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One hope per day Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão Welcome to our meeting, Today I will bring you a theme that is: One hope per day Before we start evidently I would like to explain this theme. I recently had contact with the work Of Dr. Ana Cláudia Quintana Arantes, two works that are “Paliativa House” and “Care House”, And this work ... I had the opportunity to make a meeting there, give a lecture ... It was a wonderful experience And their motto is: One hope per day. I found a fantastic motto and said: I will do A lecture
about this! Fantastic and with many possibilities for us to reflect. So today, staff of the Paliativa House, House of Care, Ana Michelle, every class, this talk is my retribution to you, for this lesson of hope and strength they gave me. Hope you like it! Well, let's go! I will not enter so much and I will not dissect the theme of what hope is because there is already a lecture with this profile. Who has interest in scrutinizing the idea of Hope I have a lecture on YouTube of the new Acropolis called "Hope: a matter of waiting
or action? " So here my intention is another: We will give a small resumption to see a little of the meaning of the word hope, But then we will try to see how we can do To actually conquer hope every day. A new hope every day. Come on? So I return with you that hope comes from the Latin 'Spes' that hence the oldest origin of the Indo-European comes from 'SPE' which meant expanding. Hence came to us from the Greek language, which was also related to 'SPE' which is expanding. That is, in a way, Hope at
its most remote etymological root is linked to expand our possibilities a little more. That is, expand our consciousness ... Hope brings a little of the future to the present. So it gives an extra possibility. If I am in a context where within my panorama nothing very favorable is seen, I can through hope bring some of the future to the present so that this possible future starts to be built now And to enlighten me now. That is, an obscure moment can be illuminated From the experiences, for the hope for the experiences we dream in the bright
future world. So there is a two -time exchange that the one who has hope has a direction, the one who has hope, has a dream and has the motivation to reach it. It is considered one of the most vital virtues for the human being. Life is dual, We will always have ridges and valleys, we will always have fabric situations, luminous situations ... Hope allows us to walk always, it gives us the possibility of making the entire territory, no matter how rugged and difficult that is, To be possible to be exceeded. There is always a possibility
to arrive on the other side, It is fuel for difficult roads, For complex roads, that none of us will escape them. Right?! So it is often said that hope is a thread that connects a dark gift to a more promising future, It brings a little of the light of the future to the present. There is a writer called Joseph Gilbert that he said that hope is a loan that is made to happiness. That is, you bring to this moment the happiness of any other moment of your life of the future or even the past. Because
in the past you may have crossed other arduous paths and have reached the light again. So this is also a moment that can help you. It is a loan that is made to happiness at times when circumstances do not favor happiness at all. Still you can continue in possession of this same happiness through this gift of hope. Continuing, we will see ... There, there is a popular saying that it is of eastern origin, which says hope is a bird that sings at dawn remembering that the morning will come. Beautiful that, isn't it? Interesting... That is,
a bird that sings at dawn ... I know it looks a bit topic, what bird is the one who sings at dawn? Even a while ago, I read that the Laranjeira Sabiás started in the city of São Paulo, Singing the night, I don't know if you read it ... And the people were kind of desperate because no one slept, the Sabias sang the whole dawn. It seems that the noise of Sao Paulo caused them to reverse their biological cycle a little. So the Paulistas who complained about the Sabiás did not know that they were from
the family of hope, They sang announcing tomorrow to come. "Hope is the only common good for all men, 0: 05: 26.538.0: 05: 30.288 Those who have nothing else still have it." This is a phrase by philosopher Tales de Miletus which is considered the first philosopher from the western point of view. He then says that hope is the only common good for those human beings who are devoid of any other, That is, who has nothing, still has hope. And this wire is like you were a castaway that has a rope before you that on the other
side is attached to the land. You are not deprived of everything, you have A thread that brings you to the land. You have a wire that brings you to safer territory. So you are not lost when you have this conductive thread. Remember Pandora, It's interesting because it's one of the Greek classic myths, which I think some know ... Pandora was a woman who was carved by the Greek gods and is sent to the earth ... And this woman is deposed by Epimetheus, And when the two get married, she brought with her a jar, soon I
explain that ... She brought a jar that at one point she opens it ... although they had asked her not to open this jar ... It was a gift from Zeus, she opens, and as its said, all the goods that were stuck there, that were the gifts that Zeus would have sent to the earth, They run away, escape, but there is only hope. Hope points the way for you to climb the world where these gifts came from and can recover them and bring them back to the earth. I know the story you know is not
like that, But the truth is that the story suffered several distortions over time. They say it was, for example, the transcription of Rotterdam Erasmus that confused the Greek with Latin and translated "Pandora box" instead of the "Pandora vase". In fact what she brought was a 'pitos', a large clay vase, and her own name indicates that, Pandora means all gifts, all presents. All divine gifts were placed within that vase and Zeus sent that vase to the world that the gifts of heaven would come to earth, But the man when he experiences these gifts Try fleeing, Now
feels need for them and runs after them in their natural plane And for that it has the precious ally that is hope. So the idea of Pandora, from Pandora's myth, would be: If you have tasted true love, now your hope will allow you to run after him the rest of your life. If you proved of true justice, true goodness, Your hope will allow you to run after them the rest of your life until you are in the same plan she lives, which is when we raise our conscience and come to the plan of these true
virtues. It is a myth that specifically deals with hope as a way to lead us to the fullness of human virtues. Good conscience leads to hope, bad consciousness leads to despair. This is a phrase from St. Augustine in his confessions. Good conscience leads to hope, the bad Consciousness leads to despair. Note: The etymology of despair is also 'SPES', the same root of hope. Spes' which is exactly hope, when you put this prefix 'des' means without hope. Despair is exactly that citizen who is no longer able to visualize the light at the end of the tunnel,
that is no longer able to visualize this saving rope that can lead you to land. Despair is basically etymological terms the inability to nourish hope. It is the natural consequence of this loss, this capacity so needed for us. Continuing ... There is a popular comic, it is not quite a comic, it is a popular verse with some stanzas who talks about something that I find very interesting ... The names of the days of the week And it makes a word game between these names and a reason for you to be hopeful. I remembered this, I
brought you, I think it's very cute, I found this inspiring as a suggestion, A suggestion, let's say, well intentioned. In fact, if you consider the names of the months, the days, they were all placed symbolically, With a small exception, but were placed symbolically. That is, when you talk about Lunes in Spanish you are referring to the moon, There is some symbolism on the moon ... It is not this moon that is shining in the sky, It was some tone that they originally wanted their Monday to have. That is, these symbolic names, a symbol ... Let
me see if I can explain this idea to you ... If I have a vase here that it has a symbolic painting, it represents something in mythology, every symbol has more than existence, It has representativeness, It is here, but It points to something that is elsewhere. I don't know if they remember an occasion, in a lecture where I narrated that day I had been in a decoration object store ... A big store, And this store full of decoration objects, And that day I left very discouraged because there was no object that was symbolic. This for
a philosopher is something ... Because decoration is nothing more than 'decorate', bringing the heart of things out. So they had twisted Murano vases of various colors, but that represented absolutely nothing. A huge set of such things without any symbolic content. I said: All very expensive, very well worked, but I wouldn't take any of these objects to my house. Originally the idea of the decoration was that you strategically put objects that sent you elsewhere. that were a passport, Even though it was that picture that remembers its ancestors, that clock that was from your grandmother ... some
little thing in one corner, in another, That image that remembers someone you admire a lot, Some mythological detail, some symbolic detail ... Decoration, at first, was to bring the heart of things, reveal the heart of things. So the symbolic has always been very important. Our historical moment that ignores this. When there is something symbolic in someone's house ... that happened to me too ... That's why I recommend: don't invite me to go to your home, because when I arrive, sometimes it has a symbolic object there, And I ask: What does this convey to you? And
never happened for the person to ask such a question, He chose that object because he suits the color of the couch. And in fact the symbols speak. They remind you very important things, me too. I love symbols because they have a message and when you know how to deal with them they are strategic, Because they remember things you need to remember and they become their allies. So knowing how to work well with them is very interesting. So I had a very peculiar idea, peculiar to the present day, in the past would be obvious, that it
is us to associate the need for each day you wake up create a new hope with the invitation that day makes, Throughout the ages, along so many people who have named their days symbolically. It's how I told you, brought this little popular poem that says the following: Sundays, silent mornings; Mondays, take care of the gardens; On the Tuesdays, write in prose; The Wednesdays, I keep it to myself; on Thursdays, the hungry birds; On Fridays, I choose the roses; that on Saturdays I give to the ones I like. That is, every day there is something that
the day suggests me to do, it's a comic, a very simple thing, But maybe here there is a secret. Combine with the symbolism of time our needs. We need hope for a day. We all need it. Hope is a fuel to move ourselves even on very bumpy roads and complex or steeped as we spoke before. It is a fuel that allows us not to stop. Why not take the time characteristics thought over so many civilizations And make it a decoy of our hope?! I brought this proposal, But I hope each of you can observe it
and also, perhaps, to create your own that has nothing to do with it. To take symbolism of each day, somehow, to help you create your own hope that day. If there is a complex thing and we talk A lot about this in philosophy It's time to open your eyes in the morning and think: Why one more day? Where do I want to go with all this? What will this day mean in my life? This is the critical moment where hope It is vital, it is a matter of life or death. Or it puts you out
of bed Or you will go out pushed and will spend the day pushed by the circumstances, the pressure of circumstances and the need, which is certainly not a human way of living the day. That is, the best way you open your eyes is that the hope of that day comes to collect you, Come help you get out of bed and come drive you over the day. So I brought you a small exercise of imagination that I hope it will be useful. In fairy tales ... that I also like so much to talk and I also
have a lecture on it, The symbolism of fairy tales is an Interesting thing to observe a common trait There is always a challenge. Including Joseph Campbell, in his books on myths, he talks about similar things, he always has a challenge. The prince gets there ... the king comes to ask him to save his daughter who was trapped by a dragon or is trapped by a witch ... It has a challenge placed early on. When you commit to this challenge, which is your sense of life And this challenge is noble, fair and good; And you put
yourself walking towards this challenge, halfway through the magic weapons will appear. So the prince goes there to face the dragon, He is a small boy, On top of a horse that is not even that good And it goes to face a dragon. At your disposal, your mood to perform this heroic gesture makes the magical weapons to appear And they will help him to reach his goal armed to the teeth. So he will find that old man who gives A little water from your canteen And the old man gives him a magic word, A mysterious weapon
... That bird that reveals to him the secret of invisibility or that sword that was locked in the stone ... Halfway through their latent powers will come. Each of these obstacles and these elements that help you in the middle of the way are symbols, symbols of something that renewed to this hero his hopes, And it's basically something we can reproduce in our trajectory. Then... We find internal powers and external allies along the way, As we are willing to come to a life dream that justifies a human life, Something noble, fair and good. Let's find internal
tools, We learned to deal with ourselves, and external tools that are things that can help us, For example, the symbolism of other civilizations that was left for us, Which were symbolism of many men who also walked, they also ran after their hopes. Why not take the days as allies? That's exactly what I will propose to you as Exercise of imagination ... Our Portuguese Language Calendar, Calendar From the week, from Monday to Sunday It is a little differentiated, because in 563 AD. There was a priest of the church, São Martinho de Dume, that proposed that Holy
Week ... Holy Week originally was a week in which it was not worked, It was a whole week consecrated to the sacraments of the church, the ceremonies, finally ... It was an entire week where nothing is done. The name for these Latin clearances was 'feria'. So he proposed that Holy Week changed by name, that the old names were all marked by Greco-Roman gods, And he then proposed that Holy Week was exchanged with this numerical relationship First Féria, that is, the first holiday ... The word holiday and the word vacation see exactly of this original feria,
The first holiday would be Sunday, which is Dominus Dei; The second holiday would be the second feria, and so on until we stay ... until we arrive on the seventh day, the Saturday Which is the Sabbat of the Jews, it is the day God after building the universe rests. They then inherited this name of the Jewish tradition, the Jewish Sabbath. This was proposed only for Holy Week, But curiously after a while it was proposed that every day they be counted like this ... From neolatine languages only Portuguese and Galician adopted this tradition, only ... adopted
this tradition ... You must find it interesting that when we go is a Spanish -speaking country is lunes, It is still the original name, They only accepted Saturday and Sunday, But from Monday to Friday are the original names, Lunes is turned to the moon, Like Monday, who is also Moon, it's moon. Most Western languages retained this reference to these original symbols from Monday to Friday. So we will work a little more with other languages, Anglo-Saxon, Neolatins and the respective symbols there. Let's take a look and let's realize what these symbols suggested. You realize that when
we put only one number in the name of the days, one, two, three, four five, six ... It is a little expressive, uninviting reflection, is not exactly a symbol. So we will borrow what this old calendar, that still persevere in so many other languages, It would have to tell us, would have to invite ourselves as a reflection every day. Do you bump into this trip with me? Come on?! Then... When the calendar tells you that today is Sunday, What is he wanting to tell you? What hope can you take from there? Sunday then comes from
Dominus Dei, it's God's Day. In ancient tradition was what? Sunday, the sunny day. We then have two proposals on Sunday and even more, in the Chinese ideogram, Sunday is represented by the sun. You realize that you have a common point in these three ideas. Because God ... the most appropriate symbol for God is exactly unity ... It is not divided, it is the only one. Within the solar system our sun represents something similar. It is unique and vital to all those life sphere. So as Dominus dei, Sunday reminds us of the unit. If you want
to have good hope for Sunday, How about you think of gaining a greater degree of empathy, union with the people around us, to think a little more and expand our notion of family, Think a little more about including the pain of humanity, Humanity as a whole, to the extent of our possibilities, as our problem? That is, to worry about adding some value in the other's life, the whole ... Because adding value to the world is exactly the function of man. Like Sunday, that is, as sun, as sunny day, We could remember a being that Burning
on fire to give light to others, heat and life; That is, this integral donation of light all the time he lasts ... If you take, for example, a civilization like the Incas, they claimed to be children of the sun. What do you think they wanted to say with that? That they too, like the sun, made their lives an opportunity to illuminate, to warm, to give life ... So it is a very conducive day for think about empathy and generosity, That is, how I developed generosity. Philosophically we often say that man It is the size of
its generosity. If you look historically, the great men were not those who had a lot, It was those who gave a lot. So the suggestion of a day dedicated to God And dedicated to the sun is unity, ie empathy proximity to the other and light. Generosity to illuminate the way of those whose lives you pass. And if we went to ask for a Monday Inspiration, what would she give us? Monday, Second Féria, that is, the second day off, second was originally in Holy Week and in Other traditions is lunes and is Monday, As I said
earlier, it's moon. It was a day dedicated to the moon. Interestingly the Chinese ideogram For that day it was exactly moon. It's not interesting?! And what is the moon? What does it mean as the symbol? If you stop to think ... The moon is a being that has no light of its own, She receives all her light from the sun, But it is as if she retract to herself this ability to receive light, store light For when others, when humanity is on the night of time, She has some light to give them. That is, the
ability to keep all the light we receive to pour it over others when it is night. And what is it to keep light? Keep your most bright moments, that is, the most beautiful things you know, the most inspiring words, the deepest experiences, even if you have received this light from someone, that we usually receive, We are not creators of our light, We are receivers, and as Gibran would say, enrichment of these gifts of life. Keep these gifts of life to give everyone Those who are on the night of time, Then you become not a waning
moon or a new moon, but a full moon ... full of light even when the darkness is made and capable of pointing out the path for those who have not yet been able to keep so much light in themselves. A good inspiration, isn't it? Within Nordic mythology, this was the day of Friggi or Frigga who was Odin's wife, was similar to Era It was of the Greco-Roman tradition, Juno or Era. She was the goddess of fertility, love and unity, protective of family, mothers and sweetness symbol. Therefore a mother, a symbol of sweetness, is also the
one that generates and cherishes life, That is, it is able to generate, and cherish, and give life to the hopes of others. It seems that Monday both in the respect of the moon as for the frigga appearance, as in the aspect of the Chinese ideogram, It is a day for you to worry about cherishing the hopes of others and donating what you have best, When you make a bigger darkness, that you are a reference. As a Buddhist myth of the Benares sermon says Who has a light, although very small, When it is absolute night, it
can be seen at a very long distance. So have a light in us, albeit too small, permanently on, it is an act of generosity, It's not just for us, it's for others. Hence that philosophical phrase that I always repeat: The best thing we can do for those who We love is to grow like human beings, That is, keep our light on. Monday is the day that reminds us of this, that we have to keep light in us, we must keep our light on Not just for us, but for those who are completely immersed in the
darkness. It is the hope that this day offers. So when you wake up in the morning you remember: Monday, today is my day to repeat what the moon does, to repeat what frigg does, today is my day to catch all the light that has inside me make well visible When you go to the others. And when the calendar tells you it's Tuesday, What does he want to say with that? Can you get some useful symbolism from there? Tuesday fell, that is, the third day off, in other languages is martes in Spanish, Tuesday in English, which
is Tyrr's Day in Nordic mythology. First, Ares/Mars, which is the day that inspires Spanish Tuesday It is a Greco-Latin God of war. Ares in Greece, Mars in Rome, is that God war that defends Olympus, that defends that civilization, Mars was considered one of the protectors, one of the parents of Rome, If not the main father, That is, it is the protector, the one who is guardian In frictional situations, in war situations. And if you take the Nordic mythology the god Tyrr ... There were two families there, the Aesir and Vanir, among the gods He was
from the Aesir family And he was corresponding to the fight in the sky, He is the representative of the fight for light, the guardian of the oaths and therefore, patron of justice. It's interesting because he was considered so brave and so warrior that one day he will face a great wolf, phenrir, and to prevent it from having to devour Odin, who was the father of the gods, He is able to hold a rope and put your hand inside the wolf's mouth For the wolf to swallow this rope and get stuck, he loses his hand to
defend Valhalla. He is then considered the defender of Asgard, a warrior god. If you go to the Chinese ideogram, Tuesday is Fire Day. You see that Tuesday is a day of combat, Battle, what kind of battle? How about the inner battle? That every now and then we have to Remember to go there and stop again. Tuesday is a perfect day for you to fight against mental and emotional forms of discouragement, revolt, of selfishness, feelings of injustice and all these things that paralyze you, fill you with negative feelings and undermine your forces to go forward. Because
when we feel that way, We don't want to grow, we want revenge. We feel angry, this immobilizes us, ie Tuesday is like the big day of cleaning. When we do the inner war to play out of us all these invaders, all these invading foreigners of our homeland of hope. It is the day to clean everything that undermines our effort, our protagonism and our ability to Walk toward our dreams. It is interesting because still in Egypt ... a book that appreciates a lot that are the maxims of Ptahhotep ... Ptahhotep speaks of the mornings, he doesn't
speak Specifically on the day of the week ... But he says the mornings, that when Ra, the sun, It is dawn, the first thing he has to do is fight against darkness in what he calls the lake of fire. He says: Get up early! Go to fight alongside the shadows! The shadows do not only threaten the sun, threaten you too. Get up early, will fight, next to Ra in Lake Against the shadows so that they will back down. You see that this idea of the inner war is common in various traditions of the past. In
some very specifically that day, in this Tyrr's Day, this Ares/Mars Day. So this is a good tonic for your hope. Hope, Tuesday is cleaning day. Wednesday. When the calendar tells you that it is Wednesday, what hope could we get from this information that it is giving to us? Wednesday in Spanish is MIERCULES, Wednesday in English, isn't it? Miercules comes from Mercury. Mercury is a messenger god. Mercury, which in the Greek tradition was Hermes, It is a God who communicates heaven and earth, It's the communicator, it's the intermediary, and he It is also the one who
has the gift of the word, Exactly because he is a messenger, he has to have the gift of the word, to take the messages from the earth to heaven and the messages from heaven to the earth. It is not any word, it is the valid word, the holy word, the word that communicates the two worlds. Even those who like astrology often say that signs governed by mercury, for example, gemos They are great chatter and speak well because It has this gift of the word mercurian. I'm not saying, please Gemini, I don't think that I want
to offend them, but that's what its said, Precisely because Mercury has this gift, And within Scandinavian mythology is Odin's day. Odin was considered, within Asgard, within Valhalla, the father of all the gods chief of the gods Aesir, And what were Odin's attributes? Especially wisdom, prophecy, magic and poetry. That is, it was also the ability to use your knowledge well, express it well ... You see, poetry says Odin were that loved so much wisdom, knowledge ... And knowledge is exactly bringing ideas of the sky of ideas to earth, exactly the symbolic representation of the true Wisdom,
communicate two plans, right? He loved so much knowledge that one day he gave one eye of the Minir well to be able to see things he hasn't seen yet, to be able to read the runes, to be able to know the future, know a little more about the condition of the world that he lived in and the beings who lived there. It is very similar to the myth of Horus that loses a physical eye and conquers a metaphysical eye. That is, it is able to see in the subtle plane and the material plane, in the
metaphysical plane and in the physical plane, that is, it was a wise, had this ability to bring this wisdom creation. It was also, in a way, similar to the role of Mercury ... And in fact also in the Chinese ideogram we have Water, is water day. Water is a very clear symbol, if you imagine the water running is very related to energy, And the great energy that flows is always an energy vertical that flows from heaven to the earth, Even when we generate energy we know That the waterfalls are very good for this. That is,
the energy is very much in the vertical field, from ideas come to man the true energy, Human energy, the energy they provide to the human world comes from the plane of ideas, which spoke Plato. So it's water day, it's Odin's day, it's the day of Mercury, what could this inspire us? This idea of the well -placed word, the word that communicates two worlds, which brings deep truths and not just amount of information, but deep things, that communicates what the Greeks called Ieros Logos, the holy word ... So this is a day to know how to
communicate, to speak words with wisdom, to speak those words that bring some difference to the world, who put some breath to those who are out there trying to walk and who sometimes need only that little push, That motivation, that meaning they are not seeing. Precision remember who they really are, They need to remember their dreams ... That word, like that of Dhammapada Buddhist: More than a thousand meaningless words is worth a single word that brings comfort to those who hear. That is, a single word that brings comfort to those who listen to it ... Have
you ever said yours? We can see on Wednesday a communication day, not simply talking, chattering, but bring the holy word out, That word that is capable of making a difference in the world, As if it were a song, you make that note that makes everything harmonize. That instrument of an orchestra that enriches very joint that sound that note that you came to the world, that has a lot to do with our essence with what we really are. Each of us is a unique and unrepeatable grade And without it the world would be less melodious. So
Wednesday is an excellent day for the valid word, For deep word, that our conversations not just banalities, and also for wisdom, for the search for wisdom. Therefore an excellent proposal to stimulate your hopes on Wednesday, In addition to the correct word is learning a new thing, seek to observe your day and learn something that you Approach a little to the wisdom, That allows you to live a little better. A small symbolic learning in the observation of oneself, The observation of life around you ... That is, a little thing I will learn today, Because today is
a day focused on wisdom And a right, correct, deep word will be pronounced. Feed your hope with this, Wednesday invites you to this. I find a good invitation! Come on? Thursday... When the calendar tells you it's Thursday, What is he suggesting you? Maybe something interesting to feed Your hopes that day ... Thursday, Jueves and Thursday in English, isn't it?! Jueves comes from Jupiter, who is the same Greek Zeus, Zeus/Jupiter. And it has to do with Thor in Nordic mythology, This well known because of the drawings out there, Of the animations ... became a character, if
I'm not mistaken, from Marvel and the element, the ideogram, Chinese wood. Interesting, isn't it? Zeus and Jupiter we know that are the ones who reigns in Olympus, So his attribute is majesty, it is power, it is responsibility, and the protection, attribute of a rex, a king. It is the most powerful, it is the one who is most responsible for everything that happens in the kingdom ... The king of Olympus is the one who protects the most to all who are under their care. And Thor ... which is the Scandinavian symbol of Thursday. Thor, everyone knows,
it's well in fashion, that he is associated with thunder, lightning, Storms, oak tree ... That is, also the strength and protection of humanity. He uses all these features to protect Asgard, To protect Valhalla, to protect all the worlds, all nine worlds, all spheres of Nordic mythology. That is, he is also the protector, He is also the powerful and protective. This is interesting ... And when you take wood, the symbol of the wood, Its symbolically ... not only there, but also In India, you will see this ... Wood symbol is the symbol of what burns to
generate light. It's like using your power to illuminate, to protect ... They say it is from a cross of two woods that the agni god in India is born, The fire that is born from a wooden cradle which ignites to generate light. Wood is also interesting that if you are associate with Chinese medicine, it is associated with vigor, youth, growth, development and spring, which also indicates power. So we can say that Thursday You have an invitation: power and protection. What could we do with this invitation? How about not worshiping weakness? How about not being victimized?
How about not feeling weak? How about being aware of your power and using it?! And use it to protect all those you can reach. Create, transform, bring changes. Use your power of life, word, Self -knowledge, protagonism, commitment ... Use the human power that you have become conscious to protect as many people, and things, and institutions, and moments, to protect life and Everything that is within your reach, And maybe even more, because we never know until where our power can reach, until we uses it. So Thursday invites you not to worship fragility, weakness, not harassing power.
Power is divine. Power is a divine attribute, no one imagines a weak God ... Use your power for protection, to preserve everything that deserves to be preserved, inside and outside you. This is an excellent invitation that You are intrinsic within Thursday. As I told you, this is a suggestion ... I want to get something else, I want to do another convention ... As long as this symbolic convention is associated with values that make you throw you out of bed And keep growing ... I think well ... I like this because many civilizations worked with these
symbols. Here we are talking about all the Greek civilization, Roman and also Nordic ... There were men who took it as symbols and it seems that it worked, especially in the Greco-Roman world the civilizing heritage that they left us is grand. Nordic mythology is also wonderful. It worked for many men, so I find it interesting. Honestly I would like us could coat these old concepts with modern names that were easier for us. Coating power, communication each, empathy, with images, with symbols that were more present, But we don't have it! In fact, our civilization that builds
jet planes, that builds ships that go to the moon and even further, It is very bad to build its own symbols. So borrowed symbols that worked well. I like to work with it because for me suggests that someone has tested, someone has experienced and it worked, But you are free to create your own symbols. This is just a suggestion. And what a about Friday? When the calendar tells you: Today is Friday, besides being close to the weekend, As there is the song "Today is Friday ...", But there is something more symbolic behind it. Friday is
Viernes, comes from Venus, the goddess of love. It's Friday, who comes from Freya, the Nordic goddess of what? Of love and beauty! Venus, who is Aphrodite, is the Greco-Roman goddess of love and beauty. How interesting, isn't it? Both are associated with love, beauty, fertility. Both Venus and Freya, the two owners of Friday. Within Chinese idiograms, it is the day of the metal. The metal it has a very interesting symbolic feature. It was taken from the earth, it is a refined energy, taken from the earth and cut by fire. You take the ore out of earth,
work with fire, Refine, and this is a metal. It's like it was extracted from inside you your internal powers, your inner life, work with fire of ideas, fire of spirituality, The fire of values, and had a solid resistant element of your personality. A good sediment for your hope. So Friday is an excellent day for what? To beautify, to show the beauty in us in all our expressions. To extract this metal from within nature, of inner nature, of human nature, to work solid, Bring it to your greatest beauty. It is a day to look for beauty
in all things. Love and beauty go together. So this is one day for you to run after generating and perpetuating what you and other men did beautiful. A beautiful act of justice, a beautiful act of fraternity, A beautiful act of love. It is very important for men to remember that human nature knows to be beautiful, that human nature is not just abyss. This returns hope in the human being. So it is an excellent day for you to make the World beautiful, not just in the physical plane, but in the metaphysical plane, in the plans of
ideas, through the beauty of the human soul in all its expressions, generating yourself or praising those who come to your knowledge, making the one, who has a beautiful act, to know that he was seen doing it and this made a difference to you. There is a very beautiful phrase, two sentences, both of Chinese origin, one of those attributed to Confucius, that says the following: “Why do I buy rice and flowers? I buy rice to live and flowers to have for what to live for.” And another Chinese proverb that is also well known say: “If you
have two breads, sell one and buy a lily.” Realize? It's not just feeding the body with bread, you need the lily, you need ethics, you need esthetics, You need metaphysics, this are hunger and thirst of the soul. You cannot let it die of starvation. We need beauty. Beauty gives us self -confidence. We need to believe that we are capable of a beautiful life, of a beautiful act, of something that beautifies people's lives around us. It is part of the thirst of our soul. So this is the invitation of Friday. And when the calendar tells you
it's Saturday, what is he wanting to tell you? On Saturday... which comes according to the canonical tradition of the Jewish Hebrew Hebrew ... Sabbath for them is the day God rests after working for six interrupted days. This shabbat is the day of rest, which It will give rise to our Saturday that also in Spanish they came out a little of the rule and speak Saturday, This seventh day of rest. Although for Christian tradition the sacred day really is the first, which is Sunday. This idea was preserved, this tradition. In English it is Saturday, Saturday is
the day of whom? Of Saturn. Who was Saturn in Greece? Kronos! In the Nordic tradition was Saturday dedicated to? To NORNAS. Nornas were a young woman, a mature woman, a mother, and an elder, named URD, Verdandi and Skuld. These three dealt with the past, the present and the future. That is, they were dedicated to time. They spin near one of the Roots of Yggdrasil, which was the tree that communicated the three worlds ... Also in Greco-Roman mythology there are characters very similar to those who were the parcas and the moirs. See only: Both Saturn and
Kronos, Nords, Parcas and Moiras, what are you talking about? They are talking about time! So what Saturday suggests you what? Cronos is exactly the time, chronological, chronology ... What is Saturday suggesting you? To work with time. Think time as depth and not extension. For one day you can make a multitude of things that make a difference to the world and for yourself. Said ancient traditions that a human life can take a man out of the absolute ignorance to absolute wisdom. How? If you had years of 365 days, within our calendar of course, months of 30
days, 24 hours and 60 minutes. How many hours do you have in your day? How many minutes have in your hours? You realize that they are very few That we deepen, that we use to make a difference to us and the others? Most of our life, of our time, is Played in the black hole of unconsciousness. They even say, the classic philosophical traditions that if you aspire to overcome death, death is synonymous with unconsciousness. The first thing you would have to do It would be to overcome unconsciousness within life then beat it after life. We
spend most of our time unconscious ... If death is synonymous with unconsciousness, Are we alive or dead? That is, to deepen time, live in depth, live real time, that was what the Greek tradition said, Kronos is real time, which is measured by displacement towards the human ideal. If today I won a little bit of my selfishness, If today I won my irresponsibility a little Or my disorganization, there was real time. If I didn't grow absolutely nothing, today did not exist! The real time is not the clock, It is measured by displacement towards the human ideal.
So Saturday is a day for you to think: What value I have added to World through my time? How much of my time is mine? How much of my time is real? Think about time and work to occupy it With consciousness a little more and more. Advance the trenches of conscience about the darkness of dispersion, inattention, disorganization ... That steals from you time, and time is synonymous with life. So it's an invitation to work better your time more depth, more essence, more meaning. Anyway... These are the invitations that the days make. As I said to
you, we can take this as a reference And use it to guide our hopes or not, or create your own code. But the fact is that we need to create symbols, Because the symbols exist for this: To help provide our hopes every day. A hope every day ... or more ... no problem. It's interesting because I told you what hope comes from ... this small particle 'SPE' Indo-European, 'thicks' in Latin. When someone works in favor of their Hope, how do we call this? He is in favor, 'to Spes', what does this? Prosperity! The prosperous is
the one who works in favor of his Hope, you know? It is not the one who has the largest bank account in the world and be on the top of Exame magazine. Prosperous is the one who always works in favor of your hopes. So you can also ask yourself: Am I a prosperous person? What direction am I working on? In which direction I am using my potential, My power, my strength, my time, my feelings and those of mine Thoughts, all my potential? It's interesting, there is an opera ... I'm a lover of Opera, I've told
you several times, I like it a lot ... There is a Schiller poem that was transformed into a libretto and became an opera, which is turandot .... I really like it, I think it's great. Very briefly, Turandot was a princess who didn't want to marry anyone, Her father desperate forced her to call princes to choose which one was worthy of her hand. And she, very cruel, decides that all those suitors who wanted to marry her would have to answer three questions. If they failed, they would be executed. And it was a terrible proof, So the
suitors already learned that it was almost a suicide to try Tuandot's hand. But since she was so beautiful and so powerful, some ventured ... And then a prince named Calaf, in love with her Dare to try And he can answer her three questions, And the story unfolds all around it. Here comes that aria, which you may know, Nessun Dorma comes in the continuity of this moment ... But what I want to bring to you is one of the questions Turandot asks Calaf, And she asks the following: What shadow is born every night And just leave
us in the morning? What is this night ghost, this shadow that is born every night and only leaves us in the morning? And Calaf answers: it's hope! Realize that every time its night, there will be this bright shadow out there ... It will be with us all the time until is dawns, will not abandon us, this is hope. Therefore it is essential to have it for those who want to be sure that they will be able to cross the night; The small, medium and big nights that It is up to us to cross in our
lives. Aristotle ... has a very interesting phrase that is recited by Diogenes Laércio when he talks about him, in the "life of illustrious philosophers", that says the following: Hope is the dream of the waking man. That is, the awake man continues to have dreams built and sustained by his conscience, and dreams that can take them above and beyond their circumstances, that can make you greater than your circumstances. The name of this dream that you dream awake is hope. And when the agreed man cannot dream, what does he has? 'Des sples', despair. Despair is exactly what
remains when We are not able to feed our hope every day. Good... Despair then must be the nightmare of our vigil, while hope is the dream. We must choose whether we want dreams or if we want nightmares. We have to feed our hope every day. This is what I bring to you as a reflection. I hope it made it clear as life is crowded with symbols and invitations, That if we know how to accept, walk with us and help us walk, for that there are the symbols. They are not just presence, I repeat, they are
representation of something that is not there that is elsewhere And that can, if we follow your trajectory, to take... so that we also walk towards this other place. To take us back to this other place, Further, beyond, taller and luminous. So I thank you all And a very special hug for the people of the Paliativa House, This is a gift for you. Thank you so much and until a next opportunity!
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