CAUTION! You Are Not HUMAN, You Are HUE-MAN | Control The Light Angle!

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Eye of Wisdom
CAUTION! You are not just HUMAN, you are HUE-MAN! Your true essence is deeply connected to light, co...
Video Transcript:
what if I told you that you're not really human Yes you heard that right from the moment you were born you've been told that you're human a flesh and Bone organism tied to the Earth Bound by physical laws but that's a lie what if I told you that your true Essence is beyond human you are human a living entity connected to light color and vibration every color every shade within you is a frequency vibrating creating and shaping your reality we've been conditioned to see ourselves as mere humans but the truth is we are beings of
light light isn't just around you it's within you it's not just something your eyes detect it's the very fabric of who you are every thought every emotion every action is influenced by the light you absorb and emit it's like a cosmic coding system light carries information that shapes your life your decisions even your spiritual journey think about it when you feel energized when you feel Joy when you feel aligned with your purpose it's because the light inside of you is Flowing freely but when you feel stuck lost or drained it's because that light is blocked
or dimmed the secret light is malleable it can be controlled shaped and intensified you're not just a passive receiver of this light you are an active participant once you learn to harness it to control the angles the intensities and the colors of the light you radiate you can literally change your life because light doesn't just illuminate it creates and you have the power to direct it you see colors every day all around you but what if I told you that each of these colors is trying to communicate something to you each Hue you encounter is
like a cosmic signal a direct message from the universe guiding you along your path helping you navigate the twists and turns of Life think about the colors you're most drawn to the ones that seem to pop out at you grab your attention that's not an accident that's the universe speaking to you sending you a sign a signal a about what you need to know right now that burst of yellow you see on a random car driving by it's not just a coincidence it's a reminder of optimism joy and the energy of the sun maybe the
universe is telling you to embrace positivity to radiate Your Inner Light more fully or maybe you've been surrounded by a lot of deep purples lately you think it's just chance think again purple vibrates with the energy of of transformation of Spiritual Awakening it's a color that calls you to dive deeper into your own soul to connect with your inner wisdom and let go of what no longer serves you nothing you encounter is random everything is coded in light including the colors around you when you start decoding these color signals you're tapping into an ancient language
the universe isn't speaking to you in words it's speaking through life and color the green of the leaves outside your window that's abundance calling you reminding you that growth is everywhere that life is always flourishing even in the Stillness so pay attention the next time you see a color that stands out don't ignore it ask yourself what is it trying to tell me what message is the universe sending my way today because it's not just about seeing color it's about hearing it once you learn to decode the colors around you you open up a direct
line to the universe itself your aura reveals more than you think it's a map of your Soul's current state you are more than just Skin and Bones surrounding you is a field of energy a luminous vibrant force that pulses and shifts with every thought every emotion this is your Aura the invisible layers of light that extend beyond your physical body and it's constantly changing like an Ever evolving reflection of your inner world you see your aura is made up of colors these Hues aren't just random they carry profound meaning when you're feeling joyful your aura
might radiate a bright yellow signaling optimism and expansion but when you're feeling drained or anxious you may emit darker Shades Grays or muddy Browns reflecting the heaviness weighing you down your aura is a canvas constantly painted by your emotions and thoughts the truth is your aura doesn't lie it can reveal truths about you that even you may not be aware of ever walked into a room and felt someone's Vibe before they even said a word that's because their Aura was speaking for them broadcasting their energy out into the world and yes others can sense your
energy in the same way the colors in your aura create a silent conversation one that only those in tune with their higher senses can fully understand think about it if light and color are part of your essence your aura is the ultimate expression of that it's not some mystical concept it's a living breathing field that holds the key to understanding who you are on a spiritual level the more you tune into your aura the more you'll begin to see patterns connections and messages just like the colors you see in the physical world your aura is
the doorway to your higher self unlock it and you unlock the truth of your existence we are beings of light trapped in the illusion of Flesh thousands of years ago ancient civilizations knew something that we've long since forgotten they revered light not just the light from the Sun or the stars but the light within each of us to them we were light beings connected to the cosmos powered by the radiant energy that flows through all of existence but somewhere along the way we lost that wisdom we became trapped in the material world bound to our
physical form forms and disconnected from the truth of who we are ancient texts hieroglyphs and sacred symbols all point to one fact we are not just bodies we are light manifest in physical form your body is temporary but your light is eternal the Egyptians understood this that's why their gods were often depicted with radiant Halos symbolizing their Divine connection to light the ancient Sumerians the Mayans and even the early yogis all spoke of this hidden knowledge they knew that light wasn't just something we see it's something we are and once we start to remember that
we unlock a power that has been buried for ages this knowledge was passed down in secret hidden from those who weren't ready to receive it but it's always been there waiting for us to ReDiscover it today we call ourselves humans but the the Ancients knew us by a different name they saw us as light beings capable of shaping reality healing ourselves and transcending the limits of the physical world so what does that mean for you it means that you're more than just your body you are a beam of light part of a cosmic lineage that
stretches back through time the power that ancient sages once wielded it's still inside you it's never left it's just been waiting for you to wake up to it the moment you remember your light you remember your true power you hold the power to control the light you emit what if I told you that your energy isn't just something that passively exists you have the power to shift it to control it and to amplify it the light that flows through you is directly influenced by your vibration and when you align with higher vibrations whether through meditation
gratitude or simply tuning into your spiritual practices you begin to take control of the light that surrounds you here's the truth the Hues in your energy field are constantly changing based on what you're vibrating feeling low stuck or anxious your light dims but when you raise your vibration that light shines brighter more vibrant more magnetic and this isn't just a spiritual phenomenon it has real tangible effects on your life your light isn't just something you radiate it's something you create think about it controlling your light means controlling your reality when your energy field is aligned
with higher frequencies it becomes a force that not only protects you but also draws in everything you desire your light becomes magnet for abundance love Clarity and peace every time you elevate your energy you're reshaping the entire universe around you now the key here is intentional control when you consciously align with higher vibrations you're not just existing you're mastering your reality imagine being able to shift the Hues of your energy at will fine-tuning it to match your desires and repel negativity this is what it means to be the master of your own light and this
Mastery opens up possibilities that go far beyond what you've ever [Music] imagined the angle of light is everything just as light bends when it hits a prism your spiritual growth is determined by how you position yourself in relation to the light it may sound abstract but this concept is as real as the sun's Rays hitting the Earth at different angles affecting everything from the seasons to life itself the same principle applies to you when you align yourself with higher truths you are positioning yourself to receive and transform that light into something far more powerful think
of it this way the angle at which light hits you determines the kind of energy you emit when you're out of alignment when you're not not connected to your purpose or when you're bogged down by negative thoughts that light is scattered it's weak unfocused but when you adjust your angle when you align yourself with your higher self that same light becomes concentrated powerful transformative align with the light and you will become the light it's not about passively receiving light it's about actively refracting it this is where where true spiritual growth happens you take that Universal
energy that Cosmic force and you mold it shape it transform it into something greater the angle of your light how you choose to position yourself in this world determines how much you grow how much you evolve here's the Practical side start by paying attention to how you feel in certain situations are you aligned with your truth or are you bending away from it the more you consciously adjust your angle to align with what's Real and True for you the more you'll find yourself radiating a light that not only transforms you but everyone around you the
way you position yourself in the light determines the direction of your spiritual journey there is a hidden power within you waiting to be awakened a power that transcends the physical world for centuries ancient spiritual Traditions have spoken of something extraordinary the rainbow body it's not just a symbol not just an idea it's a real transformation an Ascension that takes you beyond the limits of your physical form but here's the truth that's been hidden for so long you too have the potential to activate this incredible State the rainbow body represents the Mastery of light and and
color within your energy field where all the Hues of your being come into perfect alignment this is where your spiritual energy vibrates so intensely so purely that it transcends the physical imagine every part of your being the physical emotional mental and spiritual coming into Perfect Harmony creating a radiant spectrum that can take you to higher Dimensions you are more than flesh and Bone you are light waiting to be Unleashed as humans we have the capacity to activate this state it's not reserved for ancient Masters or distant figures in history the key to this lies in
your Mastery over your light when you learn to control the light that flows through you when you align with your true essence you start Awakening this potential you become a being of light capable of Shifting in into higher Realms beyond the limitations of time and space this is what the Ancients knew they understood that the physical body is not the end it's just the beginning by mastering your light by understanding the true nature of who you are you begin your journey toward Awakening the rainbow body and once you do the possibilities become Limitless you are
not here just to live you are here to to ascend if you're still watching I'd like to thank you for your attention if you enjoyed the content and want to see more please consider clicking the Subscribe button your support is very appreciated feel free to share your experiences or thoughts in the comments below until next time take care and subscribe for more insightful content
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