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the Revelation you're about to receive will help you to draw closer to the person of the Holy Spirit I want to show you how to discern the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit and your own thoughts and emotions if you're like me then there have been times in your life where you wonder is this just my emotion is this just my thought or is this the instruction of the Holy Spirit and in fact many Believers get stuck in what I call religious OCD I'm not poking fun at that syndrome I'm actually using it
as an analogy because it works just the same where you become obsessed compulsively with certain thoughts that come through your mind and it could be almost tormenting where you're giving yourself thoughts you're telling yourself to do things or to not do things and you get stuck in this cycle of wondering is this just me or is this the Holy Spirit and there's this pressure there's this pressing there's this urgency there's this tension that you can't quite overcome on one hand you don't want to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit on the other hand you
don't want to get stuck in doing things that he's not instructing you to do so it creates again this tension in your spiritual life so I want to show you how to discern between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the flesh now this is very important that you hear this you will notice that as you're listening to this message that your flesh will want to pull away possibly for something more entertaining remember the flesh seeks entertainment the flesh seeks distraction the flesh wants to have a busy mind so that doesn't have
to face the spirit and so you need to make sure that you're making a commitment to say no to the Flesh and yes to the spirit don't miss this Revelation don't miss the truths of scripture just because something distracting or entertaining comes before you I'm not here to entertain you I'm here to edify you and to give you the truth and to help you grow spiritually so make that commitment now to say no to the flesh resist that pool to do something else to listen to something else to go for something entertaining or distracting and
make the commitment to say yes to the spirit that you might receive this Revelation which I believe as I said at the beginning will help you to draw closer to the person of the Holy Spirit let's start here John 3 I'm going to begin at verse number five Jesus replied I assure you no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the spirit humans can reproduce only human life but the holy spirit gives birth to spiritual life so don't be surprised when I say you must be born again the wind
blows wherever it wants just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going so you can't explain how people are born of the spirit here Jesus is talking about being born again remember this hearing the voice of the holy spirit is not a skill to be acquired it's a sense to be sharpened when you were born you were born if you were born perfectly healthy you were born hearing and you were born seen you were born with those senses you did not have to be taught to
see you did not have to be taught to hear you did have to be taught to pay attention to listen closely to observe you had to be taught to make use of those senses but you couldn't be taught how to have those senses you were just born with them in the same way you are born again of the spirit it's the new life now you are born again of the spirit with the ability to hear the Holy Spirit you were born again with the ability to see in the spirit well that's just the truth of
the matter when you were born of the spirit all of the spiritual senses came with it so I'm not here to teach you how to gain a spiritual hearing Jesus said my sheep hear my voice if you belong to him you can hear the holy spirit so rather what I want to help you to do is to discern what you are hearing now it's at this point that I have to make sure that you understand I'm not going to be giving you detailed descriptions based upon personal experience now if you have personal experiences with hearing
the voice of God like for example I heard the audible voice of God when I was seven years old and he spoke very firmly there was a masculine tone to his voice there was a there was a um a peace-giving attribute to his voice and that's the way I describe it but the problem is if I'm just describing to you from my personal experience then you might go superimposing my experience on your own thoughts and therefore just be just as confused for example uh sometimes people will say well the voice of God sounds like many
Waters well that's biblical but that doesn't mean that if there's a voice in your head that sounds like many Waters that it's always God in fact you using your own thoughts can possibly produce that effect on the voice and you also see in Scripture that the voice of God is still and small but this doesn't mean that God doesn't ever speak firmly to us sometimes when he corrects us and rebukes us it doesn't sound so still and small it sounds big and booming and sometimes a little bit intimidating so rather than give you very specific
what I want to call Natural descriptions I want to show you from scripture biblical principles that will help you to discern the voice for yourself like for example if you're a regular listener to this ministry then you recognize my voice even if you hear it in just audio form you don't have to see me on the screen we're together often enough to where you go oh that's David okay so you know my voice think about the voice of your spouse or the voice of your children now if I were to ask you what is the
voice of your child sound like or what does the voice of your spouse sound like or what does the voice of your friend or your parents sound like you would give me certain descriptions perhaps maybe you could describe your wife's voice as soft and monotone or perhaps you can describe your husband's voice as strong and masculine maybe you could describe your child's voice as small and you know adorable however you want to put it but even if you give me those descriptions I wouldn't be able to pick their voice out of a crowd of people
talking I wouldn't be able to listen just based upon your descriptions alone and successfully identify their voice among many other voices you could pick their voice out of a crowd but the person that you gave those descriptions to couldn't pick their voices out of those crowds based upon your descriptions alone so in the same way you can't explain sight to someone born blind you can't explain hearing to someone born deaf you cannot explain the voice of God to someone who doesn't know him these things are of the spirit so again giving you detailed natural explanations
like masculine or strong or smooth and still or like many Waters these descriptions are helpful when we tell stories of our experiences with God sure but in terms of serving as a principled foundation around which everyone can build their understanding of the voice of God they just don't really serve that purpose Because unless they've heard his voice for themselves those descriptions alone will not do well in helping them to identify his voice instead we look to scripture to give us biblical principles so number one God's voice is stable and consistent your voice is inconsistent why
the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 8. the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our God stands forever in other words there's a consistency to the way he speaks God will never say one thing and then speak another thing to contradict that now I'm going to cover that again in my third point when I talk about the word of God but for now I just want to talk about the consistent nature of his voice the scripture asks is the spirit of God straightened in other words can you get him to
change what he said can you get him to change his mind can you bend him to your will no so when God speaks there's a consistency to his voice there's a there's a constant stability now when you and I have our thoughts and emotions flowing through us well now we're all over the place on some days we're up on other days we're down on some days we're focused other days we're distracted so when it's your own voice it's going to tell you many different things and it will often contradict itself because your moods will contradict
itself your moods will contradict moods and how you feel one day will contradict how you feel another day so God's voice will be stable and consistent your voice is inconsistent I think about many who've come to me with Ministry ideas and on Monday they say they're called to be an apostle on Tuesday they're called to be a prophet on Wednesday they're called to start an orphanage on Thursday they're called to start a church on Friday they're called to start a podcast on Saturday God tells them to write a book on Sunday God tells them I
actually don't write that book after all because I changed my mind and I was just testing you and I think wow God sure does change his mind quite often at least According to some so when you follow after your own ways you're double-minded you're unstable constantly shifting there's no Focus there's no momentum there's no stability conversely when you follow the voice of the Holy Spirit there's a great Foundation upon which you can build your spiritual life there's a clear direction there's a path forward that's made very plain to you I trust not in my ability
to hear the Holy Spirit I trust in his ability to communicate to me God can do anything so of course he'll be able to clearly communicate to me and I simply have to listen for that instruction so that's number one God's voice is stable and consistent your voice is inconsistent number two God's voice guides your voice pushes now I have to give you a caveat here and explain that sometimes God does speak with urgency like there are some exceptions to this and I'm giving you a generalization a principle which is a generalization there are some
exceptions to this like if you're in immediate danger for example I was driving my car home one time I was coming back late from having preached and the Holy Spirit like a like a shout within my spirit stop your car and of course there was a stop sign but like in other words stay here that's how I interpreted that but stop stop like I heard that those words very urgently so I stop at the stop sign the holy spirit says stop don't go and I stop and I'm thinking okay well why did he tell me
to stop and this car that didn't have its headlights on ran the stop sign at a high speed and had I not listened to that voice or the Holy Spirit not spoken to me urgently I would have been in an accident I don't know if I would have been killed or seriously injured or just inconvenienced but either way the Holy Spirit prevented me from being harmed physically and that's an example of him speaking with a sense of urgency so if there's danger he'll speak with urgency if you're in sin there's going to be a very
weighty quality to his voice the psalmist wrote your hand weighed heavily upon me like my strength evaporated and you know if you're living in sin or compromising that the holy spirit will make you quite miserable in your sin so sin and conviction obviously he he pushes you toward repentance and then timely actions like if the Holy Spirit needs you to do something immediately there'll be a sense of urgency to that so keep keeping those exceptions in mind danger immediate danger sin and compromise and some timely actions that you may need to take keeping those exceptions
in mind we applied the general principle that God's voice guides your voice pushes Psalm 23 2. he lets me rest in Green Meadows he leads me beside peaceful strings well that's what he does he leads he doesn't Force he guides he doesn't push the devil generally speaking again these are generalizations the devil pushes the flesh pushes Holy Spirit guides sure he's firm sure he's stable sure he's persistent but he is not pushy and there's a difference persistence is consistency so he'll consistently speak on something but pushiness is a a fear-based uh impulsive way of speaking
and the Holy Spirit doesn't speak impulsively in fact you can tell what spirit is guiding your life by whether or not you're always wrapped up in some tense emotion like for example if you hear preaching and teaching or read a book or watch a video or watch or listen to some old classic sermon it doesn't matter you have to you have to discern based upon the word so there have been times when I've listened to a sermon or read a book or listened to preaching or heard someone say something joined in a conversation we're hearing
these people speak about scripture or the things of God uh agitated my spirit like like it created this tension this angst if you're like and again this is generally speaking if you're just always like amped up and like like just just fidgety and and I'm talking about in the spirit not just in the Physical Realm These Are Spiritual matters I'm talking about that that angst that urgency that that that sense of paranoia that's not God those who are led by the spirit have a stability to them those who are led by the Holy Spirit have
a calm confidence we see in Scripture that Jesus fled Jesus taught Jesus ate Jesus wept Jesus walked we never saw that Jesus ran and Jesus never ran because Jesus was never late he walked in the perfect timing of God there was a calm to him a peace and I'm not just talking about personality because there are some people with personalities that are you know pretty out there and that's perfectly fine I'm not talking about personality I'm talking about the spirit I'm talking about a confidence I'm talking about a stability and even I sometimes can get
my team tells all the time you're very dramatic even especially when I preach it is a very there's a dramatic tone to the way I preach and I just Embrace that as a part of who I am but in my spirit there's a confidence calm collected so God's voice guides you but the enemy in your own voice push you push you push you and many Believers get stuck there you might be stuck there now to where you're constantly feeling this pressure this angst this paranoia this fear that's not of God number three God's voice will
always align with his word your voice will sometimes contradict his word Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19 says God is not a man so he does not lie he is not human so he does not change his mind he has has he ever spoken and failed to act that's a rhetorical question has he ever promised and not carried it through his words and his actions align his words and his instructions align always when you look to the word you see the Baseline for hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit he will never speak against his word
ever and if you're hearing an instruction that contradicts a clear teaching of scripture that's either your flesh or a demon and it's not the voice of the Holy Spirit God will not have you contradict his word to test you God will not have you contradict his word to see if you're obedient to his voice God would never speak in a manner that contradicts his word so in fact you want to be familiar with the voice of God if you're serious about becoming Discerning when it comes to the difference between your voice and the holy spirit's
voice your thoughts your emotions and the holy spirit's instructions then you will become serious about getting into the word you want to know his voice then know his word that's where it begins my friend I've seen so many different Believers come through life come through my life I've been in church since I was born I'm a fourth generation Christian third generation preacher I'm not saying that to brag I just want to give you my perspective on this and I've seen many people come and many people go I've seen many Ministries rise like a shooting star
and then fizzle I've seen people who remain faithful I've seen people come into the church and leave I've seen the revolving door that is sometimes the church and when people leave the safety of the word please hear me now people of God my goodness I pray if you hear anything I say that you hear this when you leave the safety of his word you're in danger when you leave the safety of his word you're in danger if you have to question the clear teachings of scripture to make your opinions more palatable if you have to
bend the teachings of scripture the clear foundational truths to make yourself more comfortable in your opinion you're in danger because then it's not God you trust it's yourself and this is why I tell Believers all the time you have to interpret your life experiences and even your spiritual encounters through the lens of the word and not the other way around many Believers want to live from the place of experience and I'll be covering more of this in a moment because the second half of this lesson I'm going to show you how to sharpen that spiritual
sense because it's not a skill to be acquired it's a sense to be sharpened as I said at the beginning so I'm going to cover more of this but it also goes with this point too you see you leave that Foundation and then you start endangering your soul I've seen pastors ministers evangelists I've seen them all come and go people of God I've seen them all come and go the ones who remain faithful the one who the ones who God continues to use the ones who keep the favor of God who keep the influence who
keep their positions in Ministry are the ones who commit to the word and correct themselves according to the word here's a hint if you have to start changing foundational teachings of scripture to accommodate your opinion or even question them you have to start changing words you have to start shifting definitions God doesn't change words and definitions because the Holy Spirit inspired the word that's what the devil does the devil got Eve to give in to Temptation how first he questioned the word and then he contradicted it the moment you begin to question the word you
are just about to cross that line into contradicting it different message for a different time in terms of questioning than contradicting but we will cover this point again in the second half of this lesson so God's voice will always align with this word sometimes your voice will contradict the word you know why because we're not perfect we are Works in progress we're undergoing the process of sanctification we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit in becoming more like Jesus and so in this process you'll begin to learn there are some things you believe about yourself about
God about the world about Sin about anything really you will find those beliefs often contradict the word of God and as you become familiar with the word you begin to recognize oh I missed that one oh that one wasn't correct oh that probably should go and that's what you have to do in order to hear that voice but God's voice remember this will always align with his word always always always number four God's voice speaks from the place of peace your thoughts and your emotions can speak from the place of fear and anxiety now let
me explain this the conviction of the Holy Spirit is not a pleasant feeling and there are examples in scripture where God will tell someone something and it doesn't produce only the sense of Peace sometimes when God would send a messenger an angel the people would become afraid think about Abraham when God gave him that nightmare a great Darkness a great dread fell over him when he began to recognize the fate of his people he recognized he saw prophetically uh Israel going into slavery and so obviously that Revelation from God produced this burden and so you'll
hear the cliche often well you know it's the Holy Spirit speaking when you feel nothing but peace well that's that's that's true in a sense but I don't want us to get this mixed up yes when the Holy Spirit speaks at the core of who you are there will be peace in the core being the innermost being in your spirit you will sense a piece a stable peace but that doesn't mean you won't experience negative emotions when God speaks I know this is not popular to say but it's the truth well how many of us
feel good when God corrects us how many of us feel good when God humbles us I mean the Bible says that that correction doesn't feel good in the moment but God corrects Those whom he loves so what happens when God speaks correction it's not going to feel very good listen I've been rebuked by my spiritual fathers before it doesn't feel very good I've had to correct many different things in my life and Ministry and that correction is painful your ego takes a hit your pride takes a hit your emotions are deflated you feel like you've
just been um you feel like you've just been defeated but even in that humility there comes good fruit so not always when God speaks to you have nothing but good emotions but in the spirit you will have peace so yes it's true that when the Holy Spirit speaks you will have peace but that doesn't mean that you won't experience negative emotions when God communicates a reality like for example I'm just I'll just be blunt with you there are there are certain times when the Holy Spirit has revealed to me certain things about men and women
of God who I love and honor and it hurts and the Holy Spirit doesn't reveal those things to me so that I can get on this live stream and blast it out no the Holy Spirit reveals those things to me so that I can lovingly compassionately and fervently intercede for my brothers and sisters that they might you know experience breakthrough in certain areas but it's not a very pleasant sense when the Holy Spirit speaks to me about certain individuals that I need to pray for sometimes he reveals things and I don't like what I see
and many of you who discern the voice of the Holy Spirit you know what I'm talking about you will see things in people and there's just this this this Brokenness this burden your heart is filled with this Godly sorrow and you just can't break that emotion but deep down there's peace so yes God's voice speaks from the place of peace that means foundationally you will experience the peace but that does not mean that you won't experience negative emotions in the outer shells of who you are first John 4 18. such love has no fear because
perfect love expels all fear if we are afraid it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced this perfect love so the the presence of fear is evidence of the absence of the receiving of Love fully fear is the lack the absence of love that's where it comes from there's no security there's no safety net but when you are secure in God's love fear is completely eliminated so God speaks from the place of peace God speaks from the place of perfect peace Peace of Mind peace in your soul peace
in who you are at the core of your being but again you can still experience some negative emotions God may say hey I've called you I want you to preach now in your spirit there's peace put in your emotions you may feel a little nervous I don't know how's this going to all work is this actually going to work am I the right one for the job I mean look at what happened when God Called Moses he he couldn't believe that God was calling him think about the many encounters Isaiah chapter 6 he became filled
with Dread when God began to speak to him but deep in the core there will always be peace so God's voice speaks from peace your thoughts can speak from fear and anxiety so whenever you hear a thought whenever you feel an emotion whenever a message comes to you ask yourself yes I may be filling some negative emotions around this message but deep down what am I sensing is there peace then that's when it's the Lord in most cases number five God's voice affirms your identity your voice questions it you know there's an identity crisis in
our culture today and you may say well Brother David I agree but I'm not talking about what you might be thinking I'm talking about yes obviously the world the secular world is experiencing an identity crisis people don't know who they are people don't know who God created them to be the scripture is quite clear but God created male and female but there's confusion around even that for some reason Bible's clear male female that's who God created and so yes the world is confused about their identity yes they are having an identity crisis but you know
the church has identity crisis too born-again believers who don't recognize the power that's in them Born Again believers who don't realize that the light of the holy spirit's presence dwells in them that God is covering them that they stand firm in the righteousness that Christ imputed to them because of his sacrifice they don't recognize that they stand in forgiveness they stand in justification they stand in the Redemptive work of Christ himself and they begin to question who they are they begin to question if they belong to God they begin to question if they're loved well
isn't that what the devil does and questions that when he tempted the Lord Jesus or attempted to tempt the Lord Jesus what did he say Matthew 4 if you are the son of God deception begins with the questioning of identity and so the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 verses 15 and 16 so you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves instead you received God's spirit when he adopted you adopted you as his own children now we call him Abba Father for his spirit I love this his Spirit joins with our spirit
to affirm that we are God's children you're a child of God you belong to him the Holy Spirit dwells in you it's the same listen to me now it's the same demonic attack the same demonic attack against the world getting them to question the very basic makeup of who they are and who God created them and be that same attack is coming against the church but in a different form you may not question how you were created but you may question where you stand with Christ you may question the power of the Holy Spirit within
you I pray that the church gets a revelation of the true power of the Holy Ghost if you only knew who you were in Christ who you are in Christ and the Bible says that the holy spirit affirms this so that constant questioning of Who You Are that's not the Holy Spirit that constant second guessing about the love of God toward you that is not the Holy Spirit that constant bewilderment the confusion of where do I stand with God how how how does this all work you you must know that the voice of the Holy
Spirit speaks with certainty stability consistency conviction passion that you belong to Jesus period you're a child of God you're a carrier of the glory the presence dwells in you Well church has an identity crisis they don't know who they are they're afraid of the work of man or what if they cancel us what if they come against us what will they think do you know who you are many Believers exaggerate demonic power they think that demons can can become a threat if they're walking if they're walking with the Holy Spirit some of them still think
well maybe that demon could be a threat do you know who you are do you know who is living in you what's with this fear of man what's with this fear of hell what's with this fear of culture confusion speaking against you wondering this and that it's a confusion of identity and it's not the voice of the Holy Ghost the voice of the Holy Ghost speaks with conviction and certainty you belong to Jesus you are filled with the holy spirit of God yes we should respect people we should love people but we don't fear them
yes we understand we're engaged in spiritual warfare and we should be aware of the tactics of the enemy we don't want to be ignorant to the devil's ways but neither do we want to be paranoid about them when you understand the voice of the Holy Ghost you understand that he is constantly affirming your identity if there's a constant questioning of your identity in Christ if there's a constant questioning of where you stand with God either you're not living right please hear me now either you're not living right or that's not the Holy Ghost speaking to
you you say well how do I know if I'm living right the word the word the word the word and if you're not living in a way that contradicts the word then that's not the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to you it's quite simple if you are constantly questioning your identity in Christ either you are not living right or you are not hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit period I know some of you don't like that I know I'm stepping on some toes I'm not here just to step on toes I'm here to
break your legs because we gotta make sure we get this mindset we gotta break old mindsets we gotta break through religious thinking we got to push beyond that natural mind rise above these mindsets and live in the mindset of the spirit which only comes by recognizing his voice and his voice is constantly affirming Who You Are that you are here's what the Bible says for his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children so again if you are constantly questioning where you stand with Jesus either you're not living right and you'll
know that by the word very clearly or you're not hearing from the Holy Spirit and you can dismiss that voice it's a voice of condemnation it's either conviction or condemnation you're living according to scripture okay then it's a voice of condemnation you're living according to compromise okay then that's the voice of the Holy Spirit but it's very simple we complicate it God's voice affirms your identity your voice questions it constantly now how do we discern between so I showed you some of the attributes of God's voice as compared to your voice and I contrasted these
two and hopefully brought some clarity between these two actually before I get into this next Point let me let me just double down on another point I want to make that's this idea of of religious OCD and I'll cover that a little bit more here too there are many believers who are living in torment because they're living in a performance-based workspace view of salvation now we live holy yes every believer should live holy every believer should live right all of us should desire to be more like Jesus and all of us should be rid of
all sinful compromise but you do realize that the holy spirit is working with you and not against you right I say this to encourage you he's not working against you he loves you he's he's Faithfully abiding saying let's get this right and if you live from that place of fear then you're constantly going to be having this barrage of thoughts and sometimes the thoughts get a little strange yes the holy spirit gives us strange instruction sometimes but then sometimes we find ourselves just living in this this very hellish existence this torment this torment that we
can't be free of I know this because I used to experience this you know many of you know my testimony the Lord delivered me from anxiety but you know living in that anxiety I often confuse my anxious thoughts for the voice of the Holy Spirit and and I thought the Holy Spirit would tell me things like go to that gas station stand on the corner uh pick up that can that you see on the floor and just hold it and stand there things like that or wear that color shirt not that color shirt then I
would say well was that the Lord or which one how do I know that's me or what if I picked the wrong shirt is God going to condemn me or or the Holy Spirit I thought would tell me stop the car get at the car go into that gas station go up to that woman and tell her this and then I would go get out of the car go to the gas station go up to that woman tell her this and she'd go is that sound does sound like little should go no that doesn't sound
like anything that makes any sense to me and I'd leave there and you know of course I would try to uh confirmation bias would tell me well you know one day it'll make sense to her and I or maybe God was just testing me and then we live in this constant cycle of is this God is this God is this God and if you're constantly cluttering your mind with your own thoughts you're never going to be able to hear those Specific Instructions of the holy spirit so let me show you how now how to discern
it now that I've given you some descriptions of what the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds like in comparison to your own voice let me show you how to discern first of all and I used to say there were three but I think it helps to add a fourth there are the voices of self Satan secular and spirit self Satan secular and spirit well secular is the voices of culture people family members anyone who speaks just according to the thinking of the world Satan obviously we know questions the word and contradicts the word constantly we
know that sometimes self can speak to us things that are random and sometimes seemingly benign like there's nothing to it either way you can have a thought that's just kind of a neutral thought and that's understandable we all have those uh and then there's the spirit this is the speaking of Truth now how do you discern because all of these voices are constantly coming at you so the key to clearly hearing God isn't in getting God to speak to you because God already speaks to you remember what I mentioned at the beginning of this message
that you were born again with a new set of Senses so Hearing in the spirit is not a skill to be acquired it's a sense to be sharpened you already have the sense you are already hearing God the holy spirit is already speaking to you right here right now he's saying something to you and so the key is not in getting the Holy Spirit to speak to you the key is in silencing the satanic the secular and self and you do that all that's left is the spirit and you hear them loud and clear so
how do we do this number one the word the word the word the word please hear me now insisting upon adherence to the word insisting upon biblical accuracy is not religious and I think we have to get that out of our heads this idea that oh you know you're you're you're going to the word that's head knowledge that's that's philosophy that's that's just the wisdom of man no my friend the word was inspired by God second Timothy 3 16 and 17 all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to what to teach us what
is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and you felt that correction before I'm sure and teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so we understand the Bible the word of God is inspired by the Holy Spirit every word this is why be very careful of anyone who questions foundational teachings of the word be careful of yourself even watch out for your own reasoning when you have to bend things in
scripture to fit your opinion well I don't know let me let me let me just kind of shift that meaning there just a tad not not completely or you know what let me let me question that word there let me let me just kind of shift the definition of that word so it seems a little more consistent you do that you're going to end up in confusion and torment to the mind so the word must be the foundation get it out of your head that the word is religious get it out of your head that
the word contradicts the Holy Spirit you want real power you want to walk in the presence of the holy spirit in such a way that your life will Mark the Nations then get in the word the word is the foundation of our understanding of the voice of the holy spirit that is the safety net you want a word from God I got a secret for you you want a word from God open your Bible if you're serious about hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit you'll get serious about reading the word don't tell me you
want to hear the Holy Spirit and you're not even opening your Bible don't tell me you want a word from God and you won't open your Bible you want to be spoon fed maybe by others just speak specifically to my situation so that I don't have to go dig into the word defying the truth finding the truth that applies to my specific situation you just give it to me in bite-sized pieces no my friend we must dive into the word we must receive the word we must have a rich knowledge of the word and that
knowledge is set on fire by the Holy Ghost Revelation is knowledge set on fire by the holy ghost look at the scripture read of all the different people that God used they had sharp intellectual Minds that the Holy Ghost set on fire they had they had an ability to reason according to the scriptures and the Holy Spirit gave them boldness and authority and Clarity and peace because of that adherence to the word of God itself so if you're serious about hearing God you've got to get serious about the word now as I said the word
is the foundation I'm going to give you four Keys here the word is the foundation to knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit why because the holy spirit will never contradict the word that written word is there for your guidance and so you have this Foundation now here's the word and that serves as my grounding that serves as my my stability well Jesus said you build your house upon the sand that's like building on your own understanding or without his words you build your house upon the rock that's like building on his word so that
when the storms come by the way he did not say if the storms come he said when the storms come you'll be standing why because you built on a solid foundation the word and so we build our lives upon the words of Christ that's not a contradiction to the spirit the spirit works with the word it's not religious to study the word it's not really and anyone who thinks that is going to get stuck in immature Christianity you're going to be you're gonna be a baby Christian all your life and I'm not saying this to
be condescending I'm saying this because we need to wake up I'm not saying this to tear you down I'm saying this to wake you up I want to help you grow past certain things and if you're intimidated by the word that's okay so was I if you're if you're nervous about well maybe maybe I won't get anything really out of it and it kind of intimidates me I don't really understand all that just start reading it I was at a place in my life where I didn't know anything about the scripture and I had to
really dig in and discipline and and and and and make use of what God had put before me and that begins with simple obedience so the word now watch this serves as a foundation serves as a foundation and then number two is wisdom please hear what I'm about to say but before you do I want you to write in the comments section if you'll commit to the word just type it in the comment section just put the word exclamation point and people who read those comments and wonder what that's about uh they'll see this as
they watch this just write the word that's the foundation just write it the word exclamation point put that in the comment section whether you're watching live or on the replay okay so the word becomes the foundation now and then what begins to happen when you read the word I'm taking in the scripture well Jesus said um that that the word is it's spirit in life so you begin to take in spirit life you're not just reading scripture you're you're taking on the nature of Jesus you're not just reading scripture you're being conformed into the sun's
image you're not becoming the Sun but you're being conformed Into His Image you're becoming like him in nature in the fruits of the spirit in humility and so forth and so now I'm reading the scripture I'm being conformed into that image something's changing in me now watch this when I begin to know the word suddenly there's this there's this um what do I want to call it there's this this root of wisdom that begins to take hold in my life I read the word my mind's being washed my mind's being renewed I'm beginning to think
like God thinks I'm beginning to understand his nature I'm beginning to understand his ways now watch this once I know the word now then wisdom begins to naturally follow now wisdom is how the Holy Spirit speaks to your spirit so the word that's just the Holy Spirit speaking directly to you through the word but wisdom is the holy spirit speaking to your spirit Romans chapter 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God
this is so powerful what is good and acceptable and perfect well how do I discern the will of God how do I discern what he's saying I do so by renewing my mind how do I how do I renew the mind my friend it's the word as you read his word the mind is being renewed James 1 5 if you need Wisdom ask our generous God and he will give it to you he will not rebuke you for asking him so the word becomes the foundation and as you become a person of the word wisdom
naturally results why because that word is getting into your spirit and when the word gets into your spirit suddenly you begin to think like God thinks suddenly you begin to reason like God reasons suddenly you begin to think and reason and believe and behave according to the holy spirit's guidance because your mind is being renewed by the word so the word is that foundation and now wisdom acts as the structure okay so you have you have the foundation of the word and then wisdom becomes the beginning stages of that structure and that structure goes into
place based on the word so wisdom is the holy spirit speaking directly to your spirit it is this this pure overflow of the directions of God it is a purposeful pool on your life you just kind of have this natural inclination in understanding what God wants you to do in any given situation why because you become familiar with his nature when you know the word of God you understand his will and as you begin to become more familiar with his will now you begin to become more familiar with his ways the word shows you his
will and that begins to develop wisdom in you wisdom shows you his ways notice here that I've not mentioned yet the Holy Spirit speaking directly to you because that's the third so the word is the most reliable way that you can discern the voice of the Holy Spirit period the word is the foundation and then you have wisdom that's like the structure coming into place now now watch this watch this first the word foundation then the structure wisdom then there's the whisper and this is the holy spirit speaking to your mind the natural mind where
you hear that instruction like for example when I was driving my car and the Holy Spirit told me stop now where can I go through scripture and find that in the Bible can I find in the Bible when you come to a stop sign stop for longer than you're legally obligated to stop no just in that moment the Holy Spirit spoke specifically to me now some have said well you know if it's written in the word then the Holy Spirit doesn't need to say it because it's already in the word and if it's not written
in the word then the Holy Spirit wouldn't speak it because it's not written in the word but this fails to take into account this type of reasoning this thinking fails to take into account that often we need instructions for the very specific details of Our Lives not always are you going to find chapter and verse chapter and verse what you should do specifically in every situation of course you have the word to understand the general will of God then you have wisdom which helps to teach you his ways but then what do you do after
that when you need an ultra-specific instruction from the Lord in order to make sure that you're on the right path that's when the whisper comes in but don't try please hear me now do not try to hear the whisper if you are not a person of the word and that's going to make some of you mad John 14 26 but it's not my goal to make you mad I love you and I want to just tell you the truth John 14 26 but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name
he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all that I have said to you so the Holy Spirit reminds and he reveals he reminds you of what has been said but he also reveals what God is saying let me say that again he reminds you of what has been said but he also reveals what God is saying now some might ask does this mean that what he speaks is on the same level of authority in terms of the scripture no because he's speaking very specifically for very specific situations and instances in your lives
in your life and therefore that wouldn't be something that could apply to everybody all the time these instructions don't have Universal application and for all time when it's the whisper as I'm describing it here so he whispers to your heart but don't try to live your life by the whisper and this is what some Christians do thinking they're spiritual they think they're spiritual because they kind of say oh you know I just kind of like the wind I go I call them hippie Christians they just I however the Holy Spirit takes me I'm like the
wind and and there's no discipline there's no Foundation there's no grounding everything's based off of their experience their encounters they're never interpreting their encounters to the word they're only interpreting the word through their encounters well this is what it means to me this is what I feel it's speaking and that's all I'm telling it it just means it's a lack of maturity in the faith period and so we need to come to the place where the word is first and then the wisdom and then the whisper if you're a person of the word and you're
walking in the holy spirit's wisdom those are your safety nets for when he begins to speak with the whisper and many Believers have this reversed and then number four so first it's the word then it's wisdom then number three the whisper and then number four wonders now this is where you'll see prophecy Visions dreams Miracles guys we believe in this these have not ceased the gifts have not ceased prophecy is for today the spiritual gifts are for today Miracles are for today Deliverance is for today healing is for today dreams are for today Visions are
for today Supernatural encounters are for today we can't dismiss this why because the word tells us so and so the problem arises though when you try to live your life by the Wonders instead of by the word many Believers have this reversed so the word is the foundation wisdom is that structure The Whisper of the holy spirit is like the drywall and some of the materials that get added onto that and the Wonders that's like the nice decorations for your house the furniture the the extra pieces if you will but if you live your life
only with the extra pieces just the Wonders my goodness you're never going to have a solid foundation some believers they just live by their experience and then the word is an afterthought and that right there is going to end you up that's going to cause you to end up with all kinds of confusion strange doctrines confusion tension bondage um isolation it leads to all sorts of problems anxiety that's why you start with the word then the word produces wisdom wisdom causes you to be mature enough to be able to distinguish between the whisper and your
own thoughts and then the whisper helps you to understand and navigate the world of Wonders so the word is first don't try to live your life by wonders and the whisper start with the word build that as your foundation then you'll have the wisdom then you'll hear The Whispers And then you can have the discernment that's necessary to receive only what our Godly wonders father I pray in the name of Jesus that you would begin to cause your people to desire your word Lord we repent of any neglect of your word help us to recommit
to being people of scripture Holy Spirit we surrender to the way that you desire to speak help us to not box you in to just what our experiences tell us help us Lord I pray to go to higher places by living according to your word and father I pray also for healing Deliverance a fresh Touch of your power come on let's believe for God to touch you right now I'm telling you whether you're watching live or on the replay the anointing of the holy spirit is flowing Jesus I thank you for that River of power
that's flowing now Lord let your power flow out of my hands right through that camera and right to wherever they're watching I join my faith with that one believing now and I pray Lord that your healing virtue flow [Music] we thank you Jesus somebody watching right now believing for healing of asthma we rebuke it in Jesus name digestive issues a woman with digestive issues watching I rebuke it in the name of Jesus I shoulder injury I rebuke that now be healed in the name of the one whom I serve someone being delivered from an addiction
someone is being delivered from an addiction right now you don't need to beg you don't need to plead there's nothing you need to do but receive by faith God does not hide your freedom behind ancient Mysteries it's as simple as asking receive that now that's the power of the Holy Ghost I rebuke that now be delivered in the name of the one whom I serve alcohol addiction I break that power in the name of Jesus drug addiction we break it there's a woman watching me now your heart is breaking for your son you're believing he's
going to come back to the faith I agree with you now in the name of Jesus church just begin to receive that's the power of the Holy Ghost flowing write your prayer requests in the comments section now we'll all agree together thank you Lord Jesus I give you the honor wow there's power flowing such power [Music] Holy Spirit let them sense your presence in the room with them now presence and Power and power are abiding in that place let them sense the manifested touch of your power we give you the glory and the honor wow
I want you to say it because you believe it say amen well if you enjoyed this teaching and you think others need to hear it do me a favor leave a like on the video that helps more than you know also if you haven't done so make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you can continue to receive teachings on the Holy Spirit prayer and spiritual warfare and other topics of course I also show live streams of our events that we do around the world where the power of the holy spirit moves tremendously you
can sense the glory on these meetings so make sure you're subscribed and also take a moment now if you haven't done so yet please consider right now signing up to becoming a monthly Ministry supporter look everything that we do in the ministry takes resources the video content that we release is free the events that we do are free the Holy Spirit school is free all of that is given freely because freely we receive so freely we give it's all donor supported we do it the biblical way which is to ask for free will offerings from
God's people and I'm asking you now to consider to consider supporting this work easy for me to say to consider supporting this work that the gospel might go forward help support these events help support the channel help support our staff our team and all the work that we're doing for the sake of the expansion of the Kingdom we want to see more souls saved more people healed delivered and empowered and we see it on a daily basis so get behind this it's working we're not just talking about it we're doing it maybe you've been watching
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people watching are very generous and they give do your part too support what's happening here to the work of this ministry and I know we'll be blessed together as we see the fruit come in for the kingdom of God there's no gift so small that it doesn't count and there's no gift so large that we wouldn't know what to do with it whether you're giving as an individual maybe a gift from your heart or your giving from your business a gift from your heart maybe that's sizable everything counts I challenge you business people who are
watching whom God has blessed to sow significantly again there's no gift so large that we wouldn't know what to do with it there's plans and visions that exceed our resources already so help the work of the Gospel and do so again by going to davidhernanasministries.com do try to give on the website if that doesn't work for you after you've tried it uh you can give through Facebook or through YouTube but try the website first you'd be amazed at how many different currencies we are able to accept we even take Bitcoin on the website but all
different payment types all different currencies uh make sure you try the website first and if not then give of course through YouTube or through Facebook and I can see several people uh who've given uh thank you sue for becoming a partner and ditra for being a partner thank you Jaden for becoming a partner Samuel marylissa carolan Elizabeth Rachel thank you for becoming a partner thank you Susan for your gift thank you Sophia for your gift many different people giving all around the world as I said just do your part because many are doing their part
and this is as I said probably the most generous Community I know of and I thank you for your giving I'm overwhelmed by the support so go right now and name it one more time David Hernandez ministries.com partner to become a monthly supporter David Hernandez ministries.com donate to give a single gift and if you enjoyed this teaching then you will love five ways to sharpen your spiritual hearing
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