The Bridge To Non-Doership | The 4 Stage Progression Explained

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Aaron Abke
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the greatest illusion that the EG shrouds our mind in is the illusion of personal doership I am in control so we've all heard the idea of the Divine Matrix that the whole universe is one unified field of quantum energy where everything is connected you could picture the universe kind of like a great block of cosmic jelly where everything is suspended inside of this plasma likee substratum we call the Universe such that every Ripple and vibration that happens in this block of jelly is sending data to the universal mind so when you really understand this not
just with your mind as a concept but you feel this truth in your heart then you realize what it means to say that you always act with life [Music] so in this discussion of non- doership which we have very often here in 4du you know we talk a lot about the ego's third belief in the 4du curriculum that is the belief in personal doership yes the belief in control now the belief in personal doership is admittedly the most challenging of the EG's three beliefs to overcome because it is all pervasive in our experience right the
belief in personal doership is that belief of the ego that's just behind every action we commit that reinforces itself with every action we commit and so we you know we really feel like separate characters don't we it's a genuine experience it's a genuine feeling we feel like we're individually or independently selecting all of our actions from moment to moment you know rather than it's not like we we genuinely feel like a wave on the surface of the ocean you know just being moved by the undertoe and the flow of life that realization has to be
earned right it's not native to us here in third density that's the level of Consciousness just above where we're currently at so how do we get there that's the question we're looking at today the third belief is also the most difficult belief Bel to penetrate because it rests on the foundation of the first two beliefs right before we can believe we are the individual doer and controller of life we have to first have a belief in lack which gives us any need at all to control life and then that lack leads us to attachments which
give us the reason why we have to take control from the universe take control over life to win those outcomes and gain those attachments we have because that's how we're going to find happiness so control rests upon attachment and lack which is why it's the most challenging of the three beliefs but this is also why we make the most progress in the third belief by working upon the first two beliefs they're all connected right we can't make progress on one belief without making progress in the others so the more that we see through the illusion
of lack and the more we surrender our attachments the easier it is to realize that we are an extension of Life lacking nothing connected to everything we're not a separate character so it's not like we deal with the third belief alone in isolation yeah we're dealing with it in conjunction with lack and attachment but as I've expressed before one of the greatest passions that the Universe has sort of installed Into Me is This passion for making maps for the process of spiritual evolution I'm very you might say zealous for spiritual growth to put it lightly
and I have a really deep desire to be of service to the World by helping light the way along this often very challenging confusing path that we call spiritual Ascension and so the spiritual Ascension journey is actually not confusing at all but it's very simple and very straightforward give up what is false Stop Believing yourself to be the body uh a separate character and just realize that you're one with everything you know love everything as if it's yourself that's it that's the spiritual path but although the path itself isn't confusing it's very straightforward and simple
all is one it's the ego that actually confuses us and makes that path that Ascension path feel confusing or Challen alling in some way right the ego is is what obscures the obvious simple truth of Oneness from our awareness and it continually surrounds us with Illusions mental Illusions mental projections that are trying to prevent us from perceiving the Oneness that underlies all things and so the greatest illusion that the EG shrouds our mind in is the illusion of personal doership the third belief of ego right I am in control or I am the doer and
this is really just the I am the body belief right to believe that you are a physical body is to believe you're doing all the physical body's actions I'm the body so I'm the character that acts I'm the body that acts right and so whenever I answer questions here in our 40u live calls about non doership I can always sort of hear the sentiment in the voice of the questioner asking about it that you know the belief that transcending personal doership is virtually impossible uh only the greatest sages of history have ever done it it's
not really realistic for me so I'll just learn about it you know I'll I'll try to integrate some practical Concepts but I don't expect to really integrate it fully I don't believe I'll ever be able to live from non-d doership I can just maybe understand it a little bit better and maybe it'll help me on my way but fully ascending into that awareness ah it's not really in the cards for me come on who who has those thoughts a little bit I know I'm speaking to somebody if not myself this is the way the ego
Paints the picture isn't it you can't overcome my third belief it's too great for you I I Infuse it behind every action every thought how could you possibly think you're going to overcome such an all pervasive belief so I want to give you today another helpful pointer on this map of Ascension which we're all journeying through to help you bridge this seemingly uncrossable gap between personal doership and non-d doership that is separation Consciousness and unity Consciousness separation Consciousness is personal doership I'm an isolated separate actor indep dependent actor I act alone and apart from everything
this is my game to win and everyone else is in my way even the universe itself I will put all under my heel and Conquer everything according to my desires that's separation Consciousness ego Consciousness on this hand we have Unity Consciousness non doership I am one with all that is I cannot act alone or independently everything I do is the universe in motion that's un Consciousness how do we cross this seemingly uncrossable Gap this is what I want to help you with today I'm going to give you the progression of how we cross this Gap
because really the mistake we're making is we're trying to make this giant leap from one thought system to another in one foul swoop and it doesn't really happen like that at least not for most of us if you happen to be born an enlightened Sage of six density or something then you may stand a chance at having that one shot kill where some experience happens some realization Dawns and personal doership is wiped out forever the ran Mahari yeah um the the people that are coming to this planet this Incarnation with a very high frequency can
maybe jump that Gap in one Leap for most of us it's a progression right and even for those enlightened sages those Wanderers those avatars that have those one shot Enlightenment Awakenings they had a prior third density lifetime or many lifetimes where they emerged into this understanding gradually right they're coming from a higher density so when they come here they've sort of earned the right to jump across in one foul swoop right but even most Wanderers fourth density Wanderers fifth density Wanderers and sixth density Wanderers still have to make this progression gradually it's just about how
how fast can you make that progression in a human lifetime a higher density soul is going to make that progression a lot quicker a lot more efficiently than a native third density soul will but nonetheless it's the same progression for all of us it's one progression from separation to Unity so here are the steps yeah here's how we can map our progress and know I am moving closer and closer towards integrating this awareness that I am not the doer so here it is the affirmation we give you in uh our 40u curriculum in module 7
on the third belief is I'm not in control I am being lived but we've also given you a variation of this affirmation which is I'm not in control I am in cooperation and this is what I want to focus on today this affirmation gives us the intermediary understanding of what non doership really is I often quotee the Buddha when I talk about non- doership right Buddha said actions happen and deeds are done but there's no individual doer thereof yes actions happen non- doership doesn't mean actions don't happen Deeds aren't done nothing happens that's non-duality nonsense
things are always happening the universe is constant vibration constant motion actions happen and deeds are done constantly but there's no individual doer who does them to say that you are not the doer of your actions is not to say actions don't happen it's only to say that your actions are not happening alone your actions are not happening alone they're not happening in a vacuum in that sense they're really not individual actions are they because they're intimately connected to the whole so the intermediary understanding that you can begin using and contemplating every day is exactly that
if you feel like an individual character who's really choosing all your own actions independently from life no problem let's be honest we all feel like that that's where we all are we can work with that right you're not lost in that state of awareness as a concession to this belief that man I really feel like a separate character choosing my own actions in isolation as a concession to that let's put it like this yes individual doer you are indeed performing all your actions you're correct the only catch is you can't act alone ah now we've
introduced a little twist to the ego's thought system that acts like a trojan horse that comes into the ego's Kingdom right ego can't fully deny that reality right ego looking around that this universe that it's constantly interacting with it's in relationship to all these things all the time when we say let's be honest in reality yeah you're acting but you're just not acting alone ego's kind of forced to admit that unarguable logic right okay yeah I'm I'm the doer still I'm just not the alone doer I'm not acting all alone by myself my actions influence
things my actions are connected to things and once the ego lets in that Trojan Horse it's like a virus in injected into the ego's thought system it begins proliferating and tearing apart the ego's thought system of separateness because you can't accept this idea that your actions don't happen in a vacuum and also be the individual doer because now you're you're forced to take in the implications of your actions as being connected so you never act alone you always act with life it is impossible that you could act in a way that does not affect or
influence the universe around you because quite obviously you're part of the universe right here you are in the universe you're part of it so we've all heard the idea of the Divine Matrix yes that the whole universe is one unified field of quantum energy where everything is connected so in this analogy of the Divine Matrix you could picture the Universe kind of like a great block of cosmic jelly where everything is suspended inside of this plasma likee substratum we call the universe and in this substratum of jelly where everything is suspended every Galaxy every Star
every planet Every Creature everything within the substratum anything that moves sends reverberations right when you poke a block of jelly the whole block moves and sways right so anything inside the block of jelly that moves causes reverberations through the whole block of jelly that's what it means to say you are in cooperation with life you are one with life but the second layer to this analogy of the universe as like a block of jelly that everything is suspended in a Divine Matrix a unified field of wholeness Oneness right right nothing separate nothing outside of it
well the second layer to this analogy is that this block of jelly is not just inert and lifeless or something but this block of jelly is like the brain fluid of God it's like the the gray matter of God's mind this block of jelly is intelligent it's pure intelligence like you're inside God's brain right such that every Ripple and vibration that happens in this block of jelly is sending data to the universal mind the universe is Computing and analyzing every single action in the universe and responding accordingly right this is the law of attraction what
vibrations you send out are computed by the universe and reflected back to you in the form of circumstances so every action that you take with life is also sending life tons of information about you your state of of Consciousness your beliefs your desires your fears and what you need to continue progressing in your Evolution and the universe is responding right nothing is hidden Nothing Is concealed not a single thought not a single feeling or motive or idea or impulse everything in the universe is completely transparent to the Divine mind so there's not one single action
or thought or feeling or motive that's not seen by the universal mind so when you really understand this not just with your mind as a concept but you feel this truth in your heart you feel it to be true you don't just think it to be true then you realize what it means to say that you always act with life and never apart from life so this is the bridge from personal doership to non-d doership begin to understand and accept that you all always act with life and never alone or apart from life cuz really
that's the belief in personal doership isn't it it's that you act alone isolated and by yourself which is impossible I mean just practically speaking right you need the air you breathe all around you or your instant death right if all the oxygen disappears bye-bye no life no existence in this body you need the air all around you that you're breathing on top of that you need the Sun that shines for your nervous system to live you need the food and water that the Earth provides you you depend on all the people in your life you
depend on societal systems I mean we could go on and on right you wouldn't be able to be on this call right now listening to what I'm saying unless someone else built this computer or iPhone that you're listening on and the software you know all of it like you can't do any of that you would have no chance of being on this call right now without other people having built this computer like this is just a tiny fraction of all the relationships you're dependent on all the forces all the laws all the systems you rely
upon to choose your actions you're completely influenced and connected by everything so how could you possibly be so arrogant as to believe that you act alone or separately from life so let's upgrade this outdated model and say yes you are doing actions but you're doing all your actions in cooperation with life and you can't act apart from it you are always acting with life so as we contemplate this we start to see the implications of it it's kind of like driving a car you've probably all seen those indie car races right where they're driving on
those road courses with tons of zigzags and tight winding corners and hairpin turns indie car drivers will tell you how they Master the art of driving and I'll I can tell you one thing it's not by driving apart from the course or the road that they're driving on right although they are in a car driving a vehicle that appears to be separate from the road the driver must be in total cooperation with the racetrack right they must feel the curves and the turns and they must become one with the track that they're racing on and
if for even one second they attempt to Veer off course not only are they definitely going to lose the race but they're going to be in serious danger of crashing if the track veers left you have to Veer left with it you can try to Veer right if you want but you're going to find out really quick that you don't want to do that there's consequences to violating the laws of Life the law of one so you want to stay on track with life on course and move with the and flows and turns of life
you want to become one with life like a driver is one with the track they race on so this is what life is doing for us it's directing our every move and we cannot take a single step apart from life life is always like this it's like unfolding before us and we're a few steps behind trying to take the steps life is laying out before us to move in flow with life right so we have to be intimately connected with the flow of life in front of us and so here is like the four-step progression
from personal doership to non-d doership step number one is the place we all begin we incarnate into a human body and we develop an ego and start living life and we begin at stage one personal doership everyone thinks they're the Doer right everyone thinks that they are just the physical body acting alone in isolation from the flow of life that's stage one stage two is what we're talking about right now learning to see that you are acting not apart from but with life right so it's like yeah you're the doer but you're doing with life
that's stage number two we have to live there for a while and get used to that oh I'm acting with life nothing I do is separate from life nothing I do happens in a vacuum everything has consequences and effects on the flow of life around me I act with life I'm in cooperation with life stage two after living there for some time and it becomes natural and it it integrates as our normal state of awareness we can begin moving to stage three which is being lived at stage three we stop feeling like I'm a doer
who is acting with life and my actions affect life and so I need to take that into account no no no we've gone beyond that now now we say there are no my actions there's no me acting with life I am being lived by life it's just the opposite I thought I was a person living life and now I realize that I'm life living a person I'm being lived it's all happening it's it's life doing everything and I'm just the vessel that is moved by life like the analogy of a hand inside of a puppet
right the puppet is the body body the person the hand is what's doing all the actions and the hand is life that's being lived stage three after living there for some time we begin to integrate that awareness and gradually shift into the final stage stage number four non doership where we realize there is no character at all there isn't even a hand inside of a puppet there's just life and I am life life does everything there's no person at all that does anything there's not even a puppet that is puppeteered even the puppet is life
so this is the four-fold progression right and let's put it in another way first you act apart from life then you act with life and then life acts and lives through you and then you realize that there's no individual doer or actions at all there's only life itself that's the fourth stage and so again can you see how this feels difficult only because we're not following the proper progression of realization it takes time for the human mind to integrate these Concepts into embodied awareness so if we try to tell the mind to jump from personal
doership to non-d doership the mind is like I don't have the intermediary information to know what that even means that's like asking me to jump over a building like I don't even know know how I would begin doing doing that I need something in between those two states to help me merge bridge the gap a little bit so if we follow the correct progression the progression happens much faster much sooner much more efficiently so you've got to know where you are on this progression and contemplate the stage you're in and integrate the stage you're in
until it becomes normal Baseline Consciousness for you and the belief in personal doership any prior stage rather at all will feel more and more foreign to you and strange and like man how did I ever believe that I was the doer like that's so crazy I'm so clearly connected to everything and everything I do and think has severe implications in my world and reality I'm definitely not an independent actor it becomes more normal to you it's not some high lofty concept anymore it's like very childlike it's like oh yeah there's just life life does everything
I'm just witnessing how the body is being lived yeah so we're trying to jump from stage one to stage four which is not the way it's meant to be to go from being the personal doer to the non- doer you know that's a gap which feels insurmountable to the mind until we give it the steps to walk across so acting with life is the first step to master and and then allowing life to completely live you and act through you is the second step and then that third step into stage four is onto that final
shore of non- doership so when you be when you come to know these things as facts of your experience when you come to know that you are acting with life and never apart from it every action you take has a consequence you know this is where all evil and sin comes from is people believe that their actions are not connected to the hole people believe their actions don't carry karmic consequences nobody could ever think about harming another being if they knew that the harm they do will come back to them you'd be like oh no
way I want to be only kind and loving to people cuz I only want people to be kind and loving to me right the thief doesn't want to be stolen from the murderer doesn't want to be murdered the liar doesn't want to be lied to yeah we want to be happy and so if we know that our happiness is contingent upon the happiness we give it becomes easy and automatic doesn't it to be humble to be kind to be generous to be grateful because we know what we give is what we receive I always act
with life if if people knew this there would be no possibility of war or Strife or division or any of that on our planet so every cir circumstance is not occurring against you or every event is not happening to you but every event is simply feedback from the universe every circumstance is the response of the universe to your own prior thoughts and actions giving you the chance to see New Reflections every moment of your State of Consciousness I act with life and life gives me the feedback of how my actions are if I'm out of
balance then life shows me that through some challenging circumstances that arise or um you know I I experience the consequences of those actions and go ah that didn't really lead to an outcome I wanted so maybe I should rethink that kind of action maybe there's a higher way of being maybe there's a higher response to life than that these are the things we have to contemplate right we need to sit with the implications of these facts of our connectedness with life and we need to practice what it means to say being in cooperation with life
and guess what this is the practice that raw gives us in the law of one it's Catalyst integration learning from your life experiences and analyzing your life experiences in meditation contemplation going hm why did I attract that H why did that experience happen H why did that reaction come out of me like that hm why did I say that when you're contemplating life you are in cooperation Catalyst integration is cooperation with life life serves you something you say thank you life I'll sit with that hm what does this mean and life says very good devote
you're learning the lessons that I'm serving you Catalyst integration takes us into that first step out of personal doership the second stage we act with life when we contemplate our life experiences and what they mean and what they're teaching us so the summary of all of this is that life is cooperation not control life is cooperation not control that's this the first stage to really saturate your mind with life is a constant choice between control or cooperation and in control you act alone as a solo performer on the stage of life life doomed to rely
solely upon the feeble limits of the human intellect in control you have only a tiny fragment of the variables and the information you need to make the best decision possible Right but in cooperation you act with God and all the power and intelligence of the universe is now at your back and you have awareness of more variables because you're paying attention you're tuning in to the surrounding you're tuning in to the connection of all things saying hm how does this action or thought or belief affect the universe around me my personal reality so in cooperation
you're acting not as a separate isolated character but you're acting as life itself so you gain the power of life and you act in perfect harmony with the one power that already rules the universe and so technically even getting to the point where it's become a new Baseline awareness for you that I always act with life everything that happens is for me and everything that happens is teaching me and I pay attention and I learn my lessons that's acting with life right when you get to that point technically that's already a shade of non-d doership
that's like the First Foundation of non- doership eventually living from living a life where you're always integrating catalyst always learning from life will take you to the second stage of non-d doership or the third rather in our progression which is being lived now it's like you're you're beyond even the concept of life is teaching me and I'm learning there's no life and me anymore I am life I am life I am being lived by life that's the reward that we gain from using our life catalysts and learning from our life experiences as we merge with
life and eventually come into full non-d doership this progression is possible for any of us who want it but are you willing to put in the work so to speak of contemplating and practicing these truths so that they integrate through you you've got to put it to the test right you've got to actually live this stuff out because it's not just what we know but it's how we live and how we act upon what we know that integrates the truth and allows us to embody it and bring it into the heart as a new abiding
state of awareness [Music] [Music]
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