How to be more happy, abundant and stress-free right now | Paul McKenna

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Mindvalley Talks
Join Paul McKenna, leading hypnotherapist to rockstars and royalty, on a 21-day journey towards Ever...
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most of the time it works instantaneously like this and I mean when we first started demonstrating this stage of the military people going oh no come on I mean no look I'll wait because you're off the TV isn't it you know people believe this nonsense you know this sort of stuff and they were skeptical understandably let me demonstrate with you now so that we can either do this for a traumatic experience you've had yeah or you can use it on a block because some people say I'm blocked in my relationships or my business either a
block or pick something upsetting like yes that car crash I was in all that awful thing that happened so here we go [Music] hey who here would like more confidence more optimism more motivation more happiness anybody interested in that thank you you see um as far as I'm concerned success and happiness are not accidents that just randomly happen to some people and not to others success and happiness are created by certain ways of thinking and acting in the world now I've noticed uh that over the last couple of years people have engaged in kind of
two ways of thinking and behaving which are dysfunctional they're unproductive and the first is a lot of people have been anxious they've worried they've gotten stressed understandably because you know if you open a newspaper you turn on the TV you're under attack it's the virus it's the economy it's the war it's whatever it is yeah and so understandably people are concerned yeah and a proportion of people have gotten into worrying too much they do what we call catastrophizing so they think oh this could go wrong and that could go wrong I'm like a second family
members might die and they've got a Miracles and they do all these things in their mind all the time so they get really good at it they kind of practice it anybody here done that over the last couple of years yeah a few people yes you know in fact there was a great saying by Mark Twain which is um I've been through some terrible experiences in my life and some of them actually happened so for those of you that have been winding yourself up I've got something great to get you into a nice peaceful place
now also I've noticed that because with all the lockdowns and the changes in the rules and regulations a lot of people are normally quite motivated because there are too many moving Parts there's no end point Etc they sort of plan something and they think oh I won't bother and I'll stop and I'll start and then they go oh just give up and they lose their sense of motivation and Direction anybody found that over the last few years yes okay you're in the right event because you're in a room with a hypnotist for the next hour
and yeah so what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be doing demonstration very simple I'm going to ask somebody to volunteer I'll demonstrate something and then I'm going to do it to everybody so it's like a mass coaching session yeah everything yes that's right the suggestions go out into the audience and into your subconscious mind and make you feel good for no particular reason other than they do so we're talking about Stress and Anxiety I'd like somebody to help me with this first demonstration who hang on wait who's been through a trauma
one trauma and you can't get over it right so I'm talking about a single trauma a car crash a bereavement yeah not a lifetime of abuse we could use it for that but not here on the stage there's a lady can you just tell me what I just need to know what the trauma is ma'am just because I'm gonna ask you to come up if it's if it's going to fit it's what psychosis and well what is that I don't know either actually no okay I need something like I need one event man what's what's
your event your father died and you're sad come and join me let's give this lady a nice big round before the show hi oh you got a microphone great step into my office please okay um hi what's uh what's your name your name is Mabel yeah where about you from from Holland very nice I'm from Hollands yeah my Dutch is not so great so your your father died and I understand when was this may I ask uh almost a year ago a year ago and you feel sad yes yeah you know when my father died
I've never felt so sad in my entire life and uh it took me a while to get over it and I did now if I'd known at the time what I know now I could have done it quicker because he wouldn't want me to feel sad right your father wouldn't want you to feel sad would he no I don't think so no okay well I die I want everyone to feel very sad in fact I would like to do state funeral I like you know the faces of all my detractors put up on television and
people say are you sorry now what you said so what I'm going to do with you Mabel if it's okay is I'm going to do a process which is called a psychosensory therapy now you may have seen there's a number of these about this when will you look up move your eyes about not too compressed with that there's another way you tap on various parts of the body pretty good but the best one of the lot involves a touch of care Kia Kia and lateral eye movement so not looking up which is Alpha looking side
to side which is Delta right because when you get traumatized what happens is 100 Hertz wave travels from the thalamus and phosphorates what's called The ampa receptors right a little technical I know but when we touch here maybe just try this notice in German because I'm going to ask you all to do them just a moment oh that feels nice yep that's a good you know I'm just going to grab the mic for this okay and that's it just do that because it feels comforting because when you were a baby your mother held you in
her arms and she touched you here and it hardwired you to produce delta waves now if it's okay maybe I'm gonna ask you to put you that's it at least like that any hands like that there we go there we go and you're right fantastic good and I'm going to touch the side of your arms here and your palms here if that's okay yeah now I want you to go inside and summon the sadness and it's okay because I'm here and it's all going to be okay because we're going to summon the sadness before we
reduce the sadness is that okay okay so go inside collect the grief and the sadness there you go collect it up that's it there you go that's sadness you know and it's when somebody we love is gone of course we should feel sad it's it's normal it's human it's you know otherwise we wouldn't have any sense of value and when you've got all the sadness tell me yes yes and clear mind clear mind and I'd like you to imagine that we're walking together on a beach and with each footsteps that you take in the sand
I'd like you to count out loud please from one to twenty seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. keep your eyes closed and move them laterally to the left and laterally to the right the eyes to the left and eyes to the right eyes to the left eye is to the right eyes to the left and eyes to the right now I'd like you to just tell me about a happy time any Happy Time a time when you were laughing I'd like you to remember it now maybe you
were laughing with friends or you're watching a movie or something or maybe you're just smiling and feeling good tell me about a time and return to it now Mabel um just now just now when we were dancing on when you were dancing on the podium and what is it you remember about dancing on the podium just a feeling in my body and laughing and a good energy that's great that great energy yeah return to it like you're back there again now see what you saw hear what you heard feel how good you felt that's great
isn't it and then eyes to the left eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right now what I'd like you to do is I want you to put your sadness in this hand here so get in touch with Mabel's grief and sadness see we all need an ecosystem of emotions you know fear tells you get out the way there's a bus coming yeah or anger one of our standards has been violated someone's been rude to us
and grief and sadness is to do with loss because when somebody We Love Has Gone sure we should feel sad but we don't want to feel it forever because it's done its job and it's signaled to you that that somebody you love is gone so I want to say thank you very much to the sadness thank you for doing the job that you've been doing but you don't need to Signal as loud or as often and it understands that doesn't it yeah now this hand Mabel put peace calm comfort peace calm Comfort there we go
and I'd like you to move your attention up here above your head or my fingers are clicking and experience the two emotions at the same time the grief and the peace the grief and the calm the grief and the Comfort sadness and peace sadness and calm sadness and comfort here we go now open your eyes come on back out hi hi do you feel sad no think about your dad feel sad no I do not try and get sad [Music] you can't get it back right no it was really weird when with my hands I
just my left hand felt much happier with the piece and the grief with the grief and the I don't know it just it just felt different the peace the peace was bigger than the grief yeah yeah that's great and so it will be from this day forward thank you so much for coming up let's give it a nice round of applause thank you all right God bless God bless thank you thank you okay so crikey that took about eight minutes didn't it I mean you know not months of bloody therapy Etc so people go well
it won't last will it I mean who knows why are you here on stage that no it actually does um the the science on this this technique is called havening as in a safe haven it was created by my dear friend uh Dr Ronald Rooney he's a brilliant um physician he's also a Harvard PhD in neuropharmacology so he's a sort of unusual hybrid of uh operator and researcher and um he researched all the psychosensory therapies and he came up with this and we've been doing for about 10 years now there's a number of scientific studies
we've been doing on people who are hardcore veterans rape victims you know bereavement cases people who've been through severe trauma and most of the time it works instantaneously like this and I mean when we first started demonstrating this stage of the military people going oh no come on I mean no look I'll wait because you're off the TV isn't it you know people believe this nonsense you know this sort of stuff and they were skeptical understandably let me demonstrate it with you now so that we can either do this for traumatic experience you've had yeah
or you can use it on a block because some people say I'm blocked in my relationships or my business and I go well what do you see when you think about the block and they say well I see a mound of sort of horrible there or a wall or something and after we've done this process the blog is gone so either a block or pick something upsetting like yes that car crash I was in all that awful thing that happened so here we go side of the arms what I'd like you to do is stroke
the side of your house and close your eyes please add that's right get in touch with the upset or the block how to get it as strong as you can please that's it fantastic get it as strong as you can because we're summoning it all before we banish it see what happens is once you flood the brain with Delta it defrostates The ampa receptors it creates a biological change in the landscape of your brain to keep stroking the side of your arms summon the the negative feeling some of it as much as you can as
much as you can that's it and then clear your mind completely clear your mind and imagine we're walking on a beach and count with me please as we take some Footsteps in the sand one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen eighty nineteen twenty keep stroking the side of your arms please add with your eyes closed move them laterally to the left and laterally to the right laterally to the left and laterally to the right laterally to the left and laterally to the right and that's
it is to the left and I is to the right I is the left eyes to the right and I'd like you to remember a time that you were either smiling laughing you're having fun maybe you were on a vacation or you were with friends or maybe you just won an award or something like that some wonderful experience that you can return to that's at a time when you felt really good and returned to it like you're back there again now see what you saw hear what you heard and feel how good you felt make
the colors Rich bright and bold make the sounds loud the feeling strong oh that's good that's it needs you feel those good feelings still stroking the side of your arms now move your eyes to the left and your eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right eyes to the left eyes to the right and then I'd like you to keep your eyes closed but relax your hands and put them in your lap Palms facing up and in one of your hands I'd like you
to put the the motion that's connected with this upset so it might be might be grief it might be anger it might be fear it might be or it might be this block thing yeah and just get in touch with it and realize that it has a purpose it's signaling something to you yeah the job of any emotion is to say watch out look at this like be a be aware of this yeah but sometimes these things overdo their job they signal too long and too loud too often yeah so we're going to say thank
you very much for doing your job appreciate it just do it less that's right less and less and less and lesson your unconscious mind understands what I'm saying and it's taking it in it's making the changes at the unconscious level because in your other hand I'd like you to put peace calm comfort peace calm comfort then move your attention a few inches above your head so you're thinking from above your head that's it keep your attention up above your head and then experience the two things at the same time way down there that's it keep
your attention up there experience the the uncomfortable emotion and peace the uncomfortable emotion had calm the uncomfortable emotion and comfort that's the uncomfortable emotion peace calm Comfort open your eyes come on back up whoo so you guys went pretty deep who now when they think about the problem they upset the trauma of the block or whatever it is feels different to show me nice so what I was going to talk about next is um basically everything that you achieve Right comes from your behaviors so whether it's you know boiling an egg or making a million
bucks you know the way you interact where you behave with the world um it determines the results you get now what drives the behaviors well what we call in is I'm an nlpier so what we would call an NLP are neurophysiological State what's a state well state would be confidence Could Be Love could be anger could be apathy could be fear could be motivation could be creativity could be anything these are all states the state of mind you're in the State of Mind and Body you're in when you're on the internet you're engaged with something
is different to when you're sitting back on the couch and relaxed say the mind and body you're in when you're driving a car is different to when you're taking a bath yep so what creates these States we make inside our mind and the things that we say to ourselves yeah so the visual and the audio and what's happening is all day long we're making pictures and we're talking to ourselves yeah we're saying things like you know everyone has an internal dialogue yeah I mean you know locate yours right now so just show me where it
is at the front of your head is it at the back is it there's a couple of people going well I don't think I have an internal dialogue do I have an internal yeah that voice there that's the one yeah here you go so just locate it because we use a voice to guide us through life right you know we go I must remember to call Frank oh looks nice maybe I'll do that later oh hang on Etc so we've got an internal dialogue talking to us all day long and the thing is that when
it supports us and when it helps us that's great when it's offering us you know constructive advice but let me show you an again example of how uh people get conditioned with internal dialogue or audio I want somebody to show me um somebody to to demonstrate with who had something said to them once upon a time and it was really mean it could be a long time ago when you're a kid or something like that it was really mean you know it's like maybe you're ugly stupid or something like that something that was said years
ago and even now when you think about it it upsets you anybody got something oh hang on let's just I mean here we go so lady here hello ma'am hello hello hi so um what is your name by the way toots okay toots now what was the thing that was said to you um I was told that all the things that I have are broken all the things that you have are broken that I that I cherish because I saw things that it bother me that there was something wrong with something I saw the beauty
in it and and I and I loved it regardless of whether it was chipped or anything and I was told that uh all the things you loved were broken and even now when you think about that that upsets you right I know okay hang on there's help at hand I've done this before okay so Judds who said it to you by the way uh my ex-boyfriend your ex-boyfriend yeah okay okay put his face here he said all the things you love are broken those exact words um the exact words yes yeah look at his face
here now I want you to hear the words come out like this is that so think about it now can you feel upset [Laughter] I've already got a little uncle can you no no you are healed another healing okay okay so the reason I'm saying this is because you know people get told things like big watch no one wants to do what you have to say when you're a little kid and there's your fear of public speaking or you know something you're not artistic or you're I was told I would never amount to anything you
know and I'm the sort of person who just naturally I think well I'll show you so what we're going to do is if we've ever had something said to us that's really mean we're just going to play with this remote because I want you to show you that basically the coding the neuro coding is where it is in where it appears in your head the loudness of it and the tone and everything and so when you change it and we make it ridiculous as we did with just then you can't take it seriously right yes
you attach a whole new set of feelings and it's gone not months of therapy minutes okay so think about something mean that was said to you like you stupid useless ugly fools or something like that right and I want you to hear it inside your mind like this and look at the person's face that's it I research all the tonalities to find the one that nobody can take seriously good so what try this as an experiment now I'd like you to hear your own internal dialogue speak to you like this I just want you to
duplicate it inside your head make it big and as loud as you'd like and I'd like you to hear it say these words all is well all is well all is well now that's the sounds what about the pictures well all day long we're making pictures aren't we you see someone says to you hey fancy coming to a party and you go and you make a picture inside your mind in a split second of you know you're standing there feeling a bit of awkward don't really know anyone but no sorry I can't make it to
the party or maybe you make a different picture someone says hey you fancy coming to a party make a little movie Inside Your Mind of you hanging out and you you know having some fun and a few drinks it's great yeah what time's the party all day long we're making pictures that either move us away or towards things you know from the moment we wake up all throughout the day the thing is that a lot of people don't take time to program their mind through their own pictures you see and let other people do it
you know so what we're going to do is we're just going to do some more thought experiments ladies and gentlemen because uh I want to show you how these things affect you for example you know years ago I remember this rock star came to see me in here I had a fear of flying and I said so you know if I was going to fill in for you for the day because I'm not frying to fly how do I do it and he said I imagine getting to the airport and I say to myself this
is going to be bad and then I get on the plane and I hear the door go junk and I think I can't get out you know like you'd want to 30 000 people anyway this is his mad mind right and then he goes um I imagine the plane taking off and then the new cabin filter smoke a bit of screaming and it crashes my daughter's face goes where's Daddy good God if I had that in my mind I'd be upset too so I see I can have a different movie I think about getting a
plane sitting back relaxing something to eat glass of wine movie I think about where I'm going I think about where I'm going now let's just try a quick thought experiment then shall we I'd like you to close your eyes just for a moment don't go into a deep trance just yet that's coming later and what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to remember a time that you felt really really good and return to it like you're back there again now maybe it was a time he'd fallen in love or maybe you're just
hanging out with friends or or you were doing something like enjoying a beautiful day or some activity that's you know you feel great about return to it like you're back there again now see what you saw hear what you heard feel how good you felt that's right and relive those feelings all over again that's it let them wash over you because see the human nervous system doesn't know the difference between a real and a vividly imagined experience so when we return to the good times what happens is we begin to get all those good feelings
back particularly if they're associated with deep pleasure yeah more endorphins flooding around your body that's right there you go actually good and then what I'd like you to do is make a movie screen in front of you in your imagination and on that screen I'd like you to watch a movie of a you that's even more confident even more happy even more fulfilled even more creative even more in love with life a year that feels fantastic and just look at the way that you stand the way your posture the way you gesture the way that
you breathe it look at the light behind your eyes look at the way you interact you connect with other people wow look at that fantastic you and when it looks really good I'd like you to go over and float into that you and step inside that's right step inside the posture of that happier more confident more fantastic optimistic creative you and see through the eyes of your happier more confident self here through the ears and feel the good feelings that's right and then from this place put another screen up and imagine an even more amazing
you a more the more you that's even more are you that's even more confident more capable more optimistic and more more joyous that's right look at the way that you stand the way the way you sit the way you interact with other people your your energy the light behind your eyes and then float over and into that you that's it step into that you and see through the eyes of your happiest self here through the years hear your internal dialogue all is well and feel how good this feels that's right now take this good feeling
and take it with you through the rest of the day and take it with you into dealing with difficult people and notice how good you feel as you are able to deal with challenging situations because you feel so much better that's right you feel really good about yourself and then take it into your home life your personal life hats there you go feeling great feeling really good in love with life oh how good and then open your eyes and come on back out so the first bit by the way who feels good here anybody feel
good oh all right okay okay it's all right wait there's more so uh the first bits of the equation for creating states are the sounds we make in our head you know the internal dialogue things like that things we remember that we said to us and the pictures right and particularly when we're inside a picture when we're inside of memory has greater emotional intensity than when we're outside of it now the next part of the equation is physiology so that's posture that's the way we stand or sit you know muscle tension yeah I mean uh
so see because you see the mind and body are linked right so you know what it's like when you're really tense in your mind and you're you're having kind of stressful thoughts your body tenses up you release more adrenaline when you're relaxed in your mind your body relaxes and vice versa you can be really tense you go for a massage and your mind relaxes as well as your body relaxes you see physiology is so important because over the years nobody has ever come in to my office and gone I'm depressed no what's happened is because
there's a certain physiology with depression right there's they come in and they go yeah you know life is really cramming it you know and I'm just you know rubbish and looking at the ground like that sort of thing the whole voice tone that goes with being depressed right and so the thing is when you change the physiology you change the way you feel because by the way did you know that um when you smile right when you smile right you actually release some serotonin it's a happy neurotransmitter yeah come on just just go and show
me your biggest smile please of Christ's sake you know really come on so that it's a bit better look look I see what there's a good reason to do this right when you get good at doing this right you can sit in your office like this all day and no one will bother you you can actually you can you can get on public transport right and you do not need a newspaper to avert eye contact from The Lunatic when they get on the train you know they can get on hey could have been somebody and
you know you can be sitting there and you can go so let's just do an exercise that is silly but not stupid because we're going to use our physiology to change how we feel so we can do something silly right and it's very simple this in just a moment I'd like you to do this I'd like you to pull the biggest smile you've ever pulled and make a specific noise with this at the same time so I want you to go on the count of three I want you to go like this right and turn
and look at the person next to you right and of course you're going to laugh that's the idea it's silly but it's not stupid here we go on the count of three what [Music] is now there's one or two people who are who are saying to themselves oh for God's sake I mean you know I mean come for this uh this is this is silly right but it's not stupid so here we go let's let's just let's add something to it show me those toothpaste commercials back in like some of you remember the 70s you
know guy or the girl be walking down the street and she'd turn and the teeth would Sparkle It Go like that it's called The Ring of confidence right so when you do it this time on the end ready so one two three [Applause] excellent who feels good yeah because we've been using our mind and our body to create good feelings you see [Applause] we've been using our mind and body because you know remember at the beginning I said uh success and happiness are not accidents you know they would randomly happen they come from certain ways
of thinking and acting now when you're thinking about things in a very positive way you've got good movies going on in your head good dialogue good physiology you know everything's different I remember years ago when I was a single man right I would you know I'd be at uh disc attack or some sort of social Gathering and I think I'm gonna get up and I'm going to ask that girl to dance and I get up and that's the voice I had seen this before I had any control of this voice in my head would go
she is going to tell you to off in front of everyone and pictures would come up of times in the past I'd failed and her telling me get lost Manner and by the time I get over it I'd put myself in such a state I'd go I'd be I don't suppose you wanna no okay I'm an yeah okay so once I mastered my internal sounds and pictures I could do things like this I could I could stand up and hear inside my head a drum roll in a gospel choir go to dance so yeah and
the voice would say that lucky girl might get to dance with you and as I'd arrive I'd say would you like to dance if not your loss yeah now I'm clearly using comedy to make a point right so the the point is that basically pictures and the sounds and our physiology all day long are driving how we feel how we feel affects our behaviors and that affects the kind of results we get in the world so um you know as fish I'm saying earlier this lovely thing about you know when you go to a room
lift everybody up I mean that's brilliant isn't it what a fantastic because everyone's going to feel drawn to you because you know you know what you're like you always basically you're like um uh you're lots of atoms and molecules vibrating at density and frequency so so is this chair and so is this table different density different frequency that's why tables chairs and human beings are different but you see when you're in a happy lovely State yeah all the atoms molecules are vibrating on that lovely frequency and of course you send that out to the universe
and you know what you send out you can get back you know just a thought um I want to talk about resilience for a moment because I got well I've got a few more minutes yeah so I want to talk about resilience because a lot of people have been through tough times over the last two and a half years and resilience is often associated with bouncing back you know and toughing it out and that kind of stuff and absolutely resilience is about that but resilience is also about adaptability now from an area of science called
cybernetics we have something called The Law of requisite variety and the law of requisite variety is simple which is the part of a system that has the most flexibility ends up in control always ends up in control of the system be it a family be it a corporation be it a political party doesn't matter what it is yeah so the person that's got the most moves the most ways of adapting to the environment ends up Master their own destiny and so over the last two and a half years we've all had to adapt right we've
had to do things differently we've had to live our lives differently and some people have found that easier than others yeah but super powerful Achievers are great at adapting yeah and so I'd like to share with you a couple of techniques and thought experiments here to get you thinking about problems differently in fact I'd like you to think about your your top three problems right now what are they I mean don't tell me just think about them what's your just take a moment to think about your top three problems there you go yeah okay and
pick one okay now what we're going to do we may indeed solve it here and now but the main thing is we're going to get you thinking differently around your problems I mean one of the reasons Einstein came up with such phenomenal uh things like theory of relativity was because he was asking different questions he was you know visualizing different from different positions so he was thinking with greater flexibility right see because I'm going to ask you in just a moment to summon that problem and I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions from
something called decision Theory which in the idea with this is not necessarily to solve it it's to get you thinking differently so you go oh I'm outside the problem now oh oh and you can see more options so you're more resilient you're more creative therefore you're more powerful yeah so first of all I'm going to ask you in just a moment what's one positive thing about this problem now when I sometimes ask people this they go there is nothing positive about this problem and when they tell you what it is you go well but one
of the positive things could be you know what the problem is right or one of the positive things is I'm here helping you with this now oh I see what I mean yeah so just want you to think outside with this lady I work with a while ago she was she was unwell and she said no there's nothing positive about the illness at least you know what it is at least you know you're getting treatment for it and you know blah blah blah oh oh okay oh yeah so it's all wrapped up in the problem
so the idea is think about the problem and then I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions the first question is think of one two or maybe three positive things about this problem right now and even if they are you know what the problem is or you know that it might be solvable or that I'm helping you with your problem and I haven't finished helping you with it yet because I'm going to ask you some other questions what are you willing to do to solve this problem or transform this situation what are you willing
to stop doing or not do in order to solve or transform this situational problem what's something you could do to motivate yourself to solve this problem or change this situation actually what's something you could do today to change this situation now still with your eyes closed what I'd like you to do is think about somebody who's really good at solving this kind of problem now it could be a an Elon Musk it could be your Auntie Gladys it doesn't matter I'd like you to imagine that they're in front of you right now and then float
over and step into them and see the world through their eyes copy their physiology hear their internal dialogue look at the World Through The Eyes of your problem-solving genius or coach or whatever it is yeah now look at your problem through their eyes and see the way they look at this the way they view this and then take those realizations and Float back out and then what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to make a nine square grid three squares at the top three in the middle three at the bottom and I
want you to fill in all squares make it big by the way except the bottom middle one leave that blank for now so in the in the squares I want you to put pictures of people that you love or or people that love you or both are things you love to do moments you felt good anything that empowers you and lifts your energy so it could be a hobby or interest that you have it could be something you've achieved it could be you know anything it could be just oh yeah it was that great time
and fill eight of the squares with those really great pictures that's right so you're looking at people you love things you love to do things you've achieved things that made you feel good oh that's it and make them colorful and bright and bold that's right that's good when you fill those eight squares in the bottom middle one put your problem and then look at it in context and context context context next clear that away and I'd like you to travel out into the future to a time when you've solved this problem that's it and you
don't know how far it is necessarily or maybe you do when you look back ask yourself how you did it and you might know or you might just have a sense of it or you might not have a sense of it yet but it doesn't matter because when you open your eyes in just a moment you'll be back here and I'll be with you now once you open your eyes I'd like you to that's it just take a moment and ask yourself how's my problem different right now please come on back so who is thinking
differently about their problem just show me oh that's just great great stuff okay stuff because we're using the power of human imagination everything you see around you right now including us we were just once a thought in somebody's head right and then it got created um what I'd like to talk to you about in just a moment is the future and it's a good idea to get interested in the future because you're going to be spending the rest of your life there yeah and I I'm going to do a trance with you I'm going to
do a hypnotic trance and um what I'm going to do is I'm going to um I'm going to get your unconscious mind with your permission to arrange the way you think about the future in a very resourceful way indeed so that suddenly you see opportunity you see hope you feel good you feel motivated you've got a compelling future going on and then what we're going to do is we're going to go deeper into trance and one of my favorite meditations of all time is um my friend gempo Roche does a fantastic meditation called Big mind
and about about 10 years ago they did a study on this amazing meditation at Utah University and they they would they got one of these brain image resonancing Chambers there costs about three million bucks and you know you can't take any metal with you inside and you sit down on this thing like like Darth Vader's helmet comes down over your head and you get a really good idea of the brain activity and so what the researchers did was they would take a Dalai Lama 20-year season Monk and stick him there and you know go off
into his smarter samadhi Satori brain States and then get a look at it they'll get a map of it and then they take someone off the street who never meditated in their life before and uh gempo would get in the chamber with them and drop kick him into the same Somali Satori state so you can imagine half the Zen world is going wow he's teaching this you know everybody to Plumbers accountants students mothers Etc and the other half are pissed off because they've all been sitting in Lotus with their shaved heads for the last 20
years waiting for it right so here's a fairly controversial figure so what we're going to do first of all is get interested in the future and we're going to program you into your unconscious based on what's important to you right what your values are because I don't want to install my model of happiness in you I'd like you to elicit yours from your created mind so if you close your mind what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to put on a little bit of um relaxing music and that's right and I'd
like you to close your eyes that's it and just begin to relax the muscles around the side of your eyes that's right that's right and then relaxing the muscles around the side of your mouth that's it good and then relaxing that's right around your neck and chest down through your shoulders arms hands and fingers and you can feel your hands resting there you go there wait warmth and shape at I'd like you to imagine how you would look if you were twice as relaxed as you are right now and then float over and into that
more relaxed you and see through the eyes of your more relaxed self here through the ears of your more relaxed self and feel this deeper relaxation and I'd like you to imagine traveling out into the future a year from now it's a year from now and you've had one of the best years of your life it's been amazing it's been fantastic and if that's true if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have occurred in regard to your health mental and physical [Music] if you've had one of the best years
of your life what must have occurred in regard to your relationships personal and professional [Music] if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have occurred in regard to your career [Music] if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have happened in regard to your finances if you've had one of the best years of your life what must have happened in regard to your General levels of happiness [Music] and what I'd like you to do is to float back from that and make it into a big
bright bold picture with you in it a year from now looking healthy happy and successful and whatever things in that image symbolize health happiness and success they're there as well maybe you're with family or friends or maybe you're some symbol of success in business or something else but you look at that picture and it tells you your life is great then [Music] I'd like you to make that picture really big like a cinema screen size huge that's it colorful to year off in the future I'd come back three months and ask yourself what needed to
have happened three months before that in order for that to be true and you might know or you might just have a sense of it and maybe make a picture of that that represents that a smaller picture and then float back three months from that and ask yourself what needed to have happened three months before that in order for those good things to have occurred a year from now and you might know and you might just have a sense of it then float back three months from that and ask yourself what needed to have happened
three months before and all the way back to now so when you look at the next year you can see pictures of you healthy happy and successful three months six months nine months 12 months that's it brighten them all up and as they move further away from you they get bigger brighter and you can see the general direction of your life more fulfilled than ever before and put pictures of you two years five years ten years twenty years thirty years forty is fifty however long you want way off into the future of you looking healthy
happy and successful so when you look at your timeline your unconscious knows that's the direction to take your life that's the direction in which you want your life to go you want your life to be filled with all this happiness and pleasure and joy that's the direction in which you would like your life to go there you go now you've got a direction and it's compelling keep this in mind and remember to think about it regularly because [Music] I'd like to talk to that part of you I'll referred to as the controller part of you
that likes to be in control I want to thank you for doing all the good things but it does for you but just for now if we could do them from the background of your mind or your experience I'd appreciate that just move off into the background so you can let go of trying to control things in this moment next I'd like to talk to that part of you will refer to as The Protector part of you that keeps you safe I'd like you to continue to do all the positive things that it does for
you but for now the background of your experience so just move off into the background and you're safe now I'd like to talk to that part of you will refer to as the evaluator part of you that judges analyzes critiques and I want to thank you for doing all the good things it does for you but just for now I'd like it to move off into the background of your experience so you can let go of judging analyzing and critiquing You In This Moment now I'd like to talk to that part of you will refer
to as ambition or desire part of you that gets you things I'd like to thank you for doing the things he does for you but for now move off into the background of your experience so you can let go of any desire in this moment now I'd like to talk to that part of you or refer to as the seeking mind the mind that seeks the way like it to continue to do all the good things that it does for you but for now from the background of your experience now I'd like to talk to
non-seeking contented mind because right now there's nowhere else to be there's nothing to be done everything is perfectly as it is now I'd like to talk to big mind how big are you how small are you when are you is there anything you're not and in this experience of expanded consciousness take any problems challenges worries concerns and drop them in and allow them to transform and he fears and he self-doubt any of it dissolves and transforms and you will be a happier person for the rest of your life you'll feel so good for no reason
other than we've asked your unconscious mind to increase the serotonin Doberman the endorphins Allah feel good happy neurotransmitters because when you think about Happy Times makes you feel good the more you think about them as you will the happier you'll feel because your natural default setting will be one of a happier person in fact when you think about yourself now an even happier image of you comes to mind keep it in mind soon it will be time to awaken from this experience feeling refreshed relaxed and alert calm and confident with a renewed sense of optimism
and deep inner Joy but before you do that reinforce every positive thought you've ever had about yourself and anything else that needs fixing on the inside I'd like your unconscious mind to just go and do it thank you ten nine eight that's right beginning to return now to normal waking consciousness bringing with you so many good feelings from this deeply relaxing experience six five four that's right you might want to stretch it in your orders you awaken four three two one wide awake wakey wakey rise and shine oh who feels good yeah you know I
I went in it really fast because we were overrunning and I've actually I've got five minutes left I mean so yeah I mean I just got time for one quick technique I don't know if you'd be interested in this so so it's really interesting um a couple of my friends they're University professors and they one in the US and one in the UK and they both made studies about people who are lucky right and some people are disproportionately luckier than other people right and part of it is if you know people who believe they're lucky
are luckier you know one of the studies was done for the Youth for the actual for the in Nevada for the casinos so they wanted to understand why some gamblers so much luckier right and uh and partly because they believe they're lucky they've got a whole like mindset so one of the experiments was um Dr Wiseman would give the um uh the participants uh newspaper and say count how many pitchers are in this newspaper please and on page three there would be a big ad that said there are 42 pictures in this newspaper claim your
100 pounds from the adjudicator all the lucky people see that all the people who believe they're unlucky don't see it right because they're not filtering the universe in the same way now um I thought this was really interesting research and um I was watching this documentary a few years ago it was Battle Rolling Stones and they were interviewing Keith Richard right and uh I was actually um the guy said that because he said he says um you know there's a there's a list in rock and roll of people who are most likely to die and
Keith Richards smoking a cigarette he goes oh yeah it goes sir am I on it and the bloke goes actually you're top of it and he Keith Richards he goes well I'll let you now get on he goes um my luck hasn't run out yet and I went oh luck like it's an energy right and so what I did was I developed a technique I'm about to do with you and you know it was really weird because I was standing um I was living in Hollywood at the time I was standing in the queue at
Los aliex Los Angeles at the airport and um there's this guy here suddenly goes my God it's you and I went yes it's me and he went oh you don't understand I'm a poker player and I've sort of lost my luck and you know and I just thought if only I could meet you you might be able to help me I went funnily enough right I do the technique on him and I said you know there's billions of people on this planet and um you know you managed to find me you must be a lucky
and pop that into his mind right into his mind it went deep so what I'd like you to do is I want you to yes see you know what I'm up to right so what I'd like you to do is to remember a time that you either felt lucky or you felt like everything was going your way yeah so you're like yeah just you know it's all going really well yeah man you know so I want you to do do that and I'd like you to close your eyes and just remember that time like you're
back there again now return to that time and see what you saw hear what you heard and feel how good you felt has it make the colors Rich bright and bold like sounds loud and a feeling strong Roger back there again everything's going your way yeah feeling lucky see what you saw hear what you heard feel how good you felt keep the memory going put it on a loop oh that's right going through that memory actually feels good see what you saw hear what you heard feel like good you felt that's right yeah keep remembering
it everything's going your way that's right now you'll have a feeling somewhere in your body to let you know you feel good you feel lucky you feel like you're in tune with the universe and where is that feeling is it in your stomach is it in your head is it around your shoulders and give it a color what color is it going to be is it going to be blue is it going to be gold is it gonna be silver is it going to be some other color and I want you to move that color
up through your shoulders up to the top of your head and then down through your neck down through your arms down through your chest all the way down through your legs down to the tips of your toes and then double the brightness of it double it again and again because if your luck was it over say 50 let's take it up to 60. that's right yeah keep going through the memory see what you saw hear what you heard feel like good you felt make the color that's it make the colors rich and bright and make
that color around you that color that symbolizes like go to 70 make it go to 80 that's it even more make it brighter make it twice as strong they'll make it go to 110 120 130 then a million billion trillion percent and then open your eyes and come on back out who feels good I would say thank you very much to vishan for inviting me to come here today I love mine Valley you guys are beautiful it's been wonderful sharing this experience with you and I know I'll be sharing an experience with some of you
in a day or so but I hope our part starts again in the future may God bless you God bless you [Music] foreign [Music]
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