a person's greatness is determined by their thoughts this Timeless truth has been proven repeatedly by the lives of successful individuals like Elon Musk Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos Napoleon Hill in his famous book Think and Grow Rich said what you think about you become but if that's true why do so many people struggle to succeed do they not think about their future do they fail to see their own potential today's story will uncover cover the answers to these questions and teach you a powerful lesson along the way we'll also learn some new words to enhance
our English skills so stay with us till the end I promise this video will be worth your [Music] time once in a busy railway station there lived a beggar every day he survived by asking passengers for arms as they waited for their trains one day as he was begging he noticed A well-dressed businessman stepping onto the platform seeing his expensive suit and confident posture the beggar thought this man must be really rich if I ask him for money he'll surely give me a generous amount with this hope the beggar approached the businessman and stretched out
his hand but instead of giving him money the businessman looked at him and asked do you always just take from others have you ever given anything to anyone the beggar was startled he had never heard such a question before confused he replied sir I'm just a beggar I survive by asking for arms I have nothing to give to anyone the businessman smiled slightly and said if you believe you have nothing to give then you also have no right to ask for anything I am a businessman I believe in exchange if you can offer me something
something I can give you something in return but if you have nothing to give I cannot give you anything either saying this the businessman boarded his train and left the beggar stood there stunned he kept replaying the businessman's words in his mind I have been begging for so long but no one has ever said this to me before he wasn't rude but he spoke the truth if I can't offer anything in return then why should people give me anything for the first time the beggar realized that maybe this was why people never gave him much
money because he offered them nothing in return that night he lay awake deep in thought but what can I give I am just a beggar I Have Nothing Yet the businessman's words kept echoing in his mind if you want to receive you must first give 2 days passed the beggar didn't ask anyone for money he was too busy thinking on the third day while sitting at the station he noticed a patch of wild flowers blooming near the tracks their vibrant colors caught his eye and suddenly an idea struck him what if instead of just taking
I offer something in return what if I give people a flow every time they give me arms [Music] determined he walked over gently plucked a handful of flowers and went back to his usual spot when someone handed him a coin he smiled and offered them a flower in return surprisingly people accepted the flowers with joy some even smiled and thanked him as the days passed something incredible happened more people started giving him money but he noticed a pattern as long as he had had flowers people gave generously when he ran out of flowers the donations
decreased so it's true people like to receive something in return he thought one day as he was handing out flowers in exchange for arms he spotted the businessman again sitting in the train excited he rushed over and said sir today I have something to give you if you you give me money I will give you flowers in return the businessman smiled handed him some cash and took a few flowers you have truly understood the value of exchange he said today you are no longer just a beggar you have become a businessman the train arrived at
the next station and the businessman stepped off the beggar stood there watching him go his words sparked a new thought in his mind am I really a businessman now for a long time he pondered over it then suddenly he realized something I now know the secret of success I am not just a beggar I am a Trader people aren't giving me money out of pity they are paying for the flowers I give them this means I have a business excited he made a bold decision that day he left the railway station and never returned as
a beggar again 6 months later at the same railway station two well-dressed men met they exchanged a handshake but one of them had a curious look do I know you one man asked the other smiled and replied yes we've met twice before right here on this very train the first man frowned trying to remember then his eyes widened in in Surprise wait you're the beggar the one I refused to give money to and then later I bought flowers from you the former beggar laughed yes that was me but today I am no longer a beggar
I run a successful flower business and I'm traveling to expand it further the businessman was astonished that's incredible what changed the flower seller smiled you taught me one of life's greatest truths we only receive when we give that day I realized that I was never really a beggar I was a businessman all along I just had to see myself that way the two men shook hands again now as equals then they boarded their trains heading towards their respective Futures life is shaped by how we see ourselves if you believe you are small you will remain
small but if you recognize your inner potential you can achieve greatness so don't limit yourself see yourself as strong capable and successful because when your thoughts change your future changes too if you like this story give it a thumbs up comment below on what you learned and share it to inspire others see you in the next story