the Dead were thrown into the Lake of Fire this is the second death the Lake of Fire the Eternal separation from God Revelation 20:4 the first resurrection is when all believers are raised it matches with what Jesus taught about the resurrection of the just and the resurrection of Life John 5: 29 and they will come out those who did good things will come out to a resurrection of new life but those who did Evil things will come out to a resurrection of judgment that is
to be sentenced the first resurrection happens in different steps Jesus Christ himself self called the first frots made the way for the resurrection of everyone who believes in Him First there will be the resurrection of the Dead in Christ when the Lord comes back and then the resurrection of the martyrs at the end of the tribulation for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command with the voice of the Archangel and with the blast of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first 1 Thessalonians 4:16 at
the end of the tribulation the Saints from the Old Testament will also be raised they are part of the first resurrection Revelation chapter 20: 12-13 talks about those in the second Resurrection these are the wicked people who will be judged by God at the great white Throne judgment before they are thrown into the Lake of Fire and I saw the Dead the Great and the small standing Before the Throne and books were open then another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged according to what they had done as
written in the books that is everything done well on earth and the Sea gave up the Dead who were in it and death in Hades the realm of the Dead surrendered the Dead who were in them and they were judged and sentenced everyone according to their deeds Revelation 20: 12-13 the second Resurrection is when all unbelievers are raised this second Resurrection is tied to the second death it matches what Jesus taught about the resurrection of judgment and they will come out those who did good things will come out to a resurrection rection of new life
but those who did Evil things will come out to a resurrection of judgment that is to be sentenced John 5: 29 the event that separates the first and second resurrections seems to be the millennial Kingdom the last of the righteous will be raised to reign with Christ for a thousand years but the rest of the Dead the wicked will not live again until the Thousand Years are over there will be great joy at the first resurrection there will be great sorrow at the second what a huge responsibility we have to share the gospel save others
snatching them out of the fire and on some have mercy but with fear loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their Shameless immoral Freedom Jude verse 23 is it possible for a person to be saved forgiven after taking the mark of the beast the question comes up can a person who has taken the mark of the beast be forgiven the answer to this question seems to be no Revelation 14: 10-11 talks about what happens to someone who takes the mark of the beast and says he too will have to drink of the wine of
the wrath of God mixed undiluted into the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone flaming sulfur in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb Christ and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day and night those who worship the Beast and His Image and whoever receives the mark of his name revelation 14: 10-11 the Eternal future of those who take the mark of the beast is the Lake of Fire why is taking the mark of the beast
such a terrible sin against God why would God send someone to hell for taking it it seems that taking the mark of the beast is a way of rejecting God on purpose by taking the mark people are choosing to worship Satan they are deciding to follow Satan instead of obeying God and accepting Jesus as their savior when people make that choice during the tribulation God will allow them to have what they wanted to be separated from him forever does the mark of the beast exist today many of us wonder if the mark of the beast
in Revelation 13 will be a high tech tattoo or the plan of a billionaire the Bible makes it very clear what the Mark is and when it will happen to begin there is a strict timing requirement for the mark scripture teaches that the mark of the beast will appear at a particular time and place in history but at this point in time we have not yet arrived at that time or place the reason why the mark of the beast is referred to as the mark of the beast is because it is brought into being by
man who is referred to as the Beast so until the end Antichrist is in charge of the whole world there can't be a mark the Bible says that the Beast and his Mark don't show up on Earth until halfway through the 7-year tribulation so the mark can't be around in any form before the tribulation starts because of this any talk about the mark of the beast being here today is just a warning sign many seem to be confused because they do not understand the Book of Revelation however what if there was an animation showing the
entire book well we created that and to watch that click here [Music]
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