If you wake up between 3AM & 5AM...DO THESE 3 THINGS

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Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi
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three things you are to do every time you wake up between 300 a. m. and 5 a.
m. and allow me to talk about why you are waking up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. before I give you those three things that you are to do every time you wake up between 3:00 a.
m. and 5 a. m.
and that is because I believe the more you know the more you function the less you know the less you function you are waking up between 3:00 a. m. and 500 a.
m. not by mistake it has crossed the line of the natural you're not waking up because you want to go to the restroom or you want to go to the L you want to release yourself or anything like that stop being logical over spiritual things it is because you are chosen yes yes you are waking up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. because you are chosen one needs to understand that we have eight prayer watches I believe every believer knows that in a 24h hour day 4 for the day 4 for the night and the watch between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
is known as the last watch of the night it's also known as the last lap the last race or the early morning watch and of course watch men during that watch are known as the chosen ones and that is because in the spirit this hour this watch is known as the hour of visitation not just any visitation but Divine visitation Supernatural encounters it is during this hour that people will have Divine Revelations it is also believed that when Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord it was between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. hence you hear the angel in Genesis 32:24 saying let me go because the day is about to break so he had an encounter that changed not only his life but changed the lives of of his children and the entire generation because of an encounter that he had in a certain watch and this is the watch that we are talking about today when Jesus walked on the water it is believed that it was between 3:00 a. m.
and 5 a. m. I can go on and on and on and on but let's move forward this hour between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
is also known as the hour of blessing the hour of blessing time to rise and shine according to Isaiah 60: 1 this hour Only The Chosen will be Walken up and that is because it is also known as The Darkest Hour of the day let me say that again The Darkest Hour of the day and the enemy loves operating under the cover of Darkness so this is where Satan will release release his hosts we release uh his strategies to hijack the day and only the chosen can be able to fight against that not only for themselves but also for their families for those that are connected to them I think let me just go deeper and flow in this and please pay atten so as a Watchman it is very important for you to do your duties meaning it is important for you to make sure that what God has put in you is done accordingly and that is the assignment that God has put in you remember God does not attach his assignment to your flesh to your mind but to your spirit right hence you're waking up is because your spirit knows who you are in God your mind might not know but your spirit knows who you are so you are waking up at that time because you are on duty Watchmen and what happens when the Watchmen watches but doesn't do anything let's read the Bible I wanted to quote but this one I want us to read it the Book of Ezekiel chap 33: uh 6 this is King James let me try and see what NLT will say because my Bible there is King James 1611 approved let's see what NLT will say to us NLT reads but if the Watchmen sees the enemy coming and doesn't sound the alarm the trumpet to warn the people he is responsible for their captivity the Bible then continues to say they will die in their sins but I will hold the Watchmen responsible for their deaths pay attention now it's not the wise men who killed them met them but God is not holding the enemy responsible but the Watchmen that tells you that a watch man is a gatekeeper a watch man's responsibility is bigger than what we think that if lives are lost God will come back and look for the Watchmen and hold the Watchmen responsible some of you don't understand that your inability to watch will cause distraction not only in your life but also in the lives of those that are connected to you and some of you are called to watch over a generation that the whole generation will begin to walk in the light of God because of you will begin to walk in truth because of you hence it is important for you to take what we are talking about serious especially if you know no jokes around it you always wake up between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. and you did not know why the answer is simple you are chosen and you are a watch man now the first thing that you need to do every time you wake up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. number one the first thing the very first thing that you need to do is to try and remember your last dream before waking up why your dream is because God speaks through dreams and once you remember your dream you will then know what to pray for because the mistake that chosen people watch men make is to put prayer above the voice of God and they end up praying in vain and they end up shooting in blanks but if you pray yet you know what God is saying you should pray for then you are praying from the victory point and I believe it is important for you to hear me and hear me very well so you need to remember your last dream why Apostle Job 33: 14 and 15 will even code 16 says God speaks once yet twice but men perceiveth it not verse 15 says in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep fth upon men verse 16 then God says then it says he opens who God opens the ears of men and seal their instruction for the day meaning every time one wakes up from a dream one wakes up from their sleep they already have the instruction of the day can you believe that can you believe that they already have instruction of the day hence it is important for you not to ignore your dreams it is important for you not to take for granted your dreams because God speaks through dreams so the moment you remember your dream I know that there are people who are saying but I I don't understand my dreams that's because dreams are symbolic not every dream is clear some Drams Are Spiritual dreams some Drams Are Spiritual Visions some dreams are prophetic dreams as much as we have new pinion kind of dreams right so not every dream will be clear as to this is what you need to do from here to here but then you need to perceive you need that's what the Bible says God speaks once yet twice but men perceiveth it not the word perceiveth it not there is the word unable to interpret what God is saying hence you need to study the meaning of spiritual dreams so that at the end of the day you yourself know exactly what a dream that involves animals Lions colors numbers mean so that you are not somebody who's everywhere but not anywhere because God is talking to you but you need to be able to decode that which was encoded into your spirit so the first thing you remember the last dream you had before waking up and then you pray accordingly you then pray accordingly because some people will be praying for their marriages yet God is saying your marriage is not under attack what is under attack is your finances what is under attack is your spiritual life what is under attack is your baby in 3 weeks from now what is under attack is your job is your business in four years from now that's why prayer is the only that can go to the Future and wait for us and we see that in the Book of John chapter 17 when Jesus prayed for those that will still believe in his name so when you pray after hearing the voice of God you are not going to pray in vain so praying without knowing exactly what to pray for and praying in the physical I'm not talking about praying in Tong a different level altoe you will end up praying in vain because you are shooting in blanks you might be addressing an issue that needs not to be addressed so that is the first thing try and remember your dream and pray accordingly the second thing is to meditate let's say you wake up between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
you can't remember your dream you don't know what to do at that moment meditate don't force yourself back to sleep don't you are a Watchman you are chosen something is going to happen sooner or later that God himself wants you to minimize stop or even change so don't force yourself back to sleep okay so you are to alter something so when you meditate just that a lot of people when you talk about meditation they think they they they they conceptualize the actart of meditation no no no no no no it's big you you Ponder that's why the word meditate is the word Hagar you you you Ponder you you Ponder wish I could talk about that you Ponder and as you Ponder guess what then happens your spirit man begins to retrieve information that God himself had put in your spirit long time ago because God can put something in your spirit now for next year God can put something in your spirit now for 3 weeks from now so your spirit already knows your spirit already has that information but guess what now because there is a bridge between your spirit and your mind which happens to be your soul in there which happens to be your soul then what then happens is that as long as you are more active this site which is the physical the flesh you are inactive in your spirit or in the spirit life so to say if I I was to put it that way because you can't have both moving you know in the same direction one has to Bow one has to be dominant one has to be in charged so 3:00 a. m. and 500 a.
m. that's where now your spirit man is more active so when you meditate and you begin to ponder your spirit then retrieves and gives it to your mind you all of a sudden start perceiving things you all of a sudden start feeling things hearing things sensing things nobody told you this is going to happen but you begin to know by intuition it's called perceiving that's why the Bible then says and Paul said to them I perceive that this Voyage year is going to uh have problems I perceive that this sheep here we're going to have a shipwreck here and they did not believe him aect said he's crazy the weather is good let's let's let's go let's sail and they had a shipwreck that Paul himself ended up praying for them and he asked God not to allow anyone to die there but Paul never said an angel spoke to me Paul never said I had a dream as a matter of fact he never said God spoke to me he said I perceive so every chosen person every Seer has that intuition that ability to perceive we call it inward knowledge knowing without anybody telling you and that is because your spirit gives it to you why is your spirit giving it to you how does your spirit know your spirit is a part of God and that is the same spirit that will know things without any man telling your spirit one will say Apostle this is too deep yes it's too deep how did Adam know the names of the animals without God telling him the names of the animals is because his Spirit was more awakened his Spirit was more alive so without anybody telling him the names of the animals he had the answers he looked at a zebra he said you a zebra he looked at a lion and said you are a lion he looked at a crocodile and say you are a crocodile and he looked at a CR crotch and said yes you are a crow but crotch not a crocodile anyway let's flow so it is important for you to meditate some of you you begin to see even things that are happening in the lives of those that matter in your life some of you you begin to know without anybody telling you and you then pray accordingly then of course the last thing which is the third thing that you are to do every time you wake up between 3:00 a. m.
and 5:00 a. m. is to raise or make declarations you see when you read the Bible in the book of First tonians Chapter 5: 17 Paul says pray without ceasing and the word pray there does not mean what most people think it means um for an example in the Book of Luke 4:18 Jesus says men ought to pray always and not to faint now we have pray here we have prayed here pray in Luke 4:8 we have prayed here in 1 thians 5:17 this pray and pray sounds the same spells the same appears the same but does not mean the same thing in the Bible we have so many words that are duplicated they sound the same they spell the same but they don't mean the same thing so the pray in Luke 4:18 is the word pruk or rather is from the Greek word pruk pruk means two-way communication because prayer anyway is not an analog but a dialogue is you speaking to God and God speaking to you so that's PR but the pray in first tonians chapter 5:1 17 is not pruk but pruk my pruk my is when you are making decrease H he said pray without ceasing meaning make decrease without seek make declarations without seizing meaning I'm in the bathroom I'm declaring I'm driving I'm declaring I'm at work I'm Ming but declaring at the same time matter means I'm saying something people can't hear me but I can hear what I'm saying so you are declaring even there so when you wake up between 3:00 a.
m. and 5:00 a. m.
start commanding your morning command the day okay and how do you do that you do that by prophetically raising and making declarations the Bible says in the Book of Job chapter 22 Thou shalt decree or declare a thing and it shall be established as a matter of fact let me quickly confirm that because I don't want people to to miss the Revelation job CH 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall also be what established so every time you wake up at that time and you begin to speak things that are not as though they are they are established that's what the Bible says speaking things that are not as though they are so take advantage of that moment take advantage of that time one who say but how long should I pray when I wake up between 3:00 a. m. and 5:00 a.
m. and to answer you you pray until you know it's done some can pray 1 hour some can pray 45 minutes some can pray 30 minutes some can pray even 10 minutes it is important for you to know that M before I say Amen before I say that is so I need to know in my spirit I need to feel it in my spirit I need to receive confirmation in my spirit that it is done so the moment you feel it is done in your spirit the moment you know it is done in your spirit then you can go back to sleep and most people who are running businesses companies most of them will tell you that they received those Divine ideas between 3 a. m.
and 5 a. m. so you are waking up between 3:00 a.
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