Night Prayer Before Sleep | Be Blessed With This Psalm 121 Prayer As You Fall Asleep

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this bedtime prayer! SUBSCRIBE to Grace for ...
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[Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord [Music] now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the deer pants for the water brooks sow pants my soul for you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need
your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much
for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always [Music] whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep
your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you
lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour
and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise [Music] lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace
and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to
be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty [Music] light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis [Music] may you be glorified forever and ever [Music] in the name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i
stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give
you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me
a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful
and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord [Music] fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to
sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you
that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for
my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that
a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they
be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your
word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire
and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray
amen heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise [Music] lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus [Music] lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay
me i will hope in him [Music] god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe
that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god
give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you [Music] father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord
make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of
god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that
i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall
walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to
walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me
from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in
holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father [Music] may you draw near to me as i draw near to you
may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your
word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the dear pants for the water brooks so pants my soul for you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength low i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no
might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a
standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me
though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh
my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge
indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time revealed to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my
prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty [Music] light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do
things and what i practice on a daily basis may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help
me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess
my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness [Music] your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my
thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my
heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me
and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your
presence [Music] i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately
if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses
12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek
you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says
continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this
is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me
i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay me i will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step
out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness
to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey
you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control [Music] i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through
my god will supply all of my needs [Music] i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life [Music] and father i pray
that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for
my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of
god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me
not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be
discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in
all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills
from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the deer pants for the water brooks so pants my soul for you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face
i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether
i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and
forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are
faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and
i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek
you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit
to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty [Music] light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in all of your holiness and as i umly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i
come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you
a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness [Music] your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you [Music] please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast
spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them
as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all
idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might
have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith
and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart
would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus [Music] the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14. it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me [Music] and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will
restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs
but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the
discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in
prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty precious name of jesus christ i pray amen heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith
increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay me i will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me
faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i
pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment
if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you [Music] father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me
not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where
the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you [Music] father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that
my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh [Music] your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go
well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in
you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind [Music] father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in
the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my
total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion [Music] father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me
lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the dear pants for the water brooks sow pants my soul for
you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength low i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be
a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your
saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have
promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm
and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise [Music]
lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life [Music] i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that
is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis [Music] may you be glorified forever and ever in
the name of jesus christ i pray amen lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to
go out of control help me to judge my own actions [Music] in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness
your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i
ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness
and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory
to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let
me pray with intensity with real sincerity [Music] take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become
something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you
will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so
may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you [Music] i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed
by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be
easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you
have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that
i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15 though he slay me i will hope in him [Music] god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't
succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth [Music] dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down
to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you [Music] father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be
able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i
may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and
be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk
with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day
out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything
that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong
path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you
almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and
earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the deer pants for the water brooks so pants my soul for you oh god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face [Music] i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in
my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death
be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this
word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in
first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he
is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian [Music] give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other
desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time revealed to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light
of fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis [Music] may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in all of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you
o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh [Music] lord i am grateful for this assurance as
i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i
pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humbled to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean
heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i
seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i
praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence [Music] i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on
me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a
holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where
i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help
me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis
[Music] father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to
help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you
like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay me i will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me
to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase
after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made
whole lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things
all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god
believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you [Music] father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by
in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall
possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and
all my mind [Music] father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in
the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah
and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my
prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord [Music] now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the deer pants for the water brooks sow pants my soul for you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems
that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my
own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord
will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the
odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose
to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise [Music] lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian
is a powerless christian [Music] give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time [Music] reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus
i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty [Music] light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen lord when i consider your amazing
power and your might and stature i stand in awe of your holiness [Music] and as i umly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel
36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have
a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take
your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps
so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that
has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in
my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about [Music] prayer must become something i practice often may
the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear
you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always
be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i
be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be
weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty
and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in
job 13 verse 15 though he slay me i will hope in him [Music] god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are
possible [Music] give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me
to be bold enough to remove it [Music] god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole [Music] lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and
godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control [Music] i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ
will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm [Music] lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you
are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh
your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i asked today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as
the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please
help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in
your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you [Music] i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father
[Music] may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today
our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the deer pants for the water brooks so pants my soul for you oh god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so i need your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse
29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery
furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil
you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm
in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom
i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time
reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer [Music] and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my
spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in all of your holiness and as i umly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i have wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and
desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a
clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you please give me a heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give
me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill
me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy
spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me
steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to
my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and
attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring
you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you
i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis [Music] father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says
that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16
to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if
my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15. though he slay me i will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for
me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in
spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole [Music] lord i want to be obedient like noah
so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you [Music] father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control
i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god will remain sturdy and firm [Music] lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me [Music] it is because
of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord
help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you
would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and council of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind father as i walk with
you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world [Music] i desire to turn away from anything that sidetracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord
jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i
pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near to you may you walk close to me always [Music] please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus
i pray amen [Music] psalms 121 verse 1 and 2 says i lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth this is true for you and i today our help comes from the lord now let us pray dear lord jesus your word in psalm 42 verse 1 says as the dear pants for the water brooks sow pants my soul for you o god my soul does indeed need you lord there are some problems that i can't overcome on my own so
i need your strength lord i need your strength and power to help me overcome the obstacles i face i need you to stand by me lord i need you in my heart in my mind and emotions your word in isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength it's in you that i can have victory it's only through you that i can be a victor without you lord jesus there are giants i can't fight with my own strength there are situations that are just
too much for me to handle so i ask that you stand by me lord now and always whether i am in a storm or in the valley or in the shadow of death be with me father whether i am in a fiery furnace or in the lion's den i pray that you would raise up a standard when the enemy comes at me like a flood lord jesus i look to you i look to your saving grace your word in psalms 121 verse 7 and 8 says the lord will keep you from all evil he will
keep your life the lord will keep your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and forevermore so when the devil attempts to attack me i will hold on to this word that you lord will keep me from all evil you will preserve my life you will not allow any strongholds to overcome me though my problems may be daunting i am at peace knowing that you are with me lord jesus you have promised that you would never leave me or forsake me so even when the odds are against me i will count on
you lord jesus whether i am in the lion's den or in the eye of the storm you are faithful and i believe you will be with me and protect me your word in first corinthians 16 verse 13 says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong i will stand firm on jehovah jireh my provider i will stand on the lion of the tribe of judah my protector i will stand firm and steadfast in your word lord jesus great is your faithfulness lord lord i choose to trust in you each day each
hour and each moment of my life you gave your life on the cross to set me free and i thank you psalms 91 verse 2 says i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust i confess this to be true in my life you are my refuge indeed my hiding place and so i bless your name lord i give you glory honor and praise [Music] lord give me grace let me not become a prayerless christian because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian give me the
grace and the discipline to be faithful in my time spent in prayer birth in me a desire to seek you a desire and a passion to chase after you i rebuke all other desires within me that fight or compete with my prayer time reveal to me the things in my life that are distractions or hindrances to my prayer life i pray that my passions and desires all lead me to one destination and that is to be in constant fellowship with you through prayer and sometimes lord jesus i find it hard to pray i find it
to be a fight just to pray in those moments would you strengthen me would you convict me holy spirit to fight through and spend time cultivating a good relationship with god almighty light a fire within my heart ignite a fire within my spirit that will lead me to change my lifestyle to change the way i do things and what i practice on a daily basis may you be glorified forever and ever in the name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] lord when i consider your amazing power and your might and stature i stand in
all of your holiness and as i humbly enter your presence i am ashamed of my deeds and thoughts so i come seeking your forgiveness and your cleansing if i've wandered far from you o lord if i've allowed my selfish thoughts and desires to lead me in paths that are unrighteous forgive me have mercy on me god help me to walk in purity give me the strength and diligence not to allow my thoughts to go out of control help me to judge my own actions in ezekiel 36 26 you have promised i will give you a
new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh lord i am grateful for this assurance as i confess my deeds i ask that you create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me you have also promised that if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness your word gives me so much hope and i know that i can have a fresh start with you [Music] please give me a
heart that is pure one that will seek to do your will and follow your ways i need a steadfast spirit so that i can continue in godliness and keep my heart clean i pray that you will grant me this request god give me the strength to persevere in righteousness as you give me a new heart guide my thoughts and my focus so that only godly attributes will come from my heart like david i ask that you do not cast me from your presence lord please don't take your holy spirit from me i am thankful and
humble to know that you do not keep a record of confessed sins but you have promised to place them as far as the east is from the west as you create a clean heart in me fill me with your presence lord fill me with your spirit so that the fruit of the spirit will spill over from my heart give me more of you lord more love more joy more peace more patience gentleness meekness and self-control make me a vessel of honor for your glory guide my steps so that i will never revert to sinful ways
restore my connection with you and keep me vigilant against those things that seek to corrupt my being remove all idols from my life and may the holy spirit convict me every time i seek to rationalize sinful actions and thoughts empower me holy spirit to truly repent and turn from my wicked ways guide my heart and strengthen me and may i be so filled by the spirit of god that i may have the victory to live above sin i praise you for the power of your forgiveness that has set me free i thank you that i
can go forth as a new creature in christ knowing that you died and rose again so that i might have life more abundantly thank you for restoring the joy of my salvation i praise you for a new heart in christ keep me steadfast dedicated to you oh god that's my prayer and may i never stray from your presence [Music] i pray that my heart and soul would be set ablaze by the holy spirit let me pray with intensity with real sincerity take me to a new level in my prayer life i understand that for my
prayer life to be effective it needs to be offered through a clean heart it needs to be mixed with faith and the word of god give me boldness lord and have mercy on me if i have ever doubted that you were listening to my prayers and lord i know that if i want to know you more intimately if i want to not only develop but strengthen my relationship with you then prayer must become something that i am passionate about prayer must become something i practice often may the holy spirit fill me up so that a
passion for prayer may be birthed within my heart may i be so engulfed by the holy spirit that my heart would yearn to spend time in prayer with you fill me with a holy passion so that i can focus all my energy and attention on you lord jesus the bible has a promise in jeremiah chapter 29 verses 12 to 14 it's a promise that i will hold on to your word says then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you you will seek me and find me when
you seek me with all your heart i will be found by you declares the lord and i will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where i have driven you declares the lord and i will bring you back to the place from which i sent you into exile when i seek you with all my heart lord jesus you have promised me that i will find you so may my prayers be like a sweet aroma to you may my prayers always be sincere and earnest to you may they be
pleasing to you lord help me not just to pray and express my concerns my burdens and my needs but may the holy spirit help me to pray and search for your will help me to pray and simply offer praise and thanksgiving to you i give you all of my love affection and attention colossians 4 verse 2 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving let me not be so consumed by my daily tasks and duties that i should neglect my prayer life may i be someone who lives in obedience to your word
that tells me to continue steadfastly in prayer give me the resolve and discipline i need king jesus the discipline to know that i need to devote myself to pray on a daily basis father i understand that prayer is spiritual warfare scripture says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so prayer is warfare and i understand it's not always going to be easy and in those times when i am under spiritual attack should i ever be weak or tired lord please renew the fire and
fervency of prayer within me in those times when i'm under spiritual attack help me to be strong in prayer help me so that i won't be defeated by the enemy continue to help me live according to first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 to 18 which say rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of god in christ jesus for you i trust and believe that you have heard my prayer lord unto you i give praise and honor in the mighty and precious name of jesus christ i pray amen
[Music] heavenly father i give you glory and i give you praise lord i pray that you would strengthen my faith increase and bolster my faith king jesus lord help me to trust you like job did if i were to lose everything if my career was taken away from me if my house and car were taken away from me i pray that i'd be able to have a trust that is unshakable i pray that i will always be able to also declare the words that were declared in job 13 verse 15 though he slay me i
will hope in him god i pray that i might have strong faith to be able to trust you give me faith like moses so that when you speak to me and call me to do your work or when the time comes for me to step into my calling help me not to doubt give me the faith to step out and walk on water [Music] when i think i can't do that or i won't succeed i pray for bold faith that will say with god all things are possible give me faith to truly believe that you
are the god of i am and that you will make a way when there seems to be no way [Music] lord i pray for a heart of worship like david i too want to chase after your heart i too want to worship you in spirit and in truth dear god give me the boldness of the three hebrew boys the boldness to remove every idol in my life the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything that tries to take your place in my life [Music] lord help me to be bold enough to remove it god
give me the determination that the woman with the issue of blood had that if i can just touch the hem of your garment if i can just be in your presence i believe i'll be made whole [Music] lord i want to be obedient like noah so that when the naysayers come i may have the strength the belief and the conviction to obey you father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord
make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs i declare that even though i may come across giants and various enemies my faith in jesus christ will not be moved my faith in the son of god
will remain sturdy and firm [Music] lord i thank you for the assurance that you have given me in john 14 verse 1 where the bible reads do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me it is because of your word that i have faith to keep going in this life and father i pray that your presence may increase in my life as i decrease be glorified be honored and be praised in jesus name i pray amen heavenly father you are worthy of all adoration and praise lord i pray that
i would walk in a way and manner that pleases you father help me to walk through this journey of life knowing that my destination is heaven it's in your presence and i am only passing by in this world to serve a purpose lord help me to walk in boldness and with a focus and determination to accomplish your will for my life holy spirit teach me to walk in submission to christ teach me to walk with self-control always able to rebuke the temptations of the flesh your word lord says in deuteronomy 5 verse 33 you shall
walk in all the way that the lord your god has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess i ask today holy spirit that you would help me to walk and live each and every day under the leadership and counsel of god's word lord i desire to walk in habitual fellowship with you day in and day out i desire to walk in reverent fear of you as the king of kings and the lord of lords i desire
to walk in obedience to your will your voice and your way this is a path that means i will trust in you always i will trust in you with all my heart all my soul and all my mind [Music] father as i walk with you i will turn my back on this world and what it has to offer let me not be enticed by the carnality of this world i desire to turn away from anything that side tracks me from walking with you lord jesus lord please help me to turn away from everything that tries
to derail me from walking with you your word in psalm 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers open my eyes lord jesus so that i can see who is a bad influence within my circle help me to be discerning king jesus of anyone and everything that can try and send me down the wrong path instead i pray that my delight may be only in your presence i pray that my delight father may
be only in holy things things that are concerned with your kingdom i praise you lord i give you nothing less than my total commitment nothing less than my complete devotion father just as the bible describes noah and enoch as having walked with god i pray that i too may walk with you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father may you draw near to me as i draw near
to you may you walk close to me always please walk with me lord jesus surround me cover me and lead me lord [Music] i give you honor and praise god and i thank you for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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