7 Foods & Drinks That Can Increase Nitric Oxide In The Body & Fight Viruses | Dr. William Li

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Dr. William Li
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Video Transcript:
hey there if you want to feel more energy be in a better mood get rid of brain fog optimize your heart and brain health spark regenerative healing and optimize your immune system for longevity and to fight viruses then you're definitely going to want to watch this video to the end because today I'm going to talk about the seven foods and drinks that you can easily incorporate into your everyday life to naturally increase something called nitric oxide in your body ready let's go the first food that produces nitric oxide in the body is beets so let's
first talk a little bit about nitric oxide and I'm going to tell you about beets nitric oxide which is sometimes abbreviated no no it's a natural gas that's produced in the body but it doesn't smell and this is the gas that's produced by your cells in order to be able to send a signal from one cell to the other it's a cellular signal is what nitric oxide uh does in fact it's called one of the body's most important signaling molecules for health it's crucial for cardiovascular health for example but also really important for your immune
system you want a good strong immunity you want nitric oxide being made all right and it's also good for brain health as well and that is because nitric oxide helps with blood flow and my work is in the area of and Genesis uh which is how your body grows blood vessels so I know a lot about nitric oxide in health now no nitric oxide tells your blood vessels to relax chill out blood vessels widen as the blood vessels dilate this improves more blood coming through a larger blood vessel and guess what this does it improves
oxygen delivery to your heart and your brain as well as your muscles by the way this is also why nitric oxide is really important for erectile function all right you need more blood in the penis in order to have an erection and guess what the medicines Viagra and sealas do okay they make your body produce more nitric oxide you get dilation of blood vessels more blood flow and that's actually how you treat erectile dysfunction or one of the ways you treat erectile dysfunction so they help your body produce more nitric oxide as well now there's
something else that's cool and important that nitric oxide does nitric oxide is the signal in your body that calls out stem cells now these stem cells are regenerative cells they actually help us regenerate from the inside out they repair your organs they regenerate tissue your liver your skin your hair your gut um they're really really important for uh helping you heal from the inside out these stem cells and guess what nitric oxide is the signal when it's made in your body to call out more stem cells better blood flow better regeneration better healing the larger
blood vessels lower blood pressure which by the way can help prevent heart attack and stroke very important okay and the nitric oxide that the food from foods that you eat can actually boost your immune system as well your immune system is very sensitive to nitric oxide the more nitric oxide you have the stronger your immune system all right so eating the foods that actually stimulate nitric oxide stimulates all these benefits in your body for your health and when by the way when I was starting to study food as medicine all right one of the most
amazing things I discovered was that eating certain foods could help your body regenerate and most of those Foods actually stimulate nitric oxide and by the way this is also important for athletes because if you want to improve your muscle tone um and your muscle performance right uh athletically you need better blood flow and and after exercise you need to rebuild the cells that get damaged from you know the wear and tear of exercise um you want to repair yourself so recovery is something that nitric oxide does as well all right and I do want to
talk about the whole issue about uh nitric oxide and uh protecting you against infections specifically viruses like the common cold and the flu not only does the immune system respond to nitric oxide but it turns out that nitric oxide itself all by itself kills bacterias and viruses so it's just having more ammo in your body when you actually have a lot of nitric oxide for all kinds of healthy functions all right so let's go back to my first food beets now that you understand something about nitric oxide beets are on the top of my list
when I think about foods that are good for nitric oxide because I like beets beets are grow close to the ground all right and the soil is packed with nitrogen all right right so they get the nitrogen gets into the beets when you eat the beets and chew them really well okay guess what happens it's quite amazing the healthy bacteria on your tongue all right interacts with the beets and the nitrogen in the beets and it converts the nitrogen from the soil that's in the beets into a form that when you swallow the beets gets
absorbed into your bloodstream as nitric oxide so eating beets with the right tongue microbiome swallowing it improves nitric oxide in your body and how do we know this well Studies have shown that within three hours after eating beets or drinking beet juice beetroot juice you can actually increase your nitric oxide levels in your blood by 21% within 3 hours boom you've upped your game on this dilates your blood vessels gets more oxygen to your organs protects your heart and your brain helps to build muscle and it's very very important that it actually you you should
know this um beets and nitric oxide have been shown to improve in clinical studies improve cognitive function as well brain function all right so do you say I I don't really like beets I'm not a big fan of beets but I want to get their benefit what do you do well this is what I tell people if you want to get the benefit from beets from a nitric oxide perspective blend it into the background add it to a blender when you're making a fruit smoothie and it'll disappear instantly all right add some berries add some
pineapples make a Tropical Smoothie add some beets to it you won't taste the beets but all the goodness will be in there and drink that smoothie you actually get the benefits of the beets as well the Beet flavor just disappears right into the background and by the way in addition to the nitrogen from the beets you'll get benefits from the polyphenols the beets are red colored bright colors like that intense colors usually uh signify polyphenols U so you got poly phols from the beets and you also get dietary fiber beets are also a good source
of dietary fiber good for gut health all right now if you're like me and you enjoy beets um one of the things I like to do is to roast them in the oven just on a baking sheet all right roast them up let them cool down uh and then you can slice them up Cube them up if you like and you can make a beet salad all right um I like roast beets Crush some pistachios and sprinkle them on add some spices like coriander and cumin just a little bit um uh and if you eat
dairy not everybody eats Dairy but if you eat dairy and you want some probiotic benefits you know what that beet dish goes well with a little bit of goat cheese all right now you've got yourself an amazing beet salad and you'll see this by the way in like French recipes or for for a beet salad um it's really great now the other thing obviously you can just take your beets your cooked beets roast beets slice them up and add them to a green salad all right um that's another great way to have beets H what's
another way what about soup beet soup you know what that's called Bor borch is beet soup it's a red soup classic dish classic soup in Slavic culture all right if you want to figure out how to make it go online look up for a classic borch recipe it's Bo s CHT Bor okay now one more thing when you're buying beets now sometimes you'll buy beets and it's just really the root of the Beet itself but if you go to a farmers's market oftentimes you'll see the Beet along with the greens all right like a carrot
it's got the tops on it that's what you usually get with the green tops don't throw the green tops away cut them up they've got their own polyphenols that are good for your health sauté them I like a warm veggie dish um and beet greens are delicious um or you can actually add them to a green Shake um be beats beet greens packed with vitamin C these are also uh really really good ways to actually amp up your immune system because vitamin C helps to ramp up your immune system to protect you against viruses as
well again think about the beets nitric oxide nitric oxide directly kills bacteria and viruses U now you're actually uh having the greens in a shake and now you're really ring up your immune system oh and by the way beat greens also contain some bioactives that are good for protecting your eyesight as well the benefits come from bioactives like vitamin A which is found in be greens lutein and zanthin okay these are bioactives that definitely help keep the retina of your eyes healthy the retina is like this carpet of nerves in the back of your eye
you know like if light comes in from the front goes into the back of the eye lights up the retina the retina then sends a signal to your brain you want to keep that carpet layer of nerves super healthy be greens contain the bioactives that can help do that all right so definitely want to keep your vision healthy if you want longevity live long you want to have good Vision because it would really stink if you lived a to a super ripe old age but you couldn't see anything all right and by the way the
most common causes of vision loss as we get older is something called age related Maul generation and you know how bad that is um like Grandma going uh blind they say because she's getting old no it's usually Immaculate degeneration and the unfortunate part that about this condition AMD imaculate age related mag degeneration so when it happens blood vessels grow they leak all right and then what happens is that they happen to do it right in the most sensitive place where you get central vision right so then you can't see in the middle it's like this
all right look at that that you can't see anything all right so you can only see around the side you can't see right in the middle so you can prevent that by eating beet greens that can contain lutein and zanthin good for your retina all right ready for the next nitric oxide uh beneficial food food number two for nitric oxide is garlic all right garlic is like a central element for cooking all right if you watch cooking videos most people are out there uh cooking garlic is a core ingredient for mediterrasian recipes and Asian recipes
two of the healthiest cuisines in the world often use garlic now why is garlic so good besides making other Foods taste good like it flavors the food uh garlic helps to activate an enzyme in the body called nitric oxide synthes it activates this enzyme it triggers it so it's working better nitric oxide synthese and synthese it's actually synthesizing nitric oxide so yeah garlic triggers your body to make more nitric oxide from from amino acids now your body's packed with amino acids but every time you eat protein whether it's from a plant or from an animal
it reloads your body with more amino acids and guess what when you eat garlic that triggers your nitric oxide synthesis enzyme takes those amino acids and it makes um uh more nitric oxide now here's something interesting turns out that aged garlic does this better than fresh raw garlic now most of the time when I'm cooking I'm just using a clove some cloves of regular fresh garlic you know you get a uh you get a um a big uh a bunch of garlic cloves uh held together that's what I normally use but there is something called
age garlic and you need to know about this because the next time you're in a grocery store go ask somebody where do they actually sell aged garlic sometimes it's called black garlic and the reason it's called black garlic is that it's garlic that's naturally aged for weeks under low heat high humidity and that those conditions will actually turn the color of the garlic black right the outside of it is like kind of like whitish but the but the meat of the garlic which is usually tan or yellowish that'll turn black and this natural kind of
fermentation um of the garlic makes the garlic sweet instead of punch it all right regular raw garlic very pet delicious to cook with not really sweet um aging garlic or turning garlic Black Will Make It Sweet and guess what black garlic is amazing for flavoring soups and stews and for cooking so if you've never tried to cook with black garlic and you want to get the benefits of actually uh creating nitric oxide in your body try getting some black garlic I I don't recommend making yourself you know like it's a lot of trouble to make
but have it pre-made okay I mean like it comes they somebody else has actually done the low heat aging of it and it'll make your food taste sophisticated and it gives it a nice rich flavor now you could of course buy black garlic supplements all right you can find that online but I suggest you get the food version because it is delicious all right you could take almost any dish that you're going to cook any Savory dish in your kitchen all right any recipe whether it's vegetables chicken soup stews whatever it is you can make
it taste even better with a little bit of black garlic all right now this age garlic as I said increases nitric oxide in your blood all right no o and but the nitric oxide does what it causes your blood vessels to dilate it lowers your blood pressure all right which is really beneficial for heart health and age garlic also can lower your blood cholesterol okay your bad LDL cholesterol all right that's the kind that sticks to the walls of your arteries to narrow your arteries guess what black garlic can actually help to lower that and
there's even one more uh benefit of garlic both freshed and aged contains a bioactive called Allison a l l i c i n and guess what Allison boosts your immune system and helps your body defend against viruses and bacteria as well all right so garlic great for nitric oxide great for which then kills viruses garlic also has Allison which boosts your immune system which then is helpful for protecting against infection now the best way to get Allison out of garlic fresh garlic cloves you know what because it's actually locked into the clove chop it up
okay or crush the garlic hey this is what the recipes is call for and this is exactly how it's used in Mediterranean Asian cooking you got to chop up the garlic before you cook with it and that actually gets that allisin out that natural bioactive that can actually um uh help to boost your immune system and to kill viruses now here's a little practical tip if you're cooking with garlic you know you got to peel that white skin that papery skin off of each clove can be a little annoying right like you you got to
take a sharp knife you got to cut off the top and then cut along the side and peel it off with your hand how can you do it quickly I'll tell you give you a little trick this is like a chef's trick just put you got a cutting board put the whole clove or a bunch of cloves on a cutting board and take the flat blade of a knife smash it right down okay hit it with your palm smack it down you're going to crush the garlic the whole clove will smash open and the skin
will split and it'll basically come right off and now you can just pull the skin off and you got the whole pieces of garlic right there super easy no kind of doing micro surgery on the garlic and then with those crushed mashed bits just chop them up all right or just throw them right into the pan to start sautéing or cooking with them ready for food number three food number three is one of my favorites dark chocolate now pretty much know everyone knows that I like chocolate I talk about it all the time uh and
I also talk about how dark chocolate is heart healthy uh by the way what do I mean by dark chocolate all right chocolate is a confection it's a candy It's Made You Know by Artisans or in a factory so I want to put that out there right right up front all right chocolate is a candy all right it's a confection and CH and and chocolate's got all kinds of stuff added to it sugar and other ingredients um you want to stay for the away from the chocolates that are made with unhealthy ingredients but if you
get dark chocolate okay what makes uh chocolate heart healthy and nitric oxide creating is a plant-based material called cacao Cacao is plant-based it's a seed pod that comes from a tree all right and that's where the cacao comes from plant-based food that is used to make chocolate now you want more of that plant-based stuff that is packed with polyphenols like proano cyan it is you want more of that well you got to get darker chocolate because dark chocolate has higher percentage of cacao which is a plant-based stuff that has those polyphenols all right and the
proanthocyanidins guess what that polyphenol helps your body produce you gu it nitric oxide so dark chocolate actually helps you produce nitric oxide and dark chocolate because it produces nitric oxide also calls out more stem cells in your bloodstream to help you regenerate from the inside out all right and by the way now you're having more nitric oxide your blood vessels are relaxing and widening um you're getting more blood flow to your brain into other organs and you're also lowering your blood pressure which protects you against heart attack and protects you against stroke all right and
of course the stem cells that are running around uh repair and regenerate your body from the inside out and this has been studied in more than a dozen clinical trials of people with um high blood pressure to see if chocolate actually works it turns out that eating chocolate can reduce both the systolic blood pressure that's the first top number in a blood pressure as well as the bottom the diastolic blood pressure significantly all right and and by the way these clinical studies were conducted over a wide range of time from two weeks of eating chocolate
to 18 weeks of eating chocolate no matter how long you eat the chocolate actually all get the same type of benefit lowers blood pressure dilates blood uh vessels deliver stem cells to your uh to your your organs for healing so even eating dark chocolate for two weeks it's got some benefits as well all right now here's what I do when I'm buying dark chocolate I look for 80% or higher chocolate all right that's when you get to 80% level chocolate's a little bitter I don't mind that at all bitter is better you know when it
comes to health but I know that it's got 80% of the cacao which is loaded with those proano cyanides now because the chocolate can be a little bitter I'll tell you how I like to have that dark super dark chocolate I like to have a piece of it okay not a whole bar a piece of it uh with my coffee which I take black right so now you have dark chocolate black coffee I can sometimes throw it right into the coffee uh or if you got powder dark chocolate a powder you can mix it right
into the coffee what is chocolate plus coffee mocha double Health right because coffee is also good for your health um coffee actually is good for your stem cells as well coffee uh protects your blood vessels against inflammation so you get the dark chocolate with the nitric oxide you got the coffee the chlorogenic acid protect your blood vessels put them together you got something that's pretty easy to eat and they work together and something that's actually good for your overall heart health um now always check the ingredient label when you're buying dark chocolate make sure that
there are any additives or artificial chemicals that you don't feel comfortable putting inside your body all right you don't want to damage your gut microbiome with those additives that's a healthy bacteria that helps you fight inflammation helps your body uh create immune health so you can fight those viruses so you don't want to be poisoning your Healthy bacteria as well okay now another way to actually have dark chocolate is just add pieces of it to a homemade trail mix just go get the bulk section to get some raw tree nuts toast them yourself you know
either in a toaster oven or in a cookie sheet almonds pecans cashews walnuts all the above all right cool them off all right add some dark chocolate bits to it add some dried cranberries dried blueberries dried cherries mix them all together and you've got yourself a terrifically healthy snack all right that's a good way to satisfy a craving for something sweet but not too sweet and you get a hit of dark chocolate as well so I talked about dark chocolate and coffee now here's dark chocolate in trail mix are you ready for food number four
pomegranate now I love pomegranates you probably heard me talk about them before pomegranates if you haven't seen one it's a kind of a round little bit bigger than an apple really heavy it's about the size of a soft ball actually um thick red skin and they're loaded with hundreds of ruby red seeds and each seed has a little packet of juice around them actually quite an amazing uh product of Mother Nature and you've probably had a salad with some pomegranate seeds sprinkled on top of it when you eat the seed you know you can eat
the whole thing by the way but when you're eating something with the seed you get a when you bite down you get a little burst of this sweet juice guess what that sweet juice that pomegranate juice is packed loaded with polyphenols and the one that I've been studying the polyphenol I've been studying is called elit tannins don't worry about memorizing these fancy chemical names just trust trust that people like me who are doing the research we know what they are we can pronounce them all right but in pomegranate juice are these elit tannins and these
elit tanins and pomegranates can do a lot of good things when it comes to your health defenses number one alanin improves your circulation right in fact it can even cut off the blood supply by to starve a cancer elianin can also help recruit your stem cells uh to come out all right regenerate your organs good for gut health all right an immune health and alenin also help to grow a very specific uh gut bacteria healthy gut bacteria called acrania mucin acrania muop now this bacteria is important for blood glucose regulation so you actually have better
Metabolism from it it also helps your immune system destroy cancer cells all right these are things that pomegranate juice uh can actually do or the juice around pegam and seeds other thing it does and that's the point I'm having in this video is that pomegranate juice and eler tanins can help keep up your body's production of nitric oxide and the way it does it is preventing whatever your body is making in terms of nitri oxide it protects it and prevents it from being broken down right so you know things are generated and they're broken down
they're made and they're destroyed pomegranate juice actually keeps the nitric oxide level higher all right now why does why do nitric oxide levels go down in the body well there's something called free radicals and these are destructive chemicals that can be produced in your body or you could breathe them in or you can eat them all right uh drink them um they can it ca your bought nitri Nitric oxides very sensitive to these these free radicles are destructive chemicals that are kind of like a machete it just cuts apart the nitric oxide and and cuts
it into pieces um our environmental exposures um uh you know smoke smog uh chemicals you might breathe including like barbecue uh fumes artificial chemicals that are found in Ultra processed foods um fried foods all these things can add free radicals in your body these free radicals again like are like uh little guys with machetes okay like little terrorists with machetes and they chop up the nitric oxide so your level goes down pomegranates protect the nitric oxide against the machete all right so that is actually something that is really really good to protect your own body's
nitric oxide your own store of it all right so remember different ways to actually get nitric oxide remember beets add nitrogen into your system so you can increase the nitric oxide by eating it remember garlic activates the enzyme that makes more nitric oxide from amino acids so you can eat more nitrogen and that turns into of nitric oxide you can trigger the enzyme that makes more nitric oxide and now I'm telling you the pomegranates can protect the nitric oxide that's actually made right so think about it these are different strategies of actually how to keep
up those nitric oxide levels in your uh in your body at least three different ways all right now how do we know that pomegranate actually works well it's been studied clinically so researchers at the Shahed bashti University of medical Sciences in Iran they they actually recruited 60 people who had diabetes and they gave them a glass of pomegranate juice to drink every single day for 6 weeks and then what they did is compared the blood pressure of those people who drank the pomegranate juice from to another group who didn't receive any pomegranate juice at all
and guess what the pomegranate juice drinkers had significantly lower blood pressure over that period of time due to the blood vessels um responding to nitric oxide stimulated by the nitric oxide relax the blood vessel blood pressure comes down and that's actually something that's really really beneficial for nitric oxide and blood pressure lowering which is good for heart health and brain brain health so I got to tell you one thing when it comes to pomm and granate juice it is super sweet all right one of the sweetest fruit juices there there is so you don't want
to drink too much of it so if you're going to actually wanting to benefit from the nitric oxide benefit of of pomegranate juice I wouldn't drink more than one cup that's eight fluid ounces in order to get the benefits that's been studied that amount will actually help grow your acromania which is good for your metabolism and good for your uh so many other aspects protects you your get your IMM system going to protect you um against cancer cells but make sure that you don't drink too much of it and if you're shopping for pomegranate juice
all right make sure you're just getting 100% pure pomegranate juice not other fruit juices that have a little squirt of pomegranate in it and a whole bunch of artificial colors and flavors and sugar to make it taste like pure pomegranate juice get the whole test authentic 100% pomegranate juice and then you don't need to drink very much of it a day again one fluid cup is enough to actually get that nitric oxide and all the other benefits gut health benefits of pomegranate juice all right and whatever you do don't add more sugar to your system
so you get want to get pomegranate juice um it's super sweet uh enough here's another Pro tip if you're actually buying the whole pomegranate to just eat get the juice right from the seeds which is the way that I think is really good to do it as well when you're buying a pomegranate how do you know when it's ripe and ready to eat well look for fruit that is heavy it should really feel heavy in your in the palm of your hand and even though this thing is shaped like an apple um when the pomegranate
starts to ripen and the seeds are really juicy um the shape of this sphere is going to turn a little bit more squarish with angular sides so look for one that's actually kind of like an like a weird shaped pomegranate that's the one that you know is going to have the good seeds when it's actually heavy and look for the color of the skin the really ripe ones are kind of like ruby red no green spots on it all right and if you take a pomegranate at home that's really not quite right just let them
sit out in the kitchen counter for a few days at room temperature and you'll see the skin get darker in color as the seeds actually ripen all right food number five tea both black tea and green tea now you know that green tea is good for you it contains polyphenol called kakin now these kakin trigger your cells to make more nitric oxide so green tea helps to produce nitric oxide now black tea doesn't have as many kakin but they do have a bioactive that's called theop Flavin theop Flavin actually in back black tea actually is
more potent than what's in green tea when it comes to making nitric oxide so definitely enjoy a green tea it's so good for you in so many ways good for vascular Health good for metabolic Health but I want to tell you don't be afraid to uh to try or enjoy black tea tea English breakfast tea Earl Gray tea Chinese fermented black tea no problem it's good for you all right you're going to get a little nice hit of nitric oxide produced whenever you're drinking tea and that's one of the reasons why tea is so good
for your circulation and overall cardiovascular health nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels and the blood pressure will come right down and you get better blood flow more oxygen to all of your organs plus those stem cells that come out to repair you and regenerate you from the inside out okay now I'm going to do a little myth busting here some people say that drinking tea is going to cause you to be dehydrated because of the caffeine right you've probably heard of that I used to think that true as well not true at all even though
green teen does contain caffeine Studies have shown that if you drink less than 10 Cups of Tea a day and that's a heck of a lot of tea if you stay under 10 cups you're not going to get dehydrated because the tea itself actually has water so you're hydrating yourself with tea all right so no near to no need to fear green tea is going to dry you out now I like to use loose leaf U green tea or black tea that's how I grew up drinking tea um and by the way loose leaf tea
means no tea bags uh it's a little bit less expensive doesn't need fancy packaging cut the middleman of the bagger out of it all right now the other thing is that tea bags often contain micr Plastics that get into your teacup as well so one way to dodge that the microplastics is just to get Loos sleeve tea you can put it into a tea ball or you can just dump the tea leaves into a mug add hot water let the tea leaves steep okay they're going to drop to the bottom and they're going to start
releasing all of their polyphenols and that lovely tea flavor all right and then when you actually are finished drinking you're just sipping from the top um you can actually pour more water into it you could probably reload a glass of a cup a mug of tea three times and still continue to get polyphenols out of it if you want something that's much more potent try matcha matcha is the entire Tea Leaf ground from green tea ground into a powder now you're getting all the kakin all the polyenals and you're getting all the dietary fiber as
well which is good for your gut health all right so uh remember tea is good green or black all right they actually help produce nitric oxide hey there I have a valuable resource that you won't want to miss it's all about the five signs that your legs and your feet may be warning you about poor health your legs and feet can give you important clues about your overall health especially when it comes to your circulation if you want to learn more about these warning signs and how to take action click on the link below the
video to access this essential information or you can access the guide by scanning the QR code on the screen right now now let's get back to the video what is my next one my next food for nitric oxide are number six leafy greens we all know leafy greens are supposed to be good for us let's get specific about this all right what are the greens in the grocery produce section that can help your body produce nitric oxide well I told you about beak greens all right um but other leafy greens uh actually contain nit rates
from the soil just like the beets and they will actually uh when you swallow them they get converted into nitric oxide so what are they here is are some of the uh Greens in term in rank of potency for helping your body produce nitric oxide because they've got a lot of nitrogen in them first up arugula all right sometimes called Rocket has the most nitrate from the soil the amount is 420 Mig per 100 gram of of arugal leaf that's a lot all right so arugula which you know have arugula salad um for example that's
an amazing way of actually getting nitric oxide in your body another one second one up Bak Choy right Asian vegetable super delicious really easy to to cook all right 325 milligrams per 100 milligrams of plant of nitrogen next rhubarb 294 Mig of nitrogen per 100 um grams of the of the rhubarb that's way up there okay next lettuce The Humble lettuce leaf green lettuce sleeve loaded with healthy nitrates so that your body can turn them into nitric oxide how much does lettuce have 25 milligrams for 100 milligram all right about half of what a rugula
has but that's still pretty substantial and then is followed by spinach and zucchini and green beans all right so the top four leafy green veget for nitrogen for nitric oxide producing in your body are number one arugula number two bokchoy number three rhubarb and number four lettuce green lettuce all right but you got to remember these green vegetables do a lot more than nitric oxide they've got dietary viral that's good for gut health and immune Health all right and although you know we're all supposed to eat salads and you know IAT salads too I personally
prefer cooked greens so I'm going to tell you of those High nitric oxide formers what my one of my favorites are is Bak Choy you know why Bach Choy super quick to make very tasty um here's what I do I buy some Baby Bach Choy uh you slice off the bottom kind of like the root part of it and the leaves come right off wash those leaves really really well sometimes dirt can hide inside the middle of the leaves just wash them 60 seconds under um cold running water sing Happy Birthday to the leaves and
you you're you're done with clean leaves drain them shake them off all right take a a couple of cloves of garlic all right um You can chop them up if you want uh I like to cook them cook bok choy in a walk add a little oil add the uh garlic season the oil all right and now when the oil is fragrant from the garlic you might want to even remove the garlic so it doesn't burn add those leaves on the baby bok choy and stir fry them literally 30 seconds maybe 60 seconds you're done
add a little vegetable stock all right um I like to put in a Touch of rice wine a little drizzle of soy sauce and then turn off the heat you're done already now take a bottle of oyster sauce oysters contain other really Health benefiting polyphenols for immune system shake some oyster sauce into that mixture turn the leaves around a little bit boom you are done and you've got an amazing in minutes you've made a a sauteed bok choy with oyster sauce so tasty that for me that could be a meal in and of itself that's
it all right and it's second up for the highest amounts of nitric oxide and vegetables all right okay my last food number seven for this video nitric oxide generating foods can you guess what it is watermelon all right now I love watermelon it's obviously a summer fruit sweet juicy great for a hot day great for hydration here's something you might not know watermelon contains an amino acid that's called l L citrine L as in Larry citrine CI t r u l l i n e so when you eat watermelon which contains citrine your body turns
it into Arginine and it turns out that arginine is a natural chemical that the body uses to make nitric oxide so watermelon actually pulls the trigger and contains of ingredient that your body uses to create more nitric oxide now pretty amazing right right now here's the thing uh you'll get some in the uh the Flesh of the watermelon but a lot of the El citrine is actually found in the Ry the white part most people don't eat the white part right but maybe you know want to eat the watermelon right down to the Rind all
right I don't want you to eat the hard green part at the very end but go ahead and eat the rind that's where the citrene is and a clinical study conducted by researchers at the University of exiter in the United Kingdom looked at watermelon juice that includes a rind all right so you can make a watermelon juice you juice the red pulp delicious cut off that hard green part toss the rest of the Rind in there grind it all up that's where the citrine is okay and they study this in people with one group that
got the watermelon juice other group just got some apple juice apple juice doesn't contain the citrine all right and then they compared which one's better and they actually measured in the bloodstream the watermelon drinkers had four four times higher levels of el citrine in the blood now the healthy body has a little bit um the the watermelon Drinker said four times all right and they found that more oxygen was delivered to the muscle of the people who drank watermelon juice right but wait you might say what about that watermelon rind you know um what should
I do with it how do I use it besides in a in making a drink or or juicing it well it turns out there are some really cool delicious ways to use watermelon R it's not common you know like in most parts of the world but there are certain parts of the world who love to use watermelon rind you can pickle the watermelon rind make it into a pickle or you can sauté it with spices all right use it part of a stir fry and you're like wow I never even thought about watermelon Ry look
it up Google it watermelon rind sauté and you'll see you can actually cook with it you can cook with melon right you can cook with uh different kinds of sauté different kinds of melon you can cook you sauté watermelon rind as well all right and then of course we talked about juicing it um now if you juice it uh or grind it down besides making a beverage out of it here's another example where you can easily put watermelon rind in how about a watermelon gaspacho that is a cold soup all right uh made with watermelon
that's amazing all right um once you include the rind to to gazacho with watermelon now you've made a nitric oxide bomb great for heart health blood vessel Health uh good for brain health good for immune Health fighting viruses with the uh viral killing properties of nitric oxide itself plus it's kind of a fun thing to actually U make for if you're having company over make some watermelon gaspacho all right I hope you've learned something new today thanks very much for watching and if you enjoyed this content don't forget get to hit subscribe uh to get
more and meanwhile I will see you on the next video Dr Le out hi there if you enjoyed watching this video I know you'll love the next one stay here and check it out and I'll see you there
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