We finally know why Blackbeard has multiple fruits - All 6 One Piece Theory Explained

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With one piece chapter 1114 right around the corner we have to talk about blackbeard. He has been an...
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this is every Blackbeard Theory ever is Blackbeard Rox dec's son did he eat a god fruit how did this man manage to eat three devil fruits yeah you heard that right bro doesn't have two but three of them well I'm about to answer all of that and more in this video to start this guy is just plain weird we've seen characters like Marco stating that Blackbeard has a strange body at Marine Ford buggy and Shanks talk about how he doesn't need to sleep and most recently Saturn said that Blackbeard has some kind of a special
lineage then there's the fact that Blackbeard ate the yumy yam Nomi and white Beard's gurug gura Nomi normally bro should have exploded because one body can't handle two different Wills of the devil fruit however instead he became one of the strongest pirates in history where one of the major hints towards how he might have accomplished this feat is Blackbeard's multiple personalities for some reason teach seems to snap between three distinct characters sometimes he's aggressive loves to argue think of when he first met Luffy at the bar in GA and he was ready to throw hands
over a pie other times he's oddly aspirational and inspirational for example when Luffy leaves the bar he finds Blackbeard and suddenly bro is all friendly and talking about how dreams can never die even when we see him hanging around ace aboard the Moby Dick he was just generally supportive and friendly and finally we have Blackbeard the intellectual strategist this dude dude calculated that bringing ace to the Marines would create an allout war between the government and the Whitebeard Pirates which would ultimately pull resources away from impal down and create an opportunity for him to infiltrate
level six recruit powerful Pirates and then arrive at Marine Ford after all the chaos to kill the worn down Whitebeard so he can steal his devil fruit the idea that this person and the Blackbeard who got upset about pie could be the same is such a strange feeling that the community speculates that he has to have multiple personalities this is of course backed up even more in jaia as Luffy Zoro and Nami start walking away from teach and Nami asks who he was however Luffy and zorao correct her by saying that Blackbeard isn't a he
but they which would explain why Blackbeard's Jolly Roger has not one but three skulls on it these skulls represent the different people that reside within him that's why even after eating two devil fruits bro is just fine but we have only seen Blackbeard have a loia fruit and a paramia could the third person have a Zone well this brings us to the Cerberus Theory stemming from the possibility that teach could have eaten the mythical inuinu Nomi model Cerberus before he ate the Yami yam noi this would complete the trio of Zone loia and paramia but
it also fits in with a lot of what we know about him for example Jolly Rogers in one piece tend to be symbols of their Captain's abilities or defining features but in Blackbeard's case he just has three plain skulls and crossbones connected to each other for teach's flag we might expect something like a commodore's hat a Blackbeard missing teeth or even something to do with Darkness but it has none of that it just has three heads and what else has three heads it's of course the Cerberus this theory states that the cous fruit could supposedly
split Blackbeard into three distinct beings each having their own personality and their own capacity to hold a devil fruit meaning Blackbeard would have the ultimate loia in the dark dark fruit that can cancel out other fruit abilities the ultimate paramia in the Tremor Tremor fruit that can destroy the entire world and the ultimate zone God fruit in the Cerberus which enables its user to have three devil fruits conveniently this also leads us to our next Theory Ragnarok now this was something we covered in our Shanks video but as it turns out Greek lore wasn't the
only one that had a mythical dog from the underworld in Norse mythology we have gab the hellhound that killed tier in the Battle of Ragnarok the main evidence here is that tier is a redhaired one-armed God of War which we can connect to our own red-haired rat Shanks Zas snit Shanks of course is heavily tied to Black Blackbeard their rivalry literally stems back to their fight as children which we see during the 3-day battle between Roger and Whitebeard Blackbeard was even the one who gave Shanks his iconic scars some years later and that leads us
to ragnaro the battle known as the Twilight of the Gods we know that the Declan are the rivals to the celestial Dragons Who stand as the de facto gods of the onepiece world and zus snitch's real name is of course figur land Shanks a descendant of the cap captain of the Gods Knights so the clash between the Declan and the celestials will take place as Blackbeard kills shakes setting in motion events that will lead to the ultimate fall of the world Nobles and Blackbeard killing shakes would also set up the field to eventually fight Luffy
as well now Cerberus and gam aren't the only mythical animals that could be behind Blackbeard's abilities another popular theory is that he has the mythical god fruit model Kraken this takes another look at teach's Jolly Roger where the eight bones represent tentacles and the three skulls represent the hearts and what animal has three hearts and eight tentacles and octopus or in this case the mythical Kraken Krakens have been portrayed as the Ultimate Enemy of sailors and Pirates at sea for thousands of years they are the personification of dangers lurking below and threatening to pull you
you under it's very similar to how teach can be seen as the biggest threat to all other Pirates and how he can seemingly suck the devil fruits out of others the three hearts of the Kraken would allow teach the ability to host three devil fruits in the same way that the heads of the Cerberus would similarly one special feature of octopuses is that they almost never sleep in fact they only spend about 1% of their lives sleeping and when they do it it's usually in short bursts of under a minute something that lines up very
well with teach not needing to sleep this could also be connected to the inverse lore in one piece when it comes to both Krakens and snowy countries we've seen it mentioned how people from snow Islands don't sleep and at the same time we have sudum the Kraken coming from the North Pole interestingly enough connecting Blackbeard to Krakens in the North Pole places him in opposition to Shanks who is tied to the South Pole through his arguments with buggy another piece of evidence is the fact that Blackbeard did not drown after being thrown into the ocean
by the knockup stream typically the ocean is a massive weakness for devil fruit users however it only drains their stamina and does not actually remove their abilities for example Luffy being able to stretch his neck while sunk underwater at arlong Park in this case the Kraken fruit would allow Blackbeard to breathe under water even if he was too drained to actually move this is how bro survived the Shipwreck that should have killed him we even see this happen with Jack who had eaten the Zozo noi but since he is half fisherman he could breathe underwater
and wait for his homies to come pick him up another link to octopus based abilities comes in teach's ability to camouflage octopuses in our world are actually Masters of Disguise and when you consider how well teach was able to fly under the radar on whitebeard's crew for literal decades that is pretty solid connection there is one thing that many people associate with octopuses and cra that get tied to Blackbeard that I I kind of don't agree with honestly I kind of don't agree with this entire Theory and that is the ability to spray ink and
how it ties into teacher's ability to create and spread Darkness however out of all the theories this is one of the most mid theories okay because having ink based abilities would be sick as hell like the darkness ability isn't the power of the Kraken it's it's a totally different fruit okay so that doesn't make no sense also in regards to the three hearts well we saw what happens when characters switch Hearts through Law's power in Punk Hazard it proved that the devil fruit Powers attaches to the body and DNA itself not the hearts just because
Smoker's heart was inside tashigi didn't mean he could still turn into smoke so Blackbeard storing the different fruits in the Kraken 3 heart the whole Theory falls apart all right but a theory that isn't mid is the byz which actually has a lot of evidence supporting [Music] it this the starts off with one of Blackbeard's most iconic traits his laugh laughs in one piece are often an indication of person's devil fruit for example perona's HoHo laugh matches her Hol Holo fruit whitebeard's gura laugh is a reference to quaking or so on but what about the
most iconic laugh in the series blackbeards well this laugh might actually be the key to unlocking his devil fruit Secret in Chinese mythology exists a creature with three faces one being a tiger another a sheep and the third a lion this is the b z and when it is talked about in Japanese myth it is often referred to as the hatu taku and when we combine the B a z and the ha to taku it gives us zeh ha haa but it doesn't end there because the three faces of the Beast mirrors Blackbeard's Jolly Roger
his personalities and three devil fruits of Blackbeard but each of these faces also has three eyes this could be hinting at Blackbeard having a power similar to the three-eyed tribe that pudding belongs to as for the specific animals mentioned the tiger could also be represented through the claw-like weapons Blackbeard scarred Shanks with the Sheep could be seen in his cowardly Behavior and the Lion's main might be shown through his iconic beard and hair however by far the coolest part of the theory that kind of sues the the deal for me is that this by Z
creature was said to have killed an earthquake yo-kai which obviously brings us right back to teach killing Whitebeard at Marine Fort but maybe that's not quite enough to link Blackbeard to by Z for you well then what if I told you that this mythical Beast held the secrets to the Hang d a text cataloging over 11,000 types of supernatural creatures and how to overwhelm them no way some dude like sat down and came up with 11,000 random creatures and then wrote down how to defeat them oh my God H all right uh what if a
rabbit looked like a snake and had the fangs of a tiger how would you defeat that okay now coming back to the theory remember at the core of Blackbeard's master plan was finding the yumy Yami Nomi a fruit he learned all about by memorizing the devil fruit encyclopedia the by Z perfectly encapsulates so much of Blackbeard's character in story that it's difficult to argue against this being a strong possibility for his final fruit okay Sid all this fruit stuff is cool but what about black Bird's daddy and his mysterious Origins like where did this dude
Spawn from well that brings us to the demon of Ohara [Music] Theory we know that Oda loves doing parallels and double takes in his writings well this Theory takes full advantage of that by claiming the true demon of Ohara isn't Robin but it is instead blackbead now right off the bat you're probably saying that's a pretty crazy Theory ABD after all we know Robin was the only Survivor of Ohara but that might not be the case so a few things about Blackbeard that you anime oi aren't aware of is that Oda has mentioned him quite
a few times in his SPS notes over the years but in volume 81 and 8 8 we get some pretty interesting points firstly black bid's hobby is studying history and second if he was a pirate he would have been an archaeologist these facts alone tie him to Ohara at least tangentially I mean Ohara was the archaeology capital of the world and then there's this one fact that kept coming up throughout Robin's flashback 6 years prior to our look at Robin's childhood her mother Nico Olivia had left Ohara to uncover the true history of the world
and her research team had been captured now Oda is very specific with the dates he uses in the series and this just happened to be the exact point in time that a young orphan by the name of Marshall de teach begged Whitebeard to join his crew this Theory suggests that Nico Olivia wasn't the only archaeologist to have escaped the world government's grasp you see Oda often groups characters together by giving them matching design qualities for example the hat that both Olivia and teach wears this could have been some kind of uniform for Olivia research group
and so we now have the possibility that teachers parents were in this group as well but they were captured and killed which is why he was so beat up when he approached white Beed so we can tie black bear to Ohara or at least their research of the white Century but where does the demon element come in well that brings us to three SAS this was the freehe headed oara or demon known for having battled Hanuman the Hindu monkey mythical deity that Luffy is based on obviously assur have been established in the world of One
Piece through Zoro so it's reasonable to have them in other parts of the story too and this Theory comes to a peak with black bit having the mythical Zone Al devil food listen I'm talking about the model three setus in specific as it had three heads which were charged with different responsibilities again something which could have been represented through the multiple personalities of Blackbeard the first head was for eating and drinking the personality we saw in the pis scene the second head is for observing the world around them the strategist person personality and the final
head was for reading ancient Hindu text the four waiters and boom suddenly we have a part of his personality tied to the study of history so if Blackbeard has an o devil fruit or to put another way to it a demon fruit and he has ties to Ohara which resulted in his parents being killed and him plotting a vendetta against the world then the true demon of aara that had to be Unleashed by the world government would not have been Robin but it would have been blackbear shut your stupid okay fine fine all right listen
I don't really actually believe in that theory and my stocks are not on it but this final Theory will blow you all away because I managed to connect dots revealing lines that would have escaped your eyes especially those who haven't hit that notification Bell missing out on training your ball deep observation hockey this theory is hands down my favorite Blackbeard being the son of Rox [Music] dbec as we saw in chapter 1,18 Saturn refers to Blackbeard as being part of some special lineage and that is of course in reference to Blackbeard's relationship to none other
than zebec blackb is Rock the zebec son or or nephew either way the connection between the two are spat out clearly in fact it's so uncanny that one could even say it's more than inspiration and guidance but outright possession all right I'll get to that more in a bit but here are some examples in chapter 1,17 Blackbeard's goals are confirmed to be the same as the becks of wanting to take over the world he likes the be recruited strong Pirates under his rule even Saturn didn't expect the level six compelled down Pirates to follow another
person but like Shiki big mom kaido and Whitebeard they followed a person who had big Ambitions with a big promise that is you know to topple the world government and rule the world black b's relationship to his father is a play on different paths a child takes from their parents like Ace despised his biological father and rejected the path given to him by his adopted one Luffy found mentorship in Shanks and like his brother became his own person however Blackbeard as the antithesis of Luffy represents the opposite someone who isn't an individual but became the
extension of another this is highlighted with Blackbeard naming his ship the saber of zebec where both the Jolly Roger have the trademark of a jewess thre teeth skull let's not forget blackbead was born after the legends of rocks whose existence was success successfully hidden to the masses unlike Roger not even high Navy commanders like Hina knew of rocks so how to teach unless he is his son black mid is here to complete zek's dream as like Luffy he believes dreams are Treasures which will manifest into reality in chapter 1,96 we also learned one of the
reasons for Rock's attack on God Valley was that something was taken from his Island around this time black bed would have been a year old and in his we record it stated he was born somewhere in the grand line meaning he could have been born in fulled and was taken to God Valley my theory is that they targeted rox's wife and son because of their special lineage like Kuma they must have been from a close-knit race and descendant of Joy boy's crew hence the D in their name either that or they were just you know
just targeted du to Rock's actions Rox married a d like Roger and in parallel to Ace who represented the light in fire black bid who represents Darkness also took on his mother's name Marshall the treasure stolen from fed couldn't have been any devil fruit as rox's crew would have eaten it straight away and I doubt Rox would start a war for something like that plus this Giza was in his prime you're telling me he ain't smashing baddies left right and Center come on when Rock heard that his son was taken he made his move of
attacking the government earlier than planned in the end he was defeated but not before saving his son however unlike Shanks black bid was sent a drift to grow up all alone what kept Him alive was his dead father whose devil fruit ability allowed him to live as a spirit and possess his son what the hell are you talking about like come on look at roxx's Jolly Roger is literally a demonic skull this gave rise to Blackbeard's dual personality with the third person being the spirit of the zoan devil fruit once Rox was dead and attached
to Blackbeard the soul of the three lived as one hence they are them and not him to go even further beyond the whole reason for Blackbeard's surprise attack on Shanks was for Revenge because the person who was responsible for rox's death was none other than figar land Garing shank's biological father and of course shank's adopted father Roger at some point Blackbeard learned the truth about shank's Heritage and decided to pay him a little visit leaving Shanks with the three notable marked scar anyway guys let us know what you guys think what theory is your favorite
and is there one that we missed out let us know down below but if you guys want to watch more Peak fiction then check out this video next
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