let me ask you something right now are you ready to change your life or are you just going to sit there and let life pass you by you've got a choice and it's time you face it too many people are stuck living the same routine waiting for the perfect moment or looking for someone to give them permission to succeed while I'm here to tell you no one is coming it's time to stop waiting stop making excuses and start taking control the lessons I'm about to share with you will hit you hard they'll challenge everything you
think you know about success about life about what it takes to be great but I promise you this if you follow these lessons your life will never be the same so get ready it's time to step up and take responsibility for your future the clock is ticking let's get started invest in self-improvement if you're not working on yourself you're losing it's as simple as that life doesn't wait time doesn't care if you're tired or distracted every day you're either getting better or getting left behind so let me ask you are you okay with being stuck
are you fine with feeling like nothing ever changes because if you don't invest in yourself that's exactly what you're choosing here's what I learned that changeed my life work harder on yourself than you do on your job if you work hard at your job you'll make a living but if you work hard on yourself you'll make a fortune and I'm not just talking about money I'm talking about having Freedom confidence and purpose I'm talking about building a life that excites you every day but none of that happens if you stay the same if you're not
growing you're falling behind life doesn't reward excuses it rewards effort so stop waiting for someone to come and save you nobody is coming it's up to you to fix this start now read a book that makes you think learn a skill that makes you valuable push yourself to be better it won't be easy you'll have to give up things that waste your time you'll need to focus on what really matters but what's the alternative staying stuck wasting years on things that don't move you forward that's a price too high to pay you're here because you
want more so stop wasting time you have one life one shot to become everything you can be work on yourself like your future depends on it because it does no more waiting no more excuses the time to start is now Success Through personal growth if you're not growing you're dying that's the hard truth success isn't something that just happens to you it doesn't come because you hope for it or wish for it success is something you attract through who you become if you're not investing in becoming better more valuable you're falling further away from it
don't fool yourself into thinking things will just fall into place they won't success is something you attract not something you pursue you need to understand this success doesn't come from chasing money or fame it comes from becoming a person who is capable of handling success you have to be a person of value someone who offers something of Worth to the world but here's the catch you don't get there by staying the same you don't get there by sitting back and waiting personal growth isn't comfortable it's painful it's hard and it takes sacrifice but if you
want more out of life you'll do what it takes you'll take the extra step read the books work on your mindset and master your skills I know it's tempting to stay in your comfort zone but staying there won't bring you success it'll only bring you regret time keeps moving forward whether you're ready or not so get ready start working on yourself start changing your mindset if you're not willing to grow then get used to being stuck because growth is the only path to success and if you're not growing you're guaranteed to be left behind get
to work start now because the time to grow and succeed is never tomorrow it's today the importance of self-mastery let me tell you something straight if you can't control yourself life will control you that's the brutal reality how many times have you let your emotions your habits or your impulses dictate your life how many times have you failed because you couldn't control your actions or your reactions if you want to win you need to master yourself and if you're not willing to do that you're setting yourself up for failure mastering others is strength mastering yourself
is true power this is where the real battle lies it's not about controlling the world around you it's about controlling the person you see in the mirror you want to be successful then you need to control your emotions your thoughts your actions and your focus you need to stop letting distractions or your weaknesses derail you but here's the truth self-mastery isn't something that just happens it's not handed to you it's earned through discipline consistency and focus every time you get angry and lose control you've lost a chance to grow every time you procrastinate or give
into laziness you've lost a chance to get better self-mastery means doing the things you know you should do even when you don't feel like [Music] it this isn't easy it's not supposed to be if it was easy everyone would do it but if you want to rise above the average if you want to dominate your life you have to start by controlling yourself do you want to be powerful then take control of your mind your emotions your habits your actions no more excuses no more blaming the world the problem is you and the solution is
you so stop wasting time and start mastering yourself today because if you can't control yourself nothing else matters never tell people what you do I know you think it's harmless but you're wrong the moment you tell people what you do you give them power over you you invite their judgment their doubts and their criticisms you give them the chance to tell you that it's not possible that you're not good enough that you settle for less you'll open yourself up to the weight of their opinions and trust me that's a weight you don't want to carry
don't tell people what you do show them by what you accomplish and that's the truth don't let anyone box you in by your job title or what you're working on right now people love to label you they love to tell you who you are based on one thing they think they know about you but you are more than that you are the sum of your dreams your actions and your vision and that's what should Define you not someone's opinion or their limited understanding of your life so stop talking about it stop seeking validation or approval
don't tell people what you do let your results speak for themselves the moment you stop explaining yourself to others is the moment you start to live on your own terms you're not here to live for others you're here to live for yourself you're here to create your own future let them doubt let them question let them talk your job is to prove them wrong when you keep your goals and your vision to yourself you stop giving people the power to derail your progress you don't need their approval you don't need their permission you don't need
to explain yourself you only need to act so stop talking stop justifying and start doing the less you talk talk about what you do the more you'll actually achieve let your success be the only answer people need reclaim your power right now you're handing away your power you let other people's opinions fears and doubts control you you let them tell you what's possible and what's not you let them Define your limits and then you follow them like a sheep walking off a cliff how pathetic is that you are capable of so much more than they'll
ever understand but you're giving away the very thing you need to succeed your power take control of your life or someone else will and that's the harsh reality if you keep letting others control your decisions your life your future you'll wake up one day and realize you're not living your life you're living theirs you're living by their rules their standards their expectations but that's not living that's existing it's time to take your power back you were not put on this Earth to follow the crowd you were born to lead to create to create to break
the mold but you can't do that when you're chained to the opinions and judgments of others stop giving them the power to dictate your path you don't need their approval you don't need their permission you need to make your own decisions take responsibility for your own life and take Mass of action towards your goals the power is yours right now you have it within you to turn your life around but you've been too scared to grab it don't wait for some magic moment where everything falls into place it's never going to come you have to
claim your power today don't wait for someone to give it to you take it own it now go live with the confidence of someone who knows their worth [Music] time to stop letting other people control your destiny reclaim your power and take charge of your life because no one else will do it for you examples of success with privacy you think people will respect you more if you tell them everything you're doing right wrong the more you talk about what you're doing the more you invite judgment criticism and distraction into your life you allow people
to weigh in to tell you why it won't work and to tear down your vision what you do is none of their business it's yours if you're constantly talking about your plans you're giving away your power you're telling the world what you're doing before you even do it and that's a massive mistake don't tell people what you're doing show them the results and he's right people respect results people respect action but when you tell them your plans they get distracted by your words and they begin to judge question and doubt and that doubt will only
creep into your own mind if you want to achieve real success keep your mouth shut and work work hard let your results speak for you stop asking for permission stop begging for approval stop trying to justify your actions to people who don't matter focus on building creating and achieving when the results come they'll be the loudest thing in the [Music] room let them ask you how you did it let them wonder by then you'll be Miles Ahead living life on your terms not theirs it's time to stop talking about what you're going to do and
start doing it silence your critics by showing them how far you've come let your success be your answer that's the only thing that truly matters [Music] keep your moves quiet work hard and let the world catch up with you when you're on top living authentically if you're living your life based on what others expect from you you're not living your life at all you're just acting you're playing a part wearing a mask and pretending to be something you're not and deep down you know it you're wasting your time trying to meet everyone's standards trying to
make them happy trying to fit into a mold that was never meant for you and the worst part you're losing yourself in the process be yourself don't try to be somebody else when you try to be somebody else you're giving away your power stop pretending to be something you're not stop playing small to make others feel comfortable the moment you Embrace who you truly are that's the moment everything starts to change when you stop hiding your true self you free yourself you free your potential you free your happiness so ask yourself what's the cost of
living alive what's the price of trying to please everyone else it's a life of stress frustration and regret if you want to live authentically you have to start right now stop seeking validation stop worrying about what people think you are not here to fit into other people's expectations you are here to build your own life your own legacy your own future the world needs the real you your gifts your voice your perspective don't hold back don't play small it's time to step into your power and live as your true self the moment you stop pretending
to be someone else is the moment you start becoming who you were always meant to be so stop wasting time be real be bold be you inspiring others by example listen to me talk is cheap anybody can talk a big game but actions actions are everything if you want to inspire people you don't do it by telling them what they should be doing you do it by showing them your life your actions your decisions they speak louder than any words you'll ever say if you're not living by the standards You Preach then you're nothing more
than a hypocrite and no one is inspired by that you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great and that's the truth the moment you start living the way you want others to live you'll Inspire them in ways you can't even imagine people don't follow what you say they follow what you do so if you're not setting the example you're part of the problem what are you waiting for why are you holding back from becoming the best version of yourself every day you delay every time you hold back
you are wasting an opportunity to inspire someone else your progress your discipline your sacrifices that can motivate others to do the same but if you're not living up to your potential if you're not pushing yourself to the Limit you're holding others back do you want to inspire others then get your act together don't wait for others to change first you change you lead you show them what's possible by being the living example of greatness your actions will inspire more people than your words ever will so stop talking about what you're going to do show us
live it lead by example that's how you inspire people to follow you to Greatness challenges and determination listen life is not going to hand you anything it's not going to be easy if you think success comes without struggle you're living in a fantasy the world will throw challenges at you and it's not about whether or not they come it's about how you handle them if you let challenges defeat you you're done period you can either be a victim of your circumstances or a Victor over them it's your choice the challenge of leadership is to lead
in the face of adversity and let me tell you something if you're not facing adversity you're not pushing hard enough if your life is easy you're not growing challenges are what Forge character they build strength they test your determination without them you're just coasting and coasting doesn't get you anywhere meaningful stop making excuses for why it's too hard or why you can't do it everyone has problems but successful people don't let problems stop them they use them they learn from them they grow stronger the road to success isn't smooth but it's those who keep going
despite the obstacles who get to the top you think your struggles are going to stop you think again you're tougher than you know you've got more in you than you realize so the next time you hit a wall don't back down don't shrink from The Challenge face it headon push through use the pain use the [Music] struggle that's how you grow you don't back down you fight you keep going you keep pushing and when you come out the other side you'll be stronger sharper and Unstoppable challenges are not the end they are the beginning of
your greatness take control of your [Music] life let me ask you this who's in charge of your life is it you or is it everyone else around you because if it's anyone but you you're living alive you're letting other people circumstances and excuses control your destiny and that's unacceptable you've got one life and you're letting it slip away because you're waiting for someone else to hand you the keys to your future news flash no one is coming to save you it's all on you you are the average of The Five People You spend the most
time with and I'll take it even further you are the average of the actions you take if you're not taking control you're just drifting and drift leads nowhere no one ever became great by waiting for life to happen to them they took control they made decisions and they acted even when it was UNC comfortable now stop waiting for someone to give you permission stop looking for the perfect moment the perfect conditions the perfect time to start there's no such thing every day that you waste waiting for the right time is a day you'll never get
back you're in control right now if you don't take charge of your life no one else will and trust me the world will leave you behind you're not going to get any sympathy you either make decisions and take action or you get left in the dust take control today stop letting fear doubt or others decide what you can or can't do if you want a different life you have to choose it you have to fight for it stop being passive stop playing it safe you are the captain of your own ship stop letting anyone or
anything else steer you in the wrong direction if you want success if you want a life that matters it's time to step up and take charge the time is now don't wait for another second all right now it's on you I've given you the tools the lessons the hard truths now it's time to take action you've got one life and it's passing you by second by second if you want to see change if you want success if you want to break free from the limits you've been living with you have to step up you can't
wait for the perfect moment you can't wait for someone else to give you permission the time is now so what are you going to do about it are you going to keep making excuses or are you going to make a decision today to take full control of your life this is your moment no one else can do it for you the power is in your hands you've got this get out there take charge and start building the life you deserve because if you don't nobody else will